Did it do anything right?

Did it do anything right?

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Good doujins

better than DaS2

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responsive gameplay
fun bosses
good music

all things completely missing from the first two games

Imagine still being upset.
DS3 is alright, but it doesn't do anything as well as any of the other games specifically.
>More content and build variety? Play DS2
>Better world design? Play DS1
>Better story? Play any other game in the series
>Better bosses? Play Bloodborne
>Better music? Play Bloodborne
>Better PvP? Play any other game in the series

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It’s not that bad considering the entire series is shit for try hard faggots

excuse you? the bosses in bloodborne are almost entirely dogshit.

Weapon memory made Soul Memory look good.

It will always be shit compared to DaS2

DS3 and BB are tied for bosses
BB has Gehrman, Ludwig and Kos
DS3 has Demon Prince, Midir and Gael

>le volcano ladder
quality game

The only thing is I wish it was easier to get online activity when you go above the meta level.

Bloodborne and Sekiro have the best bosses in the series because you can shut down their bullshit by breaking limbs / deflecting. If the Dancer of the Boreal Valley begins her 8-minute-long spin, the only thing you can do is run away and wait.

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t. casual

You dodge between each rotation. It had 6 rotations.
Bloodborne bosses were casual as fuck because it was:
Break limb, visceral. Repeat on remaining limbs. Some bosses even gave a free visceral at ×% like Ludwig who lets you visceral when you get him to 10% HP

Sekiro absolutely does not have the best bosses in the series, counting mini bosses they’re all reused and many of the main game bosses are underwhelming (hell they even reused main bosses like Corrupted Monk)

The bosses and level design are good.
The world design, plot structure, and most of the environments are shit.

>Better bosses? Play Bloodborne


PvP was best in the series.

Yikes, DaS2 fags are insufferable.

Co-op and PvP was fun, and I liked the idea of weapon arts to give the illusion or more weapon variety. Had about three or four good boss fights and a lot of average ones. Areas were fucking boring, path was very linear, and too many bonfires.
It was a good game. Not a great game, but not a bad game either.

Sekiro bossed also have gimped movesets due to the kanji system.

Thrusts are pointless since they are mikiri countered
Sweeps are pointledd since they can be jumped on -> Combat Art
Lightning is invalidated because of reversal.

Sekiro bosses look like they have a large moveset but in actuality they have as much depth as aslyum demon

dancer only spins once in the fight, who cares?

quick, name this bloodborne boss:
>it's some sort of giant beast that blocks your entire screen with it's body, swings in attacks from off screen, and spends the entire fight shrieking at full volume
is that cleric? amelia? paarl? abhorrent beast? bloodletting beast? ludwig? laurence? hotdog? moon presence? which one is it?

at least amygdala and ebrietas have the good sense to be quiet instead of screaming the entire time.

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t. S E E T H I N G

How many souls bosses:
Wear armor, use a weapon, are twice your size if not bigger, have am OST with a loud chorus that drowns out the instruments

Makes it really easy to identify 2fags when they pretend its a giant step down from its immediate predecessor when its actually as bad as 2 but for different reasons.

>make a shitpost comment
>DaS3 cuck already screaming at DaS2 again

2 is a good game but a BAD souls game
3 is a bad game and a bad souls game