Is this game still bad?
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It was never good. Each update was one step forward and two steps back. Mods don't fix any of the fundamental problems. It's pretty unsalvageable.
Real shame since it produced some neat art. Imagine if it'd been as popular as Terraria with its staying power.
>tutorial is unskippable
Play Terraria instead
I recently tried to go back and play it, and yes, it still feels like it lacks something Terraria has. It's probably soul, but there's really something special about how unique most of the weapons and items are in Terraria
The tutorial is skippable now at least
It was better during the beta.
Novakids are cool tho
>Resetting player data at 1.0
>Pulling out a shitty story out of it's ass
>Removing shit like the NTSC bases
>Couldn't even bother giving abilities to each races
>Multiplayer is laggy as shit, even with a few player you'd crash after a while
>Can't even protect your space ship from space shitters without mods
>The game is all about repeating exploration shit
>You absolutely need to play through the normal .exe and not through steam or it lags like shit
>No fun bosses on any overworlds
At least there are mods that makes it fun like Frackin' Universe.
That sounds bad are the developers still working on it? I bought this game years ago hopefully and haven’t touched it in a while.
how do I skip the tutorial then
There’s a button for it on the character creation menu.
>playing a game that was shilled purely to be a scam solely to start a vidya "publishing" company
You shits got exactly what you payed for: Tiyuri's UK kindergarten
Not at all, you might as well just play it with mods
I really have to hand it to Tiy for actually being pretty ruthless and intelligent. He literally got Starbound developed almost for free, moved the operation to the UK solely to avoid paying anyone since it was an ultimatum to the team (uproot your life and move to the UK with us on your own dime or you're fired XD), and tricked that rube who made Stardew Valley into letting them publish their game knowing full well normies would assume it was developed by Chucklefish as well because Stardew sounds like Starbound, gaining him tons of goodwill. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a Griffith down the line and sacrifices his entire operation for a job at Nintendo.
Between this and Edge of Space why does every Terraria Clone turn into pure shit? Why is it such a hard format?
They always try too hard to have content instead of develop content
Was never good sadly.
You don't have a reason to ever build a base in a game about space travel to soulless, boring planets.
In Terraria you have one big world and you're stuck there, so shaping it to your needs makes sense. In Terraria you get attached to your world, in Starbound you never will get attached to a world due to the constant need of upgrading your questshit to go to less pleasant planets, and once you're through the quests, building a base is pointless because what the fuck are you gonna do afterwards.
Only really good for pic related really.
Muh dik
What about them makes you go muh dik user?
The designers have their own heads lodged firmly up their asses and can't fathom adding anything anything to the game that doesn't fit their overthought design philosophies. This leads to bland, repetitive gameplay.
While Red took the chad option and just threw whatever cool shit he thought of into terraria without giving much thought about consistency or balance. You never know what to expect you'll uncover as you progress.
I realized it was shit when the coolest race in the game, the Novakids, were basically, "dude they have ADHD lmao that's why they have no lore, they got bored before they started!"
Though not the best race I can certainly see the appeal of feral-ish plant ladies.
>Frackin Universe
It just adds a ton of pointless shit. It doesn't fix the rotten foundations of the game.
Building is still pointless, and movement and combat still feel unpleasant.
They're the best race for companions with humans though.
>Change the intro mission so you wind up at the outpost directly after it, interact with each facility to receive an Erchius Shard, which you repair your ship, so you can explore the universe sooner.
>The Lunar Mine mission becomes optional, and unlocks the option to switch your ship with other ones.
>Mini Map with dynamic clock
>Planets are larger, and have more biomes, you can also find high tier ore, but the difficulty scales based on how far you are from the starting point, or deep into the ground.
Because they have Terraria to live up to. Even Terraria was shit when it came out but back on 1.0 it didn't have Terraria to compete with.
This genre is basically like the MMO Genre, And starbound is trying to be the Terraria-killer, but a new game just can't stand up to something with years of improvement and refinements.
Do you know the artist?
I'm currently playing FU uncheated and selected BYOS. How can I expand my ship so I can have crew members?
If it's bad at launch it will forever be bad. Dumb fucks need to get it first the first time.
Redbull me on sexual gameplay. I downloaded a bunch of mods off LL but they barely do shit.
I think you need a mod for sexual gameplay.
Base vanilla game is bland and quickly forgettable. With the right mods, it can be a real fun experience. Frackin Universe is the only thing keeping the game's heart beating IMO.
You can recruit two crew members by default. You get ship licenses every two crew members or you can buy them from a shady merchant in the Outpost. After that you give upgrade modules to the vehicle selling guy.
I have more images but they're kinda nsfw.
>Edge of Space
Man it was actually somewhat fun at some point, i liked the TD aspect of it, different engines to get power, lighting up corridors around your base and putting turrets and repair drones and so on
Then they fucked it all up, then tripped over constantly redrawing their ugly as shit assets without realizing that their problem is artist itself, then endless combat reworks, then that whole fiasco
Sometimes i wish someone salvaged that game
Recommend some then.
The seizure inducing repulsive yogurt colored background in Edge of Space made it completely unplayable for me. My fucking god how do you make a game look that horrible?
>He bought?
As i said their artist was complete shit. Some stations were nice looking but the entire world is just neon vomit and super hi-res textures for tiny tiles clashing against each other in most horrible way and nothing blending and meshing with anything nearby at all like Terraria or even shitbound
It's not really that great to be honest.
Got an archive?
I'm tryin' ta diet, ya dick
porn mod when? i just want to on a breeding spree like that old legend of zelda comic
when the fuck is the updated vore mod going to be finished
Weren't play people dumb xenophobic carnivore who managed to get into space by pure luck ?
Floranfuckers are just fetishists.
>vore mod
you have my interest, user
Got the original pic?