Hotline Miami thread anyone?
Hotline Miami thread anyone?
Nobody? Really?
fuck you faggots and fuck you faggot gay shit for nibbers you fuck
I liked both games :)
I wish the modding scene wasn't full of edgy faggots with bad taste in music.
one of the few games I can safely call 10/10
i want to fuck zebra girl
What are some other games with the same sense of satisfaction and bloodlust?
played the first 3 times and the second 2 times
i never bothered with the score system, what do i have to do to get highscores
You have to be efficient and have diversified kills and finishers. Also mercy killing the crawling guys helps your score a lot.
For Hotline Miami 2, the multipliers help with score. Go for the highest combo possible.
Based schizoposter
im planning on cosplaying as jacket with my gf cosplaying as biker for a con later this summer.
love these games why arent there more of em
Enjoying ruiner, which fills the void.
They said that the plot had ended in HM2, and that they won't make another. So, no HM3, ever. You can play custom campaigns, or go for a speed run WR.
Sad!itd be nice to at least have another game with the top down style in a different setting.
I got every achievement in Hotline Miami 1. It's combos and using as many weapons as you can. There is a special mask that keeps the combo going longer which I found helpful on certain levels. For Hotline Miami 2, just get the biggest combo you can get. The game has so many enemies with guns melee is too risky.
I want HM3. The creators are currently doing fuck all if their twitters are anything to go by.
which con
I have a biker cosplay I wear to AnimeNext sometimes
Hopefully someone makes something similar to HM.
Yeah, I need moar.
Hotline Miami
Hotlime Miami 2
senshi con, its in anchorage alaska
condemned ?