What are you planning to play this 4/20?
What are you planning to play this 4/20?
Other urls found in this thread:
existential crisis
>tfw turning 30 on this 4/20
The game of going into every weed thread and saying "wow i thought stoners were supposed to be chill but you're all buttmad lmao what's wrong?"
No clue.
It's the anniversary of my dad's death, so who fucking knows.
I don't know the date of my dad's death, probably should
Doesn't seem like that would cause much of a reaction. All the places I've been would probably just go um okay or think it was some kinda lame joke
I was thinking Yakuza 0, or maybe fire up an Xbox 360 emulator and play tenchu z
is that?
can't be
Why? It'll just depress you on that day.
I was just taking care of him at home, so it's kinda hard to forget.
fucking xbox controller in the back
I'm getting back into TESO, gonna start fresh.
Should I play khajiit or argonian?
I feel like without mods khajiit is gonna feel lame.
>Why? It'll just depress you on that day.
This is why I haven't ever tried to find out, seems like it's nice to do something in his memory on that day but my sister and I usually just do that on Father's day. We were under 10 at the time so not surprising we don't know the exact day.
You're right, it can't be
I gotcha, though I think if you're honoring him on any day that's good enough!
I've though about making a little shrine to put his ashes on and maybe some incense, all Japanese style.
Maybe a happier thing would be to celebrate on his birthday instead?
hey dude... DUDE... HAHAHAAHH
You people are fucking pathetic.
Birthday isn't a bad idea, it's the day after mine though.
It's no more pathetic than the plethora of drinking holdays that get celebrated. Since it's Easter though lots of friend are going to be out of town so can't just hang out
You must have a lot going for you to waste you time posting shit like this
Please post anti pot images
I'm playing sober.
>wasted all my spare money on new PC, graphic tablet and dental treatment recently
>no money left for weed
>will probably spend 4/20 autistically transferring my music and porn from old PC
Sekiro and World War Z
Eastbound and Down
Lofi Hip Hop
Wing Zone, Subway and Taco Bell
No need have a girlfriend I'm going to fuck the shit out of
Going to get some clear Rum and Cherry Coke
Getting an eighth of some nice nugs, a brand new glass bong and grinder. Sucks it's going to be raining here though. Going to be a good time Yea Forumsros
super columbine massacre rpg
Wolfenstein 3d
i'll probably play Nioh a bunch. Maybe some borderlands
Oh shit Hitler's birthday is coming up, thanks for reminding me.
Smoking weed feels like you're killing our soul and losing who you really are every time you smoke it(and exhilarating the process of turning white matter into gray matter in your brain).
Nothing, since I get get cash till the 23rd.
Considering starting an Oblivion playthrough. Been a long time and that would be pretty comfy
Your dad is hitler?
Celebrate Hitlers Birthday with /pol/
Smoke resin
Probably Smash or League
American Psycho most likely
Lofi Hip Hop
Gonna order a philly cheese steak sub and fettuccine Alfredo from this italian pizzeria. Going to have one for lunch and the other for dinner
i dunno iggy azalea, khloe kardashian or maybe i gotta bust out the sad panda
water and diet coke
Got a nice dab pen and several new cartridges for it. Shits gonna be gud
No it feels like you're discovering who you really are. Do not be afraid.
Either Satisfactory with my buddy, Animal Crossing with mah wife, or Objects in Space with myself. Maybe all 3?
No idea. I spent 26 hours playing Sekiro this last weeks and every second spent on it I was high as a kite, one of the best experiences Ive had with a videogame in years, but dont find any motivation to replay it after unlocking 2 ends. I want something with a challenge on the PS4, any ideas?
Noone eats subway anymore. How can we trust you when you lie to us user?
>exhilarating the process
Seems like you're already half way there user, why stop now?
Idk. Got a good friend and his wife coming up from Texas to see me and our other friends so I doubt I'll have time to play anything except in the morning so it'll either be overwatch or vermintide 2
Nothing because it's Easter weekend and I'm expected to be with family. At least I can celebrate stoner's eve with a friend. Maybe I'll pick up the smash dlc pass too.
Which animal crossing? That sounds comfy but don't really wanna dig out my 3ds and play on that
I haven't been that big of a fan of sekiro. Last thing I've done was the second genichiro fight and don't really feel like picking it back up very much
It means is a third world citizen. He isnt a lier, he is just doomed
I'll be at work making mad money. Arbeit macht frei, more like arbeit mach high lmao amirite?
Fuck junkies
City Folk. Wife's sister gave us a modded wii with that on there and we've been hooked ever since.
All we have where I live unless you want to go to wawa
Probably not play, just be waved at my local park. Pic related will be me on that loud.
Reminder: do not leave your house on April 20th due to all the people smoking marijuana. You'll end up in a car wreck or some shit
What do you mean exactly senpai?
Woah dude... is that weed? Like that one from Breaking Bad? That's so cool dude.
M8s and i are unironically going to play minecraft
The game where your mom bounces on my dick
I assume you meant accelerating? Don't really wanna come off salty, just messin with ya
Maybe I'll see if that's emulatable
Most stoners are too lazy to drive around on 4/20, probably safer than usual
I wish my friends would play Minecraft with me. I'd like to do a hardcore playthrough with a group
>tfw been losing your enjoyment of video games for months
>cant stick with a single one for 20 minutes
probably just gonna smoke and watch one piece with my squad
that's pretty fun at least
smash brothers and titanfall 2
maybe a board game
We dont have 20 months user..
Probably some Brigador which is an excellent stoner game. Maybe some Sekiro or REmake2 as well. Sekiro is tougher when stoned for me but I also don't care if I lose.
Gravity's Rainbow
lol you utter moron
drinking is fucking fine and culturally acceptable
weed is for literal trogs and people who can't handle living like real adults
go back to fucking reddit with that filth
>back in high school
>420 weekend
>made a bbq, played the drinking game watching Lord of the Rings and smoking some joints
>play some Gears of Wars and Fifa
Good times
Thats how unitedstatenese people understand dates, instead of dd/mm/yy as any sane person would do
But weed is legal my man. Does this make it culturally acceptable?
Everyone I know gets high
My family gets high
My co-workers get high
Hell, even my suit and tie boss smokes fucking weed.
Welcome to 2019. Deal with it.
weed is a two hour affair, booze gets you piss drunk and hungover in the morning.
Well stryder can be a similar feel but its just gonna be a step down in the end. Messenger is anonther one. Dmc is a tough sell personally but the extreme difficulties can sometimes be worthwhile
No it makes youtube poops funnier
>feeling the need to have a day dedicated to the consumption of a plant
When are we having the Tobbaco day guys?
Any Jew removal game?
It makes sense in some way, smallest max number at left and largest max number at the right
Looks like someone can't drink
The legend of zelda randomizer
do you base all of your decisions off of what's legal?
it's disgusting and hated by all self-respecting people, which is what i mean.
weed has been improperly stigmatized against, that's why it got it's own day
or just because a group of high schoolers just had a joint everyday at 4:20 after school was out and got everyone else in on the joke
ive never weeded ever
Im just saying. Booze has much longer lasting effects so a responsible adult could definitely in some situations prefer marijuana over hops...
>dude i live in a fucking shithole that means my life is representative of people's lives in the civilized world!!!!
as someone from the east coast who is at uni in california, i'm guessing you're probably living somewhere over here
weed ruins your mind and your conscience forever
I would love to but man, I am on my way to a degree in healthcare. I can't be smoking that shit and have it come up on some check.
Bless you, magnificent dope head.
wait guys stop replying to shitposters that are just talking about weed
talk about some goddamn video games
Nixon didn't even want to ban it you know. The only people who "hate" weed are ideologues and big paper
that's a good course
it's incredible how people who visit this brain poison of a website pretend to have a problem with fucking weed
Self respecting people doesnt give a fuck about drugs, they just dont use it and thats it
that's why I attend confession every Sunday :)
It is the best thing in life capable of making anything better, it is a gateway drug too that can ruin your life by getting you (mentally) addicted or hooked to stronger things. It is also overrated.
It al depends of your age/personal situation/self control
You’re less of a person if you haven’t done some drugs. You need multiple human experiences to properly developed a full view of the world. It’s lioe being a virgin, you’re missing a part of what makes you a proper adult.
Mother 3 or Smash if friends come to hang out
Hearts of Iron, obviously. What else would you play to celebrate Führer's Geburtstag?
Too obvious
>duuude, you need like, pop your cherry and try this thing
Man the fuck up, son. Make your own decisions and suffer the consequences of your actions, thats what being an adult means, not trying substances because other people tell you to do it
reverse troll?
>dude hitler is awesome
Underage detected
Not him but I'm old now and a couple of beers can make my morning harder.
Weed is no fuss, no muss.
This is most likely bait but meh. I don't partake and have friends who work for Google, getting paid ridiculous amounts of money who smoke almost daily and living the good life. Get over yourself lol.
Sure sweetheart, and your dad works for Nintendo, right?
G..Grandpa..Is that you?
Risk of Rain 2 and og Battlefront 2 4 man galactic conquest
"self-respecting people" invented drugs in laboratories and are directly responsible for synthetic opiates, PCP, meth, cocaine, etc
Cope more honeybear, the truth hurts doesn't it.
gonna be playing FFXIV with the guild and smoking on some blue bird
Persona 5. Challenge is to not fall asleep during 2 hours long cutscenes.
The plan is to go rock climbing with some babes and bring along a bundle of joints, but maybe I'll be able to squeeze in some vidya later on at night.
Well its not hated. Look around you my man, no one cares, its only a matter of time before all states make it legal and then there will be no escape. Your smug chinese cartoon pictures hold no power here.
Your mom
seething druggies. have sex.
i mean come on now have you people accomplished literally anything? lmao
You know that mass replying implies massive butthurt, right? Lol holy shit this guy.
Have you tried having sex right after smoking? Its pretty damn great.
Sekiro, Hideous Destructor, and Grim Dawn.
With friends, definitely Smash and Duck Game. Maybe MC.
If you're gonna chemically bludgeon yourself at least do it with a trusted brand.
>said self respecting people dont use drugs
>"lmao u druggie incel"
Brain damage detected
You either grow your own weed or dont bother at all
Apex Legends
Naruto Shitpuuden Storm 4 or whatever
Mortal Kombat
Devil May Cry
I got a pen and some oil ready for this weekend.
once again say a silent prayer for the greatest man to ever live, of course.
>for people who cant handle living like real adults
lol like alcohol id any different
this - weed exists to watch youtube poop and giggle
Daily reminder to crush your nugs with your fingers and not to use a grinder which is designed to steal precious weed and thc particulate form your bowls
Can't you just clean your grinder and dump that into a bowl? If you use your fingers you'll still lose stuff unless you do it over a bag.
Splatoon 2.
Yeah sounds like a great idea. Have shit bowls 90% of the time and then just actually get high with keef 10% of the time. Cool plan bro!
How much success do you guys have with cross fading? I feel like the weed always outweighs the effect of alcohol so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not.
Then you just have keef in the bottom layer that you can use
probably resident evil 4... haven't had too much time to play lately and am about halfway through or so. Don't really do drugs or drink much anymore.
Stocked up on concentrates and edibles yesterday. Ultra refined sour diesel juice is pretty amazing. I’ll be working on the backlog. GoW, BotW, maybe finish Uncharted 4 finally.
This is pretty neat, fun with friends too
Not too complicated, but ramps up at a nice pace
I think you're just bad at packing bowls, dude. You're giving me the impression that your nails are filthy.
drinking, like many other substances is just a tool for peoplw who can't cope with adult life. They use it to escape
i don't smoke. you don't make me angry.
>im the one with brain damage
lol dude im in the middle of a phd but sure
alcohol is no better, but at least it's not abhorrent to literally everyone in the vicinity of the user
I'll be playing Splat2.
>resort to ad hominems
Ok whatever you say faggot. Intelligence is a mark of beauty to me and I can tell you’re an ugly faggot
i agree in most cases, but drinking is often just a social tool. any other drug does not help people to socialize.
The original Fire Emblem, since it is the game's anniversary.
Nigger you already resorted to ad homs. You resorted to ad homs in this very post. You must be a real mirror cracker, following your own logic.
I think you're just upset about having filthy nails, personally.
...except weed or any upper (cocaine is pretty obvious here), any designer drugs, low dosing psychadelics, shrooms particularly...
i mean there's all genres of drugs that are good for socializing, the fuck you're talking about?
Akatsuki Blitzkampf
I'm going to not smoke any weed today and tomorrow to reduce my tolerance and let my plant grow out it's buds, then I'll play casual tf2 and smoke all weed with a bong while the mic is on. Then I'll go watch some youtube on autoplay.
Nothing because it's Easter weekend and I'm leaving to go visit my family in like an hour
Here's mine: youtu.be
and i imagine slow spinning trophies of people I know, with descriptions next to them. The descriptions were about their relationship with me/ info about them
this when im tripping balls
Going to be with a few old friends, the same crew for every holiday. Probably going to be playing Sega Genesis, namely Greatest Heavyweights, maybe some SuperHangOn or whatever. Smash brothers 64, possibly some ps4 if my friend brings it. bringing several pieces of glass; and theres going to be a lot of dutch guts in the garbage at the end of the day.
On the other hand, its my birthday right fucking now, and i just got Sekiro for myself, fallout 76 since my cousins buying it to play with him, and my friend just got me RE2make. I'm going to get a six pack in a few hours and wait for Sarazanmai
bruh that sad ass plant aint about to grow out no buds bruv
ah yes, i take all my advice and info from worthless druggies like you
this is what you "connoisseurs" look like to literally any well adjusted person oh it's all shit who would have guessed that drugs impair your judgement
imagine not just being a druggie, but also liking vgm. wow, humiliating.
Youre sober and listened to each song for 10 seconds, you worthless
>outright breaks out the smug anime girl
>people still bite
Shit desu you're my dog here, it's on these fags if they can't recognize this shit. Have a friendly (You).
No, Hitler didn’t die on 4/20 it was his birthday
On 4/20 I’ll be celebrating Hitlers birthday, not jokingly
i know most of the songs by hovering over the things, who do you think i am?
i listen to real music in my free time like chopin.
it's not bait, apologist. the number of replies just proves my point.
Participate in the Splatfest in Splatoon 2 sober.
Weed actually makes me bitter and angry if I smoke it without being drunk first.
stay up all night drinking so i can watch this and root for Zacky even though I know he's gonna lose
The waiting game: probation edition
grats for becoming a wizard
chopin is literally the VGM of classical lmao imagine trying to sound high class and cultured and then going "yeah i listen to chopin" LMFAO
>be me
>jerk off and smoke weed every day
>can't get dick hard to jerk off or fuck women
>quit smoking weed and live healthier lifestyle
>do this for 5 months
>still can't keep my dick hard
>tfw 24
This is some dank autism right here.
>Weed is the only that helps me sleep and relax
>Don't want to smoke it all the time to not create dependency and not be the person who just smokes weed all the time
Damned if I do and damned if I don't
I'm more excited for 4/19 honestly
>stores closed tomorrow
>buy shit for 2 friday and saturday
>Date a huge slob
>Be surprised when the slob doesn't take care of themselves and the house
I'm gonna get a six pack of Yuengling, get high as fuck and stream some Earthbound. I haven't played it in like a decade.
Of course it's the first weekend I have to myself in weeks, and now my family won't leave me the fuck alone until night time Saturday. Better than nothing I guess.
I might actually watch Restaurant Impossible since Rob Irvine is a boss and basically the WWE superstar of Food Network
>literally always high
>4/20 has no meaning
Remember back in 2012 when people on Yea Forums made fun of all the "YOLO DUBSTEP MLG 420" stuff from back then?
Have you tried not looking at porn?
my negro
> I'm going to fuck the shit out of
scatfags are the worst.
She just looks that way because I've been harvesting like 3 grams off her for the past 2 weeks. Also because she got fertalized. Not a problem. She will give me her swan buds and I'll do much better during the next harvest.
dude im not smoking any weed because im waiting for my new dude lmao vape
*college kids
I will be fasting this Saturday, so no vidya.
I'm concerned that Mordhau will make a surprise release, a bit anxious i'll miss out on launch day
>He hasn't taken the concentratespill yet
>He's doesn't dab on jannies while dabbing some rosin
actually im stupid, just saw the trailer. So i guess no more anxiety about it.
Lol what a pathetic response. Pro weed is a redditor red flag.
Its my waifu's birthday
>nuke my tolerance so nothing short of concentrates will even have a slight effect
>increase weed expenditures by a ton as well
concentrates are a false god as main thc method. Bud and special occasion concentrate is the best way
Have sex
Kingdom Hearts and God Hand mostly. That's only for late night though, weed has made lifting and running super relaxing so those are the main events for the day.
Super Columbine RPG
18 holes of golf
Oh no weed oh shit I hate it ewww. State of you faggots.
but dude it's a saturday
Im not wrong :)
>tfw you smoke too much so 4/20 won't really be special
Next year I'm going to quit a month or two before and be really fresh for it.
pro tip, use a tooth brush to clean your grinder. You would be absolutely blown away by the amount of keef that is there. I do this all the time whenever im out
Absolutely seething weed nigger
But I want to be stupid. Being smart (but not a genius and lacking passion in anything) is like a Hell I can't escape from.
who /vapecannbis/ here?
Just got two full grams from my friend so I'm set for the next two weeks of vacation
Except the science shows it doesn't kill off brain cells like alcohol does.
probably an old CoD game yo comemorate the birth of Hitler.
Also weed is legal here so the only thing to protest would be terrible distribution.
dude sneed lmao
The "go to work like a productive human being instead of sitting around and doing drugs" game.
i tried this month but i hate being a sober wagie
holy cope!
>Only enough weed for one more joint
>Saving it for JoJo Friday
*hits a fat cope rip*
Is there any noticeable difference between vape cartridges and vaping bud?
>wagecuck works on Saturday
Weed is the ultimate wagecuckery drug though. Its an expensive habit to keep requiring more money from your shit job and it's the only thing that makes the precious few hours you get after work worth it all.
no, I take fat rips to get high
>i listen to real music in my free time like chopin.
and it would sound better with weed.
Gotta find the right balance and right order.
Sometimes I do better if I get a few shots in me first and then smoke a bowl or two. Sometimes the opposite.
Gonna be a cope from me dawg
Crysis 3
>Is there any noticeable difference between vape cartridges and vaping bud?
I actually never vaped bud itself nor have I met anyone who has so I couldn't say.
Vaping carts and smoking bud is definitely different though, carts are less of a ha-ha high and more of a relaxing/sleepy high, even regardless if its sativa or indica.
If you ever get any carts though the only brand I'd outright say avoid is Ginger Dank and strain wise try to go for Hybrids
im ordering first vape on friday not gonna be here in time sadly
my nigger
>say only alcohol can be a social drug
>point out the vast array of social drugs that are used in pretty much any party situation regularly
>oh well you're just socially maladjusted
okay, whatever you say kiddo.
Carts don't really give me as uncontrollable munchies but it's less of an explicit high, more somber
bud's usually relaxing and soft
this will be my first 420 in 5+ years without weed since im staying with my mum
Yeah, I'm turning 28 next month. Still single, still living with momma, but at least I'm working full time now. Games for being a fuckup Yea Forums?
Being single is probably the farthest thing from being a fuck up in this current time. You can get seriously fucked up by a chick.
The people that may try shaming you about it are people who are too afraid of looking alone and thus aren’t able to make s rational risk/reward decision for themselves
I don’t actually play video games. I spend time here trying to debate and increase my vocabulary skills
I’ll probably just smoke from a dab pen and hang out with my amigos in the park or some shit
are you hitler
I'm going to visit my Dad and smoke a couple blunts with him.
Thus mad money
4/20 is on Saturday dipshit
No I don’t smoke weed either
Based dad.
ARK survival evolved scorched earth 837 crossplay. Dude raptor brownies lmao.
>tfw dad is homeless and lost wandering the mid-west
Shame cause he was really into weed too.
>he doesn’t go in on Saturday to get overtime
Do note that most companies offer weekend and holiday compensation on top of normal pay.
Company I am slaving away for offers triple pay for Friday, Saturday and Monday.
Am going to work on Sunday too because on top of the triple pay, I get sunday bonus too which is another 100% extra. Basically I can take the next 2 weeks off and play video games without my finances going to shit.
Where the fuck do you work?
BMW. I am also planning on doing some overtime too so I get normal overtime double pay on top of all the other bonuses, basically I am going to be filthy rich for a very short while. I am also planning on upgrading my PC with the money and fixing up my car and motorcycle.
Hearts of Iron IV
RE2 was a dope af game to play high
>as soon as I smoke enough to actually feel anything it's a guaranteed panic attack
Oh well it saves me money I guess
Opinions on Sour Diesel?
I'm absolutely in love with this stuff.
weedfags are obnoxious deadbeats
too bad they can't overdose on that shit
you weren't made for weed. look at what burroughs says about it, he calls it an accentuator: it takes what was already there and makes it be more. if like me you are a nervous person then all weed does is make you more nervous. it makes people chill who Can chill.
It sucks, when I know I can't do something it makes me want to do it more even if it's something I wouldn't have really cared for originally
Maybe I'll try CBD mix strains or something
I've never met a person who smokes weed that isn't a fucking low life working a McJob
Most of us turned to weed after we realized we were losers.
im a plumber whats up cunt
Bells. Better than any shit you might be smoking.
Are you in middle school or something? Upgrade to coke already.
>in my board
You dont get it?
Weed is fucking weird to talk about because it's legal and completely socially acceptable in some countries, and so illegal it's punished like you're a serial rapist. In Singapore it's the death penalty for fucks sakes.
There's nothing else like it. Yea Forums would delete threads on sight if they talked about weed in the op. Or even delete if the image contained weed. I wish we'd all just calm the fuck down.
I don't understand what you thought about that was bait
I heard Plumbers make mad dosh, is that true?
I've never met a person who didn't smoke weed that wasn't a high strung asshole that made life worse for everyone around them, most of the time they also relied on a harmful substance like alcohol then preach about how bad weed is and how it's killing society.
I always play some kind of mass shooting game because Columbine, so probably postal 2 with a school map
Yeah, bro, with all the money I get from working overtime, and the copper I can keep and scrap for money, I earn a damn good buck and am always happy with my work.
Do you wear ties?
Plumbers don't wear ties.
>smoke daily
>month tolerance break
>smoke bong bowl of kief and hash
>way too high for just my thoughts
>watching a movie did not work
>play some dead island instead
>get in a truck and drive to the hotel
>running zombies chasing me the whole way
>start freaking the fuck out
>the sounds were all amplified in my head
>zombies will pull you out of the truck if thet get too close
>have to run over hordes of zombies
>they get back up sometimes
>gruesome as fuck never bothered by this before
>feel bad but keep backing up and hitting them again and again
>anxiety through the roof
>still hear that sound sometimes
>dont quit smoking
literally nothing
i have a math exam in 2 days ;_;
>Tfw smoke with my dad and mom
>They both were part of my country's "hippie movement" and did a lot of drugs
>Never felt the urge to do drugs other than recreation alcohol like every non autistic kid
>Start smoking with Mom at 23 and like it
>Started late so it never became an addiction and I can go without smoking for as much time as I want without feeling anxiety even after smoking daily for months.
Based parents
CS as always
chicken from a clay pot. just get a whole chicken, salt, pepper and paprika the skin, chop up some onions and tomatoes. put veggies in pot, add a table spoon of chicken broth, put the chicken on the veggies, in the oven for 30-35 minutes. take lid off, another 5 minutes so it's nice and crispy and brown. serve with big fat fries so they can soak up the juices, not skinny bitch fries
i rarely listen to music anymore but if i'm really stoned it's mostly trashy rap
haven't had sex with my gf in six months so i'm jerking it to random pornhub vids or Sash
don't have shit to watch. literally not a single good series right now.
fucking retarded mutts
I wasn’t cool enough in high school to be offered weed.
rent free
>World War Z
its no left4dead. Levels are really short and easy even on higher settings.
From my experience, drinking beforehand just makes the high way too intense; I almost always end up going stupid. Drinking while high just makes all alcohol taste like shit. Honestly, I recommend just doing one or the other. t. big legend
Probably Borderlands 2. I picked up the Handsome Collection when it was on sale recently. I'll only be getting a little high then because I'm hanging out with friends in the evening to celebrate.
I'm jealous.
I used to smoke concentrates basically nonstop. I went broke and normal bud didn't even do it for me afterward. It's not worth it gamers. Take this guy's advice and just do it for special occasions.
Vapes are great if you aren't too big of a fiend. No smoother, cleaner way to smoke, basically. Although, I had a pretty cheap one that forced me to wait around 15 minutes between 0.2 gram sessions. Nowadays I just roll cones.
>all this rationalizing to cope with being alone
I don't smoke weed because I'm not a nigger.
Smoked weed including dabbing for about two years. Quit two months ago and have more drive to do actual shit instead of loaf around. I smoked weed through college as well and was an honors student so it's weird that it had such an affect on my motivation. Probably getting old. I won't be smoking on 4/20 as I still can't fucking piss clean (I blame the dabs) and want to land a higher paying job.
Mario Party 1 and maybe 2
Mario Kart 64
Maybe some other stuff but those are definite. Gonna have edibles, smokeables and sake. Gonna make swastika cupcakes for Hitler's birthday and find a way to.celebrate the 20th anniversary of Columbine. 4/20 is also one of my friend's birthdays
lol i just got it
Going to play a lot of fighting games with friends.