A lot of people say Aloy is ugly (unattractive, masculine, unfeminine, awkward). I've also heard that the devs/designers did that on purpose, but why would they do that?
Also, I enjoyed the game, how bout you guys.
A lot of people say Aloy is ugly (unattractive, masculine, unfeminine, awkward). I've also heard that the devs/designers did that on purpose, but why would they do that?
Also, I enjoyed the game, how bout you guys.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who gives a shit.
Its a good game, why isn't that enough?
That's because their insecure OP.
I don't really think she's unattractive, per se, she just has this inexplicably punchable face. And that usually almost always applies to dude's faces, so I guess in that sense she has a "masculine" face.
Aloy has the personality of wet cardboard. I couldnt stand listening to her dialog.
It makes sense that she looks kind of rough. She's a fucking tribal savage.
because sjw devs don't want their players to be humans who don't think every single human being is beautiful no matter how ugly they are
I would disagree, but I don't think I can.
She definitely hates her tribe for how they treat her and reacts as such once they start trying to kiss her ass. I know that's more emotion than personality though. On the whole she's really... casual about it all I guess? There's lots of healthy sarcasm and blase-ness about her. Which I like as a personality trait. She's not a quip machine, that's for sure.
Nice projcting.
Wow you have allah awful taste.
Because I would prefer to look at an appealing character? Why the fuck would I want to look at an ugly chick in my own private time playing games when I can go outside and look at all the ugly ones out there. Other then that she's bland character wise, played up to the to about 3/4 of the game then that whole back story thing happened inside that ruined skyscraper and I never came back to the game. Gameplay was fun though.
she looks like a fucking goblin, have your eyes checked and have sex while you are at it
Aloy is top cute and the game was pretty fun. I liked it a lot.
I never understood why the flashpoint exist.
That is literally the main character of Bully in a wig.
thought it was a really good game! Couldnt give a fuck what the pro-tag looks like, literally couldnt give a shit, makes absolutely no difference to the game
Imagine being this shallow.
Have sex.
Okay jackass I'll bet 10 that you like old Croft, Jill, and Claire.
I think she'd look a lot better with her hair down. Really, what woman looks good with their hair swept back at all? It's all about the bangs and flowing locks.
Yeah, yeah tranny poster I'm sure you fool a lot of men.
I need a comparison user.
While I was playing, before spending too much time in these threads, I honestly could not make up my mind about whether or not I found her attractive.
Every once in a while she's cute, but there are also times when she is not.
Overall I guess she's just too plain to make a serious impression one way or the other and that allows people to project onto her and shitpost with reckless abandon.
Great game though, hope for a sequel.
True still it baffles me how the developers got an attractive woman, face scanned her, and SOMEHOW got this goblin.
>Why the fuck would I want to look at an ugly chick in my own private time playing games when I can go outside and look at all the ugly ones out there.
Holy shit I thought people like you were just a myth. Guess I was wrong.
Based and Redpilled.
This would have been good, but a lot of people bring this pic up when talking about her so I guess there's a reason for that.
I like Nu-Lara and Claire.
Oh yeah for sure. I always have so much fun hunting in the frozen wilds area of the map. It's kino, but the lack of not needing to hunt for food, and being able to swim in frigid waters and not die of hypothermia, always throws me off. Because I'm expecting those things to happen.
Like I heard, they did it on purpose. I still wonder if that's true.
from what I remember nothing she said had any real insight apart from throwing shade at people and her delivery of these lines was monotonous and boring
aloy is cute but also surprisingly non sexual. Maybe Rost never told her about sex or did it in such a way that she's eternally disgusted by it. It's possible she had a crush on a villager when she was growing up but because she was shunned they treated her like complete shit and now every time she finds herself feeling attraction she pushes it down because of the years of trained behavior?
I feel bad for aloy. Saved the world and can't even get her savage nora pusy licked
Nice pic user. Also am I the only find it weird that there are no theories for this?
its not the hair user, I've literally seen shaved womyn looking better than this, its the weird combination of ginger feautures with those eyes with way less spacing in between them and the cheeks looking weird af, also the eyebrows are too thick and the jawline make her look like a trannoid overral
>T. portrait artist
Too bad, I think she’s actually kinda cute.
The actual game though was a slog to get through, but the combat was pretty fun at times.
>Thinks no one will notice it's the same person bitching to everyone
>Post count hasn't gone up for several posts
Fuck off tranny your not fooling anyone.
Nice to know why you're a incel.
Then why do you hate her?
Literally SEETHING
Have sex
even beauty has standards you resetgender trannoid, you can't blame that dude for not liking how she looks, you are literally acting like those libtards that call everyone that doesn't agree with them bigoted
her ears are uglyyyy she looks like a monkey
>non sexual.
Your sure about that?
Take a debate class.
>beauty has standards
You know a society invention right?
I thought she was sweet
The heck are you talking about? I'm the OP. I haven't once said I disliked her or found her unattractive.
>you are literally acting like those libtards that call everyone that doesn't agree with them bigoted
>calls everyone who doesn't agree with him a tranny
What did you mean by this?
HZD is a great game until about the 75% mark where you stop progressing in upgrades and abilities. Strategy also goes out the window as status effects are no longer effective as it takes 30 arrows just to catch something on fire or freeze it.
>Can't tell when it's someone else who replied to them
You can't make this kind of stupid up.
Did you not say she have no personality?
Is this game really good?
Thinking of picking it up
What difficulty are you playing on?
>B-b-but guys my 4chanX says the count hasnt gone up, y-y-you cant prove anything you trannies haha I win ;_;
Prove that beauty isn't objective
>muh social construct
let me explain it in simple terms
>see beautiful woman
>my pp gets hard
>see ugly woman
>my pp doesn't get hard
its literally built into us to be able to tell whats beautiful and what's not, and that doesn't make it a construct either since its a biological thing
It's decent game once you get past the Amin character having no personality. Though as one user said the later game becomes a slog to get through and the story falls off near the end.
I did not. I said I couldn't disagree with the person who said she had none, but the personality that I believe she has is enjoyable, to me.
>There's lots of healthy sarcasm and blase-ness about her. Which I like as a personality trait. She's not a quip machine, that's for sure.
As well, none of that insinuates that I hate, dislike, or find her unattractive at all. I do think she'd look better with her hair down though.
She's far from being ugly, but I understand how certain anons can't find her attractive. I for one, like her charm, because I dig low-profile/exotic cuties.
I didn't get past the tutorial, maybe because I started playing along with Zelda and that one has no tutorial and is more direct and simple and apparently better.
Maybe one day I'll try again...
In the tutorial the character is a teenager and attractive, but her adult model is fucking ugly.
Imagine if aliens with a total different physiology came to Earth, do you think they would find your average kawaii uguu rice model beautiful? That's your answer.
Thats not what beauty standards are thats just your shit taste
>Also, I enjoyed the game, how bout you guys.
Didn't play it. Character's too ugly.
I'm not fucking my cousin who have the body of a model.
Not wanting to plow unattractive god you got a brain of a insect.
>but why would they do that?
they didn't know how to write women so they wrote a man
Normal. I just completed the DLC which was the worst offender so far.
The fireclaw encounters for example. Can't override other nearby machines because they're too far, die in two hits, or are demonic. Corruption won't work on demonic machines either. Status effects from trip wires, slings, and arrows take way too many hits to even trigger.
The only real way to fight them is to cheese them behind obstacles, pick off weak parts, and spam arrows.
I mean, just look at that pic. She looks like a teenage boy, and not a particularly attractive one either.
beauty is not subjective user, sure, you can say you aren't atracted to a certain woman but you can't deny that she is beautiful unless you are really biased and want to be a contrarian, this has nothing to do with taste, taste is subjective, beauty is not
>why isn't that enough?
Because I have eyes
I misread that then. Also why is there no survivor mode?
Legend taste.
She might be ugly, but the main problem is that she's badly written. She was raised as an outcast by a single dude, shunned and hated by an entire tribe. And yet she's perfectly sociable, speaks articulately and has a very healthy moral compass. She behaves in a way completely contradictory to her fucking background.
>Counter didnt go up
Still here S E E T H I N G?
I think it's funny that both this game and XBC2 are two of the best games in the past decade that took wildly different approaches to aesthetic and people hate them for that. Zoomers are like gestapo when it comes to visual design. It's really weird.
you dont think Rost could teach her how to speak eloquently and have morals?
Yes I am so fucking angry I feel tortured! I am suffering!
I never understood why they made this instead a DLC about Rost.
I still can't believe they never patched this
>No blood
>Looks like her weapon just clips through him
Why do the people in this thread think this is good?
>And yet she's perfectly sociable, speaks articulately and has a very healthy moral compass. She behaves in a way completely contradictory to her fucking background.
Did you forget about the focus?
You're talking about first impressions, not beauty. If a girl looks attractive to me it means she got the particular traits that pleases my brain according to the ideal image I have of a "beautiful women". This idea was a product of influences I had throughout my life, I wasn't born with the particular taste for thicc gothic girls.
>I think it's funny that both this game and XBC2 are two of the best games in the past decade
jesus fuck, having shit taste like this should be punishable with death
Exactly. Why wouldn't Rost, a good man by every stretch of the definition, not raise his surrogate daughter to be a good person to the best of his ability?
>Counter didn't go up
Still replying to people hoping it's me?
Neither Horizon nor XBC2 are one of the best games of the past decade, you mong.
>30 arrows just to catch something on fire or freeze it.
Jesus, use the slingshot. Also not true, it takes 6 fire arrows to ignite a snapmaw, which you can do in 2 shots with the triple load skill. Hold your bowstring longer to fully draw for more effect.
I hear there is new DLC in the works
No way anyone who's been in public for 5 minutes can think she's ugly. She's totally average but on the masculine side.
It makes her more relastic and relatable. Yeah I'll admit I would a jack it anime barbie doll taking down giant mechas 2b but Aloy is a much more immersive character.
Why did he hesitate on killing her?
If Alloy was a male and had the exact same personality and lines, Yea Forums would love her.
goth is a style, if you like that particular style of course it makes you biased when it comes to beauty, yet I bet you can also tell if a non thicc goth girl is beautiful even if you don't feel the slightest of atractions to her
Why do people overlook this fact?
What's it like being poor?
Dunno, but I'd love it if it meant hunting got you more than just crafting ingredients for potions, and you had to dress appropriately before going into certain areas of the map. Wearing the Carja armor and strolling in the frozen wilds is just mindboggling.
I thought we already establish that Yea Forums are insecure petty incel faggots..
Cute tummy.
but she is hot
Yeah, it's downright lickable. Meanwhile that one chick from the Shadow Carja area i so fucking jacked I thought she had rocks beneath her skin. Her abjob makes Vaan's from FFXII look like a spray tan.
She doesn’t look that bad. Looks better than MK shit at least.
That's not the point, being a goth is just a checkmark on my brain, you could literally swap that with physical features like nose, eyes, face shape, etc. Beauty is subjective because it depends on what the observer finds attractive.
Dude was the mostly silent, stoic type so it's one hell of a stretch to imagine she would grow up nicely with a father figure like him. Even if by some miracle he was able to impart some love for your fellow human on her (when that fellow human was too busy treating her like shit for no reason), she sure as hell shouldn't have grown to talk articulately.
>the only argument snoyniggers can come up with is the fact that you have to buy a ps to play the games that they like
the state
They can't show blood because it's rated teen, you dumbfuck.
I think youre jumping to a lot of conclusions
In his small amount of screen time Rost has plenty to say, i wouldnt describe him as silent
Rost was well spoken and while he didn't speak much (because he was a staunch believer in Nora tradition), he did treat Aloy. He was a man who lost one daughter and by all means would know that if he was not there for Aloy in every capacity he could be in, he would lose her too.
So, he would undoubtedly have coached her, spoke measuredly but often with her - and the other outcasts when the time came for it. He tried to convince her to care for the tribe and treat them well, everyone well, and in doing so at the very least he did not teach her to be an annoying, uppity little shit.
And it shows, at least to me. Because like him Aloy is calm and takes a lot of shit. She's her father's daughter and that was one of the most heartwarming things about the game to me.
I dont know what you are other than illiterate. Maybe read the reply chain next time. Also
>admitting you are poor
I wish there were more outfits
Here are my nickpicks of the game.
1. buy a skill where she can shoot while balancing on tightrope, tree, and logs.
2. Map
Could used blue for places that hasn't been visited instead of grey out. No icon for animals. The icon could been more promdiement.
3. Get scavage skill but have to the slide to empty a slot instead highlighten it like I can with merchants.
4. I feel like the lore was too informative and could easly done a show but don't tell. I fell like Aloy fall off the cliff without Rost sacifice. In fact the story I feel like the prestiess could have told that Rost found her and took her to the All Mother but fuck off after that.
5. No survial mode. I feel both face paints and focuses should not have to be unlock on ultra hard.
I think she's cute but that's probably because I have a midriff and forehead fetish. I just think she'd look very cute in a girly dress.
especially if it showed her pecs
You do realize there are teen rated games with blood right? No wait, I just realized you don't play games.
Why does she have a bellybutton?
I thought I was the only one who thought of this. thanks.
Jesus work on your english
Or at least try reading over your post before clicking submit
>This entire post
But mostly
>Get scavage skill but have to the slide to empty a slot instead highlighten it like I can with merchants.
Not wanting an interesting discussion shame.
She was grown from an embryo, not stitched together atom by atom.
Bitch I type as I speak.
Her sfm porn is surprisingly good.
Beauty is subjective but Ugliness is absolute.
All characters in western games look ugly. Thats undeniable.
As in you're using a talk to text device and have slight mental deficiencies in addition to quadriplegia?
Why is that?
That's their loli user.
Implying that he has one.
Next time you turn down someone because they're ugly, remember this thread.
The game itself is alright, but the writing feels like it has a very feminist influence. Nearly every male character is either evil, incompetent or at best utterly subservient to a female. And every female is righteous and competent, with the somewhat exception of that one tribal matriarch. I don't mind any of those things in some cases but it's a constant theme with the game.
I bet her pits are hairy, red, and musky.
Didn't the entire tribe treat her like the Christians treat a rape baby?
Aren't people attractived to Heather from Slient Hill 3?
Some of the facial animations were straight uncanny valley to me. Like that one Oseram guy. His name escapes me, but he was the drunkard whose sister got killed with a soundwave weapon. Every time he spoke, his face just looked weird. That's just one example.
Is Aloy best female character.
I took needing to spend a skillpoint on tightrope-aiming as in-game meta. It's not something Rost taught her and so she had to learn how to do it, either because Rost dies before he can teach her, or because after being an utter friggin savage in his younger days, he wants nothing to do with fighting.
The map could have had animal indications, especially for the birds. Turkeys everywhere, but I could not find a single duck until I looked them up. But then, it would have looked fairly crowded. They could have pulled an ACIII and have had a separate map for that, but the UI for the game is fairly simple and easy to navigate. That would have crowded it.
Not sure what you mean by the scavenge skill. You mean how you have to sell each loot one by one, instead of en masse like with merchants? Because yeah, that's a slog.
And the face paints and focuses aren't nearly enough for beating the game on ultra hard. Ultra hard NG+, yeah, but if you go in there from level one, you deserve something better than those.
Somewhat, but keep in mind the tribes are more about what we actually see. You can imply lots of women in the tribe treated her like shit, but do we actually see that? No, most of the antagonist ones we actually see are men. There's the one tribal leader who is a bitch to her. There's the reasonable one that tries to support her. And there's another one who's just kinda there.
I don't think I've ever been so bored with a story in a video game than I have with this one. The gameplay is okay though.
If the game model is any indication, she's hairless but has some kind of skin condition there.
I had that problem too, but in a previous thread someone made a good point. It's because there are more men around in positions of power to be either good or bad.
The few female characters there are kind of run a small spectrum themselves, though. Erend's sister is described as brusque, violent, domineering, and frankly unlikeable from description alone. We, I, cared about her because she was visibly important to her brother.
The new Warchief is an absolute unlikeable cunt. Her own son seemed uncomfortable regarding her when he first meets Aloy. She's military minded and is just as unlikeable as a a similar male character would be, but without any redeeming qualities. The woman just lost her daughter but we see no moment of vulnerability. She's JUST 'stronk' and that's unlikeable.
I just find it odd the robots ate biomass. There's so many other ways to power them that made more sense, and having the robots just kill mankind as opposed to EVERYTHING makes the Zero Dawn plan more feasible. Replacing all life on earth stretches my suspension of disbelief a bit.
How the fuck is it a good game you retard? It was literal 2/10 trash
There aren't really any men in positions who are good though, and those who are act very subservient. Take Erend and the Sun King or whoever he was. Both in power, but both constantly talking about how Erend's sister was so much better than them and how amazing she was.
>scavenge skill
I meant Shard Salvager horizonzerodawn.fandom.com
Rost, Sylens, and the the shadow carja dude with the wacky headdress were all masculine as fuck, though. The Banuk chieftain from the dlc, too.
There was also that women from a random unknown tribe that was a complete savage and wanted to drink your drink. I'd say she was pretty unlikable. That old banished women from the beginning was also pretty annoying. The Nora girl that left to kill the shadow carja guy was also kind of an annoying cunt.
I did see that the game had a bias with presenting women as globally more benevolent than the men. But the vast majority of the secondary characters were so bland that I have trouble reminding all of them. Nobody were really as poignant as they could have been.
>shadow carja dude
You mean Helis.
Then there's the shadow Carja chick. Cunning but audibly untrustworthy, either because of the bad voicework (and god, was it bad...) or because her entire character is centered around intrigue. I kept expecting her to doublecross Aloy because she was just too nice. Like she was inviting Aloy into a sisterhood or something, but as a sacrifice.
Of course there's the tribe leaders barring the one, and the Nora huntresses. Far as other likeable female characters there's the main chick in TFW (forget her name), and the Oseram chick in TFW. There's the Hunter's Lodge chick, and off the top of my head that's about it.
For Erend and the sun king, I saw it as one, Erend was the younger sibling. He looked up to his sister and she looked out for him. Given this is a world where it's really all hands on deck, I got the impression she was fiercely protective of him as a kid, but equally domineering. Like a tough love elder brother.
The Sunking though, he's the king. He has advisors, but no real friends. And then there's this chick, common but he can talk to her. She makes him feel grounded and human - and the she dies. He's mourning, and he's very humble, and he's remembering her through rose tinted glasses.
Rost dies at the beginning, though I'll give you that. Sylens is portrayed as shady at best and Aloy dislikes him. The Banuk chieftain was not evil but also portrayed as more antagonistic initially and incompetent compared to his much wiser sister.
Because feminists worship ugliness. Does that answer your question?
Same, but in a different way. My main problem wasn't the vague impression of women being mostly good and strong and men being mostly mixed or weak, like I said, , my issue was with the overarching theme: motherhood, and the game handled it pretty well.
GAIA = female. The biggest good.
Hades = male. The biggest bad.
Daemon (or whatever its name was) = male. Also bad.
The Nora are matriarchal worship mothers, GAIA, but they're all fucking stupid. Just pants on head retarded. The Carja worship the sun and though they have a sordid history, they're also very successful.
Meanwhile GAIA doesn't give a damn about being worshiped, neither does the AI in the frozen wilds. They have a job given to them by THEIR parents, the most influential to with the both of them, being their 'mothers'. Okay, that's fine. But they're entirely indifferent, conceptually, to the gendered schism.
And Elisabet being smart and the hero, and Ted Faro being the dumbass and reason things went to shit, is just story I think. Ted's heart was in the right place, but he fucked up. And continued to fuck up. Elisabet fixed shit, but she wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as far without the men and women behind her.
The best way to fight scorchers is not elemental statuses anyway since the machines corrupted by Hephaestus have increased elemental resistances, even more so with lightning. Use the ropecaster to tie them down and use tearblast arrows to remove the mine slinger from their back. Pick up the mineslinger and spam all the mines on them ez pz lemone squeezy. On very hard i got my ass kicked a lot by them and read that a lot of people found the frozen wilds machines tough to fight because they are relentless in their attacks. But this is only the dlc though, the rest of the game wasnt hard but neither easy, but casual gamers might think otherwise
Also I should add that despite all of that, Aloy hates the Nora and thinks their beliefs are completely stupid. She loved Rost as her father and every pivotal moment for her, the game gives you the chance to have her remember him. "This is for Rost," or, "My father taught me."
On the whole it took the feminist utopia and said, "No, that's fucking stupid," without saying it outright.
This was changed. Finished the game last sunday and the cutscene played differently for me. He was stabbed more dramatically after choosing to execute him im the dialogue and there was definitely blood
Am I the only one who consider Lessons of the Wild as the true tutorial?
Which one did you choose?
you guys know Aloy is a real person, right?
3D scan of hannah hoekstra
IIRC i chose the dialogue option with the fist where i told him that he was merely a puppet to hades and amounted to nothing, after that i executed him
She looks like a more attractive, less gaunt Emma Watson. And I think Emma Watson is cute so this is good for me.
But yeah they fucked that face up but good.
If you bothered to read the thread you wouldn't have needed to make this post.
And then they gave the voice of Ashly Burch.
>Aloy thread
>That one autist who always posts her stained underwear hasn't posted it
Did he finally die?
The main bones of the lore are...well I'll just say they're not aggressively bad. It's the little forgettable stuff like secondary characters and audiologs that's really annoying. I think it's one of those cases where the lack of cohesion/unity in modern gamedev really shows. Like, they probably had someone on staff whose job(unofficially or not) was to look at "minor" stuff where it "wouldn't make a difference" if they swapped someone's gender or race for more diversity points or whatever. As if worldbuilding is just some meme word that doesn't actually mean anything.
This one?
I didn't
This game looks gorgeous, it's the first chapter in this new IP and I hope they will fix all the annoying things for the next episode
I'd like to know more about other tribes, especially "those from the west", the Tenakths (cannibals, I guess) and I liked how every faction had a distinguished style and character
of course this game has more of a feminist POV, but this never really bothered me, it was a nice change for once. there's plenty of good and smart male character, like that A$ap Rocky guy and the oseram guy
but the fact I can't remember a single name after a couple years, well it shows developers need to work on their characters a little more
Meridian was actually a great settlement, I was very impressed by this game
Not ugly, not pretty either. Aloy was purposefully made to be unattractive to males.
It's like romance novels aimed at women having neets with skinny fat bodies as the romantic interest because some loser bitched online that rich studs create "unrealistic expectations" in women who read those types of books.
Jokes on them. She's a tomboy. Dudes dig tomboys.
Wonder if Animo will ever get to doing robo-horse porn. Aloy with Rorse, if you will.
I bet Aloy could be convinced to do anal.
>defending a feminist game
>calling someone else autist
Is it me or is the game secretly an environmental and anti feminist?
If you post female reactions that makes you a feminist too, retardo.
It's just you.
It's just a reasonable, down-to-earth take on feminism, which is so rare to see that you mistook it for anti-feminism.
Truly a definition of an incel.
I believe they modeled her after Ygritte from Game of Thrones.
You were the target audience. That's why they did that, to appeal your kind.
No, they modeled her after Lagertha from Vikings.
Do you not know what feminism is?
and the face of a tranny.
Liking women so much you want to protect them from every little thing and raise them above all others. Infantilization.
I don't want to call aloy a mary sue because that's very charged in todays political climate, but she's certainly the most important person to ever exist EVER and everyone loves her and wants to marry her and be her best friend and she's so smart and wise elders from other cultures want to change their societies for her.
The main character doesn't HAVE to be the one driving force in the world. It's such hacky writing.
A lot of self identified feminists would argue that it's about thinking women are strong and innapenant and don't need no protecting.
Even if your assessment were true (it's not) posting a reaction image of two robot girls from a game made by a dude in no way suggests what you're saying. Have you ever considered maybe you're just desperate to be outraged?
inb4 you just call me a feminist even though I've also not said anything in favour of women or against men.
I think she does exclusively anal
>todays political climate
good one user.
But in all serious it makes me wonder if one of the A.I. is manufacture the situation.
The previous user was not me, and I made a fucking joke dude, Jesus.
You write too much
And I was being facetious, user. Come on. Though modern feminism is cornering the market on how much you can infantilize women.
Sorry, it all gets a bit Poe's Law on here sometimes.
Poe was a good, forum loving man and at least you own up to your misunderstandings. Good on you.