
Attached: 220px-XIIIboxcover.jpg (220x272, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>coming out in half a year
>no actual gameplay shown

>XIII is coming back

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Oh my fucking god

Needs a sequel though

Is this the sequel to Killer7?

whats the big deal, was this some sort of game or something?

okay this is epic

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Just a forgotten game that was left on a cliffhanger. Was never really popular but I had a great time with it and would love to see a sequel.

Wait is this IP not owned by Ubisoft? Maybe they just published it at the time. Do we know what this will be, is it a remaster, reboot? Also Adam West voiced a character in the original.


NOLF was better.


deathmatch with friends on ps2 was hype back in the early 00s

yeah, old gamecube game based off a belgium graphic novel about an amnesiac guy who's accused of killing the president. super stylish + comic booky + cel shaded.

>on a console

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY FUUUCK. I fucking played the shit out of this game on og xbox

Oh you want an another Third Person Sony Experience?

that's shit too. FPS on controllers are inherently trash.

Eh its has its feeling tho. Didn't bothered me with the 360 that much

XIII was decent enough. There was never any need for lightning fast reflexes like with some PC FPS games so it felt just fine.

Fuck yes. I loved the hell out of the original game even though I never finished it because my 12 year old brain couldn't understand the stealth elements.


I remember playing that on the PC back in the day. Was a decent game. The style sold it more than the gameplay.


>great finally an end to this cliffhanger
fuck everything

Are the fireworks not to your liking, Mr. Fly

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Cellshed confirmed?

who needs an E3 when you can get ports of multiplats from years ago

>tfw now remember reading XIII comics & playing the game as a kid with my bro
Talk about a memory trip, shit was great.

Switch port youtu.be/O0rNzEpPLE0 .

>Remakes are now ports
Oh wait I forgot that on Yea Forums everything that is not a new IP is a port.

Nice someone read the comic. Jones best girl.

What was the name of that Russian slut assassin?

Incredibly fun fps, looked great too because it was cel shaded
Also had incredibly good throwing knives

The MP was shit though


i wonder if they're gonna remake the multiplayer aswell.
4p splitscreen freeforall was the shit

It had a PC version

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Mon ami

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honestly surprised, I thought this game was forgotten as fuck. Hopefully we can still fuck around with friends but then I realized none of us play together anymore

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Based a fuck. Too bad Cinebook version is censored.

>ps4 exclusive FPS
What the fuck? I thought the PS4 was a movie-game machine.

It's not exclusive.

Is coming to the switch too.

Fuck yes.

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>he never played TimeSplitters

Fuck, this better have an XBOX release too.
I hear Switch, so I might have to pirate that.

holy shit this is one of my favorite games of all time i just replayed it last year again for like the 5th time. when will it come to pc? i assume sony have a timed exclusivity of a few months for this right?

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You can fly youtu.be/bdGc3Geqyl0


>La La La!

Was it gud?

>take the original XIII off of GoG
>remake it

>incredibly good throwing knives
God, this was perfect

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Is it a good game gameplay wise? It looks really cool artistically.

thank god, thought it was just for PS4 at first(for whatever reason)

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Fuck that shit, at least I hope they do a better job at that than beamdog.

Oh yes baby!

One of the first cell shaded games.

Not even close

I bet none of you even own the original physical copy.

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>Is this the sequel to Killer7?
It predates killer7 by several years, you dumb weeb.

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I still have my GCN case

I got it in a german videogame magazine

Hopefully they won't make her ugly

Why would I own a worse version of the game? It's getting a remake, the old one isn't needed anymore.

Holy shit. I loved this game but I thought that it bombed hard and would never see the light of day again. Actually, full-on surprised.

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I had the ps2 case but i have no idea where it is

>mobile devs
Going to be shit.

>will be another shitty mobile port
That's kinda sad

Good to hear.

This is really shady if you ask me.
First off this appears with no fucking warning and without even any gameplay. Just a shitty teaser.
Then you also have to consider that the devs that are working on this, Microids, are only known for some small adventure games.
Not saying that it's guaranteed to be shit but all of this just smells fishy

To look good.

>Cel shaded
Miss me with that gay shit, fuck off shills.

Redpill me on this game, what is it and what's so special about it?

PS2 version, on my shelf, under my Resident Evil Gamecube Pure Evil pack

Maybe well get another area 51 remake too? Online was turbo dope

It's a linear FPS with comics aesthetics and kinda with "bourne identity" vibes. Was pretty good for it's time and didn't get repetitive because it's 5 hours long.

nothing has come close since :(

A very different way following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

I remember getting this and Sly Cooper for Christmas. Great game, cell shaded games are based.

Can play it on PC without any problems. LMAOing@PSuckers.

but I do. from before they changed the Australian ratings to be more obnoxiously large and colourful.

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>realistic 3D shading
Eh. Kind of goes against the comic book aesthetic.

Honestly not that hype about this, original still holds up just fine. Played it more than once, loved it, not going to buy it again.

Tweet says PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch actually


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>3D shading

Block your path.

Wonder if the original audio is in good enough shape to reuse considering they can't exactly get Adam West again.

Whoa that's pretty cool

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It's coming to everything, nice.

>not a sequel
>just another port

>and Mac

Epic shills seething

what the fuck was his problem?

I did on the Gamecube, but I sold it. I just downloaded the Xbox version later.

>There was never any need for lightning fast reflexes
And that's the problem, when you get to play these games with a mouse it always feel like you're cheating

it's all mine now

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It has such a good fucking soundrack youtube.com/watch?v=LZ_BU54liak

Your face lookin TOTAL RED

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Just have a full m60 and he's cake

I played it on release. Don't remember a fucking thing about it other than the graphics. Still I'd rather play these old games over the trash that comes out nowadays.

they probably need to do the remake before doing a sequel since the game is so old and no one played it

This is the greatest announcement of a mediocre game's remaster since Voodoo Vince

They did remasters of Flashblack and Asterix and Obelix XXL 2. Doesn't seem that weird to me that a small French publisher puts some effort into rereleasing a cult title based on a French comic book.

It's going to be interesting to see what they improve and what they don't.

UBi Soft didn't get the memo that JFK's car was mandela'd into a six seater.

I remember playing the original XIII on Windows XP back in the day, and I could never finish it because the game was rather boring. Take away the cell shaded graphics and Mr. X-Files, and it was a pretty mediocre game. Especially on PC, where good FPS's were plentiful. This is a weird game to remake. But, maybe they can make it good this time?

How the fuck do I get the original running in 16:9 without stretching or cropping?

this means a sequel is actually coming, right?

Bought this game for PC before I became a console player and it ended up never working on my computer. Was the game any good?

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>How the fuck do I get the original running in 16:9 without stretching or cropping?

XIII is an Unreal Engine 2 game. It's quite easy to mod 16:9 or other aspect ratios in the game.


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Agreed youtube.com/watch?v=ftsgr42AHkE

I played the game on PS2 and found it boring too even there weren't many decent console FPS.

PC versions were being sold for like £1.50 brand new on eBay a couple years ago. Some guy had like 50 copies for sale.

shoo shoo nazi frog

Fuck you, faggot

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It's still in my home country thousands of miles away. I think my love for videogame shotguns come from the multiplayer in this game. Also OG Xbox Controller were the best.

Shit, it's been so long since I took a photo I forgot to flip

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>Republicans in the game
Can't wait for you know who to cry about it.

But user, he's dead

>Not reusing the audio of the original.


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Based. 2003 spoilers

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>Physical PC games
Will we ever get them back, bros?

Nope, you idiots slobbered over Steam and their DRM instead of sticking with physical. Enjoy your cardboard disk.

Call me a buzzwording faggot but man this game was actually kino.

But we do have physical PC games, user-kun :^)

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Will I be next?

Who is the target for a cult FPS from the early 2000s?

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Cool. I'll look into that.

this box art looks trash

Literally just picked up a physical copy of Evil Within 2; has a disk in the box (not a fucking cardboard disk, you shitsticks)

Physical releases still exist, just in shitty DVD Cases instead of based fragile jewlcases

What a waste. They should just rerelease OG XIII on Steam and start work on a sequel.

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KKK are democrats. They actually don't allow other parties to join.

But you're off-topic-posting, so take it to you literal faggot.

It's not exclusive to ps4. It's coming to other platforms and PC too.

>/pol/ppet took the bait.
I love it. Stay mad that we get to save America from those evil Republicans.
Sort of.

They better give us an ending this time.

>It's not exclusive to ps4. It's coming to other platforms and PC too.

Same, from ComputerBildSpiele
It used to be the only way I could get games when I was little
Good times

>implying zoomers didn't also play xiii

Wasn't the No One Lives Forever remaster cancelled two years ago?

>Wasn't the No One Lives Forever remaster cancelled two years ago?
Yes. right issues. between : Warner Bros., Activision, and 20th Century Fox

lol you took his bait lol


What the fuck, that's some random-ass old IP to dig out and make a remake out of.

THere have been a few teases that it may finally be sorted out

>THere have been a few teases that it may finally be sorted out

It was a mediocre fps even for its time, but it stood out due to the unique comic book aesthetics.
Why anyone would care about it in 2019, I don't know, but it's an interesting choice for remaking nevertheless.

I have the PC version, back in my home country.


Of course not, nigger.
Back when this game was relevant, everyone pirated in my country, and you were laughed in your face if you told anyone you actually "bought" games.

What the fuck man, that's amazing. I'm still mad that no one gave a fuck about XIII back then and the sequel got canned.



I played so much splitscreen of this game, god damn. Anyone else remember playing the mode with the little skull boi ? It was amazing.

Here's a second chance to get that sequel funded then...too bad I don't see this selling any better than the first time though.

Fox refused to do any due diligence as to whether they owned any rights to NOLF - that was the big showstopper.

But Fox just got bought by Disney, where they almost certainly had to dig this sort of stuff out.

And Disney is more than happy to license shit out

>And Disney is more than happy to license shit out
I noticed with capcom releasing Alien vs. Predator.

I'd rather have a sequel but this will do for now.

>Alien vs. Predator.
Do you mean part of that shitty home arcade crap, or did they finally release it separatley too?

>Do you mean part of that shitty home arcade crap,
Yeah. >or did they finally release it separatley too?
I wish.

Not remastering the superior David Duchovny game.

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Zoomer detected

And even if Disney doesn’t own the rights, there’s a good chance they dug out the contract to resolve who does own the rights, as Fox originally published it. The real problem is that no-one is sure.

>Who is the target for a cult FPS from the early 2000s?

Boomers and people who missed out on the original release.

To celebrate, here's a little storytime!

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The last great console FPS before "realistic" shooters killed the genre entirely

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I remember reading that years ago, good times. You're doing good work user.

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Had the best fucking soundtrack, too.

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>Not remastering the superior David Duchovny game.

Where's my 4K remake of X-Files: Resist or Serve at, motherfuckers?

No, but seriously. Area 51 is a way better FPS than XIII. Area 51 was made by Midway, and Warner Bros. Interactive now owns all the Midway properties. Get on this shit, WB!

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the most I remember about this after playing it once when it came out and then years later is that it was fucking impossible to get to run on modern machines and kept crashing

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Damn, did it ever. It really was criminally underrated, if it were released today everybody would be calling it an instant 10, since modern warfare shooters aren't in style any more.

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On Yea Forums even new IPs are sometimes ports.

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>No, but seriously. Area 51 is a way better FPS than XIII

They're both fun games but yeah I enjoyed A51 more. Shame all it got was that shitty sequel.

Just play it on console. It runs perfectly in 1080p on Xbox 360 BC.

I'll just leave this here...

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I remember seeing the PS2 version of that at a flea market years ago for $1 and passing it up because it looked like a shitty tie in. It's like a $40 game now for some reason.

Not really. It's very outdated and was pretty mediocre at the time. It was all about the visuals and presentation.


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The gameplay was fine, it flew under the radar because it used games like Goldeneye as a template instead of being another Halo clone

Huh, how did that happen

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bring this back please!

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Is this a PS4 exclusive?

check this out


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remaster or remake when?

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From what I remember there were a few too many bullshit stealth sections but it was otherwise okay.
>those close up panel shots when you hit an enemy in the head with a knife
Why don't more games do that

Got the PS2 version for 75p a few years back.
I've never actually played it. Is it good?

Get in here you fags
Let's play some matches

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I managed to play through both games on win10, but man the performance is weird.
nolf1 has a problem with mouse acceleration so you get very jerky movement, also lag when you scroll through the inventory.
nolf2 start to run choppily anytime the music ramps up, it has something to do with tracks playing over each other and it makes the game shit itself.

wish I still had my xp, I played nolf back then too but never beat it until now

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or this one too

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Now that is fucking nice.

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>has a disk in the box
yeah, but it still requires steam, which means it will be locked to your account.
does it at least have all the game files on disk? or is it just as much as a DVD can hold and then download the rest?

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I can't help but get 90s Steve Dillon vibes out of these faces.

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>remake instead of following up the cliffhanger ending

Please make it so

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Don't you just stop at the good part user

All right, let's discuss how they can fuck this up. They can't possibly fuck up remastering cel shading, can they?

Read the comics senpai.
The game's story loosely follows the first 5 books. And while they made up the cliffhanger ending, it still works very nicely with the story of the 8th book.

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Oh fuck yes! I remember playing the local multiplayer with my friends on pc. I hope this isn't a ps4 exclusive.

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i played this game back in the 90's it was so boring also theres a black woman that likes 13 she's got big ole afro lips and found her off putting

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Too bad NOLF shit the bed hard. I dropped it without even finishing the second level.

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Holy shit,that was unexpected. They will find a way to fuck it all up sadly.

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Is this pasta?

Absolutely based, thank you user

You take that back, Major's a cutie.
Alright, they made her butt ugly in the game

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Genuinely did not expect that. Neat.

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good man.

>i played this game back in the 90's

You're not fooling anyone Zoomer.


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Nolf2 is unplayable too for me too unless you manage to v-sync because the mimic chase mission is broken and you will run faster than him and break the quest.
A remaster would be so fucking good yet we have to thank to Warner Bros to fuck it all up

>Hulk Ultimate Destruction

My fucking negro

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>tfw played the mac demo 100x
Fucking yes my doods