How many times can you replay a game before you're finally sick of it...

How many times can you replay a game before you're finally sick of it? Or is there that one special game that you keep going back to, no matter how much time has passed or how many times you finished it?

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I normally 100% a game once and never go back to it.

Playing a game once and never again is a waste of money

I'll 100% best I can and have multiple saves at different points in the game.

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, and Super Castlevania IV I can pop in any day and play. Otherwise, most games I complete to 100% or until I'm satisfied with post game shenanigans.

If I already did everything, why would I play again?

I've replayed Fable TLC many, many times. I don't even know why.

Yep same

SOme games I can keep replaying over and over again. Secret of Evermore is my favourite. VTM:B is great too.

Often, if stuff you do in the next playthroughs don't change the experience, then maybe I'll just play a title once, not even 100% it.

Dark Souls, Bloodborne, New Vegas, Mass Effect are recent ones that I remember doing multiple playthroughs of

for fun

If it's a new game like Wolfenstein Old Blood, once. If it's an old one like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, like 3-8 times.

I really hate cinematics.

>How many times can you replay a game before you're finally sick of it?
completely dependent of the game.
if it is made by post 2010 ubisoft, usually less than once.
other games I have played for years and have not yet found out.

>Ocarina of Time


In many games that's not possible.

Has anyone actually done New Game+ on any games?


I've 100% completed GTA 3, VC, SA and 4 and I don't think I'll ever touch any of them again.

Playing the same game multiple times when it’s no longer fun is a waste of time.


Depends if it's good or not.
People like RE4 and replay it even though it doesn't really have much replayablility and killed the series.

Ruiner, it has a really cool NG+.

And time is money.

my nigga

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not the time you’re spending already playing vidya

i replay it every year and never get tired of it

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>tfw no bloodlines thread

after 1200 hours of the witcher 3 i can no longer get past white orchard at the start

about 350 times

Wizard has the best ending.

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DMC4. The game feel makes it a joy to train.

any yiz played vampyr?

I've completed Dark Souls more times than I can count, and It never gets boring for me.

I've started a lot of new games in Dark Souls but I always stop after Anor Londo.

I played REmake probably like 15 times to get all the achievementsand now I'm totally sick of it

I admit I've played through RE4 quite a few times back in the day as well. Probably because the gunplay and mechanics at the time felt so good.

what the fuck is a yiz

fuck ye, cunt ye.