Mortal Kombat 11

>It's dead
>It's sjw
>It's going to flop

Yea Forums's wrong again.

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ok sure buddy

there is a lot of things that Yea Forums doesn't like such as capeshit but the brainless masses eat that shit up anyway
what's your point?

Yea Forumseddit is constantly getting dabbed on
i can't remember the last time it was right about anything

>always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says
this tbqh!

>Yea Forums doesn't like 3DPD whores, but they still are massively overrated and popular
Get your trash out of here.

I haven't considered this place to be Yea Forums since around 2009, there is no longer a difference between here and reddit. 'Yea Forums' means nothing now

We called that Cliffy's last 2 atrocious games would flop hard.

I just checked. At least in the GameSpot channel it has 162k views, 49k likes, and only 366 dislikes. So I have to assume you're being sarcastic and/or/ trolling. Also, game looks fantastic.

popular good

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That's an easy guess.

It has classic MOOORTAL KOMBAAAAAT theme

The Shao Kahn gameplay trailer was released yesterday and is already at 2.2 million views. A trailer for a single character reached 2+ million in under 24 hours.

Its dead to me and its sjw, the masses are simply too ignorant to know that and it was never going to flop.

You know I'm on your side right?
Or you a retard?

>So I have to assume you're being sarcastic

Yea Forums told me to try ace combat 7 and I liked it.

It's not bad, but it could be far better if it wasn't so hard to please people that won't even touch the game.

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>it was NEVER going to flop
Except last week you fags were posting "get woke, go broke"

>Shao Kahn trailer over 2m views in under 24 hours
>Noob trailer over 4 million views in under 24 hours

Define flop?
1-3 million copies sold total? Willing to bet it passes those numbers in under one week.

Sarcastic? I said Yea Forums was wrong.

Gameplay looks way better than MKX, the roster is solid, netplay was good, and they're apparently working on crossplay post launch.

It's shaping up to be a great fighting game

I literally said Yea Forums was wrong.

Given the retardation around here you could have been implying that Yea Forums was wrong about it being good. Which would make more sense because I've seen mostly positive comments and threads about the game. Yea Forums hasn't shit on this one very much.

wrong, right, wrong.

>Yea Forums hasn't shit on this one very much.
dude what? almost every thread that isn't smash shit is "waah no titties in mk11 waah le sjw bogeyman" dogshit.

Yea Forumsis almost always wrong.

>Yea Forums hasn't shit on this one very much
Every thread is spammed with "muslim kombat" and get woke go broke shitposting.

I'm talking about actual discussion of the game, not wannabe political nonsense and jerking it to pixel nipples that they still wouldn't be able to see anyway.

Yea Forums hating on something doesn't mean it won't succeed financially.
it just means a bunch of anonymous people hate it
get on with your day.

Its going to make a profit but not blow anyone away. Shills like maxx will jizz all over it for two weeks.

isn't MK like Fifa? In otherwords fight game for normies?

>Yea Forums is one person.

The retarded statements of boon have put me off from buying this game but ever since the first gameplay footage i knew this game was going to make bank.

It will outsell X. And X sold 10 million.

normies are retarded enough to believe that MK is some anti-sjw game because of the violence

Base game will sell fine.

They will lose out on microtransactions because no one wants to get costumes for these, unless there is a paper bag for Sheeva's face.

And that's where these games make their money nowadays.

>Implying anyone ever said it was gonna flop
Retarded discord tranny shitposting yet again. The game will guaranteed be dead in less than a year though, just like every other NRS game after MK9.

it's a nice trailer, most people haven't been following the drama

That ain't a given. It changed so much from X (engine, graphics, gimmicks) that some normies might balk at the game.
X wasn't this big of a leap from 9, with the autistic Krushing Blows and shit like that.
>"I gotta remember all that stuff for all my mains? Fuck that." -some normalfag

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