This game is pretty fucking great. Holy shit

This game is pretty fucking great. Holy shit.

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Can you give me a code Devolver PR person

What do you mean?

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looks cool but I bet it's exactly 2.5 hours long

It apparently is pretty short- but it has multiple paths and endings depending on the choices you make.

Haven't played it myself though so can't confirm yet.

Are they going to content patch it?
This will affect my decision for trying it out

Is it good?

>steam and switch
>ps4 and xbox 6 months later
tiresome desu

ok what's cool about it desu

the story is merely a "first act" and it ends with "to be continued"

>Superior consoles get it first
>Inferior consoles get it last
Your point being?

sell me on it

Very tiresome that they would release their game on platforms with people that will buy their game instead of the normie machines for people who won't

killing people I guess

>game takes 700 years to come out
>its 3 hours long because everything went into the pixel art
typical indie shit, and they wonder why their games are soulless

what a substantial criticism, lol

>Short game = bad

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This game looks pretty cute, should I help fund the kickstarter for the physical?

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>the story is merely a "first act" and it ends with "to be continued"
Are you for real? That's trally stupid and makes me not wanna buy it.

Im serious, finished the game yesterday (review copy). It kinda ends and you kill one of the main guys but then one of your friends (wont spoil) is kidnapped and you go after him/her... and the game ends. Plus there are narrator characters (two crazy scientists) and they literally say "End of the first act is coming" and thats the last boss

There seems to be a continuation after the fact, though it's a ways away. A post-game level says to come back in a few months.

As an addendum, the game was fun as hell, but the point where it ended gave me a sweious case of blue balls.

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you mean the government labs? that looks like a training room and not a story-related thing but dunno

Eh, we'll see.
Any idea how to unlock that other stuff on the wall? I was able to get a claymore.

I only got the first window, the Prism sword; load the very first level and at the beginning go left (to the roof) and loot the corpse. wheres claymore?

I legit don't remember what I did to get that, unfortunately. It was either the second last or third last on the wall.

Oh, found some stuff.
Prism key
[HIDDEN] Most people go right. You went left.

Master key
[HIDDEN] You stopped a suicide. With a murder.

Phoenix key
[HIDDEN] Found what the robber left behind.

Savant key
[HIDDEN] Didn't wake up Leon.

Prototype key
[HIDDEN] Fulfilled your secondary goal in the prison.

that from the achievements? I didnt get any achievements on the review build ffs

Wait so the game isn't even finished? Literally the same thing as Luna Nights that was also super short with them having a to be continued sign right at the end?

Yup. I managed to get the last half one of the prison level just by playing like a pacifist.
I guess I'll try to unlock those others later.

prison as a dragon or mc?


It's an alright length for what it is, I think. Would be burnt out otherwise.

just did it with no kills and nothing ree

Strange. Were you ever seen too? I did it without killing anyone AND without being seen.

yep, totally ninja style, where did you pick it up?

why is this "game" getting shilled so heavily here

I think they just hand it to you. I DO remember a case showing up in the apartment afterwards, I think. You open it and get a key or something.

Anons talked about it a while back while it was in-development. Didn't get any info or release dates for a while. It just came out today. Handful of people are still interested, I guess.
>shilled heavily
This is nothing, user.

didnt get anything, only the torture tape I got before as well

Odd. I specifically remember getting a prototype key or something like that. It showed up in the hallway outside your room.

well thanks anyway, I dont really need to have all the swords

Sorry user.

Shit is hotline miami on plataforms, and that slow time doesn't help at all since everything including you is frozen on screen!

indie game huh? well I have no intention of playing it, but it better be $1 or else I'll shit on it. I'll shit on pixel art too, just because it exists. oh and I'll stalk the the devs on twitter and complain about anything I don't agree with. and obviously if you post about it here you're a shill, just fair warning.

yes of course I play video games. gamers rise up!

More game than Shit of Rain 2.

when it has a 10 year dev time devoted solely to its art style, thus proving it to have no substance. Yes.

I played and finished it just today. Intense shit! Love it!

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