Serious question/discussion
>Steam takes 30% of every sale
>Epic takes 12%
Why do people claim that 'competition' is good for customers if games are just as expensive in both platforms?
If both platforms do the same (Sell games, although Steam offers a couple more things othen than just that) why some people say that Epic deservers the money but Steam doesn't?
Serious question/discussion
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Shills and contrarianism.
That's it.
>Why do people claim that 'competition' is good for customers
>why some people say that Epic deservers the money but Steam doesn't?
It's mostly just people being contrarian for the sake of (you)s because Steam is for the most the norm on PC, so people here will pretend to hate the norm because it makes people mad and sets them apart from regular people. Nothing about what Epic's been doing is a benefit for consumers, so there's really no reason to support them unless you're a publisher, a troll, or an honest to god shill
only reason i care is that im tired of juggling passwords for 20 different accounts, especially when i know all of them will eventually be compromised via hacking.
Hopes it won't take valve an eternity to improve the platform, other than that, I dunno
its the good old tesco practice. When they arrived to my country, they cut under everyone to ruin competition. When they became the major player, suddenly prices started to rise.
That 12% going to be 45% the moment steam goes under
Steam drones have never justified the 30%
>take valve an eternity to improve the platform
What I don't understand is why some people call Steam "monopoly" when Epic is literally bribe developers to only release the games on their store.
>Games will be cheaper once they're digital downloads since they won't have to produce and ship discs!
>Games don't get cheaper.
>Games will be cheaper now that Steam has more competition since Epic takes less of a cut!
>Games don't get cheaper.
Can't wait until the next "improvement" comes along so autists can ree for and against it while nothing actually changes.
The 30% is because Valve absorbs transaction fees. Epic would be around 25% if they did too, but the dump that cost on the users.
>Steam drones have never justified the 30%
Have you been to any of the Epic vs Steam shitflinging threads? Claims about 30% being fair are not uncommon. Some drones even claim that Steam deserves MORE than 30%.
Didnt people already justified it due to:
Payment transaction cost
No cut for valve with steam key sold on other reseller platform
Physical steam card transaction cost
>for 6 months
Yea Forums out of all the boards has the least business understanding which is ironic since you debate the industry all the time
Don't reply to bait
>Why do people claim that 'competition' is good for customers if games are just as expensive in both platforms?
Kind of mind boggling that people are this thick.
Do you need to be told everything?
wtf i love epic now!
what is steam due to UI change? Compared to all the other client and modern looks the Steam client looks outdated now.
>Buy exclusive rights
>Make game cost as much as usual.
Wow look at all this competition and how great this is for the consumers.
>why do people assume that the usual offer-demand dynamic in business would work in the videogame industry
gee I wonder
Why fix something that isn't broken?
Can't argue with this logic! God damn, user. Your big fucking brain is suffocating me! Please, no more, aniki~
Please, tell us how a service that has less features and yet is exactly as expensive is somehow magically a huge benefit to customers.
Is pic related good? I'm starving for a game.
Wont be able to tell you until it's on steam
For both direct and indirect reasons.
Greater dev/publisher return means less investment is needed. Thus smaller budget and more risky projects can be greenlit. It's also easier for a game to be successful (so it can warrant a sequel, for example).
The presence of a proper competitor means that you have to keep one-upping yourself to appeal to your consumers. Meaning the consumers will benefit from the competitors trying to stay ahead.
Basically EpicStore is extremely good for consumers in the long term, since Steam had no actual competitor atm, so they got complacement, barely fixed their shit while trying to push more egregious shit.
People, as usual, are short-sighted.
Found some drone on Twitter talking about it. Something about processing fees and the like, which is why Epic only allows Paypal with a credit card.
>what is steam due to UI change?
Assuming you're asking 'when,' it should be relatively soon
Honestly I don't really have any problems with steam UI
Yes, so far nothing happened other than exclusives and Console Wars:PC edition
>It's also easier for a game to be successful (so it can warrant a sequel, for example).
That assumes that player numbers are staying the same if the Epic Game Store becomes the norm. Given Epic's focus on publishers over customers, I have a feeling people will just move back to piracy like they did before Steam and all the third-party storefronts gained a large foothold in the PC space
People who play video games aren't Epic/Steam's customers. Publishers are.
>People who play video games aren't Epic/Steam's customers. Publishers are.
That's accurate for Epic's store, but not Steam. Steam is fairly customer-focused, while Epic's is publisher-focused
Not looking forward to this, I actually like Steam's current UI quite a bit.
>Epic will be a huge benefit to customers!
When you make user reviews optional and this is the refund policy you decide to launch the store with, it's clear you think customers are just fucktards there to give you money and publishers are the only people you need to appeal to.
You already used that excuse with Origin and it gave us fucking Andromeda and Inquisition, get a better excuse next time
The only people that support epic are either literal retards that don't know shit about gaming or deluded idiots that think Steam is either some SJW bastion that censors them OR some evil mega corporation that deserves no mercy for allowing anyone to put up any game.
It's literally a store for dumb people.
Is anyone here going to seriously argue that Steam is NOT a shit, monopolistic service? Think about it for a second-- the fucking COD: MW games are still $40 on there. This is with no CD, no case, no paper to print, fucking nothing.. Will Epic BE ANY BETTER? haRD TO SAY, PROBABLY NOT AND IT FUCKS ME SINCE I HAD MONEY ON MY STEAM ACCOUNT I WANTED TO USE TO BUY THE NEW METRO GAME, BUT FUCKING Steam have really become a gang of thieves. Fuck em.
And Steam WOULF be charging $70 or $75 for the new Metro game if they
God I hate modern UI's, at least steam allows you to have new shells for it so there are likely a ton of modded ones I can use that operate like the "old" steam once that rolls around
>That assumes that player numbers are staying the same if the Epic Game Store becomes the norm.
I'm talking the lower percentage. Discord store also has a lower percentage. If Steam is then forced to lower their percentage then that would already mean that the presence of EpicStore had effect. This would benefit developers, publishers and to a certain degree consumers as well.
The only ones that would lose out would be Valve.
>I have a feeling people will just move back to piracy like they did before Steam and all the third-party storefronts gained a large foothold in the PC space
So far it hasn't had any real big impact on sales (for games like Metro). Additionally with this model they basically get a second release on Steam, which is typically something games don't get (second "release", that is).
If however people turned to piracy that would be very stupid. Almost as stupid as people that review bomb prior games on Steam thinking that somehow makes the Steam storefront more appealing for devs/publishers (when in fact it makes the EpicStore more appealing).
People just don't stop and thinks things through before they flip out.
Personally I don't care too much since I rarely play on PC anymore since I travel a lot.
>Greater dev/publisher return means less investment is needed. Thus smaller budget and more risky projects can be greenlit.
Yeah that really worked out for Bethesda/EA/Ubisoft/Every other dev/publisher with their own store.
I really hope this is copied from somewhere
Origin is largely irrelevant and was never a proper competitor to Steam.
When did Steam ever react to anything Origin did?
That's why they call them consumers not customers.
iS this A pasta?
Epic boss Sweeney has already said the cut they take isn't sustainable, it's only because they have so much funding from Fortnite skins and the Chinese government.
Sweeney is trying to do like Wal-Mart, drive the competitors out of business and then he can assfuck us all however he likes. Gaben, despite being so fat, only ever assfucked us by letting entitled indieshits flood his store with crap after they kept complaining they deserved a chance to prove themselves and get their games on Steam.
Because it's a lie. The whole epic store thing is nothing but lies and bullshit and serves no other purpose than catering to epic and shitty AAA publishers. They don't even hide it. They come right out and say that consumers are the enemy. The balls on these guys.
Origin was actually the first storefront to implement digital refunds if I remember correctly
>Steam personally sets the prices of every game
This is a great pasta
>So far it hasn't had any real big impact on sales (for games like Metro).
We have zero actual numbers for Metro's Epic Game Store sales. The only thing we know is that Exodus sold '2.5x the first week sales of Last Light in its first week.' This statement lacks the context that they're comparing the sales of a game with a multi-million dollar advertising campaign from 2019 to the sales of a game in 2013 when PC wasn't as popular and had absolutely no advertising (as the original publisher of the game THQ had just fucking died months before release)
Correction, the games are more expensive on epic store.
You could easily get the games on other stores than steam for 20% off before launch, with epic that's not possible and you are forced to pay the full price.
At the rate they're going they're pretty fucked once Fortnite stops being The Big Thing.
Uplay isn't bad
You can get discount with uplay points,they should stack with other discount too
both platforms are garbage and you shouldnt defend either
That's because people barely use them. They're not really competitors to Steam, as has been stated many times over.
The core issue is that Steam didn't have a competitor. Steam never really cared what other storefronts did or adapted after what others did, because they never had to. They had a pseudo monopoly on the market.
Fact of the matter is that people wouldn't go to another storefront and use it if it was on par or slightly better than steam (which steam has had years to build up to) out of habit and what they're familiar with.
>The only people that support epic are either literal retards that don't know shit about gaming
bULLFUCKING SHIT. tHEY aren't going to be perfect by any means, but now there are a few other companies challenging their monopoly. How much longer were they going to get away with it, with their 77%? I saved for 2 years and saved through the balls topo build my "perfect" PC with 2070ti, 128gigs RAM (yes, 128-- I wantnted 64 anmnd fucking accidentally ordered double, and opened it before I realized i/ . And a water coolerand a fucking $1,200
ssd drive, 2 actually/.
Plus all the VR sruff. So aftyer spending through the fucking balls and eating cannned beans for 2 years, now I should get ripped out a second time by fucking Steam? They need some competition,. fuck them.
origin got memed by the whole spyware thing so nobody went near it until andromeda. they have a pretty okay refund policy that was added way before steam did theirs. problem is they don't seem to be interested in making it a full store. they only made deals with ubi to sell their games in origin and that was about it. they signed some publishers like wb and capcom back in 2011 but nothing ever came of it for whatever reason. uplay also had a bunch of third party games back in 2013 but that didn't last long either for whatever reason. sure you could say lack of interest by consumers, but seems to me something else happened.
Publisher reported that they were satisfied with the sales, including PC. Also it sold better than prior games.
Meaning there is no indication that the game flopped on PC.
In fact I'd argue that the debacle increased the number of sales for the game and prior games.
Are you ok?
People claim that competition is good for the consumers because it usually means that companies are trying to deliver the best product/cheapest price.
It's not the case with EGS. They didn't produce a game, they just bought timed exclusivity. which kinda limits where you get third party games on PC.
EA sells their games on Origin, that's alright though people don't like Origin because they don't like EA.
And then you have a lot of shills and probably some faggots doing it for free due to them holding a grudge against Valve because they started to allow porngames or indiefaggots who think the only reason why their amazing game isn't making mad profit due to all the trash that's allowed as if Valve is supposed to do PR for them and this is also a case of proper competition which faggot indiedevs just can't handle because their games are shit.
Then again that might've been also shills. You know, establish some kind of narrative before releasing/revealing the EGS
>pseudo monopoly
is this the new chink speak for this time?
>Publisher reported that they were satisfied with the sales, including PC.
Then why do they refuse to actually put up sales numbers from PC and instead have to use fuzzy math to say how 'well' it did?
You have some problems there man. You are like raving crazy hobo.
>Are you ok?
Blame activision for that price m8
>You are like raving crazy hobo.
Steam basically had monopoly on the market. Other storefronts were irrelevant.
Even CD Projects own developed game Thronebreaker sold so poorly that they had to release it on Steam. That's how irrelevant storefronts like GoG are in the grand scheme of things. Even if said game is from a known dev, from a popular series, got good scores and was on a quality (arguably the best) storefront.
Really, who were the relevant competitors to Steam? Who did Valve actually consider as a threat? By all means share.
>People who buy products aren't customers
>dont buy the exclusive, just allow the game to be on both stores
>renounce at that 18% of difference to make the game cheaper, at least for a while
am i missing something?
>Epic are challenging Steam's monopoly with exclusives!
So my choices have gone from being forced to buy a game on Steam or not being able to play it to being forced to buy a game on Epic or not being able to play it.
Really challenging the monopoly there.
How often do publishers actually make exact numbers public? Generally that's only when a games does extremely well, which is rare.
You do realise crows are smartest birds out there, right?
Sounds hot
you should buy some meds from that money man, you seriously make me reconsider that everyone is just trolling here. You look genuinely troubled
i've been out of the loop completely with this epic thing
can someone explain to me what is wrong with epic store?
all i've gathered is that they "give info to china"
is there any proof of this? does steam "give info" to someone else? if not, can it be proven, ie can we really know that steam doesnt do the same thing?
and what is with this "launcher" business? so epic has its own launcher? like steam does? how is that detrimental?
for now, being uninformed as i am, i think of this as a shitty shill war, with epic and steam being essentially the same thing for most common type of gamer - a guy who just wants to play games
>the people giving you money for your service aren't your customers.
>like raving crazy hobo.
> disregard that 8 other storefront they dont matter
i can notice the epic speak when i see it
>can someone explain to me what is wrong with epic store?
Most things Epic is doing with their store is a net negative for PC gaming
-Epic doesn't mass generate keys for free for publishers to sell to other stores, so you won't be able to buy from third-parties who are competing on price (only from a 'partner' like Humble Bundle which will just sell the game at the exact same price)
-If you live in an area that doesn't have high amounts of credit card usage, you might usually rely on cash cards to buy your vidya, and unlike something like Steam which eats the cost themselves Epic will just charge you more (given their low take for themselves)
-Instead of using their vast wealth from Fortnite to make brand new titles for their store, Epic's paying to take choice of where to buy away from customers, and this includes both Steam and GOG options being taken away
-Ironically if you live in China you can't actually buy games from Epic
-If you're one of the few Linux people out there you're screwed because you can't as easily take advantage of Proton or anything like that
-The 88/12 split becoming a regular thing likely won't hurt Steam all that much overall, but it will kill all the third-party sellers which provide better prices for games like Green Man Gaming, Voidu, Fanatical and Gamesplanet
-Tim Sweeney himself has said that he doesn't want to do sales even on the level of current-day Steam, along with a clear focus on his store being more publisher-friendly instead of customer-friendly (for example, an opt-in review system)
Steam is still a good service but if they don’t start developing their own games more they will die out. Stores like uPlay could over take it
It's just a shitty service. People are constantly trying to get their accounts unfucked and it doesnt have basic functions like a shopping cart. All other arguments are irrelevant
No one wants to use a shitty service to play their games
>you seriously make me reconsider that everyone is just trolling here
popularity doesn't equal monopoly epic-kun.
steam became popular because every store that tried to compete during the green steam dumpster fire years actually managed to somehow make an even worse client, which should not have been possible. why do people forget this? also i wish epic would compete with steam at the consumer level. what good is having another store who just uses anti consumer tactics? we're just trading one """pseudo monopoly""" for another in the name of ""competition.""
chill out you wanker, you gonna pop some vessel. Noone give a fuck about your riches, you are still a nobody, even if you rage here for 40 minute wont change it
It's temporary. It's to get people to get used to the storefront. It's why they combine exclusives with free games.
Getting people to actually open up the storefront/library and getting used to it is EXTREMELY important.
People stick to the familiar, even if something else is better or seems better.
What do you think the point of marketing is? Why do you think they plaster Coca Cola, detergent names or whatever everywhere? So you get used to seeing the name. Humans associate what's familiar with quality in their brains. So if for example you're at a store looking at several products you're more likely to go for the product with the name you recognize.
It's a similar deal here. You can't just make a better storefront and expect people to use it. They would still stick to Steam. So you need to get them to use the new storefront.
Because they're pushing anti-consumer shit and people are falling for it, because MUH DEVS. Developers (especially indies) have been cashing in on the victim points, and now it's payday.
I somehow don't see the 12% from the Epic store lasting. Eventually they'll bring it up like 15. Then 20. And so on and so on until it's just another Steam and we're back to square one.
>Epic games customer support literally takes months to get back to you
Epic games store does nothing for us or gaming at all besides give companies and the chinese more control while giving us less options, they can't even give proper customer support for their current major cash cow let alone for a fucking global store, be wary and avoid at all costs.
It has barely any of the features Steam has while forcing people to use it by bribing publishers to make their games exclusive to the Epic store. The "CHINESE COMMIES STEALING MY PERSONAL DATA" shit is irrelevent, the store itself just lacks features, is trying to outright force people to use it, and doesn't even have cheaper prices to make up for it.
>> disregard that 8 other storefront they dont matter
They don't? Are you actually telling me that the other storefronts were legit competitors to steam that Valve considered to be threats? Actual competitors? If you do, then you're both ignorant and delusional and that's a fact.
As I have already stated, if CD project's own game Thronebreaker sells so poorly on their storefront that they have to put it on Steam then that should tell you how much of a competitor to steam they actually are. But clearly you don't see it.
It also helps to actually make a better storefront
>muh ui change
wtf do they need to change the ui for? are you some sillicon valley retard? you must be the kind of person that causes these websites to constantly shart out a "new" ui every six months thats somehow inexplicably worse than the last. If something is fine just leave it alone you fucking spazz. neck yourself
For anyone who is even the least bit interested, they are giving away the Assassins Creed game set in Paris with the Templars in the 1200s. Not even a fan of AG, but I DLed since when the hell has a company ever given away a full game, no strings attached? Just search "Assassins creed, Paris, free game" and DL it if you have the space and a good enough system to run it.
>can someone explain to me what is wrong with epic store?
they're not interested in appealing to consumers, their tactic is BUY HERE OR ELSE. they're advancing their client at a snail's pace. they eliminate price competition by paying publishers to remove their games from most official third party stores leaving you to deal with gray market ebay sites or use them. it's sad that a company with SO much money that could off real, consumer level competition, resorts to such childish ways.
I hope it's optional. Not sure why people don't like Steam's UI. It's already not minimalistic enough for my taste, but close enough. I fucking hate huge ass buttons everywhere, like in every other store. I'm not on a touch screen, I don't need huge buttons for every feature.
Epic won't even have basic features for months, if not years.
You made it clear you're biased and already label me as some epic store shill.
Meaning I shouldn't waste anymore time on you, since you're not looking at things objectively. Thanks for letting me know you're not reasonable.
what's up insectoid, chinese masters finally let you post more this week?
>I somehow don't see the 12% from the Epic store lasting.
It can't last if Epic ever wants to sell in regions where cash cards are necessary to sell games. Steam uses mostly non-standard payment methods in places like China and take a 10-15% hit from selling those Steam cash cards
>Not even a fan of AG, but I DLed since when the hell has a company ever given away a full game,
uplay has given away a dozen games my man. half my library is free games.
ePiC iS gOoD fOr tHe cOnSumEr
You could easily flip it around
>You know, I don't really need a new launcher
>If it's not offering anything new, I don't see wh-
fuck off.
>I hope it's optional.
Steam allows people to make their own UIs
All I'm getting from this is "we don't give a shit if you WANT to use our store, we're gonna try to MAKE you use it until sunk costs coerces you to stay". I'll give it a miss personally.
>. Noone give a fuck about your riches, you are still a nobody
Hey cocksucker hard-on, the topic only came up after I was called a "hobo." Thus my feeling the ned to point out I have a $3,200 TitaN v UNDER MY DESK RIGHT NOW NOT EVEN USING UNTIL I GET AROUND TO BUILDING YET ANOTHER FUCKING COMPUTER. aS FAR AS ME BEING A "NOBODY," HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AMN AND AM NOT? jUST KEEP THE DISCUSSIONS TO THE FUCKING GAMES, EH?
Funny how epic drones can't meme.
I provided them all this shit and they still didn't help me.
>It also helps to actually make a better storefront
What do you think all the WoW-killers tried to do? Make a worse game than WoW? WoW, like Steam, has had years and years to add features and polish. But then they started to stagnate and give less of a shit, while also starting to try to push things like paid mods and worse stuff.
But sure it helps to have a better storefront, but in the end people wouldn't start using it just for that. People are creatures of habit.
>buy borderlands 3 on PC
>doesnt even have achievements cuz epic doesnt support it
Yeah that's Uplay faggot. Uplay is cancer, but at least they only have their own published games as exclusives. Example of why it is cancer
>finish playing Anno 1800
>get fucking popup ADS in the launcher for other games I'm not interested in at all
Because competition means when 1 company fucks up your not stuck with them. When steam did paid mods I stuck to GoG and most other launchers for a bit and it was heavily limiting as alot of games dont come out on GoG
Having the ability to leave 1 launcher for another without missing out on a shitload of games is good for the consumer
>games available on multiple platforms with steam being the most popular
>it's a monopoly
>games exclusive to a single platform for a limited time or not
>it's competition
I don't get it either.
>We don't care about the consumer, we care about the publisher
>Steam, has had years and years to add features and polish. But then they started to stagnate and give less of a shit, while also starting to try to push things like paid mods and worse stuff.
As opposed to Epic which has had years to observe Steam yet decided to launch a store that doesn't even have the features that shitty stagnating Steam has.
turn that off in the options dummy
I mean when epic lowered the cut they got from unreal asset sales they made it retroactive and paid everyone who ever sold an asset the difference
so they seem to take the cut fairly seriously
I usually go with whichever is cheaper.
It's on by default and gets turned on every new update you faggot. And yes, it's a retarded feature that NOBODY wants, so why is it there?
To be fair, being based on Gwent did Thronebreaker no favors. I myself didn't particularly enjoy the gameplay and thought Thronebreaker could've been a lot better as a real RPG instead of Polish Magic: The Gathering.
>uplay has given away a dozen games my man.
WELL, there you go, thanks, learned something new. I usually avoid AG games LIKE THE PLAGUE so I would not know.. I'm finally off this coming weekend and week and I have ~35 games plusd all the VR shit I need to sort through since I haven't had time to even try it. These are the times I really wish for a GF who was into vidya to help me sort through them rather than trying to drag me to fucking Bloomindales to waste money on some hideous purse, wallet, whatever I need to work over for in order to keep getting fuckied regularly.
OT but has anyone played the VVietnam '65 games? Those look cool, waiting to try those along with all the VR shit, the remastered COD MW 4....hAVE LITERALLY 35 GAMES HAVE BEEN HOARDING ON MY sTEAM COLLECTION SINCE LAST YEAR/HAVEN'T TRIED YET.
i wouldnt mind all those shitty service aspects because they seem easy to overcome at least for me, still sounds pretty easy to just buy the game and play it (groups, item trading, broadcasting, wish lists... what the hell man, those are extras, not requirements, for a game service), which is, i think, by far the most important thing for an average customer, but then again i dont know much about the experience of buying games, the last game i actually bought was some 17 years ago, empire earth in one of those boxes with manual and stuff
been pirating ever since, never looked back, pirating is by far the most cost effective way of enjoying games
you are here on Yea Forums talking to random strangers about how rich you are and could buy pakistani rape gangs. This suggest you are most likely not an educated fellow, have pent up agression and a cunt. We are not impressed about your 3,200 TITAN CARD UNDER THE DESK RIGHT NOW thing, its just show how pathetic and little you are to be so flamboyant about it. Your manners are crude, you caps lock everything like a retarded monkey, believing it will give punch to your talk.
I would talk about games, but to be honest, you are far more interesting and unsettling. Even if you are just pretending to be like this, someone going to come here, thinking its legit here and going to act like this genuinely
Not giving a shit = being a drone apparently
What can you add to Steam? It already has useless shit like user pages, badges and live streaming.
Bug-fixing and not being slow as fucking shit would be a nice start.
Really though fuck people who hate getting new launchers
The ability to use more than 1 launcher is one of the best parts about PC
>you are here on Yea Forums talking to random strangers about how rich you are and could buy pakistani rape gangs.
AND you are herer on Yea Forums-- the original place of GG (why do I just know you were not here for that, and that you
re some soprt of old booomer cuckold and some variation thererof) taking every word seriously on a Myanmar Cricket Hobbyist Forum. Which one of us has the bigger problem????
I have never had any problems with any launcher other than Origin, could you please elaborate.
What bugs?
>not being slow as fucking shit
I'm genuinely unsure what's 'slow' about Steam
In game achievements > Launcher achievements
change my mind
Why do you participate in these threads if you don't give a shit, shill?
Don't be silly, you're absolutely obliged to take a side between Shitty Corporation 1 and Shitty Corporation 2, user.
Regardless of what you think, less features than Steam & consoles.
Main problem about WoW-killers is that they do not realise that in order to kill the game they must significantly outperform it, while they only tried to copy it or pretend to be at the same level.
Of course they were, epic was literally paying them for however much they expected to sell. They could have literally not sold a single copy and so be satisfied.
I don't believe that the 12% will keep forever. Epic will nickel and dime everybody up like Netflix did and Disney will if you give them the leverage.
I can safely say you have a lot more and bigger problem than I am. And thankfully you have the money for changing it.
On another note, im glad you read everything I wrote, seeing you are not doing the random caps lock screaming
Just because I dont give a shit about 1 more launcher. Some people think its the end of the world
we disagree
I have no life
so I argue
>epic takes 12% by buying out exclusives, creating a literal monopoly
>devs get more money
>all gamers get out of it is a shitty digital store ran by chinks
that's them courting you, not all that different
just want if they get actual clout they'll make you wish you had the original steam, it can ALWAYS get worse
No joke, from day 1 this had no benefit for the consumer. If Tim actually planned to have a benefit he would've planned it prior and responded differently to this question. Later he came up with a benefit that is worse then what Steam offers. Cheaper priced games. He offers a measly $10 off launch price on the store while Steam has official storefronts selling keys off for like $15 and $20 off launch price. Only ones his store helps is publishers and devs who aren't tied to one. For customers no it's a ripoff even if it was parity wise with features and I hope they find out the hard way.
I agree the epic store is lacking in features though the only one its missing I get any real use out of is VR support the more the better
But still I genuinely wish no launcher had achievement support and forced devs to implement them in game
>Why do people claim that 'competition' is good for customers if games are just as expensive in both platforms?
because it's a sham. it's pr wool over your eyes
anyone have onee/ara version?
anyone else putting serious thought into buying the tiny ninterndo for $50 with the 50 games preloaded onto it? Between VR and aall the other shit, it seems like games are now so fucking complicated that it would be nice just to go back to the original Mario bros. If not that, maybe SNES or PS 1. For there price of one avg game on steam you can get basically every popular NES game ever made plus the console.
Have to be fair, it isn't the case that games are the same price on both platforms, Metro Exodus was $50, and was planned to be $60 on Steam. Speaking in general though, yeah, games are the same price on both platforms and Epic should have been encouraging competition by providing something better for the consumer over Steam. Just a small nitpick.
Devs may give a fuck about better cuts in their favor, but me, as a customer, I don't give a flying fuck because it doesn't benefit me in any way. For some reason though, we are being told that we should be supporting this, we should be switching over to the platform to support devs getting bigger cuts. Which is fucking retarded. We, as consumers, should be gravitating towards the service that is best serves our needs. Epic Store doesn't give a shit about little conveniences on the consumers end, and while this point has been brought up time and time again, it's still very valid, it doesn't even have a fucking shipping cart yet, a small convenience that even Chinese websites that sell knock off products have. It's clear that our interests aren't in mind and the goal of the Epic Store isn't to be a better service, it's to be the ONLY service, and it's trying to achieve that by pushing exclusivity bullshit on the PC platform.
So, to answer your question, people saying that Epic deserve money but Steam doesn't are fucking shills who don't give a shit about the consumer. I know shill is a loaded term but it's all I can say to describe somebody who is pushing a service that doesn't give a fuck about the consumer over another competing service like Steam. (Which isn't perfect, but it at least has the barebone features in place unlike the Epic Store.)
>and forced devs to implement them in game
I don't think there's a requirement for achievements to launch a game on Steam
>reddit spacing
Not as in literally force
I mean that with the lack of launcher based achievements if devs wanted achievements they'd need to put them in game
There isn't. Scum just added cheevos after community requests today. It's been in early access since last year.
>because it's a sham. it's pr wool over your eyes
t believe you. If metro had not come out on another service, the bastards at steam would be charging $75 for it. Which again, raises the question, WHERE do they get that assort of fucking number? They have no CD to produce, no shipping costs, no fucking paper costs, not producing a case. Steam games CHOULD be about $10-$15 cheaper than games in the store, but the prices just keep going up and up. something had to give eventually. or should they have been allowed to keep going until they hit $100 per game?
>why are they just as expensive
becuse of pricing agreements between them other stores and distrubutors
>why does epic deserve the money but not steam
it is not about "who deserves money" it is a transaction not a fucking charity. If the store gives you a value you want you trade your money for the product. simple as. it is the same for publishers who are looking for a store to sell on they dont go "EGS deserves it more" they go "steam wants to take a way bigger cut and just offers fluff, EGS will take a smaller one and give us a saws garuntee"
>lightweight storefront
it literally takes more memory than steam
>convenient to use
are any other launchers inconvenient somehow?
>gives developers a better deal
how does this benefit the player?
Steam doesn't set the price of games, you fucking retard. The publisher does.
>steam would be charging $75 for it
Steam doesn't make the price.
>If metro had not come out on another service, the bastards at steam would be charging $75 for it.
> Steam games CHOULD be about $10-$15 cheaper than games in the store
fucking lol at your idiocy. steam doesn't dictate the prices, that's developers. they have no say in how much the game costs. and explain why don't games in epic store cost less? if new releases everywhere cost 60 quid, qhy didn't metro exodus cost less while in epic store?
>For some reason though, we are being told that we should be supporting this, we should be switching over to the platform to support devs getting bigger cuts.
Missing the point dude. Look at Witcher 3 and how they tried to keep the same talent for cyberpunk 2077 and most of the creative teram l;eft since not enough shekels. If you really love a game and want a squeal or at least for the same dev team to stick around, why shouldn
t you want to give it to the people who actually made it rather than some (((middleman))) who fucking did nothing but is going to take 30%? It
's crazy.
>anecdotal evidence
great argument
I think the more telling aspect is how dead all the MP games that aren't Fortnite are on the EGS.
WWZ came out literally 2 days ago and people are already struggling to find matches.
>how does this benefit the player?
You get to give us money, that's all you're good for, stop being entitled.
>fucking lol at your idiocy. steam doesn't dictate the prices,
re a completer fucking brainl;ess scumbag and have no idea how sales work. you really think there is NO discussion between the two parties as to what they think the market can handle? I'm always being told by fucking geniuses on here how things work that I am direrctly involved in, and I don't know whether to be more impressed by the virtuosity of your tongue or the brazenness with which you
re able to lie. Often I sit here, thunderstruck. Gradually, I BEGAN TO HATE YOU.
I hate getting new launchers because they tend to be a requirement, not a choice. ie. if you want to play this new game, you have to use launcher X. Try out a couple of new titles and your computer's full of strange bloatware. This is why a single centralized launcher is convenient.
On the other hand, having a choice on which launcher(s) to use is good. Would be even better if there were actual half decent options, but oh well. At least it's theoretically possible. Maybe one day.
look mom im agreeing and disagreeing at the same time
This. It takes a good ten minutes for a group to form and this game is brand new. I regret it already.
>great argument
"gradually, I began to hate them..." e.g, "when he makes a sound argument re: witcher 3 and the dev team leaving, let me call that "anecdotal" since I know I have NO ARGUMENT AGAINST IT, AND THE TEAM REALLY DID LEAVER SINCE THEY WORKED FOR 6 YEARS ON WITCHER 3, HOPING TO CASH IN LATER ON AND GOT TOTALLLY FUCKED...
>why some people say that Epic deservers the money but Steam doesn't?
They're shills and/or are stupid.
Fuck off you drunk mongrel
Insolvent business model hinged on excess Tencent funding and minimum viable service model. Epic will continue to claim the lack of features is due to their stance on developer vs. consumer when it's really that developing a suite of features as broad as Steam's just isn't solvent on their budget. If the race goes south for them once the exclusivity bid budget dries up expect them to flip flop on that stance.
Better go get that refund m8.
If Epic will let you that is.
are you having a stroke? also
> have no idea how sales work
so you're saying if, say, ea releases bf5, it bargains with every single release platform out there and magically comes to agreement with every single one on an exact price everywhere? also, if steam says "no we want this game for 55 quid instead of 60" and ea says no, what the fuck are they gonna do, deny them? ea can shit on them all day all night you dip, steam has no fucking say in prices, so fuck off with the high horse you rode in on.
>Fuck off you drunk mongrel
LOL, yep, that one hit home...
so is this some sort of chink autopost algorithm or what?
Based and redpilled
>if steam says "no we want this game for 55 quid instead of 60" and ea says no
EA is a dead company that panders to GLOBALHOMO anyway, so why are you bringing them into this? Only games worth the money anymore are Eastern Euro and Nippon games. At this point, EA games should come with a butt plug and an AIDS test.
>so is this some sort of chink autopost algorithm or what
"You order egg fried rice? You want fried dog with your broccoli?"
Incoherent rage is incoherent.
>there are people still replying seriously to the really obvious shitposter.
If the game is only available on that middleman service, and that service is fucking dogshit, then I won't buy the game using that service, even if it's a game that I really would want or if it's from a franchise that I want to continue.
Anyway, let's swap the roles, if these devs really want people to buy their games and want their franchises to continue, they shouldn't be signing onto exclusivity deals on platforms that are worse for their fans and customers.
I'm not a dev.
because its entertaining mate, I really having fun with him
>if steam says "no we want this game for 55 quid instead of 60"
You know what, NOW companies ARE telling Steam to go fuck themselves. It had to start somewhere, and now another company has told them to go get fucked, that they'll sell direct to their customers. Sure it's a pain in the arse for me personally, but if it didn't happen, fucking Steam would have just kept upping and upping their prices until every game was 100 quid. So fuck them. And if Steam was selling "Metro..," you can bet your ass they'd be charging over $70 US, just like they've been doing for all new, highly anticipated games these days
He dodges all the direct questions since he can't just pick and choose what to respond to like on Twitter. That Steamspy fuck Galoykin gave twitch data to prove EGS is doing well. These people are out to paint a narrative, that's all.
>send us a video of you singing the US national anthem while doing push ups with one arm while dancing the dinosaur
So why don't devs put their games on epic games store and lower the prices for the consumers. So that they make the same amount they are making on steam. Yet have the games up on Epic Store for cheaper.
It looks like kind of a massive oversight from both the devs and Epic Games and a way for them to get sales and stop the "monopoly" in a healthy way rather then back door deals with the devs and exclusives that even Tim said weren't healthy.
>fucking Steam would have just kept upping and upping their prices until every game was 100 quid
stop lying, nobody is falling for that here
> they'd be charging over $70 US, just like they've been doing for all new, highly anticipated games these days
where are all those singular $70 game releases?
>if these devs really want people to buy their games and want their franchises to continue, they shouldn't be signing onto exclusivity deals on platforms that are worse for their fans and customers.
I agree. which is why in the long run it
s a good thing that someone finally told Steam to go get fucked. Personally I'm not happy about it in the sense that I already had the money saved on my Steam account, but over the past year certainly I've noticed they've been getting worse and worse. Even the fucking 25 minute VR games for Vive are now over $30.
So while it may be an invonveience for me right now, how can you not applaud someone trying to break early version of "google" for games before they become a giant squid that is just everywhere and sucks the blood out of everything.
man why does he look like such a dishonest person I just can't put my finger on it but something looks off in his face
>That Steamspy fuck Galoykin
isn't that the same guy that said if they fuck up with the game they let the players keep it, then took a game away once people got it for free on accident?
>stop lying, nobody is falling for that here
Falling for it?? Do you fucking have the Steam application open right now? Anyone can check and then get back and tell me if I'm fucking lying. If Sony hadn't kept RDR 2 off PCs this year, I can promise you the fuckers on Steam would want $70+ for it. You don't need to fucking believe me, just check around on the new games....
12% is STILL too much poor devs logging all those hours trying to make a game for us
I'd like to see someone take maybe 5%. then I would consider buying from them.
steam takes nothing if you sell your keys elsewhere
>Why do people claim that 'competition' is good for customers if games are just as expensive in both platforms?
Epic drones are Chinese communists who only pretend to understand capitalism.
>I'm glad this game is only on Epic because monopolies are bad!
>Competition is good, so I can't wait until Steam goes out of business!
link all those single game $70 dollar steam releases.
>where are all those singular $70 game releases?
FYI idiot-- every game that is
60 dollars" in the Us is "60 pounds" in the UK and "60 Euros" on the mainland....
ok, but where are all those $70 dollar game releases?
>link all those single game $70 dollar steam releases.
I'm going to make a random guess, you don't even own a passport, do you? ANY GAME THAT IS $55 FOR YOU IS OVER $70 FOR ME IN THE UK.
Do you understand how exchange rate mechanism work or do you need that fucking explained?
Sure, it's a good thing to tell Steam to get fucked, Valve have gotten complacent after all. But in the case of Epic Store, this shouldn't be applauded. They aren't trying to break up an early version of Google, they are just trying to replace that version to become it themselves.
We've seen it already, instead of trying to provide a better service that would make people want to switch to it, they instead are taking games for themselves and are telling people to only use their service to get these games. At the same time, they are skimping out on the consumer experience (even simple features, as I've said before, like a fucking shopping cart), they don't have a method for the consumer to convey what games are good or bad on their platform, everything is geared towards the benefit of their platform and the devs on it, not to the actual consumers.
I'm looking into the long run as well, and my position is that if it's a choice between Epic and Steam becoming the dominant platform, I will choose the lesser of two evils and side with Steam.
>no utility launcher heavier than steam
>If Sony hadn't kept RDR 2 off PCs this year, I can promise you the fuckers on Steam would want $70+ for it.
What the fuck are you talking about? Steam doesn't control the prices on its store. The publishers/developers choose the prices.
A nicer way than I was going to put it, but this
He's the chief of publishing so probably.
Do you think the spyware thing is just a meme?
>? Steam doesn't control the prices on its store
They're still a fucking middleman, they're still getting a cut, they aren''t a FUCKING CHARITY. If EVERY fucking company began selling direct., there would be a ddrop oof ~20% in price for games. Have you ever thought about WHY exactly anyone needs Steam? What service do they provide, other than selling expensive fucking controllers? And I have the Steam thing that lets me play on my TV if I want that transmits the game and that sucks too. What service is Stream providing exactly,, other than taking a cut as a middleman?
>you don't even own a passpor
i do, but what does that have anything to do with steam?
well shit bitch, that's your currency problem. you gonna blame steam for brexit now?
>Do you understand how exchange rate mechanism work or do you need that fucking explained?
but listen - you said all those game releases are $70. you didn't say "all those game releases in uk are $70 when converted from local currency", you said they're $70, period. Show me all those $70 game releases. Show them, you dishonest cunt.
also, since you're being a doubly dishonest cunt:
now please explain why does it say LESS in gbp, when you said you're oh so oppressed by steam uk pricing, you double dishonest nigger.
are you honestly this much of an idiot?
middle man of their own launcher hosting the game files,servers,save data and apps for devs to work or update their games .
>They aren't trying to break up an early version of Google, they are just trying to replace that version to become it themselves.
OK, I kind of see your point but at this point isn't Spic limited to only what's in their catalog, which is essentially nothing? Also, if you look at Pc games on Amazon and Streeam, they are essentially the same price, sometimes amazon even cheaper. how is that even possible since in the case of selling a hard copy they need to fucking make the CD, the case, ship it, pay for all the shipping, etc..
If you are buying through DL, these companies SHOULD be passing along $8-$10 of savings to you, but they aren't. Question is, why? This is at least a good time to raise the discussion.
Fuck off, modern UI design is garbage and I'm glad that Steam has yet to fully embrace it.
>are you honestly this much of an idiot?
Yes, and clearly, you are a fucking genius.Why shouldn't the (very) few non-pozzed companies sell direct these days? Steam has become a total fucking cancer, obviously it can be done, as seen in the fact that I just DLed one of the newer "Assassin's Creed" for free without issue. I've still yet to receive a good answer as to why the (((middleman))) in the person of Steam should NOT be fucking cut out.
That's literally fucking nothing retarded zoomer, before steam devs hosted all that shit by themselves and those expenses are fucking nothing compared to the millions steam steals to the good developers.
because then the company would have to convince people to install their own propertiary installer, and there'd be an installer for every single fucking company and people would get fed up with it in a fucking instant, not to mention a lot of them would probably be shoddily done and give constant problems, the servers would crap out much more frequently than steam ones used for various services, and a shitload of people would complain about lack of bacsic features, because why should companies implement them? just look at how fucking barebones battlenet is, and how shit are all those propertiary installers that already exist, like origin.
I could go on, but clearly i'm wasting my fucking time explaining basic functionalities to a fucking dunce such as yourself.
>If you are buying through DL, these companies SHOULD be passing along $8-$10 of savings to you, but they aren't. Question is, why?
The average consumer doesn't give a shit, and it has been ingrained in the minds of so many people that $60 is the default price for a new AAA game. These companies can absolutely afford to lower their prices, as you said, they aren't paying for the manufacturing of hard copies and shipping, and on top of that they have been making record numbers of profit year after year for nearly the last decade. But they see if the consumer is still willing to pay a higher amount, or the "default price" of $60, why would they lower the price? At the end of the day, they really only give a shit about maximizing their profit margins to please investors, they don't give a fuck about the consumer until they are forced to give a fuck through legislation or if they start seeing losses.
nice buzzwords, if they are nothing why doesn't any indie dev by now have their own store and launcher
Steam shills are the same as Snoy shills.
It's honestly very impressive how absolute retards can shill a fucking corporation that is making shit ton of money.
MUH GABEN!!! Hell, even their own employees report how cancerous it is to work for Valve. I don't even need to make any of my own stories and feedback, you can just read it from the real Valve employees.
>Steam has become a total fucking cancer
No it hasn't.
>I've still yet to receive a good answer as to why the (((middleman))) in the person of Steam should NOT be fucking cut out.
They provide a service for developers.
>If you are buying through DL, these companies SHOULD be passing along $8-$10 of savings to you, but they aren't.
You're so naive. They'll keep the money for themselves.
Epic shills are the same as Snoy shills.
It's honestly very impressive how absolute retards can shill a fucking corporation that is making shit ton of money.
MUH 12!!! Hell, even their own employees report how cancerous it is to work for Epic. I don't even need to make any of my own stories and feedback, you can just read it from the real Epic users.
Can't wait for them to ask for an urine sample just because I bought a shit game.
They just keep asking me for more DNA samples!
Because the left are retarded.
"developers make more money, this is good for you!"
"women who are crap at the job should get the job, you getting an inferior product doesn't matter!"
You can read Richard Geldreich's comments here. Former Valve's employee.
fake and gay.
No, it's not a charity, and yes, publishers/developers can theoretically save money by selling directly and then pass those savings on to customers (assuming they have any customers after they stop doing business with leading distributors). However, none of that implies that Steam has any say in the price of a game, so the claim that "Steam would want $70" is completely erroneous. In other words, I'm still right, and your earlier post was still wrong. But yeah, go ahead, move the goal posts all you want.
>Have you ever thought about WHY exactly anyone needs Steam? What service do they provide
They provide the service of running a popular storefront, i.e., providing a good place to sell games due to the number of users. Do you think Gabe Newell is forcing publishers and developers to use Steam at gunpoint? They choose to use it because it benefits them, you absolute retard. All those publishers and developers could create their own online stores. Most of them don't, because it would cost more and they would sell fewer copies.
Are you done being a dipshit now? You could just say that Steam could be better, and a lot of people would agree with you. The reason everyone hates you right now is that you're pretending not to understand basic commerce.
I came here to laugh at you
I don't think they're pretending though.
I think they just don't understand.
I'm not a game dev. I pay the same on either store. Steam offers me more value via potential refund, community hubs, workshop, guides. Couldn't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about the cut
They don't have to buy exclusivity out of publishers to make their platform relevant in counterpart?
>cancerous to work at Valve
I know you're trolling but you're citing some literally who, that worked at valve for a single year in networking and his latest worked on game was fucking Anthem. Try again
jews jewing jews
Epic drones have never justified the 12%
The Epic goyim must forgive me if I can't bring myself to care the publishers who would kill me and all their employees if they thought it would make them a buck aren't getting the max money per transaction possible.
>I know you're trolling but you're citing some literally who, that worked at valve for a single year in networking and his latest worked on game was fucking Anthem. Try again
Read it, you dumb motherfucker. A whole article from an ex-employee who, unlike you, worked for Valve.
I don't give a fuck that it's a plebbit link, it was originally posted there.
It's fucking CANCER.
Not surprising at all that all their initiatives and projects such as Artifact or Steam machine bombed so hard that nobody even wants to talk about it anymore.
Valve is as bad as Activision / EA at this point. Only absolutely braindead shills can shill for them and their fucking lootboxes.
The last thing I ever want to do is help or assist the Chinese in any way, shape, or form.
Those bugs deserve a thermonuclear death as far as I’m concerned.
>how does this benefit the player?
In terms of indies/smaller dev studios, more cut for them means being able to support/fix the game longer, and possibly fund a follow-up.
>more cut for them means being able to support/fix the game longer
Wasn't that supposed what Early Access was for?
Epic has already proved it only wants mega popular indie games to begin with, so it wouldn't matter in the long run anyway.
The left really cant meme, jesus christ