Why is the only good game reviewer a potato who says nigger?
Why is the only good game reviewer a potato who says nigger?
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when did he say nigger?
probably referring to this
I don't know, but I can clearly hear it in my head in his voice and accent so he must have said it some time, maybe just in private but said it nonetheless
I don’t know, he just is. Where’s the new video?
around 1:30 to be exact
Well, yeah, he said it, but he said it in a perfectly fine context.. What's the point?
ask op
>Rewatching the DaS Commentary for the 4th time
Why is it so relaxing?
I like him, but he circle jerked BOTW too much. Felt like hand waiving the issues of the game
Nah there was plenty of criticism.
Posting his two worst videos.
> Felt like hand waiving the issues of the game
he criticized the flurry rush he just didn't take more than a sentence describing it like Hamsterson did.It's not exact. There isn't much else to say.
More like some of his best
where is it Matt?
I think he was pretty fair on it for the most part. He criticised some aspects I haven't even seen mentioned before like how the names of locations were used in place of actually making the locations look a little more distinct like the Temple of Time.
I've listened to his mgs series at least a dozen times each as I fall asleep
I've never even played the games it's just so comfy...
I dunno man he's just the best. I think how hard he works on his scripts really helps, but sometimes there's not really an explanation for these things.
Yea Forums will cope hard because of his video trashing sekiro for it not being demon souls when sekiro 3 is out by 2023
>Bioshock is a bad game because it doesn't show subhuman nigger coons getting lynched every 5 minutes
Damn, Matthew...
>24 minutes of pretending Demon's Souls was better than it actually was
>49 minutes of pretending Dark Souls 2 was worse than it actually was
Neither of those are really "bad" (like most of Hamsterson's work for example) but they're still pretty shit by Matt's standards.
I can't believe he actually said this. How does he keep getting away with it?
He barely scratches the surface of what makes DS2 bad, fagola