Mortal Kombat 11


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Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters up until April

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - is a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some big lipped, ugly ass nigger

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literally who cares about those designs.
the important thing is the gameplay is a piece of crap and NR never make a single good game.

Mortal Kombat looks bad and plays bad, always has. Take this as your excuse to play a good fighting game for once.

What's the difference between 2 and 3 besides the absence of color?

Aesthetics are very important to a game.

I wouldn't mind if they reverted to the original designs, but Blood is just too on the nose.
What happened to Boon?

fucking hell man, they really shit the bed with this iteration. I'll raise a glass to the next game. This is just nonsensical.

There's literally nothing wrong with these redesigns. Stop crying.

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>literally who cares about those designs.
Apparently SJWs did
Enough to talk the designers of the game into making them awful
Enough to talk the designers into potentially forsaking practically their entire existing fanbase

they suck

>yfw this is part of his ultimate ruse cruise and when you play the game it's MK3 costumes for everyone

The sad thing is I don't think they were even talked into it, it was volentary becuase the West is cucked.

>showing forehead and cheeks is acceptable
By Allah, praise be to him, I hope your local church suffers a "freak faulty wiring" arso- I mean accident.

How do you go from this...

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>forsaking practically their entire existing fanbase




kek, may as well meme that. makes sense

And now when other people who will actually play the game get upset about the change in aesthetics and design, they'll say it doesn't even matter or effect the game even though it mattered when it was something they didn't want. this?

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And the thing is its not just the women either. Everyone is looking more gaunt and sickly as the franchise continues. Usually you can turn and say "then why are the men still allowed to be incredibly masculine and good looking" but fuck me EVERYONE looks like a god damn cancer ward patient with a wig.

they are fucking chodes dude, time changes all things and maybe it's time MK starts to lose more relevance. that shit is so old

It is their game, they can do whatever they want with it. Want a lewd game? Make your own.

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Every single character has been updated to show less skin, I don't know why and I don't care, even shao fucking khan has more leather bullshit on now this shit doesn't fucking matter they're treating their characters like fucking warriors now christ I'm fucking sick of these CUNT of a shitposters who won't even play or buy the fucking game this massive false flagging cultural war bullshit gets me fucking MAD


I've never had a fucking ANSWER to this shit shitposting just never fucking ends

>forsaking practically their entire existing fanbase
You are amazingly out of touch with the majority of the MK fanbase.

But user, REALISM. Pay no attention to the fact that our first three games used digitised actors and still looked better than this shit.

Let's talk about something that actually matters: Why the FUCK are X-Rays still in the game?

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a decade of
>how dare they objectify this woman
>shes clearly she wouldnt have accepted this job if she hadnt been raised in an oppressive patriarchy
>shes being photo raped!
>wow, another woman of color being taken advantage of
is a hell of a social engineering drug

Excellent contribution. It doesn't change anything about the points being made regarding their intents and motivations but thanks anyway.

true but we can still rediculize the agenda they are trying to push with their video game

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I wonder if you can turn them off. I don't like the increased focus on cinematics, I prefer the brutality to be :in stride" so to speak, as opposed to breaking stride for it.

The money people don't waste will always be used in something, the consumers must always consume, and as every industry is (((theirs))), (((they))) always win, whether you convert, or not.
>Constant dripping wears away the stone
in the end, the converted will be the majority

I’m more mad that the close up cinematic moves take your characters mask OFF. I don’t want to see Kabal’s ugly face or awful haircut, that’s why I put him in a mask! Same with Scorpion and Sub. Stop taking their mask off.

maybe you're in the minoriety you dense fuck, go bitch about it on the other chan

The change for Skarlet is way cooler than her original design. She was just a red titty ninja, but her new garb is neat as fuck. She looks like a futuristic Bloodborne character.

X-rays are crushing blows now, moves that do more damage and some even open up combos. They all have certain requirements to perform i.e. do the move two times or it being a counter hit. fortunately you can only do a specific crushing blow one time to keep it balanced

I actually agree with you, but you're mad if you think this will stop MK11 from selling millions. "Gamers" are perhaps the most passive fandom in existence; even if most players saw it the way we do they'll still buy the game anyway, either because everyone else is or because they won't want to be seen as a bigot, though how buying a Mortal Kombat game became a stance on such issues as sexism, racism and transphobia I'll never know

Imagine caring this much about 1s and 0s in the form of tits.

>treated like warriors
>lmaoroflfamilam another nut-shot/cunt-punt move XDDDD

Yeah, nah, its a game and that any were ever taken seriously enough to warrant restrictions on creative licenses and/or tiddies because of pearl clutching puritans in the 90s and dildo clutching dykes nowadays is horseshit.

wow thats gonna slow the game a lot i mean every few secs the game pace will slow down due the fatal blows

A futuristic Saudi character more like

>Cuckfag detected.

Just kill yourself, OP.

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>they suck
At least they don't suck dick like you do.

Killing people in Mortal Kombat (get it, retards?) is necessary. Fighting half-naked isn't.

Skarlets design in mk9 was terrible.
Not a fan of the default hood but otherwise I like her in 11.

You don't need to kill. Only fight, no gore. Tekken, SF, and essentially evrry fighter just knocks out, no gore or death. Stay cucked.

how are you guys so upset about this? are you literally that thirsty for soft-core beat off fodder?

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Gonna laugh when MK11 fails to sell even a million copies.

>Incidentally the story of MK11 is mostly about stronk women killing men.

Imagine being this retarded.

>Stay cucked.
Obviously projecting.

Yeah its not like people may have played it since the first or second game and hate to see the corporate pandering thats consistently seen more and more of the original cast are moved from their starting concept.

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At least I can admit I like the dick, puss, ass and titties, you're just a fucking fun hater, fuck you


This is an 15 year old American. She is applauded for choosing what she wants to do with, and how she expresses her body. Don't slut shame her.

but slut shame fictional women

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Honestly nuSonya would be alright if her hair were a bit looser and she weren't such a chestlet. She's always been fairly well-endowed so there's nor reason she should be an ironing board now. And it's dumb that they feel women need to be so covered up when they don't have that issue with the men.

Skarlet's problem is having no middle ground. The bikini is sexier but kinda bland and somewhat ridiculous, but the jihad outfit is just as bad for being overly cumbersome with too many details. Literally "We want her to be sexy" vs "We don't want her to be sexy at all."

Could also add some pics of near-naked men there. Incidentally the story of MK11 is mostly about stronk women beating the shit out of men, with the exception Liu Kang through some miracle.

murder > fun

it's disgusting ain't it?

And people were shitting on doa6 for "nerfing" boobs
sad really


Want an easy souls game. Make your own

I know for a fact you haven't if you're complaining about the lack of tits. The first two games were extremely conservative in their outfits.

...........This is not vidya related.

i'd use her asshole to jack off my cock

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you can have sex with sexy woman irl
killing is against the law, user, that's why it's confined to the vidya

Skarlet is fucking tragic. It's almost like they wanted to make the burka meme into reality.

yeah... what's your point you ambiguous shit?

>G-girls ruin everything!
Are you 8 years old?

>Women dressing up like retarded sluts is fun

This is why you closeted faggots are a bunch of incels

The argument is that men created the model and clothing and that she had no choice in the matter. No, I'm not fucking with you.

But then you bring up women like Bayonettas designer and they clam the fuck up because their argument has no merit outside signaling to their fellow orbiters.

DOA6 was a clusterfuck of misinformation and backpedaling. Unless NRS adds DLC for some sexy female costumes and ups everyone's chest size by two cups, I don't think it'll be the same.

>shilling your shemale fantasy
Fuck off

>This theme is okay in it and excusable
>This theme isn't
The personal bias displayed is hilarious because they're both equally necessary. You don't even need to be over the top gory to kill people, it can be clean and professional; the gore and brutality is very clearly unnecessary but you're okay with it and saying it is necessary. On top of that, basing creative works on ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND NOTHING MORE is not only a recipe for a boring as fuck, bland product but also really limiting your options to do just about anything.
"It's is/n't needed" is just a thinly veiled justification to have things you want to get rid of things you don't.

Vidya is just surface level escapism. Nah my dude, aesthetics run deeper

I like Scarlet and Kitana's new design.
I like their old designs too.
If they had have changed to the current design without being all shitty about it, I'm sure it would have been fine.

They do though...

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Why do we, as gamers, stand for this?

hes right though, idiot

>Muh imaginary SJW
Have sex

>best bois are not playable
>inb4 DLC
oh so I have to wait for MONTHS to play as my favorite character?
time to pirate
thanks for giving me free games

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There are easy souls game though.

Have sex

Because retards don't want to "miss out" and can't keep from buying this shit even though they don't agree with it.


have sex

I'd rather put burqa on all women than have them look like this.

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Outfits were better in 2011 but the faces were still shit.


then play them. Yep sekiro for example

Frankly user, the '90s are long dead, even if the women in this game were totally naked nobody would play it, its formula is old and the characters became boring after the third game, like twenty years ago.

Oh man, I can only imagine what those pics of Sheeva-Symone are doing to you.
Sorry, guy. If it’s any consolation this is the last game in the series going by the leaked story.

I buy them so I can videos on you where I shit on it. I'm a leech.

This. Lot of people bitching about it but will buy regardless , instagratification era .

Why is it bad if designers just want to portray women in their natural, most comfortable state?

Women are just naturally sluts, not a bad thing.

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have shrex

Have sex

So your argument is that it's immoral to cover the human body. But only when the person in question is attractive?

>essentially saying if you think a certain way you are repressed

and the west coast wonders why people like trump got elected. I scoff.

I cringed. I liked Yea Forums more before this autistic meme showed up.

have gex

get aids


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Zelina is the cutest mutt ever and she's like 4 feet tall

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I thought it was because they went from wearing shit like bikinis to skintight jumpsuits, which was retarded. 11 looks like ass though.

I had just yesterday. Your turn

You're part of the problem.
Every person who buys it while disagreeing with it comes up with some kind of excuse.
You give them money; you're part of the problem.

I've been pointing out how Neatherealm may have be under some SJW influence since they got rid of the big boobs and shit and then added this new and weird as fuck cast of characters, the bi sexual black chick who don't need no man, the full blown feminist lesbian with feminist extremist hair cut, the gay monk, MK has really changed, but no one acknowledges it.

Sorry sweetie, but she chooses to dress like that.

get more money then I spend. fuck these games, I'm not the one making them.

>I'm a leech
You don't know what 'leech' means.

>a simple costume change is all it takes to make anti-SJW heads explode

It’s a miracle any antis have intact heads at all with how explosive they are.


Cover up all women, real or fiction, or don't.

The answer to your question is yes, I'm straight.

>the bi sexual black chick who don't need no man, the full blown feminist lesbian with feminist extremist hair cut,
Wut? There's nothing to suggest Cassie and Jacqui are bi or dykes? If they intended them to be they would have broadcasted that like they did with the gay monk so everyone could praise them for being woke.

You're still part of the problem.
If retards like yourself just DIDN'T FUCKING SUPPORT THE GAME the people making them would get the hint.
You think they give a fuck about your shitty little videos?
You're contributing to the problem because you're a faggot who "wants to be part of the group".
Get a backbone and some willpower, faggot.

Netcode is fantastic.

>if a real woman sluts it's okay and you should encourage her and be proud and accept that women are like this
>if a man creates a fictional character just like it it's sexist, patriarchal, and unrealistic
I'll never understand the logic

Why can't a male designer design a character that, story wise, has chosen to dress like a slut?

Delete this. Women with breasts that big don't exist irl.

Why make her fucking loli-flat?

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Shut up sweetie.
>male designer
Because then it's just so he can jerk off to her and thus is objectifying her :)

Shit, I can’t believe Jacqui beats Noob
I really hope whoever’s responsible for the story leaves NRS by the time they make 12, if they make 12.

Because men bad

The netcode is good, it's really the one good thing that can be said about it.

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anti male gaze

Jacqui beats noob did you say? what about Shao Kahn killing Takeda? or D'vorah killing Scorpion? or what about basically everyone dying save for Kang, Raiden and Kitana who become the new elder gods?

If having a vagina basically means you win by default, having a black vagina means you're untouchable.

top right looks much better than top left
bottom right seems really weird, but so does bottom left
guess slight edge to bottom left since it doesn't look quite as retarded

I don't give a fuck about you like incel

After last thread I think I need to start keeping tabs on the stupid shit Yea Forums says, so I can laugh at you fags after this game sells well.

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Why do incels get insulted when designers don't want to portray women as shallow sluts?

Not all women are desperate to expose their bodies to virgin losers. This is natural, not a bad thing.

They literally put them in burkas, el em ay oy IMAGINE playing this trash

Takeda looked like a femboy terminator

>or what about basically everyone dying save for Kang, Raiden and Kitana who become the new elder gods?
That seems actually a good choice of characters for the roles.

While I prefer the old designs, you gotta admit that MK was never about sexy women, it was about cool ninjas, ripped dudes, blood and gore.

If this is true then what the hell to they plan to do for the sequel? Everyone is a revenant? Talk about writing yourself into a fucking corner.

They are called Crushing blows now. They are basically SFV crush counters, just with more flair.

Stop slut shaming. You are part of the problem and probably an incel yourself.

i'm 30 and spend all my time either working or playing vidya. i have never had a girlfriend.
what the fuck do YOU think?

This is the flaw in your logic. "Not all women" implies that some women do show skin. Or that some women do have large breasts. It's like how you'll argue variety, but want all women to have the same rail-thin proportions.

Who cares ,it's his property right? Also these girls that he's objectifying still have personalities so they aren't entirely just play things.

It wqs just as much about sexy women as it was about cool ripped ninjas, hardcore gore, fatalities and whatever other vapid shit people bought it for

It will sell over that in one day.

But everyone already knows it will sell well, and we all know why. Hell, the first post in that screenshot you're linking is literally saying "it will sell well and here's why (reason number 1 will SHOCK YOU!!!)
None of what you're screenshotting is contrary to what you think will happen. You're basically saying

many women like that shit you vapid bitch

>anime aesthetic good
kys weeb faggot

It was about that and other retarded shit. It was really that. Simple retarded fun

bad romantic comedy movies have done more to damage women's lib than video games EVER will
>she loves me, she just doesn't know it yet, I just have to get her to notice me

Boon said that there would never be story mode/ npc locked characters anymore and yet Sektor/ Cyrax both appear in the story mode. Does this mean that they are the secret unlockable characters he was hinting at long ago (and I can guarantee that the shitstorm about NPC baraka would be nothing compared to those two) or are they outfits for the new cyber frost with their specials being some of the custom moves that frost can equip, possibly reskinned like with bizarro in I2?

She really fucked over the whole industry. One woman. An entire industry and culture. Damn.

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Devs are taking away the one thing incels will never get in real life. Video games is the closest they will ever get to a woman.

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And on the flip side, not all women aren't desperate to expose their bodies to virgin losers. This is natural, not a bad thing. It's a complete non-argument because you can reasonably make the exact same argument on the opposite side with the exact same reasoning and exact same justification, and it would be right. That isn't a reason, that's an excuse to get rid of something you don't want with that very simple logical test alone.

I'm a woman and i love those types of designs, if even i don't dress like that in real life most of the time.

Retards listening to her/taking her seriously ruined the industry. Investors clutching pearls about Twitter/social media reaction to products ruined the industry.

>Trusting Boon

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Actually, real women are the closest you'll ever get to a waifu. Something to think about.

oh great another fashion kombat thread, how about talking about gameplay concerns or something like that

>most of the time

You're illiterate, that first reply is saying the game WON'T sell, and you still have retards saying that in this thread. What a dumb fuck you are.

NRS isn't the ones directly wanting this. WB rejected many sexualized designs that the art director submitted for IJ2 and because of that they now have to defend their decision. Corporate cucking is what caused this industry wide sterilization

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a screenshot compilation?
oh no how will they recover?

playing videogames and posting on 4channel is not necessary, so leave now.

Both of those designs are shitty in their own way, a happy medium between the 2 would look best.

Actually, you'll never feel the warmth of a vagina and video games are for little kids. Lol

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>SJW Kombat
saged and hidden.
franchise is dead.
time to move on Yea Forumsros.


>Stop slut shaming.
Attacks me for slut shaming, but then has no problem to try to attack me for being an incel. Only Yea Forumsirginfags are this retarded. I'm no incel, user.

Attacks the flaw in my logic, but doesn't attack the flaw in his logic where the man posted "all women are sluts"

It's true, user. Women are disgusted by virgin men, and they would never expose themselves to them. They dress revealing clothes for Chad, not Brads.


And they wonder why suicide rates have increased exponentially among white males under the age of 40.
Well, at least we won’t have to bare witness to all the horrors they’ve assured us the 21st century has in store.
Or maybe we were the horrors and our deaths will usher in a golden age.

That was MKX.

rip Mileena

Attached: mileena-mkx-concept2.jpg (1000x1080, 145K)

>talking about NPC ideology benefiting markets and industries
>MK following NPC ideology as well
>suggests MK is doing things like the comic book industry did
>suggesting that the comic book industry has benefited from doing it
Where exactly do you see it saying it won't sell well? If it's saying that it won't sell well then it's also saying the comic book industry is suffering from the NPC ideology, and is losing money. If I had to guess, you know a lot less words than you think you do, retard.

Mileena is almost guaranteed to be dlc.

Well they did build up for another reboot because this ones all fucked now. Cant wait for oops all cyborgs in lui kangs revision that gets shit up by the dickheads that be he forgot to erase.

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You're illiterate, user, that's all there is to it.

Let's pray they don't put her in as DLC.

How do you go from this...

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Why was MK9 so fucking good, bros?

He says that "this path will end up killing the game."

>I'm a woman and i love those types of designs
Now try to convince other women too. Try to convince them the designs are for the women.

>if even i don't dress like that in real life most of the time.
>says she doesn't dress like that in real life
>but only most of the time
Female confirmed.

>Wow Yea Forums, who hurt you?

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why are some of them still more brutal and fatal than the fatalities themselves. We're going backwards with this tech, god damn.

Get woke, go bro...

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So the like/dislike numbers on the trailer video is your best argument? You don't know even spambots can do that?

You can only do each one once per game and they have specific requirements


We're hitting Captain Marvel levels of delusional coping

>It's a complete non-argument because you can reasonably make the exact same argument on the opposite side with the exact same reasoning and exact same justification, and it would be right. That isn't a reason, that's an excuse to get rid of something you don't want with that very simple logical test alone.
So the original argument is also a non-argument. So it's up to the designers and majority of gamers to decide what they want the game to be. This is how they decided, and it's how it's going to stay.

That's how it is, Yea Forumsfags. No one cares about your shitty tastes because vidya has become mainstream. They make a game for the majority of the audience, not Yea Forums is not majority. No one cares about incels. Deal with it.


I don't recall I've ever said that. Did you forget to take some estrogen today? Tranny?

This is true, except replace incels with cucks. The cuckfaggotry in this board is overwhelming.

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>Incel use unironically
Bad poster, bad.

>just 151k views

This is fucking hilarious. NRS never ceases to amaze

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Hanzo dies. Killed by Dvorah. Past Scorp lives.
Frost is cyberized and dies.
Sonya dies.
Kitana kills Shao Khan.
Liu gets elder god powers and beats Kronika and Kitana stays at his side.
Kenshi is dead in the crypt.
Takeda is dead.
Both Kanos die.
Only Revs to appear are Kabal and Jade.
Sektor and Cyrax can be fought against.
Noob loses to Jaqcui.
Kabals ending has him marrying...Sareena.
Noobs ending is him ruling the Underworld.
Kitana becomes khan
Liu married Kitana

Based, screw them, they don't deserve it

You forgot Bi-Han gets cucked by Kabal.

Was Kitana ever even Asian? She looks like a completely different person from how she looked in MKX.

Attached: kitana-mortal-kombat-1166859-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 86K)

They completely changed the faces of most of the cast.

So how are you going to handle the game selling well, Retardo Montalban?

>always ugly
>but was nearly naked in every appearance so you didn't give a fuck
>now even more ugly than before
>and covered up so you only have its face to look at
NRS are trying to kill themselves nothing can convince me otherwise.

>shallow sluts
So you're implying beautiful, sexy women are all "shallows sluts"? Are you a homosexual misogynist? Yes, you are.

I like new Kitana.
I agree she looks totally different, but I'm not as averse to change as most.

so uh
can i have shredder-zero at least?Klassic costumes for the ninjas?

So your for oppressing women

I'm not a fan of the realistic facescan stuff in games like this. Makes it feel like a shitty live action movie

It's been out for an hour.
The numbers are growing. More people watched it on Gamespot.
Your denial of reality is cute, Billy. Your website us shit. You lost.

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>So how are you going to handle the game selling
The game isn't even released, yet. Tranny Faggoto.
I don't give a shit how it sells, I'm not a gender-fluid shill like you. I won't buy it nevertheless.

I think Cassie's face looks better from mkx

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So still under 500k when MK, by shill accounts, is the biggest fighter in the world? hmm

And when it comes out it will sell, and its so obvious you're assblasted about it.

So you're implying that all sexy women need to dress up revealing for you, and for other men and women, because if they don't then they're promoting slut shaming? Are you retarded? Are you a cucksexual misogynist? Yes, you are.

When woman attain power they start censoring stuff, they start to demand to be treated as equals but still like being seen as different. And they'll 100% always stick for eachother before standing for a men, see #metoo. If anything we're crazy for not opressing them a bit or treating them as dangerous

She didn't create it. She monetized it.

Every medium is bound to be infected and destroyed by social justice.

who did it better?

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This is the TLJ of MK. This is the game that destroys the goodwill of the fans and starts the series on that inexorable march towards death. I need my bros to hold me.

>ninja girls in jihads
Isn't the entire "lore" behind that they are concubines, with Millena even being genetically engineered to be a psycho whore for Shao Khan?

No he was not, he was saying that sperfing oy about the way they're dressed instead acknowleding their beauty is slutshaming

I do not care, tranny. I will never buy it regardless.
Your homosexual seething can't change it either.

holy shit my sides

It's been 66 minutes since it came out.
Nice COPE.

>? or what about basically everyone dying save for Kang, Raiden and Kitana who become the new elder gods? dead?

>I cannot jack off over my video game characters im fucking retarded!!!

bottom right is 100% better than the bottom left design-wise

>I do not care, tranny.
So you're flat out admitting its going to sell. You retards whining about Muslim Kombat were just a tiny, irritating minority.

Everyone dies, they become elder gods, everything gets reset again. Basically NRS can't write for shit.

And I didn't say that all sexy women are shallow sluts, only those who obviously dress up like shallow sluts.

>Only Revs to appear are Kabal and Jade
what about Kung Lao and Liu Kang tho

Another reboot?
Where the Hell is John Tobias?
Somebody hire him quick and put Boons on the sidelines or fire him.

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Yes. 11 likely the last proper MK until about 8 to 10 years from now. It's well known Boon wants to do a new Shaolin Monks style game and a new non fighting game.
This was a solid way to bookend the reboot trilogy and move on.

Attached: free-mortal-kombat-x-scorpion-wallpaper-x-for-iphone-PIC-MCH03419.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

MK 11 Kitana has the sexiest armpits ever

the fighting is still good

right guys?

I unironically think all the women in MK9 look like trannies but the MK11 designs are just plain bad.

But they might want to dress like that. So by definition you're slutshaming incel loser

Our only hope is that MK11 flops or at least under-performs compared to X, WB shelves it and Tobias can claim it to save us from this hell.

>it's a 'character people actually like gets killed by D'vorah' episode
What the fuck is their deal with this bitch?

I need to see her with more make-up and her dyke cut

He checked out a long time ago when midway started shitting the bed with those god awful spinoffs and mk4, and i respect him for that.

Agree, John Tobias was the brains behind Mortal Kombat. When he left, it went to shit.

>This was a solid way to bookend the reboot trilogy
By burning everything to the ground and starting over?

I preferred boomer/zoomer shit over incel.

They also might want to dress exactly what they're wearing in MK11, but Yea Forumsirginfags refuse to accept it and are seething everywhere.

So by your logic, they are the shaming incel losers.

Hopefully he comes back and fix this nonsense. Boon can go sit somewhere.

I like that people who found out Tobias existed yesterday are now claiming he's the only one who can save the franchise.

>Kitana Khan
Oh look, it's my dream since MK9.


just when you thought the time travel shenanigans were complete bullshit and lazy writing they then decided to just kill everyone except Bruce Lee and his hoe and let them reconstruct and recreate the timeline
fucking kek how boring
and shills are still defending this game



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>By burning everything to the ground and starting over?
again like last time lol.
NRS is done for.

Yass queen

right slut?

Don't buy MK11 and simply wait for Samurai Shodown, which is a better game anyways.

Attached: facescan.jpg (711x546, 115K)

Roastie please, if you want to go that route then you can't complain about any big-breasted woman showing her tits ever. But we know you do.

I am already doing that.

imagine shilling a game

Man the shitposters for this game are such underage fags.
We've known that the story involved time travel for fucking ages, by the way.

MK11 face with MKX outfit, pleaseee

Attached: cassie-cage-mkx-concept-art6.jpg (1260x1280, 203K)

Triggered much?

cause they are the shit?

Says the nigger triggered by the SJW game

Injustice 2 plot had more understanding the this foolishness...

So hard for you to imagine and accept that I'm male? Wow, you really are insecure. Not all men are pathetic virgins who can't get a woman naked. Grow up, incel.

I too am tired of it being only the visual stimulus for men being stifled. Just men's. Just visuals. Meanwhile a girl that just had her first period, or younger can run to her local library and borrow some literal uncensored smut that will fill her head with every thing she needs to bust her girl nut. Male sexuality is literally being oppressed in the public setting. You shouldn't see things that attract you cause that's objectification of females. You shouldn't express yourself sexually in a way that men naturally do, cause it's demeaning/aggressive/rapey. You shouldn't hear things that puff your male ego, cause you are privileged and entitled already. Corporations already got women to bend over cause women already do that by nature, but they are slowly and systematically trying to condition men to be bent over, and in a lot of cases, they are succeeding.

This is something i NEVER understood. You commit mass shootings in GTA but god help you if you show rape!

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Triggered much?

I want Shaolin monks 2 so hard, bros.

>We've known that the story involved time travel for fucking ages, by the way.
There's a pretty big difference between knowing the involvement of time travel and having them repeat the very same plot again. Time shenanigans could have been used to get past the Armageddon point without a reset and to have more conflicts with the original timeline like a Frost who didn't rebel against Sub Zero, Sektor redeeming himself instead of Cyrax, Reptile not being a complete jobber but nope. Complete hacks.

MK14 is gonna bomb.

Does literally every ninja get dabbed on?

What in the fuck are you talking about?
Are you on crack lad?

Because the only thing more pathetic than a roastie is their beta male orbiters. I'll give you your own advice; have sex. Maybe then you wouldn't be so desperate to try and look 'woke'.

Attached: mfw ninjas.jpg (864x1026, 185K)

Triborg wasDLC Last time too wtf

Every. Single. One.

>This exact fucking thread again every day since it was shown off in Janurary
I'd rather see that copy of that BoI thread again

phoneposting should be a bannable offense
they already did the time travel bullshit in reboot, should've stopped there.
>time travel is ok as long as MK does it
keep coping


>women showing skin

Does Frost still count as one? Or does her being a cyborg override her being a 'woman' in this case?

>Obvious thread about MK censorship
>Post upset about censorship
>Reply asking what he's talking about

Come on brainlet-kun.

The face of the girls is priceless

>You don't even need to be over the top gory to kill people, it can be clean and professional; the gore and brutality is very clearly unnecessary but you're okay with it and saying it is necessary.
Yes, you do user. Especially in this game, where brutality was the selling point in its history. Characters are very fucking hard to kill and they can even survive beheadings. Being extra gory in this game is clean and professional.

You know what isn't clean and professional? Going to battle without proper armor. But you're okay with this, and it reveals exactly what your issues are. Seeth harder.

NRS hire whoever made this image !


Of to the reeducation gulags with them!

Yea Forumsincels will never learn

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She's cyber Lin-Kuei so I guess. She gets rekt too.

where's mommy tho

Attached: Sindel-001-A_1347994105.jpg (424x600, 235K)

>Going to battle without proper armor.
Like Liu Kang since MK 1?

With Quan Chi in the DLC

Coping how? I'm not even fucking buying the game until it goes on sale, but I'm not going to throw an autism fit about the story of MK involving time travel when we've known it would for fucking ages. You might have to cope with people enjoying the game who don't give a fuck if the story involves time travel.

Honestly the story sounds better than X anyways so that's already a step up.

dlc according to one "leak"
If you want mommy you'll have to pay up


S-shut up, incel!
Stop breaking the narrative!

So the Mortal Kombat community is a community of women and gay men then? That seems to be the idea based on the designs.

Retard confirmed.

>Because the only thing more pathetic than a roastie is their beta male orbiters.
Which is exactly what these thirsty cuckfags infesting Yea Forums are. Demanding a woman dress revealing in vidya is the same pathetic thing as the beta orbiters around a woman.

>I'll give you your own advice; have sex.
Did that a week ago. I guess that's why I'm not so desperate like the Yea Forumsirgins in this thread.

You forgot your burka, 40 lashes.

>no burka

They are gonna sell you the sexy costumes as DLC cuz they know virgins like you will buy them. They realized they were leaving money on the table.

I love this shitshow

I can still see her hands

Attached: eww3.jpg (778x780, 103K)

>we are research than you
he's lost it bros
>true MK fans respect wahmen but tolerate violence against them
he really has lost it
Ed is forever broken bros


Attached: FIONA.png (295x222, 113K)

Exactly! People are also demanding the males to dress up properly, just like the women in MK11. But people on Yea Forums only complain about out the women.

Inshallah brother

Attached: france6.jpg (700x500, 60K)

that's fake tho

Can we talk about how poorly thought out and lame some of the fatalities are?

Kitana's, for example, has her decapitate the person, and then the cherry on the top finishing blow is to lodge her kunai/fan inside the already severed head. It's so pointless and derivative.

Attached: fatality.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

bro you're literally mad

Maybe it's because the females are the only ones being covered up? Though I admit I have a hard time believing that the SJWs would ever want men to dress properly.

some of them are nice
but probably 90% of them are "DUDE EXPLOSIVE MASS OF BLOOD AND ORGANS LMAO"

Thanks newfag, its so refreshing to hear that compared to COPE, you have no idea.

Also I would say the ones mad are the ones crying about MK becoming SJW. Since they're the ones actually crying.

what the fuck are you doing man, how immature do you have to be to post this?
this is a mature game for mature people such as myself......
please cover her body and faces lest i be tented to go rape....ALLAH FORGIVE ME AAAAAAAAAAH

>Maybe it's because the females are the only ones being covered up?
Stopped reading right there.

I'm having a blast laughing my ass off with this shitshow, faggot

Well, yeah. The game is pandering to them. If it went the other route and made all the women sexy and show as much skin as the men you better believe resetera would be outraged.

I'll survive the more realistic proportions and the more conservative outfits but I don't get why all of them have the same boring body and why the new costumes are so bland.

Attached: Assassins-Creed-Odyssey-female-protagonist-Kassandra-screenshot.png (1080x611, 1.09M)



Kabals and Johnny Cages are good

They are justified in crying over the grand hypocrisy involved in a company virtue signalling their stance on covering up the female figure in their Murder Your Sparring Partner Simulator: In an Over the Top Fashion Edition. It's beyond stupid.

PC mods win again.

Obtain coitus


>he's still responding
faggot I've been laughing at shills literally defending this game since announcement
but yeah keep coping

cage are all top tier because they're creative
pretty sure the first fatality of kabal is just a reskin of an injustice finisher

>you better believe resetera would be outraged
those stupid fucks don't even play this game. They don't care about the previous entries, they don't care about this series, all they care about is virtual women being oppressed.

Attached: 1369794729822.jpg (750x1000, 93K)

Receive intercourse.

They argue women shouldn't all be big-breasted sluts, but then want them to all be twigs.

Also I dunno if your pic is a good example, if it is supposed to be one. Her body looks like ass underneath.

I love her!

Attached: 8A62EFC4-5A6A-40D4-8A0A-03E20703BBBE.jpg (1280x1920, 120K)

>You forgot your burka, 40 lashes
Don't worry user. She'll get even worse than 40 lashes during battle, because she doesn't wear the right armor.

I'm also enjoying this shitshow

This outfit sucks

It annoys me that game devs let people who don't play games decide thier designs. All these ugly sjw bitches don't even play videogames.

have snu-snu

>Well, yeah. The game is pandering to them.
Yup Mortal Kombat is pandering to SJWs! Yup, that's what is happening!

Attached: 1555472436346.jpg (800x599, 93K)

So when the game sells really well are you guys going to still be laughing or will you have moved onto the next game to shitpost about?


Attached: 1722307E-5A78-44F1-942B-95E265F033C0.png (300x300, 87K)

This design is too sexy, NRS. Delete her immediately.

>big breasts
>thighs visible
>battle heels
>stepping on people with heels as a fatality

Attached: cetrion-1554236059.png (480x476, 397K)

Lots of angry GAMERS in here
We better be careful or they might summon GANGWEED to help them RISE UP


Attached: 0b7b1f610aadd0b2be711d0ddd276efb049d7d6db5c8e1ae80fe7c18194dbbdb.png (442x481, 90K)

Get different images.

I will move to another shitfest at any moment, but I aint buying this pile of shit for sure

You don't have an answer because you legitimately sound like you're autistic when YOU type LIKE THIS.





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>is against that post complaining about the censorship of MK
>her profile pic is herself in a bikini
Fucking kek

you guys are at fault here honestly, you made her bigger than she ever deserved to be

She could do with more colors (to represent all seasons of the year) and maybe some flowers or shit. Also, if there was ever a character that needed to be barefoot, it's her.


Yeah, I agree amid the three drives (hunger, thirst, and the desire to reproduce) the natural human male's sex drive is problematic and they should be neutered. Fuck men, and fuck the human race.


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So when the game sells you'll just run off to the next thing to cry about, gotcha.

I'm sure you thought that was really deep when you were typing it.

Attached: one angry incel.png (728x712, 601K)

>p-please do not shit on my g-game user
bro are you crying? stop crying bro

Fuck being deep the hypocrisy of you faggots is staggering.

Bro you can whine about women and SJWs and burkhas all you want, I'm just asking - how will you deal with the game selling well?

>more realistic proportions

You're really dumb, my man

Attached: 1555601043663.jpg (1300x1789, 1.17M)

lol you losers are just reverse SJWs.
Lol get fucked, it's going to sell millions and there is nothing you can do about it

Attached: gokek.jpg (552x504, 35K)

If you can't practice what you preach then you have no right saying anything at all.

>saving twitter screencaps
>he's still responding

Bro, just stop crying.
Go and dilate to relax a little you need to do it four times per times so your new vagina doesn't heal and close up.

Yeah, well look how some of the memes here spread. Take /gif/ as a perfect example. Ricardo, onions guy, that deadpan humor scene from One Piece. They would have only been posted a couple of times if your average person was able to just ignore something that pisses them off. The entire business model of the current media is pretty much based around this game by infamy strategy.

Attached: I am totall not like you.jpg (1024x887, 111K)

the irony of the new models looking sexier because they actually look like real humans instead of cgi barbie dolls

>real humans

>using twitter memes

Gotcha so its literally "I can't deal with this game selling w

Cope harder faggot

Attached: mk11 dlc.png (500x523, 101K)

You realize the media was on her side from the beginning, right? They'd have false flagged their way to victory regardless because the masses are retarded.

>it's going to sell millions
So did Call of Duty, The Last of Us, and many other games that are fucking terrible. Sales don't equal quality my dude.


Attached: Yep-1.jpg (1080x793, 140K)

Way to out yourself as a /pol/tard

Yeah I really believe all you niggers are diehard MK fans.

I just want them to stay true to the original female design, just like they stay true to the male design. Is that too much to ask?

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ya, you can see them if you go outside

Nice self-projection, /lgbtpol/tard.

I like big tits and abs as much as the next guy but MK9 chicks had serious problems with their shoulders, torsos and hips.

>it's going to sell millions
Are you a producer or just a bed shitter?

>"I can't deal with this game selling w
>he's so mad he can't properly type a sentence
are you okay user?

Attached: 1554449115295.jpg (640x706, 25K)

Not everyone is a poor are.
I hate them losing degenerates.

The solution to this is that you have a female "lead" character designer while putting the actual lead character designer as one of the other designers.

That way you can shut up these little whiny babies.

Sales mean winning though and that's all that matters

Yea Forums likes Pewdiepie, so its hard to imagine this place as the bastion of good taste.

Picrelated great design. Much better than tranny with tits in MK9.
You're delusional shitposter if you deny that.

Attached: kitana_revenant.jpg (1080x1341, 360K)

So what do you win exactly?

>sexier because they look like real humans

Attached: qNf54J7.png (512x602, 297K)


I didn't realize I had auto reply on ;_;
I'm not used to this website yet but I'm learning! *holdz up spork*

They put Kitana's effeminate brother in the game?


still too sexy

Looks good except for the blades on the shoes and arms.
Also, fivehead.

>Sales mean winning though and that's all that matters
You literally talk like you're from EA. Fucking disgusting.

True. They don't even care about quality as long as it's popular/sales that's all that matters.

Confirmed for phoneposter

Friendly reminder that phoneposters are absolute trash and are responsible for most of the shitposting on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1456951963374.jpg (556x561, 50K)

>ugh, fuck capitalism
keep losing

Yea Forumsirgin election tourist tears

Attached: ehL4bsB.png (1188x1200, 345K)

>oh look another ebin anti sjw channel
>go to his other the videos
>Jordan Peterson and The JQ


Having his favorite company that isn't even aware of his existence make a few more million dollars that he will never see a penny of.
Kinda like Captain marvel shills.

I usually scoff at people that say this but LITERALLY go play the old games if you feel that way. Fight an games are being sold more and more barebones every year. The old shit has more charm and """soul""" anyway. Holding out on those corporate Jews might just incentivise a return to form in a later title. Modern sensibility and progressive attitude already sunk it's nails into this one. It's dead. Move on. If you don't buy this shit, then maybe they will have to stop and say "wow, the white teenage male really was our audience all along. Maybe we should include the tits and ass alongside all the edgy gore like we did the get a big name title in the first place".

>OMG I just love apple!
Yes. fuck capitalism.

Stop being bitter that everyone hates the game.

I thought fighting games were only played by niggers and chinks, why is everyone mad here?

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If MK was some beach volleyball game id be mad but then I remember this is some brutal fighting combat game. Arguing that this is censorship is stupid if the characters had a lot more combat focused outfit in mind originally. It's literally saying your being censored for you not choosing to walk around in a speedo all day.

What the fuck is this /pol/tard shit?


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>Stop being bitter that everyone hates the game.
Citation needed, the new trailer seems to have overwhelmingly positive reception

I thought Captain Marvel sales were all fake, bro. Did the narrative change again?

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>brings up apple for no reason

>women wearing nothing is impractical for fighting!
>but you know what is? wearing a lot of cloth and baggy clothes that are easy to grab


Yea Forums is full of them

how the fuck is this possible?

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this doesn´t even seem like a joke but cruel cold reality at this point

How much are they paying You?!

>brings up capitalism out of nowhere
>so I bring up Apple, a prime example of what's wrong with capitalism
>you're obsessed!
And you're dumb.

>gets censored by sony and steam

What shithole country are you from, ESL-chan?



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>so I bring up Apple, a prime example of what's wrong with capitalism

>Every single character has been updated to show less skin
not true
all the male characters now show more skin then the women ever have

How much are they paying you?


Attached: 5ed9036e62c9f0c10182c37a53ad2219.jpg (576x768, 75K)

Skarlet had a pancake ass and looked anorexic. I don't know how anyone found that attractive.

The fact that you're arguing against that means you are beyond hope.

A million dollars for every foreskin I bring them.

Left is shit too tbqh.
>perfectly spherical silicone boobs
>anatomy of an action figure because animator and modeler have never met each other
>same body type and boobs size
>samey outfits, barely any variety in the pattern of naked/clothed body
It would be fine for 1995, but looks cheap for 2010s. They need to hire some gacha artists.

Attached: 1555529158136.webm (450x300, 670K)

not really
I just wanted franchises that used to have sexy women in them continue to do so instead of pandering to sjws by covering up all the women and while leavign the male characters all topless.
I never demand that new franchises do things to things excursively to fit my taste.
meanwhile sjws forcefully remove everything from every franchise be it new or old to exclusively suit their agenda

>ruins your favorite franchise
how did he get away with it?

Attached: images.jpg (470x313, 12K)

>female character new design has her wearing a crop top instead of a bra

>male character gets a joke DLC where he's wearing a mankini
>anons: "Well as you can probably surmise, this is not practical armor attire, not to mention the dangers of exposed skin to UV rays for long periods of time, I don't understand why the developers are willing to break immersion for something done in jest."

Attached: 1432747366583.png (711x1331, 732K)

>pandering to sjws
There it is again
I can't believe Yea Forums is whining about topless men being in fighting games, but I suppose its because the people whining don't actually play fighting games. You guys are just looking for another avenue to whine about sjws.

John Tobias left.

too sweaty

It literally is pandering to SJWs when there is no practical reason to give more clothing to fighters of either gender.

Tobias isn't around anymore to stop his autismo

Just play Tekken it's much better

No one's whining about there being topless men, they're whining about the blatant hypocrisy of there being shirtless men while all the women are covered head to toe.1

The fact you're not even supporting your argument means you don't know what you're talking about

why shouldn´t we complain about huge double standards and sjws drastically changing another beloved franchise?

>lol you losers are just reverse murderers
>Imagine not wanting people to get murdered
>You're one and the same!!!

I want to lick it.


>No one's whining about there being topless men, they're whining about the blatant hypocrisy of there being shirtless men while all the women are covered head to toe.1

I don't know how to break this to you, Yea Forums, but women can't walk around topless. You should get mad at the double standards of reality, or just move to Africa.

Or we can use a real example:
>sjw's are freaking out about Quiet's costume and saying fans wouldn't like it if Snake was weaing something similar
>user's get right on that and make art of Big Boss wearing the same thing
>they loved it

Attached: 1442247012997.jpg (2112x1344, 583K)

Now compare the males

MK is the only fighting games series that isn't made for low-t weebs, insects or niggers.

Do you know what topless even mean?

>drastically changing
Do you even know who Ed Boon is?

He wasn't around for 9 either.

The fact that 11 and 12 are actually closer than 11 is to 9 is just sad.

>women can't walk around topless
Why? Are you some sexist rapist that can't hold himself back when an attractive women is in the vicinity?

Wow. It's 2019, can you not promote trans-erasure please?

>but women can't walk around topless
They can, and frequently do, walk around in bikini tops in the real world however despite "woke" devs and SJWs telling you that anything but completely covered up is unrealistic.

John Tobias get fed up with his bullshit.

>11 and 12 are beside each other
>while 9 is two numbers away from 11
>this is sad for some reason
Did you skip kindergarten?

but they are actually pandering
how fucking brainlet are you?

This fucking board, man

>Just play Tekken it's much better
What about Soul Calibur?

WTF are you serious, do you not know the dangerous seductive power of a women body? i thank god the women body are covered who know how many rapes we have prevented....probably millions.

You want sex and gore in MK? What are you... a disgusting incel?!

Are you so pathetic that you need polygon tits in your games to jerk off, hahaha what a bunch of losers!

Oh but these same polygon tits are incredibly dangerous because they reinforce a bad image to little girls. Think of the children.

Pretending to be retarded is the same as being retarded user.

This, Allah be praised

>SJWs, Islam, and burqas
rent 4 free

a guy who used to have no problem with huge breasts and skimpy outifts before years of sjw outrage culture forced him to change stuff

Are you only just realizing lefties constantly contradict themselves?

Inshalah, brother.

I agree, so you should probably stop.

NRS threw away their loyal fanbase for SJWs and muslims, man. This game is going to bomb so hard.

No such thing.

Attached: 51d07a50f7e14d09f7c6f04c7ded7dc9.jpg (604x604, 70K)

What are the odds they'll patch out the online requirements in a year or two?

Can’t get dabbed on if you’re the one doing the dabbing.

Attached: EEAA7786-8DE9-455C-A5C9-D5C66FD19B04.jpg (560x560, 33K)

Dont be an idiot MK is like the most normie friendly fighting game. It's going to sell like hotcakes.

Do you have anything worth to say or can i just stop replying to you already?

>Arguing that this is censorship
but it is censorship. the removed the original outfits and breast sized while also giving the male characters almost only skimpy outfits

No dude its over, I've seen the one angry gamer articles. They've awoken a sleeping giant, and gamers are gonna rise up and not buy Muslim Kombat 11!

you mean hours? never underestimate the amount of backlash user

WeW, typical sexist SJW incel.
So you're suggesting if women look sexy and attractive = "shallow sluts"? Or showing some skins of (fictional)women means they're all "shallow sluts"? Or skin women alive and dismember, carve their bodies open to see women's internal organs, bones, flesh and dead bodies is "natural"?
Are you a fucking degenerated psychopath? Yes, you are.

Not a fan of the top one's redesign but the bottom looks cool. Stop fucking crying for no reason.

That's something you'll have to ask yourself, can you resist the temptation?

>devs making a game how they want is censorship
You niggers are dumb as fuck.

I know this is bait.

Not a draw


chinks are so ugly

These buttons exist for a fucking reason.

Use them

Attached: file.png (152x18, 2K)

is there a single AAA video game that has men that look like this? In physique, attire, and anatomically correct 3D models?

Attached: 1497817734354.jpg (700x1036, 83K)

>this thread

pathetic really

>>devs making a game how they want
but they aren´t they are censoring themselves to avoid public blacklash
if anita and sjws had never been a thing mk 11 still would have half naked women, instead of only half naked men

The game has been shit since MK3

but why do the all the men have to dress up like strippers?

Vagrant Story comes to mind. Made by Square for the PS1, prequel to FF12, main character wore assless chaps with nothing covering the ass.

Wow congrats user you can detect obvious sarcasm.

But user Kollector has his nipples out; double standards!

MK4 was it's last breath honestly.

>but they aren´t they are censoring themselves to avoid public blacklash
Are you a mindreader? Are you talking to Ed Boon?

Christ you people are delusional. You'll say Boon is a SJW pandering cuck one minute and then claim he's being censored by SJWs the next.


No, because most gamers are not disgusting faggots. But you already have these ones in MK11.
So stop whining like SJWincel.

Attached: 1555136938522.jpg (972x710, 108K)

MK4 was ironically John Tobias last development then he left.

I enjoyed MK Gold. Still got a copy on my shelf.

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some ugly assed, big lipped nigger

Attached: 9rl2.jpg (465x391, 28K)

Me as well, it was good.

Oh my God he's still at it

>and no, there are no black women in the story
So I guess Jade just doesn't exist then

Just ignore him

Dont give him any attention.


this is a mature game about gore and killing, you dont want your sons to become rapist.

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