I know I'm not allowed to post things like these but fuck the police department and fuck the chief. Unless he raises my salary I'll do anything I want. Can you imagine how painful it is to stand there by the door every fucking day listening to pointless shit- ahem. So to get back on topic, the infamous Turnabout Terror got called by Zak Gramarye not to discuss details about the murder case of Magnifi Gramarye, but to play poker. I didn't really bother to watch their match, but Wright won the game and the suspect decided to place his trust on the man who beat him at cards. I thought his lawyer was supposed to be that other guy, Kristoph something. I guess he must be pissed to lose the opportunity of defending this celebrity. Also fuck videogames
Zak Gramarye picked Wright at the last minute for his defense
Fuck you meekins, you're not even a police officer anymore. Stop being so uptight for goddamn sake
>Can you imagine how painful it is to stand there by the door every fucking day listening to pointless shit-
t.pic related
I sinceraly hope that fucking spike hair will lose his badge
He always bulsshits his way around the process, what an hack
Stay absolutely seething. Looking forward to your tears when he trounces this case, same as always.
You have no idea who you're messing with here.
mark my fucking words, that asshole will lose the badge
I'm glad this is an anonymous website because I can complain without fear of being judged. What OP said about the salaries being low and not getting raised at the police department is spot on. I don't know about you pal but I'm really thinking of getting another job. At the same time I don't want to leave behind a person I really like to work with at the prosecutor's office, so it's complicated.
I'll let you off the grid for posting the picture OP but don't do it again
lmao cry more prosecutorcuck
gee now I wonder who could be behind this post
>be detention center guard
>watching over the visitation room
>girl in a traditional Asian dress (kimono? I don't fucking know)
>suddenly, girl grows several inches taller, and she immediately ages a decade in the span of a few seconds
>she and her lawyer have a conversation
>as quickly as she turned into the woman, she immediately turned back
>I'm too shocked to do anything about it, I hope the camera got it on video
I've got more stories, will continue if you guys want more.
I am a better attourney than a cuck that fucking bluffs instead of doing proper investigations
I work in the same precinct, did you see that creepy German girl with the whip? Pic related, I took this shot of her at court. What's the story with her? Word is, she snuck into the visitors area and recorded the same thing you just described to use in court! What's going on around here!?
>you now realize that we're about to enter the 7 year void
God Wright's hair is so fucking stupid. Put a hat on Jesus Christ.
Phoenix is a bad father!
Trucy has to work in the bar where perverts like Stickler go
Stickler is a creep
He stole Trucy panty
I don't know, it's probably illegal as fuck to record those visits, I still don't know how she didn't get disbarred for that one.
I find Edgeworth ugly.
He has gray hair and small eyes ..
Phoenix is handsome and cute
She hits the judge in the face with a fucking whip in basically every trial she's in and people just begrudgingly accept it, I don't think it's even possible for her to get disbarred.
Post more stories, please. Is it true that they put Maximillian Galactica in jail and he just broke down crying when Wright showed up?
Those are just rumors, not fabulous at all!!
Don't even get me started on that one.
>Be standing guard
>suddenly, this pink-haired fop comes in, apparently wearing something straight from the circus
>I always get the strangest fucking detainees
>anyway, he's spending more time talking about his time at the circus than the actual case at hand
>he sounds incredible, but he was really fucking full of himself
>picked up tickets for his next show though
Fuck man, I actually had to deal with his coworkers coming in to talk to him, and I swear I was fucking high when a man came in having his fucking doll interview Max.
what the fuck do you smoke at work
police is the fucking worst and you're the reason
Reminder that Zak's killed 3 Gramaryes and he's coming for Valant next.
Zoomers here are probably not aware of this but Jeffrey Master got proved innocent after 17 years. However Katherine Hall sort of took his place and ended up in prison. I always knew he was innocent, I think I cried a little. Now just a few years to wait before this show can run again
I've got more stories
>Be me, standing guard
>apparently, this big-name tokusatsu star is coming into the interviewing room (It's the nickel samurai, I think. My son is a fan of those types of show)
>anyway, he's wearing essentially wearing a leather jacket, and he fucking pulls out a cell phone (it's nicer than mine, for fucks sake)
>at first, I think he's just an idiot who has no idea what's appropriate to do while being held in detention
>he then pulls out some nice brandy and starts talking about how he hired a hitman to kill a competing star
Jesus christ, I get the weirdest fucking people to watch over. I've got more, if you're curious.
I haven't smoked in 12 years, She literally fucking turned into an older woman, hand to god!
Oh, you work at the Prosecutor's office, right?
Tell me, is Klavier just as much of an asshole as I think he is?
thank god they are talking about adding therapy sessions in the court
Those are some massive playing cards, or they got some tiny hands. Not sure which one
>watch their show when I was little
>I fell in love with Katherine
>watch the trial on tv
>she became even hotter
Part of me is happy about that, maybe it will keep things more normal, but another part of me keeps hoping for more crazy shit to happen.
I'm always seeing insane shit while working there.
I still wonder how fucking emotions can be seen as proof
i dunno, technology those days
maybe it will tank like the VR
This. Why the fuck doesn't anyone remember Thalassa Gramarye???
Did you hear? Another member of the Berry Big Circus got arrested for murder a couple weeks ago. That's like three in two years, what the hell's going on over there?
>I still wonder how fucking emotions can be seen as proof
Oh you're an user from Europe I suppose? Yeah they have bizarre laws there. Fucking emotions and psychological stuff. At least it's not as bad as Khurain
Hey I remember that case. The trial was a shitfest of which camp could throw his case the hardest. However it was a great day since Wright finally lost his perfect record. Fuck this hack
Imagine how your life will be when these threads appear again
Another one
>Be me, standing guard
>Suddenly, I hear what sounds like a fucking banshee screaming with the volume of a thousand jets taking off
>So this guy comes in, dressed in an outfit the village people would call "a bit much"
>he starts talking about how he's "Mask DeMasque" (I think I've heard of him, I avoid news when I get home, I get enough insanity when I'm at work)
>he starts confessing how he's stolen some treasure from a museum exhibit
>If that's not bad enough, some Chuuni detective with a fucking Monocle comes in, talking like he's fucking Sherlock Holmes
>he starts taunting Mask DeMasque guy as if they have an intense rivalry, like Lupin III and Zenigata (sorry if that's too zoomer of a reference)
I swear to god, I'll have to write a fucking book someday.
I'm still mad this femoid got away with murder two times, I don't buy it was a coincidence twice
man, what a piece of shit country is Khurain, what is their next move, an Ouja board to arrest people?
wait what? are you a time traveler?
When do the investigations games take place? We may be able to shitpost about those games.
I thought it was the defense lawyer going by the name of Raymond Shields who was arrested for being a mastermind criminal. Did I read the newspaper wrong? Or maybe he worked at the berry big circus in secret too?
>investigations 1 is set in 2019
it's still not over bros!
Investigations 2 ended a couple of weeks ago. There's nothing left now.
Yeah but investigations 2 is immediately after, and then we enter the 7 years of nothing...
stream when?
>he doesn't know
AAI was streamed and shitposted about one month ago. Nobody did AAI 2 sadly
Reminder that this innocent old man missed his plane and the JEW Palaeno got away with everything.
>The Grand Turnabout is dated April 6, 2019
6 years of nothing it is
You really seem to be under a bad omen to witness such freaks at your job. Be sure to take a rest
Let's see, Here's another story
>Be me, standing guard
>Suddenly, someone I know comes in.
>She was this real cutie of a detective who used to work at the precinct
>Apparently, she was fired as she now works at one of those pervy Maid Cafes.
>I felt bad for her, but I didn't know what I could say.
>I hear someone brought her a homemade lunch, but She wasn't able to eat it. I would've smuggled it in as a favor, but she was strongly opposed to it, rules and whatnot.
Simon will be arrested in October next year. We have that at least
man, i feel bad for Zak, really sad his fucking kid will see him in prison
Always loved his show when I was a little lad
probably tomorrow but I don't know the hour. In any case April 19th is marked in my calendar for this very reason
We can start DARK AGE OF THE LAW shitposting.
I want marry Phoenix
this can't be real
how is the anime anyway, I've heard some extremely mixed things about it
what is this user going on about??? Did he finally knock up his medium assistant and got a child?
t.state bootlicker
Imagine believing in this farce of a justice system nowadays. Prosecutors being shown to use fake evidence or to commit murder, defense lawyers found guilty of being actual criminal masterminds.
Also pic related
please delete this
Those Gramarye fucks are just lucky they didn't pull that magic shit in Labyrinthia, or they would've been roasted in a week's time.
The new blood? He's a special nutcase. We had a prosecutor coming from Germany before but this guy is pushing the German accent shtick to the max. Acting all smug and competent as if he was a rockstar. Eww
Phoenix loses in Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice his lawyer brand.
He adopted the daughter of his former mandate
Phoenix is a hobo and works as a pianist
Trucy is a magician and works in a bar
t.John Titor
Expect a lot of QUALITY moments. But at the same time, the cute slice of life additions or the text only scenes like Maya swinging her broom around in the office make it worth to watch. The circus case's trial section was really entertaining in the anime
I just looked it up; he IS a rock star. He runs some flavor-of-the-month band called the Gavinners whose first track went platinum overnight. "13 Years Hard Time for Love".
How fucking easy is the bar exam that a loan shark, a rock band singer, and someone like fucking Wright can become lawyers so easily?
They let a 13-year-old girl become prosecutor, remember?
>an Ouja board to arrest people?
I've only heard rumors but it seems that the Queen's daughter may have been gifted with strong spiritual powers (or so they say) so they've been considering something similar using water as a reflection of soul.
I don't know man I don't know perhaps those #DarkAgeOfTheLaw people are right after all??
>someone like fucking Wright
I'm honestly fucking astounded by people that still think he's a hack.
why the picture of a ladder, I don't get it
Did you guys hear about this new band starting up? I heard that they're called like the Gavineers or something. I hope their music is good.
Taking bets now, what's Wright bullshit is he gonna pull to get Zak off the hook?
I'm feeling "DUDE VALANT DID IT" right now.
it's fucking j-metal shit
oh my god normies don't know shit about music
Some bullshit about how Magnifi used a magic trick to make a suicide look like a murder.
Some of you are alright
Don't go to GYAXA space center on Ocotober 2020
>a hospital letting a patient have a gun so he can kill himself
He'd be retarded to go for that angle.
Perhaps it's because you have the brain of a filthy gaijin, brainlet. Of course you wouldn't be able to understand the complex matters behind analytical psychology.
Btw what do you think about the hat-1 miracle?
Hush that hasn't happened yet
UR-1 is on October 7, 2020
i heard Kristoph is pretty bad at Poker, fucking pathetic
>Clicking on emojis
Fucking weaboos invading the board
screencapped. You will cry tomorrow
>/x/ fags ended up being right
How do I feel about this?
ah please those are just tricks, Phoenix is just a master of trickery and decption, who knows one of these days he is going to get caught for using false evidence and whatnot
Fucking conspiracy theoriests
I'll tell ya, I know Nick and he will win fair and square
>Spirital powers in court
It feels nice to have someone competent in these threads. I wish our justice system could use some people like you. And yeah it's confirmed that this hack will be caught, it's only a matter of time. Can't wait!
In Germany. Also, her dad probably pulled some strings.
I can't prove it, but Krispoph is an evil motherfucker. Bastard looks like he'd kill a man just to see what it feels like.
What's going on in this thread ?
Sherlock Holmes you have been dead for a century go away.
Go bother Mozart you immortal boomer
Isn't her dad a murderous shit who got his ass thrown in jail for trying too fuck over edgeworth?
Yes it was Wright's fourth case IIRC
I'm still convinced edgeworth did all the actual thinking in that case and Wright just bullshitted like usual till he lucked out.
I mean
How desperate you are to cross-examine a fucking parrot?
>People on Yea Forums are still defending Wright
Hey that's all on you idiots, go live in a real state where laws arn't as retarded.
Not that user, but clearly Edgeworth gave up and was willing to let Wright use his bullshit just this once.
What are you taking about, he never did it!
he will do it in tomorrow's trial
It's better than living in Missouri, all of our justice is handled by a jackass in red spandex who runs at the speed of light.
>he never did it
fuck off Wrightfag, he did it in all the fucking trials he took. I'm starting to think that the judge is giving Wright the wins.
Fuck prosecutors
Holy shit, we're at Apollo Justice now? Time flies.
>After this trial we have the murder of Athena's mom in October 7 2020 and then NOTHING for 6 -SIX- fucking years
We are gonna make it r-right boys?
Too be fair when your up against bullshit too the point where your biggest shot is cross examining a parrot, I could see why edgeworth basically said fuck this. Wright is still forever retarded about that though, and the judge is even worse for allowing that bullshit in court.
This is the first part of that case. The first trial of Apollo Justice is in 2026
AJ's flashback
We #darkageofthelaw for 6 years until Polly's first apparence
Oh yeah, it's been a while so I forgot about the flashback.
>implying that Yea Forums will last another 6 years
I always knew that Gustavia crook was up to no good. Jeffrey is a good man, so I'm glad he is free. I'm sure they will have some lenience on Katherine given the circumstances.
Fuck Von'Karma for basically destroying their lives.
at least there's always eightchan if you aren't a faggot announcing you're from here
it's blocked in pizzaland because CP
>mfw bet my life's savings on /ourguy/ Wright for tomorrow's case
I know i lost some money before betting on him but those were just bad luck. I'm back on my feet and after based Wright wins tomorrow, I'll have a hell lot more dough than what i lost years ago.
Feels good to be a Wrightchad.
I'm gonna drink your tears tomorrow Wrightffag
>betting on the fucking engarde case where everyone and their mother knew he did it walking into that case.
You brought that upon yourself user. At least with this one there's someone else just as likely too be the criminal and is probably the actual killer.
New Fag here
This game is great desu. I'm on episode 3 of the Trilogy on the switch. Gumshoe is a dumbass but so cute, How can a man be so fucking cute and handsome at the same time reee.
Leave before the spoilers hit you dude!!!
That yellow magic fag is going to jail, you can count on it.
Roleplayers can go fuck themselves. I can't talk about the fucking video game without you retards showing up.
Newsflash, the page is forged by an autistic girl and Magnifi killed himself.
You too? I lost some money with Bitconnect and REQ last year but this time I have a good feeling. Wright only lost one case in his entire career, I was blind not seeing the pattern. I expect to at least double my funds Tomorrow.
She is literally the perfect woman, but wanking to her after all the bullshit they went through just doesn't feel right to me.
You just got spoiled on the 4th game, dude
Anyway case 3 is filler, but more Maya is never a bad thing
Case 4 is when shit really hits the fan
This, especially considering it's Wright on the defendants side and valant is just as likely too do shit, AS WELL AS is a magician so probably used some brand of trick too cover up his bullshit.
>bet my life's savings on /ourguy/ Wright for tomorrow's case
I hope you're joking, Wright's luck is bound to run out and his client picked him just because he won a fucking card game.
So, why did nobody bother to stream AAI2? All it takes is to set up a Twitch channel and record a Desmume, doesn't it?
Can it, loser, before you get knocked out like a bitch again.
Still not as retarded as the fucking parrot, we have seen Wright do dumber shit, let's be honest here.
We don't even have that, man. It's not like there's an actual trial for that thing.
Besides, AA5 is shit.
Did you even watch their magic shows? That yellow-wearing faggot wasn't even close to Zak or even Mr. Reuss' talent. Zak had no reason to kill Magnifi when he was clearly going to inherent the rights.
Add this to Wright being set up against a literal who and this is as obvious as it gets, there is no way Wright can lose this.
You IDIOTS the trial is fucking tomorrow and Wright took the case a hour ago at most.
How can he work with that little time?
I miss mr. Reus, now that was a magician, he probably got booted for the same reason as zac is getting blamed for this shit.
not him but I liked it
...except the mood matrix that is bullshit
Because he has done that before, have you not seen that man work?
Remember the time he got knocked out and didn't have any idea what case he was supposed to be defending and still won?
>the Ace Attorney series will never be real.
So after tomorrow's trial, Streambro/Pablo said that he might end up streaming more visual novels in the future, such as doing a makeup stream for AAI2 or Layton V Wright, or something even stupider like streaming Fate Stay Night or Higurashi. What do you think?
>Nobody will ever believe in you the way Wright believes in his clients
He is a pro, i doubt he would have taken the case if he did not believe he can win. He is probably investigating the crime scene as throughly as possible right now.
After he wins this he will become even more famous due to how big the Gramaryes are, so he is probably working twice as hard. Being known as the lawyer who defended the new heir of one of the most famous Magician groups in the world will set him for life.
I loved his coin tricks, i hope Mr. Reuss found some gigs so he can work his way up to the top, dude is a great Magician especially for someone so young.
>ywn experience Ace Attorney for the first time again
It hurts
It's real in my heart.
Unironically, I sort of grew up with it. One of the rare cases I'm proud to admit that I'm a zoomer. I knew the series by the time I was Pearl's canon age in JFA.
Now I share Maya's and Franziska's ages in AAI2.
But I didn't accomplish anything worthwhile compared to the both of them.
>not "Prosecucktor"
clown was always the worst character
I'd like a stream of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni ,for the retarded Battler theories or maybe danganronpa. It would be actually fitting for Danganronpa, since we'd be like the depiction of the audience in V3-6.
I was recording all afternoon the AA games to play them non stop in one gigantic stream
O was thinking of objections count and other useless data, ideas?
I still remember playing Case 4 in 2007 and seeing that the DL-6 case took place in 2001, working out Ace Attorney took place in 2016 and thinking to myself "damn, I wonder where I'll be in 9 years"
Hard to think I would be shitposting on a Columbian pottery discussion forum about the period of time these games take place in.
Make me wonder if Takumi even knows how some of his fans replayed the games on the exact day the cases occurred on.
You're not that guy who related with Pearls throughout the games because you were the same age as her? Sort of how they saw themselves as Pearl helping out Wright and Co.
I remember a post like that somewhere in these threads throughout the years.
it's a stepladder, a ladder doesn't have towo sides
Like I said, it's gonna probably turn out vallant killed a metric fuckton of guys, zak will reopen the troupe, reus may very well return and between the two the group will basically be just fine.
I'm not really inspired but you could do like Pablo did with some witnesses. I remember that during the 2-4 stream there was a broken glass count, maybe you could work with that. You could make a boobs giggle count for April May if you didn't already think about it.
>I still remember playing Case 4 in 2007 and seeing that the DL-6 case took place in 2001, working out Ace Attorney took place in 2016 and thinking to myself "damn, I wonder where I'll be in 9 years"
Fucking same. It was in 2008 when I wondered about it but yeah it was the same. I was really overjoyed in December 2016 when I saw the Von Karma threads here.
>You're not that guy who related with Pearls throughout the games because you were the same age as her? Sort of how they saw themselves as Pearl helping out Wright and Co.
I'm not that user, but I share the exact same feeling with him. Still, even back then I couldn't help but think she was a little stupid for not understanding technology, trains and the like.
When They Cry >Zero Escape > Ace Attorney > Danganronpa > sci;adv > fate
Did you see that clown with the carrot on his head though? Fucker had the worst sense of humor I heard in my whole damn life. And worse yet, the german chick with the whip made that Gumguy detective have to sit on a desk listening to the clowns jokes for 5 hours!
Does the new anime season have anything cool character wise in the non-original episodes? I've seen the original ones.
user, you tell me about the qtpie 3.14 cleric girl that was on yesterday's trial right fucking now. The one that works for that chubby older woman. I need info for uh....research.
I'm playing DGS and I just got to the part where you find out Dr. Watson is actually a loli
I was enjoying it but now I'm considering dropping the game entirely. Why are japs so fucking degenerate? It was obviously done to appeal to their pathetic culture. Literally no other country in the world would adapt it like that.
Sup Pablo, I actually like the idea of streamin Danganronpa and even Umeniko (I stoped playing this one because I thougt it has gameplay in it).
Maybe one day for each episode of danganronpa?
that's not the way the game works though, you're not actually playing it
Sorry man, I don't know how to tell you, but the "woman" you're talking about is completely a dude.
I hope you haven't busted a nut to him yet.
I don't know what you're saying. I'm guessing this is a post whining about VNs and gameplay but I'm not sure
...oh ok. How long have you been working at the precinct? Some people have said they've seen this really loud kid with red clothes and spiky hair hanging around the detention center with this cute magician girl.
Franziska having a cool jacket/vest in Hazakura Temple among many other things. It's not that great but it's nice
Gumshoe is an ok dude, he gets stuck with literally everyones bullshit though. At least he is one of the few honest detectives compared too most of that trash heap.
>really loud kid with red clothes and spiky hair
Are you acquainted with time travellers? I work at the detention center regularly and I've never seen anyone with that description.
I legit wonder if phoenix actually did have a kid and that one is his.
No. All you really have is a handful of image macros that could pass for low-rent fanart on occasion.
Somebody tell me if we've gotten any actual new fanart recently. Or at least tell me if anyone remembers where that one AMV where Godot stabs his eyes out is.
Danganronpa trials tend to last like two hours of pre-murder fluff, an hour or two of investigation, and then like three hours for the actual trials, though. Not to mention I have no idea how he's supposed to do all the rhythm game shit at the same time.
>People still bitching about their justice system
A shame that you guys would never have the amazing justice system that we have here in Khura'in
Also I can at least answer about the magician girl, that kid is zak gramarye's kid, it's actually documented and known about.
>anyone who defends someone literally dies
>trials decided by literal voodoo
>children automatically suffer for what ever shit their parents did
Your entire country is stupid and should have gotten taken over decades ago.
He really has it the worst out of everyone here. Whip girl follows him around the precinct with this weird radar thing everywhere just to have an excuse to whip at him. Plus he keeps getting his salary cut. I asked why he doesn't just quit but he said "I love my job too much, pal! And I can't leave Mr. Edgeworth or..." and he wouldn't say who but I hear he has a huge crush on that rookie nerd girl who joined recently. You know, the one who always tells everyone about how fucked up her luck is.
Friendly reminder that forensic science is trash.
Oh right, my point was that Pablo would probably be fine with the idea, but the streams would probably be obnoxiously long if those were his benchmarks.
Hey I'm the bailiff stuck with all the retarded shit that Wright and court go on about, this shit is retarded and if I were too actually step in i'm pretty sure i'd end up like the poor guy. Honestly I might just transfer too the police department soon so I don't have too deal with this shit.
T. Kurainist moron
Go back too your shitty ass backwards country that refuses to believe in science and literally worships what you lot seem too believe are honest to God wizards.
Get fucked by a monk you scientific retard. Forensics is garbage and you know it.
You guys literally believe in voodoo and summoning dead dudes too testify on trial, you lot are as dumb as the senile old man that is the judge that allows phoenix's bullshit.
So, niggers. Is there gonna be a stream tomorrow? What's the channel?
Yes and when you have shit like spirit channeling, that is more likely than garbage foresnics science. Kill yourself.
This is like the literal hundredth time
it's been said. Pablo09042 on Twitch.
I'm sorry user I'm literally retarded and missed every other stream before this so I want to at least watch one before SEVEN YEARS
I ACTUALLY RECENTLY BECAME A BALIFF AFTER GETTING REMOVED FROM THE POLICE FORCE. Wow, what are the odds? Someone doing the exact opposite of what I did after I got fired. Who would have thought...?
I wonder if there have been any other cases of a parrot being used as evidence.
>Life imitates art
So is anyone else inspired to start their own streams after this?
Fuck it, trade ya jobs?
You have fun with the bullshit in court like the whippings, coffee mugs being thrown around, being the judges gofher, etc...
Hey, is it true Gumshoe got a raise like 2 weeks ago?
Edgeworth took it away about 5 days later.
I mean, is there anything still coming up?
>people still believing in AA7
Just let it go, and move on.
You faggots will argue over anything.
I mean, going by AAI-5 there's a clear answer
Go back to whatever shithole you came out of. Probably a Zheng Fa communist. Imagine being ruled by a fake president for 12 fucking years lmao
Butterflies create medicine that cures super cancer, but what about the flower? I forgot what it symbolizes.
Worst parent misty or zack? Misty pisses me off because she felt ashamed or some shit because of what happened and then she just left her 2 only younger children to defend for themselves. Then as deauxnim or w.e. she went by was a total shit head as well along with her "amazing" plan.
>Butterflies create medicine that cures super cancer,
Only in Borginia
Hey faggot did you know that Magnifi Gramarye is actually commit suicide and not murdered?
I know he was old and sick but that's no reason to kill oneself. Zak is obiviously the guilty party here, but Wright will get him out of jail as he does with every client.
>t. butthurt lawyer that suck at poker
Fuck off with the dark age of the law bullshit.
Ok, sure prosecutors were forging evidence for their street cred, sure the chief of police was a murderer controlling both the police force and the prosecutor office, and sure the chairman of th P.I.C. was also a murderer and making illegal auctions for the black market inside the offices of our highest law enforcers and also pushing around judges to give his desired rulings... But shit isn't that bad man. We got people like Wright cleaning up the rotten system, and as long as upstanding, honest people like him are out there, I think we'll be just fine.
Oh God i can't wait for my hero Phoenix to destroy that boipussy Klaveir, i really can't think of Wright doing something ilegal like forge evidence or something like that
>We have lived long enough to see Wrightbros turn into karmafags
Wright is only fighting fire with fire, eventually we'll have to deal with his brand of bullshit instead. I even bet he's just as corrupt as the prosecutors.
Guys, I just walked past the office of the prosecutor in charge of this case and someone inside said forged evidence was prepared for the case.
What's going on?
We are truly living in a #DarkAgeOfLaw
So, are we going to get any OC from the case tomorrow, like this?
You’ll all live to regret this.