Other urls found in this thread:
god i love the word "retard"
Welcome back!
Lol who cares. Don't listen to that song then.
>Damn right was taken out of Mass Destruction
kek fucking retards
This retard needs to get his ears checked
>Laura 'I have a vagina now' Kate Dale
disregard this shit and move the fuck on. saged.
>let's plays: retarded
Is Persona 5 based?
50/50 its a joke article and you faggots are taking it seriously
>wyn fill your body with hot lasagna
I don't even hear it
What a retarded thing to complain about.
I refuse to give up the word retarded.
Thats fucking retarded bro
five bucks says that's a tranny
thats retarded
and queer
Irrelevant if it’s a joke article. Could still be used for shiposting on twitter and Yea Forums. See Pickle Ree as a example or parody being pushed as legit and succeeding
>ywn get off of that pig
>Kotaku mishears lyric, throws fit
This is now a waifu thread
>Smash’s DK Rap changes hell to heck
>saying retarded is OK
Explain this shit.
Earlet here. What is the actual lyric anyway?
ESL here, can't "retarded" be used in context of music to mean to "slow it down", or is that just for paints and glues?
Is retard still even used medically? At this point the word as be appropriated to be slang for stupid
>Is real
Do gamejournos not have something called business reputation?
It's odd because I've seen several other E10+ games in recent years that have used "damn"
The author of the article actually went and had his dick axed off. You want to run those odds by me again
Swing and a miss...
The singer is trying to say "Restart it", which goes with the surrounding lyrics.
The pronunciation is just slurred.
retard verb
re·tard | \ ri-ˈtärd
retarded; retarding; retards
Definition of retard
(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
: to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment chemicals to retard the spread of fire
intransitive verb
: to become delayed : to undergo retardation
morons shititng themselves over something not even confirmed
i've never heard it used in the context of paints or glues
Yeah. Censorship has become more lax over the years. “Shit” and “Fuck” are now being allowed on television.
Who the fuck goes out of their way to notice something so mundane and innocuous?
And? I’m trans but I can still meme it up with the best of them.
Would’ve been more believable if you put ‘Ableist’ instead of Disability, A for effort OP
Fairly sure they say "we got it" in the song. It's almost like the author of this article is a bit racist against the japanese artist of the song, implying her english isn't good enough to be understood
>Journalists have to pretend they care about disabled people now after using them as a scape goat with Sekiro.
>Joker DLC is so good Kotaku had to look this hard for something to complain about
Let's get retarded in here
I work in an engineering field and use the word retarded to mean impeded/slowed down.
Am I guilty of wrongthink or do I get a pass?
the only people who think retard is a slur are retards
Well to be fair, at the time of recording the song the singer didn't speak any english and they wrote the lyrics in a phonetic form in japanese. That's why some of the pronunciations are a bit shit and the breaks between words are sometimes disappering
You have never heard of paint/glue retarder?
>how to make anti-SJW heads explode with a single article
This is awesome.
jesus christ can we be done with this "I AM OFFENDED" culture. fuck. IT HAS BEEN YEARS. YEAAAAARS OF THIS BULLSHIT.
Like how do we stop enabling this shit. Are these people getting pissy about this stuff REALLY the majority?
someone fucking post complaint against racist article for mis-assuming poc's pronounciation
First of all, Persona 5's English lyrics are penned by a native English speaker, who no doubt understands the weight the word "retarded" has to western ear, and LIKELY would never use it without a proper context.
Second, Lyn speaks accented English and is fucking freestyling so trying to make any definite determinations about what she's saying outside of the official lyrics isn't worth the effort.
Third, no it doesn't
>nintentards cant handle the word "retarded"
You’re being offended right now by someone else’s article that nobody is forcing you to read.
Who gives a shit? Retards don't have the cognitive ability required to be offended by insults.
>Can we be done with this
Probably not, not at least for another few years.
This is a mommy thread.
I can`t believe people don`t understand that words have multiple meanings.
My bitching on an anonymous image board won't change anything, that article could
Explain this, then.
Or this:
>False equivalencies
>if you play it backwards you can hear trump talking in hetero-normative
Ban medicine.
Annoyed, not offended. Imagine sitting next to a screeching child for several minutes, and then thinking, god I wish this little shit would shut up.
Except the child is actually an adult, and the screeching has been going on for years.
>Laura Kate Dale.
Why are you posting "I have a vagina" Rabbid Tat man here?
What's the word for attention seeking faggots that want to give attention seeking faggots attention?
Can't be a beta orbiter because betas exclusively orbit women they will never bang?
Oh yes, that word is OP.
almost no one has ever cared. Trolling is not exclusive to fat incel 4channers. Even fat old SJW hags are trolling half the time. Even most of these journalists are low-key trolling your dumbass for you rageclicks. Just by being mad and existing, you allow them to continue making money, even without clicking. You are the perfect little advertising monkey, in an endless little third-world zoo of boomer rage.
>game is out for 2+ years and no one complains
>the moment hes in smash people complain
Their argument is a moral standpoint. That the world will never become a better place if people continue to consume media which influences popular vernacular. Shame, it's the same argument that wanted nigger banned from books. I don't know why the argument seems to hold more water now then it did before though, since their reasoning doesn't have any tangible effect. It doesn't matter what people do or don't say, thoughts and feelings linger no matter what and it's probably more dangerous to not express them.
Well those people have Down syndrome so indeed they aren't retarded as retard implies an even lower IQ.
i dont click on these articles, i just call them dumb niggers
Well then everyone, brace for the new patch that will remove the song from the game entirely then. RIP song, RIP G&W's feather.
Didn't Nintendo get sued back in the day by some retard with money after he got offended by some Mario Party calling player's thinking "stiff"?
meanwhile autism is a mistake slur and everyone are against them
Wiping All Out is better anyway
Uh oh, is science ableist?
>Like how do we stop enabling this shit.
Kill all humans. You caring means you failed as a species. If emotion is bad, all of humanity is, hell life itself at this point. If I have no right to be offended, no one can.
probably more a nintendo image thing than a rating thing, like taking hell of a guy out of DK rap
At this point as someone who goes to TGS for the press every year I would be willing to lose my position to beat the fuck out of someone from Kotaku/polygon/etc if they came.
Quit whining, retard. Just say what you want to say and give zero fucks about how other people feel about it. Your kind are just as annoying to me.
when will it all end, i'm so tired
>getting mad at a sound
lol gay retarded fag
Can't have little children hear bad words goy
You have a good waifu squidbro.
You too.
Nothing new
What an idubbbz
this is who wrote this "article" btw
Retard is a perfectly valid word.
>I’m trans
TAS was the best thing Kevin Smith ever did.
>If you listen closely to a soft part in the music track of the DLC for a specific character you might hear the term 'retarded'
Fucking hell this better be a parody.
Depends, what color is your skin?
>”Autistic gay trans woman”
> I'm trans I can meme
no you can't you retard because you needed to tell us that.
whats that percentage again 60-70%? good odds I'm sure you'll beat that.
>do scientific research
>looking into Early Life Stage bioassays (ELS)
>the word retarded is constantly used to say stuff like "growth was retarded"
>talking with a collageau about a paper that was published
>somebody hears me use the word retarded (probably didn't hear the context) walks over and says
>"that's a very insensitive word"
>explained him I meant it as stunted growth
>"well why not say that then"
Fucking hell, people getting fucking triggered over regular words is seeping into my day-to-day life. Send fucking help.
>Poor guy just wanted to be like his hero Filthy Frank
>Now he's forever labeled as Reddit-brand™ söy incarnate
It's partially his fault for underestimating the massive autism storm that stupid sauce event would cause
did you call him a fucking retard
Yes, to retard something is to slow it down.
>new thing is popular
>"writers" jump on it immediately
>scour through details to find one tiny snippet they can spin as offensive
>retards eat that shit up
I cant tell which party I hate the most, the fear mongering non-news hack writers, or the retards who eat that shit up and get mad at it.
these people don't care if you agree or disagree, hell they barely care about the subject they're writing lies about.
They only want clicks, it makes them money. And it's going to keep happening so long as people keep clicking the article.
>videogame journalism
I fucking hate this modern outrage culture. It's just a word, jeez.
why are you here?
go back to resetera and kill yourself
and don't be mad and salty
No user, I can't do that at work. If I knew him I probably would, but I can't just call a guy at my workplace retarded. Need to keep the goodwill.
I really wish I did, but I'm not that socially apt. I was just confused by the entire thing
you live in california, don't you?
This is also a band name, oddly enough
Oh damn, you sure told me. I'm getting pissy because this shit has had an impact on censoring or removing content in my games/media since 2009 and im sick and tired of it. I thought this was just a big joke that would go away, dumb minority of stupid people getting recognized that I could laugh off. and years later its just becoming more and more popular to try and get shit removed through petitions because of opinions and feelings. There are old artists out there who drew naked bodies or grotesque shit that are still heralded as great today because they weren't worried about offending people, and just made what they wanted to make. But they also weren't getting paid to make that shit. So we have this pseudo art industry in vidya and media, that is afraid to do shit because itll piss people off, and its limiting and I hate it.
Not even America bud
Holy shit man, don't gotta be so ruthless.
Where that isnt hbo or a pay network?
oh shit, better stop eating meat because the cows are sad. Better stop picking fruit and vegetables because tearing their cell walls is offensive
please don't tell me it's the UK
We should turn it around and say it's racist to nips, because they can't spell English out right.
Dont worry user at least you have a job. Even if its with retards. I just sit at home all day
Cool story (((bro)))
Netherlands. Shit like that usually never happens, which is why I was so confused.
Majority of my colleagues is based as fuck, don't worry. Pretty sure it's an isolated incident, but man, what the fuck.
I hear the N word is censored on the board nowadays
I love Kass!
brb buying a switch
Pack of fags.
i could be mistaken but whenever he says Eiha it sounds like his jp voice not his dub
This is actually a good idea. Too bad we don't know any major journos who can churn out a clickbait article that reads;
>run towards my colleague with a bottle of vodka
>tell him to drink all of this right now
>somebody overheard me and tells me that we can't drink on the job
>tell him the guy got himself doused in methanol and that getting drunk is the antidote
>"well why didn't you say so"
fucking hell
>No user, I can't do that at work
sounds like you need a new workplace desu
i swear you can do one google search in 10 seconds and find out 'retarded' isnt actually in the song. I WANT OFF THE RIDE
yes but unless the context is made very clear most people will assume it's referring to retarded people. and of course "retarded" used to be the polite thing to call them instead of "idiot" or "imbecile."
i hear restarted not retarded anyone else?
they should patch it to say nigger
He just channeled in his inner announcer for that line.
Not like I would get fired, but don't want to be known as 'that guy'. I'm awkward as fuck, no way it would've come out witty and strong.
why didn't anyone help you with your mental illness?
No you're a retarded guy that chopped off his dick
Is that a real article?
perfect bait, worked like a charm
You already posted her!
Yeah just like how when a game is "sjw" just ignore that part of the game
lol disgusting tranny
I can't even find the article.
Most of the lyrics were constantly misheard until official sources because the style can only be described as engrish. I think Shoji said once that english lyrics are basically background noise.
>Kotaku tries to twist a Japanese woman’s, who’s first language isn’t english, words into making it sound like she said retarded and make fun of her accent
>despite this they INSIST that is what she is saying and don’t remove the article or even put an apology dismissing the whole thing
What a bunch of absolute fucking cunts, glad they’re getting shit for this.
good taste
>They just copy pasted "all night" over "damn right" so now they're just rhyming it with itself
I dunno if that's better or worse, but it makes me laugh. If you're really listening to the lyrics, it makes less sense. If you're not, it's a less awkward way of doing it than the DK rap sudden silence.
Of course a tranny would be offended by the word retard
This is pretty retarded.
Retard is only offensive when you're calling an actual retarded person that.
It's also raycis.
They should make math easy for minorities to understand.
Get on my waifu level
go back to resetera
>Cute. Your sister's boss gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded.
>Ooo, oh boy Rick, I-I don't think you're allowed to say that word. Ya know?
>Uh Morty, I'm not disparaging the differently abled. I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope it would have made me mentally retarded.
>Ok but yeah, I don't think it's about logic, Rick. I-I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing.
>Well that's retarded.
>make fun of an asian's accent and pretend she said retarded so you have a mad cover for your racism
well what they actually say is
"restart it" but the author is retarded.
Feels weird knowing I'm replying to a thing that will be dead in less than a decade.
Have you chosen the method yet? Sure it's a bit early but it never hurts to have long-ter...hummm short-term plans.
I tried to do a search for the lyrics and that part is considered Chorus and isn't listed in any official lyrics for the song. The best I can place it as is "Let's play, we got it."
Your kind is the most annoying to me. The useless, complacent retard that takes everything up the ass and can't hope to have any impact on society.
Fuck sake, it's real.
>Yea Forums getting trolled by clickbait sluts
they are only pretending to be retarded
this is what happens when you give nintendo fans acces to sony games
Poe's law, dude
Remember back when the word "retarded" was the politically correct way of saying simple? Then over time it became negative? It's almost like it's not words that are negative, but the concepts they represent and trying to change language won't make the world a better place, it will only make more words have negative connotations.
Well it is nice to see that the comment section is full of people that are just shitting on kotaku
This is more a matter of Kotaku doing what it does best
kinda of retarded huh
>In the stream of jizz we steal pickled peppers
What did atlus mean by this?
What the fuck is a disability slur
>Laura Kate Dale
Let me guess, a tranny
>wasn't a problem in 2017 when p5 came out
>all the journos sucking the games dick because it was fight the man the game
>now its a problem because it's in a Nintendo game
>first game and watch
>now this
I tried listening to the song and there's no fucking sign at all of what this article is talking about. There aren't even any lyrics at the 1:57 mark.
Is this only an issue with the Smash Ultimate arrangement of the song?
>tranny writer
>nintendo game
the equivalent of calling someone a downie
>Laura Kate Dale
Die, fucking suicide you tranny freak.
it’s the mumbling in the background
Just like Queer and Gay. Half of these words didn't even come into use in a spiteful way until there was people snapping about it. They were simple descriptors. Like specs. But people let titles control them. "I don't like being called that." But then couldn't back it up, they showed weakness and so respect was lost and the title slipped into slur status.
You're a cripple faggot.
>meanwhile in TF2
[Spoiler]MENTAL DEFICIENT[/spoiler]
It's actually at 1:56, not 1:57
based, thanks user
That is the literal meaning of the verb "retard", yes. Colloquially, the noun version of "retard" is short for "mentally retarded [person]", which was the old term for anyone with a mental handicap or learning disability.
low quality, and still guaranteed (You)'s. I hate this site
Valve obviously doesn't care about those people, the hot hand weapon really shows that.
neck thyself
do they fuck?
It sounds like "retard it" as in slow it down. More weird translation by japs than anything
>p3p fags think their opinion matter
I HATE Sofia!
I'm surprised people didnt get triggered by the "GET UP GET OUT THERE" part of the music.
vagina bones
Wow it's almost like you didn't guess and you already knew who she was
retarded is not a slur, it is literally a medical definition unless doctors are now cucks too
Stop saying big words
>At around 1:57 it appears the term "retarded" is used, and followed up by the assertion that "I can say it."
doctors have long been cucks
>havent heard Mitsuru's "welcome back" in years
I miss her...
tell me why you did it, electric phone in the butt
Retardation is not exclusively tied to medical definition. It means slow, or to be slown down.
But were those CERO A games?
I'm surprised Yea Forums isn't offended when it's full of mental and social retards.
Being a retard doesn't mean you have fragile fefes.
Its almost like retards are different from faggots and don't get offended over little shit...weird right?
Only retards get offended by retard, in the same way autists get offended when you call them out as autists.
Most people understand the context as to slow, but retards went and memed it into the offensive meaning because they're thin-skinned. Some scores do actually use Retard though but its very very rare because there is another term that's less "offensive"
If you say so tardo lmao.
Arguing on Yea Forums is like the Special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.
It doesn't even say retarded so this is correct on two levels
You're both though.
>laura kate dale
retarded tranny
That's very easy if it isn't a beloved franchise.
have sex
im literally completely fucking dumb and stupid
Fuck, it really is an actual tranny. Now this article makes sense.
Literally seething right now. As someone who identifies as bread I can't believe that someone would dare to sing about burning me.
Dumb tranny nigger
Only retards get upset when you call them retarded.
The solution is simple and I brought it up so many times I lost the count.
We need a war to happen soon. I don't care if it's a shitty small one, or WWIII, just a war enough to thicken up the soiboys.
HAHAHAHA Oh gosh. This literally made me laugh. Why are these faggots such little pussies.
>200+ posts of anti-SJW heads exploding
It’s a miracle any anti-SJWs have intact heads at all, with how explosive they are.
>listen to this in the first time in years
>instantly remember my playthrough of P3 over a decade ago
man that game was special
>Laura Kate Dale
Of course it's her.
>The term 'retarded' is considered a slur against people with mental disabilities. It has been commonly used as a pejorative term to diminish the capabilities of those with certain mental health conditions, and is widely accepted as a term which should not be used in English-speaking parts of the world. In fact, many parts of the world are trying to phase it out of medical texts and replace it with terms like intellectual disability.
>Needless to say, this does not exactly fit Nintendo's family friendly image, nor seem an especially appropriate inclusion in a game with a 12 rating (or indeed any game). As well as that odd detail of the official lyrics not including this section of the song, it's also the case that another version of this theme, which features in Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight, removes this section entirely.
>We have reached out to both Nintendo and Persona 5's European publisher Deep Silver for comment, and will update this article with any response.
Boomers were truly weak.
This song has been known since P5 though. Why are they NOW bringing this up?
is there a resetera thread? really curious how those fags are trying to defend this shitty borderline racist article
he isnt even passable user
because its in s*oytendos game
You think you are "strong" man for wanting war to happen, but in truth, you are one of "weak" ones, because to get strong, you need to be forced by something outside - you have no will to become strong on your own, only desire to be led to strength by someone or something else.
>I can still meme it up
Yeah clearly this tumblrcore sentence cements your place as a """memer"""
Based Yusuke, best party member
No, I dont subscribe to that /pol/ shit of 'herp derp just kill everyone you dont like'
How about, we create a platform for games that any dev can participate in, that has no restrictions besides country laws, because obviously you cant get around that shit without going underground. Make it cheap, so its more attractive than competing platforms like steam. The goal would be similar to internet archive, where its not looking to make money, but just maintain itself and be an outlet.
you got trolled by a fake screenshot you ninnies
cry about sjws being triggered again while you act like this, literally getting triggered over bait hahaha
Even Retardera thinks this is stupid. What does that say about LKD and Kotaku?
Nice bait fag
thats not fake
>"It's the same as minority words"
Retards don't even have the same thought and emotional capacity to understand racial slurs. It's impossible for them to understand.
It's a real article you ninny
Imagine thinking you're the wrong gender and then instead of just taking hormone supplements to feel comfortable in your own body, you cut your dick off and dye your hair.
Yo user! you wanna go to Tatarus tonight?
>Liberals in charge of not being autocrats.
God this writer is retarded........... just like this entire board.
Let's just pull a South Park and make retard refer to thickheaded incompetent idiots instead of a disability.
I have a literally retarded family member and I don't let the word retarded hurt my feelings
what the fuck is wrong with all of these weak minded people who let words get to them on a personal level?
>how about we threaten the Jewish corporate space
Not happening ever
>nor seem an especially appropriate inclusion in a game with a 12 rating
>(or indeed any game)
because i do not like it, nobody else should have it
Author says she's autistic and she's trans and probably a bunch of other things. You tell me.
Wtf I love Persona now
U are a winrar
>many parts of the world are trying to phase it out of medical texts and replace it with terms like intellectual disability.
And then 20 years from now when kids are calling everything "intellectually disabled" that'll become the new "retard," just like "colored" because offensive and was replaced with "people of color"
All liberals ever do is fuck with language until there's enough newspeak that they can get what they want.
>Even Retardera thinks this is stupid
Don't worry, the moderators will soon fix that. "Laura" is never allowed to be wrong about anything ever.
'Sup dude?
>3 years ago
>still hasn't killed itself yet
What the fuck
Where have you been?
She is just my jam
It’s a Man U faglord retarded omega supreme cuckmaster 99999 jizzvacum
>I'm trans
>Complaining about a song ripped right from P5
I really hope no one takes this bait. This thread has more than enough posts in it.
>im trans
I just finished Persona 3 and this has been stuck in my head for like a month now.
Did "Backside of the TV" make it in? I need more P4 material
I doubt it. Practically everyone minus one person disagrees with Laura on this one. They aren't shitting on him though.
It’s literally a tranny
95% chance to hit is still a 5% chance to miss user.
Now say that in actual language sperg
Good for you, here's your (You).
God damn retarded crits
>99% chance to crit
Only gets crits 1/9th the time
Explain this
Dubs and "She" offs itself in a year
Laura k buzz is just my jam
>"Song uses disability slur"
>Laura Kate Dale
Well he would know, seeing as he's suffering from a lot of them.
tfw she's so obscure there hardly is any r34
It's an abstract kind of feel.
>Song uses racist slur.
Fuck off dude u will never be the girl
Drink bleach
I hope this is bait, but just in case, consult pic related
Why is that dude staring at an empty wall?
And all these dumb niggers including myself prove your point, well done faggot
Absolute nectar
>person who wrote it is trans and autistic
I made this stage for you
Someone show “her”
kys tranny
>PayPal in his Twitter bio
What a faggot
He should just hang himself honestly
You just btfo all of Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /pol/ but they're going to act like this post doesn't exist because it's too much for their wojak loving ASSS NIGGER NEWFAGGOT NIGGER NIGGER YOU'RE A NIGGER NEWFFAAGOT;V 0
Yes. We also still use words for things like fire retardant that is used to slow down fires.
about 46%
>Randomly says retarded
I don't really use the word, but I would've never noticed that
>Laura Kate Dale
That's that one tranny right?
>implying faggots and niggers ignore shit
And you really surprised after how they butchered the DK Rap in Smash 4 and Ultimate?
i thought that it was proven that people who overhype the shit out of characters that get in smash never played the games that they're originally from otherwise this article would've been written years ago
nobody fucking cares!
why not, just do it. We can crowdfund shit now, there's literally nothing stopping us.
>site refuses to process payments
>make new site
>webhost wont comply
>make new webhost
>for some reason that doesnt work
>use mail
>mail doesnt work?
>then fucking drive up and hand people the money.
dont let media make you feel powerless just because they own everything
Yep an autistic one at that
>your life will never be so pathetic and sad that you spend hours on end listening at shit videogames music to find 'bad words'
feels good
God I just want them to bring FES to modern systems, maybe with some better gameplay tweaks
None of this full on gimped psp visual novel tier bullshit though
>Americans still think "damn" is a swear word
>try to act woke about the disabled
>get called racist for insulting the way an ESL speaks
>double down on the fact it's impossible you misheard the lyrics which you can literally find by googling
How are games journalists still with a job?
>we can't do anything that might offend disabled people anymore
who gives a shit about this autistic crap
normalfags should be banned from the internet desu, they're fucking everything up
I'm still not over Smash cutting out "one hell of a guy" out of the DK rap
>Retarded tranny wrote this
i thought that was a worm crawling out of that thing's hole
Is that sucking out what i think it is?
Don’t let Katsura get any ideas
yeah, not clicking that
What drives a man to do this to themselves.
It's retarget.
I'm gonna be honest, it does kinda sound like she's saying "retarded." But it makes way more sense for it to be any other word.
Holy fucking cringe
I missed it, did the guy post THAT webm, the one with those two guys bending over? and i'm sure you know the rest.
>t. Tranny
Get smoked ya gaylord
he posted "laura kate dale"'s """vagina"""
what webm do you mean?
No it was the tranny author’s mutliated dick
peer pressure, understating the cons
Oh good, not the one i'm thinking off
You don't know about it user? Good... lets keep it that way.
Technically if we go into that logic the entire world will have to bend over backwards apologizing and compensating oxygen for ruining it so bad that polluted air currents are literally causing people to chimp out. If anyone has the right to complain, it's definitely mother earth.
when you're looking for ways to be offended
relapsed anus
who said i did that. please tell me more of your transerotic fiction user sweetie
jeez. Reminder that the anus was not designed for sex
Go back
Persona music would be fucking based if it weren't for the Engirsh
Is the word retarded a slur? Isn't it still used by doctors?
it’s either retarget or retort it. Dumb fucking tranny needs to die.
bloggers with a clickbait quota
nips use english words they don't know the meaning of all the time though
I’m retarded and I don’t see any problem with them using the word.
You're right, you're a living meme (soon to be formerly living)
Fuck trannies.
based retard
How long until merely calling someone an idiot is a grievous offense to these people?
“Homo” at 0:08
Geez, racist and sexist much?
Even retardERA isn't eating that shit up, so now a games journo is screeching "how dare normal people criticise a journalist god!" and a mod saying any criticism is harassment
The autistic people of this board constantly call other people autistic
being a retard doesnt mean you cant call other people retarded or laugh at yourself.
Stop being so sensitive
Someone actually took the time to just listen to this song just to complain about it online. Why are people like this?
3 > power gap > 5 > shit > 4
they are all at least 9/10 and I dont like seeing people fight over them like this...
Fuck off boomer, 4 > 3
You need to understand 4 was garbage.
This is bait, zoomzoom.
>btfo this hard
How isnt this a problem if the game actually does have an ableist slur? It's literally a childs game you muppets.
Based Joker changing the trannie heart, RIP
Im sure those people have never used any sort of slur in their life, or have ever treated somebody different due to their appearances, interests, or race at any point in their life, especially high school or university. I am sure if they ever met my actual very high maintaince retard that I have as a family member, who cannot speak, that they would treat him like any other human being in a fair and honest fashion.
Based archive
Except I dont click them Retard.
>Make controversy up for clicks because you're a shameless parasite
>Act "upset" when called out on your bullshit.
>Say you're getting "harassed" over it.
>You're now a victim and everyone rushes to defend you even though the whole thing is your fault.
Oldest move in the "journalist" book.
This is getting hilarious. Nintendo can't even release a fucking DLC for Smash without someone getting triggered.
We really need Islam.
The DK Rap was being butchered as far back as Melee
>got blocked by this person even though I never interacted with her
She must be one of those losers who have the auto-blocker on.
lol he nuked his tweets and now is hiding offline. classic faggot shit. still no apology or follow up, article still not deleted.
Oh, how horrible!
This is how I know that life won't change
You're probably on a blocklist, user.
Tweet this account with "what blocklists". A lot of them add you to blocklists just because you followed a specific person: i.e. following the "Gimmick Accounts Out Of Character" account auto-adds you to the "TransphobiaB" blocklist.
>twists a non-English speakers words as a cover to mask her racism against Asians and those who don’t speak English well in general
>surprised when she gets shit on and called out for being a racist piece of shit
Good fucking riddance.
If you hold on life won't change
The whole point of Persona 4 was to not be a braindead retard watching television and hang out with your friends instead
well, "trap" is never used against actual trannies, but they still claim it's a slur
>Doesn't do the actual appropriate course of action which is to either pull the story and issue a correction or a connection at the top of the story with either acknowledging the inaccuracy and apology to all parties who have been slandered
>Instead runs away and doesnt take ownership even though they are fucking employed and not a blog
How did this person get hired if their work must have shown these kind of problems before?
This is honestly horrible. How the hell are people going to grow if they just avoid conflict their whole lives? I don't think this is gonna be able to last forever
Who are they to assume that ANYBODY has balls?
I'm offended that these people are building up statues and walls of each other
>persona 5 and its songs have been out for a couple of years now
>everyone just praises the games and songs
>persona 5 and its songs get featured on a nintendo console
>everyone gets triggered because of a word in the song
this is why nintendo fans dont deserve anything.
This journalist is retarded.
She sings "retard it", which literally means slow it down..
Fuck journos and fuck retards
Why is it so hard for people like this to say "Oops I made a mistake, sorry about that"?
because they don’t care about journalistic ethics just clicks and winging it.
hell id doubt most of them even have degrees in journalism.
what about niggers?
>I-it's probably just a joke!
>It's not, the faggot who made this post had their dick chopped off.
I thought it was bait, but considering how insufferable trans people are you probably can't rationalize the fact that you're wrong so you have to move the goal post.
Go join the 40% freak.
>article is literally just over this retard mishearing some engrish
the guy cut off his own dick. he’s not used to fixing mistakes, only causing more.
it's literally just one tranny, calm down
Literally fucking racist
P3 Dancing has those beautiful new models for the all the party members and they recreated nearly every major area in the game and a bunch of minor ones like the love hotel room and all of the dorm rooms. They absolutely have nearly all the parts to do a current gen P3 remake and I wish they would
Fat Kevin is such a bro.
An article is still an article and if the information is straight up false then Nintendo and Atlus could sue for damages
They are still in relevant positions but that means they have to follow the law like the rest of them too
Why is anybody giving this a pass? This dumbass deserves to be laughed at for this stupid shit.
Wow, I can't believe this is such a thing.
It clearly is "Retarget".
It's not random words. it's talking about starting something
>Let's go
>Let's play
>I'm saying
>Are you ready?
Retarded wouldn't make sense in that context. Honeslty, retarget barely does but it still fits way more.
hugs n kisses!!! xxx
kill them. kill them all
Quick rundown?
honestly, I think bullying vulnerable people is bad especially when they only do their work to survive in our cruel social capitalist world.
>All those people pretending the backlash isn't justified.
The more surprinsing is that the suicide rare is only 40%
>jesus christ can we be done with this "I AM OFFENDED" culture.
Nope, because they have always existed
>NEET thinks he'll survive the war
every time
Do the party with the burnt lasagna
I know if anybody at nintendo or atlus seriously cared, they could sue for slander. I just think it's funny this person got into this situation purely because of misheard lyrics and didn't even have the balls to just plainly say "I fucked up, my bad" and take it down.
>software that calls pilots retards
what were they thinking?
I was really expecting it to be about competitive use of the word "gimp"
Gimps are cool though.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret, user: the people who "should" be offended by things are almost never the ones ACTUALLY offended. It's well off white 20-somethings who feel like they have to be offended for other peoples' sake to prove they're not an awful person.
Junpei is very offended
holy fuck that's a real article
This, the only people I have ever met that get offended by the jokes I make are self-righteous rich white kids.
and they trigger ME!
I don't know what it is, but these "um actually, that's offensive!" people who go on and on about stuff is driving me up the wall, but you can't tell them off on twitter or anywhere else because then you're "toxic" or a "nazi".
congrats Yea Forums you just killed her
did anyone screenshot the tweets he deleted?
Well, it's on Kotaku, so "real".... I don't know about that.
Russia disproves this
you know he used to make pretty okay vanilla doujins but with cripples. They were pretty sweet and heartwarming, but because he's some stupid amerimutt nigger he start's writing NTR BLACKED shit as all mutts must do. I hate him so fucking much now, as much as I hate asanagi
The radio altimeter on some passenger jets will say "retard" during landing when it's time to dump speed. There's apparently a joke in the aviation industry about how the jet calls the pilot a retard.
Atlus should remake P3 just for the sake of actually having people play it.
Most faggots in this fanbase went straight to P4 or P5 and didnt bother with the previous games.
I would love a P2 remake too but I know for a fact they wont bother with that, considering they didnt even bother bringing the P2 characters to the spin offs.
>didn't even have the balls
I think she's missing more than just that
Some retard was actually mad enough to make this. Pathetic.
No one is bullying anyone. Kotaku made a shitty clickbait article for views, and prove decided to rise up against it.
In fact, this is EXACTLY what Persona 5 is about sort of
Dude it's fucking true, I don't self insert in hentai or any retard tier shit like that, but it's just not good art to look at some massive fucking dirty nigger fucking weird long neck girls. Shit looks disgusting.
Ding ding ding we have a winner
excuse me I only eat meat from happy cows
This is exactly what I am describing, though.
Our system of social capitalism (i.e. treating social interaction literally like a commodity) leads to the publication of articles like that one.
The problem are not the people writing the article, but a capitalist system where attention is currency. God, I hope the internet advertising bubble bursts soon.
>In fact, this is EXACTLY what Persona 5 is about
It is, but the poor tranny who wrote this thing has nothing to do with any of it. She's just trying to make a living.
>weird long neck girls
>long neck girls
Is your neck only 5 cm or something?
P2 was definitely an amazing experience but still felt pretty messy story-wise. My only big critique of P3 was that Tartarus felt really repetitive after the first couple bits but even that didn't ruin it. P3 was something else.
Whaaaat a chickenshit
Serious question, why is so important for the sickos to hace vaginas? Having a sexual organ it's only for 2 things, reproduction and self-pleasure. They can't have babies and they can't feel anything down there. So what's the point?
I doubt that the bubble will burst
P2 is actually my favorite plotwise.
The whole rumors becoming reality shit was great.
Now that I think about it that is another reason why they will never remake that game. Fucking Hitler is in that game.
social pressure
They've already remade a decent amount of it for that dancing spinoff, hopefully that's a sign. If they remake the answer too I hope they fix how much of a bullshit slog it was
It is quite unfortunate.
Nani the fuck? Nobody is asking them to become women. At least not me.
you sound pretty obsessed bro.
They put shades on him in the rerelease, it's fine.
It's so they can feel like they're "really" a woman, although it's a bit contradictory to how they act 90% of the time (HEY I'M TRANS LOOK AT HOW TRANS I AM DID I MENTION I'M TRANS)
You need to keep in mind that all this is a difficult and complex mental issue.
It ranges from relatively simple dysphoria like "having a cock is unbearable" to complex issues like "women don't have penises, so if I want to perform the social role of a woman therefore I MUST get this surgery or I'm not legit enough".
Caring about artistic integrity isn't "in" these days, unfortunately.
fortunately autistic integrity is in
This is not "vroom vroom".
>people who make entirely avoidable and damaging mistakes shouldn't face the consequences of their mistakes if they cry crocodile tears but do nothing to actually take responsibility for their actions
You can do your job as a games journalist making shitty clickbait outrage articles based on fact or opionized pretty easy enough. Something like this is a total farce and just makes you look like a shitty journalist.
THIS JUST IN FROM ROLLING STONE: Jimi Hendrix completely trivializes the struggle of gays by singing the lyric in his song Purple Haze: "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" as a cisgendered male
Yes it is. Still used for IQ classifications for psychiatric uses. People let words control them; can't even call something like it is anymore. George Carlin had a good bit about it.
It's always vroom vroom.
Requesting racecar johnny with the clown hair and nose.
retard is a legit medical term
it's just been spun by leftist faggots to be negative
>going trans
>and being gay
so whats the point?
I said it first ya fags
You have a hard time doing that, if your editor demands you write articles of that nature.
It is low quality content, I agree. But we are not asking if the shit article is shit or not. We are asking how responsible the author is for the existence of the article, given that the author needs to publish to survive.
How much of this is the fault of the author and how much is to blame on the system that gives monetary incentives to websites posting garbage clickbait articles? Who is in charge of deciding which articles to put on the site and which ones to not put on the side?
talk shit, got hit. Going offline so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong.
to be fair, its hard to get the average normal person to admit that they are wrong. Now you're expecting some tranny nutter to do so?
Kotaku = Niggers
Isn't it time for your dialation break
>the faggot who wrote the article was the bigot all along
Some of you faggots that actually use twitter start calling this retard a racist for belittling someone with an accent.
Will she try to retort it?
>I can still meme it up with the best of them
"How do you do fellow 4chanites?"
dumb sthenofrogposter
why did you literally repeat what he said
If you seriously think it's a shitpost article then you clearly have not heard of Kotaku before, this is classic Kotaku to a fucking T.
Also as other anons pointed out, you wouldn't be saying "I can still meme it up with the best of them" if it were true. You unironically sound like you came straight from reddit.