Randy claims that steam is dying and Gearbox is saving PC gaming by moving to Epic games



>Steam is a monopoly (Randy said this.)
>EGS and Tim Sweeney are here to save us from the evil empire known as Valve because they truly care about consumers. (Paraphrased but essentially what is being said.)
>It's all for the good of consumers and if they can't see that they aren't looking long term. (Paraphrased but Randy said both of these things.)
>Competition (Was said numerous times.)
>Take two and Randy Pitchford are going to be remembered in the history books as the saviour of PC gaming and Borderlands 3 will be the EGS equivalent of Half Life 2 because they have more "balls" than other companies. (Paraphrased but Randy said this.)

What do you think of Randy "the magician" Pitchford?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./
desuarchive.org/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./

it's only a 6 month deal, so obviously not true

Steam is unironically dying though

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Randy should have sex.

Randy is a complete and utter moron and retard, ofcourse he would support the worst choice

All his points are right, but you're supposed to make something BETTER than steam, not something worse but that force you into getting into it by keeping games hostage.

If Randy said then I know it's wrong

I'd be okay if Randy sky dived without a parachute.


Okay Randy, seriously, where is my wife?

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>more games release
>median/mean go down

I'm going to die of fucking laughter next March.

>all his points are right
Literally none of them are. People should be bitching about steam censorship. Notice how none of these SJWs ever talk about that.

Interesting how your picture lacks the context of Steam Direct launching a good halfway though 2017, while 2018 had Steam direct existing then for its entirety with a bunch of game now knowing about being able to use that. No shit average revenue is going to go down with a lot more games launching on the service (with many of them being exceedingly basic indies)

Remember when Randy made up a story about being in a yatch and gambling with Gabe to see who'd name their company what? And news sites published the story then had to apologize when it was easily disproven, calling Randy a fucking liar in the process? Good times.

You can always tell when Randy is lying. He has an obvious tell. Its when ever he says something.

t.steamcuck seething GOTYlands 3 isn't launching until 2020.

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>>Steam is a monopoly

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>tfw epic game store games are actually more expensive than they used to be when they where on steam
Fuck epic and fuck their greedy bullshit

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>Steam is a monopoly
>GOG, Uplay, Battle.net, Origin, and lastly Epic exists
>Wants to force people over to Epic by trying to force a monopoly on there

this have sex guy forgot to take statistic class

>soon to be Halo

How much money does Tencent have? Aren’t they way closer to a monopoly?

He mentioned Steam Direct in the video, and went so far as to say that publishing on Steam means nothing for your game.

Why would I seethe? I played borderlands once, hated it and never gave a shit again.

How can one man have his head so far up his ass yet still remain living

Sour grapes.

Literally fucking who.
>Aliens: Embezzled Funds
>Cuck Nukem Never
>Reddit: The "Game"

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Firefox and Microsoft thought Chrome was competition. Now there isn't any and google is keeping it that way.

The same way Steam drones have while living up Gabens ass.

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I don't even like Borderlands but I like Randy simply because he makes autists furious.


This is what a steamcuck seething looks like

Why are EGS supporters so fucking retarded?

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but if steam is monopoly and monopoly is fortnite which is epic doesn't that mean steam is epic?

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Randy really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Notice how the mean went up? Just because trash games drag down the numbers, there has been more success from good games.

Considering Randy's history of being an honest and decent human being I have to assume now Steam is so healthy it can bang 20 chicks in one day without going limp and then do a Decathlon.

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Stay gold my friend, stay gold.

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This. Fuck that shit company. (you also forgot shitty port job for Halo CE PC)

Valve is in such a cucked state

> Epic pays for exclusivity
> Devs and publishers shit on Steam, remove their games from Steam, say it's dying and whatever.
> A (half)year after the exclusivity deal ends, they relaunch their games on Steam
> Valve just goes and accepts the games even though they were shat on

I was interested in BL3. Enough so to sign up for epic, but now i'm not so sure...

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>Epic throwing an autistic fit of rage
>Steam is just ignoring everything
>this is somehow cucked

They know Epic is just yet another launcher that will end up being irrelevant like Origin and Uplay.
No point in doing anything when they themselves will eventually stop doing this on their own.

Competition is always better for the consumer, but Randy is a faggot and I hate him.

>Epic are the little guys we swear
>Dont pay attention to Tencent, they’re little too okay
These guys are about to make stupid mad bank

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>Making threads about about fake gaming news

Don't mind me, gonna play one of the best games ever made in 5 months while Steamfags are gonna keep crying and try to "boycott" this masterpiece when is still gonna sell gangbusters.

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he's just whoring for attention

Don't worry, I will too.

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Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

Don't forgot to buy all 30 DLC packs

He always was a massive retard, at least even the normies will be able to see it now
remember his cope interview about how colonial marines flopped? his head is so far up his own ass he can't even comprehend reality anymore

Don't mind me, just gonna play a mediocre game in 4 months while epicfags are gonna cry and pretend they are better.
This garbage heap is going to be pirated so much

>Be PC gamer
>Happy with my life
>Got games on Steam, Battle.net and shit
>But big Chinese company declares that it's a monopoly and apparently this has to change
>So they buy the exclusivity for games I like and they make them available only on their store
>Somehow this isn't a monopoly and it's saving PC Gaming
>Their store is a botnet btw

lmao thank you Saint Randy. Don't forget your chil porn USB stick please.

>giving a fuck about randy's opinions
lmao'ing at your lives

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They've been mantaining Steam, that's all I want.

> that's gonna end soon.
Nah, even Epic said their current practices are not sustainable.

For real, if you didn't come to this exact conclusion you're worst than a drooling retard.

I too can't wait to play Reddit: The Videogame 3.
Now with even more ultra sarcastic quips.

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when steam dies we get to keep our games, right gamers?

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this man likes to live a risky life with his money and the company , after the COLOSSAL FAILURE that was Lawbreakers he decides lets move to another store with more profit because thats a logical decition (no sarcasm) but proceedes to shit on a BELOVED store like steam constantly the dude have balls or dgaf , randy your games are going to get torrented and pirated like heel in southamerica and russia WE will make sure and your twitter feed remember , your american orporations have no poweer here , this game is going to get flooded with seeds and torrents and im anxious to see how much money his company loses because im really know sales will be good fisrt week but after that piratery will eat every fucking sale

Half of those aren't a flop retard, you are also forgetting Proton, the new steam network APIs for developers and native complete controller support.
All features that make it way superior to epic games will ever be

The game is going to be pretty bad, but you're right that it will sell really good.


Steam is not going to die.
Hell, they are not answering to Epic's screeching in any way because they know they are eventually going to settle down and give up like all the other launchers.

>you are also forgetting Proton, the new steam network APIs for developers and native complete controller support.

How does Steam profit from these? Something like Artifact only existed for monetary purposes

>literally a gay discord tranny as a siren
>tim sweaty and his mutant hairlet genes
>randy who gobbles up tencent money like tesloids on elon musks dick
I see everyone wants that sweet chinese money

Steam won't die, not any time soon. A PC storefront that focuses over making publishers happy rather than consumers won't succeed in the long run. People will just move back to pirating games on Epic's store and buying things that don't take shitty exclusivity deals. I mean hell, I pirated Exodus and yet bought Sekiro on GMG

This Randy guy sure sounds like a conspiracy lunatic

Epic Game Store is the master race. Deal with it.

By making steam be a better platform and making it more enticing for users to use?

>Hell, they are not answering to Epic's screeching in any way

What about when they responded to the Metro Exodus exclusivity? Or the introduction of the 25% and 20% tiers? Or CS:GO going F2P and adding its own battle royale mode?

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Watching PC Idiots fight about Epic’s store will never get old.

>How does Steam profit from these?
>How does a game storefront benefit from making users and devs want to buy and release games on their platform more where they get a cut of sales?
Gee user I don't know

this is a 2010 meme nobody praise Gaben anymore


>less people are buying my shitty indie game
>therefore steam is dying
Imagine being this retarded

I piss on his face and shit down his throat.

*pays to pay online like a good little cuck*

Only cucks use the epic store
Real men use steam and the piratebay.

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>buying games
He says it all proud too. Poor steamdrones, they truly are beyond help.

I've seen devs release the same asset flip dozens of time. It's these shitty devs that dilute the average sales and revenue

They were clearly annoyed at having the game pulled out on the last moment, but that's it.

>Or the introduction of the 25% and 20% tiers?
Shame, they should have actually increased it to 40% and teach those blue haired developers some manners.

>Buying anything from the man who killed Duke and Aliens CM

If you have enough shit taste to even like borderlands at least make everyone a favor and pirate it, faggot.

Exclusives are why people use Steam, not because of some "features"

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Don't put pirateCHADs on the level of Steamcucks ever again, you worthless weeb.

>muh average
Yeah, and women earn 77cent for each dollar a man earns. Could it be that those average numbers went down because more trash got released?

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Don't forget to seed the game after September.


>Or the introduction of the 25% and 20% tiers?
That was introduced on Dec 1st of 2018, well before much of Epic's exclusivity shit had really started to gain traction
>Or CS:GO going F2P and adding its own battle royale mode?
I'm genuinely unsure what the fuck this has to do with Epic

he probably likes it

>game not available on both platforms so people can choose

>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop
Yeah, no.

the average revenue didn't go down, it went up by $7k.

SteamCHADs ARE pirateCHADs

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Never understood why EGS tried to break steam by courting devs. If they are serious about business they should have tried to undercut steam by giving cheaper games to gamers, in which case its fair competition.


But I bought the game on GMG. Valve didn't get a cent from that purchase

I have literally never used steam for any exclusive specifically.

>women earn 77cent for each dollar a man earns
Where though, US? More countries use "dollars" without specifying In the netherlands a woman earns 1.21 euros for every 1 euro a man makes

Based Gearbox is gonna crush soilve like the little pathetic bugmen they are. Soilve going to get crushed like literal bugs by Gearbox's boot.

Borderlands is for fucking redditors. It’s painfully unfunny.

Don't care about the Steam/Epic brouhaha, but I felt cheated by BL2. I bought the base game on sale, but then spent a lot of extra money on the DLC. I couldn't even make use of the DLC areas because I hit the level cap before I got around to them. Why is there a fucking level cap?

So yeah, I'm going to pirate BL3. Gearbox is one of the worst developers when it comes to milking players with DLC anyway. I wonder how much day one DLC BL3 will have.

>they should have tried to undercut steam by giving cheaper games to gamers, in which case its fair competition.
Epic doesn't give a shit about the consumers. They think people on the PC who buy traditional games are as dumb as the Fortnite kids and console users who will just take everything up the ass. That's why all of their focus is on courting devs and publishers

>>That was introduced on Dec 1st of 2018, well before much of Epic's exclusivity shit had really started to gain traction
>Initial release December 6, 2018

It's clear Valve got information or a leak because when Epic Store was announced, they had shown off exclusive games

>>I'm genuinely unsure what the fuck this has to do with Epic

Announced same day as Epic Store was

Imagine actualy using cuck software like epic and being a beta bitch

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But he's right though.

This. Steam BADLY needed to be put in it's place for the longest time.

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>It's clear Valve got information or a leak
Based on what?

>Steam controllers? Flop
Steam controller is fucking underrated. I only recently found out that it has gyro and shit tons of customization that allow you to even make custom touch menus. I'm planning to buy it soon after PC upgrade. Touchpad in trackball mode + gyro seems to be even better than mouse if you don't have lots of space on your table to play shooters with low mouse sensitivity.

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They were talking about working with epic on cross platform play, if they had that and released it on both steam and epic simultaneously I'd have bought it from epic in a heartbeat.

But they decided they had to play dirty, and now I don't really want to buy it at all because it feels like playing in their bullshit.

epic will just abandon the PC market again as soon as the fortnite money dries up

>This. Steam BADLY needed to be put in it's place for the longest time.
What did Steam do to me that was so bad?

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You use epic store? Haha don't you know only children use that?
Why don't you use a real store like steam?

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please tell me this is real

this is a million dollar snake

>and the piratebay.
Piratebay is full of virus nowadays. Torrents with 1mb in size and 500 seeds

>Valve clearly had info leaked to them?
>Do you have any proof?
>No, but it's obvious they did
Wow you're so smart user. It definitely couldn't have been that publishers and indies were bitching to devs for years that the cut was too high (even though those cunts never would have to balls to say Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have cuts that are too high)

Whaaoooooo! i can see your pantsu glasses-chan!

Her game is only available on steam, why would you want to use a shitty platform like epic that doesn't even have good games on it?

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Enjoy chink dick in your mouth, whore

1. Get white snake.
2. Get some markers.

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>as soon as the fortnite money dries up

Yeah that ain't happening junior, and you Steam cucks literally said it would be Apex that killed Fortnite (which you wanted to happen so Steam no longer had Epic as competition)

Fortnites back on top, baby

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>were bitching to devs for years
bitching to Valve*

Yikes dont tell me you use epic store!

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Randy also claimed Troy Baker declined an invitation to reprise his role in Borderlands, and was immediately called out by Troy as being full of shit. Randy is a stupid motherfucker who whould be disregarded.

Are you brain damaged or something?

why do people like borderlands? I played the first one and generally didn't enjoy it.

Why do the epic drones ignore that GOG exists? Or that you don't have to use steam to buy your games and if you don't steam gets no money?

Why do all you retards act like Twitch numbers are relevant to anything? That goes for both sides that prop them up

thats cruel



yeah it's happening kiddo

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Did you know that 90% of epic store users are children who think Fortnite is the best game ever?

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I don't follow the feud, but can someone explain how Sweeny explains how competition is better for the consumer? The way i see it all i get is no choice when i want particular game. Its not cheaper. The fuck does it matter to me if publishers get more money out sales?

Face it their last major game was so bad I cant even remember what it's called and nor should I even try to.

How so?

Pedophile, eat poison.

Colonial marines, how has ANYONE forgiven this Todd Howard level liar

They also hold Homeworld hostage though.

Well, with the lower revenue cut, I don't see how companies won't take the advantage of this and increase their prices.

i dunno its the same as people spray painting their dogs at the groomers with stencils and shit. i don't know for sure if its toxic but if you think since you're their owner that gives you the right to defile their body or draw on them that makes you a bully.

>he uses a store made for literal babies
Oof cucky, better go back to sucking

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>It's all for the good of consumers and if they can't see that they aren't looking long term. (Paraphrased but Randy said both of these things.)

Just reread this line and it'll explain to you what he

oh and

>Competition (Was said numerous times.)


Based Astolfo supports steam since his game only is on steam, why wouldn't you want to use the objectively better platform?

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This is a problem for developers. Assuming it's true, I don't give a single shit. I don't benefit from them getting paid more.

So keeping animals as pets for the entertainment of some loser is fine, but doing something that they're 100% indifferent about is cruel and evil?

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>allowing Linux users compatibility with windows games
>how does a storefront benefit from a wider reach of consumers

Oh no

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>our buddies up at valve

This image is gonna trigger you Steamcels big time

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Csgo’s battle royal mode was in development for at least a year before release. Fucking VNN of all people was reporting on leaks for it.

i think the entertainment is just a byproduct of having a healthy relationship with a pet

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Literally only retards would use epic store.

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How do these retards fail so miserably at balancing PVP vs PVE?
Doom did this in early 90s.

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>being bred for the sole purpose of being sold and kept in a cage for it's entire lifespan
Yes user, the basis for a healthy relationship.

>buy games you want to play and support
>pirate games you want to play but not support

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>DRM babies fighting over which store they want to rent from

Go on and call me a steam shill. I'm sure daddy Tencent will give you a shilling for your hard work.

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>Pro Steam people are also pedos

*pulls at collar of shirt* Good PR guys...

Thin layer of marker pigment on snake's scale is obviously less uncomfortable that having your fur covered in sticky wet paint.

Imagine being an epic cuck and having shit taste.

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>all those things added

Monopoly means like 18% of all digital game sales?


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Hey babe wanna come home with me? I have over 300 games in my steam library

Imagine being so stupid you would actually willingly use the epic store

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Randy also thought Battleborn could compete with Overwatch, let that sink in.

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>listening to Randy "The Liar" Pitchford

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Nigga Sweeney said it himself, he wants EGS to be Facebook and Google of video games
"Users" are the product, corporate publishers are the customers

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>being bred for the sole purpose of being sold and kept in a cage for it's entire lifespan
That's fucked up indeed. Real patricians just grab random hobo cat from the streets.

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>Randy "Barely Legal" Bitchford trying to sound tough

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Borderlands is a boring fucking stupid meme filled franchise anyway. I have absolutely no idea why everyone acts like it's the best shit ever. I remember 7 years ago, at literally peak Borderlands hype I would always mention this game is shit and everyone would act like I just committed blasphemy.

>"but dude! it's so much funner with friends!"

If your game NEEDS to have other people to play with for you to have fun it's a shit game. That argument is so retarded anyway, I could play ANY fucking game with my friends and we would find a way to have fun. That's why they're my friends.

Anyway, I got it and played with my friends and it was still boring. I have no idea why people hold this franchise so highly. It is the most boring, mindless shooter game ever. All you do is shoot shit and get new gear, but for what? What purpose does it serve? That's the thing: THERE IS NO PURPOSE IN THIS GAME. You have no point, no direction, no drive, no need to fucking do anything. There's no skill, no strategy, nothing. All you do is fucking shoot and loot for absolutely no reason. For nothing.

So yeah. Fuck Borderlands, and fuck Randy 'Con-Man' Pitchford. It is no suprise so many defenders of the EGS are ardent Borderlands fans, anyone that's a Borderlands fan has some severe form of mental illness where they believe this pile of boring shit could be considered, in any way, 'fun'. And anyone that defends EGS has that same mental illness. To be fair though, I'm glad this happened. I hope this whole debacle opens people's eyes to see not only how shitty Randy Pitchford is as a human, but Gearbox as a company, and Borderlands as a franchise. Fuck this game.

Randy also had CP on corporate media and has repeatedly ruined franchises to fund RedditLands so I don't think his opinion matters all too much.

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It's the same thing on epics store you stupid nigger

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Looking forward to Randy getting Metooed

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My only guess is shills and/or oppressed people gathering together behind EGS since misery loves company.
I don't know why else randy attaches himself to epic, he made his easy money and only epic stands to lose recouping their exclusivity deal.

How has Randy not been arrested for money laundering and owning CP?

Wow, look at all of these useless features.

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>Sell less copies
>Make less money

yikes, this is what epic games store does to your brain! You become absolutely retarded like this user!

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Randy has now developed a god complex and views himself as the Messiah of video games

>bumping the shittiest thread on the board

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We just need to wait for Gayben to die of old age or something, and Microsoft will buy up Valve and restore them to the old ways where they made video games. Valve under Microsoft will be a new era of a pro-consumerist Valve.

It's dying because losers like that flooded the platform with their garbage, and Valve had no plans on how to separate that shit from real games.


Yes fellow dudebro, I too enjoy Generic white male shooter #73297392

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He is right. Steam is cancer that basically killed pc gaming. Just think of it, there are underage zoomer retards who have never seen gaming without steam and they unironically think that running useless spyware garbage service 24/7 is a normal thing.

>But they said this one thing two months ago!
Meanwhile, not a day goes by without some liberal schmuck affiliated with the Chinese to say that Steam is evil.

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Steam both saved and killed PC gaming.

It's people like you that are making it shit

>mfw magic is real

Steam is cancer incarnate.

Why the fuck are you still using that bug ridden mess?

this everybody knows how much of a greedy fuck he is

and did you know Yea Forums is a porn board

Keep posting cunny, fuck jannies

Why do people care about Boredomlands 3 anyway? It looks like 2 and 2 sucked dick.

I love competition and hate monopolies, which is why I think only Epic should be allowed to exist, and why I think GOG and all other stores should die. This somehow means that Epic doesn't have a monopoly because steam is evil.

>Epic proclaims PC gaming is dead because of pirates
>Epic fucks off to consoles
>Steam proclaims piracy is a service issue
>Steam singlehandedly revitalizes PC gaming
>Steam turns even third world countries that were 100% pirates before into moderately paying customers
>Epic sees PC gaming has been revitalized thanks to Steam
>Epic (and their Chinese overlords) want a piece of the pie
>Epic makes own PC store and claims to be "saving gaming"
>Resurgence of torrenting follows suit

How is Epic the good guy here? Looks to me like they came crawling back after proving to be wrong, and are now quickly becoming the problem yet again.

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Steam drones ding dong diddly seething

The keyword there being ON AVERAGE. Meaning there are very few women in high paying jobs either because of lack of skill, time or motivation.

and thats after refund function was added
more gamers are buying good games
than buying shit games
this is good
steam made it more competitive for devs
good quality control

>It's good for PC gaming
>EGS is more expensive to buy from in my region
>Also supports less payment methods
>Also my GOOGLE account got almost compromised a day after I signed in to check for the error with Detroit being free
Fuck off you pedophile asshole. Also;
>One result
You guys forget so quick. Fuck what that asshole did to my man.

Nobody actually thinks that Epic is the good guy. It's just shitposters.
The epic store is clearly a very anti consumer piece of software, it blatantly has the most scummy practices (check this box to NOT receive spam mail) along with confirmed very terrible account security with people constantly reporting that their accounts got hacked on the service even while using proper authentication.
The main thing people claim Epic is doing to """save""" pc gaming is the the lower revenue share to Epic, yet the games on the store are more expensive then they used to be when they where on steam! What a load of fucking bullshit.
Steam actively develops features that makes the entire PC platform better for everyone (Proton, native controller support), they are literally doing microsofts work on fixing windows for gaming yet retards claim they are killing PC gaming?
Why the FUCK are you retards still talking about that image when it's taken out of context? See

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It's weird seeing "Randall Pitchford II" listed in the credits of 3D, I'll say that much.

>best games ever

You need to get beat up. I feel bad for the retards who were dropped on their heads as kids, Borderlands is nothing but bullet sponges and Family Guy humor.

Why would you click a torrent that you are expecting to be multiple gigs that is only 1mb? Computer viruses are brainlet filters: you are a brainlet if you cant prevent most of them and a brainlet if you cant reverse the damage they do

I'm just saying its flooded with that kind of shit. Others like 1337 or rarbg aren't.


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Risk of Rain 2 proves him wrong. Failed indie devs love to criticize Steam, but their games are always irredeemable trash anyway.


Tienanmen Square

*cough* *cough* see

All of these are things i never use on steam or outside on steam if i must

>I don't use em so they're not necessary

You dont' know how useful those community guides can be user. I'd argue that's the best feature steam ever added, instead of going to joe shmoe's website or watch a faggot youtuber's video on how to do a section of a game, some guy on steam wrote it and included screenshots to do it myself.

Fast, easy, and I didn't need to watch a 10 minute video of a fag breathing into his mic to accomplish it.

I tried making an Epic Store account today.

Immediately upon making it, on my very first login attempt, it said my account was suspicious and I need to reset my password.
Then it refused to send me an email for the password reset.
About an hour later, an email arrived. I clicked the password reset link in the email, and it sent me to an error page that said the password reset code was incorrect. I tried this three times with three separate password reset emails.

A couple of hours later I tried to reset my password again and it finally worked, so I logged in and went to my account to set up two-factor authentication. Pressing the 2FA option sent me to an internal error message.
The second time it sent me an email with the 2FA code, I copied it to their site and it said the code was wrong. I tried this 3-4 times, I tried both typing it and copying it and none of it worked. I still have not managed to enable 2FA on the account. I refuse to put any payment info without 2FA enabled.

I googled these issues and found many forum threads with similar issues and no fixes.

If developers think they can sell games like this, they are deluded. Steam works. This is a non-functioning mess.

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Kiss my ass Randy. You really are a grade A hypocrite

The more this faggot spouts his awful opinions the more I start to regret buying 1 and 2.
Then I remember he's not a dev so who cares.

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Based Astolfo poster. You're alright my dude.

I understand that Pre-Sequel was made by a bunch of shitposting fucking Aussie cunts but fuck Randy the loot drops in this game are giving me a fucking brain aneurysm. Holy fucking shit what a garbage fuck of a game the only high point in it is the Boganella.

He profits off the success of Borderlands though

You now remember Battleborn

Attached: 220px-Battleborn_cover_art.jpg (220x284, 29K)

valve games are the only steam exclusive games and if you think valve took over the pc market completely just because of hl2 and tf2 you have serious issues


Attached: Oscar Mike Battleborn.png (550x1130, 231K)

>not checking reviews to know real buyers opinion on the game before buying
>not finding useful stuff on steam forums like tips for making old games properly work on new PCs
>not playing Killing Floor with Touhou skins
Community guides is useless crap tho.

Attached: epic birds.jpg (640x662, 110K)

I thought that was Borderlands 2

>crows are among the smartest birds
really makes you think

Shitty pretentious indie "games" made by bugmen do not sell, what a surprise.
Meanwhile there are thousands of nice little B games and Indie games on Steam, that are making a killing because they actually have soul and do not need 50 articles by "journalists" to sell some copies. If a game is good it will ALWAYS sell to its targeted audience nowadays , even with little to no marketing.

t. indie dev for many years who made money with his games

It's all the same shit desu

>I prefer my games to be more expensive on a shittier platform
You could also not be a fucking retard and just look at the fucking context of that picture you dipshit.

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median goes down because steam was flooded with trash games nobody buys

mean went up because people are actually spending MORE money on steam

>american education
this is highschool level maths what the fuck user

How is it good competition if it's an objectively worse launcher than steam where games are more expensive then they used to be on steam?
LITERALLY the only reason to ever use epic is because of exclusive games, which is an shitty anti consumer practice and they shouldn't be supported because of that.
Are the people who post this shit ironic or legit braindead retarded?

You could also not be a complete and utter fucking retard and look at the context of the fucking image.

Meant for this retard

It's one dude, it's just one dude.

>I don't care if I'm forced to install another piece of bloatware that doesn't offer any useful functionality whatsoever

Attached: DRILL2lWAAIahYj.jpg (847x1200, 238K)

remember when Randy was a little bitch nobody who made mods for Half-Life in the Hammer editor and Gaben offered him a chance and took him under contract, laying the groundwork for his amateur career in the industry?

Good times.

>an extra 12%? Hot diggity! ... HEY WHERE ARE ALL THE CUSTOMERS?

Lots of shitty games lowering the average sales/revenue. What the fuck are you on about.
The problem is, that it is being used as some sort of evidence that Steam sales are shitty now. They are just harder to get without any marketing and quality.

Attached: 33d7.jpg (576x499, 54K)

This shit isn't even based on sales or owners.
It's based on Steamcharts' stats of current players and number of reviews.

I member. Probably the best games he ever made.

>Reddit: The "Game"
I know it's Borderlands but many others also fit this description

Can't afford some useless launchers active when I'm playing in 4k 144FPS while also recording my gameplay in 4k 60FPS while also having browser with 1000 tabs opened on another 4K monitor and video chat with my friends on the third one while also rendering 4k 60 fps 3D porn in the background.

Attached: UzKOI3Xw6hw.jpg (1106x1500, 690K)

Based (but also cringe)

Ok have fun, Randy

Don't forget they are in all competing with piracy as well, that's still a viable source for most games to this day.

to be fair, you need a high IQ to understand Borderlands

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And they think threads like these will get sheep to overlook the blatant issues and use it anyway.

>This one bot posting all of the images it's posted a hundred times before *again*
Really makes you think.

Attached: 1510442875279.gif (826x647, 622K)

>This many faggots who are literally so incomprehensibly brain dead fucking stupid they dont understand how the fuck a median or mean work.
>Literally so fucking dumb, SO FUCKING DUMB, they dont understand how the addition of thousands of niche indies and asset flips effect overall sales averages, but dont actually correlate to average sales figures among products that users typically buy

This... This is next level stupidity.

This is some of the most brain dead retarded shit i have ever seen on the fucking internet. Holy fuck.You should all be highly ashamed of yourselves you absolute fucking troglodyte, room temperature IQ having, subhuman faggot retards.

Holy SHIT you're fucking stupid. How can you people be this fucking stupid? How is this even fucking possible?

Are you people real? Are you actually for real? did you graduate school? Not even highschool, not university, not a community college, fucking not even middle school, did you faggots even pass the 4th grade? Whats the average IQ of this thread, is it the same as the temperature that fucking bread starts to mold?

The fucking internet needs a basic IQ test before you're allowed on. Holy absolute fucking shit. I genuinely hope you're all Cheng Bugmen because if not this is the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen.

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because doom gameplay is extremely simple compared to ow or any other fps with multiplayer in general

chinks aren't known for their subtlety

Notice that the MEAN revenue went UP by $7,740 between 2017 and 2018. That's an increase of 43%. Which is pretty significant.

The median went down, yes. People are spending less money on middle-of-the-road games. Which I think is a good thing. Nobody wants average, humdrum, shitty little games made by talentless indies. People want good games, and the 43% rise in the mean revenue made by games on Steam shows that gamers are spending more money on Steam than ever.




Attached: 2ldenj.jpg (640x845, 108K)

I actually took a couple minutes to read some of Randy's tweets, I thought you guys were memeing when you said he was a delusional retard. This dude is legitimately mentally handicapped. There's a tweet in there where he says the best thing for consumers is a bunch of completely open stores that they have to choose from, and Epic is definitely moving towards this while Steam is moving away. Like...fucking what? He's like a dude running naked through the streets screaming that they sky is green and he can smell colors. He has a serious mental deficiency and needs professional help. He's just straight up claiming the opposite of easily visible reality is true. It's classic dementia.

>flood the store with absolute dogshit
>the average goes down
So fucking what, this tells us nothing.


>Don't forget your chil porn USB stick please.
Whatever happened to that anyway

This is probably believed by the same people who believe lowering corporate tax means higher wages.

Randy's like that one kid that didn't realize how awkward he was but was still tolerable. That he thinks China game store will save us from a steam "monopoly" is dumb. Borderlands is terrible btw only redditors are excited to play something that has nogameplaymechanics

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randy also thought his game was going to be competition to overwatch

Attached: SY86wjc.png (557x904, 707K)

>shit game doesn't sell
>steams fault
hahahahaha fucking kys

imagine sitting there in the audience listening to this spastic spill literal shit
GDC is a fucking mistake filled with pink haired roasties

Nu-shooters don't even have shit tons various pickups and powerups all over the map

>EGS and Tim Sweeney truly care about consumers
>It's all for the good of consumers

Anyone who looks at the Epic Game Store and applies a handful of critical thinking can refute this. Prices on Epic game store are higher in some cases >extra fees based on payment method
>fewer supported regions, causing them to assign those unsupported regions another region's higher price
>as a result there are also fewer supported currencies, exchanging currencies comes with its own fees and exchange rates don't always match buying power anyway
BEST case scenario is that a customer pays the same price as on another store. With the one exception of giving out Subnautica, I haven't seen them put a sale on or anything.

In the end, the devs get more money (notice how the only people calling it pro-consumer and competitive are gamedevs), and Epic gets more money, but the average consumer pays more money, or pays the same price at best. Even if you completely, 100% ignore the exclusivity bullshit they're pulling, nothing about this is pro-consumer. Nothing about this is competitive. Maybe one day they'll fix the regions and fees, but even then, the best you're looking at is identical prices.

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>Steam is a monopoly

Attached: 1554756131888.gif (200x170, 2.9M)

>Maybe one day they'll fix the regions and fees
It'll be a long wait. They claimed they were adding a shopping cart (how the fuck do you launch an online storefront without a shopping cart in 2019) in March, and it's almost the end of April. A" feature" as simple as a fucking shopping cart and they're unable to implement it within a reasonable amount of time.

Literal basedface

it wasnt child porn.

Why is gog the only company that understands that the way you compete with steam is by offering something better than steam?

Reminder that Randy gets to go home each night to his beautiful wife. Whose really winning herre Yea Forums?

Attached: 1554774353069.webm (640x360, 381K)

I have more games through GoG than anywhere else but Steam. Even the publisher-owned ones that force their game into their own platform, like Origin, Uplay, and Battle.net

Truly a wife of EPIC proportions

Attached: leonardo-dicaprio.jpg (374x350, 39K)

>Hearing virgin dev
>Not based boomer dev
How about you make a fucking game, and stop trying to live in SF ?

Attached: 1555274455146.gif (350x196, 1.61M)

If he thinks its going to be their HL2 why doesn't he have the balls to just make it a full on exclusive instead of a less timed exclusive than fucking shitro exodus?

>t. gamespy
>t. gfwl
>t. securom

>Borderlands of any variety

So, did everyone have their turn at shitposting, or are some of you dipshits actually serious about Epic being decent in any way?

He doesn’t explain, it’s because you aren’t the consumer (you are the product). Mostly though he just considers everyone to be fucking stupid so he can lie about “competition” right to our faces and get away with it. Just spend some time reading the morons in this thread if you want proof of that.

You can't hit the level cap without the dlc. It adds like 30 more levels.

Seriously, gearbox is absolute trash.

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What I am okay with
>releasing game on steam competitor, allowing them to push savings onto the consumer by selling the game at a lower price, bringing more customers to a different storefront by offering better value
What I'm not okay with
>exclusivity because epic paid them a lot of money

Could Valve open a kickstarter or something? If they really are dying I'm sure the fans could help them by kick starting a new game.

its my headcanon that randy never actually gets within 5 feet of his wife that is incapable of walking.

Why is this e-celeb acceptable to talk about, Yea Forums?

Valve is the richest private tech company on the planet.

Unironically this. This is the guy who embezzled money, hired a fucking butler, and then never paid him.

>Caring about Shitlands 3 and Randy Magictrickster

Anyone that buys this game on EGS is retarded and deserve to get shitty "service" games.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

CS:GO going F2P and the BR mode was in the card even before Fortine BR was released.

It wasn't a response to epic.

If you even need to say that you care about consumers and people are misunderstanding, that's already a sign that theres something wrong with your business.


It’s not just you sweaty there is definitely an increase of fuckwits lately

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>implying /pol/ ever had influence
I just wish they would stick to their containment board. It's fucking cancer

based I love Geneforge and Avernum. still pirated them tho

>SteamVR devs fired
Some people from their Hardware division. Mostly because they were dead weight.

because only literal 0 IQ people can't understand that multiple platforms equals more sales

>anybody who is mildly conservative or hateful is automatically pol

I don't care about this war shit, but I'm not going to buy games in a launcher with bad of a security.

I have a unique password for Epic when I played Fortnite last year, and since they I have around 20 two-factor authentication requests.

>i lack any and all understanding of statistics: the post

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I ain't buying his game, that's all I care about.

But if they went public then maybe they could get the funds they needed?

They'd also be at the mercy of their holders instead of working on what they felt like working on.

Steam = /pol/tards
EGS = real 4channers

based boomer

Attached: basedboomer.png (1911x806, 966K)

Ahhh yes Randy the genius that brought us Battleborn. Truly a visionary

/pol/ has no influence, it's REALITY that you keep getting owned by, and it will never stop, not even if the entire internet shuts down

I know you're being ironic, but there are people who actually believe this and this just tells me they don't get how pricing works. Given that the fixed costs per sold item are zero, publishers were always free to pick the price that would maximize revenue, and so they did. There is literally no incentive for them to lower prices.

If you read his entire Twitter thread he brings up many valid points about the state of digital distribution. Paraphrasing and cutting out what he says doesn't do anyone any good.

>instead of working on what they felt like working on
So, nothing? At least under a publicly traded company shareholders would want to see results from Valve. This might be the one time where I would want to see shareholders in charge. Valve has so many iconic franchise but refuses to do any actual game development.

Not true at all. They've been consistently pushing out updates and new content for cs:go and tf2 all these years. Not to mention also helping to develop a VR system, releasing artifact, and also tuning their platform and providing APIs for developers to use on their platform.

>Hurrrr there is one global market so why not allow another market in that refuses to play by the rules, what are you a corporate bootlicker?

why are Ebin apologists so retarded?

Attached: 1555604207878.jpg (770x962, 108K)

Valve's wasting all of their money on meme hardware.

/Pol/ completely redefined the culture of shitposting in recent years.

Attached: 1457214190644.jpg (318x316, 33K)

What, spamming pepes and wojaks?

visage de soja

>steam vr
You mean that headset they literally confirmed a couple weeks back? Don't forget Knuckles too

Index is gonna have valve rolling in money from vrlets

/pol/ is losing power because the jokes are getting old, yeah we get it blacked porn jokes and basedboys and cucks. Not everyone wants to be a Hitlerian or some obscure fascist political ideology, and outside of some radically oppository ideologies, nobody gives a shit if you do it anyway.

Spending your time on other boards while still having to deal with /pol/'s extreme ideological isolation is fucking tiresome, go back to fucking /pol/ and complain about the jewspiracy, the holohoax, and the white genocide there.

Hey Randy! Wanna go to Medieval Times again? :)

>500 indie trash titles which barely qualify as games go on steam every week
>they often cost less than $5
>no one buys them
>wtf, why does the average go down

Attached: cmon_son.jpg (481x358, 158K)

>People wising up and realizing purposely buying an indie game with quarter-assed work to support a lazy developer is the dumbest waste of money and time
And how is this a bad thing?

I love how they're making this decision easy for me, fuck Epic.

Why isn't he in jail yet

What ended up happening with that thumbdrive of CP?

Thats the exact fucking guy I quoted. Lol hilarious fuck off troll

>increase supply in games
>each game has it's own demand curve
>people don't give a shit for shit games.

Would you want to if you were married to this?

Attached: D3AD3FCB-8A8E-4251-B59E-F45D91671B33.jpg (1676x925, 219K)

the "average" game also includes games that are subpar because they let literal garbage in
that's called a bell curve in jamaica
also you are dumb
why did you post a picture of michael pachter

>filter ''steam drone''
>half the thread disappears because the one epic shill making all epic threads is filtered and all replies to his bait are filtered

Based Randy saving some poor sod from climbing that mountain. Truly a team player and real bro.

It's scary to think that there are people that know of Randy Pitchford, and they will STILL buy his games.

Something something leaving a flashdrive of porn

Dumb ass.

>tfw 95% of Yea Forums completely misses the context of this line
It's a pretty great joke desu

Why would you go to jail for having CP? What type of country do you live in???

>thinking any respectable person would buy borderlands 3 after the tragedy that was borderlands 2 regardless of where it was being sold on pc
no thank you, i'll be playing the master chief collection and other great games available to me without having chinks spying on me for having a game launcher open
if nothing else i hope you enjoy it, at least. I will personally
never buy a borderlands game again.

Attached: pitchforddrive.png (531x903, 55K)

Get off of Yea Forums Randy. Nobody will ever trust you to make a game again after Sega.

Because he has money.

Imagine getting 3 million dollars stolen from you and you don't even notice.


I believe this is legit.

Attached: 1554668147060.jpg (839x877, 156K)

I know random thought but he looks like the voice actor Steve blum

>Source : dude trust me

Attached: 1555530387001.png (960x536, 226K)

Oh so its just greedy devs pushing this like everyonr suspected

>try to become a mod on SA forums.txt
kek, i got that reference

>claptrap le epic dabbing
We actually have Anthony Burch over here

Yes Sega was Seething that you embezzled millions from ACM to Borderlands 2. But nothing compared to how you seethed when the Hitman devs in their desperation for a publisher never was desperate enough to run to you. Now go back to watching your piss fetish porn.

Attached: 1555257461525.png (650x650, 43K)

I didn't have a desk for 2 years so got gud with steam controller on a couch PC setup. Definitely worth getting used to for anything first person, usable for 3D platformers but chances are regular controller is better for that. 2D platformers are a non-starter due to lack of a good d-pad

Attached: box.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

I would agree with
> for the good of consumers and if they can't see that they aren't looking long term.
if Epic was using different tactics.

>fortnite dies
>no one bother to check epic launcher anymore

For the record, this post is almost certainly a bot.
boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./
desuarchive.org/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Seems like the rest of 4chan has turned against them./
Just thought you'd all like to know.

Attached: 1427925883760.png (301x312, 137K)

Is that the actual cover?
What the fuck

God I fucking love traps and 3d twinks

Are you legitimately mentally handicapped?

Bots can't bypass captcha, it's just one extremely autistic person

>those Yea Forums posts over and over barely a full minute apart
I'm not sure if that's frightening or just sad.