Are video games a poor financial decision?
Are video games a poor financial decision?
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How does this even happen, just refusing to pay off credit cards or something?
op needs more loans
Is it possible to have a score in the 200s?
It starts at 300 so no. There are people that have managed to get a 300 somehow though.
My identity was stolen as a child and it screwed my credit but even then, when I first applied for a secured card 6 months ago it was still at 550. I think you have to be intentionally retarded to get a score lower than 500.
Below 400 you're blacklisted for credit cards and pretty much any loan that's not a payday loan with APRs of around 1000-6000% and even then they won't give you a large amount.
>Americans making fun of chinese social credit score
>has credit score
Everything is a poor financial decision. The system is rigged by corporations working with the government to fuck you over on as many levels as possible while they fuck children in rape camps in Venezuela and Haiti. There's only one way out of this, you know it, I know it, but we're all too afraid of it.
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Defaulting on a loan. Or getting one of those store credit cards when you're high and ending up under water at 30% interest after buying a TV. The bills I saw working customer service were insane.
what about it?
Almost every country has credit scores Chang. Only in China will they go down if you call the president Pooh
tfw 750 credit score
So how do people in Europe finance cars if not through credit? Do you just save up tens of thousands of dollars to pay it all up front?
Never trust the loan jew.
In most developed countries, credit trustworthiness is determined by means other than an arbitrary number
>Do you just save up tens of thousands of dollars to pay it all up front?
For a car? That's what a smart person does. Gets you a nice discount too. Cars are not so ridiculously expensive that you need to take out a loan to get one. If you are doing that you are simply attempting to buy a car you can't afford.
yeah it's pretty fucked up how they just pick a random number at birth and assign it to you
I had a 760 credit score but fell for the house buying meme. Now I'm back at 650.
>spending ten of thousands on a car
Fuck that. Just buy used.
>Terrible credit score
This had nothing whatsoever to do with video games, user.
>Have shit credit
>Nobody will give you anything to build credit
Makes sense.
Credit score is literally Jew Score. It is LITERALLY a number that just says: how much money have you given to Jews?
Fucking natives are worse than the kikes. Should have killed them all when we had the chance
>84 monthly payments of $743.99
what the fuck did you do user
>prove yourself to be untrustworthy
Are you retarded?
he didn't do anything, he just calculated the payments you'd make for the loan advertised in that other post
动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安门事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权 Human Rights 民运 Democratization 自由 Freedom 独立 Independence 多党制 Multi-party system 台湾台湾 Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法轮功 Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖 Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门
There are credit cards for low credit, but you have to "buy" them by putting down a down payment of a few hundred dollars. They also start really low with limits of about $200.
That's what I did when my credit was in the 500 range. It takes a long time, but it will eventually come up.
my GOD
no wonder banks are so fucking rich
This refers to bank credit you dumb nigger. In a nutshell, banks run background checks on your financial history and current financial status to asses whether than can realistically expect you to pay back a loan, and on what terms that loan will be since higher risk means higher cost for the loan taker
Just curious how it got that low?
Mine started at 700 and has never dipped below that. Is this white privilege?
>taking out loans from anywhere other thank a bank
I mean if you're that stupid you deserve to be ripped off
Unbelievable, they will be among the first to go.
(you) but in case anyone was wondering, things like credit builder loans exist for this exact purpose
Those aren't banks. They are loan sharks. They are literally one step above the people that break your legs and rape your wife when you can't pay them back.
Based Chang working the mutts to tears
What do you think arbitrary means? I'm under the impression that it does not mean what you think it means.
Student loans. If you miss paying off 1 of the 100 loans you have to take out to afford school, they ding you hard on your credit.
This. Not all financial institutions are banks. Generally if a financial institution provides bank services, but can't legally call itself a bank, you should steer the fuck clear of it. They can't call themselves that, because they don't fulfill consumer protection standards, and aren't covered by bank guarantees provided by FED or any other central bank, depending on the country.
Is this even legal?
as long as you mak regular payments it should really never go below 700
It's illegal for them to assign low scores to people who are predominantly white.
Western Sky got banned in pretty much every state because of this shit. Check out their other loans they offered
a person's trustworthiness isn't something that can be quantified with a single number, but certain (((people))) would like you to believe otherwise
and what means are those
how do you decide if someone's credit is trustworthy other than by their history with credit
>going into to debt to buy something that depreciates the second you walk (drive) out of the shop you bought it in
I don't know about America but that was the number one thing I was told not to do in school. Jut buy used if you can't afford a new car.
If the other party is stupid enough to sign the contract, probably
I was looking to buy 1oz .9999 gold coins from a Canadian bank that wasn’t mine and I had to get a file with a credit score company and had to wait six months. Didn’t bother with it and I rather trust the banks than those gold/silver selling companies. Guess I have to do my transactions in person since I don’t want to have a credit score rating atm.
With these things, nobody cares if it's legal or not until enough people get ripped off sufficiently for a class action lawsuit.
Money itself is literally Jew Score.
I use Navy Federal Credit Union. Should I steer clear of that?
No but Western Sky was operating out of an Indian reservation so the government couldn't do shit
I could be wrong but I vaguely remember hearing it's not legal for anyone but a Native American to run a business like that. It's part of the reparations bullshit or something.
You didn't answer my question, user.
It's like the Jews all over again
>We took your land, but to make up for it you're able to take advantage of poor people in tough situations
Just don't be poor.
the only winning move is not to play
I'm not really savvy as far as the US financial system goes, but it's a federal institution so it can't be that bad.
native Americans are Jews. they run casinos aka poor people's heaven.
don't know about where you live but pretty much any kind of recurring payment builds credit rating.
mobile phone contracts,utility bills, all that kind of crap
that's what they claimed, but they got sued to oblivion because they were actually being funded by some California business. I don't think Western Sky offers any loans anymore
I was joking.
Landlords get the rope
no worries
>yeah I missed a couple payments, well a bunch of them but my friends know I always keep to my word
>he fell for the rental meme
Utter crap. Don't spend money you don't have. It's really not that hard. I'm getting really tired I've being told I should feel sorry for the poor people who are fucked over by the rigged system when those "poor" people bought two cars, three flat screen TVs, two consoles, a video game a month, takeaway every day, etc., etc. Fucking budget your shit, you retards.
San Francisco?
Tech dudes have been kicking out locals by being willing to pay $4500 a month on rent.
that being said credit unions are sleazy more often than not. unless you have a very good reason to use them and know what you're getting into, you should stick with banks.
whats exactly wrong here? i dont know how expensive that medication is/should be but no medical institution wants to waste a perfectly good heart on some idiot that can't afford the medication to survive with it for more than a month
>People should die because they're poor.
>whats exactly wrong here?
>the committee is recommending a fundraising effort of $10000
You can't use my financial history to gauge my reliability it's impossible, I was good for it anyway but they're assholes
don't post the follow up where she raised 3x more than she needed from strangers
>borrow 850
>you dont even get 850, rather only 500
I'm betting the 342% is calculated over 850 too
I just started reading that manga called yamikin ushijima and now everyone on 4chins is talking about loan sharks.
What the FUCK
imagine having to crowdfund your own healthcare lmao
What the fuck is up with the credit shilling in this thread? Why are people defending something that goes against their best interest?
That's funny because I always thought opposite. But Navy Federal is top tier I think. I feel secure in them anyway.
I wonder how many people's life-threatening illness didn't go viral?
>imagine having to crowdfund your own healthcare lmao
What do you think public health care is?
How many people in that same situation didn't get the money they needed, though?
>what is insurance
It is if the fee is deducted from the loan
Wait, what?
Is it supposed to be a counter point that she had to have strangers pay for her
>here's a loan, will you pay it back?
>yeah of course
>okay its time to pay it back
>your score is going to take a hit then
Oh no those poor trillionaires, they might have to wait a little longer for people to pay back their 15% compound interest loans. lol
Jews really are disgusting people
Who in the actual fuck EVER fell for their shit. Ov fucking vey, I refuse to believe anyone is that stupid. AHHHHH
>actually defending healthcare indiegogo
americans are fat. first 78 attempts didn't get to the baby
It doesn't go against my best interest that bad loans are not given out. Government mandated bad loans is what caused the GFC a few years back. I've never had any credit problems but because other people did and the government ordered banks to ignore that I lost more than half my super.
Survival of the fittest.
Poor people aren't usually good at making long term decisions
>go to college to become IT systems engineer
>not American so no student loans required
>make more than I could ever want directly out of college
Because people are making retarded arguments against it. I think the credit system as we have it is entirely geared to benefit corporate and fuck you over, but a lot of people that hate it have a very fundamental lack of understanding in the system. I can be against something but still call another person retarded for being retarded, even if it's against something I'm also against.
actually they are the people who do all those things
What you think hearts just grow on trees or some shit?
Enjoy dying during the two year wait for your country to get you a heart because they have to get one for everyone in front of you first
>>actually defending healthcare indiegogo
I'm not. I'm just pointing out the fact that a public health care system is basically a government run crowdfunded healthcare system.
do eurocucks really think you can just force doctors to perform surgeries for free? do you know how hard it is to become a doctor? and most of them work 60 hour weeks. most people don't deserve treatment anyway.
How is this legal
I really do hate them
Even Muslims are more charitable toward their fellow man than this
I’ve never seen a group of people so willing to be unrepentant scumbags
The last time financial institutions gave any dumb shmuck with a heartbeat a loan it literally caused the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
>He thinks people in countries with free healthcare actually have to wait for life saving procedures.
Americans are literally retarded.
if this system was used on the subprime credit market in 2007, there would not have been a recession. this isn't about individual people nor institutions, this is about a stable financial system.
>do eurocucks really think you can just force doctors to perform surgeries for free?
Yeah I've made a ton.
But I invested in bitcoin 4 years ago so I have a $300K safety net if I ever overspend my salary.
No one needs to break legs anymore, your profile's chance of payment can be calculated accurately, an interest rate can be offered that cover for default chance and leaves margin for profit
Those loans were only given out because houses were so fucking expensive. Maybe they could have just lowered the prices on houses instead?
Credit ratings have something like a 10 year limitation period wherein old details are removed from the record and your credit rating can improve.
Why is the USA so fucked?
Just don't take credit, lmao.
Oh right, you have to take loans for everything because it's a nigger country who makes you pay a billion dollars if you don't want to die after having a random stroke or accident.
Cognitive bias bro
>take loans that you cant pay back
>"wtf how me broke??"
>Telling lies on the internet
>Spending money you don't have
Why are people poor?
you can also dispute shit like that if you're not a window licker
Lmao, poorfag
I'm sorry you thought it was a scam
FFS, I was a late investor, people on Yea Forums were telling you to buy bitcoin back when it was $1
wasn't this or something like it easy to scam because it was on a reservation, meaning the laws didn't apply elsewhere so someone could just take the money and run?
Depends on the country. The British NHS notoriously has issues and yes, many people have died waiting their turn for a life saving procedure and not getting it in time.
the health care system is 100% fucked. the only people that cry about the credit system are the people that constantly buy shit and never pay anything back.
this sounds almost exactly like islam
Strange game professor
No bully please :(
>it's another "moron who wants to sound smart tries to misappropriate evolutionary theory to justify social inequality" post
Here's a hint: evolution applies to species; not individuals.
Real estate prices aren't set by the banks. It's a free market, if you can't afford a house then don't buy a fucking house.
many such cases! all in my head!
This is why we need socialism, right fellow gamers?
That might have something to do with it being the same fucking religion.
Just wait till the boomers have to sell their houses to fund their retirement. The market is going to crash because millennials are not interested in paying the exorbitant prices
how about "number of people that die while on waiting lists"
Where is this? The insurance that I've had had a policy of "maximum out of pocket cost" meaning that if something cost more than that, you would only have to pay theirs. Kinda like a "FUBAR" deductable
>tfw dont even have a credit score
Jesus Christ I thought these GoodBoy points were just a joke. China really is one fucked up place to live.
>already broke because the system is rigged
>have no choice but to take unfair loans you can't pay back, because the system is rigged
I used to wonder why Americans don't just "Rise Up" against the corporations and their greed
Then I realised that the only people that could fight back, i.e. the ones with guns, are the type of people to support this kind of greed and would rather point their guns towards the government or other civilians.
Pretty sure this is bullshit. That reads hospital I.D. cards so only medical staff can make changes to things like drip rate on the IV
>not being a nigger country is socialism
>not having fucked healthcare is socialism
>not taking loans for everything because every basic thing is expensive as fuck is socialism
The absolute state of americucks.
You aren't in the cold war anymore, you can stop being paranoid about commies taking over and eating your children.
>millennials are not interested in paying the exorbitant prices
Since when? Millennials think they're owed everything boomers have saved for and are willing to leverage a lifetime of debt for it.
i wonder who could be responsible for all this?
>wah wah system is rigged
get your shit together and find a job lmao
Jokes on them. I'll kill myself long before I pay them back dime.
>blame the jews for everything
>elect the most pro-jew president ever
>I used to wonder why Americans don't just "Rise Up"
Multinational corporations have managed to trick burgers into thinking they are the resistance and that someone shitposting in his basement is the evil nazi overlord.
They are probably insured for that desu
because the 'corporation boogeyman' doesn't exist outside of your reddit commie echochamber
>404 - The webpage you are requesting does not exist on the site
Thanks user. was an interesting read
Did you really expect people to not click on the link and simply believe you? So sad.
>So how do people in Europe finance cars
The most important factor is your job. If you have a stable job nobody is going to refuse you money.
>Do you just save up tens of thousands of dollars to pay it all up front?
A car is a shitty example, you can get one after saving for 6 months. And here back in the old continent we don't live paycheck to paycheck, usually everybody have at least 20k somwhere for dark hours or exceptional needs
That's literally worse than bad credit. Get a secured credit card, and buy gas and food with it. Keep it under 30% of your limit. Pay it off before the due date. You'll have a credit score of 700+ in about a year
>Why is the USA so fucked?
2 million Russian Jews fled (rightful) persecution in the early 1900s and settled here and it all went downhill from there.
>$171k discount
and people are trying to make hospitals out to be the bad guys
No idea. When I was younger (mid 20's) I had a student loan, car loan, a single bank loan and one payday loan and my rating never dropped below 790 which is considered average. After 3 years paying everything off and never missing a payment I was considered to be better than about 80% of people.
That being said, I actually heard that a good way to rapidly boost your score is to deliberately fuck it up then fix the problem.
i think its time you left your basement bootlicker
>But I invested in bitcoin 4 years ago so I have a $300K safety net
HAHAHAHHA, no you fucking dont!
The European "football" coaches encourage their players to act like coughing in their direction caused them a broken leg.
European "men" are pussies
>credit score
what kind of bullshit dystopian crap is this ?
and you shit on china when you implemented BEFORE them wtf ?
I don't know how that extra 7 got there.
>A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.
>not imaginary number to make people feel better than everything is 500x the actual price
I'd also be very interested in seeing how long they spent in their private room receiving such a laundry list of high quality treatments
Good job. Don't fall for your friends' and family's lies. They are either trying to pull you down with them or they don't understand that there is life without credit.
There were literally people on Yea Forums telling you to buy or mine bitcoin back in 2007-2008
You were too busy masturbating to cartoons and gay porn, so you stayed poor
Deal with it, faggot
>Combating European Anti-semitism act
+0.5 points have been added to your McGoodBoy™ Credit Score
That place is a hellhole. Who in their right mind would pay $30k a year to live there?
>a video game a month
Dude, gaymes here cost ~60 burgerbux, less if you get a discount thru things like Prime, etc. or buy used. I must've bought at least 5 games last month plus other shit I didn't need and I was still able to comfortably pay all my bills on the first of the month.
This. I didn't even start mining on the side until 2011, I'm living life on easy mode now.
Can somebody explain to me what is credit? So far I only have debit and I know that goes straight from my checkings account but where the fuck does credit come from? Also what's the difference between a bank and a credit union (I have the latter).
>tfw my mum needed surgery last year, and paid £0 for it
>I'm telling more lies
Ok. You could easily prove this, btw. Which you won't.
Currently in Italy, but that's a EU law so it should be the same for everybody, the max % they can charge you below 5k is 25%, and that's fucking high. The more you borroww the lower this becomes, a mortgage for a house is never above 10%. A good rule of thumb is that if somebody charges you above 15% you can denounce
this data correlation means literally nothing lmao
typical american education at work, folks
Get a credit card
>tfw not american
its an absolute retarded concept that you have to intentionally take on debt to prove that you are financially responsible
As it stands i still dont have a credit score because everything i do is out of pocket money but im starting to feel th hurt because its so engraved into out society that im right now barred from stuff because i havent taken on debt to prove myself to the credit system
>kicking all the poor niggers and spics out
based. What kind of soi hates gentrification?
How do you think healthcare works?
Emergency rooms actually get more work in the US, because poor people can't afford preventative healthcare, and have to wait until the problem needs immediate treatment. The hospital still bills them, of course, but they don't run a credit check first, and if the patient can't pay, there isn't much anyone can do about that.
I could show you my BitCoin bank account balance, but that would probably break your mind
Is that number lower per 100k citizens? If yes then fuck off
>I could prove myself, but I won't.
That's exactly what I said, because it's not true.
post yfw you're not american
>Guy drunk as a skunk runs a red light I am stopped at and hits me head on
>Breaks most of my teeth
>He dies
>He had no insurance
>Mine only covers so much
>Teeth still a wreck and now $6k in debt
>Probably gonna get dentures one my teeth finally give out
>Also have a car on loan because I had to help my Dad after my Mom lost her leg to type 1 diabetes (even though her A1C was never worse than 6) and they had to move because she can't walk
Its epic. If I made less than 40k a year I'd be fucked
I had a surgery too and i payed only 200 messi coins and that was because the food.
That i don't even ate seriously who the fuck eats after a surgery.
You want to see my Bit Coin Cash account?
It's literally $1,000,000 in Bit Coin Cash waiting to be spent on hookers and blow
so what, in europe are loans giving out on a good word and a firm handshake?
feels good my non-burger brother
>rasms stadium
>potentially clippers stadium
It's being gentrified to all hell. Except they're being retarded and charging gentrified rent before all the people who could actually afford to be ripped off move in.
Just because it's a touchy subject doesn't mean it's not worth considering in an objective fashion.
Thank god for that son. Imagine if you didn't have to pay for all that healthcare, we would literally be in Venezuela right now.
Call Trump a peehole credit score stays the same. Say Xin raised taxes just a little too high but is otherwise great supreme leader, score tanked, blacklisted from all transportation and medical care. These two things are totally the same.
Most countries have credit scores or another form of credit reporting. China's credit score isn't about how trustworthy you are for credit it's about how good of a government boot licker you are
Good for you. You are not poor. I'm talking about the people who buy all that shit INSTEAD of paying their bills, not as well as, and then claim they are too poor to pay their bills.
what the fuck happened in 1982-1990?
If you post a picture of a sharpie in your pooper I'll send you $200 for your teeth.
That was me before the start of this decade.
Now I can get credit for pretty much anything.
currently at about 15k available in credit cards but rarely use more than 1-2k.
That's with lowest possible income supporting that.
If you have a decent wage + use shitty CC's to pay for everything you'll rocket up your rating.
I still can't get 0% credit cards but I think it's to do with how much I get paid at this point.
>tfw not American but my country is trying its hardest to copy all the worst shit Americans do
I hate you fuckers for setting a precedent and letting companies know how hard they can fuck us.
Americans get GoodBoy Points™ for putting themselves in debt. Taking on loans means your GoodBoy Points™ increase. These GoodBoy Points™ then make you eligible to take on even bigger loans, increasing your score even further until you can't pay them back anymore. God bless the USA and Israel.
>Avoidable mortality was not intended to serve as a definitive source of evidence of differences in effectiveness of healthcare systems. While a specific condition can be considered avoidable, this doesn’t mean that every death from that condition could be averted. This is because factors such as lifestyle, age, disease progression at diagnosis and potential existence of other medical conditions are not considered. Instead, this measure was designed to highlight areas of potential weaknesses in healthcare that could benefit from further in-depth investigation. Therefore, a degree of caution is recommended when interpreting the data.
A recession.
you'd be such an abhorrent bootlicking worm if you weren't shitposting
>I could easily prove myself, but I won't!
So literally just what user said
>a million
I thought you said you had $300k
reagan happened
>Mom used my name for her bills she didn't pay
>Dispute but to no avail despite obviously being underaged when said charges were made
>Companies just hand off the debt to other companies so they can open new marks on my account
so how do euros buy houses and cars?
I agree, it's a vile idea. Once I'd paid off my debts my score was hovering around 850. I spent a few years never borrowing or taking out a credit card. Sadly banks and the like have rigged the system to force you to take on debt to prove you won't go into debt. Shit is insane.
Free water at Restaurants is a thing in Europe though.
>adjusting your scales until the lines overlap
That's some real nice statistics there user.
>30,000 gun deaths annually
>in a country of 350,000,000
lmao it's a drop in a bucket. Gun violence in America is a fucking meme pushed by local and state governments and the media to distract people from actual issues.
>Here's a hint: evolution applies to species; not individuals.
Individuals are apart of a species retard. If some members of a species fail to breed because of retarded decisions or they lost the genetic lottery then that's natural selection.
Amazing how those bitcoins suddenly got $700k more expensive.
I'm a different guy, I have $200,000,000 in Chain Link
>Free water at Restaurants is a thing in Europe though.
burgers don't know that
hory sheet
>cost money
>return no benefits
yes, except those games that have cosmetics that you can resell I guess
Bit Coin != Bit Coin Cash
FFS, you guys are plebs
I also have 100000 Etherium Coins
Then your identity wasn't stolen. You're a liar and a fraud.
and your mother is a fucking cunt
>tfw live in Venezuela
I'd rather be an American than live in this shit hole anymore.
It's better to think toward how the field could sustain itself and maintain the same level of progression when it's less appealing to investors than to just start shouting about jews and greed over public good just because the topic was acknowledged it.
Stop getting triggered.
would you say the same if your family got gunned down?
burgers probably don't even know it's the law in bongland
>i spend all my money on smokes and beer why am i not getting richer >:(
I feel your pain brother
>area already has lack of work
>getting gentrified to hell with implants from out of state
>cost of living is going up so much that said fucking implants themselves are fucking leaving
Same as americans, the bank does a background check and does their best to evaluate the risk based on the information they're allowed to use. Same as americans, some information is off-limits(like being a nigger), and some isn't(income, having defaulted, etc).
People misunderstood "free market" as being "completely hands off -- no touching allowed!!!!"
Free Market, like free anything, needs to be regulated to keep it as free as possible for as many as possible. That's why the US wrote a constitution -- governing laws -- to provide for the experiment of liberty. That's why Abe Lincoln talked about the disagreements on what freedom is in the Gettysburg address -- should a man be free to own slaves? Can slaves reasonably exist on a land dedicated to the pursuit of freedom?
Anyways, assholes decided that they should get 1,000x more than their employees in the early 90's, they weren't imprisoned for it, and now you got assholes getting 1,000,000x more than their employees today -- all because "free market" and "I'll just take my business to a 3rd world country! They'll love me there!"
If you were actually underage it would be trivial for a lawyer to get that wiped out for you. You are basically talking about contracts here and contract law is not kind to people who form contracts with minors.
New guy, and I'm well aware, I haven't spoken to her in about a decade and she can't wrap her mind around why saying "I'm sorry" isn't exactly atonement for ruining my adult life.
Gonna suck when she takes her last breath and realizes then she's never ever going to see her son again and it's all her fault.
They don't. They take the train and live in apartments, paying rent until they die.
A credit card is something you carry charge on that you have to pay back
If you pay it back monthly then you don't get interest charges
A debit card comes directly out of your bank account
Generally speaking a credit card is a better idea because you can get cash back on purchases and you can fight fraudulent charges much easier
And there's really no difference between a credit union and a bank, credit unions are just smaller and technically owned by the people with accounts there
Credit unions are the better way to go
The fact that nocoiners fall for this shit is hilarious
L O L (Loving Every Laugh)
Most people aren't poor due to "retarded decisions." They're poor because our society exists in an extreme hierarchy.
than move
>Generally speaking a credit card is a better idea
>spending money you don't have is a better idea
To where? Mars?
Speak for yourself. If you can't be bothered to pursue a lucrative career path you have no one but yourself to blame.
Isn't it time for your dentures, boomer?
Yeah, rich people never spend their money on anything but the necessities.
it's literally free money moran
So has every ancient civilization retard.
You know you don't have to max out credit cards to use them right?
a 0% with cashback benefits is literally paying you to use it
Here are a few facts, in no particular order.
The purpose of an economic system is to distribute labor and resources in such a way that the largest quantity of human happiness & wellbeing is generated.
One in six households with children are food-insecure.
There are many millions of children going to bed hungry tonight.
Providing a $2 meal to these children would tremendously impact their happiness and wellbeing.
There is a banker in Las Vegas currently paying $100,000 to receive a champagne shower.
$680,000,000,000 of food is thrown away every year in the United States because it was not purchased.
That 30k includes suicides, which makes up most of that number
It's called being financially responsible dumbass
You only spend what you can, but a credit card adds an extra layer of security for your purchases and yourself
Your debit card information is stolen and they're taking your real money
Your credit card information is stolen and it's just numbers that mean nothing
>Generally speaking a credit card is a better idea because you can get cash back on purchases and you can fight fraudulent charges much easier
Utter crap. Credit cards usually wind up being more expensive and you have no more protection against fraud than a debit card.
>started with 0 credit
>get a $300 limit card and only buy snacks with it
>score is now 789
>lucrative career path
>in Europe
I'll believe that when I see it.
The elites want to disarm the proletariat because an armed one is dangerous to them. It's pretty simple.
There. Aren't. Enough. Lucrative. Jobs. For. Everyone. How many times does this need to be said? For all the people who say "Hierarchy is good!" they don't seem to understand how hierarchy works: that each successive higher level has far fewer people in it than the one below. You literally cannot have a society where everyone is a lawyer and no one is a factory worker, it would not function.
Get the fuck out of there user, it isn't going to get any better
No, they don't, because they don't have to. They already got rich. Why would they save now? You're just being envious that other people made it and you didn't.
The point of the system is slavery.
Congratulations. You worked out the secret to a good credit rating, i.e. don't spend money you don't have.
it's also a way for even more people to monitor you spending habits - they are paying you for meta data
american education everyone
we are taught much better not to do this
Just show a screenshot of the account and prove it.
I'l even eat crow and admit I'm wrong
stitches, level 1 and 3 refer to the laceration level
it was a rough delivery
the skin to skin is absolute bullshit and insurance coders in hospital billing departments should have their eyes plucked
It's how bankers have twisted the modern economy. You have to get loans to function like a normal person, meaning you get sucked into paying their bills. They also keep poor people poor by denying them loans and slamming them with outrageous debt for the little money they do get access to. Now they've even rigged the education system to put literally everybody in huge debt for the majority of their adult lives. If republicans had their way, then even primary and secondary school would have fees which would force parents to take out loans.
>Providing a $2 meal to these children would tremendously impact their happiness and wellbeing.
Their parents not spending that money on crack would probably be even better
>There is a banker in Las Vegas currently paying $100,000 to receive a champagne shower.
And there's a communist official in China embezzling 10x that much.
>$680,000,000,000 of food is thrown away every year in the United States because it was not purchased.
How about fucking buy food for your kids instead of heroin for your arm
and soon the factory workers will be replaced by machines
just buy btc and eth :)
But no one's shooting the rich.
>My face when I read statlines like "A gun in the house makes it 89% more likely you'll be shot"
Yeah, I'm assuming that if someone brings a gun into your home, or if you have one to prevent intruders from coming in, it'll get used when the situation arises.
Hilarious all the statistical noise these retarded states make and how they deviously word everything.
Note it said "Gun in the home" and not "Owning a gun"
Yes, some people are better than you. They'll get a better life. That's a reality of our world. Tough shit.
>Be american kid
>Go to shitty low level school because classism still exists here
>Get shot
>Go to hospital
>Medics refuse me because my parents soci- i mean credit score is too low
>Go home and bleed out on the sofa
>Moma sues me for bleeding on her sofa she didn't finished to pay yet
>Go to jail
>Get raped
>Die of a cold because drugs cost 2000$ a pill
If beer and cigarettes makes you go broke you never made enough money in the first place
They're never gonna do it, user. Because it's not true, how can they?
they do that anyway on your debitcard user..
How dumb do you think I am dude?
My first post was 100% true, and I'm about 9 ciders deep, but I'm still not going to show you my fucking bitcoin address.
Get fucking lost
gee i wonder why you can't find one with that attitude
So is google, amazon, or any other big company whose services you use. The only difference is that they don't pay you.
Just redact that part, dumbass.
Oh or are you to dumb to know how to edit a picture?
because they will charge you 25$ for one fucking 500mg Tylenol
they have markups in the thousandths percentile
So is a lower limit better?
Fug, I spent like half of that across Dota 2 and CS:GO
You wouldn't get refused and you know it faggot. They'd patch you up, the real reason the poor don't go in for gunshots is because they were shooting back or don't want to narc.
>My first post was 100% true
Pfffffft sure it was, LARPer. That's why you refuse to prove it, because of how true it is.
Blatantly false
Maybe don't spend more than you can pay off in a month and you won't get interest charges
And credit card companies care a lot more at fighting fraud than the bank does, because with a credit card it is their funding not yours
Is that you DSP?
Meanwhile in the UK:
>about 150 gun deaths per year
>population of 66 million
>one per 440 000 instead of one per 11 700
>safe under watchful eyes
The US is a shithole.
You don't get a better situation by being financially irresponsible out of entitlement.
it's safer in the sense that if you get le compromised you dont end up losing a buttload of money
yorue still wide open to being a retarded spender
>one million buckaroonies
Is this American? Honestly I've never been sick but now I'm terrified of it. What's the point of getting cured if you end up on the street after? If I get a terminal disease I guess I'll just jump off a building or something, fuck.
right, and then the give you a discount because fuck money right
Part of your credit score is how much actual credit limit they give you
But they've been changing the algorithms and having too high of limits is bad now because they know you can rack up shit quick if you have no self control
The ledger is public.
If you know my balance you can find my account, or at least a small number of accounts with the same balance, one of which is mine.
Go fuck yourselves, incels.
I'm willing to accept the fact that people who got in before me probably have so much money they don't know what to do with it, why can't you accept I have about 2/10 as much as a boomer getting ready to retire?
I remember them telling me to fucking mine bitcoin 7 years ago but I didn't because I was a retard like you.
If I did and wasn't a lazy fuck I'd probably have 100x as much now
>lol credit cards is spending money you don't have!
>just use it to buy things you were going to buy anyway, thus, you can afford it
>pay the bill on time, thus, no interest
>many cards have no annual fees, thus, no fees
>many cards have cash back incentives, meaning you get discounts on your credit card bill, thus, less money spent
Why NOT use a credit card? It costs you nothing. With cash back it SAVES you money. And even if you don't like credit scores and (currently) have no intention of taking a loan, can you say with 100% certainty that in the next 30-60 years of your entire life that you NEVER will need to? Why not use a credit card (which as I proved above SAVES money) over time just to be safe, just to make sure you DO have good credit in case the need arises?
If you're making that little you never had a chance. You're not going to stop being homeless save $20 a week you need a better job entirely.
>tfw we are living in the prelude to The Second Renaissance from The Animatrix.
Feels pretty fucking depressing imo
You would never have to pay that shit off. Just let it go to collections I don't even think anyone counts it
Not vidya but if anyone wants to help with someone's medical crisis, there's a charity that purchases medical debt assets for pennies on the dollar and then forgives it on contact.
Bing RIP Medical Debt
Welcome to America where the Jews and the rich rule everything. Americans think they have a say it what is done on a daily basis lol. Sorry to tell you but your government be is owned and run b rich overlords.
>falling for memes on the 4chins
You're right, but it's entirely possible to go from minimum wage to being decently well off in any civilized country. Not everyone will get rich, because that for the most part happens by chance, but you can live comfortably.
>its an absolute retarded concept that you have to intentionally take on debt to prove that you are financially responsible
I wonder who could be behind a system like that?
I only pirate and steal money from others to purchase them so no
>Why not use a credit card
I'm not american so I don't need goodboy points. If I need a loan I go to the bank. Else I'll just use money I actually have.
This is actually true. The problem is base income level. You could save $20 a month, $240 a year for 20 years and it wouldn't make a dent in your situation.
That doesn't include injuries and those go impact the health budget.
Frankly speaking, if i got charged 50k for a stabbing wound i'd rather bleed out on the floor
They can, in event of uprising.
>getting upset at genuinely good bantz
Twitter drives people fucking insane I swear
Lately I just buy a few games per year, I've probably spent more on controllers than games recently.
>I've probably spent more on controllers
stop being a nigger
What's wrong with this one? People are allowed to spend money on what they desire. Next time you buy your air jordans, a new game, or a TV just donate to someone instead.
>made it
You will never be rich, dude. It's a club. They aren't going to invite you in. They will leech off of you for your entire life, taking 90%+ of your generated profits. They even have you defending them online in your free time. They own you, body and soul.
As proven in my post, using the card as intended means you only spend money you do have and, in fact, allows you to spend less money, thus saving money.
And yet, you voted for Trump. Don't be a tool. Right wingers slash government regulation, give massive tax breaks against your interest, exploit workers and degrade essential public programs.
>only European countries because the US can't fit on the same scale
I need controllers to play with my friends
>people want "free" healthcare in the US as it is in Europe
>when that would bankrupt the nation in 5-10 years
Europe with all those immigrants coming in will understand why welfare like that is unsustainable on the long run
these threads just make me glad im not american
if i want a loan i can literally walk into any bank and get one, no questions
right, cause they just materialized into existence when the earth was created
go brag about how a 0.5% cashback managed to convince your country needing to go into debt to get a loan was a good idea to someone who bought into that scam
it's just pathetic looking in
I've never really understood why people want the government to get into healthcare
Take a look at the VA and you'll know how well the government would run it
>spending money you don't have = financial responsibility
Because they can literally charge whatever the fuck they want thanks to the HMO act and it all comes down to "brokering" with insurance companies who never actually pay what they claim to because of "in network provider" and leaving the patient with all the actual bill which is as arbitrary as the insurance coder wants and their insurance premiums
its a fucking scam and majority shareholders and executives of medical insurance should be spanked
>the real reason the poor don't go in for gunshots is because they were shooting back or don't want to narc.
If you get shot you have no legal obligation to say anything about it.
Ambulances can cost a fuckton of money, even if you have insurance. Especially if you have an HMO and not a PPO because then you will be taken to a hospital likely not in your network.
Even if we take in 100M Syrians we'll still be able to give universal healthcare, since refugees are a net benefit on GPD.
There are even less now because people like you wanted third world immigration.
>Giving a shit about any of this stuff
>When the whole world economy is going to implode in on itself in next 10-20 years
Why do people who bitch and squeal about someone who started the business getting the Lion's share but when urged to start their own business they act like they're above it?
You're not dude, I'm content with being a cog, I understand the machine and my place in it, the difference between you and me is that you yearn for me and flail in impotent rage that your abilities won't take you where you want.
They're building the new Rams stadium there. Speculators are expecting Inglewood to gentrify (it won't, one plane per 2 minutes flies over that city shit is so polluted). My neighborhood is getting gentrified by SpaceX let's see if the new stadium pushes my spic neighbors out.
>Because they can literally charge whatever the fuck they want
And they wanted to give that man a $171k discount.
>You wouldn't get refused and you know it faggot.
what if my credit score is low
only for poorfags who should not even be playing games to begin with
What sort of non sequitur is this?
>Said a nervous looking man for the 42053th time in the past 300 years
because their parents fucked them into existence actually
>gets assfucked by big businesses operating in a stacked, dangerously deregulated economy
>asks for seconds
What, did your job never force you to shoot up heroin to show you don't have an addictive personality?
It is against the law to be refused service in an emergency room/trauma situation
People prefer to spend money for a structure that's going to help the community, rather than donating to a single person. What's illogical here?
how benevolent
lmao the only thing refugees contribute is rape.
so vibrant mashallah
and their parents got rich by ...?
Actually the spics pack 14 people into studio apartments so they can afford the rent increase. The niggers will probably get pushed out though. Weird seeing white people move back into a neighborhood where the Carls Jr. has bullet proof glass.
it hard to not fall for the sales and easy montly payments and most people is fucked by the card tho
The reason people don't go for gunshot wounds is that hospitals are legally required to contact the police. You're right about the first part though, you'll never be denied medical service.
>People prefer to spend money for a structure that's going to help the community
lmao. i thought mexico was paying for it.
I'm a bit of a dreamer, who definitely has ideas that could change the world
I have strong beliefs and a strong desire to change the world with my ideas
But I'm also a guy who values stability and knowing they'll get paid next month, and every month
I don't want to be a CEO, I just want a guaranteed paycheck so I can raise a few daughters for the next 20 years
yes, see and what a waste of time you turned out to be
back to square 1
Not anyones problem but your own if you have no self control
This is 100% true
US healthcare should be regulated as a public utility and medical costs should capped as such
tell me why this is a bad idea
What's the issue? Sounds like you're being irrationally upset about something.
What are you trying to imply here?
You can't actually be saying that the hospital is offering someone a $171k discount out of the goodness of their hearts. That'd be too retarded, even for Yea Forums.
There wasn't a world economy 300 years ago dumbass.
>With cash back it SAVES you money
Isn't the % of cash back cards give so small that you'd have to spend hundreds of thousands to even see something significant in return?
>why can't you accept I have about 2/10 as much as a boomer getting ready to retire
Because you don't and you're LARPing.
This isn't hard to figure out, user.
Exploiting the work of others.
What's your idea, "stop poverty and wars"?
Get in line with the other retards, if that's the case.
Does the UK share borders with any massive drug-cartel-run nations?
Enjoy your rainy safety room.
Not necessarily a bad idea but an easier way to reign in costs would be to put a cap on lawsuits against hospitals and control drug costs
But then you're "putting a value on human life" which is partly why shit is so fucking expensive
Because then we might have to appropriately tax the rich in order to have a functioning society like we used to in the past.
is this you?
You said they charge whatever they want. So obviously they wanted to give him a $171k discount.
>I will build a wall
>Doesn't build a wall
>I'll send mexicans back
>Doesn't send mexicans back
>I'll drain the swamp!
>half of his staff pleaded guilty to some shit
>I'll arrest Hillary!
>Doesn't arrest Hillary
ᵛᶦᵈᵉᵒ ᵍᵃᵐᵉˢ
It doesn't make it any less of a good idea, it just makes Muslims bad people
Anywhere between 1-5% depending on your card and what you're buying
Landlords have made it practically impossible to pass any sort of rent control laws anywhere where business is likely to boom. Only the suuuuper liberal places have them, and even then there are simple ways to get around them.
For example, I have friends living in the Bay Area who have lived in the same apartment for some 8 years now, because the rent control makes it so that the landlord can only raise the rent by small percentages each year. So they're paying literally half of what everyone else around them is paying.
Illegal immigrants are a problem. How do you think it should be fixed?
Everyone who voted for Trump should be deported.
So being more capable than others, in other words. Why shouldn't they get rich then?
You can do the same today. Getting rich by being capable. But if you just wanna bitch about it instead of getting your shit together, be my guest.
Not even close
I have designs rattling around in my head that will change the internet in ways you can't even imagine
Unlike other political ideologies, this ideology is unstoppable if people can be fucked putting in the work making it reality
I was actually going to purchase a game being in debt and this thread helped me contain my urge desu
my score is 946, but I still can't get any but the worst credit cards
>Why do people who bitch and squeal about someone who started the business getting the Lion's share but when urged to start their own business they act like they're above it? You're not dude, I'm content with being a cog, I understand the machine and my place in it, the difference between you and me is that you yearn for me and flail in impotent rage that your abilities won't take you where you want.
not via a 5 billion dollar vanity project that won't work.
And this is going to help who?
>exploitation = capable
impressive considering its 850 max
>18% black minority
>love niggers so much they forcibly hauled niggers in by the literal boatload in the 1700's
>criticizing anyone else's demographics
And when they move out the rent is increased even higher than the other areas so they can "recoup their losses"
It's a shit system
With what force? I didn’t vote for trump but you ain’t doing shit against armed people LMAO
I can't wait until rich people just start killing off the poor, once automation reaches full swing. It's going to be amazing. They will say it's a new superbug or something.
No what? Imagine spending even more than that
You are either joking or mentally ill,betting on millions of of people whose destiny is to work in factories/shit jobs or stay unemployed won't save you from bankrupcy
In Europe healthcare is handled by both the government and the private and public healthcare is cheap and sucks
It is a bad idea because poor and dumb people don't create enough capital for having such a large welfare system,also Europe is becoming older and older fast.
So psychologically frightened at discourse he doesn't even link the post.
Enjoy being the peasant that shit talks the king and sucks his cock clean when he gets in your face about it, you rat faced nigger.
If you don't know who it'll help you're not one of the ones I want to make it for.
The internet needs to be free as in freedom
>hold on a minute sir, i just need to check your pro-israel score.
Do you realize all of those countries on that chart use socialized healthcare? All of them except the US, that is.
If you can’t refute his post with an argument then you look like a fool
I'm guessing the working class already learned their lesson, and fat mentally disabled manchildren aren't allowed to own guns anyway
Instead of rent control, let's ask why landlords are allowed to live the way they do.
The reason it was denied is because it wasn't approved by the federal government yet. Your insurance will deny you a bunch of shit if it isn't FDA approved and all that shit.
I dropped down to 650 because of a store credit card I utterly forgot about for 5 months. I had 780, how long would it take to get that back? I guess it doesnt matter because its not like I'll be taking huge loans anytime soon but it sucks to see it dropped so far
Those factories/shit jobs are what drive the entire economy, disphit. They're in fact far more profitable for the economy than higher paying jobs because they directly produce the goods and services while being paid peanuts.
It's pretty free right now. What needs to be changed to make it more free?
>So psychologically frightened at discourse he doesn't even link the post. Enjoy being the peasant that shit talks the king and sucks his cock clean when he gets in your face about it, you rat faced nigger.
Just have sex
will having sex affect my credit score
US healthcare quality is higher than in most European states and Americans have generally bad health.
When literal BILLIONS are at stake in every game you use whatever means to get yourself an advantage
Fuck off retard
>US allows private greedy multibillion corporations to decide live and death based on legal loopholes
Go outside
You cannot be turned away for inability to pay in life-threatening scenarios or emergency care.
only if you are getting a hard inquiry
Okay, but is there some point you're trying to make with this?
If this is just meant to be a general observation, then good job. You should apply for Google. I think they're looking for an AI to do that.
>They're in fact far more profitable for the economy than higher paying jobs
Yeah i'm sure that California would still be the richest state in the US without those "higher paying jobs"
Decentralisation is the main thing, prevents censorship by monolithic and blatantly evil companies like Google and Twitter
Anonymity, privacy, freedom to buy and sell what you want; there's lots of other good stuff too
Permimente does that shit all the time to vagrants
It's ridiculous trying to make them out to be villains when they spot you 170 grand just like that.
She had a very mild form of epilepsy and it was pretty much an elective procedure. Her seizures were mostly controlled with medication.
I don't have a problem with that. When I went to the ER with my guts hanging out, they turned away a few homeless people to get me in there. They threw a shit fit, but fuck 'em.
And that bad health is generally caused by how unaffordable health care is over there.
>get patched up
>wake up and go to the doctor to make sure your surgery doesn't kill you
>have to pay $10,000 a month for antibacterial medicine
Wow thanks
user pls
Do not
You can't be serious
Unaffordable healthcare has nothing to do with the shit diet and lack of exercise that is most of America
Twitter censors only posts inside Twitter, so simply don't use it? It's mental garbage like all other social networks.
>Anonymity, privacy
I don't want terrorists using this place freely to organize attacks.
But in general I agree with what you're saying.
Wow, it's almost like, if your doctors require more training and schooling, and aren't garbage, they're going to cost more.
Novel concept I know
The Bible warned us against Uusary
The founding Fathers warned us against usuary
And yet there are dumb goyimfucks in this thread that defend the oldest kick trick in the book
Nice fan fiction.
Meanwhile, in reality...
Why are you arguing for shit that makes the sport worse?
the numbers doesn't lie
Is your brain shutting down with rage, right winger?
Honestly poor people should fucking die.
There, I said it
>Senate blocks every Trump initiative out of spite
>Can't accomplish promises because retards he has to work with are literal babies
This pic is confusing as fuck. Who is who?
I have never paid a single cent of interest on my credit cards
It boils down to people not understanding basic self control and living within your means
>public healthcare sucks
frankly I only have anecdotes but here (not Europe to be fair) they kick difficult cases back to public
There is probably a market for economically hard left, socially hard right politically aligned people who want to legitimately help the working class via reduced work hours, higher pay, more vacation, etc.
>source: Calculated by The Commonwealth Fund based on various bonger bullshit and one Frenchie
>World Health Organization
>A nigger rapes your ass for 3 hours
>U kno man, shieeet, i'll spare ya the last 15 minutes
>Wow he's such a nice guy
I blame the retarded footbal fanbase and bookmakers.
The latter ruined literally every single sport
I'm pretty sure they didn't kidnap him and forcibly save his life.
>make claim, source being your ass
>someone provides best available statistics on the subject, they show you are objectively wrong
If my family got gunned down it would be all over the news and memes for weeks since it was most likely a battle of sorts. I've got some hardcore redneck kinfolks hanging around from time to time, so I would hope someone at least filmed it. /pol/ would have a field day.
I mean I didn't read the thread but yes
If you can do that there'd be no purpose to a credit card in the first place.
>WHO stats
>The Commonwealth Fund
Mmhm. Go to bed, aussie. Sleep tight knowing that hard men are ready to do violence on your behalf.
Wrong,bad health is only because of their bad habits
>border patrol agency wants it and says it will help
Why do you think you know better than people who have been dealing with the problem for decades?
Please, I would love to know.
Except they give me cashback on everything I buy, extended warranties for free on what I buy, and if my information is stolen my actual money won't be stolen and the credit card company will take care of it
>promises retarded shit, either not knowing or not caring that the President does not have the authority to do it
>this is somehow not his fault
Fucking Totalbiscuit refused to recieve cancer treatment in Britbong land and went to the US
we all know that
the fun part is reading the comical situations
You're telling that americans are dumb?
>spared his brother
class act
unironically yes
>If i pay more it'll be better right?
They are not dumb,they just live in the most capitalistic society and it shows.
If UK has such good healthcare, then are British teeth so bad?
>only european countries because the united states isn't in europe
Can relate hard.
>father was getting fucked consistently by my uncle and other contractors
>he owes the irs a ton
>uncle no longer pays him under the table.
> forces him to use my name to make a new painting company so he could write checks to
>wasn't given a choice because I would of been homeless
>few years later, my dad dies from heart complications
>look into my taxes, noticed I currently owe the irs 5k
>he never wrote off anything
So yeah, I get ya
>be european
>be illl
>go to doctor
>have to get appointment before the doc checks me
>next appointment is in 10 months
>10 months pass
>doc checks your symptoms
>”Yea it’s nothing don’t worry”
>he prescribes your ibuprofen and tells you to fuck off even though you are still illl
Yea fuck the European healthcare system
A lot of people can't control their spending.
Cash back and discounts on credit cards are minimal to what you actually spend and that's assuming you stay on time. Admittedly the third kind of sucks but most banks will reimburse you on a checking account. The only reason to have a card is to stay in the good graces of The Jew's money making scheme.
>Born to 100% jew parents
how do I get out bros please even if I kill myself i'll still be a jew
I can't control my spendings guys pls help
I'm purchasing a game right now
I need it
Well for high paying patients US hospitals must be the best,most experimental treatments start there.
are debit cards better,Yea Forums?
Not him, they didn't spot him $170k. You know how in some stores it seems like everything's on sale all the time? Everything's 20-30% off across the entire store, and they have a clearance section with 80% off? That stuff isn't actually on sale. The store never believes the customer will actually pay the "original" price. They believe the customer will feel good that they're getting a deal.
So this is a similar idea. The hospital never expects you to actually pay off your hospital bills. What they WANT is for you to be in massive debt (the actual SIZE not really mattering so long as it's impossible for you to escape), and for your insurance premiums to greatly increase. This means that you'll be in debt to the hospital the rest of your life, which is valuable, and you'll be paying extra money to insurance your entire life, which is valuable. Now, the most likely way you'll escape the hospital debt is by taking out a large loan. This suits the hospital just fine because they actually get a fat wad of cash. (although they'd be perfectly happy if you hadn't because the insurance company already covered their costs in exchange for increasing your insurance premiums). This is what the discount is for - it doesn't actually matter to the hospital how much debt you end up with, because you'll never pay it back because it's x1000 what it actually cost them. The insurance company is what is actually giving them the money for your treatment, and it's nowhere near the $170k "discount" they gave you. But if that discount is large enough, and the amount you owe is low enough, then you're more likely to be able to raise the funds via loan to pay their ridiculous prices.
To give an example, if it costs $10k to treat you, they'll charge $300k, give you a $200k "discount", take $11k from your insurance company, your insurance company will increase your premiums from $50 to $120 for 10 years, and you might scrounge up a $100k mortgage by selling something as collateral.
same thing would happen in america but you'd have to pay 5k out of pocket for it
>Spending money you actually own
yes, debit card is your own money
credit card is borrowed money if you fail to pay 100% of the bill (most ppl stack and fail)
What if you got health insurance?
>forgetting the tip
I'm just saying. That graph goes up to 0.7, while The US sits at about 11.
You'd need a log scale to show both the US and the differences between the sensible countries.
Same thinking really.
Not really. In American the doc would instantly receive you and actually give a fuck about you and your symptoms since you are paying him cash.
Still number 1 baby.
We spend more per capita than anyone else and get nothing for it.
The problem is corruption and bad management.