


Attached: AYYMD.png (1280x720, 913K)

Other urls found in this thread:

videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 1060&id=3548
videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=Radeon RX 580&id=3736

holy kek AMD babs btfo

Imagine owning an AMD anything past 2012...

They both look like absolute shit but the 1060 is clearly better. What else am I looking at? Is this a screen being recorded with a phone?

>nividia has better performance on games that are 30fps native anyway
okay? I'm not a faggot who uses 60fps patches.

>he isnt emulating botw at 60fps modded in 2019

Attached: mYbhZHw[1].png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

It's not even using the same rig though.

>playing this game in 2019
Why? It sucked balls.

what capture method is he using? same thing for both cards or is he using driver specific tools?

>using grandma's patchwork emulation as a factor for comparing gpus
Won't fall for your dirty tricks, jew.

Attached: 1445958038343.png (1064x698, 337K)

The point is to see which is best for emulation though, but everyone know AMD is a complete fucking trainwreck for emulation.

Do the mods fix the boring gameplay/breaking weapons?

Attached: nintendo.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

looks like a screenshot of a youtube video


Attached: hddd.png (1008x634, 911K)

my current playthrough has unbreakable weapons / shields and removes the master mode hp regen / triforce icon. makes it a lot more fun.

So it's a stupid point to make? You could even argue that the people making these emulators own nvidia cards and thus they'll be better optimized for them.

Anything past DS emulation is pointless and not worthwhile anyway.

well shit, time to redownload it then

Attached: 1486292537832.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

aren't emulators considerably more reliant on the CPU than on the GPU?

Attached: bow shadin.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

If you don't factor high end emulation while picking mid to high end GPU and CPU, you're a retard. AMD has been a non-factor on high end for ages now anyway.

You onbviously have no idea what you're talking about here so shut up
Of course they're developing for AMD cards too idiot. Yet this is the best they could do. Every OGL based emulator will run like trash on AMD no matter what, until AMD fix it. Deal with it.

Citra (3DS) is pretty stable if you have modern hardware.

>until AMD fix it
>expecting well regarded computer engineers to mingle with emulation patchwork mongrels
No, YOU shut up.

they are but this retard is upscaling to 4k like all the fucking idiot nu emufaggots. its native or go home. you faggots dont care about preservation of vidya you just wanna steal games. bunch of niggers.

>he isnt playing as shortstack linkle at 60fps modded in 2019

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>its native or go home.

Attached: muh accuracy.png (1024x382, 364K)

yeah man how dare people emulate games and make them look 4x better than they originally do while running at a higher framerate

Attached: cczsd.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: botw shading.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

everyone seriously interested in video game preservation plays on the fucking consoles they own. and most of us don't hold stock in video game companies so there's no reason for give a shit about stealing. I honestly wonder how bored you must be to advance an opinion about a topic you clearly don't know or give a shit about

some people just want the best possible experience faggot

Seething AMD nigger.

>upscales to 4k
>plays at 1080p
PCkeks everyone.

Attached: 4BSZxCK.jpg (1920x1045, 283K)

Attached: botw shadingg.png (1920x1080, 3.47M)

physics (the most important aspect of the game) are fucked up, who cares

even more soul

>preservation of vidya
not everything is worth preserving

consoles will go out of production and they will break until theyre gone all of them. they are not eternal.

turning off cell shading just makes the game look like claymation. mod out the washed out colors and keep cell shading on and the game looks great.

Attached: VGhZ3Qe[1].jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

>hur dur its okay to use amd just limit your games experience to muh devs intention xD

both of those made me laugh for some reason

Based, it was basically tloz: Skyrim and Oblivion was much better

yeah but you can probably create a character model that looks great without cel shading, anyway it's refreshing

Emulating, especially emulating in higher resolution and framerate, has jackshit to do with preservation you retard.

>PC cuckolds so hard up for games they literally spend two years chimping out about how soon they might be able to play a stable version of a Nintendo game

Attached: 350px-Demoman_taunt_laugh.png (350x352, 125K)

>AMD is bad at it
>Therefore it doesn't matter
The ABSOLUTE state of AMDfags. Keep it up AMDrones, you'll convince people to buy AMD's garbage one day. Oh wait AMD marketshare is pitiful and shrinking by the day, people want products that ACTUALLY work, who would have thought.

There are numbers there, take a peek at those they're pretty interesting too.

I still feel such a fucking idiot, trying to adjust the colors on my TV like a madman to make the colors look vibrant like on promo screenshots and trailers, thinking it wasn't calibrated right. Turns out it was just a fucking filter that washes them out for no reason. I'm still mad. Why the fuck did they do that?

Ryzen is pretty dope, and Navi looks alright

More like nPC cucks am I right?

>disabled cel shading
disgusting, get out of my sight

Since they CAN actually play a stable version of a Nintendo game, and at 4x the resolution and at least double the framerate, the joke's on you I guess.

why are people in this thread so mad
did they try to emulate and couldnt get more than 15fps or something

>not using your baby hands to play with the tiny Switch Controller
Lmao, do you even bing bing wahoo?

>why would i play a game in a much improved way just play the original lol

>might be able to play
botw has been a stable 60fps for quite some time lad

not sure but once you get some of the clarity packs the games color looks infinitely better.

Attached: 1q0H42a[1].jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

>not sure but once you get some of the clarity packs the games color looks infinitely better.
Pic not related, right?

my only issue with no cel shading is how weird the hair looks

Attached: botw grass.png (1920x1080, 3.61M)

You sound like a frustrated nerd who had his share of internet arguments about companies that don't give a fuck about you. Keep at it, champ.

Attached: NVPRIDEweb.gif (1509x1006, 944K)

i was told rx 580 was a better option than the 1060 though.

Attached: 1524893226105.png (612x673, 418K)

i finished the base game on CEMU last year, it was alright, but i wouldn't play it a second time.it is if you play games that use 8gb of vram


You're arguing with AMD fanboys/shills. There is a certain type of personality that is prone to always blindly root for the underdog in all kinds of situations because they see themselves as the underdogs in their own lives. This is basically the AMD fanbase in a nutshell.

AMD has always sucked for emulation because of their driver overhead and in opengl emulators like pcsx2 because they can't make opengl drivers worth a shit.

broken like their hardware lmao

my fucking laptop has a 1070 max q in it how can "le pc master race" not even have a 1060 by now

This shit looks like Splatoon. Are there some decent mods? i'm gonna try this crap emulated (it played very poorly on Switch)

This nigger makes clickbait videos whenever there's a minor patch to literally any emulator.
>2fps more in 1 specific game

looks a hell of a lot better than the pastel washed out color the game has originally

Attached: z1eIVXk[1].jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

graphics modding is pretty limited and basically the only worthwhile character mod is linkle

Laptop hardware is nowhere near comparable to desktop hardware, read a book nigger.

I wonder whos behind this post

a 1070 max q is barely below a 1070 in terms of performance and can easily be overclocked to perform on par with a 1070. read a book nigger.

nvidia gpus are (at base clocks, desktop card overclock better and are cooler, but performance is very similar), get with the times gramps
a 1070 maxq is 1060 tier.

oh wait, 1060 and rx 580 are roughly the same price. why the fuck would you go with amd?

> windows AMD
> good

The linux drivers are excelent. The open source community is actually more competent than the profressionals at AMD. It's crazy.

>laptopniggers not wanting to admit they got scammed by nvidia

>Nvidia has 50% more memory
Yo that aint even fair

Attached: 1526609885764.gif (688x480, 640K)

Post more shortstack linkle

it's not 960 vs 960m difference any more.

woa woa woa... You can do this with ds games? What emu?


Attached: World_War_Z_GPU_CPU_.png (969x936, 82K)

Nintendo should just be a software company and drop out of the hardware business. What truly could have been.

>2700x getting beat by a 4770K

Attached: 1540618799310.jpg (332x332, 13K)

Idk why the fuck would you buy a 3/6gb vram gpu instead of a 4/8gb vram gpu? I already have a nintendo anyway.

i don't feel like reading this thread i just came here to call you faggots a bunch of faggots

>I have no clue how emulators work
Thanks OP, we know. Still works fine on my Vega.


Attached: 1552942287659.jpg (536x533, 58K)

>scraping the buttom of the barrel for shitty games unoptimized for multi-core

It's AMD, what do you expect?

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actually the non cel shaded one looks pretty good once you get used to it

Attached: mod 2.png (1920x1080, 3.66M)

is there a mod to disable the ugly LODs yet

there's an extended lod mod yeah but it doesn't fix it completely

>world war z

Attached: 1533866717731.png (468x521, 289K)

Attached: mod 3.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

>like half of the clarity packs just give the game the skyrim treatment

Attached: ziSweHT[1].jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

Of course it will run better on nvidia cards, the game is basically nvidia consumers taking over the world.

anyone know?

Attached: oh no.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Who the fuck plays these gay games? I only play games for people whose asshole is a one way street.

desmume x432r you have to download it from some random japanese site

literally any of them, it's just raising the internal resolution

AMD is fucking garbage. Everything they make is absolutely, objectively crappy as shit and only a fat neckbeard would buy this shit-tier crappy shit because he's afraid of running out of autismbux (because God forbid he spend less money on Taco Bell and Mountain Dew.) I tried building an AMD gaming rig once and it was the worst experience of my life. First off, that CPU clip is fucking impossible to use. It looks just like an old Pentium CPU clip, but it's autistically retarded and I couldn't deal with it. And the graphics card was so fucking huge, I had to cut a hole all the way around my case to fit it in. Fucking AMD.

But wait, that's not even the best part! When I tried to start up my shitty autismbox (which I sold to the Association of Retarded Citizens BTW) the absolutely massive power draw dimmed every light in my house and throughout the entire neighborhood like I was firing up fucking ENIAC in the 1920s or some bullshit. I had plenty of time to worry about my power bill too, because this shitty thing couldn't figure out which of its 32 CPU cores to use and it took half a day to boot. As soon as I tried to play a game (fucking Starcraft from 1998), it lagged so hard it went backwards. I thought I should try downloading a driver, but there aren't any. There are no fucking drivers. What the shit, AMD? No wonder Apple doesn't use your shit. It wasn't long after that that I realized this thing was putting out more heat than a goddamn jet engine and it burned my house down.

Two weeks later, when I sold that piece of shit, I built an Intel/Nvidia rig! Holy shit, it's like jacking into the Matrix! I built it 5 years ago and it still runs every game in 4K at 240 FPS while using no power and it actually cools my house during the summer. What a beautiful machine, I seriously hope none of you are poor and stupid enough to buy AMD.

>yoink that one guys premium skyward sword music replacement mod because fuck paying for mods
>its actually really fucking good

i wonder who could be behind this post

Attached: heh.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

How do I do this? What emulator do I use? Where do I get the ISOs to play it?

Attached: 1501289125841.jpg (441x417, 28K)

oh no no no

Attached: amd.png (872x920, 62K)

It's AMD opengl shit drivers. With Linux customs opengl drivers it runs great. If CEMU devs weren't retarded they would have implemented Vulkan already

i just followed bsod's cemu guide and got usbhelper off of reddit. it was like a 15 minute process total to optimize everything but it runs and emulates perfectly.

I'm taking a look at this, yeah. I imagine i'd get fucked for piracy if I didn't have a VPN while downloading stuff off of usbhelper.

Attached: kakariko.png (1920x1080, 3.05M)

i dont use a vpn and im perfectly fine

So which one is it? AMDcucks can't even keep the narrative straight.

>see game that looks interesting on Steam
>check out the forums in order to get an idea of what it's like because user reviews are worthless
>half the threads are DOES NOT WORK ON AMD

Attached: rain.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

You never saw Breath of the Wild in person.

Got a ryzen, I guess it's alright for the tasks I do for the time. Would never buy an AMD GPU. Got burned so fucking hard on ATi cards I will never ever touch this wretched pile in my life ever again

I'm a fucking brainlet when it comes to emulating. I tried to get this to run and I must be fucking retarded or the instructions were wrong.

Attached: 1555552116205.jpg (622x600, 48K)

who is this jizz wizard

>Wait for 7nm Poovi

Attached: 1454176825666.png (653x726, 42K)

this based brainlet here got you, description for links as needed

Great, ty user. So i'm not gonna even bother with it then.

>has to click on Vulkan

and linkle not having a belly button

ok but it's pretty great in hd

not that guy but thanks, you just saved me ten minutes


its really not that hard theres tutorials everywhere

Attached: hPm7mv9[1].jpg (1920x1080, 141K)


Attached: button.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

combat is perfectly fine on master mode if you just mod out the hp regen. it lets you get crazy on environmental shit while still being able to experiment and have fun.

by the way you can skip all the nvidia control panel faggotry this guy does

Unfortunately this, CEMU's team not making the switch doesn't excuse AMD's feet-dragging on opengl support though, its been bullshit for years.

Attached: hmm.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

Look at all this projection

Attached: 2.jpg (1920x1080, 843K)

>literally just a black spot drawn on with the default paintbrush
i appreciate the effort

Attached: aliasbig.jpg (187x215, 17K)

What is this mod?

I'm gonna make some texture mods

linkle mod

Attached: rain2.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Attached: botw22.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)

>linkle mod
based but why is she half naked

Attached: no shading.png (1410x848, 1.67M)

>Demon Souls
>both cards are performing similarly
>look closer
>nvidia usage is at a steady 20%
>AMD is at 100

Attached: 34546ef605f332f308ebe93409fb4df570cfe59d3067fcf0d14a5fd7be8f0939.jpg (480x336, 32K)

the ff7 remake is lookin good

Attached: myEkDoD[1].png (1920x1080, 531K)

Attached: no shading 2.png (1448x824, 1.79M)

Navi will be good tho

*yawn* looks okay i guess but where's the soul?

can it emulate pokemon yet

>sony has AMD shit in the PS5

and you thought the jet engine in the PS4 was bad

>Intel i7 8700k
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

I run everything, sorry AMD fags

having it look like world of warcraft is kind of refreshing

Attached: botww.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

Ryzen+nvidia was my choice for my current build.
Thanks for reading my blog, remember to like and comment.

>image is clearly about GPUs
>b-b-b-b-b-but my ryzen is pretty good, heh

Attached: bas.jpg (1904x1060, 899K)

Why the fuck would I play this game at 2019? I already finished it thrice in 2017

doing this shit with a mouse as your gyro was fucking hitler and is the only hiccup ive come across

Attached: c0XHC0Y[1].jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

because it's fun to traverse

Yeah lacking the z axis sucks when playing on PC

if you have a ps4 controller you can do the gyro stuff with it

i have a ds4 but i prefer my switch pro controller for most games. its way more comfortable.

Attached: modd.png (1896x1040, 2.68M)

>cloud hair
>marth armor
botw in jrpg form

Attached: lod.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

sirs, do the needful and wait for navi and ryzen 3000

Alternatively you could just go full marth

Attached: B3Nl7BF[1].jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

Attached: botwww.png (1876x1072, 2.82M)

hell ye

I'm honestly not interested until someone creates a mod pack that adds content post Ganon, preferably involving going back and rescuing the Guardians so I can aggressively inseminate Zelda, Mipha and Urbosa at the same time.

Attached: 0e4.jpg (680x1043, 66K)

>Snoyggers still mad 2 years later
holy autismos

there's no animation mods afaik

it's greater than ever :)

Why would I? She doesn't even have a dick.

But i beat this game like 2 years ago

Attached: 1555274332860.png (287x425, 124K)

>he does not replay great games
This is why zoomers ruined the modern gaming.

so did i but im playing it again in a much better format

Attached: KRteM7z[1].jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

Something is extremelly wrong with this rendering. It has no atmospheric perspective whatsoever.

It has no replay value. It encourages you to never clear your save and grind seeds forever

yeah you can tweak it to your liking but yeah having it at zero is too much

>It has no replay value.
you must be total blast in parties

>It encourages you to never clear your save and grind seeds forever

Attached: 1505930672958.png (645x729, 50K)

Have sex

Apply to yourself, dear lncel

>physics are fucked up

Have children

Attached: botww3.png (1776x952, 2.43M)

Attached: wil.png (1768x976, 2.63M)

it's a shame botw modding didn't go as far as skyrim

>boring gameplay
>breaking weapons

Attached: linkle22.png (1758x982, 2.61M)

Attached: shading mod.png (1772x986, 2.49M)

>getting mad at Sony when your shit platform can be emulated far better

Get fucked you poor.

Attached: 1547363503523.jpg (900x710, 212K)

Guess BotW isn't a great game then.
Finished it once and never had the urge to replay it

That's some crazy mental gymnastics you just used there, dear Snoygger.
The game is still great, is literal GOTYAY according the rest of the world, and you seem to be still seething.

>Finished it once and never had the urge to replay it
That's like, you know... YOUR personal, embarrassing issue.
I put 240 hours to it on WiiU originally, and just started a brand new Hard mode run on CEMU last month. It's still as great as it was day 1.

Attached: siwthc.png (1902x1064, 2.83M)

it looks way better in motion even apart from the weird hair shading in certain lighting

Attached: scenery.png (1764x964, 2.79M)

That's awesome I didnt know that thanks user

Attached: bowboww.png (1748x968, 1.78M)

my fav settings so far with bsod gaming clarity preset

Attached: hmm22.png (975x274, 22K)

Attached: wrar.png (1758x982, 1.86M)

Attached: wad.png (1744x972, 2.09M)

>8600k faster than 8700k


Attached: aawr.png (1712x968, 1.42M)

They both look like shit redargless of frames

It's just not a good game to replay. The sense of adventure is gone after the first time.

Attached: 1544357209154.jpg (704x396, 45K)

higher boosts or something


I don't even know the point of posting these but whatever

Attached: quit.png (1920x1080, 2.24M)

now I'll probably stop

Attached: siwtch pro.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

>ryzen images in an image about GPUs
>reee don't bring up ryzen
you're not very bright are you

>nvidia is better for emulation
Yes, this has always been the case. The thing is it barely matters these days since the vast majority of emulation is done for systems of gen 6 and below along with Wii since that's just an overclocked GameCube. Back then though you really needed an nvidia card if you wanted to emulate snes at full speed with no audio. Those were the days I tell ya.


Attached: 1355690364692.gif (320x240, 1.51M)

>Snoys have to pay 60 dollars to play their games
>PChads and Nintenbros can play them for free


Attached: gaeg.png (1920x1080, 3M)

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Attached: ar.png (1898x1076, 3.21M)

Attached: mod of the wild3.png (1874x1060, 2.95M)

amd drivers still winning

Attached: gih.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

No, please do. The lack of cellshading looks like absolute shit.

I love it, it just needs some fixing


Attached: warcraft.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

AMDs driver support for openGL is notoriously bad (unless you're on linux) and they don't really work on improving that in favor of vulkan. So of course cemu emulation which relies on openGL works like ass compared to nvidia. The 580 is still capable in anything else compared to a 1060, so don't get fooled by this sad attempt at shitposting.

do tell me to fuck off if I annoy you

Attached: awrw.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

at what point do anime mods go too far

Attached: p81OLlo[1].jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

Attached: ser.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

Attached: rear.png (1892x1076, 3.54M)

Sometimes you'll get fucked.
I remember when I was like 12, Nintendo's lawyers sent a legal threat to my house because I downloaded a Pikmin 2 iso off of Megaupload.

It scared me off pirating Nintendo games for years to be honest since I got in trouble for it.

Attached: eate.png (1896x1056, 3.85M)

Attached: lod22.png (1920x1080, 3.46M)

usbhelper downloads the game from nintendos official servers so its probably much harder to detect.

Attached: wre.jpg (1920x1080, 684K)

Attached: adfs.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

Attached: grass.png (1920x1080, 3.62M)

Attached: tev.png (1920x1080, 3.29M)

Attached: af.png (1864x1040, 1.68M)

Isn't this cause Cemu only just started supporting AMD GPUs recently, so theres a lot of unoptimizations going on when using AMD?

k now I'll stop because even I see why this is pointless

Attached: incr.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

either way amd is shit

emulation is shit too

Where do i get the rom for BOTW?

How do you even support a brand of GPUs? You target the APIs - DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan. If it runs like shit on AMD GPUs then it's AMD's fault.

I'm not gonna let you rape me CIA nigger.

bsod gaming videos show 100% of how to get your shit setup

he also always does some retarded control panel settings tweaks that make no difference to your performance just to seem like a flashy tech dude idk

Attached: bso.png (1736x960, 3.11M)

>emulator devs dont support AMD hardware
>AMD is bad, not devs are shit

I can't get over it how much clearer everything looks from switch

Attached: pv.png (1752x976, 3.36M)

last one I swear

Attached: brot.png (1920x1080, 3.37M)

Having Vulkan isn't enough, in this particular case a FPS mod for BOTW isn't programmed for AMD cards

Is there some kind of guide to emulating BOTW as far as what settings to use? Using a i7 4770 and gtx 1080 and it lags like crazy during the opening cutscene and link waking up and leaving the first temple thing

Attached: 1325704010001.png (410x284, 11K)

ok I gotta post some more

Attached: ns.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

just buy what's best for your use case. I don't emulate games so it didn't factor in for me. brand loyalty is for literal retards

Attached: 1552709870247.jpg (1024x683, 363K)

Yeah, I'm not reading all of that. I get it, you don't like _____ brand.

the increased grass rendering and lod makes the game look fucking amazing

Attached: storm22.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

either your settings are wrong or youre building your shader cache. get the full cache off of reddit and watch BSODs cemu setup video.

download some shader cache and put it in the correct folder and you're set up

Attached: im.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

Cemu devs are autistic retards that refuse to use vulkan when it has already been proved it increases emulation performance

reason obviously being that it's hard for them to do so, why else wouldn't they

>it's hard for them to do so
More like why bother improving things when retards keep giving them money every month

probably a bit of that too yea

Attached: awar.jpg (1920x1080, 770K)

t.assblasted nintentard


This is why the PS5 will use an AMD card, so they can get that silky smooth 30fps

comfy thread

What kind of controller works best with CEMU?

videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 1060&id=3548

videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=Radeon RX 580&id=3736

The GTX 1060 is slightly more powerful but also slightly more expensive.

Attached: 1541000069298.png (320x287, 105K)

any regular, use a playstation controller if you want to, there's even ui mods that change the buttons to match that

The hardware isn't the problem and never was. It's the monkeys AMD has coding the drivers. Thankfuly, console drivers are completely written by the platform holder - Sony in this case.

are these even the same game lmao

>thinking this board cares about objective truth

this is about emulatin brainlets

i use a switch pro but a ds4 or xbone would work just as well. i have all 3 but i just find the pro the most comfortable

Attached: dJAhXYi[1].jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

I have a 1060 and I wasn't getting full speed on BotW. What am I doing wrong?

so.. this is the power... of amd...

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1785x674, 472K)

kill it

literally read the thread

Attached: 5v75CK6[1].jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

>mfw botw still runs like shit on AMD because no vulkan

Attached: 1514411105585.jpg (216x399, 14K)

I like it, it makes everything look like a figure set

can't decide if I like it more with or without cel-shading

100% looks worse without

Attached: 0L5Bqlt[1].jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

>playing zelda: its a shitty open game this time but retard will eat it up because they'll even lie to themselves to prevent being embarrassed about buying a no games machine like last time edition

>bought it on wii u
>played the hell out of it
>bought it on switch later
>played the hell out of it
>am now emulating it on pc
>playing the hell out of it

how'd the same shot look with cel-shading? I'd love some good side by side that actually just shows the difference

pretty sure you can tweak the shading settings though

Not true, you can write shaders in such a way to run out of registers cache or whatever on $brand_i_don't_like, or use a floating point format that's faster on one brand than another despite being practically the same.

imagine actually being the programmer who does this shit

I honestly don't know how true the devs excuses are. They like to pass blame on to Nvidia and AMD a lot like when there was a RAM leak issue and they said it was all Nvidia's fault somehow. Like sure something in their drivers may be the issue, but it's your job to sort it out.

But yeah whatever function they need for 60+ FPS isn't in AMD's OpenGL drivers but is within Vulkan. I don't know why they didn't go with Vulkan in the first place since it was a thing when they started and Dolphin had just achieved double performance gains with DX12.

not quite the same time of day but i ran back to get you a non playdough shot in the same spot

Attached: fKT1vIP[1].jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

I kind of like both though it's obviously dependent on the character model and time of day

its not a good game if you have to mod it to be fun
butthurt bethesdrones will say otherwise

I dunno but modding it is fun

Attached: autism2.png (1920x1080, 3.16M)

Hyrule could use some better looking women

Attached: unZJyWh[1].jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

>tfw no potato faced peasant gf

So what is Wii U USB helper normally used for? And where am i downloading the files from?

you're downloading off the matrix bro


you really just need to watch bsod's tutorials like ive told you 4 times or so now. the only difference is you just grab the installer from reddit instead of installing it manually anymore.

Attached: ll2lIM9[1].jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

yuup but for real just follow the damn steps it's not hard

I'm already downloading i was just wondering where all of this stuff is coming from. There must be 2000 fucking games i can install that i had to wade through to find BOTW.

the games you see on USB helper? those come from nintendo's servers

How the fuck do we have access to nintendo's servers? This is fucking crazy.

the big list you just ignore as far as im aware. you get into the actual usb helper program and download from there because it gives you the updates and dlc.

Attached: OFSMLva[1].jpg (1920x1080, 73K)

People at nintendo are dumb and programmers elsewhere are smart I guess because apparently how they set up their security was incredibly retarded

Attached: HACKTHEPLANET.png (1199x779, 203K)

Finally someone who actually knows something and isn't a seething AMD fancuck or a Brainlet Intel shithead.

i thought that stopped working?

reddit fixed it

Also, what do i do with the update files and DLC for BOTW? BSOD hasn't mentioned anything about them. Do i even want/need them?

>Also, what do i do with the update files and DLC for BOTW? BSOD hasn't mentioned anything about them. Do i even want/need them?
of course you do. he has a separate video for updating and adding dlc though its actually super easy.

Attached: KOV135A[1].jpg (1920x1080, 81K)

yeah you need to install them but bsod gaming has a video on that

does the cel-shading removal impact anything other than the character models? like what is actually cel shaded in the game

it seems to just be the character models from what i have but i havent tried to deal with the ugly action figure look at all. you can probably make it apply in a broader sense.

Attached: OszgQeg[1].jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

dunno how much jpeg compression ruins this one

Attached: side by side.jpg (3798x1080, 1.29M)

god i hate how the brightness fix removes all shadows from your character

yeah and though you can tweak it you'll end up with it being a bit too bright so it ends up looking amazing in some scenes and not so good in others

can someone mod Noctis into the game

Attached: kot bread.jpg (1023x682, 139K)

we already have ff7 and advent children cloud. those give you two anime hairstyles to run around with. linkle and zelda have a plethora of skins and hairstyles

>amd outselling intel for a straight year on the desktop
>amd epyc servers BTFOing xeons left and right
>ps5 and xbox both fully powered by amd
>a-amd is b-bad because it has 10 less fps than an architercture that has been refined and pushed for the last 10 years ignoring the fact that Ryzen architecture is still in its infancy and already puts this much of a dent on intel
and all this with devs favoring intel/nvida 80% of the time.
Only a blind intel drone hasn't seen the writing on the wall.

Attached: FAGGOT.jpg (679x758, 54K)

>switch emulator that literally works just for ONE fucking game

by the time this works for more than 2 games switch 2 will be a thing, might as well just buy a proper switch.

Attached: angry-patrick-yoshi-and-goofy-patrick-star-spongebob-37473113-249-186.jpg (249x186, 10K)

>he doesnt know
yuzu works for many games these days

>AMD has a driver's issue here
>AMD can't render fonts correctly
>AMD has cache shader problems
>AMD can not have smoothness
No wonder Nintendo went with Nvidia. Because with AMD it's same shit different year and yes it does not matter how cheap it is if it can not do the basics right it's not worth using.

you can keep them with shadow mode set to best mode but imo no highlights looks better

x4 seems to be the sweetspot

yes they based their choice over an emulator that doesn't support amd

yeah the cel shading removal messes with the lighting

Attached: too bright2.jpg (3832x1080, 391K)

Nintendo with with Nvidia because it's essentially a fucking Nvidia Shield with a detachable controllers and a hub. They didn't have to put much thought into it since Nvidia did the legwork already.

I think they both look pretty good

Attached: side by side222.jpg (3828x1080, 621K)

god I wish I had some screen recording software installed

It still does not matter because AMD has always been shit since 2012.
Yes but Nvidia just does everything AMD could never do. If AMD made a competent graphics card for handhelds I bet you would be singing a different tune.

why would you make it look like a 360 game

OBS. Get OBS for your PC.

I know but I also know it'll be a pain in the ass to convert to some sub 3MB sized webm files so I'll just do nothing

She looks horribly out of place on the right but that'd be a cute artstyle in some other game.

it looks pretty good in motion like everything is made out of clay, it feels like playing in a set

I keep thinking of dragon quest xi graphics even though I haven't played that

Ok this is epic

Attached: DED68F7D-8A8E-4B27-B3CB-84FB62C907AC.jpg (1242x641, 119K)

theres an auto Yea Forums webm maker you can find with a quick google search

Attached: sMy69uG[1].jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

I think that both fit pretty well hmm

Attached: neither.jpg (3828x1080, 1.08M)

Fuck both companies. They are both shit and stifle the market.

Attached: hmmp.jpg (3828x1080, 1.15M)

Is that so?

Attached: comparison.png (1672x748, 2.43M)

Stop spamming your shitty pics you leftist subhuman

k I'm just playing around with the visuals

actually another one

Attached: tism.jpg (3840x1080, 1.3M)

cute graph you got there

Attached: 07e2a1f062.png (820x751, 221K)

why are u so mad bro

Attached: CEMU 2018.12.20 - (882x500, 2.78M)

Attached: post.jpg (3840x1080, 1.17M)

its ridiculous how much worse no cell shading looks

I dunno I'd probably play without if they fixed the plastic looking hairs during direct sunlight


Attached: AMD.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Cemu is such a fucking bitch to setup compared to dolphin. I figured out everything in dolphin by myself. CEMU is actually requiring me to look at a guide. Also, what are the best controller options for CEMU for a 360 controller? Doesn't the WiiU have motion controls for aiming or something like that?

>mfw amd user because i dislike nvidias practices
>mfw Nvidia drone tries to make fun of me for not buying a 1800 dollar gpu

Attached: 1544668278455.jpg (742x715, 79K)

you don't need any of the waggle shit

Seems like the no cel-shading version doesn't take GI/the color of the environment into account, making the character model look like they were photoshopped in to the scene. If they fixed that issue I think it would look a lot better.

it's just the shadow multiplier preset I was using because it often looks too weird if I make it darker

Where can i download the full BOTW Shadercache?

>buy switch
>all "exclusives" get emulated at higher resolutions and frame rates within the first 2 years of your console's lifespan

why do PCfags have all the fun? it's literally not fair

Attached: comparit.jpg (3664x984, 848K)

>claim you've spent trillions on research and development
>it was actually all bribes to developers and publishers to use your api's and driver optimization implementations

amd has always been the poor mans choice

if you want quality you have to buy intel/nvidia, if you want it cheap, you go amd

The best combo for modern times is an AMD CPU and an Nvidia GPU. I have a Ryzen 5 1600 and an Nvidia GTX 1080. Works great for emulation. On another note, how long until my full shader cache develops so i can play without stuttering whenever i do something "new".

Attached: BOTWemu.png (1440x900, 1.95M)

you should probably just download some complete cache unless you want constant random hiccups during a regular play-through

i have been looking for one and i can't find it anywhere, not even on r/CEMUpuracy. Know anywhere i can find it?

lol it looks great

What the fuck, you are LITERALLY me.
I might build a new pc when ryzen 2 comes out, but keep the 1080

Attached: w.png (794x553, 63K)


How much did you spend on your setup? I got out for around $1200 all said and done minus my monitor.

Thanks. all the links were dead on the piracy reddit.

Hello my fellow ryzen/gtx brethren.
Why does Speccy always show ridiculous CPU temperatures in every machine I build? I'm running a Unity game and Photoshop in the background right now and the PC is running fine while the fan is not WHIRRRing at all.

Attached: file.png (344x54, 2K)

Hard to say exactly since upgrades were made piecemeal after the initial build but I know the 1080 was around $375 and the cpu $175 which would be the bulk of the cost. $1200 is a pretty reasonable estimate for the total.

cuz you bought an ay em dee

Speccy doesn't work with it. use Hwinfo64 or something.

Use HWinfo64. Its a much better program and gives better readouts. You can also link it to Rivatuner and get all sorts of useful readouts for overclocking hwinfo.com/download/

Did you buy a 1080 mini or something? Mine costed $500 when i bought it but it is an MSI Duke with 3 fans and its fucking massive.

"mods" will likely not be anymore than skin/texture replacements and value changes (health points, weapon durability, model sizes, etc.).

I got a really nice deal on a NIB evga SC 1080, the one that literally blew up in people's computers before they started adding thermal padding to it. Mine was later in the production run so the padding was already added at the factory so it was good to go

it's so pathetic seeing someone download mods for being mods


not even that user but if his pc can handle the upscaling then it will look sharper even playing at 1080p - there's an option to do this for games built into the nvidia drivers even if the game itself doesn't support it through it's own graphics settings. don't gotta use aa then and again, as long as the pc can take the hit there isn't much reason not to. does 4k break stuff in botw to the point of being unplayable?

downplay, woops

another user once said it helps to make the draw distance seem more natural because without the filter on switch hardware things would just look off

Yeah, it's showing 60~70° C which sounds much more agreeable. Though I got Ryzen Master which has a friendlier interface.

user this is not a Bethesda game, modders don't have access to the world/script editing tools the dev team used to make the game. Shader tweaks and textures/model swaps is the best you'll be getting, don't be dumb.

yeah if you disable all the fog shit it will look pretty bad but you can fix that too by increasing the level of detail adjustments of the world

That seems pretty hot for me but i have a very aggressive fan curve set up. Mine barely ever reaches 62C under full load and it's overclocked to 3.9ghz with the stock cooler.
On another note, what are the best graphics pack settings? Should i just play through vanilla first or are there any must have options? How much does LOD bias affect performance and is it worth it?

try and see if you can handle it, it makes it look way better in the fields especially

also recommend settings the rendering res to 4k even if you're downscaling

I maxed everything but that's because my CPU can't handle constant 60fps anyway so I locked it to 30fps

AMD's OpenGL support is fucking horrendous, and the thing that makes it hardest for me to stick with AMD, but it will become more and more irrelevant as time goes on.
>Modern Emulation
is a dumb way to word it for OpenGL renderers, that's legacy.
>closed source emulators

That faggot is burning intel's money now.
Hopefully Navi isn't as garbage as Vega was for gaming.

also use distant fog removal and clarity, I personally disabled all fogs except distant fog main is set to fog 30% light 2x

but you can tweak a lot of these settings on the fly just click on the reload shaders button

how playable is it with a mouse and keyboard

Hopefully people find more modifiable graphics settings for switch games, the xenoblade 2 stuff is neat



Attached: yuzu.png (1059x364, 77K)

The controls are fully customizable so i would guess just as good as a controller. It is a pain to change control schemes though because you have to do it yourself.

Developing a completely new emulator on a deprecated API is fucking retarded no matter how you put it. AMD's Vulkan and D3D12 implementations have their issues (as do Nvidia's), but they're nowhere near as unsalvagable as their OpenGL.

I don't know, I find it reasonable considering I don't even have an AC in my room.

The post effects screenshot looks like shit, is it the vanilla one? What the fuck.

Post effects is yes (I don't think my AA modifications are there either).

What's the big issue for you? Too heavy SSAO or tonemapping? The bloom?

90% of games never get anywhere near the level of modding you can achieve with Skyrim for the simple fact they have no tools
Dark Souls is JUST getting the ability to add custom models and edit major game parameters

Also if you think that looks bad you probably don't want to see what handheld mode looks like by default
It's literally unplayable.

Any way to make the shadows look less choppy?

NVM i just changed the resolution and it looks great

that doesn't look literally unplayable to me

Oversharpening fucking kills me, but to each his own

>tfw the Linkle mod looks and sounds like shit
>tfw the Zelda mod will never be finished

Linkle/Aryll deserves her own game.

Speccy is abandonware and that bug is never going to be fixed.

A game where Linkle gets violently raped constantly maybe

I have a Switch for Switch games and PC for PC games.

Attached: who-gives-a-shit-harrison-ford.gif (175x144, 886K)

What does the light option do for fog removal?

This is with all fog removed. THERE IS STILL FOG

Attached: TfwFogDoesntRemove.png (1440x900, 2.51M)

That fog is special. Touching it warps you back up to complete the tutorial.

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.05.21 - (1920x1200, 3.45M)

finish the tutorial ya dingus

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.05.19 - (1920x1200, 2.78M)

The color correction and bloom, yeah. Shit is just too strong. Cutting the color by 30% and bloom by 60% should be good.

I wasn't aware.

it is if you don't use extremely buggy nightly build emulators as benchmarks.

god bless you FX niggers.

Unfortunately text editing on switch isn't great, I'll probably try and tweak it eventually.
There aren't any bloom-specific settings afaik, but maybe messing around with the tonemapping would help.

forgot pic

Attached: tonemap settings.png (352x934, 21K)

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.05.17 - (1920x1200, 3.33M)

that looks fucking terrible

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.05.11 - (1920x1200, 3.48M)

If you're going to strip out all the postfx in a postfx heavy game you gotta replace at least some of them, this shit doesn't fucking work.

The environments look fine, but then all the characters look like trash


>being this far behind