Before its nerf, was AV the most powerfull boss in videogame history?

before its nerf, was AV the most powerfull boss in videogame history?

Attached: Absolute Virtue (FFXI).png (687x437, 120K)

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explain what was so strong about him for those of us who didnt play ff11

Devs made him unbeatable then when turbo-autists actually succeeded in killing him after 20 hours of uninterrupted fighting (with people collapsing from exhaustion) the devs patched it so he couldn't be killed that way

>Absolute Virtue is notorious for being the longest running NM that remained undefeated by players through legitimate means. This added to the unpopularity of the development team at the time, because any method deemed unacceptable by them would be removed from the game. The methods to curb Absolute Virtue's difficulty were officially revealed when the development team released a video with hints on how to defeat it in 2008, nearly three years after the battle was introduced. The video was heavily criticized for being too vague, and said method posted was quickly patched. Absolute Virtue had, on several occasions, been fought and held by linkshells for over 30 hours trying to defeat it, to no avail.

players have abilities based on their job called two hour abilities which function exactly like it says on the box, with a 2 hour cooldown. AV has access to all of them, most notably the white mage's Benediction, which heals it to full. People would spend days on end fighting him with large groups and SE thought it would be funny to tell people they weren't fighting him correctly and patching him

>sip yep they don't make MMOs like they used to, I tell you they were more fun in my days back when devs were firmly committed to making them as unfun as possible
>cracks beer sips yep, youngsters nowadays are spoiled with their fun and engaging gameplay they don't understand that games need to be bad to be good

who implied that? or is it just a projection

I believe Pandemonium Warden was worse from what I recall. AV wasn't the reason AV got patched; PW was. PW had actual news articles about people getting physically ill and one dudes dog died or some shit. After the negative press, SE said they'd nerf Warden and AV by proxy since it was the same level of bullshittery. Either way, AV *had* ways implemented to make it "easier" even though it was never figured out and executed properly. PW was just pure, unabashed fuck you manifested. Even if you somehow made it past the ten phases of constant anal poundage, when you clear the fight the fucking boss' dying text was "This is the end of nothing" and pretty much makes fun of you for no-lifeing the game.

Isn't this fag just a dungeon boss in FF14?

Pre-nerf C'thun is worse.

>one dudes dog died

Insane high HP and defense, the ability to use special incredibly powerful abilities that did insane amounts of damage and an ability to fully heal all it's HP.

It was literally impossible to kill.

@5 mins

yep, kick his ass real easy. don't know what all the cryings about.

It's also overtuned trash

>one dudes dog died or some shit
>ftw mmo boss was so strong he killed puppers

Attached: 1531375224680.jpg (640x480, 31K)

>fun and engaging gameplay

name one

>he methods to curb Absolute Virtue's difficulty were officially revealed when the development team released a video with hints on how to defeat it in 2008, nearly three years after the battle was introduced. The video was heavily criticized for being too vague, and said method posted was quickly patched.
So, this whole boss was a big fat joke on the community right? There's literally no other reason for this.

Attached: 1542501144570.jpg (2048x2048, 293K)

>boss summons 40 pets over the course of the fight
>kills yours

XI in general was a sort-of play on how much SE could force their players to endure for the sake of a gratifying clutch win. The odd part was it pulled the community together REALLY tightly, to the point where a LOT of players made friends they still talk to a decade later. Some parts they went way overboard with though, like AV, PW and a whole circle of boss fights to spawn them both that took literal weeks. Can you imagine a timegated content that took weeks only to spawn an unkillable turd that wiped the floor with you and your team of 24 other people for hours? At that point the only way to win is to not even engage when it spawned.

>Yiazmat = Yasumi Matsuno

somehow this never occurred to me

>Though most sacred among its Kind, its great Power drove it to Madness, and in the End, it became a Threat to its own Creator.

Attached: rita shock.gif (300x225, 992K)

Intriguing. Sounds like it was kinda effective when you put it like that (you know, aside the whole nigh/literally unkillable superbosses part).

Yiazmat isn't hard you dumbass it just takes a long time

Which isn't even true anymore now that everyone has access to turbo in zodiac versions

>Upon its introduction into Final Fantasy XI, more than 36 players marathon fighting Pandemonium Warden for 18 hours were unable to defeat it. They were forced to retire after members of the party started to become physically ill; after such a prolonged period of gaming, they began to faint and vomit, creating news reports to be filed in argument of the game's User Message present at every login, which states that Square Enix "...does not wish to see [their players'] lives..." suffer as a result of extensive play. Following the 18 hour attempt, the monster (along with Absolute Virtue) was patched to only have a spawn time of two hours, and its overall difficulty was significantly decreased — if not beaten within that time, it despawns and vanishes; also, its satellites no longer have 25,000 HP each, but closer to only 2,400.

Squeenix, truly retarded or TRULY RETARDED?

Attached: 4a93b87b-421f-4ef7-a9ff-4ef807158c11.jpg (502x389, 26K)

This was.

Attached: 1531932373225.png (342x439, 236K)

no this is.

Attached: Lady_of_pain.jpg (281x441, 20K)