The Switch is the console of CHADs, and you all know it

The Switch is the console of CHADs, and you all know it.

>compact and easy to take on the go
>CHADs are always on the move, PCs are too big and clunky and only work for virgins with a sedentary lifestyle (CHADs use laptops for their computer needs)

>easy to play simple games with friends
>CHADs have friends and acquaintances that are interested in trying out something that the CHAD has interest in

>lots of nostalgia appeal
>call them normies if you want, but CHADs haven't been super into games since they were kids

>girls love it

>specifically designed to pick up and play anywhere for a quick session
>CHADs aren't about to sit down for 5 hours to beat a raid boss, that's purely virgin territory

Attached: john-cena-nintendo-switch.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:
It's PS4. How many Call of Duty games does the Switch have?




Cena is pushing the console because it's for children, not because he likes it.

I love my ps4!

Attached: 4L_pnHdtAAf.jpg (693x923, 66K)

cringe, so fucking cringe.
based, based!

>the idol of children, a fake fighter is paid to promote Switch
>the console of CHADS

Attached: 25885686532.jpg (153x179, 5K)

Pro-tip: CHADs don't say things are based or cringe. Only virgins do.

Chad's don't play video games

How big are Cena's hands? Holy shit.

Attached: Nintendough.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

>virgin sees CHADs playing Switch games with attractive women

H-haha.. don’t.. don’t they know that the Switch is f-for babies? Lol.. cringe..

Video games are for little kids

What's this guy's name again


Major, embarassing pure CRINGE.

Real CHADs.

Attached: 1555348856982.jpg (500x500, 163K)

Cringe masters

>(CHADs use laptops for their computer needs)
lmao. Nice try, poser. It’s 2019, we use our phones


Please. Here's an image of me with my laptop.

Attached: depositphotos_209650230-stock-photo-handsome-muscular-man-with-laptop.jpg (1600x1167, 258K)

Welcome back to cringe or kek with Yea Forums!

Now tell me Yea Forums is switch kek or is it cringe?

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Typical hobo laptop user

If you play video games in public then you’re not a CHAD. I’ve never worked a real job where there’s time to play games. And what CHAD doesn’t drive their own car? Have sex.

Enjoy your censored titties, "made 4 the players"! #MeToo amirite?

Attached: john-cena-img.original.jpg (3934x2618, 1.19M)

>what CHAD doesn’t drive their own car?

Attached: corp2.jpg (750x439, 18K)

Why is this switch floating in the air


Friendly reminder

Attached: 1529944052447.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

Its being held by Switch exclusives

shit what the fuck i just noticed this. How the fuck can nintendo advertise a floating console

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>this is the kind of autist than tell you to no use nintendo
Yikes and cringepilled

>this thread is the level of discussion Yea Forums has reached

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shitendo shitch!

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I know threads like this are a joke, but just think there's probably at least ONE poster in this thread that takes these seriously, that playing on Switch/PS4/PC makes him an alpha chad that soaks panties everywhere he goes but isn't fucking every girl that meets him only because he's "shy"

Attached: pp.jpg (155x171, 15K)

average person on Yea Forums

>Yeah, I was wanting to buy one(1) Nintendo Switch and one(1) copy of Super Smash Pussy Ultimate.
>What color? Why, the red and blue one, of course.

Attached: gigas.png (680x760, 191K)

So you're saying that the Xbox One is the console of CHADs?

Wait, where is he? What is that room? Is that just a small glass room on top of a mountain?

Attached: 1535766591662.png (549x560, 258K)

Chad console is XONE but PS4 is by far the most onions in my experiences as my nu-male coworkers all have one.

The fuck are men interested so much on this Chad meme? They have to be gay in denial.

it literally is just a Switch shed in the middle of nowhere.

Attached: cena.jpg (950x534, 135K)


>Why yes I only own a switch because I'm a virgin, how could you tell?

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