Monster Hunter thread

What are you playing? What’re you hoping?

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>what are you playing?
Stories and world....little bit of gu but not as much as the other two. I fucking love and hate kushala in both games
>what're you hoping?
Iceborne will come to the cloud gaming service im using. >inb4 dumb phonefag

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Free online.

How is stories? I thought the art style looked awesome

Your order is ready.

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I haven't played any MH game in years, I'm hoping for Khezu in Iceborne.

Is fine to be super fucking rusty, it will make the game slightly more challenging at the start until I get my muscle memory back and break the game.

Are there actual rumours for new switch monhun, or was that an april fools?

>yian garuga
does ANYONE enjoy these faggots?

I'm waiting for Festival in MHW, then AT Nergi.
But it's still kinda sad until we get more Iceborne and Switch news

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Emulating 4U

Plesioth is fun, it is just fucking annoying at times and an actual fucking treat, only shitters dislike it.
Everyone loves Khezu, everyone but reckless faggots.
Garuga has nice equipments so is worth the pain, a shitter filter of the highest caliber too.
Gravios a cute.

I'm almost done with 3U village and was actuality thinking of going back to FU to learn how to greatsword since I have probably used it less than 10 times across the series.
No point looking toward the future when we're still at least a year out from new content anyway.

gen 1 apologists leave

It's easy as shit until endgame. It's a very enjoyable cast besides the edgelord best friend that wants to fuck his rathian mommy.

The aftergame maze and tower pretty much really go balls in in difficulty. Requiring a lot of gene grinding to get not only the good genes to transfer, but also the perfect slot to fit them in.

A small note though, the game never revived any update the Japs got which both expands the story and the amount of breedable monsters.

But 7/10 good RPG for a first attempt. Would want an improved sequal. Worth a 5 hour try at least since it only gets good after you reach the big city after the ice area.

Sounds comf. I might get it

MHW. I'm loving these quality of life improvements.

>when we're still at least a year out from new content anyway.
Content is coming in autumn tho

Playing world. Hunting tempered monsters. Need tier one monsters but I only have two and three.

Haven't played since I did everything in XX after the UI translation first came out. World killed the brand for me.
>inb4 bing bing wahoooo

Nah it isn't kill only casualized even further, hopefully this can be fixed on MH6U because Iceborne won't do shit.

I agree, but let’s be civil boys. It’s been a long time since we could have nice Mh threads.

Part of the anniversary stuff was the director for the portable games showing his anniversary message with apparently a hidden message spelling out "NEXT" in it, so we only have that to go on for now.

Garuga is good. The only bad thing about it is that it forces an extreme hit and run playstyle, because it only has one good opening, so it favors GS and hammer more than other weapons. Gravios is good because it's one of the only monsters where element shines. 4U adding it the breakable ankles to allow for trips made it a good fight.

>What are you playing?

Lavasioth is fine, the rest are either annoying or boring.

You know what, I'm gonna play that shit again today. It's been ages but I'm really feeling it right now.

lmao 2 Tigrex.

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>try to play FU after some GU
>getting carted by bullfangos

the newer games spoil you so fucking much.

It still holds up, currently clearing HR9 to fight Ukanlos. I just wish Black Diablos didn't have the best raw equipment because farming it is a chore.

Playing some 3U after last thread got me itching for some classic MonHun.
There really is something missing in World, and I say this as a huge Worldfag. The QoL changes are definitely nice, but 3U and after still have enough that they're perfectly playable straight from World, while still having the SOUL of the originals intact.
Hopefully in the next game they bring back the more colorful and unique style.

>farming it is a chore
That's how I feel like about a lot of monsters honestly, but mostly bc I'm crap at the game. What I wanna say is that it's still fun. Weird...

The weapon models in World make me sad. Realism was a mistake

Yeah I don't understand why people act like world was this massive iteration on the series that is impossible to go back from (outside of shitposting purposes if course). I've been encouraging worldbabs give the older ones a try and most seem amiable to them too, which just leads me to further believe the fanbase split is even more artificial than it seems.

The "fanbase split" is mostly confined to Yea Forums and /vg/ and is pretty much kept going by consolewarriors who don't even play any of the games.