What the fuck is wrong with this industry?
15 years ago we would have gotten a balls to the wall cuhrazee movie tie-in. Now? nothing, not even a shitty phone game.
This shit is prime video game material
There's a fucking john wick game. Stop making this thread faggot.
It would be mediocre
I don't really how a John Wick game would work unless it took in the past.
Hotline Miami?
>John Wick VR
>PayDay 2 has Wick in it canonically and as a playable character
he's had crossovers
>I don't really how a John Wick game would work
Easy, replace demons with bodyguards/mercenaries
So literally every CoD game.
>cod plays like doom
I'm concerned about JW3, it was fun because he had access to all the underworld shit and guns but if he's locked out what the fuck is he supposed to do, go another movie with 6 bullets
You all motherfuckers just going to pretend that Superhot VR isn't John Wick: Enter the Matrix?
more pencils
>John Wick: Enter the Matrix
Isn't that basically just The Matrix then?
Max Payne 3.
Well its apparent hes well liked by some other assassins and they head guy of the hotel, and the trailer shows he teams up with some thot with dogs. I wouldn't say hes without connections, just not the convenient ones
Go to the underworld underworld for shit. His reputation and the reason for breaking the rules probably didn't sour many people in the criminal underworld so they'll probably still do business with him. The only people trying to kill him in 3 are going to be other assassins trying to prove themselves or out for revenge.
Or you could just play Max Payne which has a better story anyway
The fact that a movie uses a similar structure to those found in videogames doesn't mean it will actually translate well the medium
Seems like a cheap cop out to me if some people flaunt the rules and still help him out, kind of undermines what he did at the end of 2
This """franchise""" is shit and has no actual fans. It's the definition of cookie cutter action and the film does nothing that a myriad of over movies do better. The coregraphy isn't special, something like The Raid or Old Boy btfo's John Dick
No, really. Why do people pretend like this movie is something special? Why do people like this movie?
is Fortnite to blame?
Its third movie out yet?