Which game protagonist can beat DIO in a battle!?
Which game protagonist can beat DIO in a battle!?
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Sakuya, even Luna Night's nerfed version
The protagonist with the lowest asspull coldown ratio
Dio can just regenerate and fuck her up. You forget he's a vampire
she can't stop time, she's just fast
My character from elder scrolls oblivion can beat him
Maxed out fable 2 and 3 protags
Me. I’ll just fuck him to death.
>vampire with time powers
Eh, just get a Belmont on the job or something
why didnt they just get the sun guy to beat dio?
anyone with atleast 2 digit IQ, Dio is a fucking retard
that's good enough
even against DIO it would do more than merely flinch put up to a barrage of stun knifes
This guy
>zoomies first anime
So, Young Joseph?
That’s Dragon Ball Z or Naruto you dipshit
Zoomers weren't even alive when Naruto aired on TV
... oh God.
They were for Attack on Titan and One Punch Man
All the Belmonts, except Gabriel
doomguy XD
Any pokemon MC with a groudon or hidden ability Ninetales
Sakuya is just Dio-lite
>three decades old
Its dragonball
ike can beat him because nihil makes enemy skills not work.
That shit is older than you lmao
Unironically pic related
He forgot to practice that thing he worked really hard to learn, and used to beat the ultimate vampires.
Well Yea Forums?
go back to plebbit
Use this template, guys. I wanna see some good content.
The dragonborn
Oh? You're approaching me?
this is like when people say FFX (2001) fans are zoomers because it's not pixel junk.
you're probably too young to understand the zoomer memes around here
>has killed vampires already
>can kill servants
>what is stopping time when you are already dead?
dio would be dead in less than a second
I recently finished watching part 2 again. Honestly, almost everything goes in Joesph's favor, like, Kars could kick him in the dick and he would still turn it around and bite Kars in the ass. He just gets so many asspulls. That's why Young Joseph>every JoJo villain ever.
jotaro dies in part 6
Or better yet why not use one of the UV lamps they used to beat all the vampires at the end of Part 2?
Can you spoil the part 8 villain instead, god damn Araki
Just started with part 3, this cartoon is dope. Dubbed so I can appreciate the animation.
Young Joseph has absurd plot armor disguised as luck. I'd love to see the universe bend over backward to let him win that matchup.
I think you're missing out. Jap voices are honestly pretty great.
>zoomers first anime
>except JoJo series is literally 33 years old
EDF Fencer
Sekiro with enough practice
I know I’m about to sound like every other dick head jojo fan
But watch part 1 and 2. Even if it’s the condensed versions that are like 3 40 minute episodes. You will enjoy parts 3 and 4 much more if you do
I prefer the jap voice actors over english, but I prefer the convience of Dubbed more. The English ones aren't bad, just not as great
He must have meant he watched Part 1 and 2 and just got started with Part 3 after that. No fucking way he actually STARTED WITH Part 3, that would be super retarded.
If Jotaro could beat him then anyone could. Dio is a fucking retard.
When was he a video game protag?
Jap Dio and Jap Jotaro are amazing. If you watch parts 1 and 2 Jap Joseph is hilarious
Fair enough, have fun friend.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people that start with 3 appearantly. It’s like kids who start with DBZ and not DB
Nah, I started with part 3 because it looked the memiest. Really enjoying it so far.
shut up, weeb
Jotaro dies in every part he's in and so does Dio.
why do people do this
Is it okay to shit on JoJo now that it's popular? You realize that it's over 3 decades old; it's like shitting on Berserk because Souls games gave it popularity
Hardly what i was implying, simply watch the damn show from the start you dumb weeb.
Thought krang was eating that guy's head in the thumbnail.
He beat darkness itself, I'm sure he could crack open this anime dweeb
Jojo, Berserk, and Dark Souls all have insufferable new wave fanbases tho
Mad that you don't fit in?
But does that diminish the quality of each individual thing? They're all great; separate fanbase from the product
memes aside, I think TWOH DIO could beat full power madara.
Maxwell from scribblenauts, the answer is always maxwell
I mean yeah for a lot of people it kind of does sour the source material
It's not just that new school jojo fans are retarded, for example. They say retarded shit ABOUT jojo. They co-opt material from the anime/manga into lame cringey shit. And they shove that shit in your face every chance they get so it's not like it's up to you to just ignore it and enjoy the source material
>Mortal blade can kill vampires
>Can backstab
how fucking crusty can one jpeg get?
Fuck, am I realy that old
>has the mortal blade which can kill anything
>trained in the Shinobi arts of stealth and killing, could probably get the drop on Dio
>Dio has literally walked away from a 'dead' man who then got back up and kicked Dio's ass
>Dio hesitates a lot
I don't see anything on that list capable of outbullshitting TWOH, I believe Araki even confirmed it is capable of overpowering GER, which was previously thought to be SSS tier defensively with the ability to fullcounter all physical, temporal, mental and dimensional forms of assault, even from galaxy breaker+ opponents. Even were Madara piloting demonbane or some shit, demonbane is only an absolute counter to hero archetype characters, DIO is an antagonist. There is some shit out there that's still stronger than TWOH, but none of that is.
>Phoneposter filename
There is your answer
Twitter culture.
>can stop time
>can rewind time
>different weapons she can use, not just knives
>can change from agile to resilient and even invincible forms
>only reason she was defeated was because she trusted some demon to remove her curse, and even then she turned back time to allow for chelsea to get the 7 devils' powers
>can stop time
>can copy himself
>can teleport
>able to block literally anything with RG
>has gauntlets infused with light
>can talk mad shit and taunt mid battle
Dovahkiin using day 1 release Skyrim physics and unmodded glitches with infinite stacking alchemically made potions
>Dio tries to pause time
>Dovah can just wait it out in temporal immunity
>Dio tries to punch Dovah in the fast
>Potion of armor that has been stacked over 1000 times makes his skin so dense and hardened that the force of Dio's punch ignites a nuclear reaction on the surface of Dovahkiin so bright it rivals the Sun and burns Dio to ash.
Strider Hiryu. His mission: Terminate vampiric tyrant DIO.
who dies in part 6 again?
this, there's nothing wrong with the actual material. The fanbase just manages to sour the fuck out of some shit. I remember back when I tried tumblr out and I experienced that fucking clusterfuck of a fanbase for shit like supernatural, dr who and what the fuck not. Every. single. fanbase. I came across just fucking ruined shit, even stuff I had watched and loved before. The way people talk about something today compared to like 10 years ago is just fucking unacceptable.
Reality Overwrite: The World Over Heaven gains the new signature godlike power to overwrite reality, allowing DIO to rewrite virtually anything in time. The potential extent of this ability appears to be limitless, as this power can be used to rewrite the existence of anything he wants, steal/absorb souls and use them as slaves, heal himself, resurrect the dead and completely negate almost any defense that the series has to offer (as demonstrated against the abilities of Tusk ACT4 and Gold Experience Requiem). However, this power is eventually revealed to suffer from a major limitation: it can only be initiated through The World Over Heaven's fists, meaning that the Stand would have to punch something in order to rewrite it.
not sure why people are still arguing about this, he wrote a bullshit character that was designed to be immortal; lovecraft elder gods, a few of them at least, can probably still beat him, but very few game characters can overcome even this ability, much less combined with original one.
He might struggle a bit more if he's not able to see Stands but he'd still win regardless
Heavenly DIO is not the same as DIO.
Heavenly DIO is bullshit within bullshit wrapped tight in a warm blanket of bullshit
You are a retard. Part 2 is like a hundred times better than Part 3, and the overall plot continues between Parts. It is important for you to watch all Parts.
What you did is incredibly retarded.
the sekiro gamestop one is great
Sorry bud but Bethesda games make their protagonists into ultimate pagan gods of death.
In order for that effect to work DIO would need to punch the protag in order for it to work but if the protag had something like an infinitely stacked potion of mobility and attack then not only would the protag be faster than the known universe would be able to cognitively keep up with but the protag could hit DIO so hard it would retroactively delete his fucking existence and that's assuming DIO's entire universe and existence itself is still intact for that to even be processed.
Here.Its not like he made that meme. Heres a better quality pic
Everyone except Emporio
Part 3 specifically attracts the shitters from what I can see.
>dur star pwatnum have it to!
what a dumb plotline
Literally who
defense caps at like 80-85% man
You're already summoned
I posted the second of those, I realize that; there are multiple problems with this thought process though, namely that alternate universe DIO absolutely cannot die, even if he is deleted from existence his stand can retroactively nullify that, at which point he will be aware of the fact that someone is attacking him even if they move at speeds that are FTL, at which point he can simply freeze time until he can find and punch the dude in the face.
different timeline, DIO won in this one and gained god powers.
all someone needs to do is flash a UV light at him while he's busy doing something else and he dies instantly
t. Hasn’t played EOH
Nah, Eyes of Heaven ends with more Jotaro wank with it ending the same way as Part 3, O MY SAME STAND
That's Attack on Titan or OPM, you blithering mong.
I was talking about eoh
>Dio has literally walked away from a 'dead' man who then got back up and kicked Dio's ass
I chuckled at this
>>Dio has literally walked away from a 'dead' man who then got back up and kicked Dio's ass
I want speedwatchers to leave this thread
You’re a retard
The Nerevarine
>Dio kills him after getting back stabbed and regenerating. He revives and goes for mortal draw which Dio senses works like hamon somehow. He stops time takes the sword and permanently kills wolf with it.
Next time on deathbattle...
He is literally Japanese Doomguy, there's also a sidequest in his game where he kills a time stopping demon.
Yes, yes. DIO can change the laws of space-time and reality....
HOWEVER youtube.com
Kirby is never really assigned a powerlevel value, proving that it's smarter for a character designer to take this route, since canonically it's a mystery what they are actually capable of. His skillset is less like a typical game protagonist and more like the cartoon physics-breaking shit of bugs bunny, mickey mouse and the mask.
You are not old enough for this website young man. You know what the best part is? I won't read anything you say to me you are nothing to me I will always be better than you.
After rewatching part 3, it really is a good part. Sure it’s slow at the start but it really picks up at the later half. I don’t get why people say it’s bad.
If Dio gets to asspull on Mortal Draw then Sekiro gets to asspull too, maybe Divine Confetti is super effective on Stands or something, FFS he can parry bullets and Isshin's sword waves, Wolf can't go down that easily if half that shit you can make him do is canon.
Most of the fights are kinda meaningless and drag on for a little bit too long (ie Anubis, Lovers, Old'arby). It's all just a lead up to definitely one of the best finales. You can say all the parts have this problem, but I felt it the most with P3
First half its too scooby doo monster of the week, but egypt onwards goes from good to godlike.
pre-egypt its probably the weakest part, but egypt onwards is top 3 or 4
>tfw the best battle of the week in the entire series is still between a tiny dog and a bird
Could one time freeze stop another?
Or just a shitload of rats?
the anime really made the vanilla ice fight amazing too
there were other good fights, but none of them properly portrayed a terrifying opponent in my eyes other than that particular fight. Some of the shit petshop was doing to that poor little bastard was nightmare fuel.
Marked Ones never get affected by time stops even when someone else stops time, Dio was frozen when Jotaro froze time so he'd get fucked against Corvo or Daud.
DIO only froze cause he'd already used up all his time stop though. Jotaro froze time right after DIO's time freeze wore off.
The bubbles are in the wrong order.
Young Xehanort?
Literally 70% of part 5 can beat Dio 1n1.
But comrade, I do not know the language of the Kotlet eaters.
See , both Corvo and Daud have Time Stop so if you try to use it during the fight in game Daud's just like 'lol me2 motherfucker now we gonna swordfight'
Dio's fucked because Corvo can actually move during ZA WARUDO in addition to being able to teleport, he could probably blink behind Dio for a decapitation.
"I can do it. I've done this a dozen times"
*blocks his path*
Someone please make one with the running Regice
Galamoth soul makes Soma immune to time stop.
i also like to not understand jokes when i browse Yea Forums
Baba take it personally this time.
He could also fire an exploding bolt at Dio's head
Thanks friend.
Real talk, can't wait to see E3 this year, I'm expecting the Beth expo to be good either way.
>tremere's thought taking vitae form this wasn't a bad idea
That'd probably work, Dio just can't see the bolt.
Also you know there's gonna be a nearby rat or something for Corvo to possess, he's in Araki territory now.
made this one ages ago
tremere's got a lot of issues, even without mr flesh cathedral eating his clan
So did Araki
Just yeet the bulb and hes dead
I like it.
>im unironically scared of a website and will deny myself enjoyable things due to the fact that I perceive a connection to said website
hating popular things isn't a personality trait
7th Stand User is pretty fun. What stands did you guys get? I got Sonic Youth.