We're finally going home, brothers

We're finally going home, brothers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





It's over for retailcucks. All the money you spent on store mounts, all the hours you spent farming transmog and pets while your wife was fucking Tyrone, all gone. Everyone will start from scratch on Classic, and BFA will be a wasteland.

first for can't wait to BTFO ERPing shitters in goldshire with my unleashed infernal

>Be pally
>Be best healer, always have consumables never pull threat never go oom
>Get full T2
>"I am burned out guys think I am gonna pvp for a while"

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were going home

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>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

Ever wondered what the average retailfaggot would do when playing vanilla WoW for the first time? Wonder no more.


THIS is your average retail cuck. An absolute retard incapable of the simplest tasks.

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Spirit gear on a levelling warrior is actually useful.

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thats gonna be me

Ahem, ahem:
>inb4 muh reckbomb

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i don't have the time to play WoW classic, but i'd love to. some of the best gaming memories i ever had.

I started playing when it came out, went to target to buy the collector's edition at midnight on release. Leveled a dwarf pally to 60, then switched to undead priest and made that my main. Joined a guild early who became one of the top guilds on our server. Played through Naxx and quit right before TBC came out because i was leaving for college and wanted to not be a shut-in gamer during college. good times. great times. have fun, bros.

So when is it even releasing?

It's every good Paladin ever

>any other game
>classic servers get made
>world of warcraft
>classic servers get made

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Many people have wondered what will happen after the content release cycle is done and the people who want to clear Naxx have cleared Naxx. TBC? Classic+? Do nothing? First of all, how long will the cycle last? Two years? Two and a half? Something like that most likely. So here's what I would propose: Make new servers that are on the same release timer than the old ones, but also leave the old ones intact. That way, people who are already bored on their current realms can get their FRESH fix and people who still haven't done everything they want can keep doing it. After that just keep releasing a couple new servers every 6/12 months while merging old ones as they start dying out. It'll be like seasons in Diablo 3.
Of course, you must completely disallow character transfers at least between servers that are on different phases of the cycles for this to work.

Okay kiddo. Go buy another store mount while the adults talk about the real games here.

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>switched to undead priest and made that my main
i should add that during raids i played the role of off-healer because it was more fun than healing the main/off tank. i loved babysitting the rogues and mages who couldn't handle their aggro.

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my high IQ nigger

okay look im sorry, don't play classic, please, i was just trying to shitpost to stop you from doing it, i fucking admit it okay? i've been pushing this goddamn gold trading and rose tinted goggles meme to try disuade you but its clearly not working so im begging you, please, just don't go to classic, come back to retail the subs are so low that im honestly scared that blizzard will just put retail as a damn side project in favour of classic
please just have a heart and think about it this isn't what you want either im sure of it, don't do this

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this copypasta is starting to grow on me..

i always burn out around AQ

>Levelling a Warrior
>Put on Tank set
>Whisper Mage "Food for a tank?"
>Get food
>Put on WW axe and steal all his mobs

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*HUHs you*
This time...it's personnel...NIGGER.

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Simply devilish.

Serves that mage right for playing so zoomed in.

>tfw a dps paladin tries to join your group

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the horde or the niggers as i like to call them are f*cked in classic

>men actually gave these creatures the right to vote


Based Hazel making fun of vanillafags.

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>invite him
>he takes the time to get to the instance
>we found another player
>kick him when he's just outside

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reminder to roll horde to avoid roasties

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>Paladin challenges you to a duel
I'm boutta head out for a shit bruh I aint got 20 minutes.

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>spell clicker

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Having been in many guilds with females I can confirm her gameplay is actually above standard, as she attempted to move out of the fire.


You deserve death and worse, tourist


>has them bound to Q and T
>clicks anyway

Won't everyone who races to 60 have to wait for the warriors to catch up before they do any end game content anyway?
Warriors level slow so unless you are friends with a super autistic tryhard warrior just take your time and enjoy the comfy world, it's no race. What are you even going to do if you get to 60 first and it's just a bunch of mages and hunters trying to do dungeons.

why did I watch this

>bunch of mages and hunters trying to do dungeons.
you can literally do most dungeons with 5 mages or 5 hunters.

people that race to 60 do so to farm shit like ungoro
warriors that rush hit 60 a day or day and a half after.

if 100% > health > 5%
troll health regen racial > tauren health racial

Joke's on you, I'm playing HotW druid. I can do anything

What in the literal fuck? Why? How? Is that wretched cunt even sentient? Can it even think? What is it even doing? Why's that whore even in a raid?

No they will actually do dungeons with bear tanks cause it works fine.

Rogues will be proper fucked for the first week or two before enough Warriors and Pallys show up to give them some breathing room for loot, hunters would have a sweet ride if not for all the hunters and warlocks and mages will always be tugging each others cocks.

Im at a loss of words

I'm going to be a human priestess and carry warriors to 60 as the healslut I am

>should I play with a keyboard for the true old school experience?
I stopped watching there.

>I like playing on RP servers
>Have made multiple healers oil my ass before I pull the first mob
>They always do
You disgust me you whore.

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





>she casts one spell the entire clip

what's your favourite zone bros?
where are you going home to?

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Uh like you can't move and cast spells sweaty

ooga booga we coming for your women.

That... that gotta be staged. Noone can be that fucking dumb, right? Right?

how do you oil an ass? i was thinking of making a night elf priest alt on an rp server so i can avoid getting ganked by rogues

Dun Morogh and Westfall. Dunno if I wanna level a dwarf or human warrior but I'm gonna have fun the whole time.

not even a renew or cleanse my dude

With emotes and great detail or I make you start over and or kick you.

fucking barrens

Going to start out by questing in the comfy, pre-cata NE zones and then go into Stranglethorn when I hit those levels.

I love those rolling sand dunes

Oh man, we're finally home.

>has tutorials on
even more based that i first expected

It don't matter how I make the spells work. If he's dead, he's dead.

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Human male warlock reporting in this thread!

>Shaman ghost wolfs past you in the barrens
The Horde does need healers.

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>When you die as a warlock but dont soul stone so you can watch them die to your dots first

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Most zones below level 30
Both Plaguelands

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I leveled a rogue in BC and played him off and on in retail, how is the vanilla rogue experience? Leveling poisons and lockpicking seems pretty comfy.

I am going to role play a dwarf hunter, get a green cowl and green cloak then pretend to be a mountain guard, and do dwarf things. Don't judge me. When I am not playing solo I am going to be an orc enhancement shaman, and play with my warrior buddy, fist of the wind fury and crit nerds to dead with 2 handers.

>He thinks my undead warlock isn't going to get a blackhood+Arugal's robes and RP walk from the Apothecary quarter all the way to Arathi sticking to the paths and saluting every Forsaken npc i see
>*/nods at you*

>Not waiting for AT LEAST an eye of rag

>Not using RP to abuse those arounds you
> ****Respectful Nod*****
I take great joy in knowing I will use you as a prop.

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The new plague must be created, I foresaw the future, the new plague is used at what could only call the battle of the wrathgate.

Time to git Duskwood spooked again baby, also Dun Morogh.

I'm an autist who loves rep grinding but also I think dwarves are the coolest, what Pally race do I play?


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who /RPPVP/ here?

Didn't mean to respond

Female Dwarf Pally, you look badass in T2 and when you have to wear a dress you have giant bouncy fucking tits.

Actually based and redpilled

working on lockpicking and poisons is comfy. I loved this part of the game, it made the game feel more real. When they removed them it kind of ruined the game for me.

>If they dont release RPVP realms I will actually ruin whatever RP realm I am forced on

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Aszhara, Ashenvale, Mulgore


I enjoy the RPPVP aspect of the game.

But I only find nelves sexy

Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
Say goodbye to most of your classes.
No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.

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>The girls that get dragged into rp pvp servers trying to mental gymnastics around being told to put on a dress and heal

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Ratchet will always be my real home.

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Sounds like heaven to me.

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nu-blizz would cry on twitter about this now.

i know this was from a forum post and it's a copy pasta but legit the only thing i want from that list is AOE looting

Reminder to roll on the same realm as /ourguy/ Swifty for easy world pvp honor gains.

The fact that NO DK is in all caps always gets me.

Yeah and everyone else thinks that and picks one too, meanwhile you are running around looking like a dolly fucking parton drag queen but for some reason....everyone remembers you and white knights you and does whatever the fuck you say because all they see is the tits.

And if you zoom in enough that's all you have to see too while you are healing, I'm not even lying.

>not going where the popular streamers are

It's like you don't want easy HK's

>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm >transfers/ faction transfers.
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.

That sounds wonderful. Saying goodbye has never been easier.

is she high

He's the biggest vanilla wow streamer. If you join his groups you will get easy honor fast.

>Swifty thinks he can farm zoomers
Swifty is going to get his ass carved into a fine pulp no matter how many beta blockers he has around him, there are actual fucking sharks out there now.

I'll be defending this Dwarf fort with my life every once in a while on my 60 dude.

Stop user I can only get so erect. Also best instance coming through.

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BROS I need a fellow NEET to play as a team warrior/healer with. I'm happy to be either warrior or paladin. warriors are useless on their own in the world. i'm decidedly Alliance but am open to Horde (in which case i'll go woyer). if you wanna go hard, a pair of neets (particularly tank/healer) can get groups ultra quick, grind gold through DM jumpies and strath live orb runs, as well as do fun wpvp together

drop a steam or discord if u up for bein neet frens

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You do know you still have those on the other server right? You can literally run the two games simultaneously.

>It's not SM
You posted the wrong one fren

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Swifty is completely irrelevant. The server you want to join is whatever Sodapoppin or Asmongold will be on.

also i'm EU

Like I would play with a tranny from Yea Forums.

Buy a house

Describe in green text what your life was like when you started playing WoW

>very young, elementary school, forgot what age specifically
>nerdy, friendless, annoying kid
>played Warcraft 2 and 3 before it was announced, was already a big fan of the series
>thought world of Warcraft would be like an RTS or something
>sucked at actually playing it but used my imagination to have fun on RP servers
>met a guild of older kids who were friends IRL
>make a Facebook, become friends with them
>made internet friends with their friends
>decide to translate the social skills I learned from them into real life
>have irl experiences and fun for the rest of my life
A lot of people say WoW hindered their social life but in my case I can say it actually “””saved my life”””, loosely

*ambushes your defias traitor*
pshh...nothing personnell alliance cuck.....

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They are playing PVE because they are giant gaping vaginas my guy.

Who the fuck wants to play pve


Wrong. Soda and Swifty are both well respected vanilla veterans. The other guy, I have no idea who that is, never heard of him during vanilla or even tbc. Is that another poser like tipsout or alexsexual?

I had super vivid dreams last night about WoW. Leveling a bunch of different race and class combinations to around level 20. I still am torn between mage and priest. Send help. I need this shit to come out already.

Believe it or not you can use shaman as dungeon tanks. They kind of fall off by 60 but a good group with lots of CC could easily manage.
And yes, druids can fucking tank, ignore the retarded min maxers.

I keep seeing this name and sometimes his 'reaction' videos on a youtube feed but i never watch that shit - Who the fuck is he?

Sodapoppin is 100% playing PvP. Asmon said yesterday that he will be trying out PvP server first, if it's unbearable than he will switch. So the safe bet is roll on Sodas server. He gets like 50k viewers and you know there is tons of easy HK's in there.

Make 2 toons bro lol

is he even alive anymore?

>13 at primary school
>me and buddy check wow website constantly and talk about what class we gonna play, just like this thread
>he gets game first, calls me up
>wtf is a subscription fee
>get guild wars instead, convince myself it's better, play it for a month or so
>get wow, friend is a lvl 40 something warrior already
>rides his mount to tirisfal, gives me 2g which i spend on white items from vendor

Swifty is /ourguy/

Implying they won't play female undead priests.

Get out of here swifty no one watches you on twitch

hes a literal neckbeard that plays wow all day

pic related his room

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i was gonna mage, but i found out priest can farm dm lashers just fine and in healing spec too. so i'm gnna go priest for easy groups

List the bad stuff now

>Age: Based
>Occupation: Based
>Status: Based
>History: I played FF11 I am better than you
>Friend list capped
>Class: Warrior
>Guild: GM
>Outcome: One sex
I feel sorry for whoever makes my guild for me.

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I wish Blizzard would mark some of the classic servers as TBC or WotLK progression. I mean the WoW classic team still needs something to do after the final step right? Vanilla, TBC, WotLK are pretty much "The 3" with WotLK being the beginning of the end but still great.

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Sup faggots, I don't play this gay MMO shit and I just want to tell you all I'm glad you're all going home.


>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
Finally! Home...

>which i spend on white items from vendor
If you didn't spend your 2 silver earned through Deathknell on a 'Dirk' from the weapon vendor before leaving thinking it was some bad ass knife you're not a real UD rouge

Enjoy your queue times

Oh man when this game comes out I will totally get the feelings I had when I was a kid with no responsibility and free time and the mind of a kid and friends who didn't move on with their lives and get jobs and start families! No I won't play this for 2 days and cry when I realize it doesn't give me the shallow nostalgia I desire!

WotLK but only until Ulduar. Once trial started it all went down hill.

Don't do me like that

Enjoy the stuff we do to try and top classic.

Maybe we can raid 3 funerals


My girlfriend who gets hooked on shitty mobile games will be playing classic with me. She doesn't know how addictive games can become.

>Unironically wanting to play on a server with all the 12 year old drones from twitch
The hell is wrong with you

>Be young kid
>A friend has WoW on his computer
>We were like 4-5 kids in his room taking turns playing WoW on his account
>Finally save enough money to buy WoW myself
>Got into a guild lead by a checz person
>My friends from school also join
>Play with them through vanilla to warlords of draenor
I play airsoft now and autistic simulators like Squad and Post Scriptum but at this point I just want to play Vanilla out of spite to the rose tinted glasses folks.

I swear Activision acquired Blizzard right around the trial raid too.

>Play on the faction they are not playing as

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for every 12 year old there's gonna be at least 3 boomers if private servers and boards are any indication

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Some of these features are great.
Imagine if vanilla launched with shit like Northrend, Pandaria, goblins, blood elves, DH, transmog, and other stuff that would just add to the feeling of Warcraft, but still retain the drops of depth that it had. That would be great.

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Let's hope they all go to the same server so it's easy to avoid. Kind of like moon guard on retail, all the degenerates quarantined in the same realm.


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Reminder that paypal is having a promotion where you get $20 off of $60 or more on the blizzard store. Buy that game time code for cheap while you can, lads.

I'd link but I don't know if I'd be reported by retailcucks for "advertising"

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OG Silverpine Forest/Tirisfal Glades. My first character was an UD Rogue.

I would but I owe them about $1k that I don't plan on paying back anytime soon

In vanilla basically all the comfy guilds that had ambition but weren't cancerous tryhards were formed by GenX people who migrated from other MMORPGs. Those were the guilds that had removed poopsock elements but still held a decently high standard for their members. I played in two. Enjoyed my time greatly.

This won't be happening in Classic, so who's going make those guilds this time? Is it actually the nostalgic millennials (aka boomers) that have to do it this time? Or are we doomed to live in a world where all the guilds are zoomer/newbie -lead, like on pservers? I am slightly afraid.

don't mind if I do

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>Unspoken classic rules
>Furries are the devil
>If you tell anyone where to go you are a chump
>Stand right on the guy standing on the IF podiums
>Dont duel at the gate scrub
>Punt the fucking gnome
>No one goes to TB
>No one goes to Darn
>Need more gold
>The Paladin will roll for the ashbringer
>Alliance is for kids
Bare facts

>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
These are outright positives. Too much of retail is farming for vanity shit.

"Get together with friends box"

>a pair of neets (particularly tank/healer) can get groups ultra quick
i can vouch for that, i played with my sis tank/healer duo and we never had problem finding a party

>Gen X
The comfy guilds will be hellholes to the outside eye, it's how it is.

>BRD? Nah sorry I have to leave in 4 hours, not enough time.
Why are half the instances in Classic focused around Blackrock Spire anyway?

Why are their no scourge mobs which are undead elves, trolls, or dwarves? Their should be plenty of corpses of those races in lordaeron.

I'm a poopsocker that was going to make a guild filled with random people without too much standards while still having a number of good players, does that count?

What do you mean by that?


Literally our guy

Maybe. Where are you making it?

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I have something like 500$ in credit on my account because of buying tokens with gold from wod and legion. I don't think I'll ever have to give blizzard money anytime soon.
bless that little app

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>woah i hate blizzard because they ruined game i like
>i know what i do i buy another game from them

>implying people are going to put up with that UI, controls and gameplay
how long until those mysterious "quality of life" updates get shoved in because players bitch too much?

will horde EVER recover?

They merged in BC, but Activision didn't get their jewish tentacles in wow until wrath you could see their evil leaking from the ulduar cancer. that patch was the turning point and wow was never good again.

They're using the current UI and controls, so ...

They haven't released what servers they have or where they will be hosted yet so who knows.
They make it fucking hidden where the servers are hosted usually but I'll try to play on a server closest to Missouri because that's going to be equidistant to all the people I know playing.

I have been in some very nice guilds but the best guild I was ever in was on a rp pvp server they had a dumb name and a bad rep.

And then you joined the vent to discover it was just a bunch of guys that liked to get drunk/high/relax/tell jokes and make each other laugh, we'd go through raids with our GM getting more and more angry before he finally went away and came back to get more and more drunk, we could bash our head on the wall with 0 advancement and still come back talking about the raid for the next week and eager to go back.

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>activision is the old gods
>since they became prolific the game has gone down the shitter
>when we defeat the last old god on Azeroth blizz will sever from activision and have a comeback
I can dream..

Because Horde and ally had close flight paths and Dire maul was a pain to get everyone to.

Seething retail tranny

wrath went downhill during fucking launch
The entirety of the first tier was reused raids that were way easier and a disgrace to the original and single boss room fight
The balance was absolutely atrocious, death knights were the most broken thing ever seen

The only good thing about wrath was ulduar, icc was half good and half meh.
But just like tbc, dumb retards like it because it's their first time clearing content that got nerfed to fuck and/or casualized, yet they complain about the same shit in retail.

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I forgot all about the cancer that is wow tokens. That shit won't be in classic right? That would be an instant kill on this whole classic deal for me.

how the fuck can people live like this? i get being a NEET, but how can you tolerate having mountains of garbage and old food everywhere? seems like the complete antithesis to the comfy NEET lifestyle.

All the quality of life shit you can get as addons. In fact, most of that was addons before blizz stole the ideas and "implemented" them (like questhelper, powerauras) into retail, so if its your can of worms you can just downlod the addons.

For the life of me i can't understand how MMORPGs like WoW or Runescape can still be popular, my only guess its that it's literal addiction keeping the players in. I don't get how grinding the same shit over and over can be fun in your brain. Playing these grind-based game is one thing when you are a kid and you are stupid but as an adult, i really don't get it.

Like imagine if a western game played like this. Imagine if to get to Green Hill Zone in Sonic first you gotta roll through the same loop 1000 times and then you can do the level. Or even shit like Raids or Bosses which after one guide they become easy as shit and just another task at the same level of the boars you grinded 10k of to gain experience. The same example applies for them. Raids and bosses are like "play Green Hill 100000 times before going to Chemical plant" it's mindblowing to me how anyone can sit for hours of this shit

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>I am unironically going to use Questie this time around
You can't argue with functionality and really that's the only one you need, I hope they bring back titanui, it's the most based.

Nigga that screenshot is max comfy. It is an organized mess that only a true patrician can appreciate but to the simpleton just looks like a hoarder's room.

he actually bought that L shaped desk so he would have more room to store his garbage.

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Because NEETs are almost always depressed as fuck, and this kind of shit follows.

>western game
>talks about a japanese game
>green hill to chemical plant
You're a fucking idiot, cute draenei tho.

you're missing the point of MMOs if your immediate focus is the gameplay.
in other genres that is the correct approach but not for games like this

never played it, are you guys actually going home? I thought some fag was holding the source code hostage

Imagine 80% of the game is the people you are interacting with.

>i'll never get to go home
feels fucking bad

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go play Fortnite fucking normie kid

Oh, damn.
Ah, I see your point now. My WotLK guild was somewhat like that I think and yeah you could tell from the outside.

>Might and Magic 4 multiplayer

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MMO's used to have social interaction as a main part of the gameplay.
This has been all but removed from modern "mmos" to make things more casual, easy and just plain dumb.
We want to return to a game that made you value the people you play with and against.

for me it's Thousand Needles

Purists will burn you alive.

Back when guilds meant something, that's where we are going son.

Human Holy Paladin.
Herbalism and Alchemy.
Main focus will be raids, but I will pvp a lot on non raid days.
Hopefully I can find another fellow neet to run dungeons all day long to gear up and such.


That's ok, I am one of them.

The mage anthem

>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. No DH.

>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting.
acceptable sacrifices

Where can I get a chair like this?
What are they called?
Looks comfy af

daily reminder that horde is for inbred mongoloids
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





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Best way to level a troll rogue back on classic ?
Vanillancients pls help

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>play Green Hill 100000 times before going to Chemical plant
Guess I'll just wait here in pic related
RIP marble zone

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>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Dont care, never made one
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
lol undead have 2 hairstyles
>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
90% less belfs
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
professions have been useless for 3 expansions, possibly longer
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
I used Olive Raptor 95% of the time and what the fuck are pets
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
...that go to places that never existed
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
ok you got us here
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
also a bummer
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
mostly shit that doesnt match anyway
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
thank fuck
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
3, and I never invested into DK and monk
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
good good good good and good

I was in the advent of WoW and Runescape (Which was WoW for poorfags who couldn't afford a good PC at the time)

The things that made MMORPGs appealing dissapeared quickly, the people playing the game have changed or grown up, it feels like a collection of people playing singleplayer in the same server nowadays. People barely PvP anymore.

I'm pretty sure that vanilla WoW existing is somehow related to how succesful Oldschool Runescape has been but if i had to guess they are going to run into the same problems OSRS has nowadays

>constantly implement QoL updates that make the game require less interaction
>try in every way to streamline the gameplay to the point where is "do activity - teleport to storage - dump loot - repeat"
>people are too distracted to be efficient to care about talking to others
>social media and masses bandwagoning opinions on how and what the game should implement and update
>datamining up the ass on every update

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Get skining, skin the things you kill, sell the skins to the vendor.

Pick every pocket and use swords for levelling, try not to look at your own disgusting feet and make sure you use /joke after every gank and or /dance.

I think they still work pretty well at 60 if you like going fast, but you do need to be efficient and get creative. I loved running Strat/Scholo as one.

This is actually the best music video Rhapsody could hope for.

>warlock winning the recent tryhard duel tournament
Guess I know what I'll be playing.

i think he bought it off amazon or one of those staples stores

That's all I'm really asking.

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>Vanilla is due to OSRS
Yeah, that's obvious as people were kicking and screaming for a decade.

I'm glad we both got our game back, I used to hate RS player but now I have saw some streamers get ganked and I'm ok with all of it I guess.

Actually for the record, I bet if blizz put out a poll asking if players would like to have the option to use the advanced quest UI that players would actually vote for it to be in the game.

Why the fuck not

every non-druid tauren player is a chad in my eyes

>Tauren Hunter with the one broken horn and a crossbow
Lock up your daughters

Honestly quest arrows ruin some of the adventure for you and that is something classic does very well. Adventuring that is.
Don't railroad yourself into waiting in line for some quest mob to spawn, be free user.

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We all know that Paladins are the most chad class in vanilla. But what's the most beta/soiboy class? Warrior or druid?


>implying I'm not going to just run around STV looking for ally casters, waiting till they engage a mob and then viper stinging them and fucking off

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warrior or priest for sure

>beta/soiboy class?
That would be the class that wears dresses and heals...aka the paladin class. I can literally not think of a more pathetic class than paladin.

What is holy levelling like outside of dungeons? I want a holy pal and am keen to do dungeons but I dont want to be completely incompetent if i'm not running them

Mage is the §oyboy choice.

They think they will be self sufficent.
I know my way, I just like the map icons they are very helpful.

>be moi
>~13 ans in ~2005/2006
>poorfag, single momma couldnt pay for the sub
>only play trials and a bit on shitty private servers
despite being limited in gameplay, just the 1-20 leveling has been one of the greatest vidya memories for me. It was so grandiose and epic to wander the planes of the Barrens, Durotar, etc.

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Its pointless, theres no reason to level anything but ret.

just level as ret/prot, you'll heal everything sub raids just fine

pointless, you can heal while leveling as ret

Spec as holy/reck and tell your guild that's what you are.

They make you an off healer and ....yeah gg, also you can smack the ever loving shit out of people in pvp and farm easily.

It's rather ironic. Blizzard writes stories about how greed and power corrupts, and then it happens to them.

The similarities are uncanny, Orcs needing the power to default a foe sign a pact with the demon Mannoroth. They turn into chaos orc and that is their downfall.

The greed and addition to subscriber numbers could also be viewed as Blood Elve's addiction to magic leading them to join with demons to sustain their lust for magic.

Activision is more like an old god than you know. Activision whispering in the ears of the devs "More subs, more money, more microtransactions, more success bigger profits." over and over into their ears. Devs are like Malygos being corrupted by Yogg-Saron who is Activision.

thankyou friends

All Paladins are healsluts btw.

Oil my ass.

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I enjoy healing, and have a nolife friend who is going to play warrior so i'm just going to healslut him in pvp

lel, nice esoteric wow analysis user

Thanks for linking that book. Heard about it recently and was gonna try to find it.

Wondering between Mage and Warlock bros. I have a lot of experience with mage in vanilla(leveled to 60 in nost) but since i dont have any friends to play with im thinking warlock would be an easy level because of pets.
Still i like the mage's self sustain and aoe farm.
What should I go with?

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based, I used to pop a curse of doom on some lvl flagged lvl 15 while in Goldshire and then watch the sparks fly as the doomwalker kills literally everything.

I don't feel oil on my ass

no you didn't you literal turboshitter liar. Why would you go on the internet to tell lies?

>Self sustain

fucking pederast, curse of doom would only spawn shit on mobs that gave exp, and even then it was a low chance of actually doing it, go die in a hole nigger

don't you know the game plan.
>re-introduce classic because activision doesn't own it
>separate from activision after classic release and allow them to keep what is retail.
>continue to develop wow from the beginning.
>regain all of those fans they lost along the way who will be more than happy to support blizzard again.
>kill retail wow.


THREAD THEME youtube.com/watch?v=RJqimlFcJsM

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>t. wrathbabby

Ion sacrificed to make this happen

The european versions were such a shitshow, GOA can burn in hell.
But I miss it dearly, and I hope CU turns out well.

>Kill retail WoW
No they must do it alone.

Are there pre-cata versions of these?

Self sustain is kinda a mixed bag, while bread heals you just fine, your water will never live up to the expectations of your mana bar. But you know this already, so I guess you had different experience... ?

Anyway, I also levelled a mage (Kronos 2) but I didn't AoE farm at all, which is a mistake - you can just do BRD over and over again and get fuckton of cash. Still, I'm going with Warlock now because I never played one.

you literally can't cast curse of doom on players you absolute mongoloid

if you already leveled mage to 60 in nost maybe you should give lock a try? personally i'm still rolling mage even though i leveled one on nost because it's my favorite class for pvp and i want to finally play mage with

A gigantic turnaround like this would be absolutely legendary.

anyone know if the /sit macro works for 2h fury and keeping perma enrage or is that only a pserver gimmick

that dude is retarded but you could cast it on the critters in Goldshire and it could spawn a Doomguard.

it works on grey mobs you fucking mongoloid, Warlocks used it all the time on lvl 1 random greys in towns.

>CoH bros are also going home
blessed timeline

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>retail cucks are now in full dmg control after the beta announcement

Man this is the best feeling for me I just want to see Retail crash and burn and maybe some retail cucks will kill themself over classic.

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it won't work with in classic

No we aren't user.

They took our game we take their lives

user I can only hope you are right, but I know the truth, Blizzard is dead, classic wow is their last whimper before they die.


That's the spirit

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meant to tag


So does Classic have built in timers on spells / DoTs and what not or is it like real Vanilla where you needed a addon?

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What would be some of the challenges for an all-Paladin guild?
Besides Paladins being objectively underpowered, wouldn't they be able to get by with spreading cloth, plate, and leather?
Maybe raiding is out of the question, but what about a (world) PvP guild?

i dont like how there are no vellums but i remember enchanters made MAD money just for being online and wait people whisper them for enchants
how is the situation in private servers? is enchanting the best jewing prof

he's not using it on flagged level 15s.

Paladins are unkillable in world pvp so they would just be exponentially more unkillable

I get depressed listening to shit like this

Imho enchanting is a terrible jewing prof unless you had one of the rare ones that had a low chance to drop in raids.

zoomers are not welcome
10/10 good taste user
2/10 (you should be ashamed)

For me
its Feralas

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>Main tank is : Drunk
>Main tank is : High
>Main tank is: : Racist

You can only pick two.

I want to make dwarf look like that dwarf!

Drunk and racist how's this even a question

and wc3 remake is the final nail in the coffin of their grave

>tfw no bgs at start

drunken racist all the way

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nope not that never that

Sure user, as soon as we overthrow the reincarnated Argentinian Stalin that now lords over the game.

drunken racist

High, on coke*

Drunken racist
But he's also playing dwarf in character


have sex

Felwood and EPL.
Duskwood and Barrens for low-level zones, but most

Is a gay nigger wrathbaby who should shut the fuck up
is just a lying piece of shit.

It was planned from the moment they signed with activision on the contract activision only owns wotlk onwards.
Blizzard knows they will never have to pay for food in their lives again. Think mCC release on steam with 343.
It's going to happen and they will re-recruit ex blizzard norths developers.
>user I can only hope you are right
I am only wow can kill wow.

You may only pick 2

rogue, spends majority of their time doing the virgin-walk trying to avoid notice. can't tank, heal, ranged dps nor aoe. least useful class in the game. only ever attack others if their back is turned. will vanish at the first sight of trouble.

lol get the fuck out you sad tasteless cunt

Soulless: Engineering
Soul: Armorsmithing

>AFK + Loud
>screaming mexican family in the background

Engineering is literally the most soulful profession ever made

It just managed to be super good in vanilla due to how it worked

who else is planning on playing a hunter?

>easiest to level
>least wanted in raids
>hardest rotation

there was a mega in the thread and i got my hopes up too early. there's no fucking npc or mission data. the state of this spic

So here is the problem, even if they signed this so-called contract with Activision stating Activision owns the future expansions. That means they also must own the future factions engine as well. Classic wow uses the latest engine.

you first


I have been an engineer in every single expansion I have played. It is one of my favorite professions. Followed closely by alchemy. Nothing better than making cool potions and transmuting shit.


it's not because she's a female, right?

>a priest dying to a dot
What a fucking mongrel

why female undead mage with broken/no jaw and long cylindrical poofy fro hair is objectively the most based character design?

please, name a more fashionable character design. protip: you can't

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female undead have great casting animations, that's why

easy to spot the tranny belfs.

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>Be Paladin off healer
>Don't heal female healers
>Even I don't have much mana

female undead cant have no jaw stop talking bullshit

Guys I'm worried about some fucking asshat when autism creating a gearscore for classic and completely ruining the game again.

Are my fears justified

I played a Troll Hunter from Vanilla through Burning Crusade so I'm going to try something new. Darkdevil is retired and he should stay that way.

That's currently my plan for professions on my Warlock when Classic comes out. I'm a bit worried about having to fund two professions somehow, not too sure which farming method I should select.

Why do you think metzen okay'ed the alternate time lines in WoD.

Hunter and Warrior are the only 2 classes i played on vanilla servers. Hunter is just too easy to enjoy. You level with a 1 button macro that sends your pet in, starts autoshot and applies hunter's mark. The procedure is the same in pvp, except you also apply concussive shot.

Warrior is much more fun to level. Ppl say it's "hard" but that's not really true, it's just somewhat less facerolley. If you keep your first aid skill up to date and use good weapons + shields you will have no downtime when levelling a warrior. And when you get Retaliation you can slaughter multiple enemies at once.

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It hasn't happened yet on private servers, so the answer is likely no. Can't say the same about TBC though unfortunately, that's been ruined by gearscore bullshit.

Regardless, Vegeta Ret Human/Belf is the most based we have ever had and ever will have.

No, gear is earned in a diffrent way.

ilvl has no direct bearing on character growth in classic so those add-ons are irrelevant, anyone using them isn't worth grouping with

If I'm a competent horde warrior tank and always show up to raids on time with consumables and know all the fights can I get into a good guild despite being a worthless tranny

Head to the top of org bank for inspection.

It's always been this way.

Is there any word on how servers will work? Like are they by geographic location?

The reason I'm asking, is I want to avoid Eastern European players as much as possible. They literally ruin everything

I can't wait to see zoomers that are the same age as i was and i get to be the cool veteran this time.

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its going to be rough, but its going to be worth it, what needs to happen is you level as a miner engineer first, because the utility is amazing. Then either you level another character with mining herb to max. This will take time but its always nice to have an alt. Or you drop mining pick up herb, and then herb for awhile getting all the required herbs to get alchemy to 300 then have a bunch left over for high level recipes to keep on crafting. Then level alchemy to 300 using said herbs. not matter what you are in for some pain. The best solution is to make an alt because you will always be able to feed yourself mats.

Depends if you're passable or not

>she's a female

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Yes your merits will be noted, however your shitting up of the discord will also be noted.as will those that play along with you.

m8 that's not going to happen, classic is literally going to be all of us 30 year old boomers

yeah nigger
just like normal servers
there might even be different clients you gotta download for each region

No, the only possibility for fuck-up's is if someone designs an addon 'predicting' which person deserves drops based on their specc and currently equipped items. Gearscore doesn't affect classic because you should never be pugging raids as loot will always be stolen from you and no good guilds have ever bothered with gearscore/ilvl

Classic will frighten and confuse the zoomer, it's just going to be us boomers playing.

We will be like the aged veterans, initiating the zoomers into our boomer band of brotherhood. To keep the flame burning.


nice one

Fuck off shill.
>World of Soicraft
>milking nostalgiafaggots harder than Estrogentendo
>literal downgrade of a shitty game that became so ultrashitty that you need to restore it to its primordial shitty state

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I've been thinking about getting a Hunter as a second character to run Mara and maybe DM:N for gold.

if you want a hunter alt just level hunter first
having a lvl 60 hunter makes the game so much easier since you'll be able to farm gold and kill any gankers super easy

On my lock I think I'll do skinning and mining as I level. Then at 60 drop skinning for engineering. Then eventually drop mining for tailoring for the gear. Alt will still have mining

I want to have the most comfy leveling experience possible so ill pick hunter. Ill take my time, wont rush, a few hours a day. Once i hit 60 i will casually pvp and constantly start shit in stv and hillsbrad

>His bank alt isn't a 39 twink
Do you even play the game?

Actually seething

What do you assume about person playing a female undead?

Holy Shit Wow sucks dick but Classicfags are delusional if they are willing to pay a sub for a 15 year old game. I played back in vanilla and it was great but due to the novelty of it all. Most people will be bored in a week. MMO's have become a normal thing these days so exploring a giant world has lost it's luster.

I wish wow stayed the way it was back in vanilla but it didn't and 15 years of 3d somewhat decent graphic MMO's have desensitized us. It may be a kick for nostalgia or people who haven't played back then but I will prob stop playing after a couple weeks.

I agree, warlock is good, but hunters are faster killers. If you have a friend who is going to be a priest, go warlock. The dot farm game on a warlock is insane. Fear everything dot up and keep dotting. A friend and I did that in tanaris to the waste water bandits and pirates, and any horde that happened to get into line of sight. It was nonstop exp.

I don't know, I'm like one of those people who want to focus on one thing (character) primarily. Time spent on Hunter is time I'm not spending on getting pre-bis or the rare recipes.

I assume they wish they could be playing a elf

??? I want engineering for pvp and tailoring for the sets later(and bags maybe). skinning as I level is for gold.

Calculate how much of your lifetime and money you have wasted on shitty skinner box and we'll see who's actually seething, goyim.
Oh wait, you haven't wasted any because you're just a shill hired to shitpost on social media for 0.01$ per post.

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>It's a skinner box
Where do you think you are?

>I’m gonna buy the game from before they irredeemably and utterly destroyed it

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So I've been playing WoW since retail Vanilla. I was always on pvp servers. I played from Vanilla to MOP and quit for a while. Played for a month during Legion...all pvp servers. Been playing on Private Servers for several years now...all pvp servers.

I'm kind of considering going PVE server for Classic now. World pvp is fun and great and all, but it can also be extremely frustrating and annoying and infuriating. When I think back to my time in WoW, I have alot more memories of being pissed off while trying to just quest or get leveled than of fun. So I'm thinking to myself...been there done that.
Maybe it's just because I'm much older now and just want to enjoy the game itself and not the world pvp aspect as much anymore.
Anyone else having a similar dilemma about going PVE even though you've been on PVP forever?

You also want to avoid Latin American servers.

the blackrock spire stole my bike

You'll miss it for the times your bored. There's nothing like taking out frustration on lowbies

i played pvp servers too but people never really fought, there was no point
desu just want to experience the hype of pvping in vanilla even if its shit

Noone is worse than Philipinos and rest of the SEA.

Fighting over a rich thorium/dreamfoil/chest/lotus etc is something I look forward to.

Playing on PVE seems so pointless as a rogue, i want to fuck with people and i want to feel the fear of Charlie in the jungle of STV. The most fun i had in this game is open world pvp.
I had this intense duel with a really good druid on a pserver, we were both around level 30 and he attacked me first but i managed to get him into a frost trap. I sent my pet in and shot his HP down but he just kept shapeshifting out of my snares and running away. And then he sneaked back and pounced on me, almost got me down but my pet (boar) helped take him off me. I was so damn close to finishing him off when he dashed away for the last time. I had a great time.


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>MFW Oceanic
There is nothing worse than being grouped with a bunch of SEA mexiniggers or bugmen from mainland Asia.

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Based Hammerfall poster.

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Is anyone actually going to pay 15 a fucking month for no new content on an out dated game

>kills you
undead niggers cant do this

>TFW waiting for some nerd to agro the mob near the node they fight it and you snake their node. .
Being a hunter, some dude running for the node you get there first agro the mob, pet growls takes agro you get the node before they can. even doing a feign death no pet and letting the mob attack the other player to get the node.

Thinking of going paladin 11/25/15 for pvp or should I go holy/ret or prot/ret?


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>I really like the female dwarf animations
Am I a tranny now

holy is the only way for pvp.

sure until I get bored, I think 15 bucks a month for the year ill play it will be worth it.

Is horde or alliance going to be better for PvP do you think?

horde is better for dueling

Pug bgs on horde side are going to be filled with undead rogues, warlocks, and shadow priests who refuse to heal. Alliance premades are kino.

In which aspect?

In general
Horde on Retail just trash everyone so i wondered if that was the same on classic

They’re not looking at gear score though, as some dungeon blues will persist through bwl/aq40. Also you get to interact with someone at the same time instead of just being a number on a lfg window

>with a keyboard
do people not play with a keyboard? im so fucking confused.

goth girl (male) playing horde for the pvp racials

was always on servers completely outnumbered by alliance and it felt fine playing druid
av was a shit show tho

wow became so easy, that some people play with controllers
im not gonna lie its rly fun, if you are a dk or some other retard class

I mean in WPvP/Premades/ect.
What is besting people

On my server in vanilla, alliance was the dominant faction. The reason horde dominates now is because of racials and general attitude about pvp as back in the day people would push horde as the pvp faction

On an endgame level, i remember alli dominating world boss pvp(on the big server that came after nost, 99% of world boss kills were alli)
Without a premade, you'll probably get crushed in bgs no matter the side

I play undead female mage because I can't play goblin female mage. Just can't get behind troll mage because it makes no sense.

I'll see you there

>1 week later

Troll male mages are the best bro.

should i roll night elf or human rogue?

If you play a female undead with the Marge hair though I think you are based.

Cause I play a warlock with that hair.


>Calling someone a nigger
But why wouldn't I just call them a zoomer

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>calling someone a nigger
>not a [The Nicker]

But in warcraft 3 trolls were warriors, priests, hunters and shamans. How in the fuck did a darkspear troll learn how to use arcane magic?

I use the short black bob haircut

The letter Z is too aggressive for us folks here at Blizzard. We're gonna have to ask you to leave, Mr. Gamer.

when i was 10 my cousins introduced me to wow and I sat behind them while they played Vanilla.

now im a 23 year old boomer and this summer my 10 year old cousin will come over to watch and learn me play Classic

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already gonna pick a dwarf for another class so just answer my question punk

How fucking dare you.

I will now start my hashtag movement against the SEXIST Blizzard.

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anyone got funny stories playing in vanilla?, i think i joined around mid to late vanilla, and i was young at the time, and stupid enough that i couldnt read a map, or figure out quest locations based on text sometimes. my first character was a NE druid who did, if i recall, all the quests in auberdine. ended up not knowing where to go, and grinding several levels by killing furbolgs. being young, and stupid was fun at times.

>I use the tranny hair cut and not the meme one
That's why I hate you, that's why I need to love you my way that's why you need to learn about the world and it's cold harsh reality girl gamer.

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Night elf male rogue for the best dual wield animations in game

Mohawk or Vegeta hairstyle for my Troll? Disregard the top souless row, please

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>Be me
>MC people off the boat
>No one attacks me
Nuffin personnel

Hostile Snow will be their new company name by 2022

It's not that unbelievable. Magic is everywhere in Warcraft. Even the highborne elves are just trolls who lived near the well of eternity and were mutated by it.

4th on the bottom row, always.

Im tempted to go huntard again just to kite Volchan into goldshire for his fire aoe that fucks on everything

>tranny hair
>tfw tranny

I know it's not that unbelievable. The issue is that if darkspear trolls can be mages, why can't orcs and tauren be mages as well?

Shame that jewzzard never gave player trolls beards
Fuck you voljin where's my beard nigga

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>why can't orcs and tauren be mages as well
too much muscle mass, everybody knows that mages don't lift

Go big and kite Kazzak instead

But human male mages are huge

feral druid or troll shadowpriest?

really want to world pvp and grind rank 10 atleast

>No tranny bf to exploit for gold
Whoever you are, I will find you, you will give me gold and oil my ass, this I promise you.

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Troll shadows are the most assholian thing the world to undead rogues, so pick that.

Absolute kino coming through


how long till were home lads?

>b-but muh social panic, i literally can't send a message to a random player on a fictional world!!!!! see how privileged you are, evil oppressors who can talk to randos on the internet

fuck I hope we get WW3 soon

Any of you chinks on northdale with a 19 twink, I am

Not when compared to orcs, tauren and dwarves.
Maybe bigger than Nelf, not sure about that one

what was she supposed to do, bandage only to get interrupted?
oh, nevermind. dumb fucker.

>tfw you just want the fucking beta or a full release so you can get your UI and addons set up

None of the elvui faggotry, Xperl / Zperl only, just like the old days.

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I think nelfs are taller.

Loch Modan for general area feels, specially the western part of it. Green rolling hills, the small dwarven town built under the ground with a minimal amount of sellers, the four dudes on the dam overseeing the Wetlands, the little bunker with some rangers overseeing the dangerous pass filled with drake clan orcs, and the Valley of Kings. And that gate to the burning steppes, always closed and promising of adventure.
I wanna go home.

4th from left to right
ya mon!

Talking about bicep size



Don't be a pansy, it's ancient technology made for ancient gameplay, just as C'Thun intended.

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why are people like this

Westfall, Eastern plaguelands, swamp of sorrows

Barrens, feralas, desolace

i loved all dungeons in vanilla, the only ones i felt were slightly meh were diremaul. it was still cool, i just thought that a lot of the others were better.
top three are Deadmines, Strathholme, ZF

Easy there, Dibbler.

Guys is there anything for a paladin to do in this? I want to roll one but if everyone is going to treat me like shit and prefer warriors what's the point?

I love tanking and I've always been great, but should I stick with warrior?

lol he ended up getting chained but that was great. That red dragon elite was good to kite in though.

>lol those graphics are gay
>when can i play fortnite?

only play paladin if you like being a beta cuck who loves to buff other people and likes to crossdress tranny robes

At max level paladins are basically only good for healing in dungeons and raids. Some people will try playing ret DPS memespec, and it can do ok damage if you do everything right, but it's mostly inferior to other DPS classes. Prot paladins can tank dungeons and even raid bosses but again it requires much more work than playing a warrior tank, and paladins don't even have a proper taunt.
I guess ret paladins can do ok in PvP but that's about it.

But troll new models are one of the few good ones, with dwarf

Paladins are great dungeon tanks and can aoe farm like a champ and also one shot pesky undead rogues. I think there’s an aq40 boss you can tank but for the most part their niche tanking role is overshadowed by their really good healing which is why paladins are relegated to holy. But you can still enjoy your time as prot in pvp and in dungeons/aoe farming

>go holy pally
>gear healing dungeons
>get into raids cos holy pally
>get lots of gear and t2/aq drops
>sorry guys I can't raid anymore
Spend remainder of wow doing pvp n bg's

and also dab on hordefags with their 500 broken abilities

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dont have enough experience playing paladin or vanilla that i can give an "expert" opinion. from what ive gathered via research paladins are heavily desired for their buffs. ret paladins are tenacious group of motherfuckers who pull meh dps, but take all the shit thats tossed at them because they want to play their way.
youll probably end up being a heal/buffslut, but you can still have fun with it. i dont think ive ever heard about paladin tanking in vanilla.

They look mean in my opinion, old one looked cute

>purges you

I wanted to play a priest... until I found out that Paladins are the best healers in Vanilla.

They are so fucking OP that they’re the only reason why I will play Alliance.

I want the numbers and 3d portraits of xperl but I want the normal unit frames from vanilla
Anything like this or should I just make my own addon?
How hard is it to make frames addons?

That's not how you spell WC3

Literally me? I played a Troll priest in vanilla and spent YEARS seethingly jealous of Plague, though part of me does think that I'll miss troll regen while leveling and Shadowguard when dueling rogues/wars

No shoe nigger

It's a game about farming and bragging, you farm cool shit, then you sit in town to brag about farming more and better than the resto of the neet fags.

Oasis fishing in the Barrens fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'M GOING HOME BROS

All neet fags are resto spec confirmed.

>log in on crossroads
>start doing some quests, get a couple levels, gather wailing caverns quest lines after some flying and some back and forth
>do some wailing caverns, find some bros
>help another group get to the entrance
>end the day with some savory delight fishing on the oasis next to wailing

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the pond outside of wailing caverns was my goto place for deviate fish, made some gold with the savoury treat

>spot that rare turtle spawn
>kill it for a green to put on the AH along with herbs and ore
>getting closer to affording that mount as soon as you hit 40

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azshara, mining and herbing for days to that sweet neverending sunset

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Goddamn it I can't pretend to enjoy rinkydink private servers any more, I need the REAL thing

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Azshara doesn't have day night cycle?

when are they gonna reveal the release date?
a man's gotta PREP

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>planning your Vanilla journey so that you are slightly overlevelled for every group of quests that you do

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fookin love coolguy, he's verycool

what are everyones hopes/dreams about classic? how do you guys think its gana play out? eventually everything will be released, and people will leave because theres nothing new. do you think theyll implement some sort of year long seasons feature like diablo, where they reset the server?
i just want more new players, i really miss helping out newer players. i used to deck out newbies in decent crafted gear for free. it felt great to help out. i cant do that anymore because theres almost no new players, and with the way things are you run through a new set of gear every 30 minutes.

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>catching up on Madseasonshow all week

I love that guy, he reminds me of my friends younger brother from highschool


My favourite zone is your mom's home

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>>classicucks will crawl back to retail
Why dont you fags understand this, the overwhelming majority of players do NOT play retail because retail fucking sucks. No one is going to go 'back' to retail, they never played it to start with.

In fact, if you enjoy retail I bet you will hate classic and will dump it in a day. It doesnt have any of the hand holding, convenience bullshit that retail has and is basically a whole different game. You're going to come back here and cry that you have to rest and eat every 2 fights, you're going to bitch and moan that you went up to Hogger and couldn't solo him, you're going to get infuriated with the fact you actually have to talk to people to do deadmines and then blow an artery when you realize you're going to have to use a sub-optimal group of players because thats what reality is like. And here is the thing, everything I just listed are good things, but you have such utterly shit taste you cant accept that.

classic+ holy fuck it's so fucking obvious
Why do you think starting patch is 1.13?
Why did they decided to port the entire thing to a modern client when it takes a billion times more work?
Why did they started working on classic and shutting down nost only after OSRS saw massive success and increase in players?

>that moment when he finally laughs

dude's great

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Why are there no undead trolls and elves in the scourge? They exist in lordaeron so why wouldn't the lich king resurrect them?

stop falling for the bait m8

>tfw getting Kresh's Back on your first WC run

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when classic runs out of content, blizzard will open tbc servers and offer free migration to those servers to keep classic servers purely classic.

there's also gonna be new classic servers for people who want a fresh classic experience.

don't think there's gonna be any new classic content in a looong time. I can see it being a thing, but maybe on third classic relaunch

I refuse

>In fact, if you enjoy retail I bet you will hate classic and will dump it in a day
On the contrary

Don't get me wrong, retailbabs will try it AND throw it away on launch
But all it takes is one content drought to get people addicted to this crack.
People will have nothing to do but will still want to play wow, and classic is right there.

They're gonna keep leveling, get used to the hurdles, find people, run an instance and actually see what it's all about.
And that's it, that nigga is hooked, he's gonna log less and less into retail and more into classic.

Some group of people at blizz planned this, they might act like they're not but fuck off with that shit, they want this to succeed.
Releasing right as Q3 starts, vanilla releasing and getting major content during bfa content droughts, shared sub and free retail, etc.

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>tfw failing that jump three times in a row, because youre a shitter

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>not stealing time cards before you turned 18 so the cops couldnt do shit even if they caught you
you fucked up

oof, this hits home.

Can't wait to laugh at the shitters that always fail it and the zoomers that have no idea

Do you think they will bring out a new physical edition of vanilla WoW and a new collector's edition?

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cant purge a bubble bitch

Classic gets a new development cycle like OSRS, where Blizzard add new content to the base 1 to 60 experience like new zones, classes, races, bosses, events and mechanics as well as lightly touching up the base content to make it more enjoyable, but not including anything Retail has in any shape or form.
That all instanced content are weeded out and replace with actual MMO content. That a new perpetual PvP area on the map is added similar to EvEs nulsec allowing clans to do world PvP there with a purpose of owning and controlling territory for resources.
We're fucked. Its just going to be progression to TBC, best case you opt out of TBC and can stay on vanilla forever, worse case it goes to TBC and you cant opt out, it will probably die since even TBC started the pain train of convenience over substance at which point there will be no reason to play Classic over modern MMOs.

Oh boy I can't wait to buy the same game I already own.


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>People will have nothing to do but will still want to play wow, and classic is right there.
As someone who played retail and vanilla (nost) in the same year and had zero previous experience with WoW. No. Comparing vanilla and retail is like comparing mario kart to GTA. There is no comparison, at all. The ONLY similarity is the lore and setting, bu the games could not be more further apart. None of the things people enjoy in vanilla are present in retail and thats why no one will switch.

>making the jump on your first time
>you didn't dismiss your pet

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You're already going to be doing that though. What's your point?

>None of the things people enjoy in vanilla are present in retail and thats why no one will switch.
Yeah because people are LOVING retail.

This doesn't applies if literally everyone playing the game hates it and is basically just playing it on a prayer
You're also heavily underestimating the power of youtubers and streamers, zoomers and normies eat that shit up and basically every single one of them is waiting for classic.

I want to herbalism/alchemy for my tauren warrior but I want to afford a mount at 40 also.

If I just use potions and AH all my cloth will I be able to do it or should I just take herbalism/skinning and just save my herbs until level 20 or so when I really needs pots and then switch skinning for alchemy?

What's another good way to make money?

>didnt dismiss your pet

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>put my pet on stay because while I am retarded, I am not severely retarded.

>he loses to shadow priests as a warrior

Darkshore is definitely what epitomizes the period when wow felt like magic to me. The Night Elf starting island is really nice, but its very closed off and not too big. Very pretty, but you can tell its basically a tutorial area.

Getting off the boat at Darkshore is where the world opens up and you feel like you've you're far from home with endless discovery ahead of you. It's the first frontier, as emphasised by the small size of the one settlement compared to how large and imposing the surrounding wilderness is, but its still based on Night Elf culture so you get the aesthetic benefits of that. I also love bad weather and temperate climates in general, as well as the tendency for quests and enemy camps to be based on eerie, supernatural horror concepts. No other zone has such a combination of things that appeal to me in particular.

Blackfathom Deeps is also such a good dungeon. Something about the pacing and how its laid out is extremely satisfying, although this impression may just be a result of it being the first dungeon I ever did in an MMO.