Finally a flat 24" 144 Hz IPS screen on the horizon! Can't wait to throw my TN screen into the trash

Finally a flat 24" 144 Hz IPS screen on the horizon! Can't wait to throw my TN screen into the trash.
Pricing looks suspicious tho.

Attached: ips junk.jpg (1220x915, 106K)

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>and IPS
no fucking way

I'm to understand that a 144Hz TN panel will still be faster than 144Hz IPS panel

There's more than just refresh rate, I know the BenQ/Zowie monitors have lower input lag than monitors of the same refresh rate so that's why virtually all CSGO professionals use them.

Trips of truth.
Yes, they will always have a slight edge. But if you actually want some eye candy and ain't no top 1% player, then IPS is well worth it

75hz? Why bother? I'd say 90hz is the minimum to be noticeable.

hz is not a measure of input delay

There has to be a catch right?
Most IPS high refresh rate monitors cost way more than that.

its 2019 why do you want anything outside of oled.

No burn it, high refresh rates, less input lag...

OLED TV would be good for watching videos though.

How does 1080p look on a 27" display?

>playing on a 24" screen

Do people actually do this?
t. 55" 4K HDR

Attached: 20190123_160612.jpg (3264x1836, 1.76M)

Stop, just stop.

IPs panel is 4ms lowest. TN is 1 ms lowest. Irrelevant.

Input lag or pay 2-3 times the price, if you even know what model to get.

Imagine using 1080p panels in the current year

Oled is pure trash. My GS9 burns in daily an image of the always on clock.

why are you comparing phone panels/controllers to pc monitor standards?

I do game on a large 4k hdr TV too but only with my consoles. I like to play fast paced competitive games on pc and even 27" messes with my aim for some reason. 24" is just about right

A good 144hz IPS would potentially be great, but at this point why would anyone buy a 1080p monitor? I have been using a 1440p IPS dell for some 3-4 years atleast and have a generation old GPU.

I would. Why the fuck not? You're not keeping 144hz with >1080p without some serious hardware anyway.

1080p hard pass

Oled is pretty useless for anything with a static image still.

fucking idiot

Huh I had CRT monitors that small 20 years ago with better blacks
T. 34" 3440x1440p 100hz va Samsung panel ultrawide curved master race.
Enjoy your shit colours and contrast as well op tn are legendary for poor viewing angles as well

Attached: wideultrawidewojack.jpg (8408x3288, 2.68M)

It's 2019 already.
I want at least 1440p.

>I had CRT with better blacks
no shit
>tn are legendary for
that's an IPS, dumbass

it is so incredibly sad how you guys misunderstand panels

Ips is shit blacks tho I had a 75hz LG had to crank the brightness in game

It's not a TN monitor.

for you

>250 candela
>only 24''
>shit contrast

IPS has shit blacks too, no better than a modern TN really.

>Enjoy your shit colours and contrast as well op tn are legendary for poor viewing angles as well
It is not a TN monitor.

Yes I know. It's still a shit panel.

Good, then we agree. The problem is that you can't fucking read.

You're right. It's 169 Euros.

yeah, yeah, $185 then, who fucking cares that's cheap as shit

>250 candela
my screen is 280cd and I run it at 20% in a well lit room or I'd go blind

Neat, I was looking to downgrade from a 4k IPS 28" 60hz, but I noticed most IPS screens have terrible light bleed.

I'm still good with my GSync 35" 100Hz 3440x1440p monitor.

That's why.

Freesync version here it's nice aye what gpu u have? 2080ti here

1080ti (which is basically a 2080)

1080ti (which is basically a 2080).

Just get yourself a 120hz projector. Sure, DLP has raimbows sometimes but 120hz + CRT tier motion is so far beyond LCD & OLED. 200" screen too.

He fell for the samsung va panel

Pricing is fine since you're playing on 2007 resolution. 1440p or bust.

1440p on 24" lul

I'm using a 32" 1080p VA TV for nearly a decade now. Still a viable solution for poorfags who want a big screen.

Beats 1080p


60hz is too slow

a 1080ti and 8600k maintains a pretty good 120-140 on a surprising amount of newer games

16:10 in 144/120hz when?

at 1440p i mean

>we don't have 1ms 144hz 32in 1ms miniLED gsync/freesync 4K monitors for $200-$300

I sleep

Not for a console.

consoles are too slow

They're also the only way to play a fair amount of exclusives, and good ones at that. It's the trade you have to make. Me, I've got my consoles plugged into the same 144hz monitor as my desktop. Literally the switch of a button. There's no reason to be a snob unless you're poor.

I also doubt you can actually run any game at more than 75hz, given your attitude.

And? IPS panels are trash.

>console games
have sex

Not directly, but if you're buffering frames to optimise the display for an IPS panel, then if those frames come just over twice as fast you'll be waiting much less time between keypresses and on-screen action.
The alternative is they buffer 2.4x the frames which doesn't make any sense.

>video games

get a real hobby lmao

i average about 120 on Sekiro. the only console exclusive i was interested in was bloodborne, but not enough to buy the game and borrow my sister's ps4.

this is my monitor, to stay on topic


I shiggy doodly doo

>still no 1440p 144hz gsync hdr ips

idk if its out yet, but theyre coming out with freesync 2 HDR monitors. i just hope theyre compatible with nvidia cards like a few of the freesync monitors already out

that's an absolute monster, there doesn't even exist a potential upgrade until the 2080-ti drops, and it can't even sustain it
definitely falls under "some serious hardware"

big ass screens look worse to me.

4k tvs look pixelated at that size. 27' to 32' is optimal

>Not directly
Not at all. Refresh rates and response time are measured separately.

>user likes my computer

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