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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off tojo

Inferno Island revealed with night setting to make it visually distinct from Crash Cove

>Majora's Mask Velo moon

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First look at Inferno Island.

A Smash thread died for this.

Based CTRastroturfers BTFO the smashbabies

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As it should have. The weak should fear the strong.

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>all the CTR tracks
>all the CNK tracks
>CTR physics working properly


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I called this shit when CNk tracks were confirmed. It's basically a remix of Crash Cove so it could easily get by with a time of day change.


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I hope we can play as Big Velo

And that's a good thing.

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So when are we going to see the yet to be revealed characters?
I want artists to start churning out CocoxTawnaxTrophygirl smuts.

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>being a yurifag

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That's cool but when is the Switch gameplay footage?

>not being a yurifag
It's like you like cocks

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wtf Jay got into crash?

Boob envy is best envy.

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game just keeps looking better and better. Gonna be going dick deep into the kart racing revival with both Sonic Team Racing and this within a month of eachother

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Well half of the world has a cock, and I like people so I guess I also like cocks. Doesn't mean I dream about choking on them all day like you tho.

Imagine if it came with a level editor.

They weren't lying when they said they would give the some of the CNK tracks a huge overhaul.

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Never played the Crash series.
Will it be fun on my Xbox X with some weed.

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3/10 didn't make any sense

Imagine how many people would die of old age with their hands glued to the controller

He's in.

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farewell obj_motherfeeder

So now that Sony is cracking down on big tiddies, what are the chances that the trophy girls are still in?

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We'll see, at this point Beenox will have my uninterrupted praise if they have the balls to add Tawna or keep the trophy girls

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You and me both.

Reverse boob envy is better

I'd say tawna, brio, kong, komodo moe and spyro are 100% in.
I'd hope they'd be bosses too.

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As in busty girls wanting to have delicious flat chests?
Care to show any examples of this acquired taste?

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He's in

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>I'd say tawna, brio, kong, komodo moe and spyro are 100% in.

>the remaster will also have the tracks of CNK

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>mfw they are trying ot soften the blow of not including Tawna and trophygirls by giving CNK content.

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Beenox really is getting all the details right. So this confirms my man Velo is in, right???

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That won't work!!

It has shit physics that will make every competent player dislike the game over the original. I do not know how it isnt obvious to you from all the footage we've been shown.

Imagine the game shipping with Coco as the only female character.

Imagine how easy it would be to shitpost them into a corner for not being 'inclusive' by removing four female characters.

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Will he sneak in?

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>shit physics

>working sacred fire
>actual super turbo pad at 1:19 and the beginning jump

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But they are sexy female characters.
They would be "progressive" by eliminating harmful female representations or some other soft sounding way of removing characters.
I'm no games journalist with "witty" way of words.

CNK tracks aren't that great

of course

Hurry up and confirm him, I am getting nervous

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Thunderstruck would like a word

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Where's that picture of brio deciding whether to build a cart or create trophy girls when I need it

I think the trophy girls will be in, but they will probably be wearing racing suits like the princesses in Mario Kart, and will probably have way smaller tits. The jiggle physics will definitely be out.

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I'm really curious how the heck Thunderstruck is going to work. Maybe a portal will warp you to the upside down sections. lol good luck, Beenox.

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>mfw i accidentally deleted my n sane Crash 1 100% save
>mfw when this has given me an excuse to play Crash 1 again

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I like Smash, but that's a good thing.
t. wantscrashinsmash

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Will anyone even play as him?

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>mfw Velo confirmed

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He'll be right there at least played along with Pura

A few people I'm sure, but probably not a huge amount. Like DK or Wario in Mario Kart. Never the top used characters, but you'll still see them from time to time.

I hope they keep the same voice actor, the character and personality remind me of the guy from Space Jam

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>along with Pura
excuse you

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So who does everyone expect to see the most of online? Assuming the stats are all fairly balanced, my money is on Coco, Oxide, and Polar.

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Yea shit physics. And cannot find people playing it who can actually hit 50 streaks for saffi.

Depends if cheat codes work or not, and what the unlock conditions will be for other characters like Oxide and Penta.

Unless you get him from the Oxide Edition, I assume Oxide will be unlocked by beating classic adventure.

I have no clue what they will do to make you unlock Penta.

I reckon we will unlock more new characters (CNK guys, Biro etc) in the new adventure mode they mentioned.

I reckon N Tropy will be the less common as he is the hardest to unlock.

Just hope we're getting the CNK stuff in the story mode.

>saffi fire
>in an online game
>I want all the glitches to work to consider the physics 'good'

Oh, you can fuck off.

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I think the Oxide unlock might require beating all of his ghosts. They are going to need to justify that extra $20 to people somehow.

It sounds like we probably will be. Beenox mentioned an "enhanced" adventure mode that will be included in addition to the classic adventure mode. I'm hopeful at least.

let me guess you consider strafe jumping a glitch too

Oxide ghosts are fucking hard tho, I dont think they will lock content behind beating all of them, plus you gotta add on all the CNK tracks.

I've never played CNK, do you unlock N Tropy the same way as CTR? It will take a lot longer to unlock N Tropy if you need to beat all those ghosts.

Same as CTR.

Maybe you unlock Oxide's kart with max stats or something for beating his ghosts, and the character himself is unlocked after beating adventure mode. I agree that putting a character unlock behind the Oxide ghosts would be extreme.

No, but definitely fuck off

Saffi fire is the result of overflowing the count on boosts, it's a glitch caused by a flaw in the programming. I doubt it will be back and it was only ever used for single fast laps anyway.


Looks very nice

Yeah, the last thing we need is CTRFags making us look no better than meleefags who only love a game for how much they can break it. Sacred Fire can stay, not sure about USF but Saffi definitely has to go.

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MILF Bandicoot

it's just a girl with weird tanlines at that point


do you know who's not in? 60fps

If the game feels like the PS1 version (or better), I really don't care

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Oh no!

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CNK had the correct sound for Crash, but was rather bland overall. Pretty sad when considering Crash Twinsanity came right after and completely fucked the sound.

Speaking of Twinsanity, how would you feel if they'll work on a complete version of the game after CTR?

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Fake Crash is almost cute now, he used to just be a horrible version of Crash.

Would want it just for the hot, bitter Coco.

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Its better for series to create an original game but damn it I would love a remake

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The complete game, as in Crash Bandicoot Evolution? Sure. The game, as in Crash Twinsanity with cut content? No, fuck that. My main problem with Crash Twinsanity isn't the incomplete nature of it, it's the idea of it in the first place, and the horrible presentation. Crash Bandicoot may be goofy, but there used to be an ever so slight sense of reverence to the games, until Crash Twinsanity came along and fucked it.

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He’s my most wanted new racer. I always thought he was a cool looking boss

They said in an interview that everyone from CNK is playable.

>Classic Crash is PS4 exclusive

The entire game should have been PS4 exclusive.

>wanting Crash Colors
This a bigger departure from the seasons from fucking mutants and would have killed the series

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get out

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Nope, it's exactly what Crash could use. Can't compare it to Sonic, Sonic has gone in weird directions with literally every 3D game until maybe Generations. I think it would be like a less edgy Jak & Daxter after the first game, and I would have no problem with that. Crash Twinsanity, however, can go fuck itself for going the other direction.

When will they reveal the trophy girls?

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>Crash needs a planetary hopping adventure where he helps an enslaved population
>Twinsanity sucks though because he's too silly in that one

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I disagree. Crash has already travelled through time in Warped and different planets in CNK. Évolution didn’t seem like that big of a departure. Mario Odyssey essentially did world hopping, and that was fine.

Honestly same, always thought he was creepy until recent renders done by VV. Nufake crash is cute

So it's less of a radical change than Twinsanity was then.

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Here's your roster, bro

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I wouldn't mind a small handful of titans from Titans and Mutant in the roster. Just some of the more prevalent mid-size mutants like Stench, Snipe, Ratcicle, Spike and Battler.

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>I expect an integer overflow to come back
How dumb are you?

I wonder if they'll make a 3D version of the GBA games

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From what I heard Vicarious Visions straight handed off all the CNK assets to Beenox when they found out there would be a CTR remake. Vicarious really cares about Crash and try all they can for the series, even if some of the stuff they did wasn't of sterling quality.

I am playing with the Nword man, Coco and tanwa.

Who are you playing with, Yea Forums?

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Actually fuck off

>trailer starts
>Cortex says "I'm gonna need some help for this one"
>cuts to both Crunch and Nina kicking ass in races
Poetic Cinema
assuming they go with the mind controlled

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Fuck mini Velo and Baby T give us trophy girl karts

I hope she's a skin.

No. Would rather have these than those weird old Vicarious Visions characters or anything from Twinsanity.

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At the very least Ami. She’s says she’s tired of giving out trophies and becomes a racer of her own. Getting a trophy on every track CTR+CNK with one of her characters would be a great unlock method.

Zem alone is better than anything from Titanshit

I'd rather neither.

N. Gin or Tawna

I’d take all the CNK bosses with Crunch and N.Trance and no Zem and Zam. Perfect roster.

Since skins are confirmed to have unique podium animations, I don't see why Big Velo/Small Velo, Norm/Big Norm and the trophy girls couldn't share the same slot/stats on the roster of their as alternate skins.

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So which is Coco more obsessed with?
Boobs or ass?

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Reminder that Coco wears her brothers boxers!

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Maining as N. Gin
will probably alt as Nina or N. Trance


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