What game did you not like initiallly but then grew to love?

What game did you not like initiallly but then grew to love?

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xenoblade 2, persona 5

Xenoblade 2
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

Final Fantasy Tactics. Once I got past the Lionel Castle Gate battle with Gaffgarion, the game got a lot more fun. Riovanes was just a bunch in the road, honestly, even if it put Ramza FAR above the rest of my party level-wise.

Dark souls, back when it first came out.

For whatever reason I like every game I buy for about an hour, hate it after that, and then either come around to loving it again or grow disinterested. The game with the biggest gulf between me hating it and eventually loving it was The World Ends With You.

It took me 4 fresh restarts before I began to enjoy The Witcher 3. The combat felt like ass until I learned how to dodge and parry

Super Metroid and Metroid Prime. God, I had terrible taste as a kid.

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You have terrible taste as an adult lol

They're good games, user.

Xenoblade 2

No. Do not @ me ever again

Scribblenauts, Undertale; FNaF

shut the fuck up you dumb twitter bitch metroid is good

They're good games.

Ur dumb lol


Man, I was the exact opposite. Metroid Prime was the coolest game for me as a kid. The high tech alien atmosphere was amazing.

xenoblade x

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I went from thinking "I'm just not going to be able to get better at Sekiro" to "holy shit, I love this game" and besting most encounters in a handful of tries in the span of a day. I'm really glad, because it's one of my favorite games of the last few years.


stalker shadow of chernobyl

Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2. MonolithSoft seem to like making games that don't give a fuck about new players, but reward those that do eventually fall for them.

And of course, Dark Souls was also one of these games. Once I finally got past the Undead Parish everything just clicked.

I don't enjoy Super Mario Odyssey but I want to, help

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Monster Hunter

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oh, Hollow Knight as well

fuck, forgot about the original Deus Ex

I just played through it a few days ago. I was expecting to be disappointed after playing the modern ones, but I was so wrong. I think I ended up enjoying the original even more.