Erectin' a TF2 Thread!
Whoooowee, would ya look at that!
Erectin' a TF2 Thread!
>join server
>all i hear is russians and english kids screaming
What would you think of TF2 team based battle royale?
Teams of 3
64 players in a server (which source can do, see apex ledgends, also TF2 could do this on release and was patched to be 32 players max later one)
characters altered for the mode so they are more balanced against each other
>tfw i got into tf2 too late
>now the game is dying and I still suck and have no hope in getting better
>64 players in the server when the Source Engine already cracks when it has 32
Are you insane?
And why? We already have enough gimmick modes absolutely nobody fucking plays like Mannpower or Pass Time.
apex legends is on the source engine
new gameplay, i like gameplay, and i would bring in more players
Battle royale isnt anything like the shit that is mannpower and pass time
Speaking off pass time, i think "football with guns" is one of those golden gaming ideas, like minecraft or battle royal, or rocket league
They just did it completely wrong. I think that idea done right would be a super popular thing
Do you know de weh?
Grifball was pretty popular, if that counts.
I play Mannpower and Pass Time
why though
>They just did it completely wrong.
You've nicely summed up all of valve's decisions since like, 2013.
What's yer question, Soldier?
It's fun
You sicken me
and i would like you to get some taste. Some good taste
You got blood on my FOLLOW ME DOCTOR
>ESEA cut its support for comp TF2
It is sad day.
change it back
battle royale is just a very large deathmatch map
But It's fun
I have expensive
Every fucking time. I can stand the kids screaming, but the constant russian monkeyspeak gets on my fucking nerves. Russia needs to be banned from viewing steam entirely.
what the fuck