ITT : Try to summarize the last game you played in the lamest way possible and guess the others, I start
>dreamy fuccboi teams up with a bunch of christfags including redhead redneck and big tiddy goth gf to fight the hair pope and daddy whale
ITT : Try to summarize the last game you played in the lamest way possible and guess the others, I start
>dreamy fuccboi teams up with a bunch of christfags including redhead redneck and big tiddy goth gf to fight the hair pope and daddy whale
Other urls found in this thread:
Greenpeace chases edgy samurai.
>weeb bodyguard has to choose between loli and shota
schizophrenic ghost runs immigrant help program
is secretly a racist and wants to kill a dark guy
Sekiro ?
Only the clothes matter,but some say there's a game in there somewhere.
Any MMO, or maybe /fa/rk souls
>You kill dragon's reskins for obtaining 0'5% items to kill them again more efficiently.
>Causalized and shit.
>Drink and move
>Can't carry shit, literally
God I wish I was that shirt
>developing arachnophobia is first step to achieving peace and prosperity in the galaxy
GTA V online.
Cave tribe running low on water
>some say there's a game in there somewhere
City of Heroes/Villains
How much money did she pay for the plastic surgeries and make-up?
Crossover with every single power rangers so far
Every Final Fantasy game ever.
None she's japanese not korean.
Amnesiac old dude that looks like a teenager goes balls deep on younger gals and a very old granny, eventually the moon can't stop singing and you don't get a good end.
What are you trying to imply, weebcel? All of you Chinks send millions on plastic surgeries and make-up to look like white people.
Fallout 2?
Maybe I put it too generic.
Stay on topic user. Don't get triggered every time you see cute asian girls.
almost. Water chip was fallout 1
>weebcel thinks japanese are different from their bug brethren
Yellow fever is a mental illness that falls under paranoia, autism and delusions.
tea for two
First you go up
Then down
Then up again
You have to kill a clown
where can I get this shirt?
>Robot fights a bunch of other corrupted robots and doesn't know what he's fighting for
>at atmospherics simulator on a shitty engine, now with feature bloat
Too easy and your descriptions aren't lame. Charge blade best weapon by the way.
>telling anyone to stay on topic when you spam selective pictures of chinks with plastic surgeries
>calling those insects "cute" too
yikes, crawl back to /jp/ and don't leave your containment board, weebcel
Wasn't sure to go with 1 or 2. The cave tribe thing made me think 2. There's a drought in Arroyo at the start of the game, so I thought maybe that's what it was rather than the water chip.
All women are beautiful incel
Have sex
fuck your prison island me and my buddy are off to fight nothingness itself to save the world n shit
The overseer does kinda resemble Grug though.
But mostly vault = cave, I get it
you drive around a forest and your gf's dad dies to larva
>yellow fever faggot thinks he's not an incel for being attracted to the lowest denominator
you're still an incel :)
Being attracted to bugs is also quite disturbing. Seek help.
sad post
They don't really spend that much more than in the west, and even then it's an expensive thing so only the upper class does it commonly - just like in the west. Their middle class like ours does it, but not as commonly as the upper, and their lower class poor and homeless don't do it at all, like here in the west.
The only real different is the amount of people in asia total, that makes the numbers look inflated unless you go per capita.
Their rate of ugly and plan people isn't really higher or lower than in the west, and they have plenty of decent to great looking people, also just like in the west.
I don't really get the whole thing some of you do where you scream how ugly westerners are or how ugly easterners are.
Holy autism.
>softly spoken mercenary assassinates deranged woman in order to procure a son.
I would like to know this as well so I can also get those surgeries.
God I wish I were a cute Asian girl
>why yes I love asian women how did you tell
> They don't really spend that much more than in the west
Keep telling yourself those lies, weebcel
Bunch of weirdos try to sit on a chair
>egghead eugenecist tricks you but luckily you're dumb as a rock and can't stop doing idle animations and shitty dances
You heckle people endlessly until they slip up and you can call them a liar.
Don't reply to that faggot. He lurks Yea Forums everyday for a thread with an Asian girl OP pic and derails with strawmans and falseflagging.
Fun fact, most of the Japanese idols work for companies that put extremely little into them. They're fairly cheap productions. Only the top 5% of studios have the money to throw around on every little thing. Most Japanese idols you see don't work for companies willing to pay for plastic surgery, and at what they get paid they can't afford the surgeries either.
There's some people on Yea Forums that are trying push against being attracted to Asian girls because they're against race mixing. Calling them bugs, saying only betas like Asians, etc. I can't see it working.
> with strawmans and falseflagging.
Ah okay. Posting a pic of actual bugs is "strawman and falseflagging" but posting selective pictures of bugs with plastic surgeries is not? Kill yourself, you delusional incel.
Funny how you say "falseflagging" when you live in a delusional bubble and think Koreans and Japanese don't look the same. You are fucking retarded, just like every othee yellow fever incel.
Wow, an unironic incel and a racist
that's not very nice user
I recommend having a black girlfriend
>Little kid makes up a story where he kills his mom and suffocates himself
Be sure to post pictures of the western hags you delude yourself into believing are naturally attractive instead of caked in makeup photoshop layers, camera filters and of course tons of plastic surgery.
There's some incels on Yea Forums that are trying push being attracted to Asian girls because they're against inceldom. Calling them cute, saying Asians are beautiful, etc. I can't see it working.
children playing hookie and stoners stand in between you and enjoyment, you have to kill them all
cherrypicking doesn't prove anything and you know it.
Sounds like something written by Yoko Taro, Drakengard maybe ?
Blacks are hundred times more beautiful than Asians and Blacks are considered ugly people.
How does that make you feel, chink? About to cry? :)
I mean, even if I were a beta and someone pointed out that I only like asian girls because I'm a beta
I'd still like asian girls
But personally I fall into why not both territory. White, Asian... It's all good to me.
this so fucking much, I've been telling em for years, they don't actually fucking look like they do, you degenerate fucking idiots, just look at these monsters
Stop replying to this mentally ill jackass. You're just spurring him on.
This thread is autism, this is why 2D is better
Of course cherry-picking doesn't work
Why would anyone believe there are naturally good looking cockroaches?
>replying to yourself to push your agenda
Still better than chinese filth.
>fake nose
good god
This, if you reply to him he'll get what he wants
To derrail the thread
Leave a bot running so my character smacks a tree in a casino to get casino money while I'm at work. Already past 8 million, even though the car only costs 200,000.
Space Station 13
All women are fucking boring. I don't want to talk to them, let alone have sex. It's much better to stay inside and masturbate.
>Silent bitch shoots a bunch of aliens while her edgy doppelganger fucks with you along the way
Sorry? Post more Asian girls?
back on the thread topic: MvC2 but the roster is smaller and it's all OC's and it wasn't ever on EVO even though it deserved to be there.
>shes japanese
Ok? Cope harder, weebcel
you use a bunch of no-name generic npcs to kill shit in dungeons to unlock more story and you're a book or something
Ignoring someone's message just isn't my style. I think the best way to deal with this troll is to reason with him. Even if I have to send him a "flame" or two, he'll get the message eventually. I have the utmost respect for you two, but I think I should deal with this troll in my own way.
the game that needs 4 threads on Yea Forums and an easy more?
>Half bug with several layers of makeup and plastic nose to hide their nigger flat tier nose
>non asian girls
Those two bros that put on wigs and snuck into an all girls school didn't know what they were getting into.
defend this
> reason with him
The best way to reason with anyone is to kill yourself. You have no purpose on this planet, yellow fever incel.
The kid from the Sixth Sense hunts a giant Dr Manhattan with his mentally retarded, animal hugging friend and some other people.
I've been in two other threads where this dood just posts the same pictures of school girl asians and before and after pics of gooks all the while deluding himself into thinking there aren't any pretty Asians. There's no reasoning with him.
>bird horse gets lost in a lot of basements
Asians are so beautiful
Asians have a white color to their skin, like smooth milk
Asians are naturally beautiful
>i think feeding the troll will make it go away
attention is their food and they can eat more than Kirby. do not feed the trolls, starve them out
>you run around the map shooting things and picking up minor buff items then you fight a boss and do it all over again on a new map while the weatherman is having a meltdown
Fashion faggots, biohazard guidos, rioting towelheads, hipster rock, tacticool larpers and weebs.
Multiple states refuse to engage in diplomacy, there are elves
Careful user, you're running out of ugly asian pictures. The ones in that picture looked perfectly fine.
>replying to yourself
>admitting to shitposting with selective pictures of chinks
Seek help, incel.
What are those, middle school kids? Are you some sort of pedo?
Without flinging shit at eachother can someone tell me why asian women like right wing white nerds?
>running out of ugly asian pictures.
Why would he run out of ugly Asian pictures when all Asians are ugly and there are 4.5 billions of them?
THese threads are just an excuse to post cute asian girls.
I wish I could suck on her jigglypuffs, if you catch my drift
A boy with a sword and his friend kill a big lizard
>Being attracted to bugs is also quite disturbing
you cant tell me what to do
Yellow fever is a loophole around pedophilia. You, a yellow fever incel, accusing anyone of being a pedo is not going to work.
>All Asians are ugly cockroaches!!!
>Why yes. I think pic related is a beautiful woman. Why do you ask?
An ethnically diverse group uncover a voting fraud conspiracy
Metroid Fusion
A bunch of sleepwalking kids fighting mentally handicapped clones and capitalists because their mom told them to.
Big lizard wants to eat everything or something, and I press 2 a lot to hit things with my sword very quickly like.
>yellow fever
White Inceldom is a mental illness and we need to kill all incels.
We'll start with you.
God, I love Asians.
same here, i just prefer them without make up and without plastic surgeries
Is there some global psy-ops going on since us weebs were young, which is actively trying to get us to go to asia?
>not just makeup and plastic surgery, but also photoshop
Why can't Asians just kill themselves if they don't like their own looks
Only three of those were me. All of them were in their 20s. The oldest in her 30s.
Yeah, pedo and proud
What now faggot
> All of them were in their 20s.
>The oldest in her 30s.
Make up your mind, pedo
Why don't you take a seat user?
Them south park guys... pretty smart
Do you have a problem with all of them being in their 20s except for the oldest in her 30s?
Here have another 20 something.
Sorry user, she's from the 70s and all natural
>muh yamato nadeshiko
Lame, give me some jap femdom
The weebcel is having an autistic meltdown lol
I've seen him post chrrey-picked pictures of gooks with tons of plastic surgeries, make-up and photoshop edits and now he's a chimping because people are posting real photos of bugs
> all natural
If you can't see the image has been altered, then you're either low IQ or weebcel, probably both
There are beautiful and ugly women in both races you dumb niggers.
No one is fucking born the same in the looks department just because of your race
None of the things you think Asian do to look 'more attractive' existed in their parts of the world back then, except maybe in Japan, and they still looked attractive. So any cute or beautiful thai or veitnamese or korean or whatever girl from the 70s even 80s and earlier are all natural beautiful
> There are beautiful and ugly women in both races you dumb niggers.
There are only ugly women and ugly "men" in the bug race
Looks like a Turkish girl to me
I'm not actually a pedo, i just wanted a piece of your sweet ass.
Now we can do it the easy way or a hard way
A2, A3 and B2 all look really decent. Pretty sure A4 and B4 could be cute too.
>geriatric wants to save sick girl featuring one of those things from a library and a trap
> >surgery
> 70s
> >photoshop
> 70s
Lol you braindead incel, plastic surgery has been a thing since the early 1900s and photoshop is not the only way to alter images. People have been altering images since the first camera was invented. Holy shit you are fucking stupid, can you incels commit suicide already
blokc gaem
Look the same to me
you do a thing, everyone gets mad at you.
man i like this thread
back on topic
>sailboat combat with realistc crew incompetence
>is also dead
cope harder, chinless incel
The Witcher series
Fun fact about Asians aka bugs
They will regularly drool for no reason because it's one of the most common side effects of plastic surgery
Yes, now read what I actually said. The parts of the world those people were from didn't have access to those things.
Those countries were cripplingly poor. Japan being one of the few exceptions.
no, the other one
Dead man and his stand kill evil negroids and a one eyed shadow knight.
LMAO i love tretris xD
Your filters are too pure for this sinful board, user.
kill people until you find and kill the cooler, albeit edgier version of yourself
Dude rolling and undead lmao
>you play as a catgirl who kills the the same pushover monsters for a couple hundred hours then do the same bossfight over and over
Religious cowboy becomes an antitheist.
Stubs the Zombie?
A cabal of jewish bankers, lawyers, scientists, and politicians start a plot to turn their small buffer state into the most powerful country in the world, using weapons of mass destructions, elite foreign mercenaries, and causality manipulation. As a rogue police officer branch, you must stop them.
i actually just hide everything by hand. don't wanna waste time reporting
meincraft, the game about hitler's mob farm chamber?
You're an animal and you eat things.
What are you taking about, you stupid fucking incel?
The model's name in your photo is called Agnes Lum, she's an American born by Chinese and Japanese parents. Your initial argument was "she didn't have any plastic surgery and her photos aren't altered because it was the 70s" which is a stupid fucking thing to say because plastic surgeries and image alterations have existed for over 100+ years.
Kill yourself, you fucking pathetic cretin.
Let me give you a basic gestalt.. The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe… we’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics show there’s at least 12 dimensions, and now that’s all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying it’s a false hologram; it is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected and gravity’s bleeding in to this universe. That’s what they call ‘dark matter.’ So we’re like a thought or a dream that’s a wisp in some computer program, some god’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all. It’s all coming out. There’s like this sub-transmission zone below the third dimension that’s just turned over to the most horrible things – that’s what it resonates to. And it’s just trying to get up into the third dimension that’s just a basic-level consciousness to launch into the next levels.
And our species is already way up into the fifth, sixth dimension, consciously, our best people. But there’s this big war trying to like basically destroy humanity because like humanity has free will. And there’s a decision to which level we want to go to.
And the elites themselves believe they’re racing, using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization where they’re going to merge with machines to transcend and break away from the failed species that is man… Google was set up 18, 19 years ago… that they wanted to build a giant artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into it with the internet of things… so they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball… And so then it’s the end of consciousness.
Guess the game.
I love Kirby
He's not the one who posted the photo, braincel.
> Those countries were cripplingly poor. Japan being one of the few exceptions.
> The parts of the world those people were from didn't have access to those things.
Ok? What's your point, weebcel? She was born and raised in USA. Do you have a brain?
Makai kingdom
I started hearing the UNATCO theme while reading that, so I'm gonna say Deus Ex.
you're a peace loving decoy ready for retaliation
No. Demons aren't people, you ding dong.
yup. i booted up beta minecraft, and ive been fuckin around in it for the last week. pretty neat.
>generic as fuck action rpg without the porn it promises you at first glance
>referring to yourself as "he"
But you did post the photo, you fucking worthless samefag.
Blow your brains out, you fucking low IQ retard.
Good answer. I would have also accepted Xenogears.
Wow, racist much?!?
back to your tranny discord mentally ill freak
Civilian plays mahjong and fights the same dude again and again for 90 hours
>mfw i plant my seed in her and she evolves into a wigglytuff
>trying to weasel your way out of your pathetic and embarassing lies and damage control after you got blown the fuck out
I always knew you yellow fever incels were unintelligent subhumans but this takes it to a another level.
The answer is CSGO
Not your private army.
There's no need to be upset.
Laughing at your retardness is not being upset
Cope harder, weebcel
Still cherry picking I see
Chill out man. You're mad as fuck right now.
change the whole location to a pine box six-under?
>big tiddy girl recruits a bunch of edgelords and a child to kill jesus because she's really fucking mad
>removing the (You)s to prove your innocence
Cope harder, you stupid fuck. You didn't even remove the (You) from the other posts. How dumb can you get?
minority travels across the sea to fight ghost monsters
Kid travels the world and climbs over a giant wall with friends.
>you have yellow fever and this seething faggot can't do a single thing about it but sperg out in impotent rage
Xenoblade 2?
Based and yellowpilled
>you have yellow fever and you are always seething and can't do a single thing about it but sperg out in impotent rage whenever someone posts realistic pictures of insects
>replying to your own post
Stop sperging, yellow fever incel
>he's still sperging out
You use this pic as a strawman against asian chicks, but I'd actually fuck most of them.
Arcade mmo full of naziboos crying about soviet bias.
Top right with glasses is really cute.
reminder the yellow fever incel is samefagging and reporting every post with realistic photos of ch*nks
the autistic meltdown is real bros
>but I'd actually fuck most of them.
That's because you have yellow fever, a mental illness that falls under pedophile, autism and paranoia.
>You use this pic as a strawman
Realistic pictures of your ugly bug race isn't a strawman. Kill yourself, you fucking retarded hypocrite.
Sounds like tf2
>You use this pic as a strawman against asian chicks,
Says the aspie with yellow fever who posts pics of asians with plastic surgeries.
Here's an actual picture of your beloved bug race.
I give up, what game is this?
The game is called "make as many incels with yellow fever and bugs angry with realistic photos of bugd"
It's clearly working.
I'm latino and shirtless. Try again. :^)
Holy shit that middle row is like easily 8/10.
What console is that on?
Not really, can you elaborate
Any console with a browser will work
oppai lol
Yeah, kinda pathetic how he's struggling to find ugly girls
>a mental illness that falls under pedophile, autism and paranoia.
No one could possibly have words for something so ass blastingly retarded
>Realistic pictures of your ugly bug race isn't a strawman
It is, because you're a cherry picking dumbass. You're just googling "ugly asian girls" and then acting like that's a balanced view.
>Says the aspie with yellow fever who posts pics of asians
That's not me but ok
samefag harder, weebcel
what's really pathetic is your fetish for insects and the lowest denominator
Sounds like Sonic forcees or adventure 2
> It is, because you're a cherry picking dumbass. You're just googling "ugly asian girls" and then acting like that's a balanced view.
Nah, I googled "asians".
Cope harder, your entire race is an abomination and Asians would gladly kill themselves if they could be reborn into something else.
>muh operator
Those girls are cute, and basically, you're a faggot
> It is, because you're a cherry picking dumbass. You're just googling "ugly asian girls" and then acting like that's a balanced view.
Posting realising pictures of Asians isn't a strawman.
You posting selective pictures of Asians with a fuck ton of makeup and plastic surgery is a strawman.
Please god say she does porn like this.
her tits look jiggly and puffy, thus jigglypuffs
they're cute because you have yellow fever
seek help, incel, was it the loneliness or the bullying by non-Asian girls that turned you into an incel?
10 bucks for a 5 pack, it's honestly not that expensive.
a single digit group of losers attempt to fight off the Russian influence whilst simultaneously battling another single digit group of losers in an ego boosting competition where they all pretend to be better than they are, whilst also wasting way too much time
>unironically posting pictures of literal children in an argument about adult female beauty.
Pedophiles please go, nobody asked for your opinions
Dude with strong hand punches people
God Hand
white women are niggers
>Pedophiles please go
That's funny coming from a triggered faggot with yellow fever such as yourself. Your entire mental illness is a loophole around pedophilia.
It's so pathetic when you samefag and tries to "upvote" your own posts too. Seek help, weebcel.
They're cute kids and I'm sure they'll be beautiful when they grow up. But why do you have all these photos of little Asian girls saved on your computer user?
You say it's a "loophole," but the only likely pedophile here is you, the one who keeps posting severely underage girls.
Did Barneyfag pick up a new hobby. Doesn't matter which board I go to, whenever someone mentions they like asians you show up with them same pics. Pretty sad desu
>18 year old bugs
Cope harder, weebcel. The pedo is you, so you can stop projecting now. Your entire MENTAL ILLNESS is a literal loophole around pedophilia.
>Nah, I googled "asians".
Now you exposed yourself as a liar, cause when I googled asians just now, they were mostly attractive. Not even saying all asians are perfect paragons of beauty like lots of neckbeards say, but you're just a dumbass taking it to the other extreme.
>Cope harder, your entire race is an abomination
I'm white but ok.
>Asians would gladly kill themselves if they could be reborn into something else.
[citation needed]
>Posting realising pictures of Asians isn't a strawman
It is because you're claiming that's how all asians look like
>You posting selective pictures of Asians with a fuck ton of makeup and plastic surgery is a strawman
Again, that's not me doing that
I don't think Barneyfag got yellow fever. He probably does, considering he's autistisc which is a requirement to have yellow fever. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one who made this thread.
A group of underage policemen and women save their country by fighting a cute loli turned demi-god.
The numbers tell me which holes to dig.
> I googled asians just now, they were mostly attractive.
Thats because you looked at the first page on (((Google))).
> Not even saying all asians are perfect paragons of beauty
You are. It's literally the only reason you're writing long paragraphs and having an autistic meltdown.
> It is because you're claiming that's how all asians look like
That is what they all look like before they get plastic surgery, you stupid fuck.
Cope harder, weebcel.
An autistic girl who loves food helps you (not really) kill dragons.
someone explain this "bug" maymay to me please
Says the guy that possesses like twenty pictures of zoomed-in school children. I'm half-tempted to report your weird ass to the FBI. I don't give a shit what argument you make, you're a weird creepy motherfucker that is exposing his power level. You're probably a bigger weeb than all of us. Unlike you, we have functioning male minds and want to fuck women.
Some man is in a motorcycle trying to get somewhere real fast and there's other faggots with motorcycles in the way
And for some reason you can go real fast if you hold a button
No, Barneyfag is the one looking for every asain thread to post the same "asains look ugly because I say so" bull every single thread. Dumps the same images of girls going through puberty in school pics every thread to derail it.
Here's a search from Bing, an Aryan search engine.
>18 year old bugs
Cope harder, weebcel. The only pedo is you.
>Unlike you, we have functioning male minds and want to fuck women.
You have yellow fever. You are the complete opposite of that.
Whites ARE an abomination. they come from amerifat and eurocuck.. and sometimes UKuck
>Bing, an Aryan search engine.
Bing isn't Iranian.
How can it be Aryan?
>all functioning male minds want to fuck women
There's more than one autist on this site user
>Chubby special ed kid wrecks the black autistic kid airship model, the chubby kid wins
nice try with your retarded projecting
You have to be on the same autistic level as barneyfag to spam pictures of cherry-picked chinks with plastic surgeries. You do this shit everyday so it makes sense to see people retaliate and post pictures of actual chinks, and it triggers the shit out of you because you have this schizo imagination that chinks are naturally good looking.
Some guys save all of existence.
if whites are an abomination, why do you and all asians try to look white?
You stupid fuck
Well, it's no surprise that a homosexual pedophile hates cute asian girls.
Satan likes a little girl and plays games with beans to get her
>haha they're cute and not ugly
>im not coping or getting mad at all!!!
The weebcel is about to cry.
Nope, a lot more obscure
>Thats because you looked at the first page on (((Google))).
Changes nothing. Still proves you're searching until you can find one picture that supports your worldview. That's called confirmation bias.
>You are
LOL you know more about what my own thoughts are than I do?
>It's literally the only reason you're writing long paragraphs and having an autistic meltdown.
I do this literally when any race gets insulted
>writing long paragraphs
Do you even know what a paragraph is?
>having an autistic meltdown
You wanna play this strawman game with me now? Fine, I'll play along; you're just a used up white girl roastie who can't compete with perfect asian pussy. There, you happy?
>That is what they all look like before they get plastic surgery, you stupid fuck.
Sure, and all white people have tiny dicks
Care to quantify this, asswipe?
Aliens land on earth but they find out humans are even more fucked than they are
edf? not really phobia tho.
>A theme park got taken over by mascot furfags.
>You are tasked with getting in disguise and getting rid of them. Most will sort each other out, but some will go after you.
Why would you be so mad over a attractive asian girl?
You're not functioning correctly at all
Lute is for monster dick ONLY.
It's so funny when you are a yellow fever incel and you think you have the right to call anyone a pedo when you fly to Thailand, Japan or any other bug country to fuck Asians because their childlike bodies turns you on.
Seek help.
I'm sorry but what's more autistic? Posting and talking about things you like or looking out for things you don't like, going into that thread that you don't like, and telling everyone how much they shouldn't like what they like because you don't like it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but spending your free time looking out to derail every thread that you don't like seems like a very autistic thing to do.
You've been at this for an hour or more now. Don't you have anything better to do on a weekday?
> Still proves you're searching until you can find one picture that supports your worldview. That's called confirmation bias.
Says the weebcel posting selective pictures of insects with plastic surgeries and photoshopped edits.
Why don't you post some pictures that aren't of kids, you weirdo?
>a attractive asian girl?
they exist? how can anyone get mad over something that doesn't even exist in the first place?
how much are you coping right now, weebcel?
This retard kinda sounds like ACK
>selective pictures
Yeah, it typically takes hours for me to find pics of hot asians. It's incredibly hard to suit my niche fetish that no one in the world shares but we select few.
If you're sorry, kill yourself or don't leak out of /jp/, preferably the former so there'll be less of you incels on this planet.
No one wants to see your autistic tantrums and your collection of insects.
You're running out of material and repeating yourself.
Mass Effect 3?
Some Benedict Cumberbatch looking asshole wants to kill my girlfriend because she reads the Rose of Versailles and yaoi.
>Says the weebcel posting selective pictures of insects with plastic surgeries and photoshopped edits.
Oh my fucking god, how many damn times do I have to tell you, that's not fucking me you absolute brainlet.
I know you have a single digit IQ, but why are you limited to only two words? Perhaps you should read more books. Expand your vocabulary
as an asian, i can tell you that asian females are hideous monsters and only about 3% are cute
You've been at this for months. Don't you have anything better to do with your pathetic incel life? Oh wait, clearly you don't.
They're 18 year old graduates from Japanese and Korean high schools, but let's assume they're underage. You've been replying to those pictures and to your own posts to "upvote" it with comments that basically reveals you have an sexual attraction to them.
So not only have you been sperging about those insects being "underage, but you've also been commenting on how "cute" and "hot" they are.
You are so fucking stupid. Typical weebcel intelligent.
>Butthurt hapa spends his entire morning crying about white men fucking "his" women.
Don't worry, Asians can still be masculine. You just have to work harder and keep your chin up when you get laughed at. Perseverance leads to results!
No offense, but how would you, a homosexual pedophile, be a good judge of female beauty?
>There is someone out there screeching right now, because pic related simply exists
Hot damn, that's sad.
>The shotafag is asian
of course he is
nah he's a weebcel just like you
(((Google))) was under scrutiny of being "racist' because they showed real pictures of blacks and asians in 2000.
Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing. Most of us can just enjoy beautiful women without sperging out.
> how many damn times do I have to tell you
You wouldn't be sperging if it weren't you.
You = Weebcel check, autism check, retarded check, low IQ check, samefag check.
Maybe because i'm a woman?
lol k
I know you have a single digit IQ, but why are you having an autistic meltdown of realistic pictures of insects? Perhaps you should kill yourself.
How would you, a closet pedophile, be a good judge of female beauty when you use selective pictures of insects with plastic surgeries?
*rolls eys* whatever faggot. Just go use your dildo, roastie.
>th-those girls are 18 officer, I swear
pic related is you
Since you're not even a lesbian, that only makes your opinion on the subject even more worthless.
I don't think it's a halfbreed who made this thread.
Asians are just ugly and there's nothing that'll change that fact. They're always going to be self loathing.
Genius user only whines on this thread to get others to post pics of cute asian girls.
Rando takes a long walk and collects politicians who have left their office.
What the fuck did we get new janitors for if threads like this reach 300 posts over 3 hours?
Men without memories chases his worst enemy in a hostile enviroment just to find out that his enemy was actually himself.
>why go again when you can go
>accusing anyone of sperging when you're having a literal autistic meltdown while posting cherry-picked pictures of gooks with plastic surgery
Cope harder, weebcel
>yellow fever
If you hear any of these terms the thread has already been invaded by asian guys from r/asianmasculinity.
Ironically it made me want to see what all the fuss is about and now I actually have yellow fever.
Again, with these crutch words. Your mind is deteriorating.
>monkey riding bike to win race
> *rolls eys*
Fuck off to r*ddit
> Just go use your dildo, roastie.
There are no white women in this thread, incel. Cope harder, weebcel
I want to feed her 3 scoops of albumine every 6 hours just to smell her farts.
why are you obsessed with asian girls, anyway?
Its kinda creepy.
Old guy sneaks around various places
>people picking a particular race
>mixed race master race reporting (yes I get the irony)
>ywn/iwn be able to fuck Kaho Shibuya
Metal Gear Solid 4
Who is this girl? She's perfect.
lol k
Skyrim no wait, the clothes suck dick.
> lol k
Yeah, you're definitely raging and hitting your gook head right now.
C O P E, incel
She is perfect indeed.
So is her dick.
>cropping the same photo you've used already
Come on man. If it's that hard to find examples you should just give up.
lol k
FTL, giant alien spiders are no joke
I know you have autism which leads to no self awareness, but you're not in a position to talk about women, their age or anyone being a pedophile because you have yellow fever which is a loophole around pedophilia. It's the same as a monkey calling a fish a monkey, get it? Or do you need another example because clearly you are too retarded to understand something as simple as that.
>race mixing is ba-
You're not a fish, retard.
jannies are weebcels
they're probably the ones who made this thread