Curse you mundus

>curse you mundus
Nero is fucking Sparda 2.0

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Other urls found in this thread:

How badly would Dante and Vergil kick Mundus' ass now that they have Sin DT?

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God left us a long time ago

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Sparda put hoes before bros, that's the reason Mundus is so fucking assblasted about Sparda

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why'd they have to draw them so ugly

At least you can just laugh it off at the bad art and the fact that this part of the fandom is small compared to other franchises, so you won't hear bloggers doing drama unless you actively look for it.

Enough! posting cute to fight this menace!

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Because the artists seems to have brushed their skills on male anatomy and didn't bother to properly switch to female one.

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Cleansing our eyes

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Say no more

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Lady and Dante are the ones who most resembles their facemodel

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Thanks, user.

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Please I need pictures of Nero’s ass in devil trigger form, it’s for a friend

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST Trish is fugly.

Perhaps they're supposed to be trans?

Did you guys finish all difficulties ? I've seen some anons do it and with S ranks on top of that.
tfw only finished SoS , too scared to try next

Funny, I remember her being cute and sexy. Guess no one is safe

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Bless you, Papa Vergil.

TRASH has no humanity so she has no beauty.

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Why does everyone needs to be a trans black gay to these people? Holy fuck

Oh god, didn't even see her until now, she really looks like Nero's grandma, including the age she would be now.

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>I remember her being cute
>posts 4Lady

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If given the choice, would you rather fuck trigger or go gay and fuck Nero?

God, I hope they never facecap Bayonetta

*trish, fucking devil trigger song, fuck

Fuck Trash

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Inclusion. And if you disagree you're an oppressive shitlord.

She's already ugly so it wouldn't matter.

I'm already gay so this is an easy one

This guy walks up to you on the street. What do you do Yea Forums ?

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>kamiya wants cinematic shit like God of Soi
user, I...

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You're welcome.

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Lies and slander

Yet every version of lady besides 5's wrinkle face is better

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Someone post that image where Bayo's face is LITERALLY Donte.

Not even gay, still Nero

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Kamiya didn't direct Bayo 2 and I doubt he's directing 3.

Why are you trying to push DMCfags vs Bayofags?
Literally same guy on Bayo threads

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Get on my knees.

5 >= 3 > 4

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Bayonetta is already Donte

offer him some power

Drop my spaghetti so bad, he would kill me just to put me out of my misery.

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can it be devil trigger nero?

How ?

Excuse me?

Imagine actually liking the gremlin 4Lady

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Show boobs.

Leaked DLC ending guys don't open heavy spoilers

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4Lady is Donte too holy fuck

Fuck devil trigger Nero?

Every thread has at least one RE faggot


>she isn't giving him a handy while making out
What sort of Disney shit is this gif?!

What does Vergil think at this moment?

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well DMC was RE at some point

>Preferring wrinkleface facemodled lady
If your gonna have bad taste, at least acknowledge it

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I'll tell him I have some in my bedroom


The only good thing about 4Lady was the tits

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DLC needs shirtess Nero and Dante so artist can stop drawing them looking skinny fat.

ive been trying to S rank mission 10 HaH for 2 days straight now and nothing can convince me its doable without no continue bonus

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>GENUINELY, unironically preferring potato faced 4Lady over anything
Christ, imagine having taste this shit

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Nice, another one to my shocked background Nero collection

Wish I could name a good thing about 5Lady

I need pictures of Nero’s ass please help

>skinnyfat Dante

keep it up user and get a no damage bonus

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Literally superior in every way possible to 4Lady

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Nigga, rule34 is that way.

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>"At least it feels more dignifying than getting a bike wheel to the face"

Stop fucking replying to that 4Lady autist. You know he's retarded so why do you keep giving him attention? Retards the lot of you.

Its ok to like aging and bag eyes user. Someone has too

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I only have this.

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Nigga, the score is already settled

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It will not take long for him post the Ezra or the nose pic

5lady is CUTE

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Better than 4Lady who stood outside too long and now her plastic surgery face is starting to melt

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how can you tell me that's not a demonbussy

can't deny it

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Based taste, lads.

4's women looked so weird in game, even Kyrie had weird proportions in the face.


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>40 years old
>looks 20
Are we sure Dante and Trish are the ones with demon juice

Everyone looks weird in 4

>looks 20
the women in your life are lying to you, user.

I'm too busy looking at how weird his calves look, it's like it's missing armor.

Dante's sperm has magic rejuvenating properties.

Nero, Dante and Vergil were fine. Though much improved in 5, especially Nero, and Dante.

>DMC3 lady over all

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No, but Lady is the one with money.

I genuinely, wholeheartedly believe that DMC4 Vergil is the absolute worst he's ever looked in any medium, whether it be renders, models or art.
He looks like a cheap chinese knockoff of 3 Vergil

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They had weird tiny heads.

Far left = school shooter

He was also weirdly thick. Like, not in a good way, he just looked... wide.

Even 20something year old Nero gets wrinkles in the new engine.

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5Lady doesn't look 40

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So... surgery?

Why Andrea is so cute without makeup
Unkempt hair, these lips and birthmark between tits hnggg

She's literally perfect. DMC5 Lady is a return to form but not at the level of how perfectly sculpted and voiced 3 Lady is.

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user, that's creasing from facial movements.

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>a woman that stay cute without makeup

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That's just how human faces are man. Wrinkles define the face and are indicators of emotions.
Not all wrinkles stem from being a leathery old fuck

Probably expensive creams and anti-wrinckle products. That shit costs a fortune.

Still don't look 40, mid 30 max.

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Only Nero and Credo were fine. Dante had a tiny head and Vergil looked awful.

This...people are so autistic with these stills of characters caught in animations.

Her voice is what annoys me the most, desu. 3 was absolutely perfect, but now she sound like a dumb teenager.

>4 Dante
These shoulders

Lads, how do I get me a nice Furybf?

I'm fine with it but her current voice actor just isn't as nice to hear as 3 and 4's.

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Nice dick bulge

My gripe wasn't so much with the tiny heads, is that they all had punchable faces, Nero looked like a 12 year old in 4

>angry all the time
>can disappear
Get a black boyfriend

Just be patient and sooner or later he’ll quietly aproach you from behind.

Be a sonicfox fan

This looks like shit, whatever it is. Turning Mundus into a petty faggot that monologues about humans and is bent out of shape about a DEMON being a traitor is such cliche trash.

You go around punching 12 year olds?

It's canon by the way

Demon summoning

It's an official comic, left unfinished cause the company went bankrupt. Seems it's a bit of a curse, as DMC3 manga was also left unfinished, but for other reasons.

No it's not. It's from an outsourced American comic adaption of DMC1 that is so utterly and completely non canon that most people don't even know it exists.
Never speak such idiocy again.

>book 4
>never released
What is it with people and treating devil may cry comics like trash? Fucks sakes

Imagine DT Nero riding your dick with those lips that grip

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Fucking fujos

Are based (sometimes)

Have you ever been forced to hang around one or look after them? you would too.

1 percent of the time

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Vergil's thighs are underrated

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Yeah, I have a brother. Little kids are worse.

Holy fuck, this is beautiful

They're barely existent. He needs food and gym.

>ywn be between vergils thighs

You're going to fuck a hard shell?

Bimbo Lady is so retarded kek



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>*record scratch*
>Yup, that's me

......I just realized 4's logo is Nero's DT in 4, and it's the DT again in 5. The callback!

That isn't Nico, that's Niggo

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Might be ugly but it's not a race change.

5 logo is bad because there's no silhouette
>the wing is the silhouette
It's not

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Is that a fem Nero?

Why Nico and Lady have such juicy lips

5 is the most stylish though.
1. It's Nero's wings
2. Also doubles as V, DMC5
3. Also connections to Vergil
It is the Shakespeare of logos, bitch.

This is some next level autism

Because it's a best girl trait, no wonder Trish has no lips

You have to offer them a way to be faster.
Furies are just Vergil but with speed instead of power.

Meh, Special Edition will have a Vergil silhouette, wanna bet?

Vergil is best girl?

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Vergil is best everything.

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He's a better Trish than Trish

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?

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Dad, calm the fuck down now. Your ass hasen't been back for 2 minutes and already you're trying to steal shit, fuck off, MINES.

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He still needs to fix his relations with Nero.

Don't get so cocky

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Nice ! Thanks !

Best everything

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>Also connections to Vergil
How so?

I fucking love Nero gloves, 80s OPERATOR aesthetic.

Glove on his other hand mod when

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>ywn never kiss dem perfect lips.

He gave Nero a beloved book and even thanked him. When have you ever heard Vergil thank anyone or give them anything but a blade to the torso?

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>a book and a thank you makes up for shitting on nero

No what Vergil needs is that backhand that Nero gave Dante, it should've been Vergil instead, but I guess he did kinda drop Vergil on his head, and stabbed him.


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It's Vergil, don't push it.

What do you want to see in the Vergil DLC?

delete this curse hair

For a man who has spent the last 20 or so years either fighting, or near death that's like the biggest fucking hug in the world. Probably took Vergil all he had to do just that.

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new stuff to add to vergils moveset and cute interactions with dante as his less autismo self

Vergil talking to Vergil about Vergil, and how Vergil should beat Vergil once and for all. With Vergil's help of course.

Force Edge and Beowolf again, obviously.

Did they ever explain how Nero even survived the events of DMC 1? I thought he died. Did I miss another fucking novel or another dumb anime that filled in the gaps?

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Can he actually give a proper hug when he acts like this near nero?

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You mean Vergil? I don't think it was ever explained


That's easy, he was in fortuna

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No. The absolute closest he ever got to anything like that was cutting Dante's hand at the end of DMC3.

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>hey h-
>you remember when I almost died because you took my arm?

Would Nero even call Vergil dad or father? I feel like him and Nico would sarcastically call him V.

>don't be so melodramatic, I didn't even stab any vital organs

He already called him father

> ywn kiss Dante

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>Did you become more powerful?
>that's not what th-
>Did you or did you not become more poweful?
>well, yeah, but-
>you're welcome

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What we need is a Vergil DLC that would show us if he and Nero breached the ice. Even if it's a little. That and unique missions and bosses. Add new monsters to Judgement Slash too.

Is that the fruit on the tip?

Why my title screen voice didn't changed? Is that one thing only like Nero's slowmo fuck you?

Just need to wait a while longer.

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He calls him father in the last boss fight.

You've got to change it in the options screen.

how do I use special/ex provocation once I get them from bloody palace and the skill list? is it just autimatically happens if I taunt at SSS or do I have to do something else? I taunted with nero while I was smokin sexy but I think he did the same one he's been doing before

This is my wet dream.

PCfags, FXAA+TAA or only TAA?

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Should be in the skill list.

Oh, right. I ended up dismissing the first time I heard it thinking Nero was being snarky because of the "whatever you call yourself" line.

FXAA+TAA if regular resolution scaling, if you're planning on bumping that up high then go with TAA or even remove TAA from the game

I think he was being snarky, because under Nero's impression Vergil abandoned him, because Dante's dumbass never explained shit other than HE'S YOUR FATHER. So saying father in the way that he did was Nero's way of saying, i'm here bitch accept it.

> Vergil DLC
> you play from his perspective
> play as crippled Vergil
> you're Urizen
> you fight Nero,Dante
I can only wish

dunno if someone did this already

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I get that, but does it have a specific input or should it just replace the "basic" triple S taunt?

I want Dante to sit on my face

>this is what my sperm came up with

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It has its own input.
For the BP taunts specifically, it's Hold L3 and tap Taunt.

>wanting to re-tread the events of 5 instead of it covering his time in hell with Dante or even beyond that
Have some imagination user.

thank you

I bet 3 internets next DMC (or Vergil DMC) will be about Dante losing control over DSD, going full demonic and Nero/Vergil kicking his ass.
It will also bring back Rebellion and Sparda in the process because iconic status.

You also don't have to be at any particular Style ranking to do it. It's universal.
Also, the same input but holding Taunt is the EX Taunts

If Vergil is good now. Who the fuck is gonna unlock Nero's Sin DT in 6!?!

>Dante comes back to himself when they point out that demons don't have Pizza or Strawberry Sundaes

great, I'm gonna check them out later, thanks again!


>it will never happen in canon
>Lady will never kiss you

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>Sin DT Nero
as fucking if
More like Good Boy DT, he gets power while crying about protecting people

But he's smiling.

SDT seems to be unlocked once you get enough power. Dante got his by absorbing the power of Rebellion and Sparda, Vergil got his by eating the fruit. Nero has to absorb some super power macguffin to get his.

So. What DID happen to Sparda?

>autist complaining about autism

He ded

>Nero has to absorb some super power macguffin to get his
Mundus Nero's SDT will have a 3rd eye like Sparda

Nero is going to get his SDT by believing hard enough, because that's how strong he is

it's a why did i make this smile

made one for dante

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He just went to grab some pizza bro. He'll be back soon

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If Nero's SDT is like 20 arms I will cum

Just have Vergil lend him Yamato for a bit.
Nero then just learns to do his DMC4 DT while still in his 5 DT.
That or Dante lends him DSD and Nero temporarily take on Dante's form like Dante took on Sparda's.

Instead of Dante slashing everything with his sword and then exploding, Nero's SDT will literally grab all the enemies in the area and beat the shit out out of them, then explode.

Why is Goliath so god damn hard in BP

Sorry, but we've run out of powerhouses to absorb.
Dante took power of Sparda and Vergil took power as Mundus did, with the apple, besides, obviously Nero won't be genociding people for power.
Now, we obviously just need some kind of "a demonic ruler rivaling the power of Mundus".

Don't, someone will post that CG from DmC.

>Nero's SDT finisher is just a Mass Buster on everyone in range

A fate worse than death, they say

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His mom

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It's pretty obvious Mundus is coming back. The assblasted christian demon will do something with Kyrie and Nero will go full unga mirroring DMC1

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you dont have the scripted arena moments that give you extra free hits and reduce his movements

He became a human so he eventually died of old age.

Buttblasted Nero gets his sdt because dante called him dead weight again

>Never speak such idiocy again.
He may be incorrect, but the amount of autistic assblast in your posts is off the damn charts. You act as if Mundus had any characterization aside from
Even the comic's depiction of him has more depth than his original counterpart. Which is not saying much at all.

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When is the next DLC all I have left to do is HaH and I kinda don't like it much since im 4 chapters in and its frustrating to a scrub like me and I want new bosses and chit and Vergil.

is there any leaked data where something in general is possible?

>When is the next DLC
We don't even know if we're getting any Capcom have been super silent since Bloody Palace came out.

I never mentioned anything about characterisation though.
It's just a shitpost man

>27k views on vergil voicelines
dan's grunts are pretty sexy

Is he the one with the most views ?

>Dante losing control over DSD, going full demonic and Nero/Vergil kicking his ass.
That's if capcom lets us have him as a playable character in the main game.

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So, you aren't ?
My bad, then.

That's more Bayonetta's style...

DMC5 was all about redeeming Vergil and setting him up for the protagonist role, I'll be very surprised if Itsuno just suddenly wastes that for the next game.

Nah I was just correcting that user while having a laugh and infusing my post with pretentious shitposting. I honestly have no issue with how he's portrayed in the comic because as you said, it's more than he ever got in the game

Yeah that's why I mentioned it heh

Gotta wait for E3

kek, it redeemed him but that's it. That ending was a clear torch passing. It's prob still going to be Dante and Nero.

>not enjoying pole dancing spardas

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Well, it's a lot but considering that V got some hardcore fans, maybe his voicelines would have been the most viewed. But best boy is still best boy I see, good to know, thanks for the info.

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I want to believe so badly but capcom loves money and vergil is their urizen they can sell the same game again or sell dlc.

If it was a clear torch passing user then it won't have Dante either, in fact Dante would be at most danger of not returning going by your statement as it was him raising that flag with his little talk to Nero before leaving. However we know that's bullshit as Vergil is Itsuno's favorite to the point where DMC5 was made specifically to redeem him. You don't do that for a character that you don't plan on using a lot.

>asking for DLC
Even if they're doing one, it won't come out in less than 6 months. Chill, Itsuno just got his vacation

>DMC5 was all about redeeming Vergil
They really missed the mark if that was the aim, jesus christ. They made him an even bigger edgelord villain in DMC5 than he was in DMC3, at least in DMC3 you could see he was misguided in his pursuit and was a tragic character.

DMC5 he's just some jackass that killed millions and then autismo'd over wanting to kill Dante.

No shit Sherlock.

Literally Vegeta and i'm fine with it

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V's video has 11k views so it's the second one but it's also the shortest as well. I don't think it has any new lines that didn't make it into the game.

>missing the plot this hard
Urizen is not Vergil, it's a part of Vergil that acted independently and even then the tree would have happened regardless as it's a naturally reoccurring event. V's role was to show Vergil's tragedy, his true feelings, and lament about his actions up to this point then to do something about it, and when he became Vergil again it was Dante who wanted to fight and Nero who healed that final rift. It was an imperfect redemption for an imperfect man, you could say it was even quite human

Dante is not going anywhere, Itsuno/Capcom knows damn well the fanbase loves him. The game redeemed Vergil for the "closing of the sparda" chapter. That doesn't mean he's going to be a protag. Especially when he has never at any point been one before. They fucking created a new character V, before making Vergil playable in vanilla. Let that sink in. He has been a character that served as the driving force and antagonist for Dante. Not necessarily protag material though. They redeemed him because it was a proper closing for the sparda chapter. Dante/Vergil resolving their business.

IIRC the Qliphoth was happening anyways. Urizen just planted himself inside it while waiting for the fruit to form.

This, Vergil is DMC cash cow, and putting Nero as protag they will have another cash cow that is Dante. DMC6 probably will set Dante and Vergil to a more background but important to the lore support role

That's wrong. You've been mislead by people trying to ignore Vergil's wrongs.
The Qliphoth hadn't grown in over 2000 years because Sparda sealed the Underworld. The only reason it grew again and bore fruit was because Urizen used Yamato to bring it topside

Dan mentioned capcom has plans for vergil, whatever they may be.

How would Vergil as a protag even look? he's far too serious compared to Dante or Nero.

Let Nero Asura's Wrath it up, then that SFM guy will cum buckets.

>and even then the tree would have happened regardless as it's a naturally reoccurring event.
Although you're not wrong about V's role and the other parts.
However if I were to be semantic, I'd say that by the end of DMC5 Vergil has started on the path of atonement, having not yet achieved redemption. Something like that takes time.

DMC5 campaign DLC obviously

>the tree would have happened regardless as it's a naturally reoccurring event

You're not really wrong anywhere else, it's just DMC5 having shit writing in general so the "redemption arc" that occurs is just bad. Like actually terrible, even for a DMC game, not just typically bad.

Isn't it a tree in the underworld? And it only grew because a portal was open between the human and underworld?

>hey fucking created a new character V, before making Vergil playable in vanilla. Let that sink in
V had to exist to give Vergil depth without breaking his character, to set up Vergil for redemption it was a necessary move, nothing more. As for the end of the sparda saga line that was in refrence to their conflict, not them specifically and with it out of the way Vergil is now open to actually work with Dante and Nero and have his character expanded in many ways.

Dante is as desired as Vergil and it wouldn't be impossible for them to put Vergil in a protag role and have Dante as the SE character for one game to give Vergil and Nero character growth while offering something different and new for a DMC title.

Fair enough I stand corrected.

It is a tree in the Underworld, yes, but without human blood to feed on and grow it's a non-factor.
It started to grow into the human world again because of Urizen and Yamato. If not for that, it would still just be withering away in the Underworld like some dinky sunflower

He could get a role in dmc 6 as well if we ever get mundus involved again. Also they mentioned it's latest so we could still get them both involved in someway.

I think DMC5 is one of the best written DMC games second only to DMC3 .

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Did Mundus do the same thing to get the apple? How'd he open a portal anyways to the human world?

Well it's not much competition if you're comparing it to 1,2 and 4.

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Honestly if they plan on using Mundus again it would be impossible not to have Vergil in a protagonist role.

The manga explains that the gateways between the human world and Underworld weren't sealed back then, so the Qliphoth would have happened on schedule properly, no portal opening needed.
It was Sparda locking the two dimensions apart that stopped it

Dante would return before Vergil, as Nero has a much closer relationship and more chemistry with Dante than he does Vergil. But yeah it was pretty clear that's what 5 was. Even gave him his own branch, and his own personal Nell Goldstein sidekick.

>Nero and Vergil are sparring, with Vergil makings sure that his son is up to his standards
>Vergil is spamming Judgment cuts to keep Nero on his toes
>Nero pulls out his Spectral Yamato and copies the movements
>Manages to accidentally learn how to Judgement cut
>Vergil's face when

So Sparda was another huge faggot?

Is this even canon? Wasn't it written by Americans?

This should happen but Capcom will never do it.

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It is most likely completely non canon like the rest of the comic, but it's a neat interaction between two characters that haven't really been fleshed out in the series directly.
It's also literally the only part of the comic that isn't absolute turbo garbage from art to dialogue to storytelling.

It's the DMC1 comic and Itsuno confirmed all novels and comics are canon, just retconing little things like Gilver being a clone

>DMC5 was all about redeeming Vergil and setting him up for the protagonist role
.... No?
DMC5 was preparing Nero to take over the main character role entirely, I thought that was obvious enough, and I'm not even a DMC fan.


Because he died, vanished like V was starting to

Itsuno never said that. In fact, Matt Walker confirmed that Volume 2 of the light novel, the one that serves as a prequel to DMC2, is entirely non canon.

Who cares about him

Why do fagets like 3's story so much compared to 5? It was as full of anime tropes and anime dialogue as 5 and yet anons treat it like one of the best video game stories ever while they consider 5 ok at best. Maybe not specifically you, but I've seen so many opinions like that

The van scenes show that Dante and Vergil got out of hell and no one would buy a DMC that was all about Nero.

We get a goddamn Eva flashback but nothing of Sparda, Capcom, c'mon bruh. Bring daddy Sparda back.

God i love Lady

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It was their first DMC. But seriously, it was simple enough that it couldn't veer off anywhere stupid.

>Nero tries Showdown and Maximum Bet before this
>Vergil just snacks him out of it every time because those moves are just way too Unga

The van scenes are not canon, and they did since both 4 and 5 revolved around Nero/Dante and they were also the most successful in the whole franchise.

Nostalgia does wonders.

>a game with only nero
>actually believes what he wrote

I like 5 story, but i do think the Vergil KH splitting himself in two plot is weird. DMC 3 had a better story, yes, but i don't think 5 is horrible and Bingo is a hack like people say

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>The van scenes are not canon
Have a source for that claim? because they're all canon throughout the game.

>thinks they would buy one with only Vergil
He can barely even edge out V in polls or get more fanart than either V or Nero, both are whooping his ass right now lol

Just finished DMC 3 and i'm in love with the game
Will 4 be as good?

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i want to breed lady


He's dead. It's literally outright stated that he's dead in the first game.

I'd buy a Nero game

Van scenes are canon
inb4 V
V never appears together with Vergil on the van

There are both Vergil and V in the van, which is impossible, dummy

in story? no
in kino cutscenes? Yes for dante's half
in gameplay mechanics? yes
in level design? no, but 3 wasnt magnificent either

The level design is ass, but the gameplay is great.

4 is a incomplete game and that's apparent, but i liked it

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Straightforward and hit all the proper storytelling notes without any narrative bullshit to drive it off the rails. It's not great, but the point is they got the core right so they could build on it with le wacky woohoo pizza antics.
I like quite a lot of individual aspects of 5's story, and it delivers in terms of sheer moments, but it's a jigsaw made from combining pieces different puzzles that don't really fit together to form a beautiful picture.

Attached: nero.jpg (1192x734, 240K)

>There are both Vergil and V in the van
There are not

Just so we're clear, I didn't say that, you did.
Nero taking over the main character role doesn't mean that Dante and Vergil can't have any involvement in the next storyline at all, having a supporting role of sorts.
You seem to be unironically retarded, seek help.

Like I said above, Dante and Vergil can still be involved, but it was pretty clear to me that the plan is to have Nero become the main character of the series, at least for now.
That's just my point of view anyway. I could be wrong, and if I'm not, it could certainly change if the fanbase complains about it, I bet.

Kek you called it. As that user said V and Vergil do not appear at the same time I want to know where this meme started from.

>He can barely even edge out V in polls or get more fanart than either V or Nero
I don't see any other character making dmc preorders rise to number one as soon as they showed em

V, Dante, Nero, and Morrison could never be in the same scene story-wise but they're in the van together

KEK, the reach. The cold hard truth is, V will return as a protag before Vergil. Selling DLC, is Vergil's role, now and forever.

so basically all the cutscenes up to mission 13 were not canon

This is some serious cringe.

>both Vergil and V in the van
They're the same person...

>The van scenes show that Dante and Vergil got out of hell and no one would buy a DMC that was all about Nero.
By "van scenes" are you talking about those animations that happen whenever a menu is present?
.... Are you trying to tell me that they're not just a way to keep the player entertained or interested? Because that's exactly what I thought they were, honestly.
Is there any comment from the developers of the game or the writers, stating that they're not just that, or otherwise stating that they actually plot-relevant at all?


I wonder who is behind this post...

What polls are you talking about ? and since when the number of fanarts is a good scale to measure popularity ? If a fan makes 100 fanarts of the same dude it does not make him more popular.

>V will return
Ah butthurt tumblrina is here

Attached: 1555059357085.jpg (223x227, 12K)

There isn't, people just really want Vergil and Dante to be back

Vorgil has even beat him on the polls we've had here lol

Attached: screencapture-strawpoll-me-17637375-r-2019-04-04-11_12_04.png (1374x1308, 124K)

Nothing official however the rest are canon and serve to give a little extra inbetween missions so it wouldn't make sense to introduce non-canon scenes after completing the game. It's basically in that gray area of "canon until stated otherwise"

Vfags don't even play the game.

Is there some easy and/or effective way to use Cheat Engine tables as though they were mods, and have them boot up as the game boots up instead of having to manually run a second program every time?

Oh the poll that was rigged, I remember this one. Find one that is at least viable.

>using a proxy filled poll to point out anyone's popularity
ah keks were had

I'm not even a V fan, just stating a fact, if anyone was to return as playable between V or Vergil, it's going to be V. You think the devs haven't been paying attention to the response to him? Literally can't see anything DMC5 related on social media without it being either V or Nero related. They're definately paying attention.

Shit, I shouldn't have watched so many Tamers12345 videos

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>584 votes
loving every laugh but i'm glad best boy credo got some

Everything can be canon except the part where Vergil appears in the van and now it's suddenly non canon...?

The story allows literally no time for Vergil to get in that van at any point in the story. He leaves to seal the Qliphoth with Dante immediately after the fight with Nero. Also, Morrison is never shown in that van in any of the cutscenes either.

>Nothing official however the rest are canon
Can I get a source please?
The only van scenes that I thought were canon, are those that specifically appear in the cutscenes during the actual game, ie that one cutscene with Niko making fun of Griffon.

Probably would have go for the Pilot with Three Strikes desu
>Stick with Trigger and you'll make it

Why Sin DT called like that anyway? It's not like Dante sinned or anything to get it.
Seems like weird translation thing since in japanese it's called true devil form or something which actually fits.

You don't see Dante in the Van either.

You are wrong actually, I saw a lot of things about Vergil , Dante and Nero on Twitter and even Reddit. I don't know where you are used to go but all I can see is people asking for Vergil DLC. Even on YouTube for fuck's sake, the videos involving Vergil are ones of the most viewed of DMC5. Not that much people cares about V, and it's coming from someone who likes his character.

>no one would buy a DMC that was all about Nero
They did though, 4 and 5 outsold every other DMC. DmC actually outsold every DMC game that didn't feature Nero heh

>stating a fact
Since when is your ass an official source?

>The story allows literally no time for Vergil to get in that van at any point in the story.
Which is why it's sometime after the plot of DMC5 just like Lady and Trish's scene with Morrison.
>Also, Morrison is never shown in that van in any of the cutscenes either
Dosn't mean he can't ever go to the van

>Can I get a source please?
There is no source, like I said it's in that gray area of "canon until stated otherwise" there's no reason to believe they're not canon when other scenes are so unless Itsuno or someone on the team states otherwise it's all just guesswork of people who can't handle the other scenes for some reason.

Both of those titles were not about Nero, he shared gameplay in both. DmC did not outsell any DMC in the same timeframe and even it's lifetime sales were outdone by DMC5 in a week.

then why is v still there? they took the time to add characters to the scene that weren't there before (morrison & dante) but they couldn't just take him out?

Sin is close the the word Shin which equals True.
I suppose they just wanted to be edgy with the translation.

It's just a cool sounding name. Don't look into it too much.

>not about nero
They literally were, he was the primary in this one as well out of Capcom's mouths, so continue to delude yourself into thinking "it's vergil's" game, especially when his actual development happened through a secondary character, rather than the character itself heh

Why would they take out the scene there's nothing wrong about it.

who the fuck wrote those comics
the dialogue is dreadful and not DMC like at all

V is not in any scenes that also have Vergil

Yes he's the main character however he is not the only character. Why are you having such a hard time understanding such a simple thing?

>there's no reason to believe they're not canon when other scenes are
The scenes that occur during the events of the game's main story are canon.
Why would any other van scene inside the game be canon too though, when they don't feel like they are? When they don't really contain anything meaningful, not even a proper interaction between characters?

Meh, I'll just roll with that personally. Anything inside the game but outside of the story is non-canon/not relevant to the plot of the DMC Series until stated otherwise.
I agree to disagree, in case we're not on the same page here.
Cheers user!

Him and Nico could carry it alone, the two together made the most memorable scenes in 5 tbqh. Their chemistry is undeniable, stronger than that of which was shown to us between Dante/Lady/Trish in this game.

because the scene only happens after you beat the game and he's gone by then? they've taken characters in and out of van scenes and even added some to that scene but couldn't delete him?

If you didn't beat DMD you didn't beat DMC.

He's still in the game even after you finish it and you still replay the game so why would they delete a character that's involved throughout the game? The screens that have vergil and dante still cycle through the earlier levels as well and they aren't together until the end.

Dante's gameplay is consistently way more fun.

Morrison has a pic smoking with Nico, and that's canon.

meant to

He has more combo potential, but he doesn't have any of Nero's fun mechanics. Nero even took his stop time shit. Mechanics to dick around with > useless combos that waste more time than they do actually mattering for progression

I love DMC V Vergil a bunch, but is it odd that my favourite Vergil is the UMvC3 version? He just looks so... great.

I could see them adding a third just to round out the group but Nero and Nico could definitely carry 6.

>an entire game made for the return of a character.
>create a new character to give more depths to said character
>"it's a reach no way this character will be a protagonist before another minor character "
Your logic seems completely biased my dear dude. A scene of a few seconds of Vergil's back in the final trailer created a boost in sales. I don't know what more you need, to understand how much this character is wanted.

>I'm not even a V fan, just stating a fact, if anyone was to return as playable between V or Vergil, it's going to be V.


Those postcards are sort of canon right?
>tfw Dante goes back to the van after killing Griffon to eat an anti-depression sundae

Attached: cj52ajkz92o21.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

The majority of people who like V don't play the game

Attached: v.jpg (1024x848, 93K)

Nah everyone has their own favorite of the characters. I personally think DMC5 Vergil is the best he's ever looked both in face and costume.

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Everything is canon unless stated otherwise by the devs. Don't believe the anons who say otherwise.

>literally one person
>the majority of people

I want br vujo to hook up with our br v-hating autismo

So this is the power of glitches.

Attached: ignition buffer.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Oh my fucking god, isn't this person who said that Vergil's character was toxic masculinity or some shit like that ?

Vergil in 3 and 5 are equal for me.

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vujo isn't br

Good taste, dear user. 5Vergil is my favorite Vergil as well

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She isn't? Other anons were saying she was one of the other times he's posted this

It's true

>a game created with 3 protagonist
>closing off the sparda saga
>means Vergil is being set up as a protag
>made a new playable character (who was originally a woman and not connected to Vergil) at all, a protag before Vergil
>V the 3rd protagonist
>minor character
You can hang on to the supposed DLC I guess

3 Vergil is my teenage crush and 5 Vergil is my husbando.

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it only likes V look alikes kek
and that's why it was mad that v is kill

Based and same.

>I'm not the tumblr vujo
What a lie

Too bad, we're gonna get her a puffy-nip bf

V is dead and will never return vujo, never ever

But turns out that they decided to use this character to go deeper into Vergil's feelings. So yeah he is a minor character compared to Nero and Dante, but the thing that makes him important is his link with Vergil. I actually would have liked it if it was a creation of Mundus. It would have been really interesting. I am not saying that V is not liked either. But to say that he is more important or more wanted that Vergil, is completely delusional. This character was literally used to permit Vergil's come back (him and Urizen as well).

The really loud Vujo is a Britabong or something along those lines.

user, I...

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Maybe they can share bras and dildos


But the thing is, he turned out MORE of a character than Vergil. His characterization, was portrayed rather well, while Vergil at the end just came off as a bipolar schizo kek

They can go ass to ass as long as they both stop posting on the internet so newfags will stop falling for the most obvious bait posts

He will before Vergil does as a protag, was the point.

I wish

Then so is that shot of Nero getting cheered on by that group of soldiers. Presumably when he rolls back through their perimeter barricade.

>tfw nero is the only one canonically shown actually saving lives
Dante and Vergil, a dick.

I aren't think that Well, in the anime Dante save lives too i guess

I doubt Dante or Vergil will return in a major role outside of DLC in the future. They're too strong now.

IIRC The prequel novel talks about how V spent that month in Redgrave helping people escape.

That's absolutely not the case. V is Vergil's humanity. He expressed all the feelings Vergil repressed his entirely life and make the players understand his character more. If you consider Vergil a "bipolar schizo" (which for your information are both completely different pathologies) you are the one who didn't understand shit about the story. V only use in the story is to show a side of Vergil which would have never been showed otherwise. That is all. Go back and play the game. It's not really hard to understand.

This might have been the initial intention, for his role to be minor, but Capcom did not expect to be completely assblasted by the response as they are. I know Itsuno especially is seeing the art flood his feeds. I'm not saying he will definately, but DO NOT be surprised if he does come back. After all, devs constantly shape the future of their games through fandom feedback.

Dante will still appear in later DMCs though, possibly with Vergil. But i agree they may mmove him to a less major role

>inb4 V isn't Vergil

Your mental gymnastics are fantastic.

Man, you know what would have been better? If V was 100% depowered Vergil and Urizen was some demon who sucked his powers out or something. V would still play/act the same but now you have Vergil actually having his character arc himself instead of by proxy and you could show him struggling between his weakness and pride. Plus, Dante would have a reason to be pissed when he came back because Vergil would be betraying them all by letting the power autism win and absorbing Urizen instead of killing him.

The delusion kek

Not as fantastic as your denial. Disregarding the possibility of V returning, a character they made an entirely knew gameplay mechanic for, but thinking an antagonist who has served as DLC filler since forever, an antagonist whose SON (the original V) they made playable before him, will be the protag. How many secondary characters attached to Vergil but not actually Vergil do they have to make before you get it? lol

>fandom feedback
Pls capcom bring back kylo ren so I can schlick to him.

Tbh I never saw the Kylo Ren resemblance other than the hair

>Vujo has returned
I'm going to bed.

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Incredible coping

Vergil as the protag
>needs it
>wants it
>gotta have it
>fuck dante beat me again
>more power
>need it

But most of the fandom feedback are about Vergil's DLC. I remember the stream with Itsuno and Matt. A 3h30 long stream and people were spamming like crazy for the guy who was hosting it to ask about Vergil all along. And it's only one example.

That room had like a couple hundred people at best lol

I can see them making an appearance, especially when it comes to side content. But they already had a tough time coming up with a villain for 5 that would pose a threat (Itsuno said the only one they could think of was Vergil and now that's off the list), so having Dante & Vergil hanging around would make it nearly impossible.

I have to wonder if V's defense force would act the same if V looked like a sick Vergil (or just Gilver) and Urizen looked like his DT or SDT

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He already kinda was tbqh, Nero had the most boss fights in this game.

DMC 5 has one of the worst stories in the entire series. Zero character progression for anyone except Virgil. Dante is somehow an asshole this time, and Nero got Donte'd.

Attached: IgMyx.gif (180x240, 752K)

Because outside of that, there isn't one. But apparently that's more than enough. I guess the Jew nose and the dark color palette add to it, but the resemblance is superficial at best.

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Then his defense force would just be all the Vergilfags

Of course not. If V didn't look like the delicate emo kid he is they wouldn't have given a single fuck.

Probably not, since there's almost nothing likable about him outside of how pretty he is. He's a weird poetry spouting faggot that amounts to nothing in the story and a boring shit character that no one likes during gameplay.

this bait

Of course not.

Goku and Vegeta are strong as fuck but villains still appear
DMC6 could be about Nero's mom or Nero making the DMC business grow

Seethe more vujo.

Nah V fags would just jump to the next young hottie, Nero. Seeing as almost all Vfags are V + Nero shippers, it seems most likely. Vergil is too old for V's fanbase.

This level of denial is exceptionally high my dude. Go look everywhere and you will see that I'm right.
But you know a couple of hundred is approximately the number of V fans so yeah I guess it's not so bad.

Just make it a slice of life story with nero and dante just hunting down random demons

There are a couple people who want Vergil DLC and are seething about it, that's about it though. Most people are fine with what we got. I've seen more people hyped for the "supposed" Lady''s Night shit tbqh

>Who would defend X if he looked like Y?
I'm honestly not sure what you're problem is. A lot of people here like the V side of Vergil and want Vergil to show it more, so they would probably accept 'V who looks like Vergil' in a heartbeat.

Aren't most of the denial fags v and nero fujo shippers? The mental gymnastics they go through just to justify their retarded shipping.

>Really enjoy anatomy, spent and still spend a long time looking up the difs and how everything scales
>Draw women 99.999% of the time because their anatomy is simply superior

>just be all the Vergilfags.
If it was the case V would actually have a chance to come back with an actual campaign and even appear in the next game.

>I've seen more people hyped for the "supposed" Lady''s Night shit
So we're now just outright lying?

>Vaginas are just inverted cocks but are 10000x more disgusting

Uhh ok?

>couple people who want Vergil DLC and are seething about it,
You ruined your bait

I like the structure of their hips v waist. I don't really like drawing genitals.

Love how he looks but man his character has not changed in any way.
It's annoying how DMCV went pretty much nowhere.

Is there anything to back up the "Ladies Night" rumor? I've seen people talking about it but not where the idea came from.

Idunno why you're even arguing right now, it's all "he said she said", neither of us can prove anything other than "I saw". In the twitch converation with Dan, I saw mostly people shouting "WHO'S NERO'S MOM", does that mean they all want Nero mom dlc the most lmao

He starts off at his 3rd part where he has his full moveset so instead of having 50% hp you can do by having him only ever do two swings at most he's aggressive and already has every attack.

I miss old good DmC memes.


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A couple of people ? No, user I don't know where you are going but that's definitely not the case. Oh boy, Vergil DLC is probably the most wanted of all. I do agree that people want a Lady/Trish DLC though ( I do too) but just not as much as Vergil. user I don't really know why you are like this but I'm sure, deep down you know I'm right. Here, a pic of best boy for you.

Attached: 1554832794046m.jpg (1024x609, 48K)

They were also all shouting about Vergil's DLC where Dan slipped up a little bit so thanks for the reminder about that user.

Not the best boy according to rule34 btfo'd by both dante and nero kek

this sort of post is why you guys should fuck off to vg


And it still was only a couple hundred viewers lmao you're acting as if the stream had 20k+++ people.

Nero how did you manage to get that wet inside your car?

Attached: 3038492 - Devil_May_Cry Devil_May_Cry_5 Nero.jpg (1920x1080, 108K)

He just looks so much better and I like his voice even if I do wish it had that grainy and voice breaking sound from 3

No one was asking about V DLC though now were they?

Attached: 1554863459643.jpg (2488x1440, 1.78M)

Based fags trying to save us from this hell

Of course.....because V was already a PLAYABLE CHARACTER. kek let me stop.

Not him but you are missing a lot. Dan talked a lot about Vergil as a character (I followed the entire stream) and gave highlights on how he himself impacted him, shaped him up. Of course everyone was asking about Nero's mom because Vergil having some kind of affair with a women seemed so exceptional that of course everyone wanted to know who she was. Then again it's just another proof of Vergil's own popularity here if you needed one.

He doesn't want to kill Dante anymore, that's a pretty major change. And he seemed to double down on power autism as well

How did I never notice Vergil's boots? That's some wacky style.

Attached: 1548387762359.png (440x243, 147K)

phoneposting, sorry

>Characters were in previous games
>Not put into the current game
God I hate this game dev bullshit
If the thing was in the previous game you have no excuse
You already have the models
You already have the movesets from the previous game so you don't even have to boggle your mind over it
I would take Lady or Vergen over V any day

>Phoneposter falling for literally boomerfav level bait

He had less than Dante and Nero, why wouldn't you ask for more?

Well if you want to play that game then I should remind you that Vergil was playable in 3, 4, and soon 5 followed by future titles. V had what? 4-5 stages with many people saying they can't stand his gameplay. Kek

The man knows how to rock a riding boot.

No u

Nero's beauty is the cure for every problem. How is a being so perfect.

Attached: 1555595203515.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

Post his bulge

Don't bully

Why are you surprised, look at the rest of his outfit man.

I miss that nickname

Literally nothing. At all. The only "source" is some guy on Youtube claiming "leakers" have found it in the game's code, along with Lucia. It's BS.

Then stop being Nidhogg tier shit for brains and responding to it

Attached: 1555350619952.gif (294x235, 550K)

Took it just for you, user.

Attached: D4eAWbZXkAIo11Q.jpg (1920x1080, 306K)

>Nothing to back it up but "it's in the code!"
>People still believing it
We have learned nothing from co-op BP and Divergence

why are you in this thread?

I respect other people's opinions and all cause I like 3Lady too, but do they mean appearance wise or character wise? Cause I don't see all the hype about 3Lady's appearance, her face kinda looked weird at some points and her hair was kind bad. She looked better in her render though. But when it comes to personality/character I think 3 or anime Lady is the best. Her design in 5 is my favorite though.

Attached: lady_by_cyan_th_dd3f26k.jpg (670x1192, 92K)

Using non-SW pics is pointless because you know they put a ton of makeup and CG on Adam Driver's face to make him remotely presentable as Kylo. That's the reason why he has so many fangirls compared to anything else Driver has done, because he's been modified so much he barely looks like Driver.

new thread

Based, i prefer 5Lady too, but 3Lady isn't much behind

Attached: 1451882173413.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Use the 2/10 picture of owen lol

Nero doesn't even use a Spectral Yamato for Maximum Bet anymore I think.
You see a giant slash from Red Queen, but the slash that criss crossing is a set of claw slashes.

>Before the bump limit

Attached: 1554248569764.jpg (567x548, 172K)

Mix of that and V/selfinserts so not fujos but crazy fangirls nonetheless.
Most of them don't really care about Nero, they just see him as a warm body to dick V down and don't care much about him otherwise. Too manly for them I presume.

>Love how he looks but man his character has not changed in any way.
did you not beat the game? by the end of it (mission 19- 20 and the after credits scenes) Vergil didn't have as much of a stick up his ass as he did in 3 at all. Amd for Dante he's toned down quite a bit compared to 4, his personality is more like a mix of 1 and 4 Dante.

Attached: 1552206701541.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

Wasn't the ladies night and divergence mode leak? from the same person?

Dan is actually a pretty good VA, too bad he's not in that much other stuff. As a voice I mean, I know he's been in quite a few things as a stunt/mocap actor

Fuck, it did pop up around that time. We're all retarded