Trailer is up:
Mordhau Releases April 29th
>Made with UE4
Hope you guys don't buy it or you're supporting EPIC
Thanks but I'll wait for Bannerlord.
yo what the fuck? this game looks SIIIIICK dude
I'm honestly not bothering with either. Bannerlord appears to have the same shitty combat
Looks like running underwater.
Of course I wont, I got more superior game coming like Bannerlord and its not made with shitty chink dog eating engine.
>they don't even show a mordhau being performed
It's such a weird and immediately recognizable strike, how would you not put that in the trailer of your "we included all the stupid hema shit" videogame
*kills your shitty chivarly clone*
nothing personell..kid
>Hope you guys don't buy it or you're supporting EPIC
I'm a loose cannon; I go against the grain.
I don't give a fuck about anything other than my PERSONAL PLEASURE...!
If that means supporting chinks, then so be it.
When year 3 is over the game will die, it lost its project leader.
Kinda worried, not only are closed testing vets going to be destroying people. But I've been seeing people complain about the meta for months on their forums.
Why do the animations look so weird? everything looks weightless, same weird feeling I got when i watched/played ''Mirage'' which the chiv devs made.
Both games use UE4 so maybe it's less animation and more of an engine issue
>closed testing vets going to be destroying people.
how is this different from chiv any any other game?
I don't mind, they earned this cut.
>another faggy melee game that plays as if your head was tied to your sword with a rope.
Nah I'm good.
for honor is the biggest fucking joke of a game i've ever played
the first and only game i've ever paid full price on
I feel the same way. The animations aren't exaggerated enough like chivalry and the sound design is flaccid. Looks to be a pretty big disappointment to me.
go cry more you fuckin scrub lmao
Still better combat than Chiv/M&B/Mord
don't put m&b between those 2 shitty games
For Honor is a arcade fighting game.
And is GAY...!
Floaty (like Chivalry and M&B).
Slow (like Chivalry and M&B).
No moves (like Chivalry and M&B).
No impact (like Chivalry and M&B).
PvP will be broke by whirling your mouse around like a spaz (like Chivalry and Mount and Blade).
git gud
You obviously just jumped into multiplayer for an hour, got shit-stomped repeatedly because you never actually learned how to play, then gave up. For Honor is easily the best melee weapon combat system ever made, and has the added appeal of actually being aesthetically pleasing unlike all these chivalry clones where everyone just swings around these floaty detached animations and the enemies heads fall off.
>imagine paying full price for a game that was already few times for free and had over 50% discounts
This game was supposed to kill for honor and took so long to come out that it ended up dying of old age on its own. Wonder what those Mordhau retards will post about now.
>women knights
fuck off dumb sjws
Mordhau was never going to kill For Honor as soon as everyone saw it just used the same old shitty crosshair-based first person combat system as Chivalry
>lock on """""combat"""""
>superior to anything else
Don't see how locking on is a negative somehow
the absolute state of For Loser posters
/fhg/ eternally seething, all 20 of them
>game does 70% of the job
>imagine defending this shitheap of a game
>imagine defending a ubisoft game
Chivalry is 5 years older than it and it's still a much, MUCH better game.
Everyone walks like they have a long sword stuck on their asses
>For Honor is easily the best melee weapon combat system ever made
That's only true if you like those "acadey" type fighting games (like Tekken, Motal Kombat, etc.).
For Honor and Mordhau are different genres of games.
Your life must be awful.
>It has a horde mode
so it is already much better than For Honor and it hasn't even launched yet.
>actually believing this
have sex with my brother
This, it's gonna be chivalry all over again where the no lifes turn any casual players away from the game. Unless they have beginner servers like Chiv did eventually these retards that have been playing the game for two years already are gonna shit on everyone.
>le epic rock paper scissors gameplay
kek For Loser shills are hilarous.
game has soft matchmaking to stop this
how come this argument is always used against small indie games but not with AAA multiplayer only titles?
enjoy swinging your weapons like a retard while running around
Fuck off mutt
>tfw I've had access for like a year and I've only played it for 20 hours
it's really not all that fun.
>Rock paper scissors gameplay
Yet another shitter who hasn't played the game and doesn't realize that it actually contains much more depth than anything a sword flailing garbage fest like Chivalry or Mordhau can possibly hope to accomplish. Enjoy your high level gameplay of turning your mouse sensitivity to max and spinning around like a ballerina
>enjoy swinging your weapons like a retard
but im not playing For Honor
Truly, after all these years, I have become, blown out of the goddamn water
>playing video games
Here's your problem
>For Honor
nice bait.
enjoy your 3 years old Simon Says Simulator hahahhaha For Three Year Olds
About goddamn time, fucking finally.
Still looks horrible lmao
>reminder that this will be the closest thing to Chivalry 2 since the devs of the game went fucking bankrupt trying to make a shitty overwatch clone
You're supposed to get enjoyment out of it by being competitive.
It's been designed specifically for skill-based combat.
This game is a bit different. You can buy another account to smurf, but it has skilled matchmaking, so as long as new players stick to using that and official servers, the high rank players will be kept out.
Chivalry only had a server browser and like 10 or so duel servers (lucky to have 5 in your region) at its worst, so you had good players stomping.
Dead on arrival.
>mfw remembering those fucking character designs
what the FUCK were they thinking
I can't wait for this game to basically hoover up the active population of chiv.
Looks like fun. Perhaps it’ll be a fun purchase when it’s on sale
Here's just one of many videos where this guy is able to go on for several minutes about some random mechanic that you can master to push you past your current skill ceiling.
>what the FUCK were they thinking
2 things: being woke and $$$
now they broke.
They hired some YouTuber to make it
nice video lmao
Not an argument
>For Loser shill so buttmad he forgot to post the link to his imaginary video
jesus you faggots are pathetic.
Isn't Mordhau supposed to have female player character coming?
Hi Mordhau Shill-kun. Haven't seen you in a while.
Make way for the best swodfighting videogame mordaufags and for honorcucks
Yes. The devs confirmed it. The high level players endorsed it. Thankfully these devs work slow as fuck so there will be a year without having to hear female screeching.
What actually happened to torn banner
yes, me and my friends are buying, problem?
The skill based combat is shite though, If I wanted a skill based 1vs1 I'd rather play an actual fighting game. What the game needs is better team based modes, all it had was team deathmatch.
Mirage Arcane Warfare happened.
instead of making a sequel to Chivalry they went full retard and made a fucking arabian chivalry but with magic powers and ultimates ala overwatch.
the game did so terribly it closed down like 5 months after release thanks to both GDPR regulations and the game having less than 10 players daily.
is there even a ranked mode in mordhau? pretty sure it's all just casual matchmaking
The shilling for this game is blatant as fuck
It doesn't even matter, I can see now that I'm arguing with people who have based their perception of the game entirely on outdated information, other people's opinions, and Ubisoft's reputation, not people actually willing to take an objective look at the game and formulate their own thoughts. It's a great game and I'm just sad for you that you've written it off so easily, especially if you already enjoy melee-weapon based fighting games like Chivalry and Mordhau.
Females were supposed to come much earlier but the devs are lazy shitheads who hate money, so they were put off. There are pictures floating around of them, I'm sure. They had the models done. I don't know what the fuck is taking them so long. I just want to play as a qt knight girl.
Yeah I'm aware but what has become of torn banner? They still exist?
Absolutely cringe. People like you are the first to ragequit once they realize this game has a high skill ceiling.
i got For Honor for free and i honestly really didn't enjoy it, the combat felt too gimmicky for me, but hey, if you enjoyed it, good for ya.
they do, their twitter account posted after like 3 months of inactivity this april, they are looking for programmers apparently.
kill yourself
not going ot buy the game because of this shit. I dont want to wake up and realize the game has been ruined by some patch
>If I wanted a skill based 1vs1 I'd rather play an actual fighting game
The developers stated they want to make a game where skill can be used to take on multiple (and potentially beat) opponents.
>What the game needs is better team based modes, all it had was team deathmatch
Maybe they'll be team objective game modes at launch.
Deathmatches in most games are boring.
God forbid somebody wants to be a cute girl in a fun video game and git gud at it too.
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
If this doesn't have chivalry's "turn sensitivity up to a million and spin your mouse around" autism it's guaranteed to be better than the steaming turd that is for honor
They exist and are developing another game. Hopefully Chiv 2
have sex incel
The appeal is to allow people with more skill to win.
>le chivalry turn up your sensitivity meme
Sensitivity doesn't change swing speed at all you fucking morons. If I pull hard to the left on my mouse at 300 DPI it'll have the exact same results as if I pulled hard on my mouse at 1800 DPI. Just goes to show what shitters argue about games they never played for longer than an hour.
>For Honor is easily the best melee weapon combat system ever made
Listen to me, I just hit rep 100 at 750 hours and I can tell you for a FACT For Honor is the biggest offender of great idea terrible execution I've ever seen in my entire life.
The entire cast is completely unbalanced with some heroes being complete ass in 1v1 and being borderline broken in 4v4 and visa versa, to break up the awful turtle meta they just added retarded and unreactable bash spam and 50/50 guesses everywhere to confirm damage because at a certain point in play everything you do is either parried or punished so everybody is complete cancer to fight because all they do is bash or spam sub 400ms attacks.
I wish it would die already so I could stop play honestly
Chiv and mordhau's sensitivity is capped when you're attacking/blocking, retard. Turning up sens doesn't have any benefit at all.
>women wearing skimpy clothes in combat: Realistic
>women being knights: buhuhu sjws
women dont belong in combat dumb sjw
they are weak as children
I've not played it in years myself bro, but hearing scrubs complain about basic swing manipulation is really grating.
You keep saying that, and I keep seeing fags look fucking stupid spinning around like blenders in muh realistic medieval warfare game
You can't do reversals in chivalry, it's one of the things they went out of their way to prevent. There's dragging to a small extent but you can see it coming much easier.
>le epic rock paper scissors gameplay
What's the problem here?
How can a bunch of faggots who do nothing but play video games all day be this bad at playing video games?
in mordhau* I mean.
Guessing what your opponent will do from a tiny list of possibilities isn't fun or rewarding, it's just a dice roll.
>I've not played it in years myself
You and everyone else, because the crouch and spin around meta is unfun and no one wants to play a game like that. If it was fun you'd be playing it.
I'm not defending the reverses and the fucked up drag animations that plague chivalry, but it has nothing to do with sensitivity. You can still do that whether your dpi is 800 or 8000 it makes no difference. The ballerina stuff is gone in Mordhau, it's basically chiv but without the bullshit.
But you can see them by their stances.
looks good to me desu, chiv looks horrible in comparsion
game looks good, looking forward to play a proper melee game and ditch for goner
Yea Forums chiv server when?
>it's basically chiv but without the bullshit.
If you read the forums a lot of the bullshit in Chivalry is still part of the game in Mordhau
there are actually cheats that allow players to circumvent sens limit, aswell as increase hitbox size of weapons (yes, it actually exists, look it up)
in any given match, typically 1 in 10 of higher level players will have such cheats. it's actually so difficult to notice most people wouldn't even imagine these things exist.
it doesn't help either that chiv animations have the readability of the fucking voyich manuscript, and having your fov too high can fuck with your perception of what might actually hit you and what wont.
Heh, consider it a hard pass for me then
So is this the Tasmanian Devil simulator where you spin at incredible high speeds with a sword in your hand?
yeah stick to your peer to peer fighting game
nah pretty much all the bullshit from chiv is gone, mordhau is a different game
high level meta is about morphing and feinting, stamina games spinning has reduced dmg and u cant do the backhits
we have dedicated server :)
Fuck you user, that's low.
for honor is hot garbage, tiny playercounts + lockon and garbage mechanics, give me a fucking break lmao
every for honor pro would get annihilated in mordhau
The only game with good first person melee combat is Vermintide.
I'll get it when they include girls.
>free weekend
Mordhau will turn into another chivalry-tier joke of a game but come on man.
>trusting Fartshart to update and give a shit about their game
Enjoy your pitiful amount of rehashed Vermintide 1 maps for 10 bux bro.
vermintide melee is hot garbage compared to mordhau
and it went down to 5k in no time
good sign of a bad game
I'd play it if it wasn't always-online and with some offline modes.
The retards who are planning to buy this shit are just like the retards who keep giving EA money
Every game these days uses UE4 dude.
it's like playing soul calibur with something like 25% of the mechanics
Stop endorsing the beating of women, achmed
>tfw went to pax and played mirage arcane stupidity at their booth
>so, how'd you like our game?
>to be honest, i think i like chivalry more
So fucking excited, incredible game. Fuck the retards who compare it to Bannerlord, it's a completely different games you ignorant morons.
>pvp fighting game
How the fuck do you expect this to work without being online?
I watched some gameplay it's literally just Chivalry 2
i think that's the point
>melee combat
>FPP with like fov 30
But also with only 50% of the imbalance
>Pirate the game
>Shitty company gets no profit
Problem solved
I mean it already has a campaign. Why not expand with more single player modes.
I don't want to support Ubisoft's always-online push. They did this for The Crew 2 as well and they'll do it for Beyond Good and Evil 2. This is just their misguided re-attempt at combating the piracy like they did way back with Assassin's Creed 2.
Scrap the campaign and stop wasting resources on single player shit then, problem solved
Where's that server browser?
I want to support the devs though. There are some amazing games, even GOTYs for me, that are using UE4 and they likely wouldn't have been made without it.
Well okay I won't buy it then. Always-online games ought to be free. Especially if they have grinding and micro-transactions.
>mordhau release trailer thread
>backed the kickstarter on the premise it was supposed to be "chivalry but without the retarded wonky reverse overhead helicopter bullshit"
>get into beta
>it's literally the same wonky-ass spinning constantly in as awkward movements as possible to get hits in
>literally everyone is a no-life chivalry veteran with 1000+ hours
>3% retention rate
>I want to support devs who don't mind supporting anti-consumer companies
Well then go fuck yourself
It is free though
i kinda want to play as a chick because these games, like chivalry, seem to attract the kind of players that would autistically screech about it
Is it PvP entirely or does it have some PvE mixed in?
People play video games for fun. Not to hurt people.
If you want to feel important get a real hobby. Not buying a game not because you think it looks bad, but because a company you don't like gets a 5% cut from it is incredibly autistic.
its usually pseudo history majors (who dropped out typically/are underage, lol) who are absolutely ANAL about historical accuracy, nevermind the fact that all the equipment being used is more or less anachronistic, and that swords chop through armor like lightsabers
It's not.
There was that one retarded mordhau shill that shat up every for honor thread. So you can't really complain that some will be a little bit vengeful.
Every company is anti-consumer, Steam included.
>Not supporting a company that actively makes things worse for consumers is autistic
You're not even trying to hide the fact that you're a shill. Fuck off
>Every company is bad so it's okay to support the worst offenders
Are you fucking retarded?
You're so autistic. I bet you bring this retardation up IRL.
>Esports shit.
>Everyone playing is brain dead.
>A third of the characters can stunlock you.
They even took out the neat little animations you get when you kill mooks. Shit game.
>doesn't deny being a shill
>doesn't deny being retarded
I have 600 hours in the game already and I wanted females from the very beginning
>another half-baked medieval-lite arena fighter that will die 6 months after it's released
why do you retarded cucks keep falling for shit like this? there are literally at least a dozen games now that are exactly this game
Name the other games.
I'm not shilling anything. I just don't give a shit about your autistic tribal nigger outrage. Epic store is indeed shitty but UE4 is a great engine and my personal GOTY is using it.
It was actually extremely fun, put 2k hours into it. I stopped mostly because of university and how angry I would get when top tier players smashed me with 200fps bullshit advantage when I barely sustained 45.
been in the alpha for this since the beginning its actually surprisingly good
tempest is SHIT
>Repeatedly ignore the point
>Keep saying how great UE4 is
>I'm not a shill guys I swear
>age of chivalry
>chivalry medieval warfare
>war of the roses
>mount and blade warband/mount and blade fire and sword/mount and blade napoleonic wars/all of the multiplayer mods
>for honor
>war of the vikings
just off the top of my head
t. former VirginQueer cuck mad his little house was split apart
You didn't have a point. Just autistic tribal nigger screechings.
>lumping for honor in with all this trash
nice try falseflagger
In Mordhau you can't do backswings, and if you do a very, very exaggerated drag you only "glance" your opponent, which deals less damage and doesn't stagger them.
When you say die you must mean "goes to very small playerbase full of autists that play it 24/7", which is what the game is meant to appeal to. The "main" mode has plenty of things for casuals to have fun with (horses, building, siege weapons), but the combat is basically set around the game "dying." It's the world we live in. If you want to argue that the skill-based game will be skill-based and that you have less fun being forced to play better, I don't think any one will try to stop you.
Based and redpilled.I bet the fags bitching have problems with JJ kek
whats that?
>"that are exactly this game"
>lists mount and blade clones and for honor
really grasping here bro
mordhau is literally leagues above all of those games except for mount & blade in singleplayer
just lol
Based retard
>You made a point that I didn't like so it didn't count!
Okay retard
For Honor is more a baby tier fighter or a psuedo-fighter crossed with a MOBA than a Midieval melee game. Why do fags keep comparing them like they're the same genre?
is that supposed to look good?
lmao destiny has been shitting all over tempest, so fucking ez
those who are dabbed upon rarely recognize their own dabbing
>fov 30
The game supports 100+ degree FOV, what are you on about?
that UI is atrocious
Based For Honor bro.
i was thinking the same thing hahaha
based cent
Do we know the pricing for the game yet?
>another game infested with spinderellas, matrixing retards, hitbox glitchers and peaktracerfag exploiters
No thanks.
I usually learn from my mistakes.
You're not going to fool me twice.
Also fuck off shill.
>t-they m-made the game just so only 1000 people w-would play it!
What do you want then? Just people left clicking at eachother till one of them forgets to block?
This is why we have to bring back 1950's asylums
Nothing, i've realized those multiplayer melee games are a waste of time as those issues will forever be a thing.
I'm waiting for Bannerlord.
Which will probably never come out.
git gud gramps.
>moving the goalposts
>if the game is made to appeal to a "broader audience" the devs are betraying their fans
>if the game is made to appeal the fans it's bad because it doesn't appeal to a broader audience
Can't make this up.
Or you're actually trying to argue that if the game is good enough casuals will play the game for longer than 5 hours after losing. The game doesn't have lootboxes but it does have a very extensive customization progression/unlock system. That'll retain at least some people.
dead game
>no one talking about the glory of warband's competitive scene
people who are extremely butthurt over chiv's spinning should check out warband's pure arm flailing autism
I think the devs said like $30 with 10% discount on release.
aw might get it then if its comin in at a reasonable price point.
Do you think it'll actually have/keep a big consistent playerbase?
I played war of the roses, war of the vikings, and both of them died out which was sad as I quite enjoyed both.
Only autists play these games competitively.
IDK, I started following the game a couple of months ago but it's been in development for a couple of years. I think it'll at least hold a constant playerbase of a few thousand, probably more.
The devs have said that they are going to include a genuine ranked mode, so that could be one way that player retention stays high. And instead of Chivalry's "Once you get to level 15 you stop fighting smurfs and only fight the people the smurfs ran from" the "casual" gamemodes will also have "soft" matchmaking, so people wouldn't be as scared to play and lose to everyone else instantly.
Also the devs have said they plan on releasing more content, specifically something like a crusades DLC.
Also, I want to say that people that dropped chivalry because they lost to "exploits" won't be able to make the same excuse with this game (even though it would probably feel just as hard), so a nicer looking "good" player can drive more people to become better instead of turning them off because they don't want to "cheat".
>100+ degree FOV
Who even plays with it set up that high, it starts to feel a sense of disconnect with the body and instead of feeling like you're playing a normal human knight it's more like a flailing spaghetti man with ridiculously long arms and neck
The same reason people play with high FoVs in games like Quake. I can't even play Minecraft without having it set to max FoV or I feel sick; it's something you get used to.
That's the reason I dropped it. Was obnoxious as fuck to play against. I'm hopeful for Mordhau though. The devs seem pretty dedicated considering they delayed the game so many times.
No, just listing features that make a game complete and not an AAA mess. Ubi will pull funding for FH after the absolutely abysmal dlc sales for the chinese characters, and then you'll be left with nothing. Real dedicated servers are servers you can host on your PC, btw.
Because it's manually animated, not procedurally generated.
You'd need something like this to drive movement ant combat animations for true to life fluidity. The doubleplusgood part is you could add real weapon weights and even alter CoG for each individual weapon and how it impacts characters of various sizes without gruelingly animating them over and over again.
That's not that far off from what rockstar uses. And their games feel like shit to play.
For honor remains one of the most shallow an functionally weak games in this genre. It's a terrible fighting game, ubisoft had no idea what game mode they wanted to focus on, and the enjoyable aesthetic was completely overshadowed by the terrible combat. Flashy moves are neat until you realize you only really have two MAYBE three moves and that's it.
Absoutely fucking not
this game has the most garbage combat system i have ever had the displeasure of playing with, it feels meaty to hit things and that's about it, competitively it's an absolute fucking joke as 4v4s revolve around who is deathballing the hardest and 1v1 is just who can out-exploit the opponent harder
doesn't sekiro use manual animations
clearly the devs just aren't very good
So he won then? He pissed you off that bad?
It is nothing but a silly arcade fighting game, the one who exploits harder always wins.
high fov is not that good in quake actually
it makes enemy smaller, which will reduce your accuracy
What If I want to play a story mode tho
is this 2008 again?
also what lol?
It's a trade-off, I guess. In this game you don't really have to worry about that because unless you're playing an archer (lol) the hitboxes you're aiming for are mostly in your mind.
i just can't tell if you're serious or not, high fov is used by most quake pros, they make targets larger by using stretched resolutions usually.
Why don't you faggots just play fighting games instead?
Honestly this game looks like shit , took way too long to release so all the hype died out. I bet all the people who bought into the alpha are already tired of playing.
for gonor is just a fighting game
there are literally 50 active vets per region retard noobs like you will well outnumber us
>good games are now measured based on their 'hype' and 'fatigue' rather than whether or not they're good
Different methods. There's little in the way of documentation around it. Considering RStar is basically Bethesda though, you can imagine it's just a hacked up pile of shit haphazardly glued into their re-used engine.
At a glance it has the same issues, the artifacts just present differently. This is also apparent in From's other titles, they just use different methods to obscure their transitions. Mordhau is probably using character models for their AI so they can face a different direction than their movement. Their movement doesn't have good transitions, and the distortions from vertex stretching are evident. This is compounded by their animators not accentuating movements. They're probably using predefined cancels too, so they can only force multiply in a given circumstance (low, med, high) deflection/miss assuming they even did that.
reminds me of war of the roses. War of the Roses was really fun but I also only paid a dollar for it.
for honor only exists cause chivalry was a flavor of the month for a few months.
>every iteration of m&b
same game lol
>for honor
it's an arcade fighter, not a lock-on free real time swing fpslasher
whats the max player count?
64 player according to steam.
So far 32v32 in a mode that's kind of like the control point mode in tf2. We only got to play one map of it.
i hear War of the Roses was the shit but then it got irreparably ruined by ungodly bad updates
im sure it can be modded to be higher but 64 is base
Not him but have sex you Trump-voter right wing incel.
Isnt this Counter Strike with swords or does it have gameplay beside the mindlessly fighting?
There is an objective-esque mode, but as of now the only mode where you don't respawn is just last team standing. If you want something like that I suggest looking into star wars movie battle 2.
Apparently this game will get mod tools though, so if people like this game enough someone might make something like that.
there are objective based modes and also just "kill people" modes
I've played the beta and it's surprisingly good. Can't wait till i can fight nubs since fighting tryhards with 2000 hours playtime got pretty stale
Can i be a big slow asshole in full plate armor like that dude in the trailer right at the start, or is this one of those games where i'll have to grind for 50 hours to rank up and unlock cosmetics?
Nah you can unlock stuff really fast. There are no microtransactions so the devs have no incentive to make it grindy.
there are unlocks but i have no idea what encompasses those in this game
Did they fucking holocaust archers from existance? I take a million balleriana zwei/ mauls over one archer.
Can I fuck around as a man-at-arms expy in Mordhau?
They've said they're changing around the unlock rate, but as of now the really expensive high level (like 30, I got there in like 2 weeks) stuff costs around 3000-4000 coins, with most other stuff costing around 1000-2000. You can earn around 500 coins a game it seems.
But it takes a lot of money to put a set of armor together entirely, because EVERYTHING costs that much, from the hilt on your sword to your neck-piece. But gameplay-wise you can buy every type of armor for like 500 coins, it's just the bonus stuff that makes a difference. I can take some screenshots of the armor selection and prices if you want to see
retarded clanfag thinks he has intelligence
>Did they fucking holocaust archers from existance
you can still be an archer or a crossbowman but they work differently than they do in chiv, you wont be able to quickscope headshots like fucking Legolas
>Can I fuck around as a man-at-arms expy in Mordhau?
short answer, yes
longer answer, you get to make a character and equip him to your liking using a build point system
retarded pubber gonna get farmed and quit in 3 hours and miss out on the refund period LOL
or maybe ur a butthurt tempest retard
Facing archers gives you the same kind of boost as the chase bonus
You can parry arrows
Archers drop their bows/ranged weapons if they're hit with a melee weapon... but if you spec right archers can wear some armor. In some ways it's better than chiv but in some it's worse. But you're not being killed across the map with no way to defend yourself in the same way as in chiv.
sure if it's no trouble that would be cool to see
but if the most expensive shit costs like 4000 and games give 500 a pop that is a very easy "grind" if you could even call it that, that's nice
they changed archery a lot to make it more balanced. like you run faster when looking at an archer, can't pull the bow string forever so when you ready an arrow there's a time limit before the character gets "tired" and puts down his arms, etc. I still hate this faggot class made for retards to ruin duels.
itll take prolly like 10-20 hours to unlock everything, provided you kill a lot
>literally the same model catapult and balista from Chivalry
>dude what if made chiv
>but not fun at all
youre mentally retarded
funny that you say this considering you havent played it
hey hadeus hows the water fast going
What to you looks not fun? If you're going to bitch about backswings and shit like that not being in the game you're actually braindead.
Here are most of the heavy chests, there's one more up. The ones I've already unlocked were all about 2000 -. And I'm mousing over the Maximillian Cuirass so you can see how cool the big boy armor is.
Here's the neck category, again with me mousing over the most expensive item. The prices here are a lot less crazy.
oh nice, that's sick
Here's how the weapon part pricing using looks. I'm mousing over the Sharkfin blade
One more pic for fun. There's some meme-characters you can make fairly well.
Some might consider the wanderer's scarf to be better but I disagree.
i thought D was for degenerate or D for dill pickle
>80% of people's playtime will just be customizing their knigga
Thankfully never
Messers are so fucking ugly, like an unholy hybrid between scimitars and longswords, it just looks stupid.
sounds good
90% to be more accurate.
They looked that way due to law loophole abuse. They're essentially big knives because owning "real" swords was illegal for mere peasants.
Audible kek'd
But can i make that super edgy meme knight For Honor added this year?
There's no hood with that crown thing, if you're talking about the vortiger. but you can do something similar with the arms chest and big shield
It's actually because they're degenerates who can't stand women "invading" their safe spaces.
Good enough, actually on the subject of being a nigger, is there such a thing as bashing people with a shield until they lose the will to continue playing in Mordhau?
No. You can't do attacks with shields here, but the axe stabs and quarterstaff give a similar feeling.
Well, i know what i'll be doing.
>but the axe stabs and quarterstaff give a similar feeling
This game has flinch like Mirage, so if you can time those fast attacks well (gamble) you could probably really annoy a lot of new players that'll just equip a big sword and press lmb. They'd never get an attack in. It also does very little damage so it'll really drag out the fight. And as a plus, the axe 2 shots t3 armor with the swing! Balanced.
if i buy it from steam how am i supporting epic? Its not like EPIC themselves are making it.
Wow... high level gameplay looks so fun
this looks like sub level 15 chiv skill level gameplay, but im not surprised really as the game is new/not even out yet
It looks like that because the game is trying to be somewhat readable. The players are still really good and they are definitely beyond level 15 in chiv.
Never forget that Lawby died for your sins.
all things considered as someone who plays the game its a little more difficult than it looks (because im only 300 hr below average trash) and when you see everything thats goin on you get a good appreciation for it
their rhythm is pretty boring though but with the tension of being able to punish the lack of initiative (or at least use a lot of stamina between the two if you go that route) it's understandable
i mean i looked at the controls and it just seems like M&B controls but with 8 directions + a few other mechanics, doesnt seem like it should be too much work to adapt to i think
I am probably (read: definitely) the best Chivalry player in existence, how will I fare in Mordhau?
ill rape your ass in it is how you'll fare
and then i'll make you wear a dress like the little semen drinker u are lol
I'll wear your faggy dress during the fight and I'll still wreck u scrub
Who going /halberd/ here?
Eh, I had a great fucking time years ago playing Chiv
You fags need to git gud
You must be a blast at parties
For Honor still looks more fun, even if you only have three or four moves at most that's still more than swing or stab with Chiv combat. Also spinny top fighting
The difference is there since you aren't locked in you can sort of create your own moves with the timings you create via moving the mouse while/before attacking. And there's also the "where you hit does matter" thing.
Yes moves like spin2win and bunny hopping, very deep and complex gameplay.
this isnt chiv you dumb shitposter
things work differently, theres honestly a whole lot of room for improvement but all those players in the EU tournament were 5K+ hour chiv vets
FH is flashier and has more fantasy elements. It's more a fighting game. Mordhau is a higher skill free-form slasher with less flash and shine. Depends on what you want. It's basically a better chivalry
For Honor and these games look similar at a glance, but they're really very different in how they play. Personally, i like both
People quick to say its a Chivalry spiritual successor, but also that its not Chiv when the combat looks like that same floaty spinny shit
I never played Chivalry, but i played War of the Roses, how similar is this to that?
this game is just fucking chivalry
>no single player campaign
It is similar but the "floaty" strikes are much weaker and spinning is less effective, backswings are gone
Chivalry is mechanically the most similar though