what did redbull mean by this.. ?
What did redbull mean by this.. ?
I mean, they're right
Japan's racial homogeny is BAD!
except they're not
diverse as in ugly mutts
Why does this shit make people seethe so much?
someone replace the left with mk11 characters
redbull: reddit
monster: Yea Forums
Skarlet, Revenant Jade, Cassie, and Frost look good. Everyone else is meh.
>every female character has a manjaw and a fivehead
That’s a knee-slapper!
except they're are
>Pretending to be journalists
because there was nothing wrong with how women were modeled before, not using NRS as an example but the picture as a whole, all this "diversity" shit means they just make women uglier and fatter in the guise of it being the the good of all people, it's the same thing as if guns in videogames all started adding an orange tip for the sake of improving humanity, we all know if a company does something it's not for diversity, it's for profit and as my favorite streamer (Hasasan abi) says, profit is theft!
Reminder: when a company starts randomly spewing political bullshit and getting involved in twitter bitchfits, chances are extremely high that there’s some #MeToo shit going on behind the scenes that they’re trying to deflect from. Funny how RedBull used to be all about those extreme sports and even made commercials that blatantly said “Drink RedBull to fuck better”, and now they’re suddenly acting like guilty feminists.
call them racist for saying asian designed characters all look the same
Diverse means anti-white
Be wary of the three bracket upper echelon
Because they're incels. They're just as easily triggered as the trannies.
No doubt NRS hired some blue hair catladies and trannies and they’re the ones pushing this through. But that’s beside the point, which is that these characters are goddamn hideous and I play vidya in part to get away from the nightmare clown world these subhumans have produced.
>"I hate anime."
>Kitana not on that list
Hating anime causes balding?
>nightmare clown world these subhumans have produced.
get off twitter retard
>"Look how woke we are, buy our products!"
I see literally five Shreks
>All those shirtless muscle mountais
>every wemen is covered up and prudish with same tit size
da double think
They certainly look unique, but nothing badass about them.
In any case, I don't really understand the outrage about shit female designs in MK11. They were absolute garbage in MKX and 9 too, why do suddenly so many people choose to care now? Why didn't they burn NRS as much during MKX and 9 days? I thought people played Mortal Kombat for the chessy over the top borderline comical violence, and not titties.
Un-ironically yes. Spending that much time being angry at something that does not effect you that other people enjoy?
>Both eastern devs
>both have same face syndrome
>no ass
Seems like a racist stereotype to me.
>they all look unique and BADASS.
theres something really fucking weird about companies just giving the keys to spout off whatever shit opinions they have publicly to some 20 year old female intern with a stick up her ass.
like whoever asked for the opinion of the fucking red bull esports division.
why does wendys just shitpost
why does sunny d pretend its depressed to sell some fuckin drinks.
when did we allow corporations to pretend to act like people, not just people but shitty entitled whiny people
Aw fuck, my bad. I knew I was missing a character.
A shame, but she looks good nonetheless.
>guy brings up socialists and feminists for no reason
4 f r e e
I don't give a shit about their skin color or how much of their tits they're showing off. My fetishes are too advanced and esoteric to care about something as mundane as NRS-quality modeled tits
But I absolutely hate that ugly ass facial structure they all have. It's the same wide cheekbones, dopey mouth, shallow sloped forehead FAS look as the chick from Mass Effect Andromeda.
When did this become the go-to female design? How can any self respecting character designer look at their cast of half a dozen women that all have the same face and be okay with it?
So the previous MK games are anime?
wtf I love MK now??
I just feel like there's way too much ink being spillef over such a non-issue. The closest I can compare this to is how a bunch of people on social media wanted to crucify some singer because he publically expressed how much he didn't care about Notre Dame burning and used the opportunity to sellout while he was there. It's like it takes so very little for people to bite on the bait and just freely advertize the motherfuckers they so desperately want to actually ruin.
i never liked redbull anyway
Because it's stupid and phony as shit. I mean, it's an energy drink company virtue signalling. It's just fucking embarrassing.
i mean its true. if you pop a blood vessel every time you see someone with an anime avatar on twitter i guess you'd start losing hair quickly
>they all look unique
They all look like they were ripped out of the latest Avengers movie.
It's just outrage culture. Beta white knights are going to REEEEEE about anything that triggers their insecurities, and beta incels are going to do the same thing.
They kinda were.
Red Bull is tasteless garbage
It is funny how capitalism/corporatism is the main purveyor of leftism. Ironic almost.
If attractive characters are "anime copypasta" what do you call this? Amerigoblinpasta?
and this is why you dont drink redbull
It’s not the company dude it’s one retarded social media manager
The most different one are all male lel
It's only Yea Forums which is a cesspool full of fat neckbeards that only like anime jrpgs.
red bull is expensive garbage you might as well buy the cheap shit tastes the same anyway
Or maybe it should be a wake-up call to the nazis and incels, that in 2019 even for profit compaines see who is on the right side of history, and your bigoted days are numbered.
Of course, you are too stupid to see that. Honestly, this post was r/selfawarewolves tier.
>muh anime
First sign the person is completely wrong about any issue
really makes u think
So who hired the social media manager?
Fuck Red Bull
Now Monster, THAT'S an energy drink
reminder that the only good mortal kombat game isnt even a fighting game
>Skarlet, Revenant Jade, Cassie, and Frost look good.
They all look the same.
does anyone in this thread think "diversity" is a selling point? why?
They were called "tumblrized" characters a few years ago.
Muhhhhh dick
I didn't know Hank Hill was a secret character
BRB buying a 6 pack of Based Redbull
No, because the people who want it will not buy the game.
If you want a good fighting game with an actually diverse cast of non ugly people, then play any King of Fighters game.
real talk:
I like redbull, i drink it once in a while, its alright
I tried monster for the memes but honestly the green and black one is disgusting
Zero ultra is a little better but it kind of just tastes like sprite
I've never had a Red Bull in my life.
Yeah but the females are all very different
based, one of the best coop games ever
Unironically this. Red Bull is tasteless trash. At least Monster has a flavor even if most of them are disgusting.
At least "anime" isn't washed out as this MK, seriously where the fuck are the colors in that game holy shit, people really underestimate the power of colors and saturation and game can look so much more better with a little more color. Also why are people shitting on "anime" so much as of late? It's weird.
yeah i mean whats wrong with seeing major corporations virtue signaling on twitter and even worse seeing retards actually believe them and not realize it's just another form of marketing
but hey it doesn't affect me right it's not like i play videogames and am indirectly impacted by the overall direction peoples choices cause the industry to head in
Literally pic related.
The first literal who is right.
Red bull literal who pulled a flagrant.
OP is a faggot.
No, redbull, dont do this. You do so much for the FGC and I respected that. Why would you step into the political bullshit.
>tweet deleted
Diversity is a selling point but not in the way leftists use it.
For example, Street Fighter wouldn't be as fun if every character was a Japanese martial artist.
You can see the difference when devs say "varied" instead of "diverse" even though they are synonyms.
What's with all the fight game shit on this board can't you nigger and spics contain your autism in one thread like all the other white posters here?
I live in clown capital USA, it’s all around me
Time to switch to Monster Energy
Not as different as the males. Females are much more similar to each other.
Redbull is for retarded white people so I'm not at all surprised.
Ironic that they post this the same day their twitter is shilling for Joker in Smash
cant find the tweet
I acutally like the green and black one, while zero ultra tasts like warm piss, just like every other "zero" or "diet" drinks that use artificial flavors to substitute sugar.
w-were n-not s-s-see-ssseething! w-w-we're l-la-l-l-laughing! h-ha!
Hey look at my OC characters, they're recognizable at glance and are unique. They represent empowerment against patriarchy and toxic i*ceù
btw I spent 20 minutes of work on this so it must be good
Well, Red Bull is correct.
Only problem is real human beings are fucking ugo and anime girls are hot by design
So what? They still aren't very similar to each other.
That big corporations are saying what jews want them to say?
What other memes you got, so I can reply "have sex", and then have us both shit up the thread arguing for 2 hours?
I'm not even a weeb, but people play games to escape reality. If I wanted to see a diverse group of ugly nonwhite mutts, I'd just walk down to the nearest walmart.
Do they even know what "copy pasta" means?
People laughed when they said that they would come after your waifus
Imagine being a normalfag and consuming mainstream media. Its like looking at human garbage.
>MK9 women
>look unique and badass
>they all look ugly as shit
>girl picks the prettiest one
Every fucking time
>evil monster caricatures
he's right though, they're practically just palette swaps
which i guess is par for the course for NRS so whatever
>copy pasta
Does he mean sameface or perhaps just copy paste?
the green and black one was waaayyy to sweet for me
maybe its because im not used to sugar so much anymore
Drinking tea/coffee without sugar is great once your tastebuds addapt
Seriously a good iced tea is better than any other drink
Can any white anons explain why your race behaves like this? Even muslims will drop the prude shit in private.
Someone in charge of the Advertising department I guess
..who represents the company on Twitter.
they deleted it
They hired him to represent the company
MK11 is vibrant as hell, what are you talking about?
>slipper slope is just a fallacy
It's Americans user and yes if we could we would bomb the fuck out of them.
Who owns the advertising department?
That's racist.
Gamergate 2 is clearly around the corner.
I'm not really angry about it, but I remember a time when people were giving Midway shit for publishing a game with over excessive gore. It feels weird to see a game like Mortal Kombat where it's cracking skulls and blood getting everywhere and the males are all shirtless and larger than life, but the women are all fully clothed and modest compared to the males.
Short Answer: WW2 broke white people
Who are you quoting?
>million sekiro threads (this is okay)
>million smash threads
>million e-celeb threads
>million twittercap threads
>million of porn threads
Oh no, not the fighting games
animenegroids are in denial that they are the lowest common denominator, they slurp up garbage and aks for more
I can't believe they just copy-pasted this from D'Vorah.
i live in america and i still dont fucking understand it
i feel like an alien living here
Well, I'm practically addicted to sugary drinks, I can't think of any part in my life when I wasn't drinking them so it feels normal for my tastes. I know I should cut back on this shit, but at this point it's too late so I'm rolling with it until I can.
Iced tea is god tier though, you are right.
this is a dog whistle thread and you know it
that's funny coming from someone who eats up this shit
Looking forward to Gamergat3 myself.
Its burgers ruining the fun for the rest of us.
Couldn't find the unedited original but this is the truth of the matter
>video games
I like the Mia Wallace haircut. Only my opinion.
>giving a single fuck about how attractive characters are in a fighting game
None of you incels play fighting games. Go back to your VN's.
silence, brand
The funniest thing tough is that the whole modesty thing used to be enforced by puritan Christians, while now it's being pushed on by leftists who hate christianity lol
middle eastern here, white people are so dumb, they live in heaven, with "free" speech but they're ready to throw that away for dumb reasons, they dont know how privileged they are, dont know how its like to live in a country with censorship/prudeness
Only the high class ones in California and New York behave like this because ironically they have the true privilege that they claim to hate while the lower-middle class huwhitos (the majority) get the same amount of free time and paydirt as every other plebeian nationality here.
Sekiro is mostly 1 thread
Smash is a fight game
E-celeb threads are cancer
Twittercap threads are cancer
Porn threads are cancer
you're dumb anime poster.
incels have been the core audience of fighting games since the 90's
I'm 60 and have my full hair. Can confirm anime doesnt make you bald.
They're a race of pussies and faggots, there's no other explanation.
Cannot fucking WAIT for those fucktards to go extinct, I'd rather chinks be the world leaders than whites.
unironically this.
>those Youtube videos showing pick rates in series like League of Legends and Smash; huge diverse casts of characters
>women of all sorts collectively and invariably gravitate towards the cute and prettiest females every single time, and also almost always reject uglier monsters/beasts
they're diverse, nobody said they were attractive
I wasnt like addicted or something, but i decided to cut it out
Every once in a while i drink like a glass of coke or something
Its really not as hard as youd think, giving it up
The start is the hardest part
I just started drinking more tea, like fruit flavored ones with VERY little sugar, eventually dropping it completely
At first they taste like nothing but eventually you develop a taste for it
They don’t approve every tweet they do dude
They don’t do a political check when hiring it’s just some shit head intern running it
I had one can once.
I don't know why people love it so much because I drank it and could sleep without problems, had no plus in the energy and the taste isn't good either.
Yeah well, we might be pussies and faggots now, but don't forget we ruled the world, including whatever shithole you're from, for centuries.
But yeah the golden age is over now, I hope we get nuked while there's still a little bit of pride left in us
>only whites
Lemme break it down:
65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%)
Difference is 2.86m, equating to a 2.2% bias in a binary system.
But the thing is, is that "diversity" is an enforced issue, and most people don't just hate other races. Even the middle right people wouldn't subtly hint at racist disposition. That means you've got a very limited selection of people willing to whinge about diversity, apolitical or right leaning extremists. This is where you'll get two fronts, you've chosen to support the plurality, and so you garner their support while people whinge about it from the opposite end of the spectrum. This breeds constant discourse. I can't count how many of these threads I've seen whining about how x isn't sexy, or that there are too many niggers.
Now that 2.2% is more like 10% with increased media exposure since journos have more reasons to plaster the shit on the front page because it immediately merits clicks. A 10% increase in sales and a 30% increase in coverage is nothing to scoff at. When you're talking games that have sold 10+ million if you can scratch out an extra 5-10% you're going to make so much more back due to the scale. 10% on a game that's only going to sale 500k copies is small, and for a niche game it's target demographic has an ecosystem which certain demands are made, and won't or can't be accommodated elsewhere. Look at N:A for example, it was never expected to be as successful as it became, and it had copy pasted anime girls who were hypersexy. They got away with it because they are a small studio catering to a low volume demographic so 10%, while ostensibly a large sum, isn't the $126m that CoD:FSU would be.
They don't want to BE the ugly women, they want the ugly women to be there so they feel better about themselves.
All the females have ugly faces with either:
>high heels
>pointless shoulder armor
>small cleavage with minor exposure
>ugly, over designed body
>possibly a long loin cloth, yet with leather pants underneath
(Jade, Skarlet, Kitana, Cetrion)
>ugly tacticool sci fi armor with a leather jacket (Sonya, Jacqui, Cassie)
Kids were, actually. Not jobless virgins.
>the recent christmas set by this artist
Asians aren't diversity unless it suits their agenda
Weird how redditors and retarderas, who actually dont play many games and just bitch about diversity or post their Mario stuffed animal for internet points, tell incels and losers who literally only have games to occupy their time that they dont play games.
>tfw never even touched an energy drink in my life
Kids are jobless virgins so it checks out
*honk honk*
this is hilarious because I remember there being black French colonials at the beginning of the movie, so the distribution/"diversity" would be about equal
it's only retarded faggots from shitholes like jew york and cuckifornia
It's been happening all throughout human history. No one likes it. No one gives you brownie points for boasting. Even islam tells people not to be prideful. And yet people still would rather brag about their good deeds instead of just doing good deeds. Argument pending on what is considered a good deed.
Who's the artist ?
Are energy drinks even relevant anymore? I thought they died out with MTV, motocross and Tapout.
I honestly wish it bombs. But if redbull's already involved, chances are it won't.
I don't really care about the ugly designs, grew up playing with that ugly fuck of Pesina playing half of the cast. But all I really wanted was another silly MK game filled with wuxia references.
Man, fuck whoever put in the consumer's mind the idea that vidya needed a try-hard serious narrative.
Both western art and anime are garbage.
>hate whites for being pussys
>openly invites communist china to rule him
you are a coward and im guessing a maximum of 16 years old
Score > Dark Dog > Mr Big > Monster >>>>> Redbull
>dog whistle
who made this catch on so quickly? there's no way some youtuber didn't mention this in a video that went viral ~a year ago.
The hypocrisy behind it probably. It's becoming increasingly obvious to the average internet dwelling retard that "diversity" isn't actually diversity. It's a smokescreen for power tripping faggots to deny people things they don't like.
Thanks my dude
Kids arent jobless virgins? MK, the goriest series of all time, is for kids?
The thing that pisses me off is that for all their posturing and virtue signaling, they never actually make cool monstrous female characters
They're always just plain ugly chicks that probably look like the designers girlfriend
No one complains about Medusa or Broodmother in Dota, or Riptor in KI or Double and Painwheel in Skullgirls if you can count them, because they're still good designs that use their not-sexyness for a purpose, and most importantly aren't bad looking. They can be ugly, they can be unattractive, but as soon as they look "bad" you've failed as a designer no matter how realistic and empowered they are.
The lack of more characters like this shows how terrible a job all the supposed progressive devs are actually doing. I'm not against more female characters that exist for reasons other than fapbait, but at least fapbait has a reason to exist.
protip for next time, iqdb gives you the source within seconds
If female character designs are enough to put you off from playing a fighting game, you probably weren’t going to play it in the first place
That LuisRio guy sounds legit crazy. Don't do /pol/, kids. Or Tumblr. It'll scramble your brain.
Holy shit, there's a woman I work with who has a great body and face but then she turns around and there's literally no ass. It's a damn shame.
I was planning to drink a bang that my brother left behind in my room until I accidentally the whole thing on the bus. I took that as a sign that I shouldn't be drinking that stuff ever.
>he thinks brand image on Twitter isnt intensively focus grouped and individual tweets dont have to go through multiple levels of approval before being released
It's zoomers. They're all a bunch of crybaby faggot tattletale whistle-blowers. They screech and sob to any corporation or public figure that will listen to them on instinct.
is he wrong though?
Imagine replying to a retarded bot account literally designed to rile people up.
Like FirstnameLastnameEightnumbers is the bottiest bot username you could ever imagine and people still fall for that shit.
Damn, weird how that statement works for the tumblrinas and millennials complaining about MK's sex appeal in the first place...... woah......
What did OP mean by this?
Who said anything about having to be angry about it, then shouldn’t all of twitter be bald if being angry at something that doesn’t affect you is the cause?
It's a resetera buzzword.
It's a tool that you need to know how to use it, most western devs use it as advertising. And I think people have a different idea of diversity.
Diversity isn't a black woman in Sekiro as Isshin or a gallowglass Ameridian boy in Medieval Ireland. Diversity is creating one story about a black woman, one story about an Amerindian boy and another story about a gallowglass in Ireland.
Smash isn't a fighting game and you saying make one thread for fighting games is like saying to make one thread for all fps games. Plus there's not even a lot of fighting game threads on Yea Forums at any given point.
>great body
>no ass
Sorry but that qualifies as a bad body
they meant fuck off to your containment board, /pol/cuck
silence, brand
They really, really don't, for most companies. Some start to take it seriously after a social media manager fucks up super hard, but most will either just outsource it to a PR firm or feed some internal employee a list of shit to tweet about that week and let them do whatever.
Nah, I invite China because I know chinks will subjugate whites like they deserve.
ESPECIALLY white women, fucking cancer incarnate that lot is.
these people have a vested interest in these games as sonsors or sponsored players
don't expect criticism from them outside of tepid gameplay crit
Shhh don’t say that, you’ll piss off the one angry gamer shills
Honestly as someone who likes the look of a fully armored woman better than a bikini armor and also likes small boobs I am more attracted to alot of the character design changes
This is a Mortal Kombat thread please refrain from trolling or I may have to contact the janitorial team.
Leftists literally don't how to do anything other than "no u" spaced out with insults regarding sex. Look at snowflake, you never see it being used by boomer conservatives anymore, it's entirely leftists millennials using it as "no u" now. The "you don't play video game" shit is no u from back when we called out feminists and other gurl gamers that they don't actually play the video games they complain about, since the vast majority of them play mobile "games". Now in true lefty fashion they're spinning the narrative back on us, while simultaneously telling us we're incel losers who do nothing but play video games. Lefty insults don;t have to make sense they only need to shame and deflect.
Thanks mate, I always struggled to find sources with fucking TinyEye lol
Kitana is like Lightning with a better personality
Disregarding skin showing..
>Earlier MK games had females as athletic or very tall and brawny builds
>MK11 has them looking like 5 foot tall stick figures
This is the real crime
That is not what is meant by diversity. A Frenchman, a German, an Irishman, a Spaniard and an American in a room is not diverse. Likewise a dragonbreed, a demigod, a zombie, a cyborg and a demon arent diverse.
Diversity to these people are literally just black people, queers and ugly women
I think it has to do with the fact that the women don't have broad shoulders and narrow hips like they do in MK9.
They mean the free advertising they're getting from retards such as yourself.
Incel status
One Angry Gamer status
Alt Right status
Street Fighter status
DOA status
Tekken status
Pedo Island (Japan) status
Yea Forums is on suicide watch
White liberals conspired with Jews to destroy the white race
>tweet deleted
who the fuck drinks red bull anymore anyways?
literally everyone I know that still buys the guarana jew all drink monsters
Did the teenager running it forget to switch to his other account
Every. Single. Thread. Is NRS money really that good?
What redbull meant was: "how can we cash in on the latest trend and push our shit poison drink on retards that will gives us their money and make use even more rich, simply because we pandered to their stupid bullshit?"
my god imagine being one of the people actually participating in the conversation sparked by Mortal Kombat outfits being too reserved
lmao have sex
The problem is the way the word is used now is heavily steeped in an American context. It almost invariably means an americanized character with modern american values in some americanized theme park of a foreign setting. They don't bother to do any research because that would mean learning things that aren't from pop culture.
I'm happy for you, but the entire game shouldn't be one extreme or the other.
Have a mix of bodytypes and give everybody practical, realistic costumes AND costumes that sexualize the fuck out of them. Men and women.
Like, this isn't fucking hard. You don't have to put your women in burqas but that's literally what Netherrealm is fucking doing.
I'll be happy when their game dies after two weeks when the casuals leave and they'll be banished back to fucking obscurity where they belong.
>left is all from one game
>right is from several different games
Can a white user explain why so much of your race is like this?
Not /pol/tards, I need a genuine white "liberal" to explain why your race is so full of faggots like this?
>worthless whore who uses her tits and ass to get attention on twitter shames people who want to see tits and ass
>NRS paying twitter whores to cosplay in tight outfits while putting their in game characters in burkas
Honk honk
anime is supposed to be copy paste though
they should all look the same regardless of game
low IQ reactionaries come up with insults that apply more to them than to anyone else, but use them anyway with a complete lack of self-awareness. then they make posts like this because once they introduce their sick burns into the real world, they get it thrown back in their faces and have no counter other than to retreat to their echo chamber, come up with a new buzzword, repeat ad nauseum. even to the degree that those labels can also be applied to leftists, it's only proving horseshoe theory. you're just different sides of the same toilet seat
I told you nigger. I will be in EVERY mk thread to rape your sissy pussy.
Deal with it.
You can't rape the uncaring. I long since canceled my MK11 pre-order I'm just here for the laughs now.
Ah another man of enlightenment. But fuck the brood remake. Teeth on spiders looks retarded.
>how to make anti-SJW heads explode in a single tweet
it's a bunch of kids middle class white kids whose parents never made them do anything besides sit in their room jerking it to anime and playing video games so when things start to change their world is literally disintegrating
You spend every thread crying not laughing.
You get super upsetti spaghetti at all my based posts.
Hes calling you a faggot retard
>MK11 defenders are frogposters
Makes sense. Next you'll be telling me you sneed post on Yea Forums
we understand how you retards stereotype people who play videogames. that's not the question that was asked.
>copy pasta
peak irony, the women's bodies all look incredibly similar in MK11 even when fully clothed or armored. Even the anime fighters they complain about have more variety in silhouettes than the ninja hoes in this game.
God forbid video game characters were to be attractive.
But if they spend so much time jerking off to anime then why are they always whining about sexy women in games?
You misunderstand, whining about how women is PURELY a white thing, I have NEVER seen a man of another race bitching and moaning about women being hot in a piece of media unless they were literally a faggot.
It's ONKY white guys.
Why is that?
Another random idiot with a keyboard entrusted with the public image of a big brand. What could go wrong.
Wasn't that supposed to be a bit of a joke with MK? I mean there's like 20 ninjas that originally were literally just palette-swaps. I suppose lefties can't into irony
See, you are upsetti spaghetti again.
>Also why are people shitting on "anime" so much as of late
Because Japan are the only people who don't give a fuck. There were people genuinely asking why Japan, the doujin market capital of the world, weren't mad about Goblin Slayer having a rape scene.
Japs don't care about their incessant whining. In other words, this means anime won't just become some SJW talking point trash like western cartoons and comics and that hurts those fuckheads since its the one industry they can't control.
They're trying to interfere and shape it by getting into dubbing but well... Maybe someone should tell them pissing off the biggest IP holder in Japan because you thrive and live off of fake drama for the sake of social justice to the point you've brought their IP into disrepute and forced legal action against yourselves while advertising yourselves as cast members of that IP isn't exactly a good idea... Unless they want to become hobos of course.
Then its a very good idea.
stop noticing things and buy product
>stereotype people who play videogames
Lmao this guy gets it. Unless suddenly, overnight, games stopped being incredibly expensive in the past and it's been a hobby open to any social class.
No, retards, stop pretending this hasn't always been an upper class white thing and the only faggots who literally throw themselves at this discussion are the ones who have literally nothing else and those are typically people who have inhabited the space since it's conception: upper class white people with social hang-ups.
It's a combination of arrogance and desperately wanting to look like the good guy to the point of degrading everyone else and making them look like retards
It's actual racism/sexism in disguise
>when the intern realizes they're not posting with their personal account
top kek
just fucking drink coffee fatsos
>why are people shitting on "anime" so much as of late?
Couldn't subvert it or its fans, so they'll just kill it off.
Most VNs and animus are shit, it's a fact, now stop crying incel
Tweet ranting about socialists and feminists
>Lol irony, stupid lefties, he's just kidding! He's not an asshole, he's just Shrodingers' Asshole.
Honestly, I liked all of the changes but Skarlet.
>Getting triggered by anime
Never change Americans.
>Zero ultra is a little better but it kind of just tastes like sprite
That sounds too good to be true because I despise energy drinks
"We desperately want to piss off our existing customer base because we are deluded enough to think that there is a much larger number of woke people who will buy our product if we pretend to be upset about people wanting attractive women in videogames."
Something like this, OP.
its ok to be racists against the Japanese, they will be nuked aother time anyway, with black cocks offered by the west for the Olympics
desu America has the absolute craziest weebs
"I am so eager to prove to everyone that I am a desperate loser obsessed with video game tits that I will not buy a game."
Wow, simply impressive. I want to slow clap for you.
Upsetti Spaghetti
*sips* the superior drink
>because there was nothing wrong with how women were modeled before
>Still pretending MK9's models looked good to own the libs
Is there any real point for complaining about the female characters in MK11? No matter if you’re an tumblrina or /pol/fag, you probably weren’t going to buy this fighting game in the first place because the vast majority of MK fans don’t care about vidya breast sizes. MK11 is going to be another multi-million seller like MKX and this twitter shitflinging isn’t going to stop it
>tfw we dont have green sips here
I don't like the modern female design but i agree with them, weeb shit design is trash.
I miss the old days...
Is using the same actress for photoscanning not copypasting?
I'm starting to hate that word more than "epic"
>starts with "imagine thinking"
>anime copy pasta
these subhumans definitely post on Resetera
>MK11 is going to be another multi-million seller like MKX and this twitter shitflinging isn’t going to stop it
And that's how I know you're a shill because that's the exact same line you all use.
Prove that you all play Mortal Kombat and aren't just bitching to be bitching. Shouldn't be an issue if you do.
How is a girl that got raped on screen several times so smug?
They're not you tranny.
if the men were not all half naked I honestly wouldn´t even care but the fact that they sited "realism" as the reason why they reduced the breasts size and costumes for all female fighters and then went ahead to give all male characters naked outfits is pretty ridicules
>literally no argument but stereotypes and racism
>thinks he's the good guy who promotes diversity
kys retard
>No reason
>Jewish corporation defends Jewish corporation
>take a stance
>exclude everyone that disagrees with you
>lump them together
must be convenient having a system to isolate yourself from the rest of humanity
lmao have sex
Sure, just as soon as you post a picture of your skin proving that you aren't a white faggot.
I don't care about the opinions of endangered species.
she came out on top in the end
Dishonest, liars, bender of words. Typical Americans.
>been an MK fan since 1
>never played as the females because they're dumb girls with cooties and they dressed like bimbos
>guys hit harder anyways
Frost was pretty cool though.
Anyone going
>Anime bad!
Is most likely from resetnigger.
literally the same thing retard
Yes having corporations control public morals is a good thing goy
Nothing more unique than every women wearing a fucking burqa
absolutely based and Monsterpilled
Red Bull is for trannies who got their testicles removed so they have to consume excessive amounts of taurin to not kill themselves.
>identify the most common skin tone in a first world country
>the country with the second largest market for video games
God I wonder, in a country that's 75%+ a skin color, who would be the majority of people to partake in the trappings of it's upper class?
God, I just wonder, hmmm... I wonder if maybe I'm just stereotyping, hmmm. God, it's nothing like quoting crime statistics, that's just NOTICING A PATTERN.
Cope more retard.
Because all these people offended by DOA/any japanese games sure play the games don't they.
Why? So you can show up on my doorstep and ask me to date your girlfriend?
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
it’s literally because jews play both sides
They don't but this isn't about them. Prove that you play Mortal Kombat or stop virtue signaling.
>Also why are people shitting on "anime" so much as of late? It's weird.
Japs censoring and control is not enough for the western whales.
all you've noticed is a skin collor pattern and then extrapolated irrelevant stereotypical racist nonsense and applied it to said population
kys retard
>why do you care that they're taking out all the gore? Are you like a sociopath??
lmao its retarded, this is an M rated game where you can decapitate people, and they're censoring mild sexuality
Not really no, I simply see no reason to buy a game that isn't going to cater to me. I like sexy stuff in my games, and if a game that in the past had or at least tried to have sexy character designs is going to remove them simply to appeal to people who are fundamentally opposed to the things I want out of games(fighting games in particular)then I simply won't give them my money. There are plenty of other games that I can buy instead after all.
nah its just you discord tranny invader. no one cares enough to spam fake replies as much as you do.
>show up basically uninvited
>consist of mostly underage retards who just want to internet gang and shitpost
>literally never stop posting the same fucking things over and over and over for years
>go out of your way to shit on conversations you think are "paid for by soros"
>act in a way that's easily identifiable no matter what board you're on
>draw constant media attention by attacking people on twitter knowing it creates a bigger problem
>people get burnt out on it
I wonder, unless of course we're all lying and we LOVE the ten+ OH NO NO NO SKIN COLOR threads a day.
So I can laugh at the state of white losers whining about pixel titties.
You people need to hurry up and go extinct already, especially your retarded childish women.
You can only be a retarded asshole for so long before the world gets sick of your shit.
Not really based
It's because a few weeks ago during another socail media scandal it was outed that a lot of people who visit this hellhole are from reddit and pedoera. They've lost influence because most have fucked off to the chans that will remain a secret instead of wanting to be around literal phoneposters and pedophiles.
You are beyond gay. You are super gay
you are also still a virgin
>wall of text
haha nah
>The Pew Research Center found that 19% of Hispanic respondents and 11% of Black respondents described themselves as "gamers," compared to 7% of Whites.[4] Another report by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that African American and Hispanic youth ages 8–18 spend more time with video games on average than White youth.[5] Nielsen survey research found similar results.
>not racist btw
>can't read
Post the source, when was the study done?
Bad day huh, mueller report really shook you up I guess
brevity is the soul of wit
Leftists don’t have souls
My biggest outrage is people still give two shits about MK in 2019. It's going to be forgotten quicker than Injustice.
fuck off, i'm not going to do research for you. you've clearly never done any yourself and immediately jumped to a racist conclusion based on your preconceived biases.
face it faggot, you're fucking racist. R A C I S T
Yeah tons of color going on in the dull void behind him huh dipshit. Environmets are absolute trash.
good point
>posts a random fact to contradict my point
>ask for the source
"Badass" is just the new "ugly"
Leftists are once again showing their true colours by trying to enforce their culture on another country, thereby being Western Imperialists - a group they constantly complain about.
>This foreign media won't bow to me
>So I'm going to fucking destroy it
>can't use google to find any of the THREE DIFFERENT STUDIES mentioned himself
>calls others retard
hi im a racist. what seems to be the problem
It must be exhausting literally laboring under a delusion from morning to night.
>6 sentence fragments are too long
Jesus, American education.
Actually, muh dik.
Try the game fuel sometime, they're unironically pretty good as far as sports drinks go.
Uh.. wasn't MK games notorious for palette swapping way more extremely than any anime games?
arr rook same
It's the customization screen, dipshit. It demos all of the intros and victory poses with a black background.
Deep breaths, in and out. Relax user.
Because people see diversity only as racial one.
Meanwhile i would rather have game when i could play as a robot, vampire, zombie, skeleton and some other wacky shit, nigger included.
yes high-t males are known to bald more often and earlier this is a known fact
Just admit you're fucking wrong.
Some modern PEW poll about how people self-identify doesn't have anything to do with the foundation of gaming culture in the US and the only reason you're scared to share my source is because you're not actually arguing you're just shitposting at this point to save "anonymous" face.
Should have been aborted.
im australian you obsessed faggot
Of course I wasnt going to by the game it Fucked off Shao Kahn to a pre order bonus has microtransactions you can buy characters without beating the story mods instead of just putting in a cheat code purposely pissed off fans with a small roster A FUCKING BATTLE PASS why would I support this soul vortex of shit
It's not whites as a whole, it's fucking Californians. They're hellbent on ruining everything for everyone and already succeeded at fucking up their own state so they want to dip their tendrils elsewhere. Californians that live there realize it's awful and they move to other areas of the US, and then turn around and starts bitching that the place they moved to isn't California. Everyone fucking hates them.
Nine's were fine, ten's were better, 11 went overwoke and made them all shit.
When will you realize you're on the wrong side of history Yea Forums?
Woah, japanesephobic much? Ffs, these western imperialists...
cant have sex
here you go retard
you're still a racist btw
Yep, that’s how it works. They are just useful idiots for the international elite. Attack dogs for anything that threatens the corporate hegemony. Different culture? Get rid of it.
Now this is pop culture
MK has always been a pathetic Clayfighter clone.
that this amateurish piece of shit ever took off is a mystery of the universe.
still waiting for you to post any sources or facts whatsoever instead of anything bot racism and stereotypes
>Resetrannies are now buttmad over anime girls
>oh btw joker is LIT!!!
must be why they deleted the tweet.
>that image
What's it with normalfags wanting realism?
not really, they all follow the same "cute/sexy" design principles
based redbull. The real money is in formula 1 and other real sports anyway, fuck the fgc and their easily triggered feefees
>anti-anime shitposters on Yea Forums are literal shills
white supremacist feminists use black people as a prop to say we aintracsit yu raist for not wanting this black person in there
meanwhile they maker her as ugly as possible and only put white women in leader roles.and never put black males in anything if hes not a faggot coon loving crackers.
this is just another branch of white supremacy.
We're have you been they always hated Anime
that has to be a troll considering era is assumingly gushing over joker in smash.
niggers are easily manipulated
always have been, always will be. Malcom X tried to warn you all about the libs but you didn't listen.
MK is ass, but they'll come for the good fighting games next
Indians get it worse, Indian mean are always portrayed as autistic spergs played for laughs, a pet minority for whites women.
White children are almosttwice as likely as either African American or Hispanic children toplay computer games (20% to 9% and 12% respectively). Among2-7 year-olds, race/ethnicity locates no differences in use of ortime spent with video games.
Wow dude, it's fucking nothing.
You answered your own question non realistic stuff is too "weird" and "uncomfortable" for normalfags as you call them
cherry picking
lmao, mental ill sad motherfucker
black people are used to further agendas on all sides, what do you think the "/pol/ loves based black men" meme is based on
we are very nice peaceful people that you have done every devilish thing to you can imagine.
blacks are angels compared to you devils.
Cope, anime is dying and good riddance.
>Japan only makes anime and never translates it for Western markets or even officially releases half their stuff in the West because of Western interest
>using the lowest quality moe shit to 'prove a point'
goodness and angels don't belong in this hell reality, sorry amigo
>noodle-armed gaijin attempts cultural imperialism and honestly expects to be successful
The hypocrisy from these faggots honestly makes me sick. You demand change in the cultures of Islam-centric countries and you're fucking lynched for it as they throw homosexuals from the tops of buildings and slaughter/rape women on the weekly, yet demanding Japan stop serialising fictional women of all things gets you labelled a hero in some circles.
MPB is genetic, high t levels only speed up the process.
>370 replies
Great board.
Now we just need monster to take a pro anime stand
>I-I'ts totally dying, see these trannies' posts
Whatever let's you sleep at night, you sub human freak
>actually fucking read it
kek get baited nerd
>all those Jap only games that I want to play but can't
God if only they put in English subtitles I would be importing all the time and not give a single shit about anything the west does.
>all women covered from head to toe
>only female who isn't wholly covered isn't even a human
>flat asses, man-frames, sharp manjaws
>most women are armored and heavily clothed while the males are nearly naked and openly bare their thick thighs and rippling muscular arms
> "diversity"
Sexual empowerment bad!
Superficial diversity good!
>acts like a total idiot
>someone calls him out
>haha got you
Parents must be so god damned proud.
whatever moron im not the retard who spent 20 minutes reading a study on videogames from 2002
With such shitty grammar who can take someone like that seriously? He's most likely some SEAnigger in Japan on a student visa. No English teacher would write that poorly and no one on a proper work visa would have such a poor level of language.
>FIGHT CENSORSHIP also artists need to censor themselves because I don't like looking at black people (or niggers as I like to call them)
now thats what I call cope
People still play X and even 9.
Are you talking about the esports scene? If so fuck off.
lmao b-but the millenials
japans mean age is like 50, there arent enough millenials to change the culture
and the anime industry could use a shake up anyways basically like 20% of shows that come out a season are watchable
No, you quoted it then refused to post it twice and then I did a literal CTRL+F and found the information in less than a minute.
Seriously, do you even pay attention in school? Am I supposed to feel stupid for being right about something I knew I was right about?
Have you read the average post by the retards here?
>TFW Have never tried any energy drinks
Yea Forums doesn't have issues with black people in video games. Carl Johnson is one of the most beloved and iconic characters in the history of video games. What Yea Forums has an issue with is creating a politically charged scenario where the only reason you chose a minority character is because that nets you bonus points from California-based companies.
Quite frankly the amount of power that one US state has over the entire world is horrifying.
It's pretty fucking tiresome but i wouldn't even be exposed to this faggotry if it weren't for these threads.
I have always wondered, what is with the Wests radical hatred for the Japanese?
>Proceeds to acknowledge the fact
Americans. The answer is always Americans.
I'm glad that other black folks are finally waking up to the fact that feminism is just another form of white supremacy made to give white women power over everyone else.
I hope this anime hate train continues. Normalfags need to fuck off.
>dude trust me I know the intentions of this random nameless concept artist
Would you like to explain this?
people who spend 8 hours a day on Yea Forums are constantly shocked that people who DON'T spend 8 hours a day on Yea Forums don't have Yea Forums opinions
>Red Bull Esports
Americucks get triggered by anime.
Women run the west
Jap and anime girls arent as fat as western women
The genetics cause the sensitivity, not the testosterone.
They are the only non whites that creates a first world tier society,South Koreans did that too but only recently and they are not nearly as influential as Japan.
>Yea Forums doesn't have issues with black people in video games.
Old Yea Forums doesn't. Post-2016 Yea Forums is a cancer and circlejerk for one political view.
This is good. Normalfaggots who are into eSports should leave anime alone. They can have their garbage western games. Those with taste will enjoy anime titties to their fullest extent.
Its edgy trash for 12 year olds to feel mature while playing.
Faux maturity is the biggest crutch the Western AAA industry leans on to this day.
High t doesn't cause baldness, it only speeds it up if you already have shitty follicles.
Kill yourself, egg.
>Game series is known for its hyper sexual females
>Radically change their designs and say you're "growing up" and how "the old designs are no longer fit for the age we live in"
>How do you know what the intention of the artist/s and the company is?
Keep believing that, automaton. Yea Forums is the same it always was.
>little too young?
What is the right age to drink energy drinks? I've drank my first one with 14 or 15
Old Yea Forums didn't have a problem because when a black character was in vidya he/she was just in the game. But now it's always with a fanfare of how woke the developers are, how important it is to represent, and other bullshit that non-fags on Yea Forums have no time for. Don't sit there and pretend it's for any other reason.
confirmed as drink for cucks and soiboys
>Hi guys, FIGHTCENSORSHIP88 here, I just want to say FUCK WOMEN and FUCK anyone with an opinion different to mine. the makers of this game BETTER change it to what I like or else
So views on race are inherently political?
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.
lol look at this reddit fag
you can always spot them by claiming they knew how "old board" used to operate.
>nobody can ever have their tastes change ever
>if your preferences shift then obviously there must be a conspiracy behind it, there is no other possible explanation
Monster boomers win again
almost every trailer for a new game that contains black people Yea Forums flips their shit. Why does Yea Forums care about the amount of niggers in normalfag games they claim to never play
Fuck Redbull
>literally the entire roster from a single game
>cherry picking
ok so basically now developers are no longer allowed to put niggers in video game because some faggot on twitter hurt your feelings
Same here
They greatest ally feels threatened by the samurai
A decision like that being made in an era known for high profile people and companies suddenly changing their stances because it's not "with the times" is very unlikely to be made because your tastes simply changed.
Sony's headquarters shifted over to California and the tirade of censorship across several Japanese games struck within weeks.
Honestly though, do any of the things you just mentioned actually matter?
It's really funny how embarrassing antiSJW posts which are a dime a dozen here look once you put them on twitter. It suddenly sounds a million times more childish and retarded. I guess that's what happens when children with autism step outside their bubble.
White for White.
Post yfw you're not white
You want to be truly progressive? treat your black character as a person not as a platform to signal how fucking woke you are. People will like them a lot more that way.
Nigger what. Most anime fighter designs have extremes in color, theme, and poses. Just fucking post that "MK animations are shit" video because just the poses by themselves show how SF and anime games shit on MK's generic stand there and arms vaguely up in the air standing fight poses.
They are catering to the loudest voices with thenmost free time available to be online bitching.
Sure, it will also be the consumer base with the least free dollars available to spend but who cares. The hoard will give you meaningless internet points!
They meant they dont want me to buy their product anymore, since they decided to take sides on a public/ political issue, thus forcing me to decide if I want to continue to support them financially when I do not support their issues.
That's what happens when you vilify everybody who disagrees with you.
yeah cherry picking one game you dumb ape, just because you play anime games with good character design doesnt mean there arent hunderds of anime games with cookie-cutter designs
>Game series is known for its hyper sexual females
Dipshit who knows nothing about the textbook industry
I love Skarlet, she looks like my gf!
Not incorrect in the slightest. From the PS2 games onwards, the women in MK have been in ridiculously skimpy outfits.
The whole post is bullshit anyway. While it's true that the Otaku industry is doing well financially thanks to money coming from older people, you still have a very large fanbase that's fairly young. They're high in numbers but obviously only represent a tiny fraction of revenues. Your average 30~40 employed person is more likely to dump large amount of money on these things than the 18 years old student and that's perfectly normal.
Millennial aren't changing anything. Pretty much been to most events you could qualify "otaku-centric" in Japan, from idol concerts to AV handshake session, special launch for eroge, comiket and so on, audience at all these events is pretty mixed, a fair share of young people are present. You see a lot of students actually attending idol concerts, it's far from being full of 40 years old male like some people may think. You do have these, but it's not the majority.
>ez publicity
Don't fall for the obvous shit of our advertiser overlords
I feel like these people have never genuinely seen something badass in their lives
he may be a retard but he's still posted more sources and articles than you have
We're talking about video games here.
Thankfully everyone here is far too smart to ever do that
Let's be honest here, Mortal Kombat sells because of gore and vidya pussy.
Go woke, get broke. All they had to do was pander to their fanbase but once again they're making a statement to the SJWs who dont consume nor care for the product.
Then there's the probabilty of the devs selling the skimpy skins as DLC.
Based. Fuck trannies
What the fuck? Are you seriously saying that game developers should stop putting black people in their games until some retards on blogs stop talking about it?
The irony of these posts is overwhelming. In an effort to vilify and "other" people here, you're actually defending Twitter. Sad.
>Go woke, get broke
>try to look up if Red Bull Esports tweeted this
>can't find the tweet
How you got that from what he said is absolutely astounding.
20% is extremely high for a medium
it's not actually 20% but anime generally puts out entertaining shit at least more often than other mediums
>That's what happens when you vilify everybody who disagrees with you.
>anybody who disagrees me is a nazi
>anybody who disagrees me is a racist
>anybody who disagrees me is a misogynist
>anybody who disagrees me is a ignorant
>anybody who disagrees me is a virgin
>anybody who disagrees me is a manbaby
>anybody who disagrees me is on the wrong side of history
>456 replies
lmao animefags absolutely destroyed
Quote where I defended Twitter. Social media as a whole is guilty of collectively vilifying others without even arguing their points.
The worst thing that has happened to society is that every retard now has a voice when the reality quite frankly is that 99% of people's opinions don't matter and should disappear into an ether.
Did you forget you're on Yea Forums? A place where people make low effort bait threads? Retards just make those threads because they bait in tons of replies from morons and the double retards that argue with them.
It's not retards on blogs though they even did this at E3 and more than once. Same goes for the movie industry because they don't see blacks as people. They're all scum who don't understand why people complain everytime a black person is put into a film yet love the fuck out of Blade.
No, he's saying not to do it for political reasons. What he's not saying, but everyone knows what he means, is that any black characters will be accused of being placed in the game for political purposes. This way he can act like he's not racists, while still achieving the desired result of no black people.
I don't know but based Nippon are shitting pretty hard on the game.
I don't see people drinking redbull much these days anyway. It's all monster or that rockstar stuff.
lol imagine actually being a man and buying this game
Yes, thank you for agreeing with me.
guess I'm buying Red Bull from now on
Fuck Weebs
Fuck Yea Forums
and most of all, FUCK Japan!
Ok then, so the only other alternative is that he's saying that every single developer that has a video game with a black person in it constantly parades that around as an achievement.
How many times has that happened, exactly?
This whole metldown about the female MK characters is honestly very surprising to me. Before I ever started browsing here, I was convinced that the only characters anybody cared about were the male ninjas.
everything is embarrassing when you put it on twitter
Redbull is more expensive, smaller quantity, and the flavor sucks.
>This way he can act like he's not racists, while still achieving the desired result of no black people
I'm not racist though. I legit have no issue with decent black characters like Jax for example, thought he was great in MKX. I do however have an issue with devs claiming to be woke but being more closeminded than your average Yea Forums poster.
So OP is a fucking liar?
>every female character wearing a different colored bikini
>half of them wearing face masks aka burqas
>dude everyone is just joking! nobody is ACTUALLY /pol/!
I don't know if it's funny or sad that there are centrists here still telling themselves this
this, but the exact opposite
>shady guy
>ban everyone who disagrees with you
>lol look at that one guy with that opinion hes the only one haha what an idiot everyone is against him!
youre not fooling anyone
the roster is so shit. they got three generic military tacticool women and with jax its four military characters. meanwhile they couldnt be fucked to add any proper cyborgs.
diversity my ass.
Yeah remember that star wars commercial where they were like "hey look we have a nigger in this movie, aren't we so great?"
oh wait that never fucking happened
Lmao why should I care what a DRINK thinks about ANYTHING
>Huh? You're a lie, right? (・ Д ·) Please erase the groin than eliminate the erotic! Many people are not good at blood! But everyone should love tits and high leg
truer words have never been poorly translated
it's not test per say that does it, it's the imbalance (basically unused test) in your system that causes it.
Basically, your body can make test but not use all of it (the level of total test in body is called "free test" in blood work reports)
>Getting triggered by anime girls
you mean, the same blandness and flavorless zero appeal costumes which look like they belong in injustice
Always speak up against censorship regardless of the topic. Never give an inch.
That's unbelievably untrue. Most people in Japan don't even know that anime is popular in the west.
If you have to say "it's really funny how", its not inherently funny and you're a politically obsessed nitwit.
the problem is nobody actually plays DOA period
the pervs all moved on to volleyball and there are better games for competitive fighting.
What I got was, "Stop using it as your selling point like you are doing people a favor for making the characters black."
>NRS: It looks realistic
>All that dangling cloth
>all those easy to grab articles of clothing
>Those tiny ass frames
>NRS: this is called realistic for people in life or death fights
U wot m8?
Wanna see their insides? Sure!
Wanna see her boobs? Gross
>left article only references one critic
>who wrote a glowing review with half a sentence in the final paragraph tepidly informing you that the movie technically isn't diverse
>ohemgee the esjaydubyous hated Dunkirk!
Christ, I've seen this same non-story passed around how many times now? You guys are really scratching the bottom of the outrage barrel.
Which poster are you?
The first one used the example of putting a post from here on Twitter, as if that is some kind of qualifier to show how crazy and or silly that person is, based on the metric of Twitter. If it wasn't, why even mention Twitter at all.
If you're the second poster, perhaps you didnt mean to imply is, but your statement about "vilifying" everyone who disagrees with you seemed to support the first posters implication that somehow posts on here would look bad if posted against the metric of twitter.
tl;dr you're not wrong in your last post, but the previous ones were lacking in self awareness.
Katana is literately Hank Hill with high heels, swords, and a mask
Why are women so threatened by anime girls?
A more recent example would have been the Black Panther movie user. Hailed as extremely progressive and outright attacked people for not sucking its dick yet it was highly racist and not even progressive as other movies like Meteor Man did what it did many years before.
You're not missing out really, it's just lemonade.
they deleted it
How do you know it's censorship? What if ed boon felt like doing it different this time around?
dont forget the high heels
They have no way to compete
... Who represents the company, you total retard
The design for the females is so garbage and soulless. This is literally Injustice/superhero movietier shit.
Ok and how many times does that actually happen? Give me actual examples. Remember when people were freaking about the black chick in the new wolfenstein game? Her being black was never used as a selling point.
Or remember the gigantic spergout over finn? Where are all these star wars commercials that used his blackness as a selling point?
Pretty ironic image considering the artist just grouped all those african americans into one.
I like Full Throttle, personally.
I just think it tastes better than other energy drinks.
Cucketera tranies are a living joke
Imagining you can read the minds of others is a sign your world view isn't well calibrated.
You're talking about things that critics said. I asked you when the people actually making the film did it, but you just fucking ignored me and replied with YEAH BUT THIS GUY ON TWITTER SAID
Oh, I'm not saying I agree with the dude. Was just confused how you came to that conclusion after the initial post.
they won't be living for long
That reminds me of those british cunts interviewing a guy about how loli is pedophilia when their country has way more rapes and grooming than Japan could ever have.
why the fuck are these huge corporation twitter accounts ran by rancid gender studies dropout cunts?
It started with Denny's tumblr account being a fun novelty because they were posting weird shit on an official company account which was unusual for 2013 or whenever it started. Fast forward to today and every company's PR division pretends to be your friend online.
>500 post thread dedicated to their brand
>they paid 0 dollars for this
what a mystery this is