Game had good ending and evil ending

>game had good ending and evil ending
>evil ending is not canon

I fapped.

>evil ending is canon

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Game developers usially cant write evil endings for shit.

You're doing great white boy. Soon your entire race will join the transition.

straight dude here, penises / bulges only look good when attached to a female


Straighter dude here. Penises look good.

this is her face, only a faggot wouldn't smash this cute pie because she has a feminine penis

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Faggot here, ya'll gay as fuck
Gayer than an actual gay like me

I'd fuck him and marry him and I am not gay

only vaginas look good on their own, penises only look good when there's a female body around it

your voice sounds great and your skin is nice, keep up the good work


Thanks! I'll do my best.

Name juan game.
Merged endings dont count

fags like you wish i were gay

i only like women and women with dicks

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based and meowiepilled

Warcraft 1

legacy of kain

Metro 2033

>radical centrist ending is canon

straightest guy here, would put my straight seed inside both

I hate to break it to you user but you're gay if you'd fuck me.

Meowie is a man, user.

You're not the trap so it would be gay to fuck you

I'm the one in the video and Twitter I linked. Why else would I post it?

"straightest" user is lying, i'm the real straightest dude here

i'd fuck the dark blonde trap there and from this angle Meowie seems fuckable too

Well shit I'm retarded and gay I guess

Congratulations, user. You just became gay.

Straightest man on Yea Forums here, my bf just called all of you faggots.

You're both gay, I'm sorry to break it to you.

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Tell your bf he shouldn't be so rude.

you don't become gay, you're born one. I'm straight, it's not my fault not even dicks aren't capable of ruining the female aesthetics

i'd fuck the shit out of that dark blonde lady and I'd make Meowie my girl too, if the face is masculine, i'd just cover it with a paperbag and enjoy that beautiful girly butt

i'm straight as fuck

>best girl survives in the secret ending
>it's not canon in the next game

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You can perform all the mental gymnastics you want but in the end you're still fucking a man. Just accept the truth.

as long as my dick sees it as a girl, i'm straight

i know for a fact i wouldn't get hard for a "female" like Buck Angel

No one's putting a bag over my head.
You're a homo, embrace it user.

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You want to fuck men, user. It doesn't matter if they sort of look like girls from a specific angle. They're men. You have the big gay.

Boys don't have wombs. I do enjoy a good prostate massage however.

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i want to fuck men who look like women, remove the "wo" part and i'd rather put my dick inside a beehive

Cybil in SH1

So? They're still men, no matter what they look like.

you do and i'll impregnate it

is fucking Buck Angel straight? because that's a female

Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that.

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You want to fuck men, not trannies.

i want to fuck women and MtF trannies. with that soft voice, smooth skin and delicious butt, Meowie is pretty much a honorary tranny and deserves some fucking

Buck is a FtM and looks like shit like any regular male

honorary tranny sounds like an insult lol

I agree with that user, that's kind of rude. I know someone that's not getting their dick sucked.

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only if you think all trannies look like that ma'am lady. this person is a tranny and she looks hot as fuck

Meowie's skin looks too smooth, i want to lick every inch of it, except the penis and balls

Thanks for the laugh, user.

the only rude thing here is how i'd handle your beautiful butt

I just have a good skin care routine, any guy can have nice skin like me.
You will treat me courteously, I am a good boy to be handled with care.

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>game has two different endings
>they're both the exact same

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>I just have a good skin care routine, any guy can have nice skin like me.

no, they can not. you're a gem among ordinary rocks

What's your routine?