Stop recommending games, Yea Forums

Stop recommending games, Yea Forums.
>No two people have the same taste in videogames
>You have enough sources to know if a videogame is worth playing or not without asking strangers
>You should know yourself enough to know what kind of videogames you like
>Taste is subjective
>If you recommend a game to someone, and that someone dislikes it, they will shitpost said game non-stop

It's a waste of time for all the parties involved.

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hey fuck your mom dude

don't use ange for shitposting

Recommend me some good shmups, I don't mind bullet hell.

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>If you recommend a game to someone, and that someone dislikes it, they will shitpost said game non-stop
>implying this doesn't already happen regardless of whether or not someone has played a game

Play Growlanser

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It's not that you should never recommend games, but you have to provide more info about your taste and reasoning so others can interpret your recommendation. There really are not any good sources of info (e.g. game reviews are a joke) so you have no choice but to rely on recommendations sometimes.

You have the worst taste ever and are a prime example why you shouldn't listen to Yea Forums unless the recommendation is elaborated on.

I recommend all Yea Forums to play GTAO, it encourages griefing and it is full of kids that cry when being griefed.

>You have enough sources to know if a videogame is worth playing or not without asking strangers
Yes, and one of those sources is Yea Forums. If you constantly see shitposts about games you're recommending, it might just be that you have shit taste.

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Yea Forums unironically enjoys Fate Grand Order and Telltale The Walking Dead. I wouldn't trust their opinions, ever.

what anime?

>If you constantly see shitposts about games you're recommending, it might just be that you have shit taste.
imagine having this much faith in Yea Forums's taste. Yea Forums shits on good games all the time for reasons that have nothing to do with the game's quality and everything to do with getting (You)s from people who like the game.

Share some of these sources please

1st question: Who is she?
2nd question: Does she take it up the ass?



that’s alice though?

Did you know Yea Forums don't allow asking for source and recommendation thread?

Have a (You) and show me that booty pussycat.

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and it still turned into a shithole while Yea Forums stayed the same

recommend me a game mr good taste

Hi user, I think you might want to check out this server.



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"Good" or "bad" taste doesn't exist. Everything is subjective.

I don't know what kind of server this is but I can bet both my arms it's filled with trannies

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If you own a Switch and want physical, the 3 Psikyo Collections are a good start.

Don't tell me what to do, faggot. You can just not take the suggestion.

Can I find a cute gf(male) in this server?

>Taste is subjective
All this means is that taste varies from person to person, which is in fact the OPPOSITE of the "all tastes are equal" bullshit you are trying to peddle. Taste is a function of human physiology and experience, just like any other mental phenomenon, and therefore it can be graded from healthy to unhealthy, competent to incompetent, good to bad.

My PhD was in aesthetics so I've read this subject to death a thousand times. Only laymen think subjective = equal when in fact different things are unequal by definition. It's basic logic. Things that are the same are equal, things that are different are unequal.

don't open this link it creates mustard gas

>My PhD was in aesthetics
Aren't you late for your Mcdonalds shift?

>Yea Forums stayed the same
well yeah, you can't turn into a shithole if you already were one

Based elitism poster.
Only the tasteless masses believe that all tastes are equal, and it only comes from their own sense of insecurity. A man who actually believes in something, a man with a firm foundation, can confidently assert the truth of things without shame, and without care of hurt feelings.
For example, 40k is pure, unfiltered kino.

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Is this what people tell themselves these days, to deal with the jealousy felt towards smarter, privileged peers receiving the tertiary education they themselves will never attain to?

I have a managerial position at an investment bank, and all the people I still know from my course are also doing well.

Anyway, this is just a case of
>couldn't prove me wrong

>Investment bank, the generic workplace used to pretend that you're a successful individual
>Posting on Yea Forums in the first place
Nah, you're just a role playing NEET


dude, just admit he was correct lmao

He isn't.
Tastes are subjective. One person's masterpiece is another's irredeemable piece of shit. Neither of them are right or wrong.

>Hey user I've never played x genre and have no real idea what's out there. What do you recommend for a newcom-

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Someone who never played a particular genre is due to not being interested on said genre in the first place.
Recommending him something would be pointless.

>not being interested on said genre in the first place

If they're asking for a recomendation it means they're interested now. What kind of fucking logic is going on in your head.
>Person asks for recommendation
>"Well they've never played games like it before so that must mean they won't like it now."

>If they're asking for a recommendation it means they're interested now. What kind of fucking logic is going on in your head.
It's just curiosity due to an external factor, not genuine interest. Like an e-celeb talking about the genre or a character from a game on said genre becoming a Smash Bros fighter.

>"Well they've never played games like it before so that must mean they won't like it now."

and you should just know about all games ever? If I want to play a anime style jrpg I should just know all games like that? What do you think reccomendations are for?

You're right OP. We would all be better off without others attempting to influence our lives.

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I don't care what you think, it's not important to the truth of my post either way.

>Tastes are subjective. One person's masterpiece is another's irredeemable piece of shit.
Which, as I pointed out, means one perspective must be healthier than the other. One must be more competent.

>Neither of them are right or wrong.
Right or wrong? Do you think this is confessional or something? It's not a moral issue, it's a physiological one.

There's clearly not much logic going on in his head. He thinks two distinct things (e.g. tastes) can be equal to each other, despite them being distinct.

I tend to only recommend things to people when I have some idea of what kind of things they do and don't like.

OP's whole mindset can basically be summed up as a desire for everyone to constantly reinvent the wheel in terms of charting out knowledge about gaming genres. The reason he even wants such a bizarre waste of time and antisocialness, is due to insecure commitment to the idea that all tastes are equal. I don't know why it's hard for him to accept they are all different and therefore unequal, it's just taste. Some people like crass stuff, some people like serious stuff, it's no big deal.

If someone who has been playing videogames for decades and has experienced all the genres you know about believes that a game you despise is a masterpiece, will you submit to him? Will you change your opinion?

There's a staggering amount of people on Yea Forums who get genuinely angry and upset if they see someone with a different opinion of a game than them.

I'm not sure if you're getting my post's intentions from the picture but I think OP is a dumbass. It's not surprising though. It feels like the sort of conclusion someone comes to from fundamentally immature beliefs about how the world and people work.

>If someone who has been playing videogames for decades and has experienced all the genres you know about
That's not a high bar to set at all, very surface level. I even qualify.
>believes that a game you despise is a masterpiece, will you submit to him? Will you change your opinion?
If he can convince me then it's not a submission, I'd simply agree. If he can't, then I either doubt his judgement or doubt my own depending on whoever's seems the sounder.

Wow, too bad there's no way for us to qualify our recommendations and explain WHY other people might be interested in the game. Nope, opinions vary and we're incapable of forming ideas about things other than liking or not liking them.


Any videogames for this feel?

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Does anyone find posts like this valuable at all?

no, people can recommend all they want. You don't have to take their advice. I sure don't.

When people post shit I have never seen before I usually check it out if it's something easily pirate/emulate-able, rarely get very far though

I think they're fine so long as people don't post them constantly. I remember when UNIST got is English release fans of the game would constantly go into any fighting game threads even if it was about a different fighting game and not UNIST, and post "Play UNIST." That was annoying.