Attached: z7mdbdx0wys21.jpg (2048x2048, 271K)

>game looks worse on worse hardware

It's not like they advertise it as looking better on there either.


why would they


Wow current gen games look like shit on Switch lol

Why would OP assume they did?

Sony always wins baby
No way Shitch could handle Mk11 at 60frames

Attached: 16e.png (915x1024, 240K)

How is this piece of shit gonna run anything when the PS5 comes out?
Even the Switch new model is probably gonna be weaker than the PS4......

Attached: 1550205199984.png (644x800, 90K)

What does that pose even mean anyway? She is trying to be cute or something? Because with that shitty generic western design is disgusting

It's a heart symbol you blind retarded weeb

Yeah but what does means? she has literally killed someone so the fucking simbol is unnecessary you fucking idiot

too bad smash took your character

It's a stylish fatality.
Jesus Christ sperg

It is 60 fps

Mk 11 is a sjw piece of trash, it deserves to look like shit

>Nintendo advertising for a PS4 game


its on ps3 faggot
>nintendo advertising for a sony exclusive that pc will never ever get

From what i heard, Switch "Pro" will powerful as base Xbox one