Why all the dislikes?
We must all support Pqube and buy Our world is ended!
They are the only good publisher left, they deserve it!
Why all the dislikes?
We must all support Pqube and buy Our world is ended!
They are the only good publisher left, they deserve it!
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck trump and fuck whypipo
>another pedo anime cinematic experience
Visual novels are not games
>skipped the vita western release
Dammit, I thought I finally had a reason to dust off the thing
What dislikes, 67 vs 770?
das rite, 4channel is a anti-racist utopia
That grammar has bean endeded my world too
Most likes are bots, 1:10 is closer to a 1:2 ratio
ugh not dissu post again
He is right though
Every nation is becoming estrogenized and liberal
It’s fucking censored
No it's not?
welp shimoneta here we come
I wish a girl would make that face when I showed her my cock
>67 dislikes compared to 773 likes is supposed to be a lot
Also, that title gave me cancer. Why do japs always try to seem cool by using english even though they obviously can't fucking speak the language?
Holy shit that made me angry
Fuck Shinzo Abe, fuck resetera and FUCK trannies
Isn't FGO the highest grossing game in Japan by a wide margin?
what was censored?
Maybe the liberals are right. Maybe borders aren't the answer. This upcoming civil world war they're pushing on us won't have any borders. Just every major city burning down.
why my peeanus weeanus of course haha
can't show the world my big peeanus weeanus :D
[citation needed]
Because of the whales
The average japanese gamer plays Fortnite and Skyrim and other normalfag garbage
I wish it was possible to report this faggot to the Japanese government as a political subversive.
what !?!??!?
How is the gameplay?
Coz theyre all gachas now. Fucking retarded trannies
Damn that Gajin that has lived in Japan for 5(FIVE) whole month clearly has an understanding how everything there works!
>there is a group of Ex-Pats I'm a part of that pushes sociatal changes that are archaic and gross
He's there for 5 fucking months and he already wants to change the status quo, what a fucking nuisance
Tbh japs are problematic, like yikes baka so problematic :/
As opposed to you, who lived there for 0 months?
I've worked there as an "English teacher" for 2 years. Good try though.
Wow 67 dislike on a 10k video seems unfair
How long until he and his group of ex pats get turned into "beef" for the next noodle shop to miss its protection payment?
As opposed to a retard that went there knowing how it is and he already is in a group that wants to alter Japan's rules
IS this bootleg steins gate?
What is that? Pedophiles?
following this on steam. thanks
Why you cared about what some fag say
I've also had the "english teacher" experience (glorified aid) but I'm with this tranny on this one, as much as I hate the idea of cultural imperialists imposing their own set of morals on a place they expatriate to from the place their from, i want kids. Beautiful fucking daughters, and the loli shit in japan is widespread and accepted, theres this sludgy underbelly where everybody seems to tolerate the sexualization of children.
It's disgusting, revolting, and I make a big fucking gaijin fuss at it all. It helps that I'm /fit/ so people take me seriously but nobody seems to care, makes me scared as all fuck to have children here.
Expatriate. It's just a fancy term to mean 'guy who gave up living in his own country to live somewhere else'. More or less, one of those fags who goes 'god I wish I was born in X... :(' but then they actually do it and pretend like that's where they belong.
I thought they played Splatoon 2
at least according to the japan sales threads
>waifu gachas making millions
>games like Nier Automata or Xenoblade Chronicles that even if they belonged to niche series are also selling millions
>expensive sexy figurines are still selling like crazy
you gotta be retarded to believe what this idiot is saying
This one gets posted a lot because of the pure delusion of the guy. He's wrong on nearly all points he makes.
Good one AntonioBoro97
I like tits in my games, but I like gameplay in my games even more.
>I moved to a country that mass produces something that I dislike so there for they should change that because of me!
This one I really don't get. I'm Japanese and I never see loli shit ever. You have to actively go looking for it to find it. Is he one of those fags that go into a porn shop then complain about porn?
Traitors are worse than enemies. This guy is a traitor to the country that let him dwell in it.
I'm just happy Sony finally admitted to this shit. They censor Japanese games because of fear of backlash. I'd expect the niche companies to jump ship now.
>remember joking about how the dystopian future in shimoneta was only a few years away when it first came out
>it actually happened and it’s the world we live in now
Yeah, you really have to be careful. Japan is known for having child rape gangs. It's not a high trust society like ours.
>We'd love to have them banned
But why? You go to an anime shop and whine they sell figures? Just don't go into anime shops then.
It's always canadian expats they're the worst.
>fresh to the country
>wow this is better than canada, look at all this diversity and culture
>a few months later
>we need to change things for the better for the sake of diversity and culture
Canadians are the worst expats in Japan and they're constantly protesting and causing trouble for everyone who lives there demanding the japanese change themselves to fit canadian values.
What's the difference between being an expat and immigrating?
Leftists: Cultural imperialism is bad
The same leftists: Cultural imperialism is good when we do it
I don't get why the negative connotation. Sounds good to me
But what makes one person an expat, and another a foreign worker or migrant? Often the former is used to describe educated, rich professionals working abroad, while those in less privileged positions — for example, a maid in the Gulf states or a construction worker in Asia — are deemed foreign workers or migrant workers. The classification matters, because such language can in some cases be used as a political tool or to dehumanise people.
So how far along are these guys dealing with the culture of pedophilia in Islam?
>that confirmation bias
Trannies should kill themselves faster.
Pretty sure it just depends on social status. So AntonioBoro97 is probably some rich kid who got a job while an immigrant is a poor person who needs a job.
Which kind of permit do you need from Japan until you can start fucking the lolis there?
>/pol/ actually believes this
Fucking islamaphobe
The thing is I only ever hear about expats when it comes to Japan. Nowhere else do I hear the term being used. It's almost like the foreigners that move to Japan never actually integrate enough to not be an expat.
Like this kind of faggots would do something againts real pedophiles on europe or america to begin with
You just need to buy a license, I think it’s around 10,000 yen.
is this game censored? ill buy it on just that merit
but that would be hard :( and they might call us racist
They don't because they stay in the English-speaking areas of Tokyo.
>is it censored?
yes. buy all of your weeb games on the switch now.
its what im gonna do anyway since nintendo has decided to not go full sjw
we are hitting metal gear levels of absurdity that should've never been hit
What a world we now live in.
It's a common thing to let kids past the age of 5 go on errands independently around town. There's even a show about it.
>being this much of a literal faggot
i'm planning to get my switch when the pro releases
It's pretty dumb if they're then trying to make the new country live more like the old country they left.
You should still watch out for localisations with Nintendo. I mean they've said they won't tamper with third party games so you just have to worry about Treehouse and first party. Then again they did get bitch slapped into submission.
So how is it censored, nintenshill? The OP clearly has anime tiddies out in the open.
Dude just accept, the trannies have taken over the LA sony office and will keep pushing for censorship. I hate it too but at least the switch is cheap and the portability is good for smut games when the wifes around.
Don't worry, you'll be gone in 5 years back to your country and cry about how japs are xenophobic
I'm a leaf and I wanna jump ship to Japan to get away from all this horseshit. I don't expect Japan to change for me. As the old saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans.
Nobody posted this gold yet? I wonder if she knows Antonio.
It’s on a PlayStation retard, anything Sony has their hands on gets censored now
What's her source to say all of that crap?
Her 'japanese friends'
Out of all the VNs they chose to localize/translate, they chose an absolutely dogshit knockoff of steins gate with a harem and a garbage bland MC
I'm guessing resetera raided it
Haha yeah right.
is this censored?
literal who site?
>the hentai fanbase
So, people who watch porn?
>Visual Novel
>Better Gameplay than Visuals
probably not. its not that lewd to begin with. its just that sony censors anything north of a burka nowadays. (for anime games*)
Nothing worse than a woman fetishist.
>the white savior showing those fuckin slants the way of christ
Based and white supremacy pilled.
So you've just spouting baseless bullshit, gotcha.
>garbage like Senran or Neptunia
lol weebs BTFO by on of their own.
Well the visuals in this one are especially shit like a bad steins gate knockoff so pressing the space bar is more riveting than looking at the screen.
>all of the recent announcements about muh children and muh metoo
>all of the already censored games
guess it was just my imagination
You're actually retarded, literally do a google search on Sony's censorship policy
>the one they choose to port is original psvita version and not the enhanced port that came out on the ps4 and switch
>this is getting released on ps4 and switch anyways
>all these (You)'s for obvious bait left by some channer.
Never change Yea Forumstards, never change.
You don't go on Resetera often if you think that's bait.
>space bar
You use a kb on ps4?
im looking forward to finally playing moero chronicle h next friday. uncensored. thanks based nintendo.
yes i know its trash but i just want to play a trashy casual turn-based game with lewd girls after platinuming sekiro. i like to go back and forth between real games and silly ones.
Reminder that according to retardEra/Neogaf being a male and liking females is a fetish.
>Clearly has never been to Resetera
Do you know how insane those people are user?
that character literally is wearing a shirt that says "Hentai"
This isn't even mental illness anymore.
Imagine spending years of your life learning a difficult language and letter, applying for citizenship, spending several more years learning about your new host country's culture and tradition, actually getting accepted after years of trying only for your first instinctual decision to be to destroy your new country and proudly boasting about it.
I want to believe with all my heart that this is a VERY good troll, but i don't know anymore.
its also fairly douchey user.
>girl fetishist
Oreowa has no time travel elements and doesn't have much in common with S;G.
The other two would be right, though it's just typical character romance routes.
Pqube is doing a good thing getting more things out of Japan. Oreowa isn't top tier stuff but it decent.
Though seriously they should have went for Raging Loop instead. That's probably the biggest recent hit that they have access to.
>why all the dislikes
>not even 10% of the votes
>Imagine spending years of your life learning a difficult language
Uh user. That person is likely just in some JET program to teach English. They don't require you to know Japanese. Hell you aren't allowed to speak Japanese as an English teacher during hours.
And that's a good thing.
>Hell you aren't allowed to speak Japanese as an English teacher during hours
That's an exaggeration.
>Pushing for social changes in any country that isn't their origin.
Someone go to resetera and tell Antonio to kill himself. Its not his homeland and its not his business.
I don't think that user meant it as a speak Japanese and you're out. More of a teach these kids English fucker. Don't pussy out and use Japanese when you're lazy.
why burgers think all the world should be like their shithole?
Need to deal with the gazillion christian priests rapist pedophiles first
What the fuck, I came here to shitpost in an obvious b8 thread, but then you posted this hot garbage. I don't think I can top this.
Holy fucking cringe, this is something even my 14 year old self would have thought was too edgy.
There are people who do move to Japan, and don't learn the language, or culture, and stay in their own communities never leaving Tokyo. It's a common thing over there. Japanese people are very shy people, which is often misinterpreted as xenophobia, and very few try to break the barriers there. A foreigner in Japan will most like hang out with other foreigners, and date other foreigners.
What goes through the mind of someone who is okay with this, but can't stand the sight of boobs?
>implying it's burgers and not subhuman bongs.
Most of the faggots on retardEra are bongs and canucks.
Bro. Just because you aren't from a country doesn't mean you can't give feedback to make them more American centric.
but user
he said he lives in japan so IT MUST be true.
Because they're told to think that way.
I'm convinced that behind all the whining about boobs in vidya is a seething fat western woman. Who can't stand the fact that people find her body grotesque and want to fantasize about hot females. The rest is just male feminist that think they will get laid by virtue signaling and the occasional mentally ill tranny.
Aren’t Japan’s stats fucked, though? Not disagreeing that loli should be banned, just curious.
Only Americans can make feedback. We don't accept feedback from any Japanese.
People there like to embellish things to fit the narrative.
Oh man, I didn't want to be mad today
Only people saying that are people not in Japan.
Japan has a 99% conviction rate, and you're guilty until proven innocent.
Xenophobia is objectively the best stance Japan could take against gaijin.
How fast did that person get banned?
Because they're not sadistic rapists, like you.
Fuck, meant not disagreeing that loli shouldn’t be banned.
>but the developers over there are either completely ignoring the community or doing a pretty lousy job at it
Why should Japan care about faggot American communities?
what did he mean by this?
Are they framing this as negative or something?
>ancient racially/culturally homogeneous society is safe.
You don't say....
Kids used to go to school alone and everything aswell until muslims came, but you know, if i say anything else it would be problematic from me
Fuck, once Japan is lost I think I'm just gonna an hero. No point to suffer on this planet.
>The average Japanese gamer plays western shooters and RPGS
We need a serious cleansing of journalists. These people are fucking insane.
I could not believe it when I saw very young children taking the subway alone the first time I went to Japan.
No one gives a shit there but where I live people would ask where the fuck are their parents and possibly call the police
You're a retard
He's saying that both sexual content and violent content are explicit, so why does one get a pass and the other doesn't.
They're like spoiled children, they're not use to being told "No". I used to think they were more in the 15-17 range, but the people that frequent shit like Resetera and Tumblr are actually more my age in the 25-28 department. Which makes their outrage and constant hissy fits more pathetic.
>kids can run errands in public in Japan because they know the community will keep them safe
>kids can't even cross the street alone in China because they're almost guaranteed to be run over and ignored until they bleed out
How can two similar societies be so different?
Do anons really think blacks hate anime and tits?
I honestly feel like the localization scene should just die at this point. If you want to play a Japanese game, learn Japanese and play them as intended. There's a poison seeping in from the west into a country that really doesn't give a shit. The less spotlight the better, and with popularity comes the cancer like this shit.
>two similar societies
>male heterosexuals are weird and fairly douchy
Are these people real or sock puppet 4tards trying to get easy (you)s?
I have a bone to pick with you Dekinai-chan. You need to stop telling faggots here they can't learn Japanese. Listen here fags. You can do it. You will learn it. You CAN learn Japanese. It's not impossible. It's not easy but you CAN do it. I believe in you anons. 頑張って I believe in you faggots.
I love how retards adopted this narrative so they can feel prosecuted.
Dude, there are games with sexy girls and there are games with extreme violence.
But if you think extreme violence and sexy girls go well together, you're a gurofag and should kys
>but the people that frequent shit like Resetera and Tumblr are actually more my age in the 25-28 department
I've found that it's at this age you get people who 'grow into' the SJW mindset. They're 'adults' now, so it's their turn to be moral authorities no matter how little reflection they're willing to give to it.
To be honest, a ban on MMA would be something good. MMA is a retarded "sport" for brain damaged people that get conned by promoters all the time.
>there are games with sexy girls
Such as?
>literal snuff, subhuman violence against women good
>boobies bad
What is your point? That you can't have sexy women in violent video games? You understand that people can like sexy women and violent video games without liking being violent to sexy women right?
So what's so absurd about people liking games which are violent and feature sexy girls without wanting to brutalize them???
Ok soccer mom calm down can't have both in the same game what about the children.
>neptunia and senran garbage end
Is this rape?
I use to frequent the boards in gamefaq and MAL back in like 2010 or so, yes I know. There were a lot of forum celebs that would unironically say this kind of shit. MAL was definitely the worst offender of the two.
>Seriously suggesting censoring that on a visual novel marketed to otakus.
It's like he wants PQube to go bankrupt.
based and picked up
Yes it is called stare rape, so if you stare at a woman for longer than 5 seconds it counts as rape
Why can you commit mass murder in games but not look at sexy girls? You're not raping or harassing the girls, they're just there. Nothing you do to them would even constitute a crime in real life.
>some gurofag is having the time of his life right now.
So you do? Why don't you just stay there, then?
Such as every other fighting game? DOA, SNK Heroines, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur. You don't even have to deviate from the genre if you want your sexy girls kicking people in the head.
>I just want to see sexually arousing females getting brutally murdered, why this company doesn't cater to me!
Yeah, but understand that a multibillion dollar corporation doesn't want to be one of his major videogame brands associated to gurofags at this point.
And to be honest, sex doesn't sell anymore.
since when did sachiko become so cute!
no, only soiboi whites hate anime and tits, blacks still have not lost their base.
Exactly. Why would you want to sexualize extreme gore? If you think sexy girls and extreme gore go well together you have severe emotional issues and you have to understand they don't want you as a customer. Because you drive people away.
>You're not raping or harassing the girls
You are now bigot! You better not touch any of those pixels without permission otherwise you are a rapist
>I just want to see sexually arousing females getting brutally murdered, why this company doesn't cater to me!
We are now at a point where even seeing an attractive people in western media is rarer than a unicorn.
I bet you're super stocked for those Witcher and cowboy Bebop live action shows!
>its just that sony censors anything north of a burka nowadays. (for anime games*)
Look at the op picture again. It's just more proof that their guidelines are confusing at best and completely retarded at worst.
>Because you drive people away.
NRS is already doing that for me.
How does having sexy women in violent video games mean you are associating yourself with gurofags? What about people who like seeing men get brutally murdered, is the game associated with them as well now?
I promise you only you are retarded enough to make this connection. If investors are getting mad about MK it will be over the explicit content not it "pandering" to gurofags.
>Nothing you do to them would even constitute a crime in real life
Uhhh, fiction shapes reality user, everybody knows that!
My wife has always been this cute, user.
Japan wants to clean up their image for the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics. the perverts will be back in full force by winter.
>Why all the dislikes?
Onions boi detected
>implying Henry Cavill is not the most sexy man alive
Shame he's turning bald
By having sexually arousing girls AND guro at the same time, so people make that connection.
MK is about the violence, not about the tits. Stop crying if this especific game doesn't pander to your shit tier fetish.
See how MK11 outsells every other fighting game as I dab on your aids butthurt corpse
>Politics and sexism is life
Ass is hometown
I'm not a gurofag though. I need you to understand that just because a video game has sexy women and violence in it, doesn't mean that they did that with the intention of appealing to some stupid niche fetish.
Imagine being mad about a bunch of pixels arranged in a certain order
Canada has no values. All the large urben areas are filled with chinks and browns. This poster is probably some sjw faggot English teacher
Sadly it was released on Censorstation
I know, right.
Looks like two years of tofu onions turned you into a fag kys
OK so, if fiction = reality, how comes we dont live in mad max like future right now? Pretty much everybody in the world played GTA so we should be killing each other left and right. Also how comes that japan is not full of pedos? considering that these people cry that anime is that
So, with toning down the sexuality, they stop becoming the stripper murdering simulator, so they can appeal to more people while still having the MORTAL in Mortal Kombat
Dude, they want this game for the fucking casuals that are going to play for two weeks and then forget about it. Not for the people that care about gameplay, or design or animations. And specially not for guro aficionados.
>Also how comes that japan is not full of pedos?
love how these freaks have become the prudes
More like, the taliban.
>how comes that japan is not full of pedos?
Yeah, about that...
Leave.You don't deserve to live there.
Actual brainwashing.
>makes me scared as all fuck to have children here.
You should be more worried about your nonexistent daughters being bullied for being hapas than anything, Ken-sama.
Just because a violent game has sexy women in it, doesn't mean that the purpose of the game is to be violent to sexy women. WHAT THE FUCK IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? Stop bringing guro into this because it literally has nothing to do with this.
>Also how comes that japan is not full of pedos?
Yeah, how come the pedo country is not full of pedos?
Is there any difference between the PC and Switch versions? Any censorship?
>just because there are sexually arousing women getting brutally murdered doesn't mean the game has sexually arousing girls getting murdered.
Great mental gymnastics.
Nice word salad, cum guzzling tranny, too bad that's not what he said.
You have multiple personalities now? lmao
Okay either you are a troll or a genuine retard.
My point was that just because a violent game has sexy women in it doesn't mean that the game was made for you to kill sexy women. By your logic it's a game made for appealing to people who like cutting up shredded guys just because you can kill shredded guys, which it's not.
>girl with big fat tiddies
When did the world become so fucking retarded
The word is persecuted you fucking imbecile. Jesus fucking christ
I feel like this whole Fiction=reality started as some huge fucked up hope that an owl will show up at their house and invite them to Hogwarts.
There were bitches in their 20s and 30s going fucking apeshit when people told them that Harry Potter isn't real.
As a white weeb with yellow fever i finally get what the japs mean with waitu piggu go home. White liberal Americans are toxic as fuck to any nation.
Blacks love anime titties. You'd know this if you weren't a pathetic, pasty white LARPer shut-in who's sole exposure to black men was your pornhub tab.
The guys being shredded represent that they are ready and able for a fight. They are not for sexually arousing you (maybe Johnny Cage is, but that's his whole gimmick). No girl swoons over Kano, Baraka or Kotal Khan.
A girl dressed like a stripper to a death match? Doesn't feel like she's exhibing her power, since MK girls are not designed as athletic looking (that should be your concern).
Is this post fake/? Googling the text or antonioboro97 brings up nothing
If it is then holy shit you got me, this reads super honest
>haha you misspelled! I won
Ok. Have your victory.
> No girl swoons over Kano
There's an entire fucking culture around fetishizing killers and maniacs. Try again, dickhead.
I'm so glad this is happening, if only to make the weebs that have invaded the internet infinitely SEETHE. Fuck you cancerous faggots and your waifushit spamming.
Well, some people have issues, who knew.
It would've been nice if it was just hiragana and not mostly those ching chong squiggles.
Okay now you're just shifting goalposts.
How would you have a girl who exhibits her power be designed because there's only one way and it's disgusting and would appeal to nobody. The female outfits were also much more realistic compared to the outfits of mk11 its just they were also sexually arousing. Girls don't fight wearing all that much.
Also just because a guy's muscle can be seen as practical doesn't mean it's only done for that purpose alone. Believe it or not girls do swoon over kano and Kotal khan and not all guys swoon over sheeva or mileena(yet they are still sexualised).
The female fighters in MK are designed with athletic builds, just look up any female mma fighter(abs with decen musculature), atleast up until mk11 dropped they were.
These people have the nerve to say that anime is immature.
Baraka= Monster fetish
Kotal Khan= large, broad chested man with both physical and social power.
You can basically find a niche in every MK character.
Weren't you the same faggot talking about gurofags?
To be fair, this is definitely true. There is a certain sense of humor and thematic framing that is either extremely difficult to convey, literally impossible to convey, or would require so much work to translate it over that it would lose its initial meaning. The issue is that when we get certain faggots (Looking at you, Bravely Default/Second """translation""" team) who actively change the vision to suit their own desires upon localizing, it sends the message to others that they should just insert whatever they want whenever something becomes tricky or controversial.
Are they still assmad about Persona's 5 direct translation being a huge success and loved by actual fans?
Kill yourself you pearl clutching Puritan
Stop trying to shit in other people’s cereal faggot
Its no good when ugly chicks get hurt and they don't enjoy it
>And to be honest, sex doesn't sell anymore
Yeah i'll leave it to AntonioBoro97 of Japan to give me the insider information.
Fuck off, anyone can say shit like this. Name one time where there was a flow of AAA anime games with girls that have big tits that aren't Japshit visual novels. It's always been a niche and it always will be a niche.Not to mention Xenoblade, a flagship nintendo series. Thrives off big tiddy mommy gf type waifus for weebs to drool over.
Also btw, I'm currently living in Japan and can giver real info on the situation here! (3 months so far :3) The anime devs are giving all they're money into hentai games because the American industry needs them to maintain a healthy relationship with Japan!
You can’t have kids though anal sex you fucking faggot
Kill yourself
>millennial faggot is delusional
Radicals my man, those squiggles all have a pattern to them. Ever notice how one kanji has a part that looks like another, well kanji are actually a combination of 200 unique radicals. Go to jisho.org and click on the look up by radicals tab, memorize all 200 and kanji gets insanly easier to learn at a glance. If you're talking about katakana don't be pressured to learn how to write them just get them memorized to where you can read it, worry about writing later. you can do it.
I hate banana boobs so much, I'm writing an AI that will recognize them and then delete them from the internet forever
Please post more of them, so I can feed them to the algorithm and make the machine smarter
They allow you to change usernames on that site. So likely that.
They’ve gotten fucking nowhere.
They’re scared shit of African warlords and contracting malaria to even dream about doing anything
Muslims are big strong men, they have guns and they are protected by the media and the police
Meanwhile weeaboos don't even have a full kitchen knife set
I've been living in Japan for the last 5 YEARS on business and this faggot has no idea what he's talking about.
The government and businesses have been trying to "Censor" Tokyo's more popular areas because tourism is going to skyrocket next year during the olympics and cameras will be everywhere, but that's about it.
But I like masturbating to Japanese trannies!
Don't you know though user. Tokyo == ALL of Japan.
Good. I called for it on Yea Forums in 2005.
Rapists should hang.
Well, I'm still buying MKXL for the Aryan beautte, Kitana...
I love how his avatar is tumblr Sans
>TFW you live in Morioka and see maybe 3 tourists a year
>tumblr Sans
Wouldn't just Sans pretty much be Tumblr sans?
You can’t pin this on burger
It’s leaf faggots
>Browsing Yea Forums and being a tripfag.
Yikes. You losers never learn.
Look at the second image you've quoted again user
shut the fuck up anpanman I'll squeeze red bean paste out of every orifice on your floury face and use my penis to replace it with cum
Japan will rape you over breaking their laws
Imagine the IRS but a whole fucking country
...they are big boobs, right? She is jealous of them, right?
7/10 got me mad
I don’t even know anymore
I want to get the game because the trailer looked good but then I remember:
-The fatalities are god awful
-The gameplay will be clunky af
-The theme is just too bleak and dark for that mk feel
-Worst of all none of my faves made it in
Why the fuck should I get this dog shit game?
Fucking hell. Once Japan goes its all over. The progressives won.
>Tips fedora
Black guys aren’t soiboys
If anything they are the hardcore weebs telling them to fuck off
You mean sexualization of 2D girls.
I swear these faggots want their own version of Sharia law
I swear pedo is now
“I don’t like!”
Get that shit outta here.
>Black guys like anime tits
Damn straight
>how comes that japan is not full of pedos?
It probably is full of paedos, their paedos are too busy jacking off to loli to spend time molesting children.
Wait until night. You'll see grills hanging out by train stations by themselves. Take a seat nearby. Do not approach them, they'll approach you themselves and ask if you want to go for a "walk". They'll lead you to a hotel. You go in first, they'll follow after. Put around 60 000 ¥ on any counter or dresser. After she sees that, she'll ask to take a shower with you. You're all set after that.
Why is it always idiots from Resetera who end up in Japan and localization teams? That's minimal 5 years of language learning. What the fuck is the point if they hate the place so much?
I am a man who loves big tits, but playing a game for just big tits is fucking retarded. If I wanted that, there's an endless supply of porn for that. Most weeb games are usually shovelware trash that weebs eat up.
Also I'm getting tired of weebs trying to push this "Gore is OK, sex is bad" shit in the US. I can't think of a single mainstream Japanese game that has tits, but there are many games from the West that show them. Its all about context.
Like a bad revenge story their hate fuels them
They make good hentai games though.
Without the getting organ harvested part
I'll stick to galleries
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
You don't understand my man, it's all about the context. I could read about how a woman being ruthlessly made to submit by a man she's hated for years, and listen as her wails of despair turn into moans of pleasure as she's defeated by the cock. Or I could look at a static picture where she's in tears in one and has an ahegao on the other. One of these options is superior, and it's not the second one.
China literally thought the same and now female are dominating the society.
Just claim the girl as trans. Instant 180.
There's a difference between heterosexuals, and people who treat women like they're just sex objects.
Just kidding, no there isn't.
>believing anything from retardera
The poster doesnt even live in Japan anymore. Millenials are the biggest Otaku generation. They made rance a best seller for the month it came out
There is nothing wrong with treating women like sex objects
In fact they enjoy it
>implying they have emotions
Not wrong least not completely
>buying visual novels on CensorStation4
lmao at your life right now, nigga what is you doing?!?!
Every. Single. Time.
Who the fuck calls themselves a webber
Man 2020 will be a riot
>Lolis get put away for a few weeks while the Olympics happen
>All these faggots cheer like they've won
>Japan finally listened
>1 week after the Olympics
The asspain will cause the most ultimate of keks.
Its people like this that mqke me feel guilty about wanting to go to japan. Those poor japanese people have to deal with this guy.
The UN are making some amazing strides. They've already invaded multiple child sex rings and opened their own as well.
ANY DAY NOW they'll take them out... ANY DAY NOW...