ITT: brainlet filters

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those were easy if you figured out the crosshair puzzle which was also easy

woah BASED

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That was one of the easiest sequences, the tetris puzzles are the real nightmare.

that is so incredibly easy

>crosshair puzzle
I never got the logic for that one. Just brute forced it

i just posted a random image i had of tetris land

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Dice puzzle VLR

What makes you like puzzle games ? I find them boring. Is it because they reward actually using your brain ?

you find them boring because you are a complete and utter brainlet

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it absorbs all of my attention while i work on it. hearing the click sound and the wires and lights start glowing and a door to a new room opens up, it feels very rewarding

Even if you don't see the obvious clues, you can just try every combination of those lines

It's like Talos Principle but for retards

why you fags have to be like this? how old are you? both games are top tier puzzle games, trying to cause bullshit between fanbases is stupid

>how old are you?

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red door on the ship was the hardest puzzle in the game imo

Not trying to starts a shit storm of replies but what does Yea Forums think of The Room? The popular, critically acclaimed puzzle classic on mobile

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Fun but more of a point and clicker than a puzzle game.

To this day I still don't understand the solution
I listened to the sounds for hours and I swear they don't match up to the sequence

Dim signal in baba is you

I had to brute force the last one, because there was no apple on that final tree, and I had no idea what I was meant to look for. I even checked the branch that was the answer afterward. Still didn't understand.

Wait a minute..

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How the hell were you supposed to know

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This felt so forced like what was the point of this? It's never brought up again.

I still can't understand these.

There is an area that you unlock where you find an apple. From this observation you are supposed to figure out that this apple comes from the last tree, that’s why in the puzzle you must target the broken branch.

what was the point of this area? There was no laser

DUde like turnrnaaa
diude like XD

I got stuck for a couple days on this one. I had to look up a guide after giving up

The lore I guess, also as an introduction for the puzzles that involve trees in the village.


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So the reviewers who only play for a couple of hours can say "Wow! See how interactive this game is."

the town laser requires a puzzle which is the same type of puzzle as these ones, so it's like a tutorial

are you okay, user?

Great series, got me hooked back on puzzle games


To filter out the brainlets, duh

w-wait the game doesn't just end there? I-I seriously thought I was just suppose do something else.

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It felt like it existed more as a lore reason for explaining how you had to know a guy who told you the secret knock to enter their society rather than an actual puzzle.

>Right, left/down, right
What's the problem again?

>that one puzzle on the back of the snake artifact
>when the game released, the mouse was unable to spin objects in the inventory
>"lol how the fuck did so many people not get this puzzle you just spin the snake"

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I got stuck at the tetris pieces squares and I dropped the game. Fuck you for not explaining the rules and making me guess "what did the dev mean"? Pretentious shit. The puzzles aren't even hard. If each puzzle had proper explanation of how a mechanic works it would be a 2 hour game.

>not explaining the rules
bullshit detected, everything is explained, sometimes it helps to go back and resolve old puzzles to really grasp the rules


sub 80 IQ

I think the issue is that the tetris area is kinda hard to find so people often find tetris puzzles elsewhere before reaching the area supposed to introduce you to them.

Not that guy, but the first time I encountered the tetris pieces the rules for them were yet to be shown. I had to walk away from those puzzles feeling stupid after I managed to brute force a couple. The game makes it clear that you can just walk away and come back after if you don't know the rules of a puzzle yet, so that guy is still; a brainlet.

literally brainlet. You can just walk to one of the other areas to learn about the rules. Half of the point of the game is for you to learn the rules through nonverbal cues

imagine being so dumb you can't even get what makes the game fun

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By the time you're that far, you should have learned "when there's a puzzle I don't understand, it means I need to find the puzzles that will help me understand it"

Usually that's the case and I GET IT, but looks to me like you're supposed to "figure it out" in the city ruins. I've got 4 lasers activated so far, so I'd like to think I'm not an absolute brainlet, but I just don't get the tetris piece and it frustrates me.

>city ruins
do you mean the town square?

as you might have gathered the town combines many puzzle types. for this reason i'd leave it until last/later

Yeah. There are 5 screens next to each other and the first one has the tetris piece "introduction" I think. That's how the game usually lets you practice a new mechanic - with several screens next to each other.

They were going to have puzzles at one point, but they were cut.
Except one was left in for some reason.

>>when the game released, the mouse was unable to spin objects in the inventory

Played it on release day and had no issue turning objects around in inventory. You just had to select the item so it took up the screen and then you could rotate them around

The town square is the final place you visit before entering the mountain, it combines elements from all the other types of test. Go there last.

literally moronic
the town square is OBVIOUSLY meant for completion after you've finished the other areas since it combines many different mechanics.
do you need the IGN Complete Guide or something?

>the town square is OBVIOUSLY meant for completion after you've finished the other areas since it combines many different mechanics.
Yeah I fucking know that, but the 5 screens next to each other with incrementing difficulty is how the game teaches you new mechanics and there's a tetris piece on the first one, so I assumed it's the introduction bit for it. I guess I assummed wrong.

majority of baba is you, pic related
if that's the puzzle I think it is, you're probably overthinking it. You don't need to make the robot and other moving thing push the text back to you.

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not all the intros are a series of 5 panels like that, though i can see why you might have assumed that. explore more, when you find the tutorial it will be very obvious

I see, cheers.

no where in the manual or the game they say that you look at items. They only time it was mentionned it was at e3

listen dude, i'm trying to be vitriolic here and you're being really mild and nonconfrontational. you're making me feel bad.
i apologize for calling you an idiot, and i think you probably know what you're doing if you've got 5 beacons. the tetris area starts near the marshy colorful swamp, which is like between the mountain and the castle.

Post the level.

I literally just got here and I'm looking around. It's fine about being an asshole here, I know where we are and I guess I was a brainlet for letting myself get frustrated in a puzzle game - I deserve the shit I got.
Thanks for the tips. I don't want to google solutions for this game, that would make me feel like shit.

Absolute master class in game design. The only one I couldn't get on my own was the sunken ship one and that basically required autism and Audacity.

Is that the one with the broken branch?

Makes perfect sense the Apple *should* be there.

t. Joseph 'Brainlet' Anderson

It's all made perfectly clear in the tutorial panels.

what game ? id like a new challenge

It was since patched, but I could only jiggle it slightly with the middle mouse button. Other people had that issue, too.

goddamn bugged jumping mechanic

this is the nicest post I've ever seen on Yea Forums

When you hit the right bell, the circle above lights up. It doesn't if you hit the wrong one. I assume it was originally a very easy puzzle but they decided to cut it by adding stupid card, even though removing it entirely would had been better.

the opposite for me. i find purposely obnoxious things to be obnoxious and it bores me out of my skull and makes me feel like i shouldnt invest any brain power into it and makes it impossible for me to care.

but i play games to turn my brain off so i guess puzzle games just go completely against why i play games in the first place. and no, i dont play shooters

>game never explains that enemies bounce if they fall on you

Guess I'm a brainlet for never letting an enemy kill me by falling on me.

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>tree in front of you looks like the puzzle
>one branch at the end has an apple

The only brainlet filters this game has is when you don't walk the one single static correct route from A to B to C to D, so you encounter puzzles before you've seen them introduced in a tutorial. Which happens often, because its an open field and you can go anywhere in any order.
For a game that has an objectively correct order to do things, this game sure let you bash your head at a complex puzzle before showing you the rules that explain how it works. For me, it was the slanted tetris pieces.

6/10, play Talos Principle instead.

This game was seriously way too fucking hard. I never finished it. The Witness was a breeze by comparison.

Do we know what he's doing next?

Yeah I think we all just witnessed a miracle.

He often streams gamedev and he's making a sokoban kind of game, it was only supposed to be a testbed for the engine and language he's making but it snowballed into a proper game.

>answer is right there on the screen right next to the puzzle

Such a fun game, yet why this is the only game so far it actually give me motion sickness?

Sounds awful.

Only 180+ IQs will get this

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this one took me a while

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...I need to find a scroll, so I can find two keys, and then I have to stab two guys?

I wanna shoot zombies not get into mensa

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>having trouble with any puzzle in RE2
sorry but you're retarded

Did you play it on console? I looked up some answers for the secret cave because I was getting sick of the game and I noticed that PS4 gameplay had some weird blur effect going on.

PC, back at the time a lot of people also complained pointing the Field of View + Blur effects were messed up

Most of The Witness' puzzles were just mental visualization. You either had the solution somewhere not on camera and had to remember it, or you had the shapes you had to move around in your mind.

Bird chirp puzzle was the worst since the chirps weren't even loud when you were at the puzzle and if you got it wrong you had to redo the previous one.

forward, then down, then diagonal down+forward
or, using anime terms, 623

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You should probably put the correct pieces at both ends and work from there.

why wouldn't they just base it off a phone keypad..

3x right
1x up
1x left
3x up
2x left
1x up

because the numpad notation originates in japan and japan's phones have different phone keypads i guess
and even then, who in the hell plays fighting games with phone keypads? skullgirls mobile does not count because smartphones have no keypads, only screens and emulated touchpad keypad

What game is this? brainlet asking

the witness

you do know the phone keypad is the odd one out, right? Most things that use a square matrix for numbers put 1,2,3 on the bottom row, 4,5,6 for the middle, etc

this guy knows

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>use guide for finishing game in one session
>use glitch for challenge throphy
easy play devs btfo

easy plat*

Milk the beaver

kek, imagine robbing yourself of a first playthrough. and here i am wishing i could forget the game so i could play it again

>not being a contrarian
>posting on 4chins

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Did you have a stroke?

Because part of the game's target audience is children from ages 10-15
Teenagers from 15-18
And high-school dropouts working as retail wage-slaves from ages 18 and up

more like autism filter, what are you on the spectrum OP

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I know that, but I don't know how to make the robot or the gear turn around to push another AND block.

>missing the entire point of the game