>he isn't playing Paladins right now
>he isn't playing Paladins right now
fuck off Hi-Rez employee
what is it?
Guys are perverts. This is why I don't wear skirts anymore.
i do and i love it but hirez is shit at making new characters, everything past khan is bland and either unplayable or broken as fuck
Why not just watch porn?
You can't get the striped panties skin anymore, so I'm not playing this shit
You waifufags are pathetic if I wanted to play a good multiplayer shooter I'd play tf2
the internet has porn and it doesn't require me to play shitty overwatch clones
fps moba like ow but its free and with much better balance and a shitload of bugs
unbelievably based
You know you like it. Don't deny it.
>playing shitrez fucking garbage
Worse than EA or Activision.
I like Pepper
they do have a terrible record but theyve been keeping their kikery limited to skins in paladins so far
No butthole texture no download.
Fug, I can't resist thongs. Still not gonna play though but thanks for the webm.
Good, upskirt pics go for too much on the internet nowadays. I can take them myself. Upskirt season soon though! :D
Why play a game with sexy content when I can't enjoy jerking off to it because there's gameplay to be had? I can just go on the internet and jerk off to the characters with actual nudity and sex acts rather than suffering through poor gameplay that's prettied up with pointless pantyshots.
And even if the gameplay is slow enough I can jerk off, I don't want to get precum and dick sweat all over my keyboard.
How do you get a job as a person who draws butthole textures? Is there some kind of school to become a butthole texturist?
I've recently started playing this again after a long break and I decided to get that Atlas guy. I think he actually has something interesting going on but at the same time he feels way too gimmicky.
>they do have a terrible record but theyve been keeping their kikery limited to skins in paladins so far
Yeah, tell that to OB43 or whatever version it was with literal PAY TO WIN.
Tell that to locked roster and locked cards that you can't have access to without paying or grinding "for free" like a turbochink 24/7.
And it's extremely obvious that their "tech" part is like 1-2 retards who can only use PHP / Javascript and the rest of their department is just shitting out garbage ugly skins.
Don't even bother defending this fucking low quality trash.
Studio Asylum of vidya.
Just copy popular trends from other games and make your own shitty bootlegs with shit artists.
can i see your feminine dick ?
Ass too small.
Hi-rez abandoned Tribes.
It's alright bro; they're not interested in your dilation
Are you the same guy who shilled overwatch here? Did paladins buy your shillposts from blizzard?
And to think, this what tribes' last chance at a reboot died for. A fucking ass.
no one wants to see your nasty ass, tranny
tribes was already dead before HiRez abandoned it, user. just give it up already, it was a niche game with no future.
It's not a PC shooter, it's a console garbage of the lowest quality.
>actual nudity and sex acts are better than pantyshots
>Guys are perverts. This is why I don't wear skirts anymore.
Kek this reminds me of the time my friend wore a skirt to cosplay this anime girl who wore invisible panties.
Walked in on him getting fucked in the ass by two dudes.
>shooting games with a unique, recognizable skill based mechanic are niche
>what is fortnite
I'm not going to give it up, they ruined a chance at having a money maker.
The fanservice is the only good part about it. The gameplay is dull and stagnant, the character designs are completely generic, the voice acting is absolute shit, the writing is garbage, the whole thing is completely unbalanced to the point where there are legit useless characters and completely OP ones, and to top it all off the whole thing is one big buggy fucking mess. The kind you'd expect from some startup company making their first game, not one that's been at it for literal decades now.
it literally is a PC shooter you brainlet, being garbage one doesn't excuse it
Thats a hell of a post user. All it needed was for you to say you banged him too and id straight up get whiplash.
seeing sexy girls is enjoyable
it's not all about jerking off
One of them was you.
I was disgusted. My friends and I never knew he would do such a thing.
have sex
no thicc bunny girl
What a jewish thing to say, nobody wants to watch ugly roasties getting blacked and incest porn pushed by a jewish company called mindgeeks.
>skill based mechanic
Dude, your friend cosplayed as a woman wearing a skirt. The fuck were you expecting out of him, to get into a threeway on a skirt?
I play smite. And was thinking of playing paladins.
theres cute girls but the gameplay is really horrendous. i have no idea why people stick around and keep playing it.
I play Smite more than I do Paladins.
God I love ass
Then you'll love Paladins because the whole game is ass.
Because some kind anons have put all the upskirts and walk cycles into webms and so now I have no reason to play the game.
He had sex and had the time of his life, how 'bout you, user?
Beats me man I just want girl buttholes on my female characters with thongs.
I played it yesterday, user.
is that a brap hole
Can I be a cute girl in TF2?
There are model replacements for all the charactert that turn them into girls, most with voice packs too. So, yes.
The Battlepass
Women get more sex, men need the outlets.
post the little bitch with the dragons please
I see they tried too hard at copying overwatch.
honk honk
is it any enjoyable?
>caring about pervs
>not wearing skirt + small shorts
you failed as woman
all cards including legendary ones are free now. You can unlock all champs including future releases for 20 dollars
The game isn't fun, no. Plus it's dead af. You're NEVER gonna get into a competitive match.
>Not Skye
Yeah, no
yea its pretty fun to play casuals, matches arent long and queues are quick
>it literally is a PC shooter you brainlet, being garbage one doesn't excuse it
No, it's not. It's Shitch-PS-tier garbage "shooter".
It's not even a proper shooter, you can't even RUN or CROUCH in this shit game. And gigantic retarded hitboxes are exposing it as a console shit moba-shooter very well.
are you the asexual girl from the other day?
>playing a game solely for its sex appeal
just go watch porn.
nice ass can only carry a game so much if the gameplay is mediocre
PS plus expired, and fuck sony, so no more suscription from me.
I'll be too busy with Splat Tim and Smash and whatever the fuck releases next on Switch anyways after I get one.
>people are so fucking stupid they somehow mix up a genre that relies heavily on grinding, creep control, and scouting with a literal fucking hero shooter.
Jesus christ. I was hoping to get away from you fucking idiots on here but here I am. I guess that's what I get for opening up a palladin thread because my dick wanted me to click to see you autist dump porn.
>There are people who actually play Paladins for lewd reasons
They have the right idea, just the wrong character.
>Asexual girl
More like
>Chad doesn't like me so I'm gonna pretend I don't want sex
>multiplayer battle arena
you sure are one bitter nerd
>I'll never open up to that weird autistic girl and she'll never open up to me.
>We'll just hope and pray that some day some miracle happens and we hit it off.
well fernando is canonically gay so
wow paladins really does have a worse rendition of every meme
busy not playing shit games
but you western thots still wear leggings see thru and show off your ass to guys. As if that is any better or cleavage.
That literally could describe fucking anything. Hence why I said it was a dumb fucking name for the genre to begin with, but the community are so fucking stupid they don't even comprehend why that name might interfere with the average faggot hearing it at first glance.
Dota likes, assfaggots, and a slew of other genre names like action rts were thrown out and instead we got fucking moba so chuckle fucks who have no idea what a dota clone is come in and say anything that revolves around team work == moba.
Kill me and yourself.
I agree. I hate faggots.
>Tell that to locked roster and locked cards that you can't have access to without paying or grinding "for free" like a turbochink 24/7.
>And it's extremely obvious that their "tech" part is like 1-2 retards who can only use PHP / Javascript and the rest of their department is just shitting out garbage ugly skins.
That was last year and was promptly changed as soon as the community started complaining, now everything important can be easily obtained with in game currency.
Yeah, that was the time when at least 50% of the community quit the game and never returned.
And it's dying since then.
Good riddance, shit fucking company and shit fucking game. Cash grab with chinese bootlegs instead of properly made games.
This. Same with those asexual guys
end even then you only need to grind for champs, which you can unlock for 1/5th of overwatchs price tag
>tfw i never get a good chance for upskirts
why does everything good happen to someone that's not me?
Still cant get over the fact they baited furries with the Pepper skin and locked it behind their Battle Pass
Friendly reminder that Ying is NEVER constipated ;)
I will never touch the game for this very reason. I hope Hirez burns to the ground for what they did to Paladins and Tribes.
Name a better designed support in any game ever.
quite frankly, that was riot few years ago, and look at LoL now.
>Can give the entire team cc immunity and heal them almost as much as Seris for a longer duration, all while making retards waste credits on bulldozer which does nothing because you can put your totem behind cover
He's the strongest support in the game if you aren't retarded.
>Press [Esc] to Change Champion
desu hes much better at dealing damage than healing
He's amazing at both, not to mention he can do damage WHILE healing, making him one of the most fun supports in the game.
>quite frankly, that was riot few years ago, and look at LoL now.
You don't even know why riot and lol became successful, brainlet.
And it wasn't "few years ago", they filled the niche before Dota 2 was released by Valve.
Pics of said cosplay
At least he isn't a virgin like you.
Buying bulldozer against Grohk is dumb, I just buy caut like agains't any healer specially to shut down his ult, you don't even need bulldozer to easily destroy the totem in case it's visible anyway, I'm not going to say that he's a bad healer, but he certainly isn't the best.
too bad one of the best healers is a snoozefest to play
He's just as good as Grover and he can spit out more dps. He just requires a bit more thought and teamwork. You can easily reach 300k healing in a match if you have smart teammates. That being said, it's rare to have smart teammates. You usually just get a Makoa running from your totem spamming vhs. I just think he's really underestimated.
Fun fact
Every female (and male) is born with an ass
Congrats you no longer need this game
sorry, i'm not inbred
Do you need ps+ to play it on ps4?
>install the game
>"I have to buy heroes what the fuck?"
>you literally never see this lewd stuff in the game
Bombking is fun as fuck though so I guess I'll keep playing.
>the team has to play around the totem
Supports that can heal targets on demand will always be better.
>tee hee dont hit on me silly boys
Literally just group up you frickin dingus. It's worth the sacrifice of having to think about your positioning. If I were talking about beam Furia I could understand, mostly because they can't aim for shit, but a fully totem focused Grohk isn't hard to play around.
>3D humanoids
You trying to make me vomit?
>Great character designs
>Shit games
Pick 2
Cool. I'll download when I get home
so do you have anime reaction images saved on your work PC, saved on your phone or do you have the URLs bookmarked?
>Great character designs
k, so it's not a shit game?
you fail
D) All of the above.
Post more like OP's webm please
So can I DL the game and enjoy the plot, or is some neck beard gonna shoot me
is maeve cunny
Kind, they said she's 18, but she looks 15 at most.
game shit and I can jack off to porn if I want to
don't gotta play a game for the ass
I don't have it.
Only have his cosplay of some girl from a fighting game.
Sounds like he's based, dabbing on an incel trying to garner pity points.
I want to fuck your friend in the ass with my homie
This is the third time I have seen you talk about this. Just admit you want to fuck him already.
it was literally a pc shooter before it was ported
Have sex
Stop slut shaming me!
would you a feet?
why the FUCK have they not released any skins for vivian that show her ass? she is the best girl in the game and i need to nut!!
This is how poor Maeve earns a living. Very sad.
They forsaked the way of Gaben (cosmetic items as separate peaces that can be combined at will) for OW shit (suits/pre-combined peaces)
Yes I'm still salty about it. I had stuck with the game through all the other shit but this was the point of no return that made me quit. ]And their excuse for all this was so bullshit as well, if fucking TF2 and PS2 had this shit figured out eternity ago they have no excuse.
I just wanted to wear my fucking winter hat with my favorite cosmetic combinations, is that so much to ask?
Imagine the smell.
Hi-rez is a good company sometimes
You post about your friend a lot with that picture. Are you sure that "friend" isn't you?
Wasnt this thing F2P?
Risk of rain 2 has 10k more players in its peak and its still on EA
>new game has more players than old game
I don’t like these kinds of games, they’re shallow and dumb
All time peak you retard
Best Kitten!
>there are millions more people in the world now than there were last year
of course the new game is going to have higher peak
is this from a gdq? which?
>imagine shilling games ONLY for ass
Ok horny teenager #143253634
>old game
This fucking SHIT was released in 2018, in May or June.
>Wasnt this thing F2P?
>Risk of rain 2 has 10k more players in its peak and its still on EA
That's because people straight up stop playing this fucking garbage because of crashes, bugs, extremely shitty match making, poor balance, shitty maps, etc.
Game looks like fucking shit, skins look like shit, it's worse than Fortnite.
Only poor 3rd worlders play it with all other FPS options available.
Rank mode isn't fun due to spending more time waiting than playing, lack of any motivation to actually play it(no form of reward outside of being given a number), and it being filled with retarded third worlders. And I can only handle QP for so long for the latter reason before. I can only play with friend(s) at this point because I need at least one person on my team I can trust.
>released in 2018
that's when the game came out of beta.
it's been playable since 2015.
Because Hirez keeps on nerfing every character that is actually fun to play but underpowered as fuck while keeping or even buffing already overpowered characters. Latest example Imani, while dredge was nerfed to hell by removing his most vital card.
No one fucking cares about your beta, retard.
The official release was mid-2018.
Canonically loves himself to a gay level*
Him flirting with all the girls and becoming a knight to save damsels in distress is still a thing.
because i don't play nigger games aka multiplayer
3 reasons
>it doesn't look fun
>i have plenty of other games with female characters to ogle
>the internet contains more porn than any one person could ever fap to in their life and just keeps getting more
That card was gay and you know it. And Imani as only been getting nerfs since day one.
What character/skin is that
High elf Lian
unironically uninstalled the game earlier today. not enough of that.
>most content came from 2016-2018
>most players played between 2016-2018
>none of that matters because of the beta tag
>all of it never happened because they took the beta tag off in 2018
sure thing, retard.
Why are you spreading lies?
That's a man's ass
Dredge has one of the worst reload speeds in the game while his dmg a pop isnt really much to talk about so the only viable way to play him was to assert dominance.
Another good example is Grokh that was reduced from an underpowered but persistent as fuck character to poor mans mercy.
>much better balance
haha, no. It's better than Overwatch, but that's because Overwatch is an absolute piece of shit of a game. This isn't much better.
You ever just have one of those matches?
>tfw wearing a skirt right now
>tfw boy
Feels pretty good desu.
Because its true, its more fun to let a bus ride over your dick than playing grokh, buck, fernando, barik etc
Wait does this mean Imani was even more OP previously? I've only been back playing for a few days and she's been absolutely decimating every time I pick her.
nice same
Did you just imply that Buck is top tier?
It's an extremely boring game. You are incredibly restricted by the role of your choosing. You are forced to do the same routine over and over again with zero creativity untill one of the players would happen to have an insight and come up with a push.
I can't name a more boring online experience.
Dredge was not fun to play against and was sapping the fun out of the game, that comes before balance imo, also Grohk is really good with his damage build his totem healing build, the "mercy" talent is bad and you shouldn't use it.
It's weird.
It's like watching someone trying to imitate a women's behavior that they learnt only through watching anime.
Like some kind of cheap caricature of how a woman is supposed to behave
ill never understand why white people hate jews even though they're both white.
like, wtf?
Her dragon was way worse to deal with, and her ice form was more annoying too. She isn't that hard to counter now if you know what you're doing.
we need more feet in this game
Compared to other flanks? No. Hell most of the time you can kill him by just standing at shooting at his truck size hitbox if you have lifesteal because his dps is garbage unless he activated his ult
Can't wait for hi-rez to abandon it so they can chase the latest trend again.
>Oh no only 15k average players!
Only complete retards would think this is somehow a bad thing.
Dredge was poorly designed from the start. And his right click+R spam was the cherry on top. It was incredibly annoying to fight against if you didn't have a good flank to deal with him, and it would create even more pressure that abilities like Grumpy Bomb that have longish cool downs with only using a alt-fire and reload.
Also if they left that card in the game it would of forever ruined his chances of getting buffed due to how limiting of a design space it created.
Any boobs in this game? Or elves?
Just say you want someone to post Skye next time.
>Pretending like DM Brandon who has a hilarious history of bullshit in many games somehow represents HiRez when he's not even associated with them anymore.
Damn Overwatch drones are desperate.
i wouldn't have got rid of the game if it had more of this.
my nigger
Every character after Term was poorly design, and I wouldn't even bat an eye if they deleted all of them.
I'm honestly getting tired of these colorful stupid anime-lite cartoon games with such a wacky cast of fun characters with absolutely no theme or logic to them at all.
Overwatch isn't much better, honestly. These games would be much better if the characters actually had some theme other than ripping off every cheap stereotype in the book and slapping color and anime crap all over it.
That's why I prefer Smite to all these games, even though HiRez is an absolute fucking mess of a company. Smite is both a lot of fun and the theme is fucking great and well-executed for the most part.
Skye is the hottest fucking character in Paladins, easily.
ded game tbqh
Thoughts on Bomb King and Fernando?
Bomb King is one of the best designed characters and very fun to play. Fernando is sadly now a fag when he used to be the hilarious Antonio Banderas Chad of the game.
Did you donate money to your favorite Fortnite streamer this week, little Timmy?
I'm glad you at least like BK, because he was honestly a giant breath of fresh air when I first saw him. And I think Nando being gay was more of a meme, but I can't tell for sure.
Of course it doesn't change his gameplay or anything, but some of his quips have a certain flavor to them now lol. He's a fun idea for a tank, and was usually best used as an aggressive attacker instead of a turtle tank, but they've nerfed his fireball so he's kind of meh now. Makoa or Khan seem like a better choice in almost any situation.
actually I did.
Next champion is supposedly a foxgirl
I guess they noticed how popular Pepper was
Hope she isn't too furry
Hopefully she'll be a fucking smoker like Da Ji from Smite, not some furry shit.
I just like to pretend that his straight mainly since Hirez didn't really try to push it any further than just casually mentioning.
Not a excuse, just an explanation.
The game is running on a engine that wasn't supposed to be used for a shooter, but more for a MOBA or MMO style gameplay. As a result all the hit-boxes are fucked up. They would have to drastically change how the game engine works to fix it properly..
So, mutual pining?
Because that shit is my fucking jam
Yeah it wasn't as bad as Blizzard's gay shit, it just annoys me that companies do it at all. Make a fucking character gay from the start if it even matters, or just have some integrity and don't even talk about characters sexuality in a fucking F2P cartoony hero shooter. It's inappropriate desu.
Does Viktor fantasize about fucking goats? Hey better put that in there to represent all the goat-fuckers in the world who are horribly under-represented in online pc shooters!
They're just huge, like Overwatch, and the gameplay reasons for that make sense as they want to avoid making the 10,000 hour FPS autist with perfect twitch aim the most powerful. That's the goal of hero/team shooters--you have many different skills that work together to win, not just relying on perfect-aim sniper man to headshot everyone.
I get your pain man. I thought it was really stupid too, and I also think it's dumb to talk about character's sexuality in an online multiplayer game. If it's a single player game then I don't care as long as their mentioned sexuality adds to the story, but in an online game I just care about their base personality which their sexuality won't affect.
I have all the voice packs, and Fernando's V-E-G says "I can see a piece of myself in you!" Him being now gay puts a whole new spin on that shit lololol.
Kinessa a cute.
I hope we get another furry girl
That never popped into my mind before
They are huge, yes, but they are basically boxes around whole characters, not body parts. They were designed this way for easier targetting with abilities like in MOBA games - e.g. Smite etc.
Overwatch on the other hand does have hit boxes based on character parts, but they are huge and make it even worse with huge hit boxes for projectiles.
Basically, in Paladins it would be impossible to shot between character legs. In Overwatch it would be possible, if the hit-boxes for each legs are in correct size.
lmao, OW is literally peaking at 7k as we speak
This is why I can never view Paladins as competitive no matter how much I enjoy it. Being able to do stuff like that is just unacceptable.
perfect explanation right here
Got bored and then found out they bout to kill my boy zhin.
wait whats happening to him?
Billow cards are getting changed to effect whirlwind instead. Max billow time is going to be like 1.5 seconds.
what the fuck man, i loved healing myself to full and going sanic fast in billow
that was like the only reason to play Zhin, I even bought his Omega skin for that shit
Interesting. I still feel that despite that, they end up playing similarly and Paladins manages to be better balanced.
I wish I could play an single player rpg with those female character designs
never been much of an multi player game
>engine: Unreal Engine 3
Yes user, Unreal isn't a pioneer in accurate networked hit detection or anything.
>he doesn't know
It's been a long time coming. Zhin being able to dive on your backline and get out for free is ridiculous. He can spam whirlwind now though, so he still has mobility.
it doesn't count the launcher players tho, also crosplay
TF2 still exists
>actual graphics
Have fun with your game getting the ax the moment they release a new game!
that's seris, you retard
Ranked is autism and Casual is full of hitscan shitters, I swear to god a Viktor, Vivian or Tyra show up on both my team and theirs every single goddamn game.
I fucking love underboob so goddamn much
how often does jade priestess seris become available only skin I want
>Playing healbot shitter girl characters
i played it in 2017 and recently returned. its still a good game, but oh boy, they ve ramped up the monetization quite considerably. back in 2017 you could still get everything by just playing, now almost everything is behind a paywall.
No matter how many times I try to get into this game it always feels like you 100% need a healer but oops everyone has a free "fuck healing" passive
Also the standard AR cawadooty characters are annoying and feel out of place. When I played there were two, Viktor and some chick with a fire grenade.
Playing the "tanks" feels like paper as well.
Does it get better or did I just not get used to the game?
I want to put a baby in Ying while holding hands and being leglocked.
can you still get all the characters and abilities without paying? i don't give a shit about cosmetics
>kissing ying
>suddenly an illusion and ying is behind you and youre getting fondled by ying while kissing ying
>suddenly a 3rd illusion and ying is unzipping your pants while still doing the above
reality is suffering
Yes, older champions are cheaper than the newer ones too if I remember right. It doesn't even take that long to unlock stuff either.
They added yet another Cawadoody in Vivian, she has an annoying LMG and reveal scanners
Also Koga and Talus are annoying shitscan SMGfags, thank the gods that Atlas is fun
Cauterize is based.
yes but even the voice pack costs real money and that really sucks.
HiRez always does this. Smite used to be my favorite F2P as it's pricing for cosmetics and other shit was perfect, then they ramped it up x20 and locked every new skin in a chest or behind some exclusive event where you had to spend 1,200 crystals and unlock 5 tiers of shit you didn't want to get it.
I almost gave up on those dumbasses completely after Realm Royale, but Smite and Paladins are still very fun games. I've never had such a love/hate relationship with a dev.
>when you finish the illusions disappear
>she's still the one you're inside of because she loves you and wants your children
life is fucking pain
>he didn't buy the Founder's Pack for $20 and get all voice packs+champions
oh no no no no
You can still get 50 crystals a week just for logging in, and they don't reset if you miss a day so that's cool.
the cawadooty characters are always annoying to play against and theyre pretty popular
"tank" isn't necessarily a real tank, often it means an initiator with strong crowd control and just a bit beefy. like makoa's shield is short duration with a long cooldown but he has the pudge hook. only a few can really tank significant damage and those need a healer to do it
You can buy them with gold in the next patch.
I sort of want to play this but I heard they did something fucked up with the card system a few months ago? Was that reverted?
I tried this game for a bit but it just feels so... cheap? Like I'm not sure how to describe it. Just generally kinda low quality. I think Overwatch is shallow garbage but you can definitely feel the difference in production values.
Last year they made casual pay 2 win with dumb card shit and immediately changed it back because everyone quit and now all cards are permanently free.
Well that's good
based 3rd world f2p players not putting up with jewery
Given that HiRez is hilariously tiny compared to Blizzard, of course you're going to notice a big difference in production values, but in mine and a lot of others opinions, Paladins has superior gameplay—better balanced, less insta-kills, less easy OP ultimates that wipe an entire team, and actual customization with the card and item system.
If you want slick production and better graphics with shallow gameplay in a hyper-sensitive safe space run by SJW tumblrinas, play Overwatch. If you want good gameplay with some bugs run by semi-competent SJW-lite devs, play Paladins.
...looks good?
what community is going to claim it's a ripoff this time?
>still no mention of tigron and if they'll be related to Maeve's story
I hope it's her mom or dad. Maybe we'll eventually get a story about them meeting again.
shit game
bump for more thread attention
I've played it multiple times.
Each time felt like a shit overwatch, and that's taking into account how bad THAT is right now. So, no thanks. Not even any good waifus either.
Blizzard puts a lot of money towards visuals.
It's a luxury effecting taste situation. Since blizzard's polish is so good, any game with less will feel cheaper.
It's made by Hi-Rez who are notorious for abandoning their games
Would be funny if Maeve's mom is tall and has big breasts.
>I tried this game for a bit but it just feels so... cheap? Like I'm not sure how to describe it. Just generally kinda low quality. I think Overwatch is shallow garbage but you can definitely feel the difference in production values.
It is fucking cheap and it is fucking shit.
And it looks like shit as well, how can anyone like those ugly shit skins is beyond me, only poor 3rd worlders with shitty consoles or toasters would play Paladins anyway.
It could be at least tolerable if the main artist Thundercuck wasn't such a SHIT artist as well.
But with that in mind, everything is just plain terrible in Paladins.
A shit game that works like shit with an ancient engine, looks like shit and has shit devs. Sooner it dies the better for everyone. Hopefully Shitrez will go bankrupt as well, they are living cancer of vidya.
Healers are still necessary even with healing passive. Healing passive requires you to disengage to heal back up to full which is something you don't want to do because it's usually a waste of time.
No comment on the second part
Don't play tanks like you would in OW. That's a very big mistake most new players make. Play them aggressively. Don't just stand on the point like you're some sort of bullet sponge.
The game gets better the more you learn it.
True story I did a lot of research when I started playing Paladins because I didn't want to support a company that fucking ripped off another one that badly, and from everything I discovered, Paladins came out first and Blizzard basically ripped them off. You can look this up for yourself.
Then, of course, Paladins began to copy Overwatch after the fact because of how successful they were, so I think that makes a lot of people think that they copied OW in the first place but they didn't. Paladins was in development long before OW was announced.
I don't think people want to admit that a company like Blizzard would copy off of a tiny amateur dev like HiRez, but all the evidence says they did basically just that.
Also a lot of the basic mechanics and character abilities in both games came from Global Agenda, an older HiRez game.
Hahaha what an absolute fucking liar. Overwatch shill drones are sad af.
imo they copied each other. And I don't really care if they did because all their characters are different enough to where none feels like a carbon copy. The only ones that do feel very close would be WM and Kinessa but that's because it's hard to make something as simple as a sniper feel that different from each other.
I mainly just find it stupid that OW people will try to claim that Paladins copied extremely simple things like Viktor being a CoD character like 76, Sha Lin and Hanzo both being bow and arrow characters, or even trying to compare Gtohk's healing totem to 76 healing field.
>Pay $30 to play Overwatch, a shallow SJW-infested safe space of a children's game because it has better graphics than a free-to-play game made by a company one-tenth of Blizzard's size.
>It's shit, is shit, shit. Shit.
Such a great argument with so many good points. Please pre-order the deluxe edition of the next AAA EA game, shill.
Nigga I haven't even played overwatch in about a year, it's shit now. Paladins is worse than that though.
Needs more Vivian. God she probably has the nicest ass out of all of them honestly.
Basically true. It's hard to point fingers as even a lot of the mechanics are simple that many devs would wind up with anyway, for example shields, hooks, turrets, teleports, etc.. they've been staple mechanics from class shooters and MOBAs for years now.
T.Never saw Imani
>I haven't played it
>but Paladins is worse
See how fucking retarded you are, shill?
Please stop before you make us Pala-bros look even worse.
Learn to fucking read holy shit. I haven't played OW in almost a year because it's fucking awful now. I haven't played paladins in around 2 because it's even fucking worse.
What did you not like about it? Just curious.
>played just about every Hero Shooter that came out the past few years
>hoped at least one of them would do the concept justice
>only one that came close died last year
>one of the worst ones came to represent the entire genre
Paladins is the closest thing to what I wanted when this fad kicked off, even then it still has a ton of issues that I hope to god they iron out.
Overwatch isn't even a real hero shooter, it lacks even the most basic playstyle customization options. It lacks just about everything besides the first person camera and bare-bones gamemodes TF2 has been using for ages.
TF2 is still the best game of the 3, and that's because it's the one with the most depth and playstyle customization. The sad part is that it's not even a Hero Shooter.
Gigantic should have dominated the competition, but it got snubbed and killed off.
I know it's not technically specific to the game because others do it but the way you get characters is fucking obnoxious if you don't pay for a free game. I don't like that you can't switch characters, it's too limiting. The card system seems tacked on and just a way to get around not giving actual new weapons and the like to characters. It's really slow to move around but the time to kill is super fucking low(yea I know about the horses but they shouldn't NEED to be a thing, just boost the speed of everyone). Now these last few things are really petty but they still make me hate it more; the characters talk too much and are too loud when doing it, the hitsound is awful along with the hit marker itself, the numbers being bloated as high as they are is really annoying when removing a 0 would be perfectly fine ala tf2, it's really fucking ugly, and the announcer is lame.
But if I'm being entirely honest most of my hate for it is because my best friend played it a lot and I played with him and now he's not my friend anymore.
Shut up cunt. Do you honestly agree with this troll that Paladins is worse than Overwatch which has turned into a literal meme as it goes down in flames?
I like your reasons for why it's worse which are "graphics suck, everything is shit." It's objectively got better gameplay that doesn't revolve around a 10-year-old pressing the 4 key to win a match. It also has some customization to change your playstyle, which Overwatch has exactly none of.
You don't have an actual argument because you're retarded like the other pussy I quoted.
Where can I get a decent aimbot for this game?
>all games need to be competitive
I hate the game but you can eat a dick.
those are some pretty valid reasons for disliking the game.
I agree with you most on the numbers issue, it has always felt like it was too much.
at the same time?
You sound like an angsty teenager, user.
gonna play this tonight
i say that everday but never get around to it, maybe someday b4 it dies if it already isnt
>I don't like that you can't switch characters
I can see why this is annoying, but I personally liked this. It forces you to actually make a smart choice when drafting, and prevents dumb games where everyone is just constantly switching around to counter the other team like in OW.
>The card system seems tacked on and just a way to get around not giving actual new weapons
I'm surprised in this part because it seems like most people like this about Paladins, including myself. The card system allows you to build characters in a way that suits you better, and this is increased along with talents. My only complaint about this though is that not all talents and cards are equal and I wise they had a mega patch where they try to balance all of them out. Also I don't see how weapon customization would work in Paladins, or in OW for that matter. The cards system also use to be completely different if you didn't know.
>really slow to move around but the time to kill is super fucking low
I agree with you here. They gave everyone -30% movement speed way back to compensate for the nimble card when they added that. And the low time to kill is something the community wants to be changed.
Get it correct when you shitpost
They don't. But when a game has a forced esport scene you would think it would have better hit boxes that reward skill.
Fuck off I prefer Paladins. But you're being a giant cunt right now.
An FYI. You will only play against bots until you get past level 5 on your account. They don't tell you this at all and a lot of new people get turned off thinking that the game is super easy because they stomp their first dozen games.
thanks doc
It's the other way a round user
Here's a video showing how the old card system worked if you were interested. Early beta was a completely different game.
Regarding the weapon thing I guess I'm comparing it too much to tf2, and how you get weapons in that. When I think about it, it doesn't really fit paladins to have different weps but I'm just not a fan of the card system either. Which probably comes down to me really hating having a per match progression system which also goes the same for ASSFAGGOTS.
All cards are free now in Paladins.
but you're a man, so fuck off
Oh. Well maybe it's better in that regard. Wait, is the cards the shit you buy with points or the stuff you adjust your character with outside matches? Cause with the latter I don't like that it's not just 5 or so cards that don't get upgraded and just give a decent bonus, but there's a bunch of more that do all sorts of neat shit.
Das it mane!
Cards were the things you got through chest or potions that adjusted your character(pic related is an example of what a current deck looks like). They made all the cards free about a year ago after a patch that people thought was about to kill the game.
Ohh ok. Well that almost makes me want to try again to reform my opinion but it's hardly my only issue with the game.
The game came a long way since you played it two years ago. But if you didn't like it then, you probably won't like it now.
You sound like an utter shitter that can't stand having in-depth mechanics rather than having legitimate criticism about the game.
>I don't like not being able to switch characters mid game
Because the endless rock paper scissors shit in other hero shooters is so much better. God forbid you actually have to put thought into what you pick and commit to it.
>I don't like cards
Yeah just homogenize and dumb down the game as much as possible instead.
>I don't like in-match items
There are items which are arguably more useful than others but that's besides the point. The balance could certainly be better but you're bitching about another layer of depth.
>still thinking the card grinding patch that nearly killed the game exists
So you hate the game over your own ignorance.
I'll be the first one to say the game is far, far from perfect but people that complain about the pettiest shit and their unwillingness to do the slightest shred of research or learning and try to pass it off as "criticism" tick me off.
But I do play this shit, and I enjoy the tits bounce physics.
have kids
Is this actually better than Overwatch, because overwatch got bland fast
>can actually customize how to play your character
>better map design
>meta isn't 3 tanks+healers, actually have some variety in character selection
>healers are fun to play
Plus isn't required for f2p fag.
Smash also censored p5 content but let me guess its okay.
I'll definitely check it out then
I hope they fix what you dont like over time.