Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
Do you guys think videogames have a negative effect on your social life?
Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
Do you guys think videogames have a negative effect on your social life?
Maybe if I played them
i would never ingnore these swee t sweet ladies please honeys message me ill treat u wright
my sister had to breakup with her boyfriend once she realized he had a fortnite obsession. I'm not talking about sitting down and playing a few hours a day. I mean the 'manages to bring fortnite into every single discussion' level bad.
>let's end it together
Finally, a suicide pact I can get behind
>Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
I've played around 20h the past two weeks.
I think that's fine.
At last roasties are making suicide pacts because they're getting so BTFO'd by video games.
How the hell are you even supposed to talk the girls?
What the fuck do they like?
what's the point of this thread
Themselves mostly. It's okay though, it has been scientifically proven vidya is NEARLY as good as sex.
The point is do you think videogames have a negative affect on health and life?
Has videogames impacted your job or school life?
I barely ever play video games, I just shitpost about them.
Please help me stop.
I used to play a fuckton of video games growing up. I play maybe 5-6 hours a week but the damage is already done. I wish I could tell my younger self they're not worth it.
Yeah. 3 years ago I sat inside and played games for about 14 hours a day or so. When I became 25 years old and most of my friends said congratulations on my facebook it hit me. As I watched some of my friend have good careers, some were in another country and a few even had children. Me? I played video games... All day.
I cringe when I look back at all the time I wasted playing multiplayer games.
3D women are not important
They love themselves. Just ask them about themselves. Pick up on a few things they say, and ask about those things with minimal input. They'll never stop talking and think that you're super interesting.
>find a gamer grill gf who will play vidya with you
Problem solved
HAHAHAHAHA 3d women are fucking pathetic
That sounds awful, why would I want to spend my time with a selfish person just for sex?
they should pay more attention to their classes than their boyfriends
*keeps following*
Now realize that there are people out there who do this every other night starting from scratch with tinder girls and think they're hot shit because "bro i get laid ALL the time"
Why do people even bother dating i just pay a prostitute when i want to fuck. Its literally just getting straight to the point
STaY B-Baaaack!
>multiplayer games
This especially. I've played 100s of hours of online shooters and don't even remember any of it.
> ps: video games suck the life out of you
is it sad that they are actually GIVING me a reason to live instead
Is this the Reddit thread?
I barely play video games now. Mostly I spend my time working out, drinking alcohol and considering suicide.
Recreational activities don't cause negative effects on their own. While it's true that media (like games) will do what they can to draw your attention, it's up to the audience to be responsible for their own lives and not blame their own laziness/procrastination on anything but themselves. If you have a problem with addiction of any kind, or just not spending time on what's important to (you), learn to admit your problems and start looking for solutions. It doesn't mean you have to give up the things you enjoy, you just have to learn how to manage your time effectively. That's all.
God this thread is fucking stupid.
Did anyone else notice that someone named Jacob signed the petition?
>considering suicide.
play more games.
>new vegas fans are complete and utter autistic retards
That just makes me wanna die more, retard.
Real talk. Most women have never had to actually develop any type of personality to even interact with on a more than superficial level. Especially girls as attractive as in the OP pic.
Of coarse I want to play games, watch Netflix, read or whatever. The average American woman has about 5 min worth of worthwhile things to say before the conversation derails into narracisstic bullshit about what/who offended them that day.
Seething cope incel tranny based btfo have sex.
>literally underaged girls
Man it must really fucking suck using others to measure your own life and merits. Do what YOU enjoy and be happy since you only get one go around. All those things you listed aren't achievements anyway, good careers are rare even with lots of time invested in said field with most coming from just being lucky and knowing the right person, living in another country isn't even appealing and children are waste of time, space and money that society has branded onto your brain that you HAVE to have
1) you don't have a personality worth shit either
2) you don't give a shit about a girls personality anyway
this is the most sour grapes incel cope shit i've ever read
I don't play many games anymore but I still have friends who play or work in the industry. One thing I've noticed is that they have massive personality flaws or mental conditions. Meaning I don't think the games matter.
I love when high school kids act like they know anything about relationships.
>Do what YOU enjoy and be happy
If this is possible for you, then you're not a human being in the 21st century. Sorry, friend.
literally what is your point? no shit they are underage if their boyfriends play Fortnite
Shouldn't that be "whose"?
based and overdosepilled
is kennedy a dribbling retard?
>working out, drinking alcohol
enjoy nogainz
As if anyone cares anymore. Your average person just wants to jerk off to Game of Thrones then sleep.
Based memer
>there are people out there who do this every other night starting from scratch with tinder girls and think they're hot shit because "bro i get laid ALL the time
Jealous much, because you sound mad as hell.
I’m happy I’m gay. It seems to me that most of the time the only reason men stick around women is for the status of having a gf and for sex, and do nothing but bitch about them outside those things.
Not everyone wants sex I guess.
It sounds more like the point is that you're a retard and are confusing outlying cases of excess with the norm and are blaming the thing being consumed excessively rather than the behavior of the person doing so.
Enjoy fucking kill me.
why do americans have such stupid names?
Imagine wasting your time and money on 3D whores
This tradition of high school males asking chicks to the prom in creative ways is so fucking awful.
People are content just consuming media
every hobby that makes man happy will be labled as "negative impact in life". even if a dude plays at max 2 hours of vidya a day or in the week.
nah dude, that dude is a piece of shit. Instead of realizing the world is an asshole that runs on a stupid as fuck system that can be exploited he bitches about it and says "woe is me". kill yourself or don't, but at least be self aware.
they all have better handwriting than me
What does it say?
>"Urgh I can't believe how obsessed with video games my boyfriend is"
>spends hours daily on social media, going as far as to plan outings around posting them online
I'm curious what your age is because I used to think like that. It's gotten less over the years as I near 30 and realize that I've achieved nothing worthwhile and have nothing to offer.
>social life
Isnt fortnite for children. Are they dating kids?
US doesn't have it that easy despite being a "free" nation and this is a US site.
No, I wasn't socially excluded because of my interest in video games, it was because I am an autismo.
The simple act of fucking a vagina doesn't really do it for me. I need that sensual connection and you'll never feel that with a prozzie
I'm glad it wasn't this way back in the day. I just asked 3 girls just in case so I would have back ups. They all said yes, but unfortunately I had to just choose one instead of having a wacky sitcom moment.
who cares about some dumb roasties
fucking christ, do they not teach english at school anymore? how can you be allowed to finish high school while being illiterate?
They are kids, fucknuts. Your average millennial is a fucking subhuman animal who finna floss 100 100 all day, anyway. Eternal children who will always be whores to the state until the state decides we can be replaced by machines.
My girlfriend actually loves video games.
Her dick is much bigger than mine too.
High school students are into it as well, believe it or not.
Basically, everyone age 20 and under who considers themselves to be a gamer plays Fortnite.
Fornite is a very shallow game, how do people get so obsessed with it?
50% or more of 8th graders in the US are functionally illiterate. It's 70-80% for niggers and spics. The world will become a hellscape in one generation, and you will live to see it. Eternal waves of worthless empty shells like you and me pouring over walls into machine guns armed by ultra-rich bankers and politicians who have their sexual organs engorged by the sight of bodies being shredded by cannons and machine guns.
Nope. I have only small portions of quality social life and thanks exactly how I like it.
>how can you be allowed to finish high school while being illiterate?
You must not have any idea how low the standards have become, user.
That is just how you get in the door and then while she talks about herself you will learn if she likes anything interesting that you have in common. This is assuming you met her based on looks without knowing anything. If you met based on a common interest like online or something then it is even easier, just talk about that.
Down the line you still have to deal with it... my wife always chooses to tell stories about the most inane shit in her workday like I had to do the thing and then I got in the elevator and did this thing. The main problem is it is repetitive and cyclical, I already get the gist of the story, typically that it was just a busy day, but it keeps going.
I just half tune her out no one is gonna quiz you, just think about my shit instead like her titties, JJBA, or some video game.
Pathetic femcels.
There’s a lot of cringe to unpack here
Not the guy you're responding to but I definitely feel it too.
I'm 25 and all my friends are achieving things in life. Getting fancy jobs, nice houses, busy spending their energy on worthwhile things.
Meanwhile I'm channeling my inner neckbeard. While I'm not doing too bad, I'm still wasting extreme amounts of my limited spare time on shit that doesn't really matter.
Recreation is important but so is your future. Feels fucking bad man.
And yet I feel little to no drive to change in this matter.
Popularity. Young people are as shallow as it gets, user. Have you forgotten what a little shit you were when you were a child?
>it is effect
not even sure if this is bait
>reeeeeeeeeee, why I'm not a normie
>reeeeeeeeeee, why I'm still here
>reeeeeeeeeee, why I have no gf
get the fuck out of here if you don't want to play fucking videogames, go and get a fucking whore, and take care of her bastards.
>tfw someone says "would of/could of/should of"
Had sex for the first time at 30 and it was pretty fuck great. But it wasn't as great as some other shit I've done. I think it's just another fomo shit. It doesn't mean anything, cool relationships are where it's at, that shit doesn't even require fuckin
>I'm 25 and all my friends are achieving things in life. Getting fancy jobs, nice houses, busy spending their energy on worthwhile things.
All my friends at this age are unemployed and living in absolute shitholes, unable to find jobs with their degrees and drinking themselves half to death most nights while their whore girlfriends cheat on them. One guy I know "bought" a house with his girlfriend who fucked everyone she saw before she settled on his beta male cock and now they are massively in debt and will never pay it off.
Every girl:
>has a boyfriend
50% of boys:
>are single and a large portion virgins
How does this work? Do multiple girls have the same boyfriend and not know it? Truly this is a clown world.
28 and you just have a shitty view on life then. 99% of people achieve nothing important in their lifetime, no matter what they focus their efforts on. Why shouldn't I live life on my own terms and do the things I enjoy as much as I see fit then? Don't give me that of but you'll never be remembered crap either, everything is forgotten by time eventually and you won't know the difference since you're fucking dead
>my wife always chooses to tell stories about the most inane shit in her workday like I had to do the thing and then I got in the elevator and did this thing. The main problem is it is repetitive and cyclical, I already get the gist of the story, typically that it was just a busy day, but it keeps going.
Why do they do that shit? My wife is the exact same way and I just want to blow my brains out every time she starts telling me one of her boring ass work stories.
13% of the population fuck 50% of the women
>Do multiple girls have the same boyfriend and not know it?
user, only 40% of men have ever reproduced. Welcome to the harsh reality. 30% of millennials (mostly men) didn't have sex last year. Likely more, since men won't admit to not fucking. This is the abyss. It never ends. The world is over, and will perish in the flames of mediocrity.
you better be trolling, dumbfuck. the word 'its' doesn't take an apostrophe when it's used in the possessive, and the girls should have used the word 'effect' instead of 'affect,' which is a verb.
if english is your native language, give yourself a little slap in the face for being a dickhead.
They literally do R&D to make the game addictive to boys in particular.
Did you know little boys and young teenagers have extremely poor brain development when it comes to things like working as a team and conformity? It’s why things like sports, scouts, the military, and other sources of tradition laden, masculine discipline and established social hierarchy is so successful at conditioning young boys.
Fortnite is designed to constantly encourage a team mindset and effort in conjunction with Disney like cartoon graphics for maximum appeal to young teen boys trapped between the mindset of a man and a child. The game is deliberately designed to be as addictive as possible to this audience.
It’s barely even a game at this point and is borderline brainwash material. It’s more effective than anything else around and the developers know and encourage this as much as humanly possible.
>image is supposed to be super embarrassing
>just jealous he has a girlfriend that cares about him so much she went to that effort
I'd honestly be happy for a girlfriend who wrote my name in poop on the apartment wall, at least it'd show she cared.
>It’s barely even a game at this point and is borderline brainwash material.
Thank you, user.
>you will never fuck morty
y bros...
>Videogames and it's affect on life
It's 'its effect on life', clearly videogames impacted your ability to learn proper grammar and spelling
you're alright user
While he/they have shit taste at least you can clearly see she cares for him a lot to put in the effort. Most people can't be assed to get a card
>And yet I feel little to no drive to change in this matter.
I think it's because I don't really want a full time job, a house, relationship and kids. It's just a scary thing to think you may want those in the future but have wasted the opportunities to do so.
i think it's about andy warski being a brainlet
And? You're going to die anyway and humanity possibly in a few centuries, so what's the matter? Live for yourself and only for yourself, nothing has real value in the end.
Most men just take care of the woman's child. Most of them even die without knowing it.
Damn, how come he got so many good boy points?
I think you should listen to and realize that ultimately your own quality of life is what matters far more than wishing you could have "achievements" under your belt that are worth boasting about.
If you really feel like you've accomplished nothing, then maybe you need to start doing things differently. If you don't actually give a shit and are just parroting the expectations of others, then you are punishing yourself for no reason.
In the op's image they should have written "whose" not "whos". As for the op's text there's nothing wrong in it. The use of "effect" in there is absolutely correct. If he put affect in there it wouldn't be wrong but would make the phrase more awkward because affect is mostly used as a verb not a noun.
>red dead redemption II
So he is basically going to spend the whole afternoon bored until he falls asleep?
I used to but since getting a job that's an hour and a half away in LA traffic and a fiancee I get like 2 hours a week to play vidya. I miss it.
You're blaming video games as a crutch. They just happen to be there. It's like blaming cheeseburgers for the fact that you eat 10 of them a day. The point is that you're a complete fuck up, lazy and a burden to someone. There are plenty of successful people that play games, the fact remains that you're just a spineless mooch little bitch that somehow slithered out of the abortion bucket.
I'd just be happy my girlfriend put in that much effort
>normalfags consider this kind of life good and acceptable
Jesus Christ
Lmao not as bad as me
Wife and I met 15 years ago roleplaying sonic on neopets. Try telling this to people.
tfw no slightly chubby memespouting gf
This. I know two doctors and one literal judge who went through their entire lives, college, masters, etc., while playing a shit ton of video games.
You are just a fuck up, OP, don't blame video games.
>nihilism isn't a rock bottom worldview
>mfw my wife tries to surprise me on my birthday by inviting all the people I hate most in the world over for lunch and they won't fucking leave she just keeps offering them drinks and cakes and shit until it's fucking 6pm and they say they have to go but then they have coffee for another 2 hours
This, desu.
Oh man, this takes me back...
>high school
>talking with some friends and planning for the next 1.6 mix
>popular chick in class overheard the conversation
>next day she wanted to learn how to play
>couple of guys offered but she declined
>asks me to teach her
>tell her the game is fucking shit and should try TBC instead
No, if anything I wish I enjoyed games more so I would spend more time playing them, because it's the only thing that distracts me from how much I hate my life.
Not trolling, just failed to read the title and thought they were criticizing the body text, which is correct.
>not getting hammered and having a grand old time regardless
You sound like a decaying old curmudgeon, user.
Wonder how many years it took him to earn this
Seeing as I'm very happy with my life and that guy is going woe is me I haven't done something others expect of me I'd say it isn't
>how can you be allowed to finish high school while being illiterate?
because of the lowest common denominator in public schools: blacks with sub-65 IQ. blacks would fail at an even higher rate if they were held to white/asian standards, but it's racist to give special treatment so the entire student body has to suffer.
Like a knife.
You div
Bruh you need to talk to your wife about that.
What social life?
Whew, I know that feel my fellow self-saboteur. It does, indeed, bring back awful, awful memories.
>All those shit games
This is starting to be me after 7 years of NEETdom
Affect is only a verb.
failed normies deserve to die desu
lurk two years before posting
Don't worry. They will segregate themselves at the rate liberals are going and the problem will correct itself
I don't think he's really going to give a fuck when he's finger blasting tight 16 year old snatch knuckles-deep in the back of the limo his parents rented
You're my affect, user.
I'm sad because i turned 30 and i don't look as sexy anymore. Men won't pay attention to me and the few that do are only interested in sex.
I'm so lonely.
>final fantasy
really nothing if value was lost there
if those were dragon quest games though...
Alzheimer is a thing, you know.
Eh, it might be for the best, desu. Raising a kid is a pretty big fucking deal and a chance for a fresh start.
I've toyed with the idea of selling my vidya collection as a way to purge myself of my childhood for good, but so far I haven't found reason enough to go through with it. I'd say the guy who made this post finally found his reason.
If it is a problem then break up with him. Otherwise shut up. No one wants to hear about your relationship "problems."
What was up with Kennedy?
sorry to hear that user.
hopefully you'll meet a nice man who doesn't just want sex, just make sure he's a virgin because if he's a roastie he's gonna ruin your life.
He found a divorce and a son or daughter submitted to the public schooling system.
You're my rasterize, ceolacanth
I'm in a generous mood. Here's your (You).
look at this user bein all common since n shit #thotsvsboys #canthandleme
The worst is it is always when she has me trapped in the car, always when my song is on the radio or when warm are supposed to be talking about what to do while we are out. I have a shitty office job as well, but I pretty much never talked about it unless there was something interesting like someone unbelievably insufferable that day.
At least at home it is mostly us watching anime or just her looking at her phone while I play games.
this game is merely a flavor of the generation. No one on here would remember people that wouldn't show up for work because of Everquest. Way to attempt to make yourself sound smart when you're not. Go ahead say I'm defending a shitty game, I'm just calling you out on your pseudoscience bullshit user.
Video games are pure orgasm for the male brain.
They perfectly mimic activities which either aren't possible to do in modern life, or which are really laborious.
You can dominate, you can hunt, you have to react quick, you can build and rule, you can cooperate with other males to achieve goals.
When it comes to numbers, namely character builds, speedruns, TAS, simulations and grand strategy, you'll find next to no females.
Girls don't get as much enjoyment out of them because their cognitive focus lies on social interaction.
To answer OP's question: Yes
If I'd do real activities instead, I'd get real world results and skills.
If I for example played football or guitar instead of playing vidya since Kindergarden, I'd be an absolute pro in either of those.
Who would you date or hire? A pro gamer or a pro football player?
After you actually engage in an intimate relationship with someone, it's pretty easy to judge people who go out of their way to fuck a new person every night as being pitifully insecure.
Why not just take all 3 to prom? You would have looked like a pimp and made all the guys jelly.
>wanting a fresh start as a human battery doing the same boring shit as everyone else to be approved by everyone else as a boring adult
fuck that noise.
I don't give a fuck, I don't do anything on the weekends no matter how many times people at work ask me.
Life is for living, I don't want to waste it.
Social media addicts have no right to complain about someone who plays a lot of video games.
>GF complains you play too much vidya and that you need to focus more on her
>focus more on her
>she leaves you saying youre too clingy
Fuck women and fuck I cant think of anything funny to say
I guarantee she’s still got plenty of her own shit still lying around
If you ever agree to anything like this you’re a sad bitch
Just put them in a fucking closet what kind of sociopath demands the sale of your own cherished possessions for their sake
>this post
I'm not really sure what the hell you are trying to say, user.
>too clingy
I thought this would be an issue but it hasn't seemed to be.
I don't have friends so I'm kind of always around and she says she likes that.
I don't know, I guess it depends if the woman actually likes you or not.
Yes boys are actually born with completely perfectly formed brains you fucking dunce I never said there wasn’t something wrong with Everquest
Way to expose yourself as an overly sensitive boomer retard
>I hope you like horses
Pro football player has guaranteed brain damage, whereas a pro gamer, it's only extremely likely.
He was probably too timid to even touch her boobs, let alone finger blast her.
I hope to god he at least convinced her to sell those dozens of pairs of shoes she never wears too.
My wife once told me I had to sell all my old videogames. I just laughed in her face. Guys need to stop being such pussies who let their wives tell them what to do. Just man the fuck up.
stfu ESL nigger and learn some fucking english.
Read the post title, bruh
> (You)
>I have a shitty office job as well, but I pretty much never talked about it unless there was something interesting like someone unbelievably insufferable that day.
Holy shit this and even then I try to keep it brief because I know my work related crap isn't interesting to anyone that doesn't work there.
Sometimes functioning as a battery for a little while can be really refreshing, user. Depending on the situation it may enhance your quality of life before you decide to go back to pure freedom mode.
I sometimes feel oppressed by my backlog and the vidya I have collected and ever even touched. That alone is reason enough to purge myself of it, the same way you seem to want to purge yourself of the demands and expectations of your coworkers.
It's all relative.
t. list of girls that don't put out enough
nice larp
Yeah, this is why I'll never get a gf/wife and kids. Fuck that shit, I can get this literally every day and I wouldn't give that up for anything.
dumb fuck
This is why you get a qt asian gf
end what? the relationship? do they need signatures for that?
i wanna fuck em
I've never had a girlfriend haha
Why aren't they with guys in their 20s like the girls I went to high school with?
>own all games digitally
>no one can ever tell me to sell them
Checkmart physical autists
I'm lucky. My seat is off in some corber by myself. No one says a word to me all day.
>girls as attractive as in the OP pic.
They're 14-16 years old you fucking idiot.
this. The best relationship is the one that makes you a 30 yo Boomer. There you realize how shallow and insecure everyone else is.
What, THOTs are about to commit group suicide? Good.
>who's BF
jealous homo detected
>be a woman
>say you're lonely on the internet
>get 50 messages
Anyone saying being a woman isn't easy mode is a retard
>Videogames are bad for you user! You should be doing something productive!
>Sits down and watch braindead television shows for five hours.
At least I have good hand/eye coordination faggots.
Humanity is as relevant as the fart of a star, do you want to live in search of acceptance and temporary recognition in exchange for a miserable life?
mmmmMMMM haha
>Videogames are bad for you user! You should be doing something productive!
Be honest, there's nobody to tell you this.
What a fuckin dunce!
I tried, but they said I had to choose one. And there was no way for me to do it without the other ones finding out.
Are you really that much of a pussy you can't picture a man who doesn't take shit from a woman half his size? What could she possibly do to you?
>b-but all of those messages are incel neckbeards! It's my privilege as a woman to only demand successful and attractive men despite not offering anything of significance myself!
>dude life is meaningless and nothing matters lmao
Edgy atheist or underage b& detected
The girls look like they're 16, so they're probably around 13.
16 is legal in most of the world and quite a few states.
My social life has effect on how much I play video games, not the other way around
>t.ugly yank roastie
>muh underage boogeyman
Fuck off pedo
So what did she get rid of?
always do the opposite of what females say.
you will get far in life with this advice.
That's not what he's implying smart guy. He's saying you're stuck in the perception of a system that you think matters. So you're criticizing the world from that world view. Not even edgy, just self aware. Believe in gods or whatever, it doesn't change the point of his post.
Most women are just not fun to hang around with unless you love gossiping about shit
read the post, bruh.
did I struck a nerve little bitch?
cry some more and go back to high school.
>Why do they do that shit?
this is just how women talk. there is never an actual point to the story. the end of the story isn't why she's telling you. she just wants you to sympathise with how she's feeling. basically every anecdote a woman tells you goes like this
>so i went to do the thing but then i got a call from jenny. remember jenny? you met her at the family dinner my mother had two years ago. you didn't want to go but you did anyway. she has that son that likes animals. you remember jenny, right? so she's talking to me while i'm waiting to do the thing and then -- and GET THIS -- i remembered i had left my good shoes in the car because i was talking to jenny when i was parking and
and it just goes on and on with no end or point. you're just supposed to say "wow, that must have been awful." then she'll smile and say how much you understand her or something. when women start telling me a story i try to imagine happy times in my life like being a little kid chasing birds at the park or something so i dont kill myself.
>admits he has a faceshit account
>no one even cares
This place is fucking reddit cancer.
Both parents, my brother, girl I wanted to be my gf but she was too annoying. You have any idea how many goddamn shitty sitcoms I've watched? How utterly vapid they are? My God dude its infuriating for people to say my vidya is dumb to then watch five hours of The Ranch on Netflix or Bling Blang Baloon Nigger.
>when Fortnite is better than highschool girls
Says a lot more about the girls.
>let's end it together
Are they going to do mass suicide or something?
>mfw nobody in this thread is capable of maintaining a stable relationship or raising children of their own
What a fucking shocker.
Jokes on you i want neither of those.
She will cuck him the moment she can.
>have a gf and two kids and be a normie faggot
>continue to do what i want when i want and just hit up friends for sex if i ever need it
relationships are a waste of time and women are annoying, ill continue to be single and ve very happy to remain that way.
>incel, loser, fag
at least im having a good time instead of wasting my days worrying like a beta bitch if some wet hole with a mouth will ever accept me. fuck that
Why would they want to?
my dick
Im gonna beat my meat to this
My point, exactly.
You say that, but you know who really gets my motor running at work? This woman in her 40's who loves animals, children, and cooking, I swear she doesn't even eat cabbage rolls and she made like 70+ of them and brought them in to work. I've only heard her swear a couple of times when she tells a dirty joke (then turns beet red after). She dresses fashionably but modestly. That's the kind of person men want to marry, a partner, not a fleshlight.
Anyways TL;DR, set yourself apart from the yoga-pants instagram hoes, show the men around you that you've got some wife / mother skills and they'll come running.
Well he has a fair point in the fact that those games much like mobiles ARE engeneered to be addictive, perhaps not to boys in particular but look at the mechanics, the battlepass that encourages the "one more game" mentality and all other nudges that change player behaviour, look up "nudges" there is a whole field dedicated to designing environments that enduce wanted behaviours.
No fucking shit, relationship is fucking complicated to maintain, and children are a literal lottery, there is no way I'm dealing with that, plus, I'm not spreading my shit back to another creature, at least, not until a full genetic treatment.
Old enough to breed.
The end of your journey consists of you, leveraged into an asylum, shitting yourself and ignored by your own children.
What an insecure roaster
have sex
what now incel?
'affect' in title is wrong, 'effect' in post body is correct, bruh.
>Videogames are bad for you user! You should be doing something productive!
>dicks around with phone for five hours.
>lol it's not the same, I'm interacting with my friends
>my point, exactly.
Learn to express yourself clearly, retard.
>is there way to say it
We met online.
Just talk about hobbies, or interesting stuff you experienced. But mostly listening to them.
Casually talking to girls is pretty easy, it's when it gets flirty/romantic that I go completely autistic.
I'm pretty sure the moral of the story is that doing anything of significant value requires sacrifice.
Nobody on Yea Forums is mature enough to accept this, so they all make egotistical posts about how much better their lives are because they live selfishly and without and responsibility.
Some IRL streamer doing what IRL streamers so
If you don't want them then you are incapable of raising them you fucking idiot. Don't try to pretend like you have the skills to raise a child when you are a child yourself.
if my GF looked like the one in the middle, I'd rape her nonstop for talkingtrash about fortnite
both are correct, bruh.
t. Indian
Desu I haven't played any Vidya in months because I've been focusing on school and getting /fit/, although j am currently making a custom built PC with decent specs for when I'm finished with school.
Nah man, unlike the usual NEETs here my lifestyle is pretty balanced
Shannon dabbing on the rest with that cursive.
you *giggle*
Was your sister dating TotalBiscuit?
Poor Jacob. Always a friend, never a boyfriend.
>lovely wifey said
>said (ordered)
she'll boss him around his entire life.
Define value
And you even got filtered like a faggot for niggerspeak.
Get out.
>All these butthurt replies
Imagine being such a pathetic example of a man that you try to make excuses over why you can't spread your seed and build a succesful family.
dumb thots
Just because you have responsibilities doesn't mean you can't have recreational Hobbies. I have a wife, two kids, and a decent job. I may not have as much time to play vidya as I once did but I still play.
>Are you really that much of a pussy you can't picture a man who doesn't take shit from a woman half his size? What could she possibly do to you?
So the only reason you don't take shit from your wife is that she's smaller than you? If someone bigger than you told you to sell your games you'd do it?
The sheer amount of seething
>coffee at 6 pm
>If you don't want them then you are incapable of raising them you fucking idiot
hahaha, I can pretend whatever and as much I want to, because both are not correlated, stupid baboon.
I don't even like real life. I'm basically like a living corpse at this point, shuffling mindlessly towards the vague endgame that is my death just because I happen to still be here.
I remember those feelings
>looking back
>all these girl some nice, some hot, some pretty
>trying to get close to me or get my attention
>and me either oblivious to everything or self sabotaging myself
alpha af
Take a gander at these ugly whores. It truly is astounding anyone would stoop so low as to dip their penis into them.
Also, I'm guessing you don't realize that people have used baka and desu here for over a decade and the reason why t bh is filtered to desu is because of that
Been posting since about 2010 my dude, maybe you should lurkmoar and realize that greasy disgusting neckbeards who refuse to move out of their parents basement get bullied for a reason.
I hear ya.
I just realized something,seething is the new ''u le mad le bro xDD''
Should I buy the GCN versions individually or just get the Wii trilogy compilation
Also which is best one
What girl is 15.
I want to fight that monkey.
I thought it was Have Sex. I can't keep up with ZoomZoom anymore.
>both are not correlated
I pray to God you stay a virgin for the rest of your life, my dude.
>much better lives
All subjective terms. Try to convince me again with a more factual post.
I definitely could raise a kid and would like to one day - not one of my own because I think bringing another person into the world who is like me would be a terrible thing - but I know how to care for someone.
I can't maintain stable relationship though, or I guess I could theoretically but I haven't been able to so far. I'm not sure how much of it is my fault though.
Oh god where or how do i get a gf
Reminder that if you play a video game and become a delusional shut-in that contributes nothing, that's bad and needs to be stopped. But if you go so far with the shut-inness and delusion that you become a tranny, then it's good and progressive and must be encouraged.
It's literally the "so bad it's good" concept in effect.
>boys' brains don't function well in groups
>that's why it makes them work together!
If they could legitimately kick my ass I might. Though I might just take the beating then sue.
You missed Greg.
Same. I only play pinball.
Why are american women so hideous?
Based and blackpilled
>no argument
I accept your apology, lad.
>factual post
This is Yea Forums, the place where factual posts go to die. I'll bet you thought you were being pretty scientific when you typed this up, based genius user.
It's the hair and the fact that they turn into pear shaped fatasses by 30.
15 year olds are literally built for sex.
Why are you still replying to him? He's obviously retarded if he can't understand how one thing doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
Keep praying
You know I'd definitely pay more attention to my girlfriend than playing Fortnite.
Wanna be my gf now? ;_;
>4chanis designed to constantly encourage funposting and white nationalism in conjunction with large amount of lewd pictures for maximum appeal to young teen boys trapped between the mindset of a man and a child. The imageboard is deliberately designed to be as addictive as possible to this audience.
>It’s barely even a website at this point and is borderline brainwash material. It’s more effective than anything else around and Moot know and encourage this as much as humanly possible.
*burp* Yes, Morty, the only thing that matters is science.
Rent free, Mohammed
You could make that argument about any multiplayer game with a progression system. R6S has the same effect on me.
I did user
You got any tangible examples of how parents who don't want children but end up having them anyway can manage to raise them properly?
It's American, the schools are shit because it benifts those in power if everybody is retarded.
Im not gonna watch a 30 min video of some faggot, jesus christ
>posting little girls tweets
so this is the power of this board in 2019
you can't win
He will be lucky to have gotten 40 bucks for all that
>Ruin an entire generation by being a faithless, sex crazed slut
>Get sad when men find non faithless sluts to settle down with
I don't have a pikachu face big enough for this
Oh yeah, well I'm gonna make a petition to end shopping and sleepovers. Take THAT, women!
I'm 32. I think I missed out on that period where I was supposed to grow up. I asked a few people when they thought they grew up and they all answered " When I had my kid" I'm not gonna have a kid on the off chance it might activate adulthood.
I won't lie, this is one of my fetishes.
>linguistic terms that have different meaning depending on the culture are now science
Stop moving the goalpost, and answer me.
>Game has achievments
Look at these retarded fucks, who writes in purple pen?
Pretty based actually
>Yea Forums
>where all the teenagers from Yea Forums and /pol/ congregate during school hours
I'll be more surprised if we don't have this thread daily for the next 6 weeks.
B-but I watch Handmaid's Tale, it's for smart boys
You're an imbecile.
get rekt roastie
When people say 'productive', they often mean 'do stuff you can talk to normal people about'.
Fine, they are subjective terms. You are free to enjoy your life however you see fit, user.
You are naive in believing that the actions you take don't have consequences that are greater than the sum of their parts, though. Maybe when you get a little older and decide to pull your head out of your ass you'll begin to understand why.
People should live doing what makes them happier, simply.
You're an imbecile as well.
Legit maybe $20 for all of that. Not even trolling. Most of that shit won't even be accepted like the PS1 games and are worth absolutely nothing.
This user gets it
Don't do it man.
depends on the type of girl, most of the time they just gossip or talk about their day or complain about things. i have a total of one female friend and we mostly talk about classes and school
>That image
Ouch dude
U mad, bro? It seems that you live in a miserable way and you need to justify your decisions in some way, giving them more transcendence than they actually have.
>met my gf through fetlife
>tell people we met through tinder
So you mean only some people play too much? Did you really need that many lofty words for that?
If they're so fucking vapid they can't even get the name of their bf's main interest right then it's no wonder they care more about it.
Lol that game is fucking up so many kids it's going to be hilarious to see when Fortnite zoomers make millenial neckbeards look like chads.
Imagine being a teenage girl and already being an annoying, needy, nagging, boring cunt. Now imagine being their boyfriend.
>all the people I hate most in the world
I hate it when my wife invites family over as well user
i play a lot of video games. its all i do. it doesn't negatively impact anything besides me being a lazy shit who doesn't want to do anything productive.
She's making that same face under the mask too
How can people find this cringy? I find it hilarious. I got my first girlfriend because I was sick of her calling me gay.
I don't want
>lets end it together
Quite exaggerating committing a suicide over something as meaningless as game obsessed BF...but ok its their choice
>bites brutality
Videogames are literally the only reason I don't scream myself to sleep every night. Without escapism I would have killed myself years ago.
you damn kids are so stupid. I played videogames because i couldn't get girls. girls like in pic related? no fucking chance.
Wait a minute
>the ps4 game in the stack + standing
>the sticker on the one box indicates it's most likely european gamestop
>FFXII The Zodiac Age wasn't released until 2017 on PS4
At the very least whatever store this is has price tag fonts very similar to gamestop, with that said, what gamestop-esque store was taking trade-ins on SNES games, let alone fucking famicom games, in 2017???
I get the feeling this is a haul picture modified into a bait picture. Even if that's the case the question of what european store would sell famicom games remains unanswered.
I wont deny that video games have had a negative effect on my life, but these beauties have brought me more happiness than any female has done with my entire life.
90% of women are shit and video games are just that much better
step up your game women, then maybe I'll commit to you
Lmao at your life senpai
Would your kids not want to play those games at some point?
Surely you didn't sell these because you need the money right? They aren't even worth that much
My wife understands that my collections are worth a fucking fortune (more than anything she owns outside of jewlery) and luckily for me is based as fuck and understands what "appreciating value" is.
People like you are fucking saps, I can only hope that someone else gets some enjoyment out of them now that you got cucked.
>he doesn't know that some men take pleasure in making a tall woman feel like a smol girl
Plenty of European stores will take that stuff if it's something popular/well known like a Zelda game or final fantasy.
Are you retarded?
You can play a lot of videogames and still have a good life, it depends how you maange and let it take over or not.
Goes back to how does manage things.
>You are naive in believing that the actions you take don't have consequences that are greater than the sum of their parts, though. Maybe when you get a little older and decide to pull your head out of your ass you'll begin to understand why.
Nice. Now I should believe you, because... *ahem*, why should I take on account your fantasies again?
but what do you do for fun?
Man, that's rough. Good on you for picking your battles though. One day of misery isn't a big deal compared to when your wife comes up to you talking about Suzie's new Lexus and how she wants one, too. Sometimes you gotta let the little fish go so you'll have supplies to tackle the big ones.
t. 40 years old. Married since I was 22. Made many, many mistakes. Wish I could go back in time and tell myself to avoid women at all costs. But you just can't tell that to a male below the age of 25. Hormones don't listen. And by the time you figure out video games bring more to your life than women, it's too late because you have these kids and the wife would take half your shit if you tried to leave. Oh well.
Because my dick is hueg and I fucked ur mum.
The next generation's pop stars will be gamers and their clubs will be gaming conventions (and in fact that has already begun to unfold as people go to gaming conventions in hopes of getting laid while paying zero attention to the booths, it's only about time that it becomes "the place where you go to have sex" for zoomers)
I need more vasectomy stories, these are too funny
That's actually hilarious and sweet lmao. Tell it with pride user
games are the bane of women and its hilarious, my roommae would just sit and play sea of thieves and fallout 76 in these 5-6 hour non stop sessions and his gf would be on the couch literally thinking about killing herself(shes a cutter and has tons of arm scars)
Okay then, what clown shoe would buy something and never take the price tag off? No matter how resistant to peeling you think those things are you can always go back with some sort of cleaner to get it the rest of the way off.
>you don't want something
>get that
>you end up being an asshole with that thing
Woah, it's like they don't care about things, that they didn't want to.
Graphically, the GCN versions have a few effects that are removed in the Wii version, but overall the Trilogy works better with motion controls, in my opinion.
>As I watched some of my friend have good careers, some were in another country and a few even had children.
I have all this and the only thing I want to do is stay at home and play videogames. I don't even know why.
>gaming conventions will be where men and women meet for sex
I am terrified, imagine the smell
I get that English is your second language, but you should really work on improving it if you want to be taken seriously.
That picture is years old user...
>Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
>Do you guys think videogames have a negative effect on your social life?
I don't have a social life for video games to affect negatively.
>imagine the smell
What kind of faggotry is this and why is it relevant to video games?
Imagine the smell of sour bacon being wetly slapped on a pile of cream cheese that's gone bad.
I don't want a gf, but if I did want one the problem would be that anyone I'd be truly compatible with would be doing the same shit I do. Which is to say they'd go to work, go home, and never leave the house on their weekends
that cant be true...thats the saddest thing in the world
i feel awful for straight men
women are all-around terrible and will never love or respect you like another man can
Yah, like I said I just think about hentai I read earlier or something. I just say "yeah, I hate that bitch too" every time she stops talking and it fucking works.
holy fuck women really are subhuman
well all he liked was shitty final fantasy so it's no loss
We cope with 2D and the hope we can snag a good enough woman for the sake of having kids. I wish you a aids free life, fag
It thought people with vasectomies still produced semen.
Imagine being so boring and vapid that you feel threatened by a video game.
thanks senpai, you too
i stay away from needles and i'm in a monogamous married relationship so i should be okay
I want to be gay, but I can't ;_;
These people can probably vote now.
Sleep well.
Don't worry, I'm not taking you seriously either.
tuna melt chan~
Pure degeneracy
Suffering is the only verifiable objective value.
how is this off-topic garbage still up
>Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
I probably used to when I was younger. I have too much shit to do as an adult to even come close to playing as much as I did when I was a kid.
>Do you guys think videogames have a negative effect on your social life?
Not at all. If anything gaming helped me make friends when I was younger. I don't really have any friends as an adult but I ended up with a hot midget wife that plays games with me occasionally so its still a net positive in my book.
Cool projection, homie.
Alright, you win. Have your (You) and get out of here.
gay men are worse than women in that regard
they're perverted and will cheat in every opportunity with 5 men at same time
The MTX in that game is also really scummy and addictive.
You got he one about the woman saying she's pregnant and it's his and the guy shows her paperwork stating he had a vasectomy before they even met?
>tfw just rotated the bed so that I have more space in my room and I can finally avoid the streetlights
sleeping feels great man
Because OP did mention videogames and their effects
that's the gays with feminine mindsets
I browse this site way too much that playing vidya would be more constructive
I was comforted by the fact that my family was too poor for me to afford any of the prom stuff so it never bothered me.
never went to any school dance for that matter.
lmfao imagine actually believing this
nigga we haven't left the house in almost a week, who tf am i or my husband cheating on?
I want to be asexual but I cant. I feel your pain bro.
based videogame poster
people use sperm and semen interchangeably
this future is fucked and full of roasties.. how did it ever get this bad
Semen but not sperm.
I stopped caring honestly
I want a big house so that I can house a lot of kids. It's the women who would rather abort them to go fuck around until the next dipshit knocks them up
Will a gf just drain all your time away?
Blame (actual) boomers for hoarding all of the wealth and cucking every male generation after them into oblivion.
I don't play that much games this days, I mostly just wait for them and they get disappointed.
Space might be the issue.
What's with Markiplier's hitler stache?
The only thing a girl should drain are her husband's balls
>Don't play video games for a year
>Try to hang out with friends, all busy or don't want to hang out with me. Straight up ignore me.
>Join clubs, be that socially awkward kid no one knows and avoids talking to me
>Go out by myself
>People just stare at me and when I try to talk to anyone they walk away
Guess I'm just staying inside and playing video games all dsy
Damn, that one was golden
>assuming I don't have a heart attack or get killed in the coming violence I will probably be working at this call-center every day for 40 years with barely higher pay
>There is literally no hope out of this
Boy the world sure looks bright.
Yes. I dumped my ex so I could play games more without her making me feel guilty about it. We're both better off for it
>Doesn't understand statistics
Gay men are more promiscuous, tho. Makes sense because... male sex drive x 2
True, not wanting to have sex is the best option, look at Dante for example.
Christ and even in death the boomers will fuck us over by taking a good chunk of white demographics
>mfw my wife plays too so when i tell her i want to play vidya all day as my lazy day, she just does her thing and brings me something to eat/makes tea
to be honest i'm at a point of life i'm considering buying a table saw and learning how to be a carpenter or some shit
You aren't missing much user. Though I do suggest getting money and taking trips when you can.
fucking this, I've tried to improve myself but it doesn no fucking good when people treat you this way,
user you know that didn't happen. Why even bother pretending to hope.
Relationships with women are not give and take. Men give and give, and women take and take.
literally as dumb as feminists insisting men are rapists because they have a higher libido
some people actually have some degree of willpower
also don't pull "lol you don't understand statistics" as if they're a guarantee that everyone acts a certain way
and besides, gay men statistically have the lowest rates of divorce and domestic violence compared to straight couples or lesbians
>not wanting sex
pick one
>one if the names is Brenan Walterberg
That's Donte
This guy gets it.
Pretty much. Buckle up user, the next 10-20 years are going to be a bumpy ride.
That's not Dante though
because its better than 99% of other circlejerk garbage on this board
I wish I had a vidya addiction. Beating games would probably still give me the satisfaction of accomplishing something, instead I probably play 3 hours a week and spend most my time on the internet cause of an internet addiction. I fucking hate it, I found games and piano and other stuff fun again.
Also where the fuck are girls that are that cute? I'm really confident around girls and I'm good at making new friends wherever I go, but all the girls at my school are overweight and/or unnatracive. So I just have a bunch of ugly friends who I wouldn't date. Is it my fault for not playing a sport in the last couple years? Is that the only way to access cute girls?
try your luck at the gym or look somewhere else
you failed and actual normalfags are so fucking boring
At least my sleep apnea is getting treated. That's like the ONE good thing happening in my life.
Never been a normalfag, I'm just me in a really fucked up world. I do as I please
Why don't they realize the easiest solution to this would be to join them in their interest? Fucks sakes
How did people get obsessed with WoW? If you’ve played Tetris you’ve played WoW.
That's why I've always tried to stick with offline games. Single player games make me feel like books or shows I've gotten through, and couch co op or split screen always feels like a great time spent with friends looking back, much more personal and memorable than playing with people you dont see online.
Just imagine being a girl and whining like a bitch because every few days your boyfriend likes to kick it with the boys and play some vidya.
>actual normalfags are so fucking boring
Holy shit this 1000x. I hate every second I have to pretend to be one of them when I'm in public. It fucking sucks.
I genuinely don't see the point in any competitive multiplayer games unless you are the best and making money out of it. I haven't played a single fortnite match and I rergret wasting thousands of hours in CSGO too.
The only thing I have in common with normies is alcohol consumption
It is kind of old so they probably voted for Obama, too.
retard should have frozen some first
>the "a" of than
can't even write in their native tongue, pathetic roasties
They're fucking weird as shit people too. I try not to think about how they think or how they function
I'm quoting a post from the future
Made me laugh more then it should have.
>getting vasectomy ever
>Do you guys ever think you play too much videogames?
I play like 80+hrs/week
>Do you guys think videogames have a negative effect on your social life?
I've never had one
I love you. This is the funniest post I've ever seen
Internet warps everything so women feel intimidating, talk about whatever you want to, if they don’t like it move on. Entitled bitches are everywhere on the internet but so are weird ass desperate dudes so I don’t blame them. Just don’t feed into it, no one is special. There’s an art to not caring.
do it
I count 2 male names on the list
Honest question; is the blackpill going mainstream? I think people are getting a sense of just how cucked they're getting and the true ways of human nature.
I havent fapped in 2 months because I got anti depressants
OP here. Why the fuck are so many MGTOW fags and bitch boys complaining about the girls and their looks rather than looking and what they're talking about.
These dudes aren't getting laid because they're playing VIDEOGAMES.
Don't you guys understand that it's a bad thing? Theyre too busy playing videogames that they're missing their first chance at love
unsave that image you fucking nigger
This is now an YS thread
>Theyre too busy playing videogames that they're missing their first chance at love
>implying women are capable of love
>aka list of girls that just realozed theyr bfs only lile them because of their holes
when will women realize they only get attention because they're fuckable?
You had me until you whined about the pretty girls in the pic. Its mid attractive to mildly unattractive girls that are the worst I've seen with making decent conversation, but that's not even a female thing plenty of guys are shit at conversation and once I let those guys start talking I immediately regret it. Plenty of people never learned how to sound interesting, but you sound really bitter the way you make it sound like it's just a pretty girl problem.
If love is so good then why are they playing videogames instead?
She lived across the country and were just friends until like 8 years ago when we were both lonely and single at the same time. We are just codependent morons who get along well... turned out we were very sexually compatible as well. It helps her first bf had asian micropeen so she never had good D before me.
I just tell people "online" and then "neopets" if they press. I leave out the sonic part, but my dad always brings it up unsolicited after our own explanation if he is there when its asked.
>purple man cool
>he just like me
off yourself
Anons, they're doing to get desperate and go for older men because guys their age aren't going to date them and would rather play video.
Think about that for a second and realize how shit that must be
The average white girl is ugly as fuck, I wish we had slavs in the us
Because face it. If any of us stopped playing videogames we would be in sports or some other Chad like thing that women love and have friend and be popular.
Videogames literally ruined l your lives and you defend it because that's all you have now.
You will reply with anger.
But you know I'm right.
pretty much everyone is boring
Based, gay guys actually have the best personalities on average, my gay friends are far more interesting than girls in conversation and more socially apt than a lot of the straight guys I know
Protip for those leveling a warrior at release: When you get out of the starting area at level 5, find the nearest weapon vendor and get yourself a new weapon. It will cost you everything you have (~5s), but it's 100% worth it even if it means you don't have enough money for training thunder clap at 6.
As an example, if you're an orc, you'll leave valley of trials with this
You can more than double the dps of your weapon by buying this
because the next quest that gives you a weapon is this, and you probably won't do it until you're 10
Rogues and pallies can do the same, but it's not as crucial.
>Would be in sports or something else Chadlike
Nigger I'm autistic I'm fucking worthless
>work 50 hours, paid for 40
well why the fuck work 50, then?
Lmao before video games there were the chess club and AV club nerd stereotypes, table top games, glasses were all ugly and thick and werent an ironic fashion statement like how thick nerd glasses are back in now, people sported over dumb shit like transformers toys or star wars instead.
War... war never changes.
Why do you think we get so many HURR JOCK WHO PEAKED IN HIGHSCHOOL tropes in media, it is because jew Hollywood writers are SEETHING because a lot of these guys got great connections through frats or being eagle scouts or some shit.
Without the title of the list explaining what they're talking about you'd think they were about to take part in a mass suicide from that tweet. Unfortunately that was not the case.
No. If anything I go to this shithole too much. And yes, it affects my social life and to a certain degree mental health. But I can't stay away for long. You niggers are like heroin. You destroy lives but it feels so good
>all ugly girls
makes sense
a good one is expensive and my money is tied with house renovations
Easy to learn, hard to master
>A health problem due to the increase of screens and TV's
>An ironic fashion statement
lmao what a load of rubbish
thanks user
>highschool girlfriend
>If any of us stopped playing videogames we would be in sports or some other Chad like thing that women love and have friend and be popular.
You know the glasses he's talking about, don't be obtuse
Damn, shes actually really fucking creative to come up with all that shit
of all the games you could waste time you waste it on fortnite? good call on the gf to break up with them
If it wasn't for the whole gay sex thing I would happily marry a dude.
>Don't you guys understand that it's a bad thing? Theyre too busy playing videogames that they're missing their first chance at love
fuck you nigger I was never given a chance
It's not the screens. It's hereditary. It's likely your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles wear glasses too.
>Highschool girlfriend
>well why the fuck work 50, then?
i never get it
>big tits and a shit personality is totally worth it
straights are so cucked, holy hell
Thanks for reminding me that pic related will never happen to me.
>Highschool girlfriend love
why the fuck would i want to spend time with women
women are fucking shit and inherently abusive