Is the phrase "I grew out of " really derogatory?
I'm a high school teacher and had some pencil neck autist lay into me when I said that I hadn't really enjoyed Smash Bros since the Wii entry and would only pick back up Ultimate to play through Joker's Classic mode.
Wrote that lil fucker up, too.
Is the phrase "I grew out of <series>" really derogatory?
"Grew out" implies it's a childish thing you're now too mature for. It's literally insulting that kid.
As a teacher, you shouldn't be an asshole.
>buying a $60 game and dlc to play for 15 minutes on a teacher's shitty salary
Wanna know how I know you're a loser?
I'm helping the young minds of America, what the fuck are you doing with your life?
I thought teachers were supposed to be the main reason why Jews exist? In which case, you’re an enemy to Yea Forums and must be exterminated.
>shitty teachers salary
Teachers get paid pretty well user. A lot more than me anyway, and im willing to bet more than you too.
You haven't grown out anime OP? Lol what a manchild. Oh you still play fps games? What a manchild. Oh you like reading fantasy novels? What a manchild.
What you should say is that "I like other things now that occupy my time, as I think I got enough enjoyment of x already".
Bitching about children on Yea Forums. What an authority figure you are and a anime pic to boot. Smash is shit and you did grow out of it pencil neck but just because you grew out of the church doesnt mean we all wanna hear about youre a atheist. Your opinions are just as shit as ever only theyve had time to ferment gas fumes.
>I thought teachers were supposed to be the main reason why Jews exist?
Explain this logic, /pol/ack.
>Teachers get paid pretty well user.
No we fucking don't.
I wouldn't be a high school math teacher if it wasn't for the fact that it'll absolve me of the majority of my student debt in a few years via govt forgiveness program.
Are people really this bad with money that they can't buy vidya and technology unless they are making six figures?
Maybe if you didn't buy a brand new car that you couldn't afford, a big overpriced apartment, and spend $10+ every meal eating out then you would have some money for hobbies.
>anime picture
>You haven't grown out anime OP? Lol what a manchild.
>What an authority figure you are and a anime pic to boot.
Don't tell me you fags never watched Utena. I'm no ironic weeaboo faggot but I was compelled to buy a fig of her after finishing her show. Moviefags and Anthyfags need not apply.
Yes you do, youre obviously working on a different scale to most of the rest of the world who earn minimum wage. Maybe you should count your blessings.
>hmm pretty interesting thread lets read it
>its another trashbros threda
Anime is all shit except for Utena.
Penguindrum is acceptable too I GUESS
No one here is talking about Smash and the OP is practically shitting on it, what are you on about?
>posting Utena
I love you user
>bought a fig
>didn't like the movie
Kek you seem like a weeb though. Movie is just as good.
This. If you want to get the same general point across without sounding like a derogatory dickhead, just say “I lost interest.”
If you’re old enough to be a teacher now, then you couldn’t have been THAT young when Brawl came out. You didn’t “grow out” of shit.
babby’s first anime-tier series.
Yeah it is and that's arguably the point of it. The whole point is to make the thing you "grew out of" seem childish and not to be enjoyed by people who have reached a certain maturity. It's only used to antagonize.
I bet you're female teacher. male teachers are always cool. your posts are really uncool.
Imagine bitching about anime on Yea Forums. Truly we live in eternal summer.
>If you’re old enough to be a teacher now, then you couldn’t have been THAT young when Brawl came out. You didn’t “grow out” of shit.
I'm 24 now and was 14 when Brawl came out, senpai.
Honestly, the fact that they took away Utena's beautiful sex hair for the movie aggrivated me and I hated the series focus on Anthy towards the end.
I wish there wasn't such a huge stink about buying a fig of a female character. I hate the term weeaboo because I'm frankly very picky about what I watch and enjoy, even within the confines of anime.
Better than your favorite anime, fuccboi
>females on the internet
No, and frankly I never bought into females being better at mathematics anyhow. Most of them went for Math Education majors while got the full major to study interesting stuff.
OP you sound like a pretentious twat, I’m pretty sure most of your students don’t like you very much even if they don’t show it to your face.
Who the fuck brags about growing out of a video game series meant for kids and teens while using pics of an anime series meant for kids and teens? Because nobody over the age of 18 should find Utena deep.
I don't think i've ever seen a more pretentious anime in my life and i watched the entirety of Evangelion
It obviously is. You're trying to imply you are somehow more mature for your subjective choice in entertainment, when the reality of the matter is more likely than not that you simply grew bored and moved to something different. It's basically the passive-aggressive bitch boy way of saying you don't like something anymore, but you also round-about imply that the people who still share your old tastes are somehow inferior for not growing bored of them when you did.
I used to be like that too, you should actually grow up and realize people are free to enjoy whatever hobbies they may choose and your particular choices don't make you better or worse, or more mature than anyone else when it comes to entertainment.
I'm on mobile so please just pretend I attached Costanza.jpg
if you're a teacher browsing Yea Forums your students are utterly fucked.
>Is the phrase "I grew out of " really derogatory?
It’s the equivalent of saying “ I believe the series in question is beneath me”, so yeah I’d say it is
I still to this day don't fucking understand what the fuck was going on in this anime
All i understood was
>girl is the best with swords
>entitled to have the green haired girl as her bitch
>people want her title for a variety of reasons
>next season people are in a car before the fights which i'm pretty sure it's symbolism for something
>utena gets BTFO by chad
>utena then wins (or not, i can't remember) and decides to take the place of the green haired girl so she can be free
did i miss some subtext or symbolism in the story? i feel like it was massively pretentious for what it was
Not him, but the students would be fucked even without him browsing Yea Forums considering our education system.
t. Highschool Special Ed English
Most Teachers don't.
Saying "My tastes of video games have changed" versus "I grew out of this series" have very different meanings behind it. Tastes changing means more of a lateral shift with potential of refinding enjoyment while growing out of something implies you put it behind you for good as a means of personal development.
It ironically is an immature way of looking at your own development.
>Because nobody over the age of 18 should find Utena deep.
It's actually one of the few legitimately deep you animes though.I get that a lot of its nuance wouldn't be apparent on a first viewing, but I can't name anything else in anime that does a better job of conveying its themes through visual means.
you can't evaluate if something is pretentious if you don't even fucking understand it
>Because nobody over the age of 18 should find Utena deep.
Liking Utena doesn't mean you find it deep. Hell, 90% of the series outside of the first arc is irrelevant imo
Eva is much worse about pretending to be deep
that phrase is one of those things that requires a high degree of social competence to properly utilize tone and context, and that autistic people will never be able to use or interpret without sounding condescending or thinking they're being condescended.
Whatever show you're describing is not Utena.
The worst part of Eva I find is how vague the characterization actually is. You can't actually tell what's motivating a given character to behave how they do at any given time beyond an extremely high level outline as so much shit is ambiguous and could be contradicted at any given moment.
Utena, on the other hand, is far more generous in giving you insight into what's going on in the character's heads and there's a clear difference in the ambiguity naturaly offered by symbolic elements and the actually very concrete psychology and drives of the characters.
>Is the phrase "I grew out of " really derogatory?
It totally fucking is, you grow out of "Putt Putt Goes to the Zoo" because it's aimed at 1st Graders to teach to them fundamental observational skills. Super Smash Bros. is designed for all ages as a means to keep you busy for a couple of hours. Unless you grow out of Video Games, you can't divorce the two.
Depends on context and passive vs aggressive.
Passive: "I grew out of x", simple expression of former interest lost over time, not derogatory.
Aggressive: "You haven't grown out of that? You still like it? Grow up." etc, obviously derogatory.
Autism headscratchers bonus round: "I grew out of it" can also be used passive-aggressively as a derogatory response to someone else declaring their current interest in something.
It implies a sense of maturation when really it could just be change of interests. I used to listen to classical music, and now I listen to movie and video game soundtracks. If I said I outgrew classical music, I would sound like a moron. Taste is subjective and you lost interest. Who knows if any growth actually took place.
Where's the joke?
I stand corrected.
>I used to listen to classical music, and now I listen to movie and video game soundtracks.
That's honestly a fairly strange progression. Almost always people go the other way.
I grew out of Pokemon
I grew out of those cg movies. Boredom even when trying to watch my old favorites.
I can't belive she goy banged by the poo guy. Like what the fuck? That moment of weakness was basically giving up.
>the fact that they took away Utena's beautiful sex hair for the movie aggrivated me
Short hair Utena is pure sex, apply yourself.
I kinda agree with this one. I've not grown out of the concept, but the actual gameplay is so braindead that I haven't finished one of them since BW2.
Tangled was actually good though and deserved to blow up in popularity far more than Frozen.
I stopped after gold/silver. I don't count FireRed.
OP is a faggot. What kind of teacher talks about vidya with kids, and then implies that smash is for babbies cause you're a big adult now. That's like the opposite of student engagement. Yea Forums probably rubbed off on you too much
I disagree entirely. When you get older, your priorities change because your circumstances do. I LOVED Smash Brothers when I was in high school and college because I would get together with a bunch of friends and play together. Getting older, I don't have parties often because everyone has work and different schedules. I have a long to-do list and would just rather go out and do something with my friends rather than sit around in my house playing a video game with them. It's not that it's childish, it's just that I value time differently and I think you can only really understand that once you're in your later 20's
So when are we getting an Utena character action game?
Or an Utena themed Persona game?
It would be lit as all hell senpai.
>v actually defending some sweaty autist
We all know videogames are shit and does it really matter? I grew out of this fucking board in like 2014 cause now all you care about is ecelebs and jewish people
You're even more childish than people who didn't "grow out of it" cause you're still wasting time here not enjoying the board. Kill yourself shitposter, you are part of why Yea Forums is shit
The only CG movie from my childhood I can think of is Toy Story, how young are you?
>Utena character action game
This and a Cutie Honey game in the same genre would be amazing
>cause now all you care about is ecelebs and jewish people
You can't be more than 14 if you honestly believe jews are to blame
The whole point of cutting Utena’s hair in EoU was to amplify her masculine identity signifiers. Sure, it’s fucking hideous, but then there were still people out there that probably didn’t get the fucking point of Utena.
Westworld is from 1973, user.
This. Kids don't like being talked down to, and you were doing exactly that.
He was being a little shit and deserved it.
If you're only 24, OP, then you're a little too early to have grown out of much. The high school student probably saw that you were being hypocritical, so understandably he got upset.
Calling your students “pencil-neck autists” doesn’t seem particularly productive or helpful.
I'm a substitute teacher and you sound like a gigantic faggot.
Also forgot to mention I played Smash with my classmates earlier today and we all had a great time. They also think it's cool that I'm pretty good at the game, at least compared to high school kids anyways.
You get respect when you have fun with them rather than have a stick up your ass.
Referring to a student as something and calling him that are two very different things
It is derogatory, unless you're talking about Pokemon because that's actually a game for children.
>assmad cause I btfo you