>square are this desperate to shill lightning
Square are this desperate to shill lightning
Other urls found in this thread:
Unless it's an actual remake and they decide to make a good game this time it'll sell like shit and be shat on, as it should be.
>PS4 esclusive
Is your IQ in the negative digits?
>mfw it becomes an Epic Games Store exclusive
The bait is tempting.
What the hell are you talking about
Hey, I liked this FPS on the GC. That's a good move from Ubisoft.
I almost fell for it lol. Not bad OP
Fuck yeah, i love this game and always regretted not finishing it before i lost my 360
Lightning is based, fuck this board
Concept art and teaser trailer.
>Not a sequel
So it's just going to end in the middle of everything to be sequel bait again? There was no need to remake the original, just make a new one.
In-engine model.
Wait a minute...this isn't Lightning Returns!
How do you pronounce this? Zeee?
>Published 7 min ago
Really OP?
>Xbone is a dead console where nobody will buy it
>Switch will run it at 10fps 360p
>PC port will be broken as usual
Looks like they have some smart people working at that studio.
Literally says published 5 minutes ago. I can't tell if Gematsu trolls this place or if we troll Gematsu.
>Yfw ff13 remake comes out faster than ff7 remake
Disregard me I'm retarded
Xbox player here. I will buy the game just to piss you off.
>Xbox player here
There's nothing you could do to make someone mad. I'm sorry.
>remaking a game that isn't even a decade old and hasn't aged poorly
For what purpose?
XIII is like 16 years old now buddy.
Nigger, it isn't actually FF
fuck I knew Yea Forums was retarded but faggots actually think it is ff13 cause of OPs shitty joke
So what? Up-scale the graphics a bit, make it 60 fps and call it a day?
XIII is a great game
You absolute retard
fuck it, whats more outraging is that ive been waitin forever for sequel, the game ends with a fuckin cliffhanger, and now they wanna scrap it and remade the game with "modern standards" aka normie casual shit as usual