How would you fix the Soldier in TF2?

How would you fix the Soldier in TF2?

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Make the Gunboats effect permanent, and reduce his max HP to 175.

make his walk speed the same as demo and his health as well.

I wouldn't.
He's the most balanced class and the least in need of changes.

he's already fine

There's no net gain or loss here

All I know is that you've been carrying some kind of anger and burden over 2 threads now, thinking that you're running into someone you've fought with before on this board.
You're literally just proving that he won, because you're still so mad, you're trying to continue a debate with a stranger thinking its your old enemy.
Everyone is now laughing at you. I really wish I was the person you're fighting with.

That would be a huge buff. Imagine flying around with gunboats movement while also having the dm of a shotty soldier all for 12.5% less hp.

Give him TWO rocket launchers

give him 175hp, reduce splash radius

make all rockets slower


make every rocket a crit
but seriously only massive faggots have a problem with random crits

There is nothing to fix, he is the most balanced class

reduce splash radius and reduce gunboats effectiveness

Have the rockets start straying off course a bit after they have flown a certain distance

Remove random crits.

give airblast to heavy somehow then delete spy sniper and pyro

This, Uncle Dane might make some fun videos every now and then, but he's an absolute retard with shit opinions. I find it kinda ironic how he called out another YouTuber for starting a hate train on the gunslinger, when he ended up doing the same with random crits. Granted, there has always been babies that complain about them, but he amped that shit x10.

I don't want to nerf someone who is not broken. Sniper on the other hand

>randomly one shotting someone is ok

Increase rj dmg/nerf Gunboats n make it so Gunboats now stack with Liberty launcher or Air strike dmg reduction

Now if Soldier wants to rocket jump he has to use Rocket Jumper or combo of Liberty/Airstrike + Gunboats or pocket medic or just be good

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You have the power to remove one weapon from the game, what will it be?

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Agree. People claim they're unfair but honestly, you have as much chance of getting one as the enemy does, but people always speak of them as of "only my enemy ever gets them!". When they get killed by crits they go apeshit in the chat, claiming it was unfair, but then they get one and stay hush-hush about it. At the end, it's just whining about dying.

the chances arent the same. The more damage you do, the more likely the chance is. Its a gameplay feature

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Dead Ringer

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Maybe because it's nowhere near as satisfying to kill someone with a random crit as it is unsatisfying to be killed by one.
Did you ever think of that, or is it not a contrarian enough opinion for you to recognize?

>they already fixed badwater glitch
that means that they have active team working on big update bros


On paper I like it but the shield it gives a sentry is to much.

It's a casual game you play for fun. Only babies get butt hurt over dying to a random crit.

-90% damage to sentries so team gonna rely on spies more

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I can't think of anything else that should go

It's so cringy when people virtue signal about not enjoying when they get a crit. Shooting a crit rocket at a dustbowl chokepoint and seeing the killfeed light up with deaths gets me out of bed in the morning.

play comp


make it so that he takes as much damage as he dishes out when in melee range, thus encouraging them to actually switch weapons instead of low effort rocketspam.

As an Engineer and soldier main I would be 100% fine with this

Does it have to be a weapons?
Because I really would want to see TF2 dev team removed.

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>uh I like it so that means everyone likes it
No, you imbecile, that's not how it works.
Oh wait,
>playing dustbowl
I guess that explains things.

It's a hard choice:
>Dead Ringer
a crutch for bad spies and an enabler for good ones.
Dealing with a dead ringer spy is a hassle for every class.
making certain classes useless with the push of a button is stupid. If it were 1 or 2 uber bars with a normal charge rate, then it wouldn't be annoying.
but when the vaccinator medic's only counter is spies and demoknights, then it's going to far.
>Black Box
free HP for aiming in the general direction of an enemy is a fucking crutch, especially when the brain dead retard is spamming corridors.
it's stupid that a gunslinger engie can shut out parts of the map for certain classes because he threw down his shitty little gun. Fighting the nigger in general is annoying as 100% of the time he'll shit out a mini then start shooting at you, and you have to choose what to kill first: the gun or the autist who created it.

People who unironically use the term crutch should just uninstall immediately.

When rocket jumping, soldier takes reduced self-damage. 45 hp instead of 90. Remove that reduction if the blast hits an enemy, similar to how it works on gunboats already.
Would make running shotgun viable and punish retards for just jumping and shooting when caught close range.
Reduce passive healing on conch to 2 hp, increase healing when buffed and remove speed increase.
Nerf air strike from 8 max rockets loaded to 6.
Buff equalizer to deal 50 damage when full and 140 when at 1 hp.
Rework direct shit to only deal increased damage to buildings.
Maybe reduce rocket speed very slightly.

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Imagine taking tf2 so seriously you can't even enjoy getting a crit or fun but shitty maps like dustbowl. You're probably a faggy tryhard who 'mains' scout and plays mge and hardly even enjoys the game.

Remove the Direct Shit

Vac should really get 3 ubers at 33%. Waiting longer for them and having less in reserve would make it easier to deal with.

I was playing against a soldier with the direct hit and I swear he had an aim bot Because I would round a corner and he would place like 2 perfect shots on me within a second

A crutch is actually a pretty cogent analogy to how certain weapons (or whatever else) work in games. In real life a crutch would support someone who is very weak to have more psychically competent than he would naturally, however it would be a major hindrance to someone who was athletic.

>wtf how could you not enjoy eating shit i bet you're a tryhard who hates playing the game
Nice try, but no

Sniper to me was always the dumbest class in TF2 because depending on the map he is either a major threat that you can only counter with another Sniper, or mediocre.
And just in general I never liked snipers in video games due to how anti-fun they can be to fight.

Gunboats only reduce damage by 40%, then just slightly reduce all splash damage for his rockets across the board.
Not a huge nerf, but he's a little less effective now.
Then buff Pyro, since Pyro is the closest thing to a counter he has.

I wouldn't.
Though I do hate most reskins.

Don’t you mean demo, there is no reason to play spur over sniper or demo if you’re trying to destroy sentries

Just reduce the damage reduction to 50%, but also the reduction to repairing to 50%.
Then give Engie a few more good secondaries.

first time playing in years, what settings do i change?
does all this 'interp' shite actually matter?

..tired of soldier taking no effort to get good at

Diamondback I guess.

/thread worst item ever added to tf2

Give soldier a sandvich and miniguns, heavy loses his miniguns and gets aboutslutely nothing in return.

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there's a few i dislike
scorch shot
black box
crit a cola

Make it so you can ban classes

Fuck off. Solly and demo are broken as it is.

they're balanced though

No need
He’s a solid class as is


it's on the wiki

Low IQ

Remove random crits from the game
Take pyro back to the old degreaser/axetinguisher combo they had before they reworked the class to be a piece of shit W+M1 machine

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remember to get at least one waifu sign, buds
the power of love is real and it can actually help you win more often

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if i buy you a gun will you kill yourself?

probably not, no

Post cosmetics which shouldn't be Halloween restricted.

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Soldier was clearly the class you are meant to play first, and it's clearly meant to be the class that can do everything. Do you think it was designed to be functional in almost every environment and just got out of control?

It's also in the built-in developer commentary
>The Critical hits system attempts to slightly influence the highs and lows of the game by increasing the chance of a Critical hit based upon the player's recent performance. In summary, the better you're doing the more likely you'll continue to do well.

ew go back to /vg/ tripnigger

A lot of fun from spectating people for 20 seconds.

Sentry damage and healing also boost crit rate, which is why medics and engineers crit so damn much

>the better you're doing
>dealing damage means you are doing good

>nerf splash by 50%
>nerf his hp to 175
>reduce the effect of gunboats so its only 30%
There, you cannot argue against this soldierbabbys

Remove Black Box, Conch, Beggar's Bazooka, Cow Mangler, everything post 2010 desu
also revert Equalizer

>Rework direct shit to only deal increased damage to buildings.
Yeah that minicrit on airborne targets bonus will come in real handy against dispensers.

>equip wrangler
>now sentry takes 90% less damage from all sources

>increase damage by 300%
>set crit chance to 150%
>boost HP by 5000%
>rocket jumps do no damage to self
>cock size increased by 500%
>give medal of "best competitive player in the universe" everytime I play soldier
>american anthem plays at 6000 dB at all time

I have built quite a few floating dispensers in my time

Loch n Load and Direct hit shouldn't do extra damage to buildings, only to players. You're hitting a static target, why should you get a bonus? Meanwhile, it takes skill to hit a moving target, so you'd deserve the extra damage.

As an engi it pisses me off that my hard work goes up in smoke in seconds.

>it takes skill to hit a moving target, so you'd deserve the extra damage.
Extra damage should rely on distance, there's no skill in shooting them short range/point blank which 90% of soldiers do.

Both players have the same opportunity to reach the max crit chance amount.

>engie main talking about what does and doesn't require skill
Spamming minis is not "hard work".

I agree.
Spy is the Engie counter.


make his rockets act identical to that of quake rockets: 100-1 splash damage max at any range

Is there a new script or some shit to do with the Classic? There was some dudes in servers last night who were moving VERY fucking strangely, like walking at half-speed and getting crazy ass shots off. And they were stab-proof too, I verified this with another Spy on my team who took a go at one

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what is lag switch for 500 jim

Their pings were fine, definitely wasn't that. I know because on top of all this bullshit they also had a Spy with 300ping that nobody would fucking kick

Honestly there really aren't many situations where I don't feel like I could take on a soldier as any other class while at the same time feeling like he could take me on if he can outplay me.

Other than the splash radius on slow rockets being a bit too big he feels to be about the most balanced class in the game.

Soldier, demo and scout are the classes I look forward to fighting against, heavy and pyro are the ones I sigh when I realise I have to fight them and the rest get no reaction out of me. I'm a soldier and hybrid demo main.

A good soldier can pull off some insane shit, a bad soldier is a free kill.

Hey guys I uncrated a widowmaker strangifier which has been my goal but now that I see it has some worth should I just sell it or use it on the widowmaker I crafted?

use it on a genuine to make it pimpin

>use it on a genuine
But then it won't say crafted by me on it


>disguised as Sniper on Badwater, hanging around the area where you can do the exploit
>enemy Medic comes running by, his pocket had just been killed
>call for him and run towards the cart, like I want to attack, where I know my team's sentry waits
>he starts healing me, doesn't realize I'm a Spy
>say "Sentry ahead!"
>he Ubers me
>run forward and turn around to stare at him until the Uber fades, then shoot him in the back
Is there a better feeling? Knowing you completely fucking tricked someone like that is amazing.

Alright I'll use it fuck being part of the economy

>mfw I just had to deal with one demonigger with this shit who legged it like a fucking pussy everytime someone sneezes in his direction

Also since when don't headshots stop charges anymore?

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cheers, doctor.

>Medic ubers a sniper

I'm not sure if you should be impressed that you tricked someone with a smooth brain.


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Thanks, but I think this was one too many Doktor

>Ricardo Heavy has become so popular that it's driven up the cost of the required cosmetics

Quick, someone find another way to meme our inventory's demand up

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He thought he was about to be killed by my team, I think. And a Sniper could kill a level three sentry in a few shots, so the Uber wouldn't have been wasted if I had been his Sniper.


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Uhhh what's he doing with his free arm?

how can you guys stand playing with that annoying hud element at the top of your screen? its taking away a entire inch of screen space.

Are you playing on 600x400 or something?

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>respawn as engineer
>Sniper takes my teleporter

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I hate that absolute disrespect.
The order is Engie > Medic > Heavy > Pyro > Sniper/Spy/Demo/Soldier > Scout

>respawn as engi
>get on teleporter
>someone comes out of spawn and wedge me off the teleporter enough that they get teleported instead

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I often take the teleporter as Scout just to be an ass.
Hey don't blame me, I also take medkits in front of burning teammates to regen 5 hp.

>see engie trying to use his teleporter
>hop on it and taunt as I get teleported over him

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True scum.

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>not enjoying getting a melee crit
>not enjoying slaughtering someone with a well placed shotgun crit
Are you human?

Melee crits are the only enjoyable crits, not only for their efficiency so much as such sending the guy in front of you flying 20 miles away screaming.

>tfw you land the third punch on an enemy with the Gunslinger and that crit connects


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