What did I think of it?
Shadow Of War
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Played through it on Nemesis difficulty.
Loved it mostly because of the excellent Nemesis system and the depth it gives Orcs, and also, the characters have their moments with some nice comedy and all.
The Desolation of Mordor was a nice DLC. Makes me wish we could get a standalone game with Baranor.
I'd redownload it to give it a playthrough on Gravewalker difficulty, but shit weighs like 96 GB and my internet isn't the best, so for now it's there on my library.
It's trash
Yeah, the Nemesis shit really sells it. I wish it was more active so people would actually assault my strongholds sometimes to put all these mooks to work.
The story looks like it was purposely done to shit all over tolkien, the Combat is fun tho
The only thing that really pissed me off about the story was the Shelob shit.
Not as good as the first one.
I rolled my eyes at the blatant feminist shit, a little normal girl taking on masses of orcs single handed etc
Have they added in the ability to have more than one save slot? That really pissed on the replay value.
way better than shadow of mordor
a solid mediocre game
I feel like replay value would have been heavily benefitted from an NG+.
Imagine going through the game again, with even stronger Orcs right off the bat and all the crazy Nazgûl shit unlocked.
The best parts of Mordor compared to War was the weapon rune system instead of the shitty random weapons in 2, the fact that you could just unlock all the skills instead of picking different upgrades, and tied to that, the fact that your moves were all non-elemental. I fucking hate that the basic stun move in War is considered a "frost" attack, and some enemies are just immune to it. It's fine if they wanted to have elemental upgrades, but for the love of fuck, just leave the base attacks non-elemental.
basically the first one but better. I for one like the tolkien fan fiction of the story, way more interesting than the prequel unfinished shit we have. however once you beat it and do the real ending its pretty much done forever never installing again type of game for me
I was surprised when i opened my ps4 complete edition case and saw 2 bluray discs that include everything.
Why can't publishers do this more often instead of just including vouchers.
My biggest gripe with the game is that if you are playing on a higher difficulty, all the orcs you set in your forts are weaker than you think. So you may think that your defenses are impenetrable, but you really just have a meme fort.
It would be nice if online forts were set to the defender's difficulty, but the tradeoff would be that you can't change difficulty mid-game, since everyone would just change it to the hardest difficulty when they got off the game.
Honestly? Had fun. Wished they'd go even deeper with the whole Nemesis system and how you could mess with Orcs. Maybe actually be able to go inside forts and have your captains have their own quarters and stuff like that, with each enemy captain having unique modifiers to their rooms, like traps or fire or whatever. Hyped for the sequel, ending of Eltariel's DLC was baity as hell.
I would hope that if they do another one of these, each area would have two separate armies, yours and the enemy, instead of having them all mixed together. It felt like they were afraid to innovate too much from the first game, where having them mixed together worked because it was more focused on the infiltration aspect.
And yeah, they should make better use of the forts, including the little ones scattered around the map. Let there be smaller scale battles for control of those, that the AI can initiate and play out on their own if they want. Just like the army screen, it sucks having most of the map just be random enemies, with some random allies mixed in with no reasoning behind it. Even if you control every single chief on a map it's still just full of enemies everywhere.
>Eltariel's DLC
what the trash am I watching
>asscreed but the world is shit
why would anyone touch this?
It's more BamHam than AssCreed.
same shitty mix of braindead combat and babymode stealth
The combat is addicting and the nemesis system can be very entertaining. Story and cutscenes are great if you can get over the lore rape but the game can feel very drawn out.
It's good fun and you can sink in a hundred hours before realizing you have made no progress at all in the story.
The big battles fucking fucked. And you were only allowed like six of them.
It was also hard to set up large battles between the chiefs and your chief-spys.
>Gravewalker difficulty
Gravewalker is miserable. They just upped the stats again, so now you die in 2 hits to just about anything, and Captains take 20 minutes to whittle down. It turns the already dodge-heavy game into a tap dancing competition. My tipping point was having your OWN captains bleed out faster, without actually making them comparably as strong as enemy captains.
Do any of the difficulties actually make enemies stronger in the sense that they have more perks and immunities so it's more worth it to recruit them, or is it literally just they do more damage to you?
Naw, I think perks and immunities are static across difficulties. Higher tier enemies (like legendary) have better stats. God help you if a ranged captain gets enraged near you, you might as well get an autoclicker for your dodge key.