Is this accurate, Yea Forums?
Is this accurate, Yea Forums?
I don't know who any of those are
>Caddicarus = Blockbuster Buster
Youtube should be deleted
the only one of these I know from appearance are the disgusting goblin on the vidya side and the zod's snapped neck dude on the right
Jahns is alright though. He knows he's not a qualified to be taken seriously and just wants entertain people.
Stickmann on the other hand....
Is Chris Stuckman attractive or is his voice just sexy?
>watching "reviewers"
>watching "content creators"
Why are there no based book youtubers
They're all hipster faggots and women
Honestly, yeah, it is for the most part
Sounds like someone wants to get Stuckmannized
Sony gamers look really good so yes
Does. Does that hurt :U
who are these people?
But dude, Pewdiepie's book club
I don't think so
Dude, Ahoy is above them all. His quake and doom videos are Literally better than Most commercial documentarys.
>no ProZD on Based tier
>no Gigguk on Based tier
Funhaus is a comedy channel that uses video games as riffing material more than anything. they're still great though
Please leave steve out of your ironic shitposts
he a good boi and is too pure for this board
Yes, they are all monumental faggots with nothing interesting to say.
this, when you make an OP full of eceleb shit at least give us a quick rundown on them
I only know Totalbiscuit and the cross-dressing jew on the top left. Who are the other guys?
ProZD is Reddit.
Funhaus went to shit when they themselves went corporate. IG and early FH was great but now it's just boring whoring.
Bottom Left is Caddicarus
Top Right is Jeremy Jahns
Mid Right is Johnathan Mcintosh
>people on Yea Forums actually watch Matt Christiansen
the fuck? i thought most of his other viewers were boomers
Based retard
he's pretty alright, its not just his voice
would totally let him smash my bussy
Yeah, his shit is honestly great. His voice alone carries the documentaries, but they’re also pretty great.
This image is fucking cringeworthy.
what about Mandalore
Three of those pics are just the same guy
>ProJared and Jeremy Jahns often deliver normie level opinions on vidya and movies, but somehow have a following
>Johnny and Stickmann have a more autistic eye for detail. One isn't a pretentious shit like the other
>I know fuck all about the bottom two.
>Anywhere but the void
Go back to resetera
Why is ProZD reddit?
Yeah, who pays attention to this gay shit?
>projared vydia reviewer
no, he's just a let's played becuse of "DEPRESSION"
The first guy on the left is really nice and the bottom left COULD be charismatic if he acted like a normal human being
Contrapoints is A tier and Natalie is pretty
>no ProZD
>melon and Chris redpill yer mum Raygun in the same tier as pewdiepie
When was the last time Projared made a proper video? Last I checked he's living off streams
>Joseph Anderson not in the void where he belongs
mfw he was more afraid of Don’t Starve and Until Dawn than SOMA
>Todd In the Shadows
>Old Game Grumps
Fuck, I don't even browse reddit though except for Yugioh and porn
At least jeremy still post videos
Chris Ray Gun is A tier at best.
Who's the Chris Stuckmann equivalent?
Outdated meme. We have live version now
Give me the equivalant to this
Thanks user