Here's your Orcs, bro

Here's your Orcs, bro.

Attached: WW4.jpg (710x532, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oops, sorry. HERE'S you're orcs.

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>make ogre
>call it an orc
horde fanboys for you

what is this bara faggotry

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The orcs were fine, it's everything else that was bad.

What the fuck is that shit?

Stop being a shitty little incel and trying to garner anger for shit that happened years ago and post things we can swing our rods around to.

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A female orc from the movie, here is another one.

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yeah, no one cares. Literally no one but chinkshitters saw the movies. Stop being a fuckin homo and either post orcish tits or don't fucking post at all.

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orcs were way too big, they are not supposed to be bigger than horses, made worse by live action humans played by 5'2 manlets instead of bulky warcraft humans

He's gay, right?

Attached: metzen.jpg (1050x375, 74K)

you fucking inbred dog cunt
that's just a muscular woman with tusks and elf ears
kys virgin faggot incel

I hate that I actually thought the movie was okay.

he cute :)


Attached: Snotling2.jpg (250x323, 16K)

Yes George Michael was gay.

Not cute enough.

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have sex

I'd hit it

Imagine the smell

Attached: elf orc.png (1973x1800, 1.29M)

If the movie had just been two shorter movies, one focused only on orcs, the other only on humans, instead of one long movie it would have been a lot better. Having to cut both stories apart to fit into one movie is the major issue I have with it. Now there are also tons of small issues, but that would have helped the most.

Rat feces

Have sex

i want to lick his chest

nope. wife and kids of x decades. really just got burned out on his own cool, and joined the feel-good-but-no-substance social crowd, i.e. onions and the rest of that

Only marginally worse than your average Ork.

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Most people actually attribute his burning out and what not to his wife and kids, especially his daughter who made him censor Sylvanas. It's always like that though, history tells us that many artists do their best work when they themselves are fucked up, with very polar emotions and not so special once they regain that emotional balance in their lives.

I mean let's ignore those people from hundreds of years ago cause it's harder to compare, but even Miura Kentaro of Berserk is relatively within the same age range, and his best work was definitely when he was real negative about life. The moment idolmaster came into his life he found salvation and now look at the manga.

oh no

Why do WoW orcs look like faggots?

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I don't see absolutely anything good about the movie

Gotta match the look to how they act.

At least they're not cringe shit designed by an edgy 12 year old who just discovered death metal.

it was shit, didnt even get to see stormwind burning

Yes they are, you tard.

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cgi orc punchup

somewhat suspect. if not him then some higher up at blizzard definitely is. there's way too much beefcake in wow's art direction for it to be a coincidence.

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No one would have wen't to see the human movie though.

Yet more proof Gul'dan is the only decent orc in the WC franchise.

Or they couldve just stuck to the plot of warcraft 1 and maybe couldve even ended up making a movie for each game

Also true. But if the alliance side had more dwarf interaction and such you could have made it good. The pistols thing is one of the small changes I actually liked cause it's one of the only things that makes sense for the humans suddenly winning.

I liked it, but it was a bad movie. Like Stargate really. Bad movies can be likeable.

>brutal = cringe

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Yeah more Alliance would have been smart, we see plenty of humans in movies already.

A 3 part movie trilogy about arthas would be absolute kino instead of the typical orcs vs humans lotr ripoffs they keep doing

I think the same thing. Someone on the art team directed them to emphasize every WoW male's nipples in the updated models.

I like the Arthas story line but no. I'm not interested in a 3 parter about him.

I hate Metzen and his dindu Orcs fetish.

One movie only about his disastrous campaign in Northrend would be kino.

>part 1: introduction and ends on purging of stratholme
>part 2: travelling to northrend and becoming lich king
>part 3: fall of the lich king

Why not? A single movie would not be enough to fit everything in

Orcs descend from ogres in the warcraft universe.

Samwise most likely.

Underrated post

i prefered his art over metzen.

Part one is perfect and could be the best movie ever made. Part two is pushing it but I'd watch it, I feel it would be better to just wit on some of these in a different movie though. Part three is a good story of course but not something I'd make/watch a movie for.

also a pandafag, everything adds up

Thank you, he's very cute!

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He's finally coming back boys, and we memed his hair back as well.
No more Bald Thrall memes.

Attached: thrall.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

damn he's so cute

fuck off

>playing Classic
I'm sorry i'm not a retarded child that wants to pretend that he was around to play the original Vanilla experience.
I wore Tier 2 when it mattered, going in in 2019 literally means nothing.

I'm not even gonna play classic.
Anyone playing the hot mess that is retail wow is fucked up in the head and you're everything wrong with vidya.

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I don't even like retail either, but all i did was post a picture of Thrall you dumb fucking cuck.
lmao if you don't like the discussion about orcs then leave the orc thread dumbo.

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I think he's bi. Samwise is definitely gay though.

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who is Orgrim Doomhammer
the guy who fucked up both blackhand AND the shadow council so hard he made guldan his bitch, sacked stormwind and won the first war then he killed anduin lothar in single combat at blackrock spire but the holy Light is too fucking op

that pacing is FUCKED 1 whole movie about his fall? the trilogy would have to end at him becoming the lich king.

Samwise does have a wife and daughter but he could still like men, who knows.

Given how much crack they've taken it wouldn't be strange if they accidentally fucked too many times and turned gay.

His art definitely has some sexualization to it. It has that weird emphasis on pecs and nips

Attached: Tauren-Runemaster-By-Samwise.jpg (2000x1979, 988K)

or he could just be an absolute artchad and knows what good physique is.

Attached: WarCraft_Samwise075b.jpg (447x700, 111K)

You can't be an artchad without wanting to fuck what you draw at least a little bit

i want an orc boyfriend

get in line pal

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You're right. But the humans were too small too. In Warcraft, humans are descendants of vrykul, basically giant vikings. Which is why it would have been better to make a shorter CGI movie instead.

>buzzword,buzzword,buzzword:the post
great argument,still WH40K orks design is 1000 better than your shitty WoW """""orks"""".