Yea Forums claims to hate movie games

>Yea Forums claims to hate movie games
>Yea Forums also thinks this is one of the best games ever made

Attached: Yakuza-0-2.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's fun

Its ok when I like it

it's ok when japan does it

>it's okay when Japan does it
That's literally it. Yea Forums is full of retarded weebs who make every excuse for Japanese games.

Yakuza has more gameplay than those movie games though

It has more gameplay than any movie game. You can not like the narrative structure of the game all you like but there is actually a game aspect to the game unlike TLOU.

cause the yakuza games aren't movie games.
if you think they are, then you will die

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that TLoU somehow has "less gameplay" than Yakuza. The gameplay/cutscene ratio is far less extreme in TLoU than it is in Yakuza. Also,

>TLoU cutscenes
1 hour 32 minutes
>Yakuza cutscenes
4 hours 39 minutes

It's okay when it has attractive men in it

Attached: 1554997696110.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

I have 11ish hours on tlou and 96 on Y0

shut up nerd

No the fact that it has less gameplay than Yakuza 0 is why it has less gameplay than Yakuza 0.

>Imagine btfo of yourself this much

Attached: file.png (586x329, 146K)

because it isn't a movie game. it's a game with a movie

Delete this right fucking now

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Joel from TLOU is hot

TLoU is also like 10 hours long, and that's being generous. Fuck off retard.

fuck off not an argument

Was too busy patty naite, playing on the arcades, pocket racing, karaoking, phoning girls, gambling, watching girls wrestling, fighting tall fucks to get money to even get bothered by cutscenes

Yakuza 0? More like Yakuza 9 lmao

Japan isn't cucked

Imagine thinking this.

Attached: SJW Japan.jpg (2257x2989, 1.36M)

It has mahjong

Yakuza games are 100+ hours easy if you're enough of an autist to try to complete all the subquests and minigames. TLOU is like 15 hours max even taking your sweet time.

how is that not an argument holy kek you must be seething

Attached: 1553540873161.jpg (310x228, 58K)

I've just finished Kiwami and I realised that I didn't spend money at all during it except when the plot needed you to. Did I miss a money-sink somewhere?

So I guess we're just not counting text dialogue as cutscenes? 80% of your time in Yakuza is spent either watching cutscenes or reading shit.

that image has to be bait right? nothing there is actually true

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0 is the only game that uses money incredibly heavily.
in the other games you don't earn nearly as much since you only really use it for items at shops.
>80% of your time in Yakuza is spent either watching cutscenes or reading shit.
wrong again, boy.

ResetEra might be more your speed.

lmao at least try to pretend you've actually played the game.

Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you literally can't!! lmao

Try to prove yourself right lmao


You haven't even played the game. Most of your time in Yakuza is spent either doing mini-games or fighting and the combat system is god tier.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

you type like a newfaggot, please leave

I win.

Good movie game, i cried.

Majima-chan deserved better.

yakuza has lots of gameplay and it's pretty good too

Just watched it all and it's not 80% text and cutscenes, lmao you just got btfo.

You see, retard, this is where you're wrong, Yakuza series is not a movie game, it's a visual novel, and everyone know the entirety of Yea Forums is full of weebs who LOVE VNs.

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Don't worry, life gets better for him in the later games.

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because Yakuza games are like the most gamey games out there, you fucking donkey

>skipped around like 20 times on the video
>landed on a cutscene or text dialogue 18 out of 20 times
Yeah I'm thinking you got BTFO. Yakuza is a movie game made for retards. Its time to accept it.

1) the cutscenes and stories/substories of yakuza are actually interesting
2) it also has quite a lot of gameplay

It's ok to play and watch a movie here and then.
It's not ok to play like you are the movie.

Movie games(sony tier) have shitty stories as if it were written by women and most likely they are.
Story in yakuza is actually TV tier and yakuza 0 has like best story in any video game.

Those movie games are linear and have nothing to do aside from following a strait line to the end of the game. They deal away with sidequests and anything of the like because it would be too "immersion breaking".
Yakuza 0 is less linear and revolves around exploring a hub world and interacting with various different optional quests/games.

>full game
>it's only the main story
way to BTFO yourself, idiot

>and the combat system is god tier.
Imagine actually thinking this and then posting a webm of you spamming the same move over and over again on retarded enemies that just stand there and do nothing and then end it with a super epic move that is litearlly just one long cutscene. Even in the fucking combat you can't escape the fucking cutscenes lmao


yakuza 0 also has a lot of fun combat moves and plenty of fights to try them out in.

It's a good movie and a good game.
Movie games are frequently neither

Attached: 1555162519628.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

The difference is Yea Forums likes this kind of movie.

Most movie games are chick flicks about walking around and feelings, or burly bara daddies taking care of their childrens, or action girls standing up for themselves

Yakuza is about a virginal autistic who goes around screaming people's names and punching them in the rain while screaming their names. Definitely a dude movie

still better than your precious shitter 3, redditori al casualni

Eh it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be really. At least the girl still lived, he just couldn't be with her anymore though and yeah that's sad but at least his life went on.

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>Daddies taking care of their children
I'm sorry what game series was this thread about again?

i don't know why but his name always cracks me up

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reddit loves Yakuza, though.

>absolute BEST facial animations in the business
>top tier story, top tier substories, top tier writing, top tier cutscenes
>beautifully crafted world to explore with lots and lots and lots of minigames and detail to it
>great combat system with lots of depth to it
>even has grind if you're into that

face it, yakuza 0 is better than both your favourite movie and favourite game and that makes you SEETHE.

>uuuggghhh hes right, better shit on a completely unrelated game!!! that'll do it!!!

got em'
maybe next time don't shit on a 10/10 game while liking mediocre open world filler kek

At least the witcher doesn't constantly interrupt the gameplay with cutscenes lmao

>while liking mediocre open world filler kek
But you're the one who likes Yakuza, not me.

which of these games have the njpw guys in them?

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Yakuza is all about fatherhood
>Kazama being Kiryu's dad
>Kiryu being Haruka's dad
>Ryuji didn't have a good dad
>Kiryu being the orphan's dad
>Aizawa had a dad with longevity issues
>Kiryu being a grand-dad

got em' again
witcher 3 is so shit the devs had to admit the gameplay is faulty and tried to patch it. TOP KEK. even the waifus are inferior to yakuza's and we both know that's the only reason you like that assassins creed abomination :3

If I want to give yakuza games a try, do I just start with 0?

>Witcher 3 is pure shi-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

i can't tell if this is a joke webm or not

Yakuza is a brawler minigame collection with engaging cutscenes. You can spend weeks in that game without seeing a cutscene if you invest in one of its many fleshed out minigames. Fuck off Sony pony.

Jesus this is just sad to watch. Your brain has been fried by memes.


Yea, it's by far the best game in pretty much every category.

thx for agreeing bye
>no argument

I really wish I ended up making the video that showed off glitches I encountered in witcher 3 just so I could post the section where you could trivialize any fight with the "hold to spin" move in combination with a potion

I found the story of an ex-criminal racing toy cars with children infinitely more engaging than any AAA games story in the past 10 years

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yes, its a prequel, play 0 then kiwami, wait for kiwami 2 to come on steam and just man up and take it with 3, it aged kinda bad but the story is still top tier, then 4 5 and 6 which is the latest one

Not when 2 exists.

My argument was multiple posts back. I'm just responding to your autism now because its amusing to me. You clearly know I'm right about Yakuza's combat being trash and you're lashing out as hard as you can.

It's okay when Japan does it.

I said pretty much.


Attached: spinn.webm (952x534, 2.93M)

6 and Kiwami 2

>It has more gameplay than any movie game. You can not like the narrative structure of the game all you like but there is actually a game aspect to the game unlike TLOU.

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why bother? everyone already knows that. even on reddit people complain about the gameplay. even the shitposter who defends the game because he has a crush on ciri, a 3d model top kek, knows the combat is shit, deep down, he knows
sorry buddy but your favourite game, the witcher 3, had gameplay so faulty, so bad, the devs tried to go back and fix it post release

You're not playing the right AAA games.

Attached: Bloodborne Story Flowchart.png (1896x4870, 979K)

That's because it actually show real humanity and not just the fake shit those other games try to force.
Kiryu actually feels like a real person as in he does all the dumb shit any of us would at random time intervals when he's not supposed to be super serious about something or just wanting to relax himself.

fuck off vaati

>80% of your time in Yakuza is either spent watching cutscenes or reading shit
Are you stupid? There is a crazy amount of stuff for you to do outside of the main story and side stories. It's like you just googled "Yakuza cutscenes length" and are making your conclusion based on that. There may be 4 hours of cutscenes, but there's like 80+ hours of extra content.

yakuza not only has a shit ton of content, but it's story is actually good unlike most movie games

Attached: 1554780188000.jpg (596x400, 57K)

Witcher 3 is gameplay kino.

Attached: God Tier W3 Combat.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

I thought the sub stories were supposed to play post-game to bridge the gap between 0 and kiryu taking the fall for nishikiyama. either way they're great

They happen whenever you do them.
I ended up going off and doing side shit for 10 hours and when i came back to the main story I had to look up what the guy meant by showing I was rich since the like 20 second stretch between you learning that move and having to use it is when I went off to do shit.

Even a fast Legend playthrough with skipping all the skippable cutscenes took me like 15 hours.
Overall it took me over 160 hours to do all the shit in it.
Fuck off OP.

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Kat's not a fucking loli and anime-styled characters having dark skin is not a SJW thing.

You can play them during the story as well which is nice because it always to sort of create your own story in a way, you might be doing some of the sub stories through your main story, then whatever is left after you were finished with the story and consider those to be whatever Kiryu might've done for a while after things fixed themselves.

It's a dumb bait image just ignore it.

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Yea Forums doesnt like things made for mass audiences and will look for justification. This has good writing and is niche so Yea Forums praises like monkeys

I know you can play them (mostly) whenever you want, but I mean the game takes place over the course of a couple of days but you can carry on doing side content for 150 hours if you want, so I think in the timeline they're supposed to happen afterwards, well, at least most of them.

Lots of cutscenes but when you're playing the game it's actually a game, unlike movie games which are just one long interactive cutscene

While canon they are not happening during the main story which happen over exactly the few days you see cycle.
While some of the meaty substories themselves take months in theory.

>muh boogeyman

well i mean, once you finish the game you're later met with some other cutscenes that have ''1 month later'' written at the start of them so you could also consider a bunch of the sub stories happened during that time skip

Or maybe Yea Forums just praises it because it's a good game? They made six of the fucking things, you think at least one would be good.

It is a good game, but OP was specifically asking about why its praised despite playing out like a movie at times.

Literally neither of those. It's one of the worst movie games I've played. 5/10 at best

>Yakuza games are 100+ hours easy
Not that I disagree with you mind you, since I can't talk for all the games, but that's a bit of an overstatement
I 100%'d Y0 in 94 hours, and YK1 in 55 hours.
To my understanding, and from what I've read people on Yea Forums say about it, Y0 is like the most content rich Yakuza there is, but I haven't played the others obviously.


I don't like Western movie games, like TLOU or Heavy Rain, but I don't like Japanese movie games either, like Yakuza or Metal Gear Solid.

nobody cares about your mental defects kid

Because the "Movie game" shit is retarded drivel and just code for "game I don't like" made up by newfags and every time I see it I'm reminded of how fucking awful this board has become.

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>I 100%'d Y0 in 94 hours
no you didn't

Mental defect is to deny that Yakuza 0 is full of PS2-tier cutscenes

It's a glorified Mahjong game.

Did you use a guide from the start? Took me 186 hours and I only started using one when it really got annoying to figure out myself.
Then again I completed Kiwama in a similar time but it is said to be pretty short compared to the others.

just get a prescription it will be easier imo

>i'll reply this to my own post to look like someone agrees with me




There is a huge difference between a literal movie game that puts you on a rollercoaster inbetween cutscenes and a far far longer game that rather feels like a interactive TV series.
Same with Witcher games, I actually can get lost in these worlds and they pack enough story and gameplay content to entertain me for weeks and get me caring for the characters, instead of going here LOOK AT ALL THIS KINO AND GIVE A SHIT.


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What's an example of a movie game, then?


Attached: n9TvGXI[1].png (495x115, 5K)

Easy: Yakuza is more like a TV drama than a movie.

ironic you bring up witcher 3 since the gameplay is what held it back
witcher 3 would have been much better as a book or movie

Does any game have good combat?

God Hand

yes, fighting games, dmc, Fear, ...

Fucking the dumbest of shit actually respond to the tlou movie bait nonsense, game had online multiplayer

The combat was shitty but it was still fun to dick arround and take in the world.
Yakuza games aren't the hallmark in brawlers either.

NuTomb Raider, TLoU, Uncharted, Heavy Rain

>In yakuza you fight enemies between scenes, do minigames, fight bosses
>in TLOU you walk or sneak past enemies

>have to learn Mahjong to 100% it

Attached: 1539966171197.jpg (409x258, 24K)

>Uncharted is a movie gam-

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 2 Gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

just buy the save editor bro
or on pc just use a normal save editor

Never played Yakuza so i have a couple questions:
Why nobody is trying to hit you ?
Why is this so animey maymay ?

nice scripted gameplay lol

Attached: YAKUZA 0 2019.04.14 - (640x358, 2.93M)

They are trying to attack you, and while there's flashy shit in general he is using the flashy moveset with the flashy person.

>Multiple dynamic systems in play
Uncharted is about as gameplay focused as you can get.

Attached: Uncharted 4 China Lake.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

It's all about pocket racing

The worst thing about Yakuza games is their shitty , melodramatic cutscenes that last too long.

>watch a 50 minute long movie
>according to your logic, it has more gameplay than TLoU

I like Yakuza but I have no idea why any gameplay purist would love the series, it's mediocre at best from that perspective

too bad shit like this is boring as fuck to pull off in the actual game

The combat is great sometimes and the extra stuff in the series in general is good

Baka mitai
Who did you hear Yea Forums?

You really gotta earn your way to the good stuff but the actual game content is constantly being introduced, you just gotta accept, the thing comes with old emulated arcade games in there and theres reason to keep playing once you've watched it all.

Sure it has like, stupid fucking karoake, but the combat system to its fullest is transorming From software lock on stif animation combat into the free flow form of arkham.

I love the weaponshop lore through the games

>The gameplay/cutscene ratio is far less extreme in TLoU than it is in Yakuza
lmao brainlet arguement. Yakuza still has more gameplay then TLOU

Because it has one of the best melee combat systems ever.

Attached: Yakuza - Dojima Family.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

its literally the breaker main combo that you do by using 2 buttons, then a counter heat action and a style switch in the end, whats so boring to pull off about that? have you even played the damn game?

The combat is extremely mediocre and once you have seen the QTEs they have very little to offer. Any proper action game has a better combat system, Yakuza relies way too much on its animations. There have been plenty of clips posted in this thread but actually playing those moves isn't exciting, executing them is simple and there is very little variation from the 100000 other fights you wil be having.

The minigames are fun but that's what they are: minigames. Yakuza's fun comes mostly from the non-gameplay part (animations, story etc)

>Has a bike right there
>Doesn't do the bike heat move
Apply yourself

literally true.

Attached: yakuzasmile.jpg (326x317, 22K)

because it's the same move all the time and it requires zero effort

that's exactly what is so boring about it, it is simple as fuck and offers little creativity. Anyone who has played the game knows it and has done those things to death before even the halfway point of the game

you already got proven wrong and then just said not an argument because you couldn't dispute it at all lmao

>At least the witcher doesn't constantly interrupt the gameplay with cutscenes lmao
can't interrupt gameplay if there isn't any gameplay to begin with.
the shitcher is a glorified b-movie. yakuza is a god-tier game.

I don't think there's been a worse OP to a Yakuza thread you tasteless faggot.

Witcher has gameplay.

Can someone explain to me why Kiryu rejoins Dojima and Majima remains loyal to the fat bald dude?
I think the story of the game was pretty solid until the end, where the character motivations made no sense to me.

Kiryu specifically said it's so that he could have a place for Kazama when he gets out of jail if I remember right and he wanted to try things over again since everything went down the crapper.
Majima's explanation is simple, he needs to apologize to Saejima, that's been the entire reason he's taken all that crap from Sagawa throughout the entire game. 4 shows you how much his incarceration hurt Majima and how Majima screwed up so badly he needed to see Saejima once again but because of 4's events he has no idea where he went to prison and a whole host of other nonsense regarding the Ueno Seiwa clan.

It's almost as if Yea Forums is not one person and comes to different conclusions

Attached: 20181209013421_1.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

Okay, I'm willing to accept that for Kiryu, but it really seemed like Majima was done taking shit from Sagawa/Saejima, especially since he was basically invincible in the last chapter. I also haven't played any Yakuza's besides 0, so I guess I don't have that additional context.

>They are trying to attack you

>this is what westaboo reddit tourists actually believe

How does Witcher not have gameplay?

>OP doesn't know the difference between a movie game and a story/cinematic heavy game
Yakuza have a lot of gameplay, the balance is perfect, so shut the fuck up

Attached: 1553473569230.jpg (540x304, 22K)

>but it really seemed like Majima was done taking shit from Sagawa
This is a guy who lost an eyeball then immediately after endured torture for an entire year straight, licked the feet of Sagawa metaphorically for something like a year or two, and then had to do it for Shimano for another 13 years before finally finding out where the hell Saejima was all because he wants to set things straight. He may hate them but Saejima is more important to him so he swallows his pride for it. The scene where the Omi chairman gets shot is also Majima showing he's not done with Shimano's shit, he's in it for the long haul, otherwise Shimano would have just shot Majima and the Omi chairman instead.

Attached: He's going to have a sore neck tomorrow.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

>not including the slow walk and talk bits and/or the parts where the only "gameplay" is two or more characters spouting exposition/story

double retard

What can I say? The Japanese make good games, they’re literally the pioneers of it.

There's nothing wrong with movie games.

Attached: .png (1002x430, 437K)

I didn't include the text dialogue scenes of Yakuza either you fucking triple retard

of course we now have yakuza shitpost threads after the games started getting ported to PC, who would've guessed, huh?

Western video games are combed-through pixel by pixel but Japanese games are met a gaping mouths and literal clapping. Pretty simple.

refer to quadruple baka-retard

user, Yakuza has been on PC for nearly a year.

Untrue dumb weaboo. Now move the goalposts and arbitrarily bend the definition of "pioneered" to suit your retarded argument.

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-104702.png (720x1280, 283K)

Better than the usual slow moving threads with people bitching about literally everything in the other games not being exactly like in 0, yes even the Sonyfriends and the tripfag explaining Mahjong for the hundreths time.

>Westrash retard so stupid he can't even understand basic english concepts
it's ok, you can go back to your "Cinematic Experiences" now

>Recomend Yakuza 0 to a friend as an entry point to the series.
>"Do I have to read?"

Attached: 3fbb007b8513b99484f6435695ee8502e0b99d76b37d5bfb4db08d3e61fa46ec.jpg (3840x2160, 699K)

>thought that Y0 majima in his suit and long ponytail hair looked really damn cool
>finish the game and play around for a while with his normal outfit with short hair that he has in all the other games
>suddenly feel like the suit outfit along with his long hair no longer look as cool and make him look kind of slimy and disgusting
What is this phenomenon called?

Attached: 1554859093666.png (294x1128, 300K)

Kek, you lost retard. Go away.

he said good games

Voice acting is considered mandatory ever since normalfags invaded video games. Damn shame.

>Someone says nips pioneered games
>Westard thinks that means they were the first ever

I think that was the point in Yakuza 0, to show a character that everybody knows as wacky and eccentric, with a serious and polite persomality.

Because it's also packed full of minigames and you frequently pack faces full of bicycle wheels.

That's literally the definition. Why are weebs so retarded bros?

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-105310.png (720x1280, 139K)

Was voice acting a mistake?

Yes. Games should have never progressed past differently pitched bleeps and bloops. Or at least, partial voice acting, which is the best implementation of it. Can't stand the emphasis on full voice acting.

>He's a phoneposter
absolutely disgusting, please go back to rebbit
maybe you can get some english lessons there too so you can find out the apparently hard concept that words have multiple meanings

What do you think that word means?

>Moving the goalposts
You're behaving exactly like I said. Seriously bros, why are weebs such braindead sheep?

It's called having good taste. Snakeskin jacket Majima is best Majima.

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Attached: majimabugs.jpg (430x422, 47K)

Yea Forums here. This game has more gameplay and content than Western non-movie games.
Suck a dick, OP.
Sage and hide.

Being a retard, he was a slimy snake in 0 too, even though with manners.

>I 100%'d Y0 in 94 hours, and YK1 in 55 hours.
watching a lets play doesnt count

Yea Forums keeps saying yakuza is good, but i don't own any of the games. so that must mean they aren't good.

did you know that a game can have more cutscenes AND more gameplay????!!!!

sorry but 1 persons opinion doesn't amount for shit

lol, that's funny. i'm sure the last of us has way more satisfying gameplay than any shitkuza game. i mean god damn, that's more than fucking kingdom hearts 2's cutscenes LOL. what the fuck. "but theres so much gameplay!"

yeah mine does. get fucked. i don't own it so it aint good

Doesn't change the fact that I'm right about Yakuza being a movie-game you quintuple retard

>reusing the same palette swapped model three times in the same scene

Japanese quality

I almost nothing about zero the only thing i know is there’s no dragon style

>100 hours of gameplay

Faceblindness is a symptom of autism, user.

This thread showed me that Yea Forums actually thinks it's ok when japan does it.

>Hundreds of hours of quality gameplay
>Movie game

>the only thing i know is there’s no dragon style
Then you don't know anything at all about 0.

Attached: Rolling eyes fall.webm (674x380, 2.86M)

>body models are clearly the same, just different textures
>only the face models are different (not like it matters anyway because slants all the look the same lol)
>"y-you have autism"


Attached: 1544559686917.png (936x772, 28K)

I've been on Yea Forums for ten years (inb4 newfag) and I just realized this year that I like video games and Yea Forums are miserable fucks who want to hate everything. I've finished like 10 single-player games in 2019

its 31 hours long you fucking dumbass lol. its maybe a 100 hours long if you want to do the extra boring garbage, but thats still part of the 31 hour playthrough. "hundreds of hours of shitty gameplay" get the fuck outta here boi

Absolutely based.
What's your GOTY so far, user?

no life

>wojak poster
>is a retard
Color me surprised


not an argument

It's a yakuza movie reference.

Attached: 1534308134765.png (342x397, 215K)

>dr cox.jpg

what a boring shitty pick

I take it you haven't played Sekiro.

I don't hate movie games for being movies. I hate movie games for not being games.
A single stupid mini-game in Yakuza have more gameplay value than all western cinematic shit combined.

Attached: 1505933160953.jpg (960x804, 126K)

>>body models are clearly the same, just different textures
>making a completely unique model for japaense shota #1-5925

Attached: file.png (211x244, 73K)

Thank you for illustrating an example of a worthless miserable Yea Forumsermin shitstain.
I haven't, RE2 is the only new game I've played.

Definitely recommend it. RE2 was good, but Sekiro is god tier.

Amerilards pioneered shitty games that are only abstractions of traditional games and crashed their industry because consumers realized they were so shit.
Japs pioneered good games that are fun to play

I don't expect to make unique models for each of them, I expect not to re use the same model three times the same scene.

>dragon engine being improved with judgment
>styles return
>combat is even better
are we entering another golden age, bros?

I just wanted to say that Tetris is the best video game ever made.

it's ok when the cutscenes don't come at the expense of good gameplay and content you fucking mong

at least yakuza is not sit back and enjoy the show like God of War

Have we fixed all of the faults of dragon engine yet? K2 was a pretty noticeable improvement over 6 and I've heard that judge eyes was good too.
Will Y7 be true kino?

>Japs pioneered good games that are fun to play
I know this is bait, but you seem to forget that the Japs are the ones who invented movie games.

Attached: 1555609030868.png (1174x580, 305K)

>worthless miserable Yea Forumsermin shitstain.
That's what you are and you should kill yourself. You don't play games.

Based as fuck

>Will Y7 be true kino?
they said that they're putting the most energy into it since the very first game, which gives me hope.
dunno what they're gonna call it, since they said the numbered series ended with 6.

-Climbing Linear Buildings
-Scripted Set Pieces

-Pocket Racing
-Cabaret Management
-Dance Clubs
-Actual Classic Sega Arcade Games
-Poker and Blackjack
-Underground Fighting Arenas
-Real state Management
-Billiards and Darts
-Fleshed out Combat with 4 different tiers per character


I think so. You can really see the glimmers of the engine coming together in K2. Very excited to see what they do in Shin.

And how many of those 134 hours are actually enjoyable?
I'm not interested in defending TLoU but let's be honest here, Yakuza 0 begins to feel repetitive before you've even completed it.

There's no point in filling a game with """content""" if it's mostly filler and busywork and repeating the same things over and over. Most Yakuza games have about 25 hours of fun in them and then 100 hours of filler.

>And how many of those 134 hours are actually enjoyable?
All of them, pleb. Yakuza is probably the only example of both quality and quantity.

It's called shin yakuza, because of course it is.

I guess it's a movie game

>And how many of those 134 hours are actually enjoyable?
outside of crane games and mahjong probably all of them

user even the most die hard Yakuza fans will tell you that 100%ing them eventually becomes torture

That's russian

-Pocket Racing
Garbage mini game
-Cabaret Management
Garbage mini game
-Dance Clubs
Garbage mini game
-Actual Classic Sega Arcade Games
Whoa, I can play roms in this game?!
-Poker and Blackjack
-Underground Fighting Arenas
-Real state Management
-Billiards and Darts
-Fleshed out Combat with 4 different tiers per character
Ok, cool.

Well so far you got nothing but garbage mini games that distract you from the core gameplay, while Uncharted has very solid gunplay in between interesting cutscenes.

Some of the minigames are bad, but while it is a grind I'd say it's far from torture, and I've gotten that time without doing 100%.

It's mostly just personal taste, I've seen people say that karaoke and disco are the worst things for them but disco was by far my favorite minigame in 0


That's what they want you to believe but they actually stole it from us

It's still got the guarding problem but it's toned down even more than in K2 and they brought back the classic enemy blocking so you just punch against them instead of bouncing off. Hits feel a bit more impactful, the new movement options are nice, you can quickly style change and juggle enemies depending on your combo, and Heat Actions have been balanced by making Heat harder to get unless you just sit there taunting, same deal with the Ultimate Heat being easier to get knocked out of.
This isn't to say it doesn't have problems though, the first boss in the chapter 1 demo constantly blocks like in 6 and K2, the ending lag on finishing attacks is very rough, and there's an enemy that looks like how the sumo wrestlers in Kenzan were but he's a skinny dude and if he grabs you he'll hold you for several seconds, you have to mash X to get out, and then Yagami taunts him while.the other guy gets pissed off. Those are the only dumb things I experienced playing it. You can see the guy I'm talking about right at the start here, they're uncommon encounters but they're still there.

Attached: Typical gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

> die
> have to watch someone else play

Counter Strike is the ultimate movie game.

noob trash, stick to your weeb games

Well Uncharted is made by a SJW cuck who worships Anita Sarkeesian while in Yakuza all the female characters are modeled after Pornstars.

Attached: fuckoff.jpg (986x841, 125K)

Because you're a fucking n'word that's why.

>you're a fucking n'word that's why
Are you from reddit?

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (250x250, 10K)

it's very sad that an SJW cuck can still make a better game

that tester sounds like a pathetic autist and no amount of redpills will change that

No but you clearly are thinking that dogshit meme image is still funny. Now leave me alone asshole not in the mood for your n'word nonsense.

You can say nigger here, it’s okay.

at least say nigger you fucking newfaggot

Attached: 1555044929036.jpg (723x691, 99K)

who hol up hol 'up *smacks lips* so you be saying WE WUZ TETRIS N SHIETY

Yakuza games are alpha simulators for betas

Nice bait.

Attached: God Tier Yakuza Combat.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

Based Majima.

Attached: 1552199401022.png (1061x1574, 3.14M)

You don't get it OP.
Movie games aren't about cutscenes.
They are about the supposed gameplay sections that STILL play and feel like a movie.

Sure yakuza has lots of cutscenes, but when you are PLAYING, you are PLAYING.

thats the point

And get banned again? Nice fucking try but I'm not falling for your trolling technique.

>He doesn' exclusively kill people with beast mode+bikes

>10 hour game
>2 hours of cutscenes
>100+ hour game
>5 hours of cutscenes

>being this underage

They're actually men simulators for women.

It's literally math. I understand numbers higher than five scare you, but this is as factual as an argument gets.

yeah, that is some nice bait. literally showed nothing. fuck off

the hell is up with all that floaty anti gravitation bullshit? or is that just how the physics system works?

Mahjong is pretty cool too once you get into it.

What I rarely see people complain about though and it's the biggest piece of shit in 100%ing Y0, is the fucking weapons and equipment collectathon through a dumb browser game gatcha.

Aside from a few vein poppers like the one above I was usually really surprised by most of the shit I feared in advance, almost every minigame or checkmark, that doesn't get done naturally, carries enough depth to enjoy the grind.

>is the fucking weapons and equipment collectathon through a dumb browser game gatcha.
that was easy
or well i mean, it was kind of annoying, but it was just funneling your infinite money into it until you get it
it's still my rarest trophy, for some reason

In realtime he doesn't really float, as soon as he gets kicked up he falls back down, but if you style change it gives you just enough time to keep juggling him in the air like in FotNS.

ah, there's the triggered /pol/tard

>that image has to be bait right?
It is, look at the XV one. The guy think it's literally a real life female politician,

I can't believe how pathetic you would have to be to deny this

>he uses slow as fuck beast mode instead of heat boosted rush for maximum speed


Attached: 1548084929858.jpg (651x720, 62K)

it has gameplay? You actually need to press buttons to win? You have tons of side stuff you can do? You literally have games inside a game?

learn what a movie game is first

Why do people criticize Yakuza combat? I personally love being able to bring almost infinite healing items into battle and being able to pause at any time to use as many as I want. It ensures I always win and feel like a total badass.

Cucked Jap developers are well known to put in obvious caricatures of real life people. Take pic related, for example, literally "DONALD GLOMPF IS BAD!"

Attached: Armstrong-profile-shot-0.png (867x766, 563K)

Sure but it still ate like 5 hours or so, I even figured out the randomization is the archaic clockbased kind thanks to that shit.

And then you try Climax Battles and get fucked till your prolapsed anus comes out of your mouth.

bubble is so good bros.

>hasn't ever played a Yakuza game
>certainly never won an Amon fight

Japs underestimated how retarded Americans actually are and had to see their strawman become reality

He wasn't even a global thing then retard,

>He thinks dex is better than str

>it's true, you can do that... but not ALL the time so you're wrong!!

Revegence came out in 2013 while Donald Trump announced he was running for president in 2015.

Attached: 1555390863268.jpg (406x364, 58K)

>fighting amon
>calls in an orbital beam strike to wipe your ass of the face of the earth
what a bastard

The games have it all :)

If you play on Hard or higher you can't do that at all. I guess that speaks to the difficulty you normally play on.

Only 10? And you came here to brag about that? Pathetic.

It has a fuckton of gameplay though

>/pol/ migrants so retarded they think any generic bad guy is trump because he's just so generically evil

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.33M)

Show me any Amon being beaten by that slow as fuck "style".

>Le evil populist that resembles Trump
>Not cucked SJW garbage

Who the flying fuck would insist his pals to watch his girlfriend strip?

user trump wasn't even a thing back then

Armstong and Shido look absolutely nothing like him though.

He was just known as some megalomanic tv producer back then.

But user the game came out in 2016!
That means it was entirely developed in a month period so they could own the epic right wingers!

I don’t like it.
Dropped it because I got bored as fuck of the shallow repetitive button masher combat and pointless mini games. Also the long ass cinematics of overdramatic bad Japanese acting

You can literally just walk up to Kiryu's Amon in any other style, switch to Beast, and then start mashing squaret. It's the only reliable way to avoid getting hit by his OHKO cannon in the because it only happens when you get knocked down, and it lets you tank everything he shoots at you without getting knocked down because your punches gain you more Heat than you lose. Then the second phase is straight up just going invincible with the potions and smacking him with the chairs and tables. It's useless in Kiwami but in 0 it's the strongest style. You can beat any of his Ultimate Climax Missions just by going into it and mashing square and you'll take less damage than you heal with each new boss.

That's how I did him on PS4 Legend, if I still have my save before him I'll go get you a video.

>shallow repetitive button masher combat
Weak bait.

Attached: Yakuza - Black Umbrella.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

Ah yes an epic cinematic takedown, I loved watching the same shit 100 times imdeed.

where is the resemblance?

>Take pic related, for example, literally "DONALD GLOMPF IS BAD!"
MGR came out in 2013, long before the election.

even if said game came out before he started ruining America.

>yakuza fans on Yea Forums like to boast about the great gameplay and challenging combat
>every one of them tells you the trick to getting past difficult fights is to just spam the one attack again and again until you cheese your way through
I have seen this here so many times it's laughable

Dropped it because the cutscene to gameplay ratio was just awful.

Plebs spotted.

Attached: Why the Yakuza games have good combat.png (593x1457, 600K)

Even more awful when half of it isn’t voice acted. Lazy gooks

Yakuza 6 begins with a literal hour long intro with no gameplay. I can't think of a single western game that does that.

Yakuza 6 is the second worst game in the franchise

>same shit 100 times
>literally 100+ heat actions
There are lots of options to increase combat difficulty if you actually try looking for them.

Yakuza 6 is the worst game in the franchise.

It came out in 2013 though

i like how it's always the same people bringing up the same complaints

3 is the worst though

Increase what difficulty? I can literally spam the button over and over and use one style because the others are boring shit.
Feels like a cheap Bamham knock off.

Now THIS is bait

>thinks armstrong is meant to make donald trump look bad
>doesn't realize he was made after donald trump became "a thing"
>doesn't realize even if it wasn't, it wouldn't look donald trump look bad

You can't do this in Yakuza.

Attached: Arkham mash triangle.webm (640x360, 2.43M)

But this is like saying Bioshock games have amazing varied gameplay because of plasmids. Sure, you can say there are lots of different ways to fight, but the game gives you no reason to. 99% of everything you unlock doesn't actually change how you play, it's at most a different animation.
It's like having a fire punch, electric punch, ice punch, bee punch, mega punch, rock punch, etc etc but they all just mean "push square to punch"
Nothing you unlock in Yakuza games leads to more varied gameplay, you're still just doing the same shit against the same two types of enemies a million times over.

I'm on your side user but what you wrote barely qualifies as English

The other retard use shit argument but yakuza is SJW crap.
Literally the only japanese game which showed 3 times interracial relationship between blacks and jap three time in this entire series, including a mutt.
And in Y6, one of the main character got pregnant thanks to a chinese, who're in japan equivalent to hispanics in USA

>hard mode
Play the game for more than half an hour and don't stock up on so many healing items.

>but the game gives you no reason to
Name one (1) game that gives you a reason to use all your tools at your disposal.

Avoid the easiest thugs and never attack them? Truly enlightening.
Also you admit Yakuza has less options, thanks for proving me right.

sorry, i meant
*the same valid points that i can't refute

It lets me beat up trannies and drags in every single game though.

Metal Gear games usually do a good job of making it worth your while to experiment and use everything available to you

>dude just give the enemies more health so the boring combat takes even longer
No thanks, also I dropped it when I unlocked the estate buying.

Is your master plan really just to say "wow, you're right" about yakuza games giving you no good reason to unlock more moves?
Do you really think this post is going to help your position? Also there are lots of games like that. All you've done is make Yakuza look worse, well done.

i've done it in the past, i just can't be fucked doing it every time you people show up in these threads.

>Movie Gear Solid
Christ, user, at least mention Thief or Hitman.

I swear it's always you niggers who only played 0 on the easiest difficulty who come in here and say you can beat the games just by spamming. Try doing that with any of the bosses in 1 or 2.

only mistake is replacing "make" with "look" in last sentence
if you can't read it, maybe you don't belong in the U S OF A
god bless

The Yakuza games have cancer difficulty options that just encourage cheesing against sponges

>dude just don't play the game the way it was designed, THEN it's challenging!
You just know half the "hardcore" faggots who insist on doing this still end up cheesing bosses but still come back to Yea Forums to act like gaming legends

The fact that you can only make a weak refute to a single thing I said out of several is all I need to know you're talking out your ass.

You obviously haven't played them.

>99% of everything you unlock doesn't actually change how you play, it's at most a different animation.
that's fucking extremely wrong to the point where you have to be baiting.
you have various combo extensions which consume heat so you have to decide whether to keep that heat for another action or for that move, various counter moves that can stun and incapacitate an enemy or deal a lot of damage, the ability to shut down enemies combos while guarding, etc.

>everyone who is critical of yakuza is wrong
>I could prove it, and have done many times, but I'm just not going to today
>but everyone should still listen to me when I say all the criticisms are wrong

Why even come into the thread? A busy guy like you is probably needed elsewhere.

Git gud.

It has mahjong

Not one of them but the shit that was meant to be difficult actually is and no amount of cheese will change that since there isn't any.
Every faggot can play through legend but Arena and Climax Battles, the things that actually try to be challenging, actually are challenging.
There is thruth and bullshit on both sides in that matter.

Try proving me wrong you idiot

I like Yakuza's combat and think its fine for what it is, that being a game that has a lot more to do than just fight people even if that is the main form of gameplay. It feels good to play though and isn't so completely mindless that you end up not paying attention to the game, and a lot the moves are just cool to do so they're fun even when if they're not that useful. That said, it's not the most amazing combat system ever, or even close to it and that webm is a good reason for why. All it is pressing square and then mashing triangle. If all the games had to offer was the combat then they wouldn't have too much to offer, which is fine because the combat is still enjoyable and completely fine for the game it's in, but I don't think it is or is trying to be a really amazing and in depth combat system.

Nothing justify showing a black man with a japanese woman, doesn't even matter how redpilled the game is when it display that.
Yakuza series is easily the most cucked japanese series ever

>bunch of heat moves are hidden inside combos
>bunch of other heat moves are unique to different sets of weapons
>decides to never actually use any of the said weapons
>complains when the animations repeat and are exactly the same because he always decides to go for the most boring and monotone way of playing the game

Attached: (872x490, 2.94M)

Yakuza isn't a game, it's a brain-dead button masher.

>dude just don't play the game the way it was designed
That doesn't apply since the difficulty is designed by the developers, you can't bring items into the coliseum, and later bosses won't get much easier unless you actually learn the combat system. Take your low quality strawman attempt and shove it up your ass.

>le braindead button masher cinematic game is hard!
Just how bad are you?

>"hold up, let me just pause all action to chug one of my 20 maximum overmaximum healing items"

i come here to troll, and it looks like i've succeeded.

Where's the video user?

The combat is boring trash and the mini games even more so.

>and don't stock up on so many healing items
"Just don't heal a lot" is a self-imposed challenge, fucktoad.

I'm not the one getting filtered by a Yakuza game, user.

Attached: smilingKiryu.png (567x680, 415K)

It's about the underworld though, even REAL Yakuza complained there aren't enough niggers in the games versions of Kamachuro


Good job, you made me look and feel like a fool.
Pretending that the yakuza games aren't shit was a good act, but I should have seen through it.

And all of them get trivialized to shit if you just hit and run instead of holding down R1 to face the enemy all the time.

>another cinematic takedown
Yawn where is the gameplay?

>Yakuza series is easily the most cucked japanese series ever
Are you forgetting that MGS exists?

Attached: MGS is SJW propaganda.png (1080x1920, 1002K)

>not enough nig said by yakuza
>source: my ass
And what does a american military, random black immigrants and a famous photographer have anything to do with the underworld?

Except you can't do that in any game except for 0 because you don't have income and good healing items are prohibitively expensive until late game.

No one thinks it’s hard you drooling retarded weeb, in fact it’s too easy and shallow.

>multiple enemies
Confirmed didn't even play the game.

There is no mention to trump even indirectly but the rest is literally correct.

Everyone always brings up cutscene time in TLoU being shorter than X other game, but the time they use never includes the time spent on those segments where they force you to walk slowly while characters talk. That's like half the game.

>it’s too easy and shallow.
You're confusing Yakuza with Dark Souls.

Attached: basically QTEs.webm (800x500, 2.86M)

I would fucking kill you if I could you goddamn nigger zoomer.

I love how antiSJWs have flocked to the one game series where you play as a virgin in his 40s who raises another mans child.

Ask our Yakuza tripfaggot, they said it in a interview.
And it's not like they wanted more of them either, they complained because Kamachuro is full of niggers now and the games versions are like a wonderland in comparison, well aside from having to fight dudes every five meters.

>where you play as a virgin in his 40s who raises another mans child.
Yakuza 6 is literally hated by the entire fanbase.

Yet those moments are far more entertaining than the painfully dull moments of nothing happens in the Yakuza games

So you have no source?

There is no such thing as a good story heavy game. If the game was good, it would not have any story beyond the bare minimum. You just want to watch pretty cutscenes play out because you hate the concept of actually playing a game.

There is no compromise. All cutscenes are bad. And the sooner we rid the industry of them, the better.

Attached: 1546383463741.jpg (225x225, 9K)

That doesn't change the fact Kiryu is still raising another man's kid, and on top of that a daughter. It's the ultimate cuck.

Don't encourage him by replying retard.

Here you go, keep in mind I haven't fought him in two years. The second half of the fight is literally just running to an invincibility potion and wearing him down and I didn't want to bore you with that though I left in a glimpse, plus I couldn't fit an extra 3 minutes of video into a webm but this should give you a good idea. Base styles were maxed, DoD only had one full tree fill because anything higher than level 2 is overkill and filling out the tree is torture anyway. Also, the reason I got knocked down was because there's a very small window where getting hit when finishing a combo at the exact same time, even if you have Heat, will cause you to get knocked down. I never had Amon use the OHKO cannon when I was in Beast but it happened multiple times in DoD and Brawler.

I had to record it, trim it, and make it into a webm. You can also get into semantics if you want because I use the triangle dash as my finisher instead of just mashing square, but whatever.

Attached: Beast is better.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

Based and Dougpilled.

>baaaw there are black criminals now guys
>things were so much better when it was japanese criminals
Both can get fucked

Just go for a toi-toi

>way more gameplay than any movie game out there

Preaching to the deaf. Story-driven games always had and always will have an abysmal excuse of gameplay elements that are at best flashy enough to make the player feel like "having fun" pressing one button to have giant dragons eating burgers and fart fire.

>a lot of gameplay

>If the game was good, it would not have any story beyond the bare minimum.

>dude if you see a post criticizing yakuza games just cover your eyes and ears and do NOT reply... other people might read it!
Is there a more pathetic fanbase? Even Sonic fans discuss and accept flaws. Yakuza fans see criticisms and suddenly it's all SHUT IT DOWN

Absolute state of weebs, defending mutt protags and "muh poor oppressed womyn :("

Moving the goalposts. TLoU has about 3 hours of actual gameplay.

I hate games make me feel like I’m having fun when it’s actually fake-fun

>mash button to slash all the enemies
>Press triangle to awesome
So this... Is the power of good combat... Damn.

Say it with me

Nope, THIS guy loves 6:

Name ONE western game with an hour long intro with no gameplay where you raise another mans child
That's right, you can't. And that's why Yakuza is based.

Does a game like DMC count? You can skip all the cutscenes anyway.

I unironically dislike Japanese games except the Darkiroborne series.

Because people would be too busy having FUN with the actual GAME to care about the story. Take Nu-God of War for example. Do you think we would need hours of exposition about Kratos and his wife's son if we were busy having fun beating up bad guys and throwing around a nordic magic axe? Of course not. Even if you wanted them to co-exist, if the gameplay was truly fun, you'd want the cutscenes to be minimal so you can get right back into the action. Your actions only need one bit of context: I'm having fun and I'd like to have more fun. I don't need some deep tramautic backstory to justify shoving my axe into a giant ogre and splattering him across the field.

>100+ hours of finely curated and quality content
>Not a lot

Fair enough, I was talking more about Kiwami anyway since it seems to get in the way most of the time.

I don't care where games are from, I just want good gameplay. Japanese games usually have good gameplay. Yakuza games don't.

Why should I listen to a troll that cites Other M as a good game?

that looks better than this because at least in those games you had to press, you couldn't hold.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>Name ONE western game with an hour long intro with no gameplay where you raise another mans child
What do I win?

Attached: GOW-OG-image.jpg (1200x630, 336K)

are you the same guy who kept spamming the "if yakuza were a western series" pasta a year ago?

Nothing, GoW does not tick either box

You know you can have both, right? I assume you have autism.

In Kiwami they nerfed it into the ground so that's understandable and Jo is only really beatable with Tiger Drop due to how disgustingly fast he gets to the point that you can't even avoid some of his attacks because he'll attack you as you're in the middle of a dodge or a broken block before you can even react. Then phase 2 has like one second of him leaving himself open for a whole two punches because he blocks and retaliates so it's either Tiger Drop or punch him twice and hope he doesn't kill you in two slashes.

>Because people would be too busy having FUN with the actual GAME to care about the story.
And that is your extremely subjective opinion, people have different preferences.

No? What pasta?

Truely based nipdevs, letting me hold a button to do cool shit instead of just mashing.


Attached: 1440691888386.jpg (192x171, 26K)

So yakuza are huge cucks?
Since they're the ones who hire nigerians then;
But it talk about Okinawa, not Kamurocho (tokyo)

>discuss and accept flaws
Show me where that is in the original post user replied to.

>an hour long intro with no gameplay where you raise another mans child
Fucking Cuck Simulator 2016, man let me tell you.

Attached: 1535394106122.jpg (236x421, 33K)

He thinks the very existence of cutscenes is detrimental of a game. Skippable or not.

you do know the first game is American made, right? and the second game is only 1 button combat because the director is a fucking hack

Why would you want to have both? What benefit is there to having a fun game that you can't actually play until you spend hours mashing through cutscene prompts? If I'm a drag racer, I don't want to constantly slow down because there are cinematic speed bumps every 2 miles.

>GoW does not tick either box

Attached: Movie of War.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

Hello people!

Attached: IMG_1738.jpg (3072x2304, 1.33M)

Intro part is right, but the kid is actually his son. You can see a mark on the kids face like Kratos tattoo, which is suppose to be based on his brothers birthmark that looks the same.

I liked 0 but there's stretches of cutscene after cutscene that makes it certainly feel like a movie game at times. Combats okay and the game has plenty of content though.

Yeah I got that wrong, it has been a while and yes Japan pulled a fast one on them during the recent decades.

___ ____ ____

GoW does not have an hour long intro with no gameplay, and you raise your old child in it.

It's really funny how yakuza fans mock GoW for things that it doesn't actually do, but which ARE in a yakuza game. It's like the most blatant projection ever.

Yes, and I'm eternally thankful that based japan made a game where I can simply hold a button to win instead of mashing, it hurts my fingers and I don't want that so I can open my onions and watch more movie games.

Skippability doesn't really factor into it. Look at any sony game where you can skip the cutscenes. It doesn't vindicate the """""gameplay""""" nor does it help the awful pacing. If a DMC game is good with cutscenes, it would be better without cutscenes.

>movie game with shallow padding

>Be black
>Just want to get a chance to live decently outside of corrupted shithole
>Get forced to work for the underworld otherwise you get "suicided"

Because I get bored as fuck playing some empty game without any meaningful and interesting story or lore. Do you play a lot of Nintendo games?

Hello (you)

I have noticed this as well. I don't know why they are so defensive. If the games are really that good then some criticism isn't going to harm them. Also, it's Yea Forums. Of course there will be criticism.
I for one welcome it because that's the only way to discuss the games without it being 5 people saying "I love yakuza, they are flawless" over and over. What's the point in that? Besides, they have lots of flaws. I'm kind of amazed 6 turns out as bad as it was AFTER 0 showed they were finally starting to nail how to get the best out of them.

>hour long
>45 minutes
Also I watched a friend of mine play this, in its defence this is right after the tutorial where you and the kid go hunting and fight some enemies and a boss, then a couple more enemies on the way back. Either Conan is exaggerating or they skipped ahead for them, but it's factually wrong. Gameplay is still shit though and Yakuza has better combat.

>Because I get bored as fuck
That signifies a game lacking proper structure, difficulty scaling, and overall good game mechanics. Having a deep cinematic story will only delay that boredom.

>Yakuza is a movie game
Why do w*sterners push this meme so hard?

Damn, Yakuza is getting absolutely ravaged in this thread.

what, what do interracial relationships have to do with cuck relationships exactly?


Attached: Yakuza 0 QTEs.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

What games do you like and play?
You didn’t answer my question about Nintendo.

>Western games emulate boring shit
>Japanese games aren't afraid to be absolute kino
I wonder why

>two guys who never played the game posting non-arguments
>getting ravaged

Nice cherrypicks.


>TLOU is a movie ga-

Attached: TLOU gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Seething jealous cope because all western releases have been cinematic garbage

>Yea Forums is schizophrenic
A thread died for this.

so this... is the ultimate videogame...


What a bunch of cuck, do they need them to fuck their wife's as well?

lmao is this supposed to prove otherwise? He's moving between the same 2 rooms shooting people that hardly respond to him, this is virtually yakuza if it were a shooter.


It wouldn't be if the criticisms were being refuted, but they're not
If only the people with the counter arguments weren't so busy they could be here to show why the criticisms were wrong
But I guess nobody can be pathetic enough to be in every single Yakuza thread on Yea Forums ever just to monitor them for negativity

>jealous because Japan makes even more boring movie games

>guy barely reacts when player stops in front of him to drop bomb
>Guy still looking down the hall despite player running back into the room and to the other door in order to flank him

>Yakuza has better combat than GOW
At least the enemies in GOW attack you and don't just wait around for their turn to get beat up

Attached: GOW combat.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

>the tracking at 38s
the game literally aims for you, you just have to press the button to go to the next scene in the movie

This is the most coping post I have seen in a long time

>Japanese game
>tasteful mix of humor and drama to craft a beautiful story with memorable characters, a vivid world, and engaging gameplay
>Western game
>gritty brown hero man shoots boring realistic guns and has sex with other men in a world that is a blatant Tolkien ripoff

I'm just thinking about how much I would be praising this webm had only it been made in japan. But unfortunately it's from a western game so I gotta think it's bad.

I play some Nintendo games. I also enjoy Terraria, FTL and Hollow Knight, among others. Some of them could benefit from less cutscenes.

That's basically a special move that you can only do when they are kneeling in front of you like that. It makes them beg for their lives

Attached: No please.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

>complex story and actual gameplay boring and bad!
>action quips and qtes good!

>weebs actually think like this
How do I know that you are a virgin and ugly?

Name ONE western game with an hour long intro with no gameplay where you raise another mans child

I couldn't imagine firing off a snub so close to my ear like that. He would have incapacitated himself killing that dude.


>Nintendo games
>Terraria, FTL and Hollow Knight
You call that engaging and deep gameplay?

Attached: A52BFE07-02C2-4904-B409-DD330F0ADBD6.jpg (685x1023, 110K)

Someone literally did earlier

>beautiful story
fear not, I will raise this chinaman's child as if it were my own

Yes, I do.

Attached: 468.gif (1215x1452, 421K)

>Japanese game
>complex story


Attached: Path of Pain 2.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Those games are unironically 98% gameplay. Are you retarded?

i forgive sega for all their fuckups, because of yakuza

Attached: yakuzabog.jpg (900x649, 72K)

GoW does not have an hour long intro with no gameplay, but Yakuza 6 does.
In GoW, you raise your own child, but in Yakuza 6, you raise another man's child.

I kindly suggest you cope

You are either a child or an autist then.

Have sex

Does that matter if the games are boring?

rather play yakuza desu

>I never played any of the series
I already knew, but thanks for declaring it to the whole thread

Read the post again you fucking moron

remember when QTEs were bad in the spider man game but in yakuza they're ok

>Yakuza is complex

There’s literally 1 QTE in 1 bossfight and the rest of the QTEs (maybe another one) are in minigames
cope and have sex

The question was answered. Stay mad you have no retort.

Based, pass the söy fellow Yakuzabro.

Attached: NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER.png (641x305, 84K)


You know, an adult can appreciate good gameplay too.

>does those games have deep and engaging gameplay?
>they have no le cutscenes!
You are stupid as fuck, seriously how do you breath you fat retard?

>nu-Yea Forums hates Yakuza now
What the FUCK went wrong?

that's you though
i'm not 'it's ok when X does it'-ing here

Is there a school holiday or something going on right now?

>people replying to the (you) autists

>instead of QTEs there are just cinematics galore without any player inputs at all
Makes it even worse lmao


>reeeee if you have fun you must be soi

Contrarianism has reached critical mass.

Went right*
Have sex and grow up