Even with all the hype surrounding Persona 5 from PlayStation and Nintendo fans, there are still people out there that do not know the story. If you haven't played the game, have you at least watched the anime series? If you've played the game, did you also watch the anime?
Persona 5
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the persona anime are all terrible
Outside of Kawakami's fanservice scenes, the anime sucked.
The P4 anime was pretty good.
the story in the game sucks, and the anime sucks as well. people play this for the girls now
I beat the game, fuck the anime. I see enough webm's here anyway.
Your Affection > Beneath the Mask
Even worse, there are people who don't know of Kawakami.
Woah I stopped watching the anime about halfway through. When did this magic happen?
And people still say she isn't a pro..
Of course not. That's Futaba's job.
- Baits her customer with a sob-story
- Tries to be lazy on the job
- Makes demands
Sounds like a pro to me.
Let's be honest the story for p5 was a clusterfuck. Unlike 3 and 4 it had absolutely no cohesion beyond "lol fuck adults"
Played the game but didn't finish, the dungeon design by the end is too awful, casino was alright but fuck the ship and space station. Couldn't be arsed to watch the anime
Literal autism
Persona 5 is the first Persona game since 2 that has anything that can be called a story
Tfw people don’t know P4 >>>>> P5.
Please for the love of fuck Sony or Nintendo, SOMEONE port that shit(or remaster please.)
The story is the least appealing part of P5 though.
You should be playing P5 for the gameplay, dungeons and Slice of Life fun times.
The actual core story is pretty lackluster, as are a lot of the party arcs and social links
Remember everyone, this is why you don't pretend to be a long time fan.
Too bad the dungeons are ass.
It had cohesion, it just barely started until the casino because they wanted to make it have an episodic feel to avoid the problems P3 and 4 had where a lot of their story feels like nothing is happening because an endgoal is established early on and it just takes forever to get there. Instead P5 has no specific endgoal in mind and just has the PTs move from target to target instead, which I think was a fine idea in theory and I do think it's paced better than 3, it just could have been a bit better once they actually kicked the main plot into gear.
Of 3, 4 and 5 I think I like how 4 has it handles its story the most but its mostly because it makes me not care about the story and a lot of story scenes are just antics with the IT instead which the writers can handle just fine. P3 focuses on its story and it makes a lot of the game a slog because you spend the whole time inching towards the end while pretty much the only things in the story to interest you in the meantime are scenes with Junpei, and P5 doesn't establish that endgoal so it doesn't become as much of a slog, but then once it gets to the end it's not as interesting as P3 is at the end. With P4 the main story felt like an afterthought to me a lot of the time and once it became the focus at the end of the game I was still entertained by Adachi even if I didn't care for the plot itself.
which chapter? please
>no cohesion beyond "lol fuck adults"
Wait to out yourself as a complete brainlet
The anime is useless:
-If you've played the game, you already know what will happen
-If you never played the game, you'll get spoiled
played through p5 about 3 times but don't want to watch the anime since people say its bad and the animation looks like dogshit
Dungeons visually are great though.
And I'd say most of them are enjoyable to go through the first time. The only ones that really ground on my nerves were Okumura, Shido and Mementos Depths.
Unpopular opinion: I enjoyed P5 story.
>no story = good
>story = bad
And don’t pretend P3 got good in the last month, there was nothing to do and it killed all the tension by making you wait a month from January 1st until the end when they give you plot once in a blue moon
Most dungeons are mediocre at best, half the festival/events get "cancelled" which is dumb, and the gameplay isn't much different than 4 except 4 does everything else better. Only pro to p5 is they finally appealed to mature women lovers and even that is ok
That is a popular and true opinion which is why it makes Yea Forums seethe and why people make contrarian shitposts using mental gymnastics to claim it wasn’t good
He's not wrong, their targets had no real connection to each other whereas 4 was about one long interconnected case.
I'd talk about 3 but I'm currently playing that but I might end up dropping it for a while because I'm playing the shitty ps3 classics version.
i enjoyed it up to the end when it felt more grounded than "defeat yabaoboobee to save the world"
Persona 1, 2, and 5 dungeons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Persona 3 and 4 dungeons
>half the festival/events get "cancelled" which is dumb,
That reminds me, what was the reason behind them all meeting up in Q2? I mean in 1 both occurred during their festival and were linked through the Velvet room if I remember right.
>no story = good
>story = bad
I feel that way about Persona because I feel they don't handle the story well, but handle characters well, so I like it more when they focus on their strengths. P3 isn't good from a gameplay standpoint ever in my eyes, but it handled the plot and tone just fine from that point in my eyes. The tension is still kept from the tone of it all and there's still the scenes with the characters resolving to fight Nyx so that you don't have literally nothing happening.
Those social events in P3 and P4 were so good like when the storm came and you slept in the dorm for 3 days. Classic Persona moment there. And that time when everyone ate watermelon because watermelon lol
I enjoyed it, I just don't think it was the games strongest suit. I might change my mind on it a bit when I replay it, but I decided after beating it the first time I'd just wait until a re-release to go through it again, which is happening now.
It is! At least P4 anime had fun with the protagonist personality, P5 they didn't even try anything, that kid is fucking boring.
I haven't watched it myself, but hearing the amount of people saying how boring Joker is in it is still baffling. He already behaves in such a way that you can easily make him have a fun personality with. I just hope he's not that way in spinoffs that I might actually play.
Even Tartarus was better than the fucking 1st person view shit labyrinth of P1
No it wasn’t, and the battle system in 1 was way better. You sound like you haven’t played 1.
There are literally two times in the anime that Ren was more than a background prop.
>The scene during the school festival where he rips the mask off some girl in the haunted house
The anime completely botched his character.
Nah, first person dungeons are the best and you can do way more with them.
Played the game, have watched maybe 3-4 episodes of the anime. Great game. Probably better than 4 because of style. Definitely better than 3 because of characters.
the ony thing reesombling a dungeon on that game are Naoto's and Adachi's
And both Nanako and that 8bit castle
I was buying Persona5 games when it was on sale like 4 times and changed it for second hand games like GoW, Spiderman and DBFZ.
But this time I bought a normal version of Persona but in middle of the shipment the box art changed to the PlayStation Hits box and that
one was what the amazon guy brings to my house.
Do you believe Persona5R is going to be a Downloadable DLC a Spin off game, a Sequel?? Now just want to have a normal Persona5 game with a Blue box like all my other games.
It's time to search it overpriced in a Gamestop, return it to Amazon, or just wait until a Atlus launch a bundle with the complete game + R??.
Defend Akechi's entire subplot and how it was handled.
Persona 5 is all style and no substance. Nintendo marketed Joker better as a costumed vigilante who uses the power of his inner rebel to fight evil. They also gave him a real gun to use.
In the actual game, Atlus came up with needlessly convoluted reasons for everything to happen.
Persona 3 is the only installment where the movies actually improved the plot by toning down the more wonky moments, like Yukari being a bitch during the Lovers Arcana Fight, or the whole Ken Amada-Shinjiro subplot.
It'll almost certainly be a re-release like P4G and P3FES.
Why would I play it/watch it?
I don't think anyone can defend pancake boy
>"Le style over substance meme"
P4 vs P5
Soul vs Soulless
That’s all anyone needs to know
I like Akechi as a character, but just hate the writing. It felt like he was a serious take on Inspector Zenigata and Jimmy Kudo, but without the quirks that made both characters interesting.
I love P5 but the thing many will agree on is that the pacing gets really fucky around summer break and the space dungeon. Then it gets into high gear until the ship dungeon which is too fucking lengthy, then it gets good again all the way to the end.
Kawakami good Becky bad
The retarded trannies over on /pg/ will
Yeah so much this. Especially compared to chad Yu in the p4 anime. What a giant disappointment.
As dumb as his plotline was I'll never forgive how they didn't call his Persona Sherlock.
Did anyone else know Akechi was the traitor like, literally instantly...? They didn’t even try to hide him being suspicious(from his Light Yagami ripoff look as well), even if one didn’t notice the pancake shit
The writing in Persona 5 is atrocious and nearly sucks all the fun out of being a rebel or a convict balancing out their school and work life. There's simply no drama, chaos, or tension at all because everything is already planned out.
I feel like Joker is supposed to be Andy Dufresne, and Shido is supposed to be Warden Norton but there's something missing.
I honestly expected Ryuji to be the traitor because he's tired of being treated like shit by the team.
Akechi was obvious because the writing didn't really hide it well.
Ryuji would’ve been much more interesting, and more satisfying to redeem himself in the end.
Ryuji is the only person in the team with an actual personality aside from Yusuke.
Could you imagine if he was the traitor? Like, everything with Akechi plays out the same but he's an actual good guy while Ryuji joins Shido with Okamura.
>Like, everything with Akechi plays out the same
Oh and when I say this I mean until he's revealed to be the traitor. That doesn't happen.
What would you do about to the black mask plotline? Akechi is not just there for the traitor twist.
Simple, make that Shido.
Ryuji being the traitor would have just been nonsense. I'd rather it being Goro even with how obvious it is than it being someone like Ryuji.
Now you're suddenly missing the penultimate palace.
What’s your benchmark for good
But Ryuji makes more sense as nobody treats except Joker treats him with respect. The only other person who qualifies for the role of traitor is Mishima
Did they ever bother to give anime Joker a romance, or did they shy away because of autistic waifu fags?
Betrayal doesn't work in the whole context of the game. There had to be someone else responsible since the very beginning to make reason for mental shutdowns and so on. I still would rather like Akechi as a person who is rival, but is actually earnest and after shit goes down at Okumura's Palace he genuinely helps PT because it doesn't add up that suddenly PT's target gets mental shutdown. Whole putting blame on PT had no sense from logical point of view, even if they were responsible, they wouldn't try to kill one of their targets, even if they did changes of heart for good PR. Does not compute.
Cognition experiments gave him a split personality or an imperfect persona allowing him to have both a Palace and persona.
They don't come together until the end which causes his Palace to collapse and almost kill the crew.
Morgana ruined this game for me.
They shied away from it because of the waifu fags.
Joker has more freedom to bang older women in the games.
It’d be better than fucking Akechi Yagami.
>Ryuji is tired of getting kicked around
>Decides to secretly do his own thing
>Takes it too far and now hes afraid to back down
>in the end he has to learn to accept his mistakes and try to move forward to correct them
I liked when well-dressed man kicked him to the wall like a bitch
>Projecting a game mechanic onto a character
Good lord!
A1 Pictures really fucked up with the animation!
I didn't mind him as much as a lot of people do, even if there's obviously a lot of problems with how he's written, but one thing that I have been really disappointed by since looking at the game's concept art where Joker shares the Velvet Room with someone else, and I assume it must have been Goro. It would have been great for foreshadowing that he's another Wild Card if you had to share your cell with him but with having his identity obscured to you in some way, and it could have fleshed him out a lot more in a more natural way than just having him monologue about how he feels after he#s revealed as the traitor.
The other characters making fun of Ryuji is clearly a joke, there's never any malice behind it and he doesn't get upset about it, certainly not so upset that he would betray the only friends he's had in ages who have helped him to find new meaning in his life and work towards making the changes he wants to make in the world. Not to mention he takes the most pleasure in actually being a Phantom Thief by far, I can't imagine how he would betray them when he's so happy to be a part of them that he's the biggest example of them letting their fame get to their head. Even if he were bothered by being made fun of he could just ask the rest of the group to stop and they would, because they do it as a bit of fun and not because they think he's beneath them, instead of turning his back on something he's clearly extremely grateful to have.
>I feel like Joker is supposed to be Andy Dufresne
Then you need to go to a fucking doctor
>there's never any malice behind it and he doesn't get upset about it
That's the thing user, even if they don't mean anything by it they can still hurt someone and its a common thing children go through at that age.
"Deciding" you are tired after a day of fighting monsters is better than being told you are sleepy by a fucking cat.
That point aside, he was annoying throughout the entire game, and was given a martyrs ending for no fucking reason, just to survive anyway and go on to move in with and annoy the MC for years to come.
was the only good scene involving Morgana. Literally the worst part of the modern 3 games - at least Teddie didn't chaperone you everywhere and make stupid fucking comments the entire game. I pray everyday that P6 has no fucking mascot character
I hope the girl in the new game does a bit more to have a level-headed criticism of the PTs and the questionable morals behind what they do, which she may seeing as she doesn't seem to approve of them. They bring it up a little in the base game, but a lot of it is brushed aside, and a lot of it comes through Akechi who doesn't actually care and so they never need to have a confrontation with him about it.
Who does Joker end up with in the anime?
They can, but Ryuji never shows himself to be hurt by being teased and beyond that seems extremely grateful to have friends and be part of the PTs. On top of that, they already do what you mention with Morgana being offended by Ryuji's jokes and leaving, and having that come up twice and having the second time be with a character who never seems bothered by it at all and going to much more drastic measures than just leaving the group would be nonsense and would have no value beyond the shock of it because it would make no sense coming from Ryuji.
Wow, such an amazing argument in favor of Morgana as a character. I have been forced to reconsider and change my position completely.
>Ryuji never shows himself to be hurt by being teased
Does any kid when they're around others?
Kanji does in P4 when Yosuke makes gay jokes.
We can only hope they do the same treatment as P4Golden and make Ren act as a newgame+ version of himself
Video game anime are legitimately worse than video game movies.
Ryuji gets shat on by Morgana mostly, because Mona's a fucking faggot Magician nigger. With Ann it's banter, and when everyone else comments on him, then it's serious matter (like shouting to loud about being Phantom Thief) and he is pretty aware he fucked up and nobody means anything wrong with that. It's like treating Yusuke's and Futaba's banter as an actual hate and disguist to each other.
>It's like treating Yusuke's and Futaba's banter as an actual hate and disguist to each other.
I don't think you understand this but what some may see as banter others may see as hurtful.
They need to ditch "A1" pictures but I don't see this happening because of how recent the anime was and how much marketing buzz is already happening, since that's the role point of the anime anyways.
Oh, I know too well, my brother's girlfriend took banter wrong and for few months I thought she was lying bitch which she is, but I digress. Ijust think that Ryuji of all people can handle it and understands it, I mean, in his confidant you can use such responses and still get points.
Are you on glue? Akechi was my favorite antagonist. His boss fight was hype as fuck
>Shows up as goody good guy red herring
>"Nah it's not him, too obvious"
>Actually it is
>Shows up again crazy and die almost immediately
Fuck you Atlus, give me back Detective vs Thief classic rivalry.
The twist isn't that Akechi is the traitor, it's that the Phantom Thieves knew the whole time and tricked him.
If you're to say the game has any big twist I'd say it's that Igor is not Igor, rather than anything to do with Goro.
i thoroughly enjoyed the game, have not watched the anime
futaba is indisputable best girl
It's still fucking destroy the good ol' classic Detective vs Thief by turning the detective into curayzeh assassin with daddy issues, which one of antagonist trait that I despise the most
>Futaba is an extremely introverted teenage NEET
>but she's also a miracle hacker who puts every government to shame and hacks into someone's phone within 10 seconds
I fucking hate that trope, never understood why people like her so much.
I played the game and watched the anime, the anime is trash.
Because she's a cute extremely introverted teenage NEET
Why would you spoil yourself by watching an anime adaptation of a game you haven't played?
I wouldn't say Morgana ruined the game, but certainly dragged things down significantly.
Someone's skipping leg day.
>elder god tier
>Good tier
Fortune teller chick
Haru (I guess)
>Who gives a shit tier
>this is where you belong now tier
>go on a legendary adventure with the best friends you've ever had
>them and all the people you've met work tirelessly to get you out of jail
>you finally get out
>leave them all forever
>>leave them all forever
I think Joker lives pretty close to Tokyo. He could visit them on weekends.
respect your elders! your parents might have abandoned you, but you gotta move back!
P4's first one was better than the game, the rest are shit though
It's more like leave them for a year until your self-sustaining and then live closer to them, while visiting them in the meantime.
This. There's no doubt that he'll visit. Hell the only protag who left forever is Minato.
I wanna give Kawakami the kawakummies
>If you've played the game, did you also watch the anime?
No, I hate anime.
>adults bad brainwashing good kill god
Wow such amazing story
Why would you watch a anime adaption of a game to begin with? The only thing I've seen come out of it was that someone in charge clearly had Kawakami as a waifu so she got a little fanservice.
Honestly the P4 anime is pretty funny. It's worth watching the highlights of it.
do you also announce that you're a faggot unprompted?
He was suppose to be a lelouch like type where he's smug most of the time but acts innocent and shit. Instead he turned into Xanax turned human form.
Him stopping you in the metaverse having mini boss battles because he disagrees with your method would've been great.
Here were my fixes to make it better.
Make Akechi actively in the metaverse try to stop the phantom thieves. make it like a cat and mouse scenario. Play him completely straight. We didn't need Adachi 2.0.
In addition, they had a good start in the phantom thieves in doubting if what they're doing is right but then they handwave it outta nowhere. The Morgana and Ryuji arc should've been replaced with The Answer 2.0. .
Make the bad guys smaller in scale. The teacher was the best arc because of it. Also tone the fuck down with the FUCK adults shit.
don't fucking make GOD the final boss without adding a bit of fluff before it. It's way too jarring going from shido to god.
My main gripes was really with Akechi. They really shouldn't have tried to make him a twist.
yes I know. The phantom thieves knowing he's the traitor is the real twist. Doesn't stop the twist being kinda dumb.
Tone down Futaba so she isn't a deus ex machina. Stop making hacking characters
>people STILL want akechi to be a lawfag
Ideally keep the party as the first 4 + goro and Morgana as navigator
Fuck no
What highlights?
>Tone down Futaba and Makoto
Low IQ post
The whole issue people had with the phantom thieves were they were way too segregated from each other. The first 4 had great chemistry together. Adding Haru, Makoto, Futaba just kinda ruined that chemistry. Haru doesn't do anything and Futaba and Makoto are deus ex machinas.
>can't find the right hair mods to make kawamommy work in KK
I have all the mods the mod checker tells me I need damn it
Fuck off Groojos
So flesh them out more, don't cut them entirely.
Low IQ post
Explain what you don't like bro.
I watched an entire playthrough on YouTube from a guy that strictly plays JRPGs. I watch him for games I don't have access to and despite having commentary, he isn't an autistic, annoying faggot that overreacts and talks over cut-scenes. He's pretty chill and I trust him to deliver me the game and not ruin it with an obnoxious personality. Still waiting for that Switch port. Futaba best girl.
I haven't seen the anime, though.
There's literally no time to flesh them out more. They have no connections with each other.
>havent played the game
>has shit taste
So give them more scenes. Add Haru earlier and block off her Confidant in the same way that Sojiro's is. Show more of the friendship that was only implied between Ann and Makoto. Again, build on it and don't cut it entirely.
The game is ahit but I want to fuck the teacher and the doctor
Is it this card? Because I can't get it to work either shits rough because it's the only good one and my accessory magic is lacking
We can agree to disagree. I think the 8 people party for a thieves gang is way too much. I can agree to keep their characters in and still help the phantom thieves but they shouldn't be part of the main cast.
I don't even remember anything about Haru except for her big forehead, user. Nice best girl you got there.
futaba is a meme and thats it
Futaba has the only really good porn
Futaba is cute!
Kawakami has the best porn
there's a couple of extremely good futaba pics/gifs. But I like Kawakami more
Talking about HeartSwitch Anons...
Almost based but ntr sucks and the positions were not that great