Games unanimously considered to be god tier on Yea Forums.
Games unanimously considered to be god tier on Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Your mom
breath of the wild
>god tier
not with that performance, chromatic aberration and final half
still a solid 8/10 though
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
This IS a god tier game, not only considered to be god tier
It being a PS4 exclusive means it will never unanimously be considered god tier, but the game sure is great, even when playing on PC through PS Now. Shame that the DLC isn't included though.
I thought you guys were joking when you said that this game was as good as the original Dark Souls, but sure enough, it kinda is. Much better than I expected it to be.
Winnie the pooh homerun derby is eldritch-tier, I think that's the only consensus in here.
Suck more Sony dick, dumb zoomer.
Bloodborne is fucking shit.
it has no build variety and runs at like 10fps. fuck off snoyfags
You first OP
Lame and gay
Maybe one day, PClards.
>story taht's all just a dream
Leave it to westacucks to bitch about their "cinematic experiences" being ruined.
Sorry it didn't have a million worthless bitch fetch quests like Skyrim or Witcher 3. Loads of important dialogue there!
I'll stick with dark souls 3 the superior game, thank you very much.
Fuck yeah Dark souls with guns!
Time for some fucking headshots
>15 fucking damage
These things are fucking worthless
Put points into BLT, brainlet.
Jesus Christ home run derby
Fuck Christopher Robin that smug bastard and his vanishing throws
>DS3 > BB
look at this dude
at least more than 2 weapons are viable and magic can actually be used from the beginning :^)
I'll give you the chromatic aberration, but the performance never hindered my playing, and the final half is the best half.
It's a 10/10, the minor issues do not bring it down.
I got for free with my ps+ membership
12 hours later uninstalled
You can play Bloodborne on PC FYI but I still have absolutely 0 interest in playing it lol
havent played it yet. I heard its pretty good. hopefully there will be a pc release or if not that I will emulate the ps4 version in the next decade, just like I did with demon's souls.
peecuck cope
Too late just used the ripper like everyone else
>just like I did with demon's souls
Lying through your damn teeth. Shit's still in the experimental stages.
>t. had to actually buy a ps3 recently just to play DeS
By the time this is even usable we'll have bloodborne 7
But I guess peecucks are used to getting decade-old scraps well after they missed they missed the party and excitement
It’s usable now, brainlet
that's fake you fucking mongoloid lmfao.
>Buying a console to play a beta test for Dark Souls
Nope game is mediocre at best
Almost all of your criticisms are based on the story, which is the least important aspect of any game. TLOU might be more your speed.
But the gameplay is also shit. It’s like floaty Dark Souls with gun gimmicks
>comments removed
>no github
>downloader has survey captcha
oh no no nono
Mega brainlet spotted.
As a huge fan of Dark Souls that's just playing it for the first time right now, I have to disagree.
Yea Forums hates it because it's not on PC or switch
Why can't it obtain 60 FPS?
It is actually fake. The only real PS4 emulator out atm is Orbital, and it can't launch any game.
>which is the least important aspect of any game
>It’s like floaty Dark Souls with gun gimmicks
zoomer purge when
Another game like this is never happening. Sony commissioned this game in 2012 before the massive shift in their marketing, image and branding for PlayStation.
I think Yea Forums is correct on this one. I've been playing it the past few days just cos people suck this game off so much and even when trying to be stupidly critical, it's still god tier for racers.
>Another game like this is never happening.
The Soulsborne series has great gameplay to me, but it's not for everyone I'll admit.
You can have a good game with bad story, but you can not have a good game with bad gameplay. Story games lke TLOU suck. Gameplay games like DMC are great. Also you are calling for a purge of 2 people, one of which (me) likes BB and the other does not, which side are you even on?
And Bloodborne is only the 10/10 it is because of the absolute god tier story that you can find in the game world.
I meant the "here's cash and resources, make a game with Japan studio" thing Sony used to do before western first party games became their cash cow.
This sounds like bait but I'll bite
>a dream yes but it's a never ending collective nightmare. So it's cool
>Gherman offers you release from said nightmare. You technically betray him
>you have as much ammo as you have health. Without runes I'd say you could get 100 rounds Minimum w/ 20 vials
>dual wielding is a quick way to die
>only point I'll give if you don't read every item
0/10 made me reply
From still owe them one more game.
I personally think the appeal lies in the gameplay more than anything else.
>all these summerfags taking this old fucking bait
here's a (You)
>You technically betray him
Gehrman is clearly not happy with being in the dream. You killing him and taking his place as the MP's surrogate is the nicest thing you can do for him.
I swear if Bloodborne got ported to PC this shitposting would end
You called story 'the least important part of any game', when many games are only worth a damn because of their story. I'm against zoomers who skip through cutscenes and call any mechanic they don't like a gimmick.
I think story definitely has a place in movies or TV or anime, but I don't consider it important in games.
Good gameplay + bad story is better than bad gameplay + good story.
Cant believe how many people are falling for this copypasta
I feel like the relationship has deteriorated. No Bloodborne pro patch, going to Activision of all people for their next game, purchased by kadokawa, a competitor to Sony in the entertainment market in japan. I doubt that third game is happening.
Why post a picture about politics seeping into video games?
Imo it depends. A game like Minecraft doesn't need a great story, but half of an RPG is story, and it's equally important.
Deracine happened, a third game is likely in the works. Unless they can buy their way out of the contract.
I'm only against story focus in games when it's done wrong, i.e. it has clearly caused the gameplay to be bad on purpose. God of War 2018 is the best example, there is no reason the camera should have been ocked behind third person shooter style and movement limited, like no jumping, when it didn't have to. They should have looked at God Hand for inspiration if they really were headset on the view, because as it stands that game would only be improved with an unlocked camera and jumping.
The point wasn't the politics, just that movie games aren't fun to me.
Personally I think the point of games is playing them, which I don't feel like I'm doing when I'm sitting through cutscenes or walk-and-talk sections. The games I like, like DMC and Soulsborne, need less story to carry them than games like Uncharted. It does depend though, some people value different things in games, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I take you didn't play Deracine, right? It's great you should try it.
Demon's Souls
Dorf Fort
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and the Project Diva Arcade (I can't remember the name) were all loved in their threads but I imagine have some haters.
>Sony exclusive
It literally can't be god tier when it's held hostage by corporate kikes. Until you unleash that god that is.
Oh, I think we had a misunderstanding then. I don't care about _amount_ of story, just quality of it. Games like Uncharted have an ok story that is then spread over hours and hours and hours of exposition, walk n talks, etc. The way soulsborne does it is the 'right' way.
>and the final half is the best half.
Absolutely not. Nightmare Frontier and Mensis were both underwhelming as hell and the boss quality went even further down the drain.
There was a thread we had where some user said the game was quite possibly the best game ever made and there were like 20 replies all agreeing with him. Its also consistently in the top 3 games whenever we have a top 100 games list.