Play sims 4

Play sims 4

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Other urls found in this thread:

My ex used to play sims 4 constantly and would ask me about interior design all the time and it would drive me insane. I bought her the jungle adventures expansion pack and she played it for me while I went to sleep. Too bad she turned out to be a psycho and I had to dump her. Those moments were nice.

but there are better porn games that are actually dedicated porn games and not modded to be one

don't leave me hanging
short story please

Get out sometimes perma Yea Forumsirgin
That's actually pretty sad and pathetic

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she wanted me to suck her dick, but I just got back from work so she started freaking out and smashing shit.

Play or "play"?

based average sims 4 player


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Never date girls that look through your stuff constantly and are paranoid of you sleeping with someone else. I slept with someone else on the night we broke up just to teach her a lesson about pushing men too far.

Kenshi is my Sims 4.

wake me up when Kenshi gets actual sex mods

Play TK17

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Are there any censored mods?

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That would be great desu. Your party SHOULD get raped after getting beaten down. And the females kidnapped and taken to a brothel or some noble's rape dungeon or something.

where's the blacked, I heard there was blacked

Why do mods work again?

Is it worth it if I just get the base game? I don’t want to spend eternity downloading everything again and carefully hunting down and setting up mods just to break it all down again in less than a month because I get bored

Why? Too much trouble to pirate and get running.

Man I should really get Kenshi, it would be a good change of pace from Sims 4.

pirate it

NVM mixed it I didn't enable mods. Fapping season again

there are mod packs specially made for brainlets like you

yeah there is a bunch.

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Okay I'm out of the loop, are there BLACKED mods for sims 4 or something?

If she's paranoid, she doesn't trust you, and if she doesn't trust you, it's never going to work either way.

I do, thanks

Imagine actually raising your daughter and she turns out to be a fucking brat spade queen.
Would that be TERRIBLE.

I tried playing but the shit lags up so hard with the wicked whimsy mod. The radial menu shouldn't take three seconds to open.

is sims the ideal porn game?
>fuck young, old, male, female or whatever
>fuck everyone at work, shool or neighborhood
>make a harem, sex dungeon or marry your waifu
>top tier animations
>shitton of clothes and appearance mods

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Sims 4 is one of the few games where modpacks aren't a bad idea, at worst a few mods are outdated.
Whats also neat is learning that apparently that program to share saves also compiles the mods used for the character/house.

>brat spade queen
You get off on that don't you?

I actually Googled to see if there was a mod called "Whicked Whimsy". Oh well I thought it was funny.


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I'll play if you direct me to porn of this character.

Google TK17/search for TK17 in /aco/

Can you hook me up?

I'd say, it's almost all I've been jerking off to this week save for this one Tankouban I read yesterday.

user NO

would you trust her especially in this day and age?

Play sims 3

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does he have a benis?

I already play Artificial Academy 2

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Look at this boomer

I'm glad you're enjoying it, AA2 is a good game.

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Not him but gimme a gal with thick eyebrows.

is it better than koikatsu?

is there a sims 4 repository for vidya and anime characters?

this is unironically what female sims players like

it won't be when the darkness update comes out

I dunno but you reminded me of something that pissed me off a few days ago.
Out of curiosity I looked online to see if someone had made a Hex Maniac in Sims 4. Turns out someone did, they even got the swirly eyes.
Then I found out checking the comments that they lost their save files and they didn't back anything up despite making it themselves. Left me mad.

>is paranoid about you sleeping with someone else
>as soon as possible, you sleep with someone else
Now she'll believe she was right about you (and anyone else she dates) so nice work fucking the rest of us over.

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Hell no, but it actually depends what you are looking for.
But after the updates come out later this months, it will be the undisputed king.

>trying to find hair that fits Sims 4
>miles and miles of realistic botox models and twinks
Boy I hate this.

The what now

I'm getting mixed messages.

why dont u fuckers post on /aco or something so we can see real content

forgot to mention you have to spend years and years down the hole to make anything decent in this game

I'm Catholic so I'm on a dry week, I'll install it next week.

Does this update add any real dynamic to the characters and their interactions? I want to rape girls on school grounds, I want to be raped on school grounds, I want girl on girl rape on school grounds, and most of all, I want jealousy/hate motivated fights and murder

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>what is breaking up?

>wife plays the sims 4 all the time
>one day ask her if she wants sex mods for it
>she laughs and says sure so i get her the wicked whims mod
>her sex drive noticeably increases because the sims is feeding her porn all the time
If your gf/wife plays the sims get her the sex mods and you will not regret it. This is the truth.

Is that hair in the default game or is it part of the expansions?

||more please||

i can second this
its hot walking in on your gf while she's being degenerate to her virtual frens, and she gets all flushed and embarsssed

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Nah fuck discouraging psychos with mental health issues, just gotta get my dick wet brah.

>She's paranoid
>I better prove her right
Are you stupid, user?

Thank you user. You're amazing.

you act like her behavior and reactions are somehow his fault

Is there a detailed body for children that wont wear like a fucking dress already?
I mean for the sake of realism haha

post more of her

They are now.

yikes & cringe

It's probably the closest we'll ever come to my pipe dream porn game, but it's still the Sims at is core, with all its Sim-ness. Which is fine; the Sims can be fun, but not quite my dream.

>They are now.
no, they broke up, he did nothing wrong. if she doesn't want her boyfriend to fuck other women then she shouldn't be petty and learn to respect her relationships instead of being ridicules and breaking up because her feelings were hurt.

Her behavior and reactions don't cease to exist once they've broken up, it's just a matter of whether or not you care about them and how they affect her and the people she'll interact with in the future.
He (you?) fed into her paranoid thoughts by showing her that she was right to be thinking them and that will likely affect her for a long time to come.

post those /ss/ screenshots

I asked her, she laughed and said no.

You not only sound like a whiny bitch user, but you're probably a virgin too if you think that's how the world works.

just install it for her anyway when she's not around. or get a gf that's not a bore.

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>i better cuck to her
>but dude you can just reason with her!
You don’t understand women.

I thought r/cuckold was the peak of pathetic but this takes the crown now

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Somebody redpill me on Elle Witherton and why the character is shilled so much

Graphics are way too bad for me, I need my 3d porn to have fidelity

nice 500 word essay faggot
holy moley get a load of this guy

on a serious note, anyone who's whole personality and future actions being influenced so heavily from another person, aside from a parental figure is pretty contemptible.
you need to take accountability for your own self improvement and self awareness, and not let some other fuck up change your whole decision making and state of being in the present and in the future.
no sympathy for psycho bitches or weak mean

>being this pet peeved interracial porn exists

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simply put: she cute

I can't, I have a 200 word essay due tomorrow and I can't stop posting on a Hungarian wine-bottling forum

better gameplay and actual dialogues would make it 10/10

but you wrote more than he did......

Have sex

What the fuck are you talking about?

is there an imgur link with those?

>Her behavior and reactions don't cease to exist once they've broken up
of course, that's not what I'm arguing. why should he continue to care once someone breaks up with you? does his feeling not matter? how did her breaking up with him make him feel? if you're so interested in how he effected her, consider how she effects him.
>it's just a matter of whether or not you care about them and how they affect her and the people she'll interact with in the future.
he's not required to carry his past relationships on his back through life. it's not his responsibility or his problem how she chooses to treat others after their relationship is over.
>He (you?) fed into her paranoid thoughts by showing her that she was right to be thinking them and that will likely affect her for a long time to come.
once again, no he didn't, he never cheated on her. also you act like he's responsible for her insecurities and paranoia that obviously existed before he entered the picture.
not him btw

She got lewd pics?

I want to violate that grill.

no that's ilegal

Not by it's existence but by the absolute obsession with the people on that board. I really can't imagine a lower level of existence than those posters.

It would be nice if Sims ever did anything interesting on their own. Them not working to fulfill whims or aspirations on their own is utter shit.

it's an interest board, what do you expect
you might as well bitch about people "being obsessed" with video games on Yea Forums

oh wait bad example people dont actually talk about the board subject here

Yes. Problem with Sims for me is that it's still built for controlling multiple people/a family. I want to be focused on one person (me) and living that life. Being able to only control my character but still have a family like a mom and sister or whatever would be kino.
I also want a story, among other things.

I am the original poster with the ex. You know nothing of my relationship with her. Her paranoid thoughts were unwarranted. I suffered a year of mental abuse from her just to quell her unnecessary paranoia and jealousy. I lost friends over her intense paranoia which required 24/7 attention from me, while she gave nothing back (I also work for a living). She needed to calm down and respect my space and privacy and I told her this from the start all the way to the end. Her not respecting boundaries and treating me like a cheater before I ever cheated is disrespectful. And I do not condone such behaviour at all. I put in the effort for her not to be jealous and not to care about looking through her phone and being on her case. She should do the same for me. Relationships are about reciprocation and loving the other person for who they are.

i put my nude mods in the folder but i cant get them to bate or anything

The games have always been utter dogshit outside of the building. I've played pretty much every Sims game and no matter how much "content" they try to add it's just a dull dollhouse.

>he never cheated on her
We're talking about someone that is mentally ill. He acted as if had been cheating on her afterwards and her reaction to that will be obvious. Never, ever feed into a paranoid person's delusions if you contain any amount of compassion for another human being. You are horribly stunting their recovery.
But like I said, if you don't care then you don't care and that's all there is to it. No reason to over-complicate things.

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It's not an interest like any other. I can't wrap my head over tha fact that those are actual human beings, fucking hell

It’s not my job to take care of her sanity. I gave her what I could but she didn’t appreciate it. End of story.

Does Sims 4 mods allow me to chain OPs character to a bed and have 10 BBCs run a train on her?


not sure if retarded hypocrite or the most vanilla tastes

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You gotra click on the place you want to have sex

>no cloud saving for this game




I spent hours downloading all the mods I wanted, hours crafting all my waifus and my secks dungeon. Went to install SSD, didn't even think of backing up my saves because, gee, I don't know, IT'S FUCKING 2019, and I thought Origin automatically backed up your saves to the cloud? But no, it fucking doesn't.

Fucking dumb ass stupid gay ass fucking shit. I don't even want to play this fucking game now. Dumb fucking piece of shit ORIGIN FUCKKKK

>can't even get laid in a video game

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>pretending cucks don't spam this garbage in all boards
t. subhuman cuck

lmao this looks so stupid

Link ain't working for me.

Updating now. So is LL the only place to get the mods?

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I've always wanted for some dev to make a true "life simulator" with a living world & characters that act independently of the player-controlled character(s). But the amount of effort to produce such a game would be astronomical for anyone other than a dev backed by a publisher willing to throw tens of millions, if not hundreds, on that project. It's just totally out of the ballpark for an indie dev. Even if you stripped down the graphics to something resembling the first Sims, it would still be a massive effort without any guarantee of success, given that so many Sims players (read: women & horny dudes) just don't give a shit about anything other than making pretty characters and playing with them in a virtual dollhouse.

>We're talking about someone that is mentally ill.
personal problem, not our or his problem at the end of the day. go after the parents if you want to target someone who is responsible for her behavior.
>He acted as if had been cheating on her afterwards and her reaction to that will be obvious. Never, ever feed into a paranoid person's delusions if you contain any amount of compassion for another human being. You are horribly stunting their recovery.
>He acted as if had...
all assumptions and mostly fabrications you just pulled from your ass. he never implied he cheated during the relationship. check your reading comprehension. once again, he;s not responsible for how crazy bitches choose to see the world.

isn't there a "free will" slider you can set to max?

Sims 4 to me is nothing but an insane sex game

This is just below absolutely everything fucking else, I'm willing to accept that there are people into furfaggotry, scat and guro and other disgusting shit but I can't imagine a more pathetic existence than cuckoldry.

based user who knows his self worth
cuck who lets crazy women control him

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Pls help.
Is the link any good stuff?

That only gives the Sims the basic autonomy to take care of their basic needs and do random shit without the player having to babysit them. It's not even good at doing that, since their AI will have them do nonsensical tasks that often end up frustrating the player even more.

>he doesn't know

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i'd only play it if an actual girl was playing it with me or at least in the room with me
girls love the sims

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Imagine being so new you weren't here in 2015, or 2011, or 2007.

>have to stop them from baking every thirty seconds even though the hunger bar is full

>entire house full of amazing things to do like literal teleporters and space games
>instruments to practice
>painting/sculpting stations
>exercise equipment
>giant ass pool in the back
>bought a computer
>sits on computer all day chatting
>not even gaming or programming just chatting

Pls explain

protip: infinitychan is not the actual name of the site

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it's like looking into a mirror

Where do i find sims porn

Fuck is wrong with you people. You guys need help.

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Where do people post webms of non-subhuman fetishes?

Which Chan is it?

what are you prudes doing on this site

Who needs mods when you got real-life.

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>top tier animations

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you make it yourself

You don't need to mod the game to fuck black people, user.

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name 1(one) porn game with better animations

go back

Insult order.

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Looks as mediocre as Illusionshit, m8.

How do I find more pics of this girl?
Does she have a name?
I want to draw her

Literally any game that's created with porn in mind

Post more elle

infinity sign rotated by 90 and the first 2 letters of gookland

You asked for a porn game that have better animations, sorry for having standards I guess.

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Elle Witherton

model rips of this sim when

How is Kenshi nowadays? Would it run on a potato?

>save for this one Tankouban I read yesterday.
you gonna drop a name?

That wasn't me and I was referring to Insult Orders' animations. The floating runes are a nice touch, but the animations are just as bad, which is a crying shame since japshit tends to favor more niche kinks.

*hits pipe*

Created by some autist on /vg/ and posts it non-stop every single time Yea Forums gets a sims thread.

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Good for him she's pretty cute

Is there an Imgur of her getting fucked

Only if you post more lewd

Alright, since you asked. There's also a sequel but I haven't read it yet.
Kotoyoshi Yumisuke] Kumikyoku Mitsunyuu - Mammosus Vacca Narratio [English] [Fated Circle] [Decensored]

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4*sin(Pi/4)^2 *ln(e^4)

oh god oh shit im so fucking horny please OP post more

Elle was never lewded.

What's the bodymod I need to get cute butts?

Now we're talking.

>Play an EA "game"

No. The Sims died for me after 2.

Oh my...

I'd still play 2 but the clothes are just shit.

TS2 is the best, TS4 is second pity we can't keep it going as good as it used to be.

>ended after 2
Well after the shit stain that was 3 who'd imagine?

I still recognise Meru

gook here. she looks like my adopted blonde-haired, blue-eyed sister. it's a little scary

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lol, it should only take like 3 minutes max to write that paper, and an extra 3 for research

Haven't seen this shitpost in a while.


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Die weebs!

I just got it straight from IGG with every single DLC included you dummy

To be perfectly honest, I never even played 3.
Probably due to Origin, but I don't know.
Good to hear it was a shit stain.

She will now think that he actually cheated on her during the relationship when, in fact, he didn't and therefore be even more paranoid in her future relationships. I pity the next guy she fucks.

Nah. Actual dialogue would get repetitive and limit your own headcanon story. With simish, it doesn't get repetitive because you cant understand it, and you can imagine your own dialogue. Simish was a genius design decision by Wright.

the game was great
it just ran so fucking terrible on every machine now matter how powerful it completely ruined everything

>faggot makes the same retarded sims thread every day using the same god damn image

die tranny weirdo


gonna need more for research

That filename

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>it's the same faggot every day making the same thread every day posting the same 5 Sims pictures every day

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Her stick limbs compared to the normal hand size makes her look like a man

please respond

hes making sims players look really bad because of all the degenerates on this board, the /vg/ sims general doesn't put up with their shit so they come to Yea Forums to post their garbage.

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This, but he was likely a nigger incapable of human empaty

Nah. Animations are janky as fuck, you can only choose between no voice or Simlish goobledegook, scripts inevitebly start lagging and the bodymods don't look particularly good.

I despise Skyrim but it's unironically superior in every way.

Post link to mods. I don't want to go to that website.

The sims general is literally just waifufags using any excuse to post autistic pictures of their waifus. They don't even 'play' the game anymore. They just pose.

There are actually some really good animation packs. Some are trash yes, but I was surprised on how much more good ones there are. And simish is better because you just insert in your head whatever you want them to say.

looks hot I'll check it out but judging from the tags in the sequel it looks like it has stuff I'm not into

>top tier animations

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Name one. I tried for weeks to make it a porn game and tried out all free animation packs on Loverslab and ATF and then went through all the leaked Patreon packs.
Considering that's hundreds upon hundreds of animations there are inevitably a few outliers that aren't terrible but you would have to spend hours filtering the few ones out of the mountain of shit.

glad to see you lack empathy
I hope you hurt your toe

>in this day and age
Lmao fucking boomers not realizing women have never and will never change. If you're a weak man they walk all over you, if you're stronger than them then they bend like foil.

Is there a mod where a futa comes into your house and fucks you while your wife and daughter watch?

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He's not responsible for how she reacts to his actions


>dumb frogposter finally realizes that thread popularity comes in waves and cycles

Happens almost everyday when I ask my milf teacher to help.with the homework, she pegs my tight shota ass after homework is done.

Is this viral marketing?


so autistic, i love it

SAAAAUUUCE! Oh ma lawdy, that ass is gonna get fucked isn't it? SAAAUUUSE!

Bend over, hoe

No just plain autism.

you couldn't handle me sweaty

calm the fuck down, user it's not even mine. go ask /aa2g/.

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Release a university pack than fag

The Sims is a masterpiece!

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better then this shit posted in here

Why are you sweaty?

A Trois, Azmodan22, Anarcis, Amra72, Lupobianco, ooolalaaworld, wildguy, Zorak to name just a few.

I am pretty sure I can handle anything sweaty


I literally downloaded the game + DLC from Nicoblog this morning and had it installed complete with all the sex mods in a couple of hours. Sims 3 on the other hand IS legitimately a lot of trouble to get running but that's because it's broken.

We have very different definitions of "very good" animations then, user.

i tried to once but my family looked at me weird so i stopped, i wish i lived alone

Because it went from mid/low 70's to fucking 87 degrees in a day and the AC isn't working and they said they'll come see what's wrong with it next week. I'M FUCKING GONNA FREAK

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>install game
>install all the sexy time mods
>furiously masturbate
>intense guilt
>uninstall and delete everything
is this my catholic upbringing?

t. cucks without standars who date damaged goods and wonder why the world is shitty

Just lure them into the pool and then delete the ladder user

happened to 99% of niggas in this thread

post-nut syndrome is a real thing that effects most all guys.

I have a world solely inhabited by the quadroons who are the descendants of my original interracial group

>burger simulator 2040

past a certain point they all become damaged and you either take them or become part of the problem by damaging the illegal ones. That or become MGTOW incel

what are some fun mods I'm looking through loverslab and I don't know what to get


Point taken.

Go on /aco/ and download all the patreon exclusive mods, I recommend Nisas Wicked perversions, it's rad.

That one officer.

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And he's also a cuck. Poetry.

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>try to play vanilla
>end up turning on the mods and fucking your neighbor for the 10th time

>waaahhh you are part of the problem by making undatable women be more undatable and instead of me saying thank you for making my choices more obvious I am still going to orbit the damaged ones because I have no self esteem and am a cuck waaaahhh

Can I get cucked in it?

it doesn't really offend me but the whole concept behind raceplay is stupid

That’s a feature that comes standard with all video games

Alright what other Sims meme sluts should I be aware of

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So we're all ironically pretending to be cucks now? I can't keep up with the latest spicy hot zoomer memes on this epic forum.

I just got used to ironically pretending to be into traps. Is that out of fashion or are we still doing that too?

Subverse got 1m.

I like the sims but you should never discuss it in this shithole, look at this garbage fire of a thread.

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Is there porn if the specific cutie?
I am not really impressed with the rest, but this one does things to me.

not any stupider than all the other fetishes
>why would you stick your dick in the hole poop comes from wtf thats stupid

Like what user?

Fuck off, retard.

just download the tray and then be disapointed when you see her in game.

She's cute what do I do?!

Also sorry about posting what her body really looks like in game

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There's no reason to get rude.


imageboard, faggot.


It has more in common with beastiality, which is equally degenerate.

I mean, pretty much all fetishes are some shade of degrading and unhealthy but interracial shit is just plain racist. Like, actually racist, not Twitter checkmark racist

There's nothing racist about giving your pet nigger a reward at the end of a long day on the fields.

An imageboard is a type of forum, retard

Is she wearing a fucking diaper?

The drawing of Elle was really cute but I just can not show her weird ass butt.

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Hehe stay mad psycho

I can't see a sims thread on the /aco/ catalog, anywhere else I might get the patreon stuff?

The problem with Elle is that just got a really thin body but the biggest butt ever. Also her ears is pretty big.

Attached: 04-06-19_9-24-24.png (1366x768, 437K)

>try to download Elle
>Mega links dead


I think one of the pastebin on /vg/s sims general has it

absolutely disgusting

The sims thread on /vg/ got a mega with most of the mods and gets updated pretty often.

Lol of course an autist would design her like this

also what's with the absurdly long gorilla arms?


please respond

just go to the website user

Cool, thanks bros

Her proportions just looks so off. It saddens me cause she'd could be cute.

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I don't want to. Just rehost it for me senpai.

>Install WW
>Start a sim who's a cop
>Go down to the precinct for my first day
>Cop and the secretary are fucking on the desk
>One cop is wanking in the shower
>All the prisoners in holding are women
>Other cops take them out just to rape them
>Sit at my desk and do paperwork until it's time to go home
>Next day most of the female prisoners are pregnant

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When will her creator come back I just want the updated version

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Where can i download this slut so I can fix her body?

Sometimes in life you have to risk something if you want to get something

You don't deserve porn if you're this much of a little bitch

It's because she was made for that one specific pose and angle. It's how fridge bodies and fatties can be instagram models with the right angles.

>user is an incel even in game

She's shared in the /vg/ op, just need to go were they put all of their sims.

Post some traps.

She looks like inbred white trash that won the lottery and got a ton of Korean plastic surgery.

Attached: Ralphiesopranos.jpg (353x316, 25K)


Her creator is dead.

Technically all female looking sims could be trap, and you would never know.

Attached: 2122890_o.png (960x540, 210K)

artificial academy, koikatsu, or honey select? i'm not going through the trouble of torrenting the sims, downloading a dozen mods, getting them to work, and then spending time designing characters when they're just going to look like play-doh people awkwardly and mechanically slapping against each other regardless

Attached: 1547400440809.jpg (890x892, 89K)


How can you even manage to get out of bed every morning without accidently killing yourself?


Each of the games you listed require you spending time designing characters when they're just going to look like play-doh people awkwardly and mechanically slapping against each other regardless though.
Also AA requires a shit ton of mods too.

You'll get bored of all of them no matter what, and the only one with a game attached to it is Sims 4

>I slept with someone else on the night we broke up just to teach her a lesson about pushing men too far.
Ouch. That's kind of fucked up. Did you really want to teach her a lesson, or did you just want to hurt her? Because I'm guessing you succeeded in the latter and not the former.

I would never betray my faithful wife at home, or her boyfriend Jamal Simoleon.

Sims 4 is objectively not a game.

Don’t assume women are as innocent as you think. Sometimes they deserve these things.

Speaking of animations which animation name is the 3P one for the two tile bath/shower, the one with the slide doors. I'd swear it's Lupobianco but it's not showing up in my games yet I remember I definitely downloaded it at the time when I saw the preview gif.

Attached: dude.jpg (1080x796, 89K)

What about the mental and emotional abuse poor user went through before getting rid of her

I just use the sims to recreate my house to figure out ideal room layout/decorating. I move my couches, desk, etc around every few months because I'm never happy with the setup.

Attached: When you forget to turn off the pose you were testing.jpg (489x371, 60K)

Attached: play.png (999x667, 716K)

I would love to see her get BLACKED. That ass was built for BBC

unironically based

>he doesn’t create hedge mazes as his entrance to his house and invite his entire neighbourhood and coworkers to a party only to trap them in the massive maze that is slowly being filled with smoke and fire

Attached: 66DE182B-58C6-419B-8C61-C880C0B7245A.png (500x375, 299K)

Yes there are black people in the vanilla sims.

epic memes
bottom text

cry more tranny

Can you even change arm length in Sims 4? I thought they stay static no matter what given animations most likely use a static arm length.

is the sims really a game though, outside of a house builder? not really too interested in micromanaging fake people to shit and eat and sleep and go to work

Not in the vanilla COS but there are mesh edits.

You can't change the arm length in vanilla sims.

Nah there's only sluts, not everyone can be as autistic as Elle user.

Attached: 01-03-19_10-11-49 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.19M)


Okay sure so slider mods, but honestly doesn't that just mess up animations more often than not?

Look up images of HoneySelect characters with no mods on high graphics and then look up images of Sims 4 characters with dozens of mods and high graphics. Come back and tell me which one looks better.

Attached: 1553915697465.jpg (372x290, 17K)

Attached: no fap.jpg (639x367, 23K)


HS waifus are creepy as fuck. Like aliens in skin suits. They make my skin crawl.

If the relationship really was unhealthy and she was a crazy bitch, then I feel for that user. It must've been tough.
But let's not pretend that sleeping with someone else the night he broke up with his paranoid gf is helping "teach a lesson". It was an act motivated by anger and malice, plain and simple. I'm not gonna act like I'm a saint, but I bet that shit hurt. Maybe she hurt him worse, and for longer, but that's just an attempt to hurt her one last time. Like getting the last word or some kind of super condescending, "I TOLD YOU SO".

Custom maid 3D 2

Attached: img20180807000911.png (2560x2048, 2.27M)

You need to realize that the people who make these waifus don't actually play sims at all. They just make these abominations for poses and screenshots.

>tfw the owner of this sim is dead and we'll never get her

Attached: 1433301572017.jpg (500x484, 89K)

An eye for an eye is what I always say.

how'd they die

I literally downloaded it from mega yesterday and threw it away 20 minutes later. It's trash.

what website


The most amazing thing about Sims 4 is that they have heel technology in this age.

Excessive cum inflation

Attached: 1399883174610.gif (385x354, 2.71M)

It's actually just the outfit that makes it look that big, it's closer to pic related size though even this top gives a tiny boost but hey that's how cleavage works in the real world right?

Attached: 01-25-19_8-09-11 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.22M)

Crushed his windpipe while choking on dicks.

that's "literally" not possible user because the only uploaded version of her is from 2015, not the one being spammed by Yea Forums

that's still mommy af user

Maybe sometimes that works, but in my experience that shit's poison in relationships. Even with Exes.

AA2 is part highschool sim and you're not the only person that can fuck people. so go to /aa2g/ and download the latest version of AA2Mini. It's a completely self sufficient and repackaged version of AA2 that doesn't require a fuck ton of mods to work and works immediately without neededa Locale Emulator.

It's also 2gigs. Outfit, hair, and additional mods can be found in the /aa2g/ OP and people would be more than happy to help you out if you ask them
We're a helpful community.


I like big tits user.

Attached: 02-04-19_3-50-53 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.66M)

hnnnngg keep going

HS is only for fapping or autistic posing so that you can fap. KK and AA are actual (bad) games with the goal being to earn your fap.
Sims is the best game and fap out of them all if you had to pick but it's also the most work.

being able to lewd her killed him

I don't have many left, and honestly this is just Mercy on the google docs anyone can make her. I just don't bother with the Overwatch CC except the ones that look close enough to Maxis Match.

Attached: 01-25-19_7-17-03 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.75M)

Someone has to have it.

Attached: 1324214326114.jpg (240x250, 4K)

Ok but the real question on everybody's mind is
Where are the monmusu mods

Attached: 1554698367912.png (786x440, 178K)

nope her owner fucked off of the internet forever

I do but i'm not sharing because it's terrible, i'm too lazy to dig out the tray and y'all pathetic for being thirsty for that goblin.

God imagine if Elle was your daughter who constantly teased you with her sexy teen body when your wife wasn't looking.

They’re not in a relationship anymore.

Attached: 1525943210115.jpg (357x237, 39K)

My genes aren't bad enough to create a goblin like her.


what triggered you enough to post le funny green arrow meme

I have the 2017 version but it's terrible. He never uploaded the 2018 version.

Such a lewd game

Attached: 12-14-18_12-56-00 PM.jpg (1267x713, 426K)

Anime girls are better off in anime games user. There's very few anime girls with the CC to make them even look passable, and Sims 4 definitely doesn't do justice to their faces unlike the nip games. Vidya girls are about as close as it gets and even then the faces are really hard to do justice.

Attached: tumblr_pkug9kTlpx1rlzq5ao1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 291K)

Yea, but they can have big titty and ass.

Attached: 1531872941648.png (1719x711, 1.09M)

Attached: 1531947055181.png (1920x1017, 979K)

So when is he coming back to upload it?

If Erwin was at your door, what would you do?

Using they for a singular pronoun when the gender is known.

Attached: 1536041152353.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

He died. That's not a meme he's actually dead.

Man I deleted sims long time ago, I wish there was just a mega pack that downloaded the base game + expansions + mods all in one go rather than me scouting out lovers lab for hours

Attached: frog (23).png (530x444, 22K)

So you're either a grammar nazi on a vietnamese basket weaving forum, or youre a memespouting autist who cares to much about gender. Either way fuck off lmao

Attached: 1536121560566.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

With all that dick she's sucked one would hope she remembers to brush her teeth.

Attached: 12-27-18_7-11-55 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.15M)

There aren't

there is

Attached: 1543031649954.png (1523x820, 1.18M)

Where's the proof?

I assumed its banned on loverslabs, where do you get /ss/ mods?

Are there any recommended mods?
Beside LoversLab.

I've yet to play a porn game as good as sims 4 mods. Not even close. The mods have higher production value than the game itself.

whats her face look like?

If you could point me in the right direction I will post happy animals as payment

fuck you for making me want this stupid fucking game

Attached: imust.gif (477x348, 181K)

Attached: 01-26-19_1-56-20 AM.png (1366x768, 943K)


lads, I...

Attached: 1555436315987.png (500x340, 218K)

I don't wanna be rude, but it's the same images every thread. For years now at this point.

Attached: 1554944000363.gif (294x233, 1.46M)

Attached: 1468051579868.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

fitgyaru's repack + allthefallen modpack

Seconding this query. Or at least where to find a TS4 equivalent of Inteen, this 'mess around' bullshit needs to fucking go.

Attached: 1487963805472.png (261x271, 134K)

Consider spending your time somewhere else.

Attached: oldshit.png (921x397, 305K)

What the fuuuck why

Now I want to see someone make a gyaru sim pose with a damn spoon.

Attached: 04-17-19_10-35-26 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.04M)

Don't be fooled. These are still images that took +20 minutes to pose and don't even have 3/4th of the action on the screen that are posted in EVERY SIMS THREAD. The second you actually see how bad the animations are and how oddly the bodies clip and fold and how poor (or nonexistent) the sounds are the delusion falls apart like sand.

I believe you and thanks.

It'd only take you 20 minutes if your animation list is way too long. That guy just ran a sex animation and used the tab camera and the pause button, why would it take 20 minutes?

For those who took these bait, it's by some vg discord tranny who downloaded a broken version of the sim and made it his life mission to post screenshots of it in every sims thread

Attached: Mental Case.png (1076x83, 5K)

Attached: newshit.png (1025x651, 555K)


>20 minutes
You just select an animation you nonce.

i don't want to be put on the list

what would motivate someone to do this?

>gf is paranoid about being cheated on
>prove her right

Attached: 1544484933027.png (684x529, 134K)

>button up shirt

genetic defects leading to abnormalities in the brain's development causing severe mental illness

Since when where trannys mentally sound?

Not the "tranny", just posting screenshots I got from Elle, honestly. It's really unfortunate the only version of Elle available is this.

>throw party
>invite only women
>delete front door
>delete toilet
now THIS is playing the sims :)

imagine the smell

I'm glad I don't go to /vg/

Confirmed cuckfaggot


>being this booty bothered about a word

>spend 1 minute to select animation
>spend 17 minutes finding the perfect angle to hide the fact the dude's dick is either not there or looks like a plastic toy and that the chick isn't actually blowing him but just bobbing her head up and down with her eyes wide open
>spend the last 2 minutes uploading your ugly screenshot to Yea Forums and then defending it

Is that better?

>no femdom sissy slave mods

nigga in all honestly what the fuck are you talking about, it's not like that

Attached: toocringe.jpg (1300x806, 87K)

You fucked up your install then, if you're not just shitposting.

>spend 17 minutes
This took me literally 10 seconds, you're either lying or you simply don't even play the game. I play HS/Koikatsu/etc as well, so no need to chimp out. Each game has their pros and cons, it'd be good for your mental health to at least be more chill when it comes to porn.

Attached: 01-11-19_8-31-06 AM.png (1920x1018, 1.43M)

>sleeping with someone after breaking up is cheating

The absolute state of cucks


>to hide the fact the dude's dick is either not there or looks like a plastic toy
what shitty mods are you using?
>the chick isn't actually blowing him but just bobbing her head up and down with her eyes wide open
what shitty animations are you using?

Women are stupid. If you rebound that quickly then obviously you never loved her and were cheating the whole time. But when they do it it's okay.


don't google this Yea Forums

you have been warned

not sims related, but are there any sex mods worth getting skyrim for?
any really degenerate ones?

kys yourself

Attached: 1531438158844.jpg (1289x1357, 314K)

skyrim is the biggest, most versatile porn simulator newfriend

go on....

Netflix needs to be burned down for reviving that fucking show.


Because it's probably a guy who actually animated the poses himself and refuses to share them. As far as extreme modding and quality photography goes those are about as good as the game has to offer.

I can tell this is gonna end up underrated

Attached: pain.png (396x396, 185K)

you retardeded

yeah Ive gathered that but realistically how much of it is dogshit?


Goblina is not for lewd.


Attached: bogiverse.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I mean you can fuck plenty of dogs, never really looked into scat but considering all the other crazy shit, there's probably some dogshit content out there

>what shitty animations are you using?
Not him but it's blow jobs are definitely the easiest for alignments to fuck up, because of how you can shift the mouth, the head, the spine (which affects the base of the head's axis) and that's not even getting into the guy's dick and body axis as well. With pussy and ass it doesn't matter much cause that area almost never ever shifts far enough regardless of the slider changes, but the head is the most malleable part of a sim's body. You can easily compare two heads on a side profile and see how one of them sticks out their chin like 50% more than another, just that will produce heavy differences in alignment.

What this means is that to have easy alignment you gotta sculpt sims a certain way and limit yourself to a certain physique and facial structure range, and obviously many people don't do that whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Pump it and dump it into her.


Based post

even better

That show raised a whole new generation of cucks by teaching them to orbit and defend their roasties forever and ever. Ross should’ve never gotten back together with Rachel. She was awful. He should’ve moved on with the other chicks he was scoring. But for some reason he just had to stay with the old naggy Rachel who shared absolutely no interests with Ross and always made fun of his hobbies.

It's got the highest range in animation fetishes, but in terms of smoothness and alignment it's one of the hardest to get it working perfectly. There's simply too many variables at work so unless you mod it on a minimal level at which point it'll just be potatoes having sex you're gonna run into issues. That's the main reason why most people ditched Skyrim despite the range it has on fetishes.

Elle is my pure daughter STOP


Attached: 07-11-18_11-34-38 PM.png (900x476, 453K)

Attached: 05-17-18_2-51-45 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Were hot tubs actually always used by sex parties or did the sims make that up? I immediately assume any couple with a hot tub are swingers.

I disagree. I have lolis fucking dragons so there's plenty of potential alignment issues there but it's totally doable if you want to. If you're a vanilla dude and just want your woman to fuck men with default heights, you're gonna be just fine with virtually no fiddling.

Also the statement "most people ditched Skyrim" seems silly considering how many people still live off patreon shit making lewd stuff for skyrim.

So is the Sims 4 better now or is the Sims 3 still better?

I swear I will just as soon as it's on something besides Origin.

Sims 4 is better

sex in the water is incredibly exhausting

die soon



i mean if you got the 1000 bucks to throw away sure

>being this insecure


it's painfully obvious you have never even bothered to mod the game, because it works fine as long as you aren't mixing adult and teen models together, and even then it works okay because the animations are made specifically based on age/gender. Have sex.

Patreon doesn't represent the masses, only the ones with money. If we go by money earned / work done then Turbo is milking WickedWhims like nothing, it'll be hard for any Skyrim modder to compare since they actually have to put in real work.

Uhm.. I don't get it.
Can I get a quick rundown?

die soon

Attached: 1554702780722.webm (720x300, 388K)

water is already shit for having sex in, i can't even imagine having sex in a hot tub, dry as fuck and uncomfortable i'd imagine - like trying to work your finger into an deflated balloon

Attached: a dapper young lad.jpg (826x1080, 135K)

Shithead retard

Reminder this is Dina Caliente now.

Attached: 0zYP77q2_400x400.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Where are people posting the nsfw shit?

good drawing user

>play game
>install mods
>works good
>play a month or two later
>game updates
>WW broken
>reinstall and set up everything again
>rinse and repeat FOREVER

I swear I'm gonna pirate everything just so I can fucking not have to fuck with all these updates every other week ruining WW.

Attached: 1555178144010.jpg (869x1236, 403K)

Reminder that the Sim devs support lewds.

Attached: wicker whims.png (597x424, 101K)

How much has everything cost you so far?

Make me

just go offline on origin and the game won't update. i always do this whenever they release a new patch and just wait for mccc and ww to update until i go back online and have the game patch.


I only have the base game and the dining out add on. Fuck paying the prices they want. It's like hundreds of dollars for all the content. I've been happy with the base game for years.

She looks like this girl

Attached: untitled.jpg (722x1136, 57K)

Geez. Just pirate it user, you owe yourself the whole game.


jesus fuck why

They translate good stuff.

Ciara is too fucking cute, my heart. Almost makes me feel bad that she is addicted to my dick in my game. Almost

Looks like she fucks black guys.

>very clearly ask where to find shota content
>get surprised when you're directed to a site for it

Attached: 1545729566396.jpg (900x900, 92K)

is nexusmods the general place to go or are there other places that a newfag wouldnt know about?

clearly has bobs

LL is more important for lewd stuff but Nexusmods is also important. It's not like Sims 4 where Nexus is practically worthless.

How do you actually get models looking this good in game? Is it a texture replacement or something

Nexusmods doesn't have actual adult mods. Loverslab is the go-to for sex mods

uncompressed textures, reshade, camera mode

>make regular family of 3
>Give teenage daughter the exhibitionist trait
>She regularly undresses in inappropriate situations
>Father can't help himself

Attached: 1443055309626.gif (211x203, 1.06M)

Attached: 1496901951769.jpg (1920x1080, 885K)

4^Yea Forums

>make daughter exhibitionist
>make mother a cuck
>father constantly fucks daughter while the mother masturbates in the corner

Neato, do you have any other Fallout 4 companions? Preferably the cool ones, that's one of the few things Fallout 4 did good.

from where? what mod? I'm not fucking going to allthefallen.

Allthefallen :^)

>Implying that I wasn't with WickedWhims mods

Attached: 1554391187963.gif (500x281, 426K)

Not my screenshot sadly


no but really though

not him but the trait is from wickedwhims