Name a single masterpiece from the last 10 years. Go on, I'll wait

Name a single masterpiece from the last 10 years. Go on, I'll wait.

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Other urls found in this thread:

world of warcraft legion and mists of pandaria

Super Mario Oddessey

new vegas
dark souls

Pocket Card Jockey

Breath of the wild


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God of War

Left 4 Dead 2. It bewilders me how much that game is still played.


Hollow Knight

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it wasn't the first voxel crafting game but it was definitely THE defining one
even without mods, what it became after updates was something which changed videogames as a whole forever, to some extent for the better, and to some extent worse

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Fallout New Vegas

Minecraft is a stagnant piece of shit that never lived up to its true potential, but man it was like nothing else and in its hey day with tekkit and all the other big mods, it was incredible. RIP to a true legend.

dead space 2

Portal 2

I still wish it could have been the randomly generated Daggerfall I hoped it to be


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New God of War

>Dark Souls

Masterpieces don't have levels like Lost Izalith


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Unironically all of the Arkham games, and basically every CoD up until Blops 4. Fuck you if you put BR in your game.

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Dying Light

Hollow Knightm cheap and delivers

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only half of lost izalith is bad, the other half is good and looks cool. a masterpiece can have flaws, name one game from any time period you consider perfect and there'll be a flaw in it

You have abhorrent taste. I don't even mind CoD per se or the the Batman games but if you think they're worthy of being deemed masterpieces, you're a retard. Odd that the inclusion of a battle royale mode is the thing that turns you off.

But they do have levels like Anor Londo.

Darganz Derpma

Sleeping Dogs

I'm not trolling, genuinely curious here. What's the problem with the Arkham series?

I wouldn't say I have a problem with it, I played and enjoyed Asylum and City. They're just far too simplistic to be considered masterpieces within their genre.


the last guardian


not him but
>too many were made too quickly; only 2 year gap between titles milked the creative formula dry
>suffers from AC collectathon syndrome
>dialogue and storyline is not exactly even good by the standards of the capeshit series, let alone writing as a whole
>AI issues, boring and drawn out boss battles in earlier titles, way too much travelling over empty space in later titles
>bamham combat gets repetitive and loses challenge quickly
it's not bad per se but it has enough issues as a series to stop any individual game in it being considered a masterpiece

nice udders on this heifer

Not so much a problem but when it comes to calling it a masterpiece? It's like calling Flappy Bird a masterpiece because that game does what it does well.

>Name a single masterpiece from the last 10 years
I raise, name a single masterpiece ever
protip: you cant

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Lool if your going to even pretend the cod games are this well crafted refined experience you really cant drag that garbage opinion past mw2 because of how steep the drop in quality of level design is after that.

Its the peak of the series mechanically, every step forward after that was minuscule.

Anyways masterpieces between today and 2019?

Little big Planet 2, guy who made sonic mania started off with using levels he designed in this game on his resume. The search engine was shit but i found remakes of entire engines from oldschool games like castlevania, legend of zelda and shoot em ups for months.

Not to mention it has the best tutorial for a creative mode ever in a game

Sports Friends, warning Social circles required, dont forget about the Konami code

King of Fighters 14, i thought for SURE this was going to be hot garbage but the fresh team balanced the game in such a way that ive seen it filter casual fighting game players to competitiveness like nothing else. Its an incredible doorway to the entirety of motion based fight games

Hover, i needed that fucking jet set radio fix like a crack addic and i found a place to meet up with a bunch of other junkies, and my personal #1 crowdfunded project. Props to shovelknight too.

Roundabout something about the love put into this puts it above the rest of this genre of indie games, octodad, get overit,ect. Top tier low price game

Disgaea 5, at least for fans of the series. I will honestly not trust or buy a disgaea 6 because i dont think theres anything left to add to the series

Just a series of things I think other people wouldnt name, but wont be too disputed

team fortress 2

>after that
The wording of your post is a little ambiguous but I seriously hope you aren't implying MW2 isn't anything but unredeemable garbage.

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La Mulana 2

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Scribblenauts Unlimited
What other game lets you create almost anything?

>medic exists
>sniper exists
>spy exists

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yes, they contribute to it being a masterpiece

Gal Gun Double Peace.

Breath of the Wild
Any other answer is false

Based and porkbun-pilled.

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Shut the fuck up with your 0-100 "opinions". MW2 has peak map variety, its maps are god tier, it features ballsy moves such as deathstreaks and OMA, all guns are "viable" due to instamelts, streaks put in work and properly scale.

>t. pic related

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Alpha Protocol

Call of Duty Modern Warfare trilogy. The last great arena shooter.

Took me time to spot Todd in that image.

lol no

Dont listen to those fucking 6vs6 competitive abominations

Final Fantasy XIII trilogy. Don't @ me, philistines.

Shit bait lol.

surprised no one said anything about this.

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Dark Souls 3, then
not a single bad level in that game.

Mass Effect 2

The swamp sucked dick.

I enjoy FFXIII a lot, but I wouldn't consider a masterpiece. Also, it unfortunately had content cut out.

Pic related

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>he thinks MW2's simple asymmetrical boxes with a few boxes cluttered around inside them are good map designs that create interesting gameplay
>he talks about streaks "putting in work" as if mapwide instadeath explosions were ever good game design
>he praises the shitty excuse for game balance used because they were too lazy to actually balance multiplayer
there is nothing that makes MW2 stand out positively in the genre with its basic bitch cod mechanics and there's so, so much that makes it a garbage fire: gamebreaking bugginess out the ass, unbelievably shitty weapon balance, molasses slow gameplay compared to the best titles in the genre, no console commands, terrible anticheat, reduced playercount, voteban removed as a tool to deal with cheaters, and shitty iwnet server.

At the time of the game's release the multiplayer was universally hated on Yea Forums. But you wouldn't know.

You're a 20something now, which means you were around 12 when Modern Warfare 2 came out. So it was your first FPS, and you didn't notice how shit it was, because you were excited to play big boy shooty mans.
Nothing makes it stand out in the genre, and it has a list of major flaws a mile long: It's a fucking bad game.

Fuck off the board with your nostalgia for drinking from sewers, casual nigger.

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Super Mario Bros. 3, literally perfect.

Love that quote. I wish for a new Dead Space game but EA killed Visceral so RIP.

outdated graphics even at release

much like Masaki Kobayashi's The Human Condition I consider XIII-XIII2-Lightning Returns to be the complete work.

pretty sure they would have pissed off fans even more. I still would have liked to see it though.

>I consider XIII-XIII2-Lightning Returns to be the complete work
Fair enough.

these are all correct

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>not even outdated now

God of War because it makes Yea Forums so irrationally angry

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>calls the Call of duty with a longer dev cycle than the majority released in the last 6 years is one of the worst examples of the series
>has to deal with the fact that its been overwhelmingly hyped to the point of re-release
>people bitching online had already prestiged

I bet you actually play Zombies. Look I was ambiguous with my first post because i was trying to point out that debating about the quality of these games is a losing battle. I stand by the majority of the structure of a call lf duty game's online player retention based gameplay was made in MW2 and it has held with the series. Its freaking why they rereleased it with the battleroyal, it works as a summation of the online gameplay everyone who started with the games afternwould be used to. Since you just completely ignored what i had to say about singleplayer(and how it was the last game in the series where progression was more than killing past a line of respawning enemies) i have to actually give a cod game more praise great.

Mass Effect (1)

Bayo 2

>>calls the Call of duty with a longer dev cycle than the majority released in the last 6 years is one of the worst examples of the series
Yes? Taking a long time to shit doesn't make it not shit. MW2 was the point of decline, not the fucking peak.
It was the point at which they realized they could cut longstanding features from the consumer, be completely fucking lazy with QA and balancing, and still sell millions of copies on the advertising budget and name of MW1 alone.
>has to deal with the fact that its been overwhelmingly hyped to the point of re-release
Lots of flies eat up shit so it must be good? That's really the argument you're going for?

Fuck off, newfag.

DayZ (mod)
Path of Exile
Dark souls
Men of War: Assault Squad II
Wargame: Red Dragon
Kingdom Come: Deliverence

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat

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Sorrybro Ive been fruitlessly dedicating my soul to terrible companies as long as you. Well almost I wasn't dumb enough to keep buying cod games

>a call lf duty game's
>Its freaking why
>give a cod game more praise great.
Also, your phoneposter-tier spelling and grammar, and defense of the Call of Duty series, is a telltale sign you're fresh off the boat from Facebook. Go back. You don't belong here.

Dragon Quest XI

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>Sorrybro Ive
You've probably been dedicating your soul to Angry Birds and Candy Crush from that phone of yours, yeah.

The Talos Principle. Comfy game with the fewest technical issues I've ever encountered, a good amount of eastereggs, an entirely optional narrative, multiple endings, good graphics and music and it allows playing outside the intended patterns.

The only downside is that you need to think sometimes (especially in the bonus levels of it's addon) how to proceed and are stuck on a part until you've figured out a way to solve it.


Smb3 pppffftt no F-zero gx now that’s perfect.

Grand Theft Auto V

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Oh sorry sir i didnt know that Yea Forums has always fought for correct grammar and spelling, how does it feel reading my uncapatlized I's? Please dont think I'm trying to call cod a masterpiece thats the other guy spazzing out and calling people newfags.

Fuck you drones i can post from my phone.

Look I'm sorry guys let me reconfigure my argument, MW2, did really well because they took a genre normally better tailored towards PC, the fps, and found the right gimmiks to find real success in the console market. Now if you want to tell me the games after this didnt use derivative forms of those gimmiks, Im going to really have to apologize

long story short, MW2 was not the peak of the series, it was a game with no redeeming features and a hell of a lot of downsides relative to other CoD titles. the primary reason for its success was a very strong mass marketing campaign
>Fuck you drones i can post from my phone
go back

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>ctrl+f factorio
>2 hits at the end of the thread
iam not even samefagging but factorio

God of War 3 is still only 9 years old so that one
Portal 2

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Ya they even used fake controversy to get the range of social groups the game would be discussed in spread.

Its just too bad they spent sooooo much money bribing those thousands of reviewers off, and after all that success couldn't afford to do it with each following game and let them each get continuously worse reviews. The opposite of the peak, its a pit of evil crafted by newblood who must of had no real part to series as a whole.

Downwell and monolith are very pretty and relatively bug free for their price.

For me its bloodborne. Loved every second of all playtrough

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So is this skeleton supposed to be a gamer or a wageslave? The coffee, tie, and work calendar make me think its depicting the monotony and drain of corporate office culture...but the duel monitors, gaming mouse/mousepad, and general unkempt desk area make me think gamer?

also why the fuck is he holding Hawaii 5-0 storyboards

how about last month

One of the most beutiful,well designed ,written and intertaining games of my life.

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Risk of Rain

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Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dead Space 2
God of War 3
Hollow Knight

Probably some others I'm forgetting


What did he mean by this?




Legion was pretty good desu. Cata and wod would have gotten more (You)s but those were both just alright expacs nothing crazy

Hotline Miami

By those both I meant mop and legion


Came here to post this. I don’t think I’ve played a more perfect, concise game.

Rain World

>ame a single masterpiece from the last 10 years
The masterpieces from the preceding decade, sadly. Better than having none, though.

first game was much better
still only a decent blobber, far from a masterpiece
>those often random hidden buttons for autists

>first game was much better
How? 2 was an improvement in every way except the removal of the hand-to-hand skill.

they're pretty good, that's it

Not wrong

Sonic mania

DoW2: Chaos Rising

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All these weak ass third-person console slashers with artificial difficulty = MASTERPIECES!
Consoles were a mistake.

For me:

Demon’s Souls
Dark Souls
Monster Hunter IV
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Hollow Knight
Dragon Quest Builders II
Desert Golfing

>tfw i bought the base game, chaos rising, and retribution but never ended up palying it

>the hospital level
Good game, but that level stops me from wanting to replay it all the way through.

What are you waiting for?

You owe it to yourself to play one of the last good RTSs before the downfall of RTS as a genre

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everytime i blow my load on adderall to random porn and then play literally any video game is a masterpiece.

prove me wrong

Darkest Dungeon

Modern Warfare 2.

> mfw that game has nearly reached 10 years old. Fuck I'm old.

>Ten years
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Ori and the Blind Forest
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Rain World
Nex Machina
Legend of Grimrock 2
The Talos Principle

I think that's more than one

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prey (2017)

beyond redpilled

The Wonderful 101

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Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, DMCV, Monster Hunter 4U, Dragon Age Origins

Then we have tons upon tons of great games and flawed gems like Deus Ex:HR, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, The Evil Within, Ori and the blind forest; the list goes on.

Hollow Knight

super mario galaxy 2


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Shovel Knight

Rain World

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It was good, but not a masterpiece. It was pretty unfinished and just a chinkshitter yakuza.


Yoko Taro is a fucking dumbass

I think Sekiro might actually be a small masterpiece. It's not the masterpiece of masterpieces, but it's really fucking good and I can't shake the urge to play it again.

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Rollercoaster tycoon 2
Zoo Tycoon
These are the only two games that I would actually consider as art.

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Hell yeah!

STFU, Crapgamer faggot!

The Last of Us

How do you get adderall man? Prescription, ask to local dealer, net?