Why do people say the X360 won last gen when it ended in third place?
Why do people say the X360 won last gen when it ended in third place?
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Because it was winning up until around 2010. At that point, Microsoft more or less ran out of ideas with the 360 and the PS3 actually started getting games. The Wii "won" because it appealed to a completely different demographic first, then reeled in the autistic fags with Smash Bros.
Zoomers who never saw any other console than X360 said that.
anyone who still supports Xbox is incredibly deluded and stuck in 2009
there is not a single valid piece of source that shows the ps3 outsold the 360 or vice versa.
inb4 "huur shipped", all sales figures are reported shipped
Last generation was literally the Vietnam war
>Us (Microsoft) bombs the shit out of the gooks (PS3)
>goes home
>Then gooks continue fighting and declare victory after the winners already left
>X360 won last gen
because it came out the gate with a lot of strong exclusives it had games from japan that sony didn't it had a better controller better servers and better online parties until around 2009 when sony realized 3d tvs aint the next thing
Sony literally threw in the shit sales of the PS3 with a bunch of their other products so now we'll never know just how much the PS3 sold.
you and i both know it doesnt count
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger. That's quite literally what happened, you dumbass brainlet Sony shit-for-brains need to get it through your thick-ass skulls.
hard cope
lol butthurt? take a break away from the keyboard and count to 10 slowly
Xbrock sales are inflated by the rrod
Do the PS3 numbers include the ones that were sold in the middle east to build "super computers" or whatever?
as well as having a year head start
>still third place
PS2 got there because of a ridiculous library of game.
Whatever beats it will get there because of marketing.
why do people count estimated second-hand-sales of the PS2 to the overall sales?
Because like for the first 2/3 of that generation, ps3 had NO games, the mulitplats all ran terribly on ps3, psn was constantly glitching out, etc.
ps3 got its shit together only at the very end of the generation by which point no one cares about consoles anymore both the ps3 and xbox were getting old.
RROD units were replaced for free, try again
>sony invented bundles
And the X360 is counting the multiple units sold to people who had to replace their X360s due to RRoD. And the Wii counts the $50 Wii unit sold in Canada and other shitty territories that didn’t even have a disc drive
Jesus Christ the bone is seriously a commercial failure. Less than half of PS4 sales.
>ps3 got its shit together only at the very end of the generation
It really didn't.
They threw sales of their shitty phones and shitty TVs into it as well.
if those problems were that bad, how did they outsell the X360?
Because considering the lead Sony had coming off of ps2 anything besides getting run out of the market is a win for Microsoft.
>no one cared anymore
>ps3 closed the big gap between it and the 360
Again, those were replaced for free and aren't counted as units sold
The PS3 didn't outpace the 360 until the very end of the gen, when people had moved on.
it didnt outsell the 360
>They threw sales of their shitty phones and shitty TVs into it as well
It didn't. People who honestly believe that the PS3 just shot up by 40 million units over night are actual fucking retards.
It did, according to multiple sources including IGN, who made that pic, do you have another source to counter this argument?
>Read title.
>Best-selling video game consoles of all time.
>Nintendo DS, Game Boy/ Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, 3DS, all of which are handheld, are listed.
It's quite literally what businesses do. If one of their products sells like shit, instead of reporting how much they sold singlehandedly, they report on how much their brand name has sold for that quarter.
>Actually trusts IGN to know anything of what they're talking about
Sony shit-for-brains everyone.
still waiting for you to provide source
and the SNES numbers are over-inflated by SMB sales. Bundles are valid console sales.
if the ps3 outsold the 360, how come sony never publicly said it? it would have made for great advertising
>don't trust one of the biggest companies in terms of gaming news
>trust me, a random retard on Yea Forums, instead
not convinced pal
The 360 sold much more but those numbers are inflated by the fact that people had to buy a switch con. 360 2 years in because their first one got the rrod.
The PS3 started outselling X360 and Wii on a monthly basis after MGS4 came out and Sony’s first party exclusives like Uncharted 1-3, Gran Turismo, God of War 3, inFamous 1-2, Ratchet & Clank Future series etc started coming out.
Wii had a HUUUUUUUUGE spike during its release, Wii Sports made people outside the gaming space buy that console, but then it tanked hard as only shovelware and bad ports got made, with few spikes (Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda) here and there. X360 came out a year before the PS3, had good japanese support at first, good first party support, then they stopped doing anything. They still had the better version for multiplats for the remainder of the gen, but they couldn’t compete with PS3 after 2008.
advertising for what? The ps4 was already out and dominating at that point
There’s already a link in the thread, retardo
they are handheld consoles
>those were replaced for free and aren't counted as units sold
yeah the first few times
do you know how many people actually rebought the console after their warranty ran out? A lot.
already exists
360 sales are reported shipped too, so you admit ps3 sold more?
advertising for the playstation brand
80 million worldwide, try again snoy boys
I'll trust IGN over you, that's for sure
sources for each entry there
what’s your point?
The Wii wasn't a real console.
how the hell does that even add up to 80 million?
80 million is less than 88 million, and is less than 84 million, the actual number of 360s sold.
this what a scam the wii was. i remember getting it when i was younger and i was so excited. only to learn that it totally sucked and you were a faggot if you didnt get a 360
>august 2016 vs 2014
Because they are American and don't think about the rest of the world.
Microsoft has no games, pic related
Because the world has more regions than those listed, you dumb-dumb
check the dates, retardo
I remember a TV + PS3 being given away on a internet/cable contract back in the day, weird times.
Yes, yes. Let that butthurt flow.
so why isnt it listed? fucking retard kys
now include the handhelds
The wii sucks as bad as the red Sox.
Anyone pretending the Wii didn't win the generation is deluding themselves. The only thing that determines a winner is sales, and the Wii was king in both hardware and software.
lol theres no butthurt about it, its just a true story. the wii was awful, imo a total failure of a console compared to the n64 and the gamecube. i fucking loved nintendo before that and i still love the n64 and gc but that wii was a fucking abomination. it totally spit in the faces of the fans and said, “here were gonna make games easier and more friendly for the fuck ups who suck”
Let's not forget about the yellow light of death then
I'm not dumb to actually watch sports, so I wouldn't know.
The wii won. 2 losers arguing over who sold more is irrelevant and a waste of time. Move on.
Are you ok, user? Are you missing the handhelds in the list?
Citing IGN as a source yikes.
>and the Wii was king in both hardware and software.
Literal PS2 games and the PS2 version of most multiplats when multiplats were multigenerational.
The WiiU was their actual seventh generation console and that was a flop.
le whoosh XD
youre the one making a point about sales. im talking about the quality of the console. which was shit. nintendo just used advertising and marketing to get all sorts of people who weren’t previously interested in video games into it. thats why looking at sales is a waste of time.
people will buy lesser quality just because its trending or popular etc. doesnt change the fact that the console itself was awful.
because neogaf don't have games to play so they spend the day circlejerking about sony
As somebody that had a RROD, no. When I sent mine off to be fixed I bought a second, because the refurbs were also trash. I sold the refurb on Craigslist for $100
In retrospect it's actually the best console of that generation. SDrones and MShills barely had any exclusives left by the end of it, yet the Wii had a large original library, great social games, was backwards compatible, was piss-easy to pirate for and homebrew, developed a large homebrew app community creating all sorts of emulators for it, you could use the wagglan sensor as a light gun for emulating arcade games on the PC and other PC software fun, and some games actually made decent use of the gimmick.
>xbox has no software attach rate
The Wii won, the butthurt is coming from two xbots who are mad the op post said X360 was third place, no one is denying the Wii sold more hardware and software.
It's about quality now? So I guess the Gemans won WWII with that logic. Just ignore the Russian T34-85 spam.
They incorrectly believe when the next gen starts the previous generation ends
Sony has always supported the their olders systems longer than their competitors, so expect them to release PS4 games for 5 more years or so domestically and even longer in regions like the Africa and South America
Can we subtract 25% of those ps2 sales? For the DvD player only fags. Most adults just used it as a DvD player.
>comparing console wars to real wars
im done here the wii sucked and i was a hardcore nintendo fan
So it can still top the home console charts?
The wii was great, it was also a Gamecube. Technically it should add the GameCube sales :)
PlayStation won all the generations in the only thing that matters: games
Microsoft spent the last two years of X360 only publishing Forza and multiplats, then the next gen came and it stopped publishing even the multiplats. Meanwhile, Sony was making Puppeteer, Last of Us, Gran Turismo 6, God of War Ascension etc while also releasing multiplats and cross gen titles.
Beta murican revisionists denying Sonychads their rightfully throne.
Generations are determined by time frame, not hardware. The Wii U is an eighth gen console; it competed with the PS4 and Xbone.
I'm perfectly fine with that. Sony won.
You mean the thing that affected like 5% of consoles?
>nintendo guy has smaller balls, smaller penis and less pubic hair
A sale is a sale.
Damn that was such a good game, I'm still surprised it didn't get much praise.
Too much so.yy
In terms of sales? Wii. Quality? Xbox 360.
Where's the original XBox?
I love my DS Lite but throwing handhelds with actual home consoles together is a sign of having a bachelor's degree in dance therapy
not surprised in the slightest.
>PS2: 159M
>Xbone: 41M
Where did these numbers come from? Highest I've seen is 155M and 30M.
Below the N64, alongside all the Sega consoles and other obscure shit.
It sold 24 million, which isn't enough to make the list.
I agree with this. :)
The Wii sucked with the motion controls. The PS3 had almost no games. The only problem with the Xbox 360 was the RROD.
ps3 had more games than the 360 aside from the first few years
I'll just refer to my earlier post.
>Why do people say the X360 won last gen
Because the 360 constantly won NPD over the PS3... so XBurgers foolishly thought that this was the case for "outside of Burgerland sales" as well.
>Xone that low
feels bad
I liked Demon's Souls and LBP but not much else. MGS4, Uncharted, TLOU, etc didn't interest me. Maybe I'm missing something though?
I think the Wii had some great games, like Super Mario Galaxy. The controller was the only thing I didn't like, but it was a big thing.
infamous, resistance, valkyria chronicles, R&C crack in time, Killzone 2, Wipeout, Pupetteer, Motorstorm, GoW3, Ni no kuni, warhawk,
Only if you subtract ds and gameboy sales by 53% to account for multiple systems bought by families with multiple kids
t. not an idort
game pass is also coming to most platforms except ps4
Are you american too? I'm not, and It's absurd to argue the 360 didn't have a market outside the US - the fact alone that the Xbox brand went from a "literally who?" tier to an actual contender to the PS speaks volumes. It helped that the 360 was pirateable almost immediately while it took longer for the PS3, people had no reason not to go for the option that allowed free games
I mean, the Wii had conventional controllers for games without wagglan, not a big deal at all in my eyes.
why the fuck is there no PS4 remake of Puppeteer
the game ran like shit on the PS3 which was a fucking shame due to how beautiful it was
>ran like shit
I don't recall having any technical problems during my playthrough, but I'd welcome a remaster anyway.
It barely hit 30fps, is my point. With more power driving the game and maybe some anti-aliasing slapped on, it could run much more stable and look a little nicer
>Gaming market is many magnitudes larger than it was 20 years ago
>Microsoft still hasn't surpassed Sega in almost the same amount of time
Actually how is this possible, is Microsoft's software attach rate like 4 per console?
Oh well, guess my autismo isn't leveled high enough to care about that.
Most posters, including myself, are American.
Xbox dominated the United States.
Only sony ggers even care about consolewars. Everyone else just wants to play video games lol
And yet here you are. :^)
what is there to buy on Xbox? Their only announcements are backwards compatible titles coming to Xbox One, which people already own. No one is buying new stuff, Sekiro sold 80% of its copies on PS4, DMC5 sold better on PS4, despite both games having Microsoft marketing money.
No seriously, stop spamming specs and sales figures for 5 mins and try a PC game or other console. You might find that being basically an unpaid shill with a weird fixation on brand loyalty is totally fucking pointless, and you'll get new and fun games to play. Every platform has good games.
Microshit just jumped into the market thinking their overall monopoly over PCs would get them an advantage somehow, but they lack love and passion for games. Fuck them.
>all my friends who had a 360 had to buy at least 3 of them while my launch 60gb ps3 never had an issue still to this day
Felt good sticking with sony last gen, that +55% failure rate on the 360 was fucked. They should've never been the go to choice last gen for devs and that was only so because they were to lazy to figure out the cell.
That advice works for you as well.
last known figures from 2016 (xbox) and 2017 (ps3) had the xbox about ~300k units ahead. that's all we know from official numbers. anything else is just speculation. vgchartz has a completely different prediction to this they have ps3 at 85m.
>PS1 sold 70 million more than N64
Oh wow, my sides.
Existing years ahead helps a lot.
You're right, but shouldn't the big seller western multiplats like ass creed and call of duty have put their numbers ahead of Sega by now, especially last gen when they were 50% of the market for those games?
No it doesn't cos I play multiple different platformsand I don't seethe on Yea Forums about consolewars shit. Keep posting yellow wojaks you fucking tard, or better yet kill yourself
meanwhile in 2014:
just a few months earlier the ps3 was 4m sales behind at 80m:
the ps3 only sold 3.8m in the whole of 2014:
Why are you still here? Go play your games, faggot.
I told anons this for years and still the paid shills had them convinced there was a console "war" ongoing
No, the entire point of the PS2 and PS3 were to act as multimedia players. That was a key attraction. The PS2 and PS3 were the cheapest DVD and Bluray players at the time. Funny enough, Microsoft tried to do a similar thing with HD DVDs but got cucked hard
>ps2 and ps3 were the cheapest dvd and bluray players at the time
Straight up lies.
HDDvD I almost forgot about that. I think blockbuster and other media companies sided with Blu-ray.
$999 Blu-Ray player, $599 PS3. Huh?
user I don't know if you were even alive for it, but the PS1 was a big deal. it played CDs and the games were literally 10-15 dollars cheaper on average than the N64, at least so it seemed, cuz cartridges were ass to manufacture. The twin sticks were also super cozy compared to the weird alien design of the N64, and some of the games coming out then were massively popular and in many cases multiplats played better on it by merit of disks having more memory. Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, FF7, Resident Evil, medal of honor, ape escape, silent hill
It was a massively popular console with some great games that SEGA was rightfully terrified of. Heck when it was out, i remember new PS1 games regularly being cheaper than SNES games that were a few years old, purely because Nintendo 1- doesn't really like sales and 2-the cartridges make a firm low price they HAVE to sell at to avoid a loss.
GameCube is off the chart
Don't let kittens be near weed, it fucks their brains up
Ok you are right about the PS3, but saying people would buy it just to watch BRd's is questionable, since at 2006 the format was very new and people were still a little skeptical about it.
Look up the cost of those things at the time. The PS3, at launch, was significantly cheaper than the competition. The PS2 wasn't necessarily the absolute cheapest (I was referring to the PS3 specifically for that), but it was extremely price competitive with other low cost ones at the time ($250-300 was pretty common at the time) and PLAYED GAMES, something no other dvd player at the time other than a computer could do. Sony's entire strategy back then was to do the multimedia thing as an extra over SEGA and Nintendo.
IIRC it helped that Bluray was cheaper to manufacture and Sony made Bluray players and got other movie studios in on it--the HD DVD thing was basically Microsoft alone shouting into a void where Sony's own movie studio basically went "lol we're going Bluray". the sole big HD DVD I can recall was 300.
Where the game cube yo
Ahh, yes. I'm enlightened. Knowledge is power. Sony is clever.
>ps1 discs are starting to rot from disc rot
>N64 cartridges will last until heat death
we had the last laugh
Idk. But it was lit!!!
I can almost promise you that xbox made a lot more money than playstation, simply because each year most of it's users were dropping $60 to play online.
barely off the chart along with the original Xbox and switch.
Buying a GameCube was worth it for Metroid Prime only
>tfw paid online was all Microsoft's fault
when was winning ever about sales?
Every multi plat was best on 360.
Then there were the exclusives.
The ONLY(!) thing the PS3 had going for it were it's exclusives.
iphone is the best phone? did you not know?
mcdonalds is the best fast food you can buy? did you not know that either?
And there it is.
What did the PS2 do that several consoles since then haven't been able to match?!
Seriously, no joke. My Battle Tanx: Global Assault still works without giving it a 'blowjob'. That 64 cartridge is magical. Great game for those who didn't have access to Twisted Metal 2 (Ps1)
Why is Wii counted as a console? It was a glorified toy.
It means they made the most successful vidya product in human history, that's kind of a big deal.
>80 million
OH NOOOOO!!!!!!!
Oddly, when Sony loses it's never about sales. Funny how that works.
Because console wars aren't a real thing and Xbox360 was the best console that gen
Continue to cry in your sleep.
Because x360 is still supported. It's a marathon not a sprint.
Because they're still living in pre-2009, back before Microsoft stopped actually making games to focus on Kinect and multimedia shit and before the PS3 started getting a ton of good games and multiplats stopped sucking.
Reminder that the PS3 had the fewest exclusives out of all three 7th gen consoles, a little over half of what the Wii had.
You just answered your own question.
>Most and best exclusives
>Not just the same console but with slightly better graffix, actually tried to innovate
>Low price point
>Very easy to develop for
>Focused on fun and gameplay, not telling pretentious stories
The Wii had the largest and most lasting effect on the industry as a whole. Motion controls are now standard in many devices, including other consoles, Sony's CEO flat-out said they were actively trying to court Wii owners with the PS4. The 360 and PS3's legacies are paid online and movie-games, respectively.
The 360's best exclusives like Ninja Gaiden II and Lost Odyssey almost all come from before 2009, which happens to be the same time PS3 started getting games like Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2.
Wii's its own thing, had a lot of good exclusives throughout its life but a fuckton of shovelware too.
Why was the N64 unpopular? I don't remember it well since I was 7 when it came out.
Late to the game, no CD audio or video, low number of games in comparison to the PS1.
I wouldn't go as far to call it unpopular, it certainly did better than the Saturn.
Source? That can't be because there'd be hundreds of niche Japanese games that didn't end up on the Nintendo platforms.
>Why was the N64 unpopular?
It wasn't in countries that matter. Everybody had a 64 in USA
No games, and the few games it did have were expensive as fuck. Basically every new release was 60 freedombux in 1998 dollars
The Wii was mad underrated
>easily hackable to play pretty much every Nintendo system
>Wiimote was godly for pointer controls especially after MotionPlus
>fuckton of amazing games like Punch-Out, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, No More Heroes, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Super Mario Galaxy, etc
There was about a dozen games worth having and practically anything outside of those wasn't worth getting. Pretty much everyone with a 64 had the same grouping of games with maybe 1 or 2 weird ones.
PS1 on the other hand had a huge breadth of games and since it used CDs they were cheaper at launch and got discounted budget reprintings. N64 games came out expensive and never went down in price unless if they bombed.
So if you had a 64 it wouldn't take a whole lot of time to work through all the worthwhile titles in its library even if you had 3 other people to multiplayer with on a regular basis.
1 year ahead
because Xbox 360 generation ended before the PS3, the PS3 continued being sold for 2-3 years after the PS4 was out on the market, whereas the 360 basically stopped the moment the Xbox one came out.
Cheap, acceptable hardware, innovative tech, traditional controller, games
it had virtually no multiplats, even the gamecube had more multiplats than the N64
Sony does not innovate. They steal shit and alter it a little :)
it came out earlier though and had a re-release that looked like a small Xbox One right about when Xbone was being launched.
It was the most afforable DVD player at the time and that gained it a huge foothold early on, then it snowballed
>No More Heroes 1 & 2
>Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
truly a brilliant library